Biography of Sofia Rotaru . Sofia Rotaru - biography, personal life, family, husband: I will sing until my last breath! Singer Sofia Rotaru personal biography

Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna (b. 1947) - Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian pop singer. He is of Moldovan origin, Ukrainian citizenship, and permanently resides in Yalta and Kyiv. In addition to Ukrainian, Moldavian and Russian, he also sings in English, Spanish, Bulgarian, French, Italian, Serbian, Polish, German. Her repertoire includes about 400 songs. She has the titles of People's Artist of the USSR and Hero of Ukraine, and is one of the highest paid singers in the territory of the former Soviet Union.


Sofia was born on August 7, 1947 in the Ukrainian SSR in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region.

Dad, Rotar Mikhail Fedorovich, had Moldavian roots. During the war he served as a machine gunner, reached Berlin, was wounded after the war, so he returned home only in 1946. In the village, he was one of the first to join the party and worked as a foreman among winegrowers.

Mom raised children, of whom there were six in the family, ran the household and garden, and sold the products she grew at the market.

Little Sonya was the second child in the family, and she was given many responsibilities around the house, caring for younger brothers and sisters, I had to help my mother. Sofia’s mother woke her up while it was still dark, because by six in the morning she had to arrive at the market, take a seat and lay out the food. The girl was terribly sleepy, and she finally came to her senses only when lively trade began. There was always a queue outside them, my mother was incredibly clean, people knew her products and constantly bought them.

Many years later, in one of her interviews, Sofia will later say that her childhood memories remained very strong, how she wanted to sleep in the morning, and now she doesn’t get out of bed before 10 am, as if trying to make up for the lack of sleep from childhood. And Sofia Rotaru never bargains at the market with people who sell their homemade products: she knows how hard work it is, because before you sell, you need to grow everything.

For such hard work, mom and dad earned the title of drummer socialist labor and an exemplary mother-housewife.

The girl's father loved to sing in his youth; he had a beautiful voice and exceptional hearing. Dad became her first teacher, teaching Moldovan folk motifs.

A special role is that Sonya loved music so much early childhood, my sister Zina also played. She suffered from typhus and completely lost her sight, the disabled girl could not help her mother with housework, her only joy was the radio, which she listened to for hours and then sang exactly all the melodies she heard. She taught these songs to her younger sister Sofia, and she easily picked up any composition and sang. Her father, looking at her, joked: “Our Sonya will be an artist.”


Having started school, the girl signed up and sang in the school choir from the first grade.

A few years later, on weekends, she also began singing in the church choir, but soviet school at that time the church did not welcome her, and Sofia was even threatened with expulsion from the pioneers.

Sonya grew up very active child, and besides music, there were many other hobbies in her childhood life. She liked sports, especially Athletics, the girl was even a school all-around champion. In high school, she went to Chernivtsi for regional sports competitions, where she achieved victories in running at distances of 100 and 800 meters.

In addition to sports, Sofia was very attracted to the theater; at school she enrolled in a drama club. Took part in all shows amateur performances, I learned to play the button accordion on my own.

The girl really liked it when their amateur art group traveled to neighboring villages with concerts. She liked the feeling of standing on stage, looking at auditorium. Her strong contralto, which almost approached a soprano, was liked by listeners, and soon Sofia Rotaru was nicknamed the “Bukovinian nightingale.”

Start of a musical journey

She experienced her first success in 1962, when, as a very young fifteen-year-old girl, she won an amateur art competition in the region.

Then, having won the regional show, Sofia received a referral to the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, for the republican festival of folk talents. It was 1964, here she again became the first, and her photograph was published on the cover of the magazine “Ukraine”.

After winning the festival, the girl firmly decided to connect her life with music and become a singer. Just after graduating from school, she went to Chernivtsi, where she entered School of Music. There was no vocal department there, and she became a student in the conducting and choral department.

Victory at the republican festival opened the way for Sofia Rotaru to the all-Union, and then the world level.

In 1964 she was invited to sing in Kremlin Palace congresses.

After graduating from music school, she received a ticket to World Festival youth and students in Bulgaria, where she represented the Soviet Union. Among the performers folk compositions she received first prize and gold medal.

