Where is Khvorostovsky. Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Dmitri Hvorostovsky - classical Opera singer, possessing one of the best baritones of our time. Excellent external data, unique voice and artistry, made him one of the most popular artists not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Talented singer had engagements in the best opera houses of the world and always aroused the admiration of the audience. In this article, we will consider the details of the biography and personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, the family occupies a special place in the life of the singer and is just as important to him as professional activity.


The famous opera singer was born in 1962 in the beautiful Russian city of Krasnoyarsk. His parents were not musicians, but his father's excellent vocal abilities were inherited by his son. There was a piano in the Hvorostovsky house, and the head of the family knew how to play it perfectly. Dmitry's father was a chemical engineer by profession, but music was his main passion. Unique and rare records with albums of famous singers and classical works constantly sounded in the house, so the talented boy fell in love with music from childhood.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky in childhood

At the age of four, Dmitry already took part in home concerts, surprising guests with a beautiful voice and talented performance of old Russian romances. Musical ability son was pushed by his parents to send him to a music school, which he attended in parallel with general education. Dmitry gradually mastered playing the piano and gained knowledge at school, but the future idol of millions did not differ in exemplary behavior and good grades.

After school, Hvorostovsky continues his studies at the local music school. The future specialty of a music teacher did not at all inspire a talented guy who often skipped classes and was fond of hard rock, but he graduated from college. After that, the young man seriously thinks about his future and decides to apply to the local art institute. Fans who are interested in the details of family and personal life, as well as the biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, know that this was a fateful decision.

Education and the first steps to fame

to higher educational institution the future singer enters the vocal department, leaving the piano. talented guy gets to the brilliant teacher, Ekaterina Iofel, who was considered the best teacher of opera singing. The beginning of the training was quite difficult, an important task of the teacher was to polish Dmitry's unique talent and lay the foundations for solo singing. Over time, the quick-tempered and undisciplined student began to understand the teacher perfectly, and was present at every lesson. In one of the interviews, the legendary baritone will talk about the instructions of his beloved teacher, which helped him a lot in his creative career.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky in his youth

After successfully graduating from the institute, Dmitry begins to hone his skills on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Theater. He quickly becomes the first voice and participates in almost all productions. Over time, the glory of a brilliant young man goes beyond the city, and in 1987 Dmitry becomes a laureate All-Russian competition, this victory was followed by the first place already at the All-Union competition.

After that, the talented young man tours a lot in Russia and the Union republics, and also performs in Europe. There is little information about this period in the biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, there is practically no mention of his personal life and family. In 1989, the Russian singer became the winner of an international competition, after which the whole of Europe learned about the talented young man.

Outstanding talent and powerful voice, combined with the unusual appearance of the singer and instantly conquered millions of hearts. With time White hair, which are a genetic anomaly, have become calling card artist and allowed to create a unique image.

World fame

Winning an international competition organized by the company Air force, brought Russian singer unprecedented glory. Enthusiastic reviews of the audience about his unique talent spread at a phenomenal rate. Since 1990, Hvorostovsky has been applauded by the audience of the opera in Berlin and guests of the Royal Theater in London, he is eagerly awaited on stage famous opera in Milan. The talented singer performs at the State Kremlin Palace in Russia and shines at the New York Opera.

Singer with famous tenor Luciano Pavarotti

Hvorostovsky often goes on tour, and each of his appearances in concert hall followed by a resounding success. He is invited to take part in the production of Tchaikovsky's The Queen of Spades in New York. Having heard a unique baritone, representatives of the Philips Classics record company offer the performer to sign a contract. During cooperation with the company, Hvorostovsky released more than twenty albums, which are very popular.

Singer on stage during a performance

In 1994, the famous singer decides to stay in London, he soon receives British citizenship and settles in a new place of residence. His tour schedule scheduled for several years ahead, but the star of the world opera does not forget about Russia. In 2004, the legendary baritone performs on Red Square, after which he goes on a grandiose tour of Russian cities. His performances gathered huge halls and were broadcast in many countries of the world. On Dmitry's account a large number of prestigious awards and victories in numerous competitions.

