Is Vlad Kadoni from house 2 married? Vlad Kadoni - real name, biography and why he enlarged his organ

Vlad Kadoni – a regular guy from Novosibirsk, who gained some fame thanks to his participation in the show “Battle of Psychics”. The man’s name is a pseudonym that he took for himself after moving to Moscow.

Participation in the battle did not bring young man desired popularity. He decided to go to Dom-2. Vlad Kadoni’s personal life did not improve there. Participation in the battle left an imprint on his biography. Many people didn't take him seriously.

However, this did not stop Vlad from achieving what he wanted. The man, starting in 2015, became the host of the television show “Doma-2”.

Personal life of Vlad Kadoni

The magician’s personal life has become of interest to the public ever since Vlad Kadoni first appeared on the project. The man met with Nelly Ermolaeva. In addition, his biography was connected with Inna Volovicheva. Take a look at the photo. The young people here are very happy.

However, their union did not last long. For some reason it was difficult for the young man to start serious relationship on the project. Many girls did not take Vlad seriously. It seemed to them that he was more concerned with promoting himself than with finding a soul mate.

It is also known that some time ago Vlad Kadoni met with the famous Russian producer Valeria Gai Germanika. The girl is known for her scandalous films, which, although they did not appear on the big screen, were nevertheless remembered for their uncensored plot among fans of short films.

After Kadoni broke up with Germany, for a long time his personal life was shrouded in darkness. Now the young man is in a relationship.

Vlad's relatives say that he is very happy. However, no one mentions the name of his chosen one.

Vlad says that he and his girlfriend are from different companies. Few will approve of this union if they find out who managed to win the magician’s heart. The TV presenter does not want to provoke the emergence of gossip around his person. That is why he keeps the name of his beloved girl secret. However, they joint photos appear quite often in in social networks.

Interview with Kadoni

No one will tell so vividly and colorfully about the biography and personal life of the darkest man in the Dom-2 project like Vlad Kadoni himself. The man often gives interviews to popular women's magazines. In addition, you can read an interview with him in the Dom-2 magazine for 2017.

Vlad Kadoni on the project "Dom-2"

Journalists asked Vlad several questions of interest to TV viewers. Thus, information appeared in the press that Kadoni purchased a house for his beloved. Journalists asked if this was true. The man admitted that he actually bought real estate for his beloved. As it turns out, it's just a townhouse. Vlad took it as a mortgage, deciding to make a “little” surprise for his lady of his heart. The presenter's friend very quickly found out what kind of surprise her beloved had prepared for her.

Having discussed the purchase of a townhouse, the young people came to the conclusion that this expenditure was untimely. It’s better to wait a little and buy a big, luxurious house where they can accommodate two, and perhaps three of them, if they manage to have a child.

Vlad Kadoni in the “Battle of Psychics” program

Vlad Kadoni can hardly be called truly famous star. But nevertheless, a lot is written about him on the Internet. It is worth noting first of all that Vlad in the past participated in such projects as “Dom-2” and “Battle of Psychics”.

He considers himself a black magician and quite seriously claims that this gift was passed on to him from his mother, who was a Siberian witch. Let's take a closer look at whether Vlad Kadoni is really worth the attention he is trying to attract to himself.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vlad Kadoni

There are not many fans of this yet strange man interested in his height, weight, age. It’s easy to calculate how old Vlad Kadoni is. The man was born in 1986, which means that he is already 31 years old. His height is quite average, as for a man - 171 centimeters. He weighs 67 kilograms.

Vlad Kadoni is a young man who wants to present to the world much more than he really is. When Kadoni took part in the “Battle of Psychics” program, this black magician achieved quite good success, and thereby declared himself. According to him, he can communicate with dead people. Vlad has two brothers who he says have clairvoyant abilities.

Personal life and biography of Vlad Kadoni

The personal life and biography of Vlad Kadoni may be of interest to anyone who is, one way or another, interested in esotericism. Before his youth, this man dreamed of becoming a churchman. However, for some reason, he became disillusioned with the church, and decided to take the opposite side. Thus, he began to practice black magic. After moving to the capital, he changed his first and last name. Kadoni means "warlock". Few people know that his real name is Viktor Golunov.

From then on, he decided to achieve perfection in the practice of black magic. For the first time on television, this guy appeared in one of the seasons of the popular project “Battle of Psychics.” Interestingly, he participated in this project twice, but the second time he was unlucky to reach the final. Kadoni always found answers to all the statements of the audience, even despite the fact that in some places they simply did not believe him. It is also known that he spent a long time on the Dom-2 project.