All the newspapers in Bulgaria the next day came out with the headlines: “21-year-old Sofia conquered Sofia.” Then the legendary Lyudmila Zykina was on the jury. Having seen and heard Sofia Rotaru, she said about her: “This is a singer with a great future”.

In 1971, the film “Chervona Ruta” was released on the screens of the country, where the main character there was Sofia Rotaru. The success of the film among the audience was deafening, Sofia was invited to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, where she and her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko created the VIA “Chervona Ruta”.

The group's debut performance took place in Star City in front of Soviet cosmonauts. This was the first statement of outstanding representatives Soviet stage, which they decided to combine in their repertoire folk motives with modern rhythms.

Sofia Rotaru and the group “Chervona Ruta” were gaining popularity in a vast country, they conquered more and more new stages:

  • Central concert hall"Russia";
  • Variety Theater;
  • Kremlin Palace.

I came for concert tours, recordings on radio and television real success.

Worldwide recognition and fame

Then the musical career of the “Bukovinian nightingale” developed as rapidly as a mountain river in Sofia Rotaru’s homeland could rumble. whirlpool life events picked up a young talented singer and carried her to the heights of fame.

Year Event in the career of Sofia Rotaru
1972 Polish tour with the program “Songs and Dances of the Land of Soviets”.
1973 Receiving first prize at the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria, participation in the final festival “Song of the Year”, the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.
1974 Laureate of the International Song Festival in Sopot.
1975 Sofia Rotaru moved from Chernivtsi to Yalta and began performing under the auspices of the Crimean Philharmonic.
1976 Title of People's Artist of Ukraine.
1979 Deafening tour in Germany.
1980 First Prize for International competition in Tokyo, presentation of the Order of the Badge of Honor.
1983 Title of People's Artist of the Moldavian SSR.
1985 Receiving the “Golden Disc” prize from the All-Union Recording Company “Melodiya” for the best-selling records in the USSR “Sofia Rotaru” and “Tender Melody”; they were released with a circulation of more than 1 million. Awarding the Order of Friendship of Peoples.
1988 Sofia Rotaru is the first modern pop singer to be awarded the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union.

In 1986, the Chervona Ruta team broke up, and Sofia Rotaru began solo career on the stage. Her collaboration with composers Yuri Saulsky, Raymond Pauls, Evgeny Martynov and Alexandra Pakhmutova was very fruitful. But Vladimir Matetsky wrote especially many songs for Sofia, almost all of them were included in the final festivals “Songs of the Year” and “New Year blue lights».

The whole country knew by heart and sang such hits performed by Sofia Rotaru as:

  • "Swan Fidelity";
  • “And the music sounds”;
  • "Romance";
  • "Stork on the Roof";
  • "In my house";
  • "Moon, moon";
  • "Lavender";
  • “It was, but it’s gone”;
  • “Only this is not enough”;
  • "Caravan of Love";
  • "Melancolia";
  • "Farmer".

11 times Sofia Rotaru became the owner of the prestigious music award"Golden Gramophone Award".

Sofia Mikhailovna was recognized as the “Best Ukrainian pop singer XX century".

Personal life

One and only and for life. This is exactly what her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko turned out to be for Sofia Rotaru.

He was her fellow countryman, also from the Chernivtsi region. In 1964 he served in the army in Nizhny Tagil. His father was a builder, and his mother was a teacher. The parents were perplexed as to where their son’s uncontrollable craving for music came from. After graduating from music school, Anatoly played the trumpet excellently, and after serving in the army he planned to create his own VIA.

In the army library, Anatoly came across the magazine “Ukraine”, where on the cover there was a miracle girl who won the Republican music competition. For him it was love at first sight.

Returning home after service, Anatoly continued his studies at Chernivtsi University, where he played the trumpet in the student pop orchestra, and began to look for his love.

He managed to win Sofia’s heart only after two years of courtship. He invited her to be a soloist in the student orchestra, they saw each other almost every day, and over time the relationship grew from friendship into something more.

In 1968, Sofia and Anatoly got married. And their Honeymoon took place in Novosibirsk in the dormitory of a military plant, where Evdokimenko was sent to practice from the university.