Love and marriage

There were two main women in the life of the famous baritone, each of which had a huge impact on his fate. Considering the biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, it is worth mentioning his first family. Personal life famous singer changed in 1989. At this time, he decided to legalize relations with his chosen one. Svetlana was a ballerina of the Krasnoyarsk Theater and raised her daughter alone from her first marriage. Dmitry married a girl and adopted her child, and after a while the couple moved to London.

Hvorostovsky's first marriage was not successful. The wife did not take part in the life of the singer, did not provide him with the necessary support. Even the birth of twins in 1996 could not revive past feelings, and the spouses were increasingly moving away from each other. There were rumors that Svetlana was cheating on her husband, which quickly became known to the press and led to the artist's hard feelings. Difficulties in family life led to the singer's passion for alcohol, which greatly affected his health.

With his first wife Svetlana

In 2001, Hvorostovsky files for divorce and leaves his wife a luxurious London mansion, and also pays a substantial amount of alimony every month. The artist's children, daughter Alexander and son Daniel, remain with their mother. After breaking up with his first wife, the singer for a long time was in severe depression. He developed alcohol addiction, which led to a serious illness, a stomach ulcer. Exit from serious condition and start new life helped the artist new love. The beautiful singer, Florence Illi, sincerely fell in love with Dmitry and helped him cope with addiction and restore his health.

Soon after the divorce, the lovers got married, and the famous baritone finally found family happiness. His wife, half French, half Italian, became a faithful companion and reliable rear. She went on numerous tours with her husband, took care of him. For the sake of her beloved, Florence mastered the Russian language and learned how to cook the main dishes of Russian cuisine. In 2003 in happy family son Maxim was born, and in 2007 the wife gave the singer a daughter, Nina.

With second wife Florence

After the divorce, Dmitry's first wife remained to live in the capital of Great Britain. Hvorostovsky saved a good relationship with children, helping them in everything. Daughter Alexander became an artist, and his son chose a career as a musician. After sudden death Svetlana, Dmitry became a support for children, despite the serious problems that 2015 brought him.

Terrible diagnosis

Two years ago legendary singer I have noticed significant changes in my health. Constant dizziness, impaired coordination of movements, decreased vision worried the artist so much that he was forced to note some performances. The diagnostics performed confirmed the worst expectations, revealing a malignant tumor of the hypothalamus. Having refused the operation, Dmitry began the fight against a terrible disease, starting a course of chemotherapy.

Numerous fans who are interested in the biography, details of the personal and family life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky were amazed to learn about a serious illness. The singer did not hide the truth and confirmed all the rumors about his illness, and also spoke about the upcoming chemotherapy. The treatment took place in one of the London clinics, the wife and children were constantly next to the artist, and became his main support in the fight against a terrible disease.

Dmitry was diagnosed with a terrible brain tumor

After the first course of chemotherapy, the artist returned to work and resumed his performances. Fans and colleagues were very supportive of Dmitry, admiring his fortitude. The artist courageously endured chemotherapy courses, which severely undermined his health, but stopped the progressing disease.

Currently, the state of health of the famous baritone has deteriorated. Hvorostovsky was forced to cancel the August performances in Vienna and on the New Wave 2017. The disease led to a deterioration in vision, a disorder of diction and coordination of movements. However, Dmitry is not going to give up, he is determined to defeat the disease and continue to engage in creative activities. An artist cannot imagine his life without music and his favorite profession.

Despite the illness, Dmitry Hvorostovsky continues to perform

On September 11, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. According to the signed Russian President decree, the legendary singer is awarded for his contribution to the development national culture and art. This honorary award was the result of many years of work, a talented performer who cannot imagine his life without music. The main award creative activity Dmitry Hvorostovsky are numerous fans who sincerely support the singer and wish him recovery.

Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died on the night of November 22 at his home in London at the age of 55. This was reported by his relatives on Facebook.

Hvorostovsky sang in the best theaters in the world: from London's Covent Garden and Milan's La Scala to the Metropolitan Opera in New York and Mariinsky Theater.

