Palm Week, customs, traditions and signs. Dreams from Saturday to Sunday


Today I dreamed about money. Not money, but money - large bills, larger than the palm of your hand. No way - “Nikolaevka”...

I don’t know what it is. And it’s a painfully good word – “Nikolaevka!” The time has long passed when they were in use, in the fourteenth century. A hundred years have already passed!

But I didn’t wake up from a nightmare. What's so terrible about it? Money, it’s money in Africa too. I woke up from acute pain and bit my tongue in my sleep. Apparently, from envy of big money. Hurt!

But there is no pain here. What is the dream for? For money?
It’s unlikely, they brought the pension yesterday, April 12, and today – “ Palm Sunday", 13th...
To a quarrel? This is in our family - every day, not news.
To illness? Whoever is not sick today, throw a stone at me...

It's getting light! He got up, put the kettle on, and began to clean himself up. A 65-year-old man looked at me in the mirror, flabby, swollen, gray-haired, in general, a bygone 20th century.

Anna came into the kitchen. She didn’t say hello, didn’t say hello or goodbye, that’s not customary among us, she went to the mirror. Now she looked into her face...

Nyura! I dreamed about money. For what?
- I don’t answer stupid questions!

But I was persistent:
- Nyura! I dreamed about money. For what?
- Small change?
- Nooo... Large ones! It seems like “Nikolaevka”!

Anna was silent for a moment, and then said:
- Call your godfather, she understands this! Leave me alone.

After breakfast we watched the information channel on the “plate”. The media is gored. Then the Olympics from morning to evening, and from evening to morning, now there is a commotion in the neighboring country. The same pictures are played endlessly. It got boring.

Nyura! Shall we go to the center?

Anna was silent. She never answers the first question, either she is deaf, or she thinks for a long time.

Nyura! Let's go to the center!
- What did you forget there?
- Nothing, just for the promenade. Doctors recommend five thousand steps a day!
- Okay, let's go, but later. The girls I know don’t open the store before ten.

Two or three cars drove up to the gates of the estate, then more.
The gate opened, someone was driving in and out of the yard.
This bachelor son, who spent the night unknown where, launched a vigorous activity like “Car service”.

Anna and I went shopping.

I got dressed first and asked:

Anna, as usual, was silent. She never answers the first question, either she is deaf, or she thinks for a long time.

Shall I warn you that we are going to the market?
- As you wish! He left the yard yesterday morning, didn’t say anything to me, and I don’t have to tell him!
“We’ll lock the house, but he doesn’t have the key, he’ll break down the door when he’s drunk!”
- Well as you know. Say we're gone...

We walked to the city center. The wind was blowing at the back and it was drizzling slightly. The mood is not festive.

Started a conversation. I needed to spend some money on a new “device”. I have money, but how can I buy a “toy” without telling my “other half?”

Started from afar:
- I called the repairman two days ago. He was surprised and said: “You have such an ancient device! He's asking to retire. They don't work on those anymore! You're just wasting time, it takes a long time to load, and it downloads slowly. I recommend it to you...” Yes, you can hear it yourself, the fans are noisy and get on your nerves. I'll buy something modern!

The cold, springy April air should bring the answer. It doesn’t matter what, positive or negative, it doesn’t matter to me.
Anna was silent. She never answers the first question, either she is deaf, or she thinks for a long time.

I'll buy something modern!

This time the answer was unexpected:
- You have money, buy it!

I was stunned by such a quick response. Did Palm Sunday have an impact? I was even confused. Apparently, there is someone up there, AT THE TOP, watching our “bazaar”...

Anna, as an interlocutor, became uninteresting to me.

We went into one store and bought spices for cooking, a bunch of all sorts of feminine ointments and creams, and detergents.
We tried to cross the street twice in the wrong place and almost got hit by a car.
Let's go to the nearest traffic light. We walked around the city market, several shops...

An hour later we returned home, carrying a heavy bag in each hand. The promenade today was a success! And the dream came true.

Now I know what “Nikolaevka” dreams mean!
They must be taken to the nearest SHOP.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday are a mystical guide that helps you figure out your plans for the near future and see how events will develop. The dreams and desires that you so strive for come true in your dreams. A correct interpretation What you see will help you understand whether your aspirations will come true. Have you become a participant in bright positive events, felt joy and satisfaction with everything that was happening, had fun from the heart and forgot about the problems that worry you? Expect good and quick changes in life. Try to remember all the details of the dream, especially the words of other people. Such information may become prophetic for you.

You became an active participant in a grandiose event, traveled or had fun at a carnival - remember all the events. Soon you will have a new pleasant acquaintance with a “helpful” pleasant person. It is this person who can radically influence your destiny: a new business partner, a loved one, etc.