For Anatoly, his wife’s career always came first; he was never jealous of her stage and success. For Sonya's sake, he gave up science, although he was an excellent physicist and wrote many articles. For more than 30 years they were close, he became everything for Sofia: program director and producer, director and director, bodyguard and, of course, the only and most beloved man.

In the summer of 1970, their boy Ruslan was born. He bears his father’s last name – Evdokimenko. Also engaged musical activity, he is a producer.

But a serious, long-term illness separated Sofia and Anatoly. He died in 2002, the singer could not come to her senses for a long time from what had happened, and refused to believe in her husband’s death. Having survived this tragedy, she stated that there could be no other men in her life, from now on she is entirely devoted to music.

Son Ruslan is married, he and his wife gave Sofya Mikhailovna two charming grandchildren.

In 1994, grandson Anatoly was born, and in 2001, granddaughter Sofia.

The singer and her son’s family live in Yalta. After the annexation of Crimea to Russia, she did not accept Russian citizenship, saying that she had permanent residence in Kyiv, but would not mind dual citizenship.

At almost 70 years old, Sofya Mikhailovna manages to maintain an amazing figure and beauty. Her secret is simple: to love life in all its manifestations and rejoice in every day given, precisely from internal state appearance also depends on the soul.

The future celebrity was born in the small village of Marshinitsy, which in the late 40s was considered the territory of Romania, and then was transferred to Ukraine. Hence the eternal confusion with the surname: the surname Rotar, which is written in the star’s passport, is the Ukrainian version of the Romanian Rotaru. In the singer’s family, the original, Romanian version is still considered correct. However, Rotaru’s roots are generally Moldavian, which the beauty never hid.

Her musical abilities manifested itself in early age. As soon as Sofia went to school, teachers already began to try her out in vocal clubs and children's creative teams. Sofia Mikhailovna recalls that her first vocal lessons were given to her by elder sister Zina. The girl suffered from typhus and lost her sight. But her heightened hearing became her distinctive feature and gave me the opportunity to sensitively capture all the halftones, as well as teach music to younger children.

“Music has always lived in me”

This is what the singer will say in one of the interviews, when journalists want to trace the whole creative path. Little Sonya was passionate about singing both at school and in the church choir. Recently they threatened to expel her from the Octobrists, but she was too active life position occupied by a girl from a good, working-class family. Sofia not only sang, but also studied at music school. To practice playing the button accordion, she would pick him up from school and go to the barn late in the evening to pick out new songs for the button accordion.

In addition to music, Rotaru was also involved in sports. She was the school champion in athletics, ranked top places on sports competitions. She will never give up sports, and as an adult, while acting in films, she will perform stunts on both a motorcycle and a surfboard without stuntmen.

But the first serious success was still musical. At the age of 15, the girl first participated in a regional vocal competition, then in a regional one, and then was sent to Kyiv, where she also won. The beautiful and talented winner of first place was instantly placed on the cover of one of the Ukrainian magazines, where she was noticed future husband.

Modest wedding for 200 people

Anatoly Evdokimenko was a representative of the “golden youth”, the son of a major official. The young man studied at a prestigious university and was planning to build a career as an optical physicist, although he also studied music at the same time - he played the trumpet. And here is a photo of the beautiful Rotaru in a magazine!

The young people met and fell in love. In 1968, they played a beautiful, lively wedding in her native village. The singer would later joke: “It was a modest wedding, about 200 people.” We walked in a huge group, with national Ukrainian and Moldavian traditions, round dances, songs and dances. The wedding of Rotaru and Evdokimenko will be called a holiday of unity of two peoples for a long time.

After the wedding, Anatoly became a real support for the ambitious artist, her producer and first assistant in everything. They had a son, Ruslan, who has now given the singer a grandson and granddaughter. They will go through life hand in hand, and will be together until his death in 2002.

Grief left a deep imprint on Sofia Mikhailovna’s heart. She mourned for a whole year. All this time, her records were not released, and no new sound recordings were made. Sofia did not give concerts, did not take part in public life. A year later, she appeared on stage for the first time since her husband’s death. The performance was dedicated to his memory.