In June 2015, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The artist canceled performances for two months and underwent several courses of chemotherapy in one of the cancer centers in London.

Biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born in 1962 in Krasnoyarsk in the family of a chemical engineer and a gynecologist. He has been involved in music since childhood.

He studied at music school, then finished music department Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College named after Gorky and the vocal faculty of Krasnoyarsk state institute arts. Singing voice - baritone. In his youth, he joined the local rock band Raduga.

In 1988, Hvorostovsky made his debut on the European stage - staged Queen of Spades Opera House of Nice.

IN next year he won on IV international competition vocalists Singer of the World in Cardiff. After that, Hvorostovsky began to receive offers to perform on the world's most famous stages. This victory brought him wide popularity.

Hvorostovsky performed the main roles in the operas Eugene Onegin, Iolanthe, The Queen of Spades, La Traviata, Othello, Love Potion, The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni and many others.

In 1991, Hvorostovsky married the ballerina of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater Svetlana Ivanova. The marriage broke up in 1999. The couple had two children.

In 1994 the artist moved to London. The second wife of Hvorostovsky was an Italian Opera singer Florence Illy. The couple had two children. Hvorostovsky also has an adopted child.

In 2006, the artist created the Hvorostovsky and friends project. He performed with the stars of the world stage - Sumi Yo from Korea, American singer Sondra Radvanovsky, German tenor Jonas Kaufmann, Italian tenor Marcello Giordani and others.

Hvorostovsky received many awards, including the Golden Orpheus of the Academy of Opera Recordings in Paris. He received the Opera News Award from the American magazine Opera News, published by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, international award Bravo.

“I always went my own way, broke stereotypes, could like or dislike, make mistakes - but these were my mistakes and my victories. Caruso also sang songs written by contemporaries. The whole question is how to perform them,” Hvorostovsky said about his work .

Felt like I was going to get sick

In the summer of 2015 on the official website opera star there was an announcement about the cancellation of performances until the end of the season due to a tumor in his brain. Hvorostovsky was treated in a London clinic.

It was noted that the disease did not affect Hvorostovsky's voice, but he had problems with balance.

At the end of September of the same year, the singer resumed his concert activities, taking the stage with Anna Netrebko at the New York Metropolitan Opera.

In an interview, Hvorostovsky said that "before the illness, he seemed to feel that he should get sick."

“I developed apathy, a very black perception of the world, there was neither joy nor enjoyment of my work. I was very tired, pessimistic. you perceive life to another and already want to survive. incredible love The audience inspired me," the singer said.

In December 2016, Hvorostovsky left theater stage and focused exclusively on treatment.

“I have problems with balance due to my illness, so it’s quite difficult for me to perform in performances. I will continue to give concerts, as well as record new albums. Singing is my life!” he wrote.

In the course of his ongoing treatment, the opera singer stated that he did not believe in God, and that there was no afterlife and "cannot be".

On October 10 of this year, the media erroneously reported the death of Hvorostovsky, which was soon denied by his family.

On November 22, composer and performer Dmitry Malikov was the first to announce Hvorostovsky's death on his Twitter account. Later, he deleted this post, but in the end, the press confirmed the information about the death of the singer.

According to Malikov, last days Hvorostovsky was already in a coma.

Hvorostovsky's family announced his death on his Facebook page a few hours ago.

Name: Dmitry Hvorostovsky (Dmitriy Hvorostovsky)

Place of birth: Krasnoyarsk (Russia)

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk in the family of chemical engineer Alexander Stepanovich Hvorostovsky and gynecologist Lyudmila Petrovna Hvorostovskaya.

Despite his technical specialty, the father of the future opera singer played the piano and sang baritone parts. He instilled his love for music in his son - Dmitry Hvorostovsky began to sing at the age of four old romances And folk songs.

When the boy went to school, his parents decided to send him to musical institution study piano.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky in childhood

Galina Astanina became the first teacher of Hvorostovsky. Later, the singer recalled: “There were three or four classes every week. I am so grateful to her!”