Why do you have dreams from Saturday to Sunday? Very often it helps to awaken the subconscious and reveal completely new talents and abilities in you. Notice what you did and how you felt. Little tips can be the impetus for a new activity in life.

A dream on a day off is a kind of test of your psychological state. Everyone sees exactly what they dream of and strive for. A romantic nature seeks and finds love, a workaholic solves complex problems, and tired people bask on the golden sand by the sea. True, it is necessary to interpret a dream from Saturday to Sunday correctly: these events do not necessarily have to come true exactly. They help you understand that it is time to “stop”, take a breath and correctly prioritize your life.

Is your dream painted in dull colors, and the events caused anxiety and a feeling of depression? Don't be upset, the dream doesn't bring anything bad to your life. It’s just that the next weeks will not bring you any bright events, everything will proceed “smoothly” and without any special emotional upheavals. The subconscious is trying to tell you: take control of your life, manage it and devote more time to your psychological state.

The Bright Sun is the patron saint of Sunday dreams

Why do you have dreams from Saturday to Sunday, do they come true or not? This is always some kind of warning about future events. Our Sun has powerful energy and is the patron of dreams on the weekend. Sunny dreams are a direct hint from the Universe that you have gone off the right path, have lost vital energy and may lose excellent chances in life. The star illuminates our path and encourages us to become happier. Be careful and remember such dreams. They will tell you how to solve accumulated problems, get rid of unnecessary connections, and give joy to loved ones.

  • Pay attention to the people who are involved in the dream, they can help you decide difficult situations, become reliable friends or life partners.
  • But a beautiful and memorable dream is a sign of the beginning of a happy streak in life, sometimes this indicates new job, happy win or pleasant trip.
  • A gray and expressionless dream where you are lost in the forest or in the city is evidence of a waste of energy and loss of vitality. The Sun encourages us to reconsider our behavior: to become more active, decisive and fearless.

Do dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday? As a rule, events seen at night develop very dynamically, and their implementation takes 12 hours (until lunch).

Very often, in such dreams, the Universe reminds us of our closest and dearest people, pushing us to get closer and take active action. If you see friends, call them and make an appointment, they have new ones interesting ideas or they will simply help you find peace of mind.

Dreaming from Saturday to Sunday - why do you dream?

Can’t interpret your dream and make a correct forecast for the future? Find out which events portend changes and which ones warn of dangers. Remember, Sunday dreams come true very quickly, so be extremely careful:

A dream from Saturday to Sunday about love. Perhaps the most accurate and even prophetic. But they should not be interpreted literally. The sun tells us what secret thoughts your partner has. If you saw betrayal or learned unpleasant news about your loved one - perhaps in life he is hatching a plan to deceive or cheating on you. Ah, he’s just not your person and right now you can break off such a relationship, avoiding pain and deception. If you see a new lover who is sincerely interested in you, a new pleasant acquaintance awaits you. old friend who shows sympathy for you - pay attention to him, such a person can hide his brightest feelings.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday about a wedding. Very often he turns out to be a prophet. Just don't rush things. You have been given a valuable hint: pay attention to how your other half behaves. If she is embarrassed or upset and runs away from you, you are too assertive and risk ruining the relationship. You are happy together, you receive gifts - your relationship is harmonious and soon you will create a strong and happy family.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday about career and work. A dream from Saturday to Sunday, which talks about troubles at work, can become prophetic. If you see that nothing is working out for you, your plans are falling apart - maybe someone is trying to trick you or your boss is not with you. You should be more careful to avoid conflict in life. If you dreamed about your previous job, you are remembered with tenderness and appreciated as a professional. Paper money, documents you sign, salary increases - can predict profit. You climb the stairs, occupy a new office, or you are given a desk - your career will go uphill, and you will have new opportunities to express yourself.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday about relaxation and entertainment. Reflects your desire to rest and recharge vital energy. Pay attention to the events: a peaceful atmosphere - your holiday will be successful, bright emotions and impressions await you. Quarrels, conflicts with loved ones, dark water, rain - postpone the trip for a while and solve immediate problems.

Dream from Saturday to Sunday about dead people. Dreams about dead people. The dream must be remembered! It doesn’t mean anything bad; on the contrary, they want to warn you about minor troubles and possible problems. In some situations, close people will give you a hint and help you avoid unpleasant events.