A secret that Rotaru did not admit to

The period of the future husband's courtship with the singer is shrouded in darkness. Lovers usually love to tell details about the sweetest time of their lives, but Rotaru and Evdokimenko kept it a secret. And everything secret arouses great interest and a desire to figure it out.

So many years ago, journalists tried to track the five years of Sofia’s life before marriage, and there was an assumption that Evdokimenko was not the celebrity’s first husband. Her first love is called Vladimir Ivasyuk, a poet and composer, author of the famous “Chervona Ruta”. It is known that in the early 70s the body of a man was found hanged in his apartment. Despite numerous wounds from beatings, the police refused to open a criminal case and ruled the death a suicide.

The singer does not hide the fact that there was a tragedy in her life: her child was kidnapped, but she assures that her son Ruslan was involved in the kidnapping. However, close friends of Rotaru say that they kidnapped the singer’s first and carefully hidden child - a daughter born from Ivasyuk.

There is an assumption that the singer’s first husband was involved in crime. Realizing that the whole family was in danger, he blessed Sonya for a second marriage. And she was forced to hide her daughter due to constant threats.

Sofia Mikhailovna neither confirms nor denies this information. He promises to start giving interviews on personal topics only after he leaves the stage.


After the death of her legal spouse, Rotaru was “married” several times. First, information leaked about her affair with a young musician own team. They put words into her mouth that they had been happy together for seven years, despite the fact that the man was married. They don’t hide their feelings, they truly love each other. In another interview, Sofia Mikhailovna claims: they did not have any affair. And the rumors only embarrassed her, because the young man is an exemplary family man!

In 2011, Nikolai Baskov begins to court the spectacular Sofia Mikhailovna. He always expressly admired famous singer, and at one of the receptions, in the presence of six thousand guests, he uttered the cherished words. But Rotaru just shrugged it off, declaring once again that she would always love only her husband and would remain faithful to him until the end of her days.


IN last years Sofia Mikhailovna rarely visits Russia. The singer decided to face the conflict between her native Ukraine and our country at home.

It is known that during the Orange Revolution, the singer and her family members distributed food to people who came to Independence Square in Kyiv. Moreover, its mission was truly humanitarian: food was given to everyone, regardless of political preferences.

Ten years ago, Sofia Mikhailovna took part in the elections, running for one of the parties. She gave a charity tour of Ukraine in support of her candidacy, but did not get enough votes.

The biography of People's Artist of the USSR Sofia Rotaru is inextricably linked with music, love and eternal youth, the year of birth of the singer is even more surprising. The popular hits “Chervona Ruta”, “Lavender”, “Khutoryanka”, “The Sky is Me”, “I Loved Him”, “I Will Call the Planet by Your Name” made her a favorite singer not only throughout the post-Soviet space, but also beyond abroad.

Sofia Rotaru: biography

The artist's biography is complete interesting moments. Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru was born on August 7, 1947 in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. Her parents are Moldovans by nationality. Sonya was born the second of six children of Rotaru.

The father of a large family, winegrower Mikhail Fedorovich Rotaru (Rotar), returned from the war with a wound only in 1946. He was proactive and very ideological, so he was the first in his village to join the Communist Party.

Sofia's older sister, Zoya, suffered typhus as a child and lost her sight. She had perfect pitch and taught Sonya and other sisters folk songs, including in Russian, which I learned on my own by listening to songs on the radio.

There was a lot of work in the house. Everyone had to work to feed themselves. Sofia Rotaru later recalled: “Mom woke me up very early so that we could occupy best places On the market. Thanks to my mother’s love of cleanliness, she had many regular customers, but growing and preparing food for sale is very hard work. Now I get up no earlier than 10 o'clock in the morning, and I never bargain at the market. Farm work is incredibly hard.”

Nevertheless, school years The sleepovers were carefree and fun. She was quite successful in sports. She took part in regional athletics competitions and even became a champion in running 100 and 800 m.

All Rotaru absorbed the love for the song with their mother’s milk. We woke up with a song, we worked with a song, we suffered with a song, we rejoiced with a song. It is not surprising that all children in big family We grew up very musical.

According to her biography, Sofia Rotaru began singing in first grade. She was immediately enrolled in the school choir. For some time she still sang in the church choir, but her parents were hinted that it was not very clear that her father was a communist and her daughter attended church.