Speaking about the man’s personal life, he had a relationship with Nelly Ermolaeva, but she soon left Vlad and married another man. Afterwards, he began dating Inna Volovicheva, but no one really believed in their relationship, because they were too ostentatious, and Vladislav himself did not even try to deny it. He was much more interested in participating in the intrigues and gossip of this project. It should be noted that it was Vlad who provoked most of the scandals, every now and then compromising other participants.

Vlad Kadoni and his girlfriend 2017. Did he get married?

During last year Most fans of this scandalous black magician quite often wondered how Vlad Kadoni and his girlfriend 2017 look together. Did he get married? So far, it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. After all, there is still no official confirmation that this really happened. But it exists great amount information directly related to his turbulent personal life.

Among other things, Vlad has already spoken more than once about the fact that he is a dual personality. At work he is serious and completely adequate, but on television he prefers to have a blast. It is quite possible that in the case of choosing a life partner, Kadoni acts on the same principle - she is still in search.

Vlad Kadoni increased his male dignity. How long?

As mentioned earlier, Vlad has nothing against putting himself on public display, using any chance to attract attention. Once upon a time, a scandalous rumor began to circulate on the Internet that Vlad Kadoni had increased manhood. How long? And this very intimate fact was even confirmed.

A few years ago, Kadoni himself raised the topic that he was going to increase his dignity to thirty centimeters. But here, of course, a reasonable question immediately arises: why does it need such impressive dimensions? The answer is probably known only to Kadoni himself.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vlad Kadoni

If we mention such main sources of information as Instagram and Wikipedia of Vlad Kadoni, then the first thing to note is that he does not yet have his own page in the Internet encyclopedia. Most likely, the popularity of this “warlock” has not yet reached the required speed.

In contrast, the man regularly updates his Instagram profile, where he shares new pictures, career growth and many more details that may interest fans of black magic. If you are one of them, you should definitely visit Vlad Kadoni’s Instagram profile and start following the updates. You will find a lot of interesting things for yourself.

Real name - Golunov Victor.

Kadoni was born in the city of Novosibirsk. He spent his entire childhood there. From about the age of 11, Vlad began to be interested in black magic and develop psychic abilities. At the age of 17 he began to actively practice. But, as Kadoni himself states, he began to achieve his first results only when he was in his twenties.

A notable milestone in Vlad’s life was his participation in the sixth season of the battle of psychics, in which he even managed to reach the finals, and after which fame came to the guy.

After participating in the “battle of psychics,” Vlad remained to work in Moscow, providing paid services of a “magical nature,” along with other participants in the famous show.

But soon Kadoni realized that his popularity was rapidly falling, and people were beginning to forget about his “merits” in the “battle of psychics.” Vlad goes to a television project, where he decides to further “promote himself” and expand his “client base” due to the show’s huge audience. And, I must say, he did a good job! He became one of the most discussed, and his “magical” deeds also went uphill.

Now let's talk about everything in order. From the very beginning there began to arise conflict situations with others . His first “counterpart” was , whom Vlad tried to force to confess to complete absence psychic abilities. But, the main enemy became, with whom the black magician fought for the title of the main intriguer of the project.

Kadoni’s relationship with the girls on the project somehow doesn’t work out. There was a series of small affairs in which the magician constantly showed his disrespect for his partners. This was how it was at first. After they moved into the VIP house, Vlad constantly bullied the girl and tried to “bend” her under him, all the time carrying out uncoordinated trips outside the perimeter and other disrespectful actions. The black magician got so carried away that he missed the moment when Ermolaeva went to live in city apartments. After which, Nelly and Nikita formed a very bright couple, and most importantly, the girl’s attention was absolutely not attracted to her ex-boyfriend. Since then, Vlad’s heart belongs entirely to the burning brunette, as a result of which the young man tries in every possible way to take Nelly away from her. But everything is in vain.

On this moment Vlad has a couple with, and almost everyone speaks out about the complete fictitiousness in their relationship. Whether they have a contractual relationship or not is difficult to judge, but the fact that our “black magician” does not miss the slightest opportunity to participate in life in every possible way, which leads to certain thoughts about the sincerity of his couple with Inna...

On September 1, 2011, Kadoni won the competition. The victory became possible, largely thanks to his conflict with, which at that time the TV viewers did not like very much and wanted her to leave as soon as possible.

On September 21, 2011, the black magician left the project at will. It was widely rumored that he had found his love outside the perimeter with Valeria Gai Germanika.

Let me give you a short summary from the biography of the hereditary magician:

  • Age 30 years.
  • Place of birth - the outskirts of Novosibirsk.
  • Zodiac sign Virgo.
  • Height 171 cm.
  • Marital status: single.
  • Main activity: showman, businessman, magician.