What dreams from Saturday to Sunday mean is always a help to the dreamer and a real hint on how to change your life for the better. So be careful and accept the help of the Universe.

began to be celebrated in the 10th century. This year it is April 13th. In fact, on the last Sunday before Easter, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is celebrated. When Jesus entered the city, many people came out to the gate to greet him. Everyone had palm branches in their hands. Because the

In Russia, palm trees are very rare, but there are a lot of willows and willows, and this is also the first tree that blooms amazingly beautiful fluffy flowers in the spring, taking willow branches. So they decided to celebrate the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem with willow branches. People brought twigs to the temple, the priest blessed them, and the satisfied flock took the valuables home with them.

Palm Sunday - big Holy holiday. It is followed by the strictest week of Lent. Folks associated with Verbny signs and rituals.

Tap your body with a willow twig- there will be health for a whole year. First, a willow twig is consecrated on this day in church, and after that they tap the twig on the body and say: “Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as its roots and as rich as the earth.” .

Parents always jokingly “lashed” their children with willow branches. This preference is given to the willow because it is, perhaps, the most tenacious tree that exists in nature.

It is believed that even if a willow stick is stuck into the ground upside down, it will still take root and grow. It is for this reason that willow can give health to a person, because it itself is very strong. For example, a sick person can take a willow branch consecrated in church and move it over those points of the body that are especially disturbing, saying: “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow - take away the disease. The willow will come and the disease will take away.”

What if you suffer from insomnia?, then you need to put a willow twig at the head of the bed and before going to bed, looking at it, say: “Holy angels, take care of my sleep, holy willow, drive away the undead.” In Rus' it was believed that if you swallowed nine pussy willow earrings (from a branch consecrated in the temple), you could protect yourself from fever, and in general, drive away any illness.

If a woman couldn't get pregnant , she was again advised to eat consecrated willow cones - they were considered the surest remedy for infertility.

Eat a willow bud - an important matter will be decided. It was customary to keep consecrated willow branches for a whole year near the icon. If you have to go to important negotiations, or you are about to start a very important business for you, and you are not sure of the result, then willow will help you here too. But only the willow that was consecrated in the church on Palm Sunday will help.

When going on an important task, you need to tear off three buds from a branch and eat them, washing them down with holy water, while thinking about your business. True, this property of a twig can only be used as a last resort. Constantly, don’t, it’s better not to disturb the willow, it can go sideways.

On Palm Sunday think about your loved one, he will come. A young girl, if she liked some guy and he didn’t pay any attention to her, was waiting for this very day. Starting in the morning, she began to think about who was dear to her heart. Her thoughts were somehow incomprehensibly transmitted to this guy. And in the evening he came to her to invite her for a walk. In principle, it has long been proven that human thought is material. Everything we think about inevitably happens sooner or later. real life. Perhaps Palm Sunday has such an energy that allows us to bring our thoughts to life much faster than on any other day.

Plant a houseplant on Palm Sunday and you will be rich. It used to be believed that if you plant on this day indoor flower, then he will attract money into your life. In the cities, of course, they kept houseplants, but in the villages there was no time for that. But those who knew about this sign and planted indoor plants got back on their feet very quickly. But this sign has several features that few people know about.

Firstly, if the flower withers within a month, then you will have to live your whole life in poverty.

And secondly, you only need to plant plants with large and fleshy leaves. The best plant for this is the one called “Money Tree”. Rain, even a little, on Palm Sunday means a good harvest.

The main tradition of Palm Sunday is blessing of branches willows in the church. It is believed that these branches will protect houses from fires and floods throughout the year, and their owners from poverty, disease and adversity.

If you have not prepared twigs in advance and they were not consecrated in the church, but you are very I would like to have a blessed willow, do not despair. There are two ways:

1. Go to any Temple in the morning and buy twigs there.

2. If you overslept, feel free to go for a walk and look for bushes with burgundy branches and fuzz on them. If you don’t find it with burgundy ones, but see a tree with gray branches and yellow fuzzies, it’s a willow. Also good. Since in fact it doesn’t matter: willow or willow, consider that they are one and the same.

Bring the twigs into the house and may everything be safe for you! The signs of the holiday, of course, are also associated with magical properties, which are attributed to willow. It is believed that if before Palm Sunday many willow “earrings” appeared (buds bloomed), then the whole year will be fruitful, fertile and rich in good events.

There are a few simple rituals, which you can perform on Palm Sunday.

First, “let it go”blessed willow on the water. The twig will float away - goodness and prosperity will “float” to the house.

Burning a consecrated willow branch protects the house from fire. A consecrated branch stuck into the roof of the house (you can also attach it in the upper corner of the ceiling) will become a talisman of your health and peace of mind.

If you want to wish a person good luck and good luck, lightly whip him with a willow twig. There is no better blessing to be found on this holiday. On Palm Sunday, it is customary not only to perform rituals, but also to speak.

