“A forest fairy tale or how Vanya and Masha were looking for friendship. Gingerbread house

Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister. Their names were Vanya and Masha. One day Vanya and Masha took baskets and went into the distant forest across the river to pick berries.

Masha and Vanya walked through the forest and got lost. And the forest is dense, dark, the trees are intertwined with their roots. As they walked, they came out into a clearing. There is a gingerbread hut in the clearing. Its walls are made of gingerbread, its roof is made of candy.

Masha and Vanya put baskets of berries under the tree and ran to the hut. They broke off a gingerbread and just reached for the candies - suddenly someone started roaring in the gingerbread hut:
- Who is breaking my hut?

Vanya and Masha got scared, threw all the gingerbread cookies and ran into the forest.

And in that hut there lived a bear. He jumped out of the gingerbread hut and rushed after them. Runs and growls:
- I’ll catch up anyway!

Vanya and Masha hear the bear stomping already very close. They ran to the walnut bush and said:
- Walnut bush, hide us! The bear is chasing us!

“Sit under my branches,” says the walnut bush. - I'll cover you.
Masha and Vanya sat down under a walnut bush. The bear covered their bush with branches and ran past.

“Now,” said the bush, “go along that path.” And pick up my nuts for the road. They are tasty! Masha and Vanya picked nuts and moved on.

The bear saw them and ran after them again. Masha and Vanya hear, the bear catches up with them. Where to hide?

They look - there is a hole, and a fox is peeking out of it.
- Fox, hide us quickly! - the children shouted. - The bear is chasing us!
- Is the bear chasing? “Well, climb into my hole,” said the fox.

Masha and Vanya climbed into the fox's hole and hid. The bear did not see them and ran past.

“Now,” said the fox, “get out, I’ll show you another way.”
The fox showed Vanya and Masha the way to the river.
“Thank you, fox,” said Vanya and Masha. — Take these nuts, they are very tasty.

Vanya and Masha reached the river and didn’t know how to get across the river as quickly as possible. The bear is about to catch up with them.

Two ducks are swimming along the river.
“Ducklings, ducklings,” Vanya and Masha shouted, “take us to the other side.” The bear is chasing us!
“Sit on us,” said the ducks, “we will transport you.”

And Vanya and Masha swam across the river.
“Thank you, ducks, you saved us,” said Masha and Vanya. - Here are some nuts for you, they are very tasty.

And the bear ran to the river, saw that Masha and Vanya were already on the other bank and the village was not far away, and shouted:
- Don’t come to my hut for gingerbread anymore.

Vanya and Masha see that the bear is no longer chasing them. They stopped and said:
- Forgive us, bear, for breaking your hut. We just wanted to try the gingerbread and candy. We didn't know you lived in a gingerbread house.

“Okay,” said the bear, “since you ask for forgiveness, so be it - come and visit me.” Just don't destroy my hut anymore! And I’ll bake you some gingerbread anyway.

Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister. Their names were Vanya and Masha. One day Vanya and Masha took baskets and went into the distant forest across the river to pick berries.

Masha and Vanya walked through the forest and got lost. And the forest is dense, dark, the trees are intertwined with their roots. As they walked, they came out into a clearing. There is a gingerbread hut in the clearing. Its walls are made of gingerbread, its roof is made of candy.

Masha and Vanya put baskets of berries under the tree and ran to the hut. They broke off a gingerbread each and just reached for the candies - suddenly someone roared in the gingerbread hut:
-Who is breaking my hut?

And in that hut there lived a bear. He jumped out of the gingerbread hut and rushed after them. Runs and growls:
- I’ll catch up anyway!

Vanya and Masha hear the bear stomping already very close. They ran to the walnut bush and said:
- Walnut bush, hide us! The bear is chasing us!

Sit under my branches, says the walnut bush. - I'll cover you.
Masha and Vanya sat down under a walnut bush. The bear covered their bush with branches and ran past.

“Now,” said the bush, “go along that path.” And pick up my nuts for the road. They are tasty! Masha and Vanya picked nuts and moved on.

The bear saw them and ran after them again. Masha and Vanya hear, the bear catches up with them. Where to hide?

- Fox, hide us quickly! - the children shouted. - The bear is chasing us!
- Is the bear chasing? “Well, climb into my hole,” said the fox.

Masha and Vanya climbed into the fox's hole and hid. The bear did not see them and ran past.

It all started with trouble. Vanya and Masha came to their neighbor, the Artist, to look at his drawings. Suddenly Masha accidentally knocked over a jar of mascara right onto the album. It turned out to be a big ugly blob. The guys started crying, and the Artist said:

It’s okay, I’ll get the blot remover now, and we’ll...

The artist went into another room, and the Blob, imagine, came to life, giggled and hid somewhere among the pages of the album.

When the Artist brought the blot remover, the blot was no longer there.