After leaving school, Hvorostovsky entered the music department at the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College. Gorky. Then he became interested in rock and joined the group "Rainbow" as a soloist and keyboardist.

Dmitry did not differ in exemplary behavior either at school or at the school, he often participated in fights and almost dropped out of school several times.

However, Hvorostovsky still managed to graduate from college with a degree in music teacher, and in 1982 enter the vocal department of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky with Galina Astanina

Hvorostovsky got into the group of Ekaterina Iofel - the best music teacher city, to be in the students of which was considered great luck.

This time, study was also not easy for Dmitry, but he was able to cope with himself and with the program, and in 1988 he graduated from the institute with honors.

The beginning of a musical career

While still studying at the university, in 1985, Hvorostovsky was invited to serve at the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater, where he first performed minor parts, and later became the main opera tenor.

When Dmitry graduated from the institute, gained experience and won several Russian music competitions decided to continue his career in Europe. In 1988, he made his debut on the stage of the Nice Opera House and won the Toulouse International Competition, and a year later, with his performance of parts from Tchaikovsky and Verdi operas, the jury of the Cardiff Vocal Competition won.

After that, Hvorostovsky was talked about all over the world, and he began to receive invitations to the best theaters Europe, including Covent Garden, the Berlin State Opera and La Scala, and in 1990 got into the Nice Opera in New York, where he was involved in the production of The Queen of Spades.

Soon after, the singer signed a contract with the Philips Classics record company. Later, the recording studio "Delos Music" received the rights to publish Dmitry's albums.

Blossoming creativity and awards

In 1994, Hvorostovsky nevertheless decided to finally move to Europe, bought a house in London and received British citizenship.

He lived in the UK, but still worked in theaters around the world and toured not only with their troupes, but also with his own solo programs.

Hvorostovsky did not forget about his homeland and often visited Russia with concerts. So, in 2004, he was accompanied by symphony orchestra performed on Red Square in Moscow.

The motherland also did not forget Hvorostovsky - he was first awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, and later People's Artist Russian Federation, also received the Order of Alexander Nevsky for services to the development of national culture and art and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

In addition, he is an honorary citizen Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Kemerovo region.

Career breaks and illness

In the summer of 2015, at the height of his concert activity, Hvorostovsky announced a temporary cessation of performances for health reasons. Later, the media reported that the doctors diagnosed the singer with a brain tumor.

At the end of the year, after a course of chemotherapy at an oncology clinic in London, the singer returned to the stage. The artist's management reported that the treatment gave positive result, and now Hvorostovsky will perform Verdi's Il trovatore at the Metropolitan Opera in New York.

After that, Hvorostovsky also gave several concerts and performances in Russia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, the USA and Canada.

However, already in September 2016, the singer canceled the premiere in Vienna Opera where he was supposed to sing the part. Then he wrote on social networks: “Unfortunately, I have to refuse to participate in the performances of Simon Boccanegra. On the recommendation of the doctors, I need to undergo another course of chemotherapy.”

In October, the singer went on tour in Germany, and in December he gave concerts "Hvorostovsky and friends" in Moscow and St. Petersburg, where Dinara Aliyeva, Marcelo Alvarez and Konstantin Orbelyan performed with him.

Hvorostovsky and friends

After these long-awaited performances for fans and the artist himself, Hvorostovsky admitted: “Friends are my favorite component of these concerts. I love all my friends who have taken part in my concerts all these years.”

In February 2017, Hvorostovsky postponed concerts in Kaliningrad, Minsk and Vienna, scheduled for winter and spring, because “according to the results of the examination, doctors recommended that a new course of cancer treatment be taken during this period.”

Hvorostovsky passed away

October 11, 2017 on the site " Komsomolskaya Pravda There was news that Hvorostovsky had died. Many media reprinted this information, but later the artist's representatives denied it.

On October 16, Hvorostovsky celebrated his 55th birthday. On October 23, he thanked everyone for the congratulations on social networks and wrote that he spent the holiday “surrounded by family and friends.”