Along with music, young Sonya also developed a love for the theater. She played in the school drama club. Sometimes she asked for the only school button accordion and at home she independently selected melodies for productions and favorite songs. The father is the first to recognize his daughter's great potential. And although all six children formed a kind of home mini-choir, successfully “touring” the surrounding villages, it was about Sonya that he once said: “Sofia will definitely be an artist!”

Awards and recognitions:

1973 – Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR

1976 – People's Artist Ukrainian SSR

1978 – Laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize

1988 – People's Artist of the USSR

1997 – Knight of the Order of the Republic of Moldova

2002 – Hero of Ukraine

"Chervona Ruta"

This is the name of not only the famous hit of the 70s, but also the no less famous film of the Ukrainian director Roman Alekseev. Sofia Rotaru performed main role in this music tape. The film featured songs by Vladimir Ivasyuk performed by S. Rotaru, V. Zinkevich, N. Yaremchuk and other singers.

The picture had stunning success. The singer's fame acquired enormous proportions. At the same time, the Chervona Ruta ensemble was created, in which Sofia Rotaru is a soloist. Most of the ensemble's repertoire consisted of songs written by Vladimir Ivasyuk.

The ensemble was extremely popular, and the soloist, who has Moldovan roots, lives in Ukraine, sings in Russian, Ukrainian and Moldavian, is simply adored by listeners.

In 1972, the ensemble toured Poland for the first time.

Solo career

The father's words turned out to be prophetic. Yes, and how can you hide such talent? Almost all the competitions in which she had to participate ended in unconditional victories for the young singer. The singer's biography is full of awards and achievements.

The first regional amateur art competition in 1962 brought Sofia Rotaru its first significant victory. For a fifteen-year-old girl, prospects in vocal art opened up.

A year later regional competition in Chernivtsi, the young singer easily won and won a First Degree Diploma.

A year later, a seventeen-year-old girl from a Western Ukrainian village confidently wins the Republican Talent Festival in Kyiv. This was the first resounding success. Moreover, the portrait of the young singer was placed on the cover of the then popular magazine “Ukraine”. This photo became decisive in the fate of Sofia. Anatoly Evdokimenko saw him and fell in love with the beauty on the cover, as it later turned out forever.

After graduating from school, the aspiring vocalist entered the Chernivtsi Music College in the conducting and choral department.

Anatoly became not only the husband of Sofia Rotaru, but also significantly influenced her musical career. He diluted her repertoire with new pop rhythms.

In 1968, at the Bulgarian World Festival of Youth and Students, she won a gold award and first prize among performers folk songs.

Then there were many competitions not only on the territory of the Soviet Union, but also far beyond its borders. And everywhere talented singer admired with her magnificent voice and rightfully won awards.

Sofia Rotaru – owner the largest number awards at various music festivals. In the 70-90s of the last century, Sofia Rotaru divided musical Olympus with another Soviet pop singer, Alla Pugacheva.

During the Soviet Union, Rotaru's fees were among the largest among pop artists. Her income did not decrease in the post-Soviet era. For example, in 2008, she declared income in the amount of 500 million hryvnia (this is approximately 62 million dollars). Agree, a lot for a country with an unstable economy.

The people's favorite, packed stadiums, and her performances ended the most popular television shows. musical programms and competitions. This speaks to the importance of the artist closing the concert.

The singer's repertoire includes more than 500 songs. She performs songs in Russian, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Serbian, Italian, French, English, Polish, Spanish and German languages. Three Republics former USSR(Russia, Ukraine, Moldova) rightfully considered and still consider her their national singer.


The successful vocalist not only delighted the audience with her beautiful voice, she also starred in musical and feature films.

The actress's filmography includes more than 20 works. Of these 3 art paintings: “Chervona Ruta”, “Where are you, love”, “Soul”. In addition to these works in her creative biography there are at least 20 music tapes.

Personal life of Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru is one of the few women who can boast of “one big beautiful Love.”

An aspiring musician from Chernivtsi, Anatoly Evdokimenko, did his military service in Nizhny Tagil in 1964 and one evening saw him on the cover of the magazine “Yunost” charming girl, with whom I fell in love at first sight. After the army, he returned to Ukraine and found his love.