She ran away there... into the album... - said Vanya and Masha.

The blot will ruin all my drawings! - exclaimed the Artist. - She must be caught at all costs!

We are ready to catch her, but how? - the guys asked.

That's how! Sit still!

The artist quickly, quickly drew portraits of Vanya and Masha in the album, then waved his pencil and said a spell:


One two Three.

And in the album

You are inside!

And when he turned the page of the album...

Vanya and Masha found themselves in a fairytale forest near a hut on chicken legs. Black dirty footprints led into the hut, and all sorts of utensils flew out of the window with a roar...

The blot is here... - Vanya whispered, - we will watch for her and...

Suddenly, with a howl, like a jet plane, Baba Yaga flew in a mortar.

Who is in charge here?! Who's messing around here?! - she shouted, waving a broom.

The guys hid in a barrel, but Baba Yaga immediately discovered them and ordered Owl:

You, Filka, guard them better than your own eyes, and I’ll boil a big pot of water, and we’ll...

Save! - Vanya shouted.

Turning the page of the album, the Artist saved the children from the terrible Baba Yaga, but the barrel, unfortunately, ended up on the open sea...

The barrel is full of holes... we're drowning! - the guys squealed.

“Don’t be afraid,” said the Artist and, despite big waves, drew a boat with a few strokes.

Now get over here! - he commanded.

Vanya and Masha felt safe, but not for long: a huge black Shark emerged from the water and chased the boat.

The artist added a sail to the boat, but the Shark did not lag behind... I had to turn the page... and the guys found themselves in the middle of a hot desert. Black footprints stretched across the sand...

“The Blob was here,” said Vanya.

The guys followed the tracks and did not notice how a huge Lion appeared in front of them.

The lion opened its mouth and roared loudly...

His hand waved the pencil, and Lev found himself in a strong cage.

And guys... - on the next page of the album.

Where are we? - they asked.

“You are on a planet unknown to science, which I invented,” said the Artist and painted spacesuits with antennas for the children so that they could move in an unearthly atmosphere.

Vanya and Masha looked at the unfamiliar world with curiosity and suddenly noticed a strange aircraft in the sky that was quickly approaching them.

The “flying saucer” landed nearby, and octopus-like creatures, the inhabitants of this planet, jumped out of its hatches with a whistle.

Winpetrisko sito bando tsyutko,” they muttered in their own language, obviously greeting Vanya and Masha.

Marjengola! Strikokoko! - the inhabitants of the planet shouted, dancing around the children.

Look,” Vanya said quietly to Masha, “one of them is completely black!”

Blot! - Masha squeaked.

But it was too late - the Blob darted to the next page.

Yes, this is our yard! We're home? - Vanya was surprised.

“You guessed right,” said the Artist. - I drew our yard and even our janitor, Uncle Fedya.

“The Blob was here,” said Masha, “her traces are everywhere.”

I know where these spots come from! - Uncle Fedya suddenly shouted menacingly. - And I know who’s acting up here!

This is not us, Uncle Fedya! It's Blob!

The artist wanted to save the guys from Uncle Fedya, but on this page they landed right on the back of the terrible Serpent Gorynych. For some reason, Uncle Fedya also ended up here.

I'll show you all! I'll get everyone in order! - Uncle Fedya shouted, waving a broom.

The snake Gorynych with the guys on his back took off running... but Uncle Fedya caught up with him. And the Serpent Gorynych got it!

And while Uncle Fedya was dealing with him, Vanya and Masha managed to sneak away to another page of the album.

There we had to climb steep mountains and steep cliffs, and if it weren’t for the Artist who drew a bridge over a bottomless abyss, the guys would not have gotten to the next page.

The blot was found and caught only on the very last page.

Well done! - said the Artist, waved his magic pencil and cast a spell:


Five five -

And you are in the room again!

You are a wizard? Magician? - the guys asked.

No, I'm just a cartoonist!

Vanya and Masha, fairy tale game

A fairy tale is a game.

To music No. 50, a bear enters, waddling as if carrying a heavy burden.

Bear. Wow, I'm tired! I’ll sit, relax and eat gingerbread. (Sits down. Eats gingerbread.)

(The hare runs out, sits on the side and looks)

Hare. Misha, Misha, give me some gingerbread, you have a lot.

Bear. I'm not giving it!

Hare. Misha, oh Misha! Give me at least half, I'll take it to the bunnies.

Bear. I'm not giving it! Tasty!

Hare. Wow, how greedy! He eats himself, but does not give it to others. (Runs away)

Bear ( rises). I’ll go home and decorate the hut with gingerbread and candy. I'll keep watch. I won't give it to anyone!

(Music No. 50. The bear decorates the hut, admires it. Hides behind the hut.)

(Vanya and Masha enter. They sing a song:

Berry, berry,

Sweet raspberry.