On November 21, publications about Hvorostovsky's death reappeared on the Internet. However later family Hvorostovsky wrote on his Facebook page that "everyone's favorite baritone died on the morning of November 22, surrounded by relatives in London."

According to the singer's will, his ashes will be buried in Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Family and Children

With his first wife, corps de ballerina Svetlana Ivanova (1959-2015), Hvorostovsky met in 1986. They worked together at the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theatre. In 1991, Dmitry and Svetlana got married, and Hvorostovsky adopted Ivanova's child from his first marriage. In 1996, the couple had twins Alexander and Danila, but three years later the couple broke up. According to some reports, because of the betrayal of Svetlana. Officially, the divorce was issued only in 2001.

With the second wife - Italian singer Florence Illy - Hvorostovsky met in 1999 during a tour in Geneva. Then Dmitry was still married and could not connect his life with Florence, but after a divorce from his first wife, he entered into a new marriage. In 2003, the couple had a son, Maxim, and in 2007, their daughter Nina was born. Dmitry and Florence Hvorostovsky repeatedly performed together on the same stage, his wife supported Dmitry during his serious illness.

Hvorostovsky with family

Dmitry Hvorostovsky photo: Instagram

Singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died in London this morning.

Hvorostovsky suffered from a serious chronic illness for a long time. Singer Dmitry Malikov announced this.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky - biography, information, personal life

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky. Born October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. Soviet and Russian opera singer (baritone). National artist Russia (1995).

Father - Alexander Stepanovich Hvorostovsky, chemical engineer. He loved to sing and played the piano. Also had large collection recordings of world opera stars.

Mother - Lyudmila Petrovna, gynecologist.

He started singing at the age of 4. Performing old romances and folk songs. His idols were Ettore Bastianini, Tito Gobbi, Fyodor Chaliapin, Maria Callas.

He studied at the music school in the piano class. IN high school he studied poorly, as the singer said, after the tenth grade they wrote such a characterization that he still does not want to remember his school years.

He graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College named after A. M. Gorky and the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts in the class of Professor E. K. Iofel, Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation, student of M. N. Rioli-Slovtsova - wife of the outstanding Russian tenor P. I. Slovtsov.

In 1985-1990 he was a soloist of the Krasnoyarsk state theater opera and ballet.

After winning the 1989 International Competition opera singers in Cardiff since 1990 had engagements in the best opera houses in the world: Royal Theater Covent Garden (London), Bavarian state opera(Munich State Opera), Berlin State Opera, La Scala Theater (Milan), Vienna State Opera, Teatro Colon (Buenos Aires), Metropolitan Opera (New York), Lyric opera in Chicago, the Mariinsky Theater of St. Petersburg, the Moscow Theater " New Opera», opera stage Salzburg Festival.

Lives in London since 1994.

It also supports young ensembles, such as the Baltic Symphony Orchestra.

Recorded with Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra the vocal cycle Songs and Dances of Death by Modest Mussorgsky and the opera royal bride» N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (the part of Grigory Gryaznoy).

One of best performers works of G. V. Sviridov.

Every year the singer tours all over the world with his solo programs, and also participates in numerous festivals and concerts. Dmitry signed a new contract with another American recording studio Delos, which still publishes his albums to this day.

In 2004, Dmitry Hvorostovsky performed with a symphony orchestra on the main square of Russia, his concert was shown on national television channels.

On November 19, 21 and 22, 2009, concerts were held at the State Kremlin Palace, where Hvorostovsky performed in a new role, performing songs by I. Ya. Krutoy to the verses of Lilia Vinogradova. The concerts were the presentation of the new joint album of Hvorostovsky and Krutoy "Deja Vu". The choir of the V. S. Popov Academy of Choral Art and the orchestra under the direction of K. G. Orbelyan also took part in the concerts.

Illness of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

On June 24, 2015, an announcement appeared on Hvorostovsky's official website announcing the cancellation of the singer's performances until the end of the summer due to a brain tumor diagnosed in him.