He invited Sofia to his pop orchestra, where he played the trumpet. Since that time, the aspiring singer’s repertoire has changed dramatically. Instead of violins and cymbals, modern pop rhythms appeared in the musical accompaniment.

In 1968 they played a modest wedding. The young family built their life in a dormitory, then moved to an apartment with their parents, where in 1970 their only son, Ruslan Evdokimenko, was born.

For more than thirty years, this couple lived in sincere love and respect; in their personal lives, absolutely everything suited them, there were no scandals or quarrels. Joint projects not only did they not interfere with their personal life, but on the contrary, they only enriched it. It was all the more tragic and difficult for Sofia Rotaru when her husband died in 2002. The singer did not give any solo concerts for a whole year, and dedicated her first performance after mourning to her beloved husband.

Sofia Rotaru now

IN Lately the singer, her son and his family live in two houses. They spend some time together in Yalta, at their residence, and the rest of the time they live in Kyiv. The singer also owns luxury real estate in Koncha-Zaspa. She continues to perform, but does not yet plan large tours for 2018. Within music festival“Heat” in April 2018, a concert was held dedicated to the singer’s anniversary.

Her son is engaged in producing activities, and daughter-in-law Olya is the director of the singer. The seventeen-year-old beautiful granddaughter is an aspiring model. Already there is a strong resemblance to famous grandmother. She lives in London. The grandson became a very talented photographer. By the way, the grandchildren were named after their grandparents - Sofia and Anatoly.

In 2018, the press was excited last news about the declaration of love for the singer by 37-year-old musician Alexander Popov. It is known that he previously had a close relationship with Tatyana Bulanova. Sofia Rotaru herself and her family members did not comment on this situation.

The singer celebrated her 70th birthday in Baku last year. There is no news about a new husband, personal life or imminent marriage in the press yet.

Numerous photos of the forever young Sofia Rotaru never cease to amaze with their excellent appearance singers. Elegant beauty It only evokes a feeling of joy and admiration, which makes you forget about the woman’s year of birth.


1972 “Sofia Rotaru 1972”, “Sofia Rotaru 1972 sings”, “Chervona Ruta”

1973 “Sofia Rotaru 1973”, “Ballad of Violins”

1974 “Sofia Rotaru 1974”

1975 “Sofia Rotaru sings the songs of Vladimir Ivasyuk”

1977 “Sofia Rotaru 1977”

1978 “Sofia Rotaru 1978”

1980 “Only for you”

1981 “Sofia Rotaru 1981”, “S. Rotaru and “Chervona Ruta””, “Songs from the movie “Where are you, love?”

1982 “Sofia Rotaru 1982”

1985 “Tender Melody”

1987 “Monologue about love”, “ Lavender"

1988 "Heart of Gold"

1990 “Sofia Rotaru 1990”

1991 “Caravan of Love”, “Romance”

1993 “Caravan of Love”, “Lavender”

1995 “Farmer”, “Golden Songs 1985-1995”

1996 “Night of Love”, “Chervona Ruta 1996”

1998 "Love Me"

2002 “I Still Love You,” “The Snow Queen”

2003 “To the One”

2004 “Water Flows”, “The Sky is Me”

2005 “I loved him”

2007 “What is the weather like in the heart”, “Fog”

2008 “I am your love”

2010 “I won’t look back”

2012 “And my soul flies”

2014 “Sofia Rotaru”

How many times was Sofia Rotaru married?

Do you know how old Rotaru is? It’s unlikely, because this talented singer doesn’t look her age at all. She continues to delight her fans good songs, with your smile and sparkling eyes. Sofia Rotaru, whose biography is full of ups and downs, always moved forward without looking back at past failures. Let's find out more about this beautiful woman!

The singer's childhood

Do you want to know how old Rotaru is? Well, let's be honest - she was born on August 7, 1947. Future famous singer was born when the world"came to his senses" after the tragic events. Sofia Rotaru's birthday falls in August 1947. She lived in a large family; she had 5 other small relatives. Interestingly, the passport officer got the date of birth wrong and wrote down “August 9.” That is why Sofia Mikhailovna celebrates her birthday twice a year. Sofia's childhood was difficult, as she had to take on a lot of responsibility at a very early and tender age. Perhaps it was these difficulties that strengthened her character, which helped her achieve recognition in show business. Sofia adopted her love for music from her sister Zina. Since childhood, Rotaru was a very athletic girl; she often went to athletics competitions.