Black currant,

Red rowan.

Ay, ay! 3a I go for berries.

Get caught, get caught

Raspberry berry.

Fill up, fill up

Basket to the top.

Ay, ay! I'm going for berries.

Masha picks berries, Vanya goes to the hut and shouts:

Masha, Masha! Run here quickly! The hut here is not a simple one: covered in honey, sugar, gingerbread, festive, and candy canes glitter on the roof!

Masha. Gingerbread hut?! Sweet, Vanya. I wish I could try some gingerbread...

Vania. I'll get it for you now.

(The Bear's head appears in the window. Music No. 52). Vanya and Masha squat, the Bear sings:

Who's stopping me from sleeping?

Who's breaking gingerbread cookies here?

As soon as I catch you, I’ll grab you

I'll swallow it!

(Vanya and Masha run around the berry bushes to the hazel tree)

Masha and Vanya. Hazel, hazel, hide us, the Bear is chasing us (Music No. 54).

Hazel, (singing)

Thick, thick are my bushes

Yes, the leaves are green.

Countless nuts have grown,

Yes, there is no one to eat them.

Hazel. Eat a nut, then I’ll hide it.

(Masha and Vanya each pick a nut. The hazel tree stands up to his full height and hides them)

Bear. Hey, hazel, aren't your guys hiding? (Hazel is silent)

Bear. Answer, otherwise I will break off your branches.

Hazel. The guys ran far, far away, along that path.

(The bear is looking in the bushes, Vanya and Masha run to Travushka. Music No. 53)

Vanya and Masha. Grass, grass, hide us, the Bear is chasing us.

(Music No. 55) The grass girl sings.

The sun is warming hotly. Oh! Oh!

Dries. The grass is withering!

Grass. Give it some water and then I’ll hide it. (Music No. 56)

Vanya and Masha are watering the grass. The grass is growing. Vanya and Masha are hiding.

Bear. Hey, Grass Ant, are the guys hiding for you?

Grass. Shh - shh - shh...

Bear. No one is visible. I'll go take a look from that side. (comes in from behind)

(Masha and Vanya make their way to the shore. Music No. 57).

They swim out ducks sing:

Good, warm water

Yes Yes Yes,

Yes Yes Yes.

We dive, we swim,

Let's sing our song

Quack quack!

We are sailing

Let's sing our song:

Quack, quack, quack!

Good, warm water

Yes Yes Yes,

Yes Yes Yes.

We dive, we swim,

Let's sing our song.

Vanya and Masha. Ducks, ducks! Take us to the other side. The Bear is chasing us.

(The ducks, as if not hearing, go ashore and sleep. The bear, hearing the voices of the children, wants to get to them. The grass blocks his way)

Bear. Here they are. I'll catch them now. Let me go, grass-ant! Let me go, let me go. How tenacious!

I'll grab volleys

I won't let you in.

Vanya and Masha. Ducks, ducks! Take us to the other side. The Bear is chasing us!

(To the music of No. 58, Vanya and Masha run across to the other side.)

Bear. Here they are! How I grab it and how I swallow it!

(Throws himself into the middle of the bridge, flounders in the river, and is carried away by the current)

Vanya and Masha. Ducks, ducks, thank you! You saved us from the Bear.

Yes Yes Yes,

Yes Yes Yes -

Greedy Bear will not return here.

Vania. We go into the forest to his hut. That hut is not a simple one: covered in honey, sugar, gingerbread, festive, and candy canes glitter on the roof!

Masha. Now we will give gingerbread to everyone: we will treat the Ducks and take them to the children.

Vania. There will be gingerbread for everyone, lollipops for everyone!

(The Ducks form a bridge again, Vanya and Masha cross to the other side. Everyone goes to the gingerbread hut. Vanya and Masha distribute gingerbread cookies to the Ducks.)

Magic rosehip

Dramatization based on Russian folk tales

For children of senior and preparatory school groups

Preliminary work

1. Introduce children to Russian folk tales.

2. Tell the beginning of the fairy tale, invite the children to come up with its continuation.

3. Have a conversation about the character of each hero of the fairy tale.

4. Offer the exercise “Sing Alyonushka’s song,” etc.

5. Hold a competition for the best song for each character in the fairy tale.

6. Invite the children to choose actors and understudies for the fairy tale.

7. Prepare appropriate costumes and scenery.

Educational. Teach children to come up with melodies in a given key based on words that characterize a character in a fairy tale.

Developmental. To develop expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions and movements in children. Cultivate interest in theatrical and song-creative activities.


Lead Swallow Bumblebee

Alenka Daisy Bear

Raven Cornflower Grandmother

Presenter. Behind the mountains, behind the valleys, in one village, in a small hut, lived a grandmother and her granddaughter Alyonushka. Winter came. Grandma cooked delicious pies, knitted warm mittens, and my granddaughter sewed.