Now let’s plunge into little Vitya’s childhood to find out where he got such an unusual gift. It is worth noting that the boy’s mother is a hereditary witch, Elena Golunova. Many people are familiar with her thanks to her participation in the “Battle of Psychics” program and her victory in season 13. She gave birth to a son at the age of 18, is very proud of him and teaches him all the intricacies of magic.

Vitya did not know his father; his mother remarried. She gave birth to sons - Dmitry and Lev.

As a child, Vladik really wanted to become a priest, but then he changed his mind and began to pay a lot of attention to black magic. Mom had a hand in developing the gift of clairvoyance in her son and taught him to understand the occult, for which he is very grateful.

Not everyone knows, but the young man has a diploma in psychology.

After the guy moved to Moscow, he decided to take the pseudonym Vlad Kadoni. In translation, Kadon can be translated as a warlock.

Participation in the program

In the capital, Vlad provided the population with various services related to magic for a long time. He helped solve personal problems, got rid of celibacy, removed other things, and made conspiracies. The aspiring magician understood that he needed good publicity so that his craft would generate high income, and it is for this reason that he decided to win the hearts of television viewers on the “Battle of Psychics” project.

The sorcerer took part in the program for the first time in 2008. This was already the sixth battle season. Kadoni claimed that he was a black magician. At that time he was very thin, weighing only 68 kilograms, and no one took him seriously. The presenters, especially the Safronov brothers, often made fun of the guy and challenged him to conflict. But, despite regular and offensive criticism, the warlock, as the young man was called during the battle, reached the top five and left the program with his head held high.

New try

Two and a half years later, Kadoni decided to try his hand at the project again. During this time, he gained experience and became more confident.

During the qualifying round, Vlad and psychologist Vitaly Gibert had a conflict. The psychologist could not understand what the participant from House-2 forgot on a more serious show. After all, he built relationships throughout the country, exposed himself in an unattractive light, and now he also claims to be the best in the battle among serious and busy people, and, most importantly, talented people. Kadoni tried to control himself and not react to provocations, and was even slightly ironic.

Despite the success in the Battle of Psychics, Vlad could not find season 11 mutual language with the Safronov brothers, who regularly teased and ridiculed him. Kadoni managed to win the hearts of television viewers and even take third place, which earned him honor and respect.

Project Dom-2

For the first time, Vlad appeared on the scandalous TV show in 2009 as a front participant. He immediately declared his passion for black magic. It was clear from the young man’s behavior that he needed PR, not love, although he conscientiously tried to court cute girls.

On the TV show, Kadoni often had disagreements with Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky, because this guy positioned himself as a white magician. The guys constantly quarreled, trying to discredit each other in the eyes of the public. Once they even fought in a magical duel. Vlad won the fight.

When the magician realized that he was not succeeding with intrigues, he began to make love with Inna Volovicheva. At that time, the girl had already declared herself a couple with Wentz, but still secretly ran on dates with Vlad.

It is worth noting that the girl looked very appetizing, due to too curvaceous. Her relationship with Kadoni pushed her to change, and Inna decided to completely change in appearance, that is, to lose weight. But along with the extra kilos, love went away. In 2010, the couple separated.

In 2011, Vlad left the television set with a small scandal. Some have become known juicy details. The young man underwent surgery to enlarge the genital organ. He admitted that he always dreamed of being perfect in everything.

New round

In 2015, Vlad Kadoni appeared again on a television project where everyone can build their love. At that time, he had already received the title of man of the year. The magician became more confident and looked respectable. But he appeared not as a participant, but as another presenter of the program. He acquired a Hollywood smile and collected real army fans. The young man boasted prestigious job and a brand new townhouse with a mortgage.

As for the personal front, there are, as always, many questions and few answers, a mystery shrouded in darkness. Vlad is often credited with having affairs with:

  • Kristi Deryabina.
  • Valeria Gai Germanika (provocative director of acclaimed films).

There were rumors that Kadoni was married and had several children. Vlad denied the speculation, saying that his heart was occupied. In order for his words to be taken seriously, the warlock published a number of photographs with his beloved girl on his pages on social networks. True, her face was difficult to see.

But recently it became known that Vlad’s lover turned out to be Anna Devitskaya. The charming brunette even flew to Turkey on vacation with her.

Successes and achievements

Let's remember all the projects with the participation of the guy:

  1. Program "Battle of Psychics". In particular, 2008, 2012.
  2. Television program Dom-2. From 2009 to 2011. Project leader since 2015.
  3. "New Morning" program. Speech on NTV with a column called “Utromystika”.
  4. “Wake Up” program. Conducting master classes since 204.

Among other things, Vlad is developing as a businessman. Since the fall of 2016, the boutique has opened its doors, where exclusive perfumes are sold. And in 2017, the young man opened a beauty salon. By the way, the establishments have an impeccable reputation and they bring very good income to their owner.