Carier start

“How old is Rotaru?” - everyone who sees her on stage wants to ask. When you visit her page on the Internet, it’s hard to believe your eyes, because the woman looks much younger than her real age. But when did this beauty get her first success? This happened back in 1962, when she won the regional competition, which opened the doors for her to the region. Having won the regional competition, she went to Kyiv. Having won there too, she was overjoyed. Her photo was published on the cover of a famous magazine. It is interesting that it was this photo that her future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko saw.

international arena

In 1968, Sofia went to Bulgaria for the World Festival of Youth and Students. There the girl received a gold medal and first place in the category “ Best Performer folk songs". After such a brilliant performance, Bulgarian newspapers and magazines were full of headlines that “Sofia conquered Sofia.”

In 1971, Roman Alekseev made a musical film called “Chervona Ruta”, in which Sofia Mikhailovna received the main role. The film was received very positively, so Sofia was invited to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic.

Thanks to the fact that the Soviet government contributed to the popularization of Sofia, she often appeared on television and radio. Soviet power impressed by the international motifs of Rotaru’s creativity. In 1972, Sofia Rotaru went on a tour of Poland. IN next year she becomes a finalist at the Song of the Year festival.

60th anniversary

Sofia Rotaru's birthday (anniversary) was celebrated loudly, brightly and stunningly. Hundreds of her fans came to Yalta to congratulate their favorite singer. Many artists also gathered and there was a wonderful concert. The then President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Rotaru the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. All this action took place in the Livadia Palace - a place that really impresses Rotaru. In addition to this holiday, a day was allocated especially for Sofia Rotaru at the “Five Stars” music competition. On this day, all the songs that Sofia Mikhailovna had ever performed were played. In 2008, the singer went on an anniversary tour of Russian cities.

In 2011, she also held anniversary events in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which were given in honor of the 40th anniversary of her active creative activity. Today, Sofia sometimes participates in concerts. If she gives solo concert, then he always sings live. At the “Song of the Year” festival, a count of all the artists’ songs was carried out, and it turned out that Sofia Mikhailovna holds the record among other participants in the show - 83 songs!

Where is Sofia Rotaru now? Today it is known that she lives in two houses, so only those closest to her can know exactly where she is. Recently, Rotaru has been increasingly appearing in his mansion in the Koncha-Zaspa area. She also has a large apartment in the very center of Kyiv. This is where she lives when she gives concerts in the capital. It’s interesting that her apartment is located near St. Sophia Cathedral.

Family life

Rotaru's first husband's name was Anatoly Evdokimenko. They had only one son, Ruslan. He was born in August 1970. In one interview, Sofia Mikhailovna admitted that a year after her marriage she really wanted a child. But my husband had other plans then, because he was still finishing university. She resorted to a little feminine trick and told her husband that she was already in an interesting position. Anatoly was happy about this news, despite the fact that the situation at that time was not very conducive to the baby. And eleven months later a beautiful boy, Ruslan, was born. Today, Sofia Mikhailovna has a grandson, Anatoly, and a granddaughter, Sofia. And the singer’s daughter-in-law Svetlana became her executive producer - such a wonderful family union.

Aurika Rotaru - Sofia's sister, also sang. The duet of Lida and Zhenya, Sofia’s sister and brother, wanted to devote themselves to the same path. But they didn't achieve it special success, so they stopped performing in 1992.


Rotaru Sofia Mikhailovna, whose age does not matter to fans, has many awards. All of them are for creativity. But really, she should be given a bonus for looking so good at her age. Rotaru still pleases her fans as she did many years ago. Sometimes it seems that over the years she does not change at all, remaining young and talented.