Alyonushka (sings, improvising the melody).

Yadevochka Alenka,

I sing songs loudly.


I embroider flowers

I look at the sun.

For my beloved grandmother

I'll sew a handkerchief.

Presenter. They lived, did not grieve, but only the grandmother fell ill. Alyonushka was scared. She felt sorry for her grandmother, she loved her very much. Alyonushka called the doctor, and he said that only an infusion of rose hips could cure her grandmother.

And Alenka was a little girl, she didn’t know that rosehips are harvested in the fall. Alenka dressed warmly and went in search of rose hips. I walked along winter forest, tired, can’t find rose hips anywhere. She sat down on a tree stump and cried. A raven flew past.

Raven (sings, composing a melody).


I am a black raven.

I fly everywhere

I know everything about everyone


Presenter. The raven saw the girl and asked...

Crow. Hello girl! Why are you crying so bitterly?

Alenka. I'm looking for rose hips to cure my grandmother!

Crow. Poor little girl! Don't you know that rose hips can only be harvested in the fall?

Presenter. Alenka cried even louder.

Crow. Don't cry, Alyonushka, I will help you. Take my feather. It is not simple, but magical. Swing right, swipe left, turn around and say magic words: “One, two, three - feather, fly.” Alenka.

I'll circle to the right, to the left, One, two, three, feather, fly.

Presenter. The feather began to spin and fly, and when it landed on the ground, the snow began to melt and streams began to flow. There was a whiff of spring all around.

The play “April” (fragment) is playing.

Presenter. Alyonushka is walking, admiring the spring forest. He is looking for rosehip, but cannot find it.

Winter has passed

The snow is still there

But already home

The swallow is in a hurry.

Swallow (sings, improvising a melody).

On my way

Mountains and forests.

How I love you

Beauty - spring.

Hello girl.

Alenka: Hello, swallow. Help me find rose hips for my grandmother.

Swallow Alenka, it’s spring now, the rose hips are just beginning to appear green leaves. You need to wait for autumn. (Flies away.)

Presenter. Then Alenka remembered about her magic pen.

Alenka says the magic words.

Presenter. The feather began to spin, flew quickly, and when it landed on the ground, Alenka saw: the sun was smiling cheerfully, the birds were singing, the flowers were blooming in the clearing. Two flowers, Chamomile and Cornflower, are sitting in a clearing and singing a song (the children come up with the melody).

Chamomile. We are meadow flowers.

Cornflower. Everyone knows us very well...

Chamomile. I am a chamomile. Bela,

Both elegant and modest.

Cornflower. Well, I'm a cornflower,

Most best flower. (Humming and twirling.)

Presenter. And at this time the bumblebee flies and everything buzzes, buzzes, buzzes.

The bumblebee is heavy, striped,

I flew in the garden all day,

He didn't just fly

He counted flowers in the garden

He grumbled...

Bumblebee (sings, improvising a melody).

It's hard work!

After all, there is no count of flowers in the garden!

(E. Feyerabend)

Presenter. Alyonushka comes up to the flowers and says...

Alenka. Hello, meadow flowers, and you, uncle bumblebee. Have you seen where the rosehip bush grows?

Bumblebee. I flew everywhere and saw rose hips. But there are flowers on it now, but I haven’t seen any fruit.

Chamomile. Don’t you know, Alyonushka, that fruits ripen in the fall?

Bumblebee, the flowers are leaving.

Presenter. The girl remembered about the feather and became cheerful. Alenka says the magic words.

Presenter. So the leaves turned yellow.

The breeze whirled them around

They rose and flew,

And they sat down quietly on the ground.

Alyonushka sees a bear walking through the forest.

Bear (sings, improvising a melody).

Stop being shy

Come to visit!

The path to me is not long,

I'll treat you to raspberries!

Hello, Alyonushka!

Alenka. Hello, little darling! Tell me, have you seen a rosehip bush?

Bear. Come on, I'll take you to him.

They go to the rosehip bush.

Bear. And here is that same rosehip.

Alenka pricked herself on a rose hip.

Alenka. Oh-oh-oh, how can I pick his berries?

Bear. Guess my riddle and you will get berries. “It’s worth the thorn. Whoever approaches will be stabbed.”

Alenka. Rose hip.

Bear. Well done! And here are the rose hips for you.

Alenka. Thank you, little darling!

Presenter. Alenka was delighted, waved her magic feather and found herself at her grandmother’s house. The granddaughter made tea from rose hips for her grandmother, gave her some tea, and the grandmother recovered. Alyonushka told her about her journey. They invited everyone who helped Alyonushka to visit them.

Grandmother. Come, dear guests, I will treat you to tea!

The guests come out and bow.

Presenter. And now grandma and Alyonushka will treat all guests and spectators to delicious tea.