Biography of Vlad Kadoni will be of interest not only to fans of shows such as “House 2” and “Battle of Psychics,” but also to people who have not watched these TV shows. After all, this man from distant Novosibirsk came to the capital and on his own achieved great heights in his career on Moscow television.

Youth and early childhood of the son of a Siberian witch

While still a small child, Vitya Golunov lost his father, whom he says he does not remember at all. His mother almost immediately got married and was born two brothers - the youngest Lev and the middle-aged Dmitry. The character of their older brother was not sweet, the boy did not respond to his name and dreamed of changing it when he came of age. He responded to pseudonyms he himself invented. As soon as the young man turned 18, he fulfilled his wish, turning from Victor Golunov, the well-known Vladislav Kadoni . Interestingly, the surname means “warlock” based on the translation from ancient language, however, it is ideal for Vlad, who became interested in mysticism in his youth and studied all available sources about mysticism. IN adolescence he found out why he was so attracted to the occult, the history of religions and various secrets - his mother said that they have a family gift that is inherited (she was the first to inherit male line vocation in magic and communication with the world of spirits). After such a discovery, the young man began to move away from his peers and delved into the study of magical practices (including their dark sides) and extrasensory perception.

One day his mother had to use her abilities to save her son’s life. All boys are drawn to abandoned buildings, Vlad and his friends were no exceptions and once explored an old building. But unexpectedly, part of the concrete slab collapsed due to someone’s careless step and the guy was locked in. The guys were cowardly and ran away, leaving their friend without food, water or help. A day later, help came - it was my mother.
He entered a local university to major in sociology, but due to frequent conflicts with teachers (he always defended his point of view), he was quickly expelled by the university management. Which didn’t make him sad, but allowed him to prepare and study in medicine a year later. And part-time work as an intern in construction company ended with a promotion to manager and an offer to move to Moscow, to which he responded positively.

Magic and television in the 21st century

In school and university years, the young man did not quit his studies magical practices and having moved to the capital of Russia, he continued to help people. His work included popular services for removing damage, celibacy, love spells, and attracting wealth. To realize his potential, he decided to take part in the 6th season of the television program “Battle of Psychics”. However, he did not show any special talents during the broadcast, but he was loved and remembered by the audience as a constantly conflicting and arguing participant. He entered the top five finalists, after which he dropped out of the project. Just half a year later he was seen in another program on TNT - “House 2”. As it later became known, the hero, beloved by the audience, did not want to act in film, but then changed his mind. He was not afraid to reveal intrigues and talk about them on camera. He tried to find his love in the face Inna Volovicheva, but this attempt was unsuccessful. Fans were also very attracted by Vlad’s encounters with another “wizard” who calls himself “white” - he became Wenceslav Vengrzhanovsky. You can find many videos of their fights online. At the end of the period of Kadoni’s participation in the scandalous TV show, he amazed the audience with the news about the enlargement of the genital organ; Inna managed to check his dignity. Soon Vladislav left the “city of love” and again moved to a program specializing in magical abilities. This time in the “Battle of Psychics” (season 11) he reached the final three, but failed to go further. IN next year his mother became a participant, Elena Golunova, the woman produced a very strong impression both on the audience of the show, but the participants could not remain indifferent.
Few people have played themselves in films, but Vlad Kladoni is one of them. It turned out to be a very sensational film - “ Short course happy life" directed by Valeria Gai Germanika. With whom the magician has a friendly relationship.

After a short period of time, Vladislav returned to the “House 2” project (in 2015) with a new, improved image, which all his fans liked. There were some operations, but rhinoplasty emphasized his face. He became the first male leader in the place of finding love and showed himself in a strong way.

It contrasted favorably with Olga Buzova And Ksenia Borodina, who were gentle towards the participants, on film set searching for a pair. His statements are always categorical, ironic and very provocative. The charisma of such an anti-hero attracted large audience into a project that has begun to breathe new life. And Vlad’s popularity rose sharply.

Although "House 2" did not bring him love, it did something else show - “Battle of Psychics”. He has a long and strong relationship with the producer. Beloved's name - Anna Devitskaya, however, they both carefully hide their personal lives from the public, which is understandable given their media exposure. But in photographs on the Internet you can see photos of them together, including selfies in which Anna and Vladislav are smiling and enjoying each other’s company. Which confirms what he said about leading a double life: a serious man who periodically plays a role on TV.

Kadoni's success and plans for the future

Having broken out on central channels, the Moscow Siberian has a constant and fairly large income, which allowed him to purchase big house in the Moscow region and a luxury car. But he is not going to stop there. The presenter’s future plans are to continue to climb career ladder on television, as well as open his own school in such a rare discipline as conflictology. However, in Russia and abroad they are very important good specialists in this area.