Sofia has many titles, awards, prizes and prizes. Moreover, she received all these awards in Russia, Ukraine and Moldova. It should also be noted that she has the titles of honorary citizen of Chernivtsi, Chisinau and Yalta. In 1977, the famous poet Andrei Voznesensky dedicated a poem to the singer entitled “Voice”. Besides musical career, the woman also managed to try herself as an actress. Sofia Mikhailovna played in many musical and feature films, where she often played the role of a very young girl. “How old is Rotaru?” - maybe it’s better not to know the answer, but just enjoy the fairy tale that she gives to all her fans and admirers.

Sofia Rotaru (biography reviewed in the article) is a true example of femininity and beauty! Every woman should learn from Sofia Mikhailovna (who is already 69 years old!) endurance and the ability to take care of herself.

    It’s funny what people say: she was born on the territory of Ukraine, which means she is Ukrainian by nationality. It turns out that if all those who wrote this were born from the same parents, but, for example, in China, then they would be Chinese?

    Even funnier:

    Nationality is belonging to a particular ethnic group.

    And finally: she was born Romanian, but later her nationality did not change, and she became Ukrainian. You cannot change your nationality, you can change the nationality entry in your passport and that’s it.

    Sofia Rotaru was born on the territory that shortly before her birth belonged to Romania, has a Romanian (Moldavian) surname and is Moldavian by nationality (or Romanian, this is, in principle, practically the same thing).

    And if she really changed the nationality in her passport to Ukrainian, then this does not characterize her very well.

    Sofia Rotaru's nationality is who she considers herself to be. There is a lot of information on the Internet that attributes this or that nationality to her, but there are no interviews where she calls herself this or that nationality. Of course, her surname is not Romanian and most likely she is a gypsy.

    The question seems clear, but it’s difficult to answer correctly. The singer was born in Ukraine in the Chernivtsi region, the surname Rotaru (according to the Internet) is a typical Romanian surname; as a child, the singer spoke Moldavian. This is where the whole difficulty lies. In general, nationality is determined by the person himself; we do not know what the singer has decided for herself and what nationality she considers herself to be.

    Sofia Rotaru was born in 1947 in the Chernivtsi region in the Ukrainian SSR. Until 1940, it was the territory of Northern Bukovina, which was part of Romania. That is, the singer has ethnic Romanian roots, but her nationality is Ukrainian.

    The nationality of Sofia Rotaru is not as easy to determine as it seems at first glance. The fact that she was born on the territory of Ukraine essentially does not solve anything in this matter. Nowadays, it is much more important who a person feels by nationality. Most likely, Rotatu is Moldovan by nationality, because the singer was born in Bukovina, which is now divided into two parts - a smaller Romanian one and a larger Ukrainian one. The indigenous population of this territory are Moldovans, and during the heyday of the Moldavian Principality, the capital of the country was located in Bukovina. However, for Ukrainians - Rotaru is Ukrainian, and for Romanians - Romanian. One can only envy a person whose nationality is disputed by three states at once.

    By the way, Sofia Rotaru has been my favorite singer since childhood. I always liked the way she sings and the way she dresses. And in general, pleasant beautiful woman! And since she was a fan of Sofia Rotaru, she asked her mother a lot about her favorite singer. My mother often went to her concerts, but, alas, I did not have the chance. So, returning to the question, I will say that my mother said that Sofia Rotaru is Moldavian.

    Sofia Rotaru, and this is real and originally Romanian surname, was born on August 7, 1947 - Romanian, and later, her nationality changed officially and she became Ukrainian. When in one of the interviews Sofia Rotaru was asked who came up with her surname Rotaru, since her father bears the surname Rotar. And the singer responded like this:

    Sofia Rotaru was born in the Chernivtsi region. Chernivtsi is located in the southwestern part of Ukraine, 40 kilometers from the Romanian border and 63.5 kilometers from Moldova. So she is Ukrainian by nationality, just like her parents.

    Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru was born in a place where the borders of 3 states converge: Moldova, Ukraine and Hungary. I remember when interviews with her friends in her homeland were shown on TV in the 70s. They were picking apples on a collective farm. This place was called Marshintsy, Novoselovsky district, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine. The proximity of the borders of Moldova and Hungary allowed people to communicate in 3 languages. That’s why Rotaru easily sang songs in Ukrainian and Moldavian. I think she is Ukrainian.