If you want to improve health and get rid of headaches the day before holiday, comb your hair, dip a couple of hairs in water and pour it over the willow. Diseases will go into the ground along with the water.

Also, with the help of a willow spell, you can attract money. On the eve of the holiday (on Lazarus Saturday), take left hand a willow twig, and with the right one cross yourself and read “Our Father.” Then ask the Almighty to save you from financial problems and send prosperity to your home. The enchanted twig must be blessed in church on Sunday.

Family amulet (for Palm Sunday) It is done once a year on Palm Sunday. To do this, you will need as many willow branches as there are people in the family. Early in the morning, at dawn, cut off the branches, then go to the morning service and bless them. Arriving home and drinking holy water, begin to weave a braid from the vines, mentally imagining at this time how all the household members joined hands and formed a circle. After completing the work, let the eldest member of the family, holding a wreath in front of the icon Mother of God, will read:

“St. Paul waved his willow and drove away our enemies. Just as it is true that Palm Sunday is celebrated, it is also true that evil people they won't bother you. Amen". 3 times. Keep the wreath near the icons for a year. Amen.

What should you not do on Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is great holiday . You cannot work on this day. Also, do not prepare hot dishes (all meals should be prepared in advance). Do not forget that Palm Sunday is celebrated on Lent. The table should be very moderate: in addition to the foods allowed by Lent, you can only eat fish. And on Palm Sunday you can’t comb your hair. Therefore, the health ritual mentioned above should be performed only on the eve of the holiday.

What signs still exist for Palm Sunday?

* The wind that blows on such a day will accompany you all summer.

* If the weather is clear and warm, according to one sign, the harvest of fruits and grains will be good.

* There is a belief that willow can pacify fire, hail and drive away storms. All you have to do is put the branches on the windowsill, or throw them against the wind, or throw them into the fire.

* On Palm Sunday it is customary to bake cookies or make nuts from dough. Then the prepared desserts are treated to household members and even animals.

* And if you put willow buds into the dough, you will thereby add health to everyone.

* If you are a timid person and are always afraid of something, then on Palm Sunday, coming from church, drive a peg of blessed willow branches into the wall, thereby it will help you get rid of obsessive fears, cowardice and timidity.

The signs for Palm Sunday in 2014 are no different from those signs that existed many centuries ago; on the contrary, such signs have gained greater strength and faith among Christians. Whether you believe in them is up to you, but I believe because miracles happen.

April 1, 2018 – Palm Sunday for Orthodox Christians. This religious holiday, which is dedicated to the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Celebrated a week before Easter.

On this day, willow branches are blessed in churches, symbolizing a greeting to Jesus Christ. It is believed that the consecrated willow has cleansing, protective powers and protects us from evil and misfortune. Therefore, such branches are placed near icons at home and stored for a whole year.

There are many people different customs and rituals about Palm Sunday. On this day they pray for health for themselves and loved ones, for well-being and prosperity in the family, for family happiness, and ask Higher Powers help and support in overcoming obstacles, getting rid of illnesses and bad addictions. Prayers are read to achieve the desired results.

S. Blonskaya. "Girls. Palm Sunday". 1900.

Dreams on Palm Sunday

They say that the dream you had on Palm Sunday is prophetic and will definitely come true. If you dreamed about something joyful, then such a statement certainly makes you happy. But what if the dream was frightening and ominous? Then you just need to rinse your face with holy water three times and nothing bad will happen.

Willow whipping

IN folk traditions A cheerful custom was widespread among the Slavs: on Palm Sunday in the morning, after the blessing of the willow, to hit each other with twigs, while saying: “Whip the willow, beat it until you cry.” I don’t hit, the willow hits. Be as healthy as a willow." This act is still practiced today. It is also believed that the illuminated willow also saves domestic animals from all sorts of diseases, unkind people and evil spirits.

Recycling willow branches

After use, consecrated twigs must not be thrown into the trash! They must be treated with respect. You can take it to the forest, float it down the river, put it on fire - burn it, or go to a temple and leave it there.

Poems about Palm Sunday and willow


Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They took it home.
The lights are warm,
Passers-by cross themselves
And it smells like spring.
The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain,
Don't blow out the fire.
Palm Sunday
Tomorrow I'll be the first to get up
For the holy day.


Willow, willow, willow,
The willow blossomed.
This means, that's right,
That spring has come
This means it's true
That winter is over.
The very, very first
The starling whistled.
Whistled in the birdhouse:
Well, now I'm from here.
But don't trust spring
The whistle of the wind is heard.
Wind, wind, wind
It turns along the roads
Last year's leaf.
All April jokes!
Rural kindergarten
In the morning I took off my fur coats,
At noon - snowfall.
But it's not that bad
Things are going,
If there is a willow, a willow, the willow has bloomed.

The willow is all fluffy

The willow is all fluffy
Spread out all around;
It's fragrant spring again
She blew her wings.

The clouds are rushing around the village,
Warmly illuminated
And they ask for your soul again
Captivating dreams.

Diverse everywhere
The gaze is occupied by the picture,
The idle crowd makes noise
People are happy about something...

Some secret thirst
The dream is inflamed -
And over every soul
Spring is flying by.

Dream interpretation willow

People attribute positive properties to willow. It is believed that this plant promises joy and is a symbol of rebirth.

As for dreams, interpreters give the following answer to why the willow is dreamed of: the dreamer will find peace of mind and become a successful person.

Dreaming of a willow bush

As Sigmund Freud wrote in his dream book, the willow is a symbol of pleasures that the dreamer considers sinful. Sometimes you shouldn’t listen to your mind, but give in to your instincts and enjoy intimacy.

Modern predictions

There are many dream books that were created in our time, and their interpretations are as close as possible to the modern worldview.

I dreamed of branches in my hands

Thus, the 21st century dream book says that a willow in the hands is a positive symbol. Soon all your work will be noticed, you will be rewarded as you deserve.

A modern interpreter says that a willow in a dream is a symbol of success in business, elation, and high performance.

Predictions from other dream books

The willow branches that bloom in your dream promise a cloudless life. It is possible that you will begin to commit good deeds, and for this fate will reward you.

Interpreter of Simon the Canaanite

The branches of a willow tree that go down to the water represent troubles in life, hard times.

If this is a weeping tree, a willow, then grief will occur in the dreamer’s family.

Esoteric interpreter

Dreaming of a weeping willow

I wonder why you dream about willow? The interpreter says that such a dream promises peace of mind for the sleeping person.

Interpreter Longo

In general, a dream in which a willow appears is considered positive. Now luck is entirely on your side. Any business you undertake will be successful.

Now the sleeping person can rest and reap the fruits of his labors.

Watching another person break branches or cut down a given tree means the dreamer is tormented by the fact that he has offended another person. It is believed that some guilt is indeed present, and you should apologize and, if possible, correct the situation.

If you put a bouquet of willow in water, then you constantly do not have enough strength and time to redo everything. You are too busy with work, everything literally falls out of your hands. Longo advised focusing your attention on what really matters to you. You shouldn’t waste your energy and time on unimportant things, otherwise you risk not getting anything done.

Presenting a bouquet as a gift - there is a person near you who is experiencing negative emotions and needs support. Provide it if possible.

Seeing a willow twig in a dream

Witnessing street vendors offering willow branches is quite an interesting sign. Soon you will witness unpleasant situation, acutely feel the need to make the other person’s life easier. The problem is that you will not be able to change anything.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Willow sprig in this dream book viewed negatively. It promises the sleeping person sadness that he will experience for a certain reason.

Interpreter Fedorovskaya

When you simply see a willow in a dream, you will be consumed by melancholy and will begin to feel sad for any reason.

If you broke branches for your bouquet, then no matter what obstacles life puts in front of you, you will be able to cope with them.

Ukrainian interpreter

This dream book gives clear predictions about what this or that vision associated with willow may mean in a dream:

I dreamed of a plant above the water

  • to see her - an unrequited feeling awaits you;
  • branches descend to the water - sadness, unpleasant events;
  • branches to the ground - misfortune in the family;
  • holding a bouquet in your hands means joy;
  • falling from a tree means quick death.

What do psychologists say about this?

IN psychological dream book you can find information that when you dream of a willow tree, the feelings you experience seem sinful to you.

The dreamer tries with all his might to suppress his instincts, but the body does not obey him. It is possible that your upbringing does not allow you to enjoy sex.

Everything will be fine

Why else do you dream about willow? If a girl in a dream receives a bouquet of roses and willow as a gift, then in reality she will go on a romantic date where she will have a pleasant time. What it will be, a dinner with a significant other or a meeting with an unfamiliar man, the interpreter does not specify.

If a sick person dreams of willow branches in the wrong hands, then the dream book believes that he will soon get better.

For single people, a positive vision is one in which a person sees willow branches near the church. The vision means that the dreamer will soon meet his fate.

Collecting a bouquet that includes a willow on Palm Sunday is a very positive dream. The dreamer will experience joy, happiness, and success in the near future.

Why do you dream of a willow with buds, or in bloom? You can rejoice, everything will be fine in your family.

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