“It is with great regret that we must announce that Dmitry is forced to cancel all performances until the end of August. IN Lately he complained of feeling unwell, and after a medical examination, a brain tumor was diagnosed. At the same time, his voice data is normal. Dmitry will begin treatment this week and is optimistic, ”the message said. The singer decided to undergo treatment at the Royal Marsden Cancer Clinic in London.

At the end of September 2015, the singer resumed his concert activity, taking the stage with Anna Netrebko at the New York Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdi's Il trovatore, where Hvorostovsky again performed main party Count di Luna.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky photo: Instagram

On October 29, 2015, for the first time after a course of treatment, Dmitry performed at home, giving a concert "Hvorostovsky and Friends" together with the Latvian singer Elina Garancha at the State Kremlin Palace. On October 31, he spoke in Moscow at the opening historical scene theater "Helikon-Opera".

In December 2016, it was reported that Dmitry Hvorostovsky, due to oncology, had problems with coordination, in view of which he was forced to refuse to participate in performances. “Unfortunately, I cannot appear in opera performances in foreseeable future. I have had coordination problems due to my illness, which makes it extremely difficult to perform in productions. I will continue to perform and give solo concerts and also record in the studio. Singing is my life, and I want to continue to bring joy to people all over the world, ”wrote Hvorostovsky on social networks.

The growth of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: 193 centimeters.

Personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky:

First wife - Svetlana (1959-2015), former ballerina corps de ballet. They met in 1986 and married in 1991. Dmitry adopted Maria, Svetlana's daughter from her first marriage.

In 1994, the couple settled in London (Islington), where in 1996 they had twins: a girl and a boy - Alexandra and Danila.

In 1999, the couple broke up due to his wife's infidelity. Once, returning from a tour, he found his wife with a friend. In a rage, Hvorostovsky beat both of them and nearly ended up in jail. As Dmitry himself explained the reasons for the breakup of the family, he does not forgive betrayal. The divorce was filed in 2001, at the request of Svetlana in 2009, the amount of alimony and annual payments of Hvorostovsky ex-wife was increased by the decision of the London court. Svetlana Hvorostovskaya died suddenly in London on December 31, 2015. Daughter Alexandra is an artist, son Danila plays solo guitar in a rock band.

The second wife - Florence Hvorostovsky (before marriage - Illy, originally from Geneva), has Italian and Swiss roots. She is a pianist and singer.

In 2003, the couple had a son, Maxim, and in 2007, a daughter, Nina.

“In my first marriage, I was very unhappy. When I met Flo (second wife), I turned everything in my life upside down. Although relatives were against ... My ex-wife protested. We have common children with her. Unfortunately or fortunately, but for the sake of children, you often have to sacrifice something. So I was faced with a choice: either sacrifice myself for the sake of children and become unhappy, or choose my own happiness. I settled on the second option. But I still think that I took the right step, it was for the best, ”said the singer.

Discography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky:

  • 1990 - Tchaikovsky and Verdi Arias
  • 1991 - Pietro Mascagni. "Country Honor"
  • 1991 - Russian Romances 1993 - Pyotr Tchaikovsky. "Eugene Onegin"
  • 1993 - Traviata
  • 1994 - Songs and Dances of Death
  • 1994 - Rossini, Songs of Love and Desire
  • 1994 - Dark Eyes 1995 - Tchaikovsky, My Restless Soul
  • 1996 - Dmitry
  • 1996 - Russia Cast Adrift
  • 1996 - Credo
  • 1996 - G. V. Sviridov - "Departed Rus'"
  • 1997 - Giuseppe Verdi. "Don Carlos". Conductor - Bernard Haitink
  • 1997 - Russia's War
  • 1998 - Kalinka
  • 1998 - Arie Antiche
  • 1998 - Arias & Duets, Borodina
  • 1999 - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. "The Royal Bride" Conductor - Valery Gergiev
  • 1999 - Pyotr Tchaikovsky. "Iolanta"
  • 2000 - Don Giovanni: Leporello's Revenge
  • 2001 - Verdi, La traviata
  • 2001 - From Russia With Love
  • 2001 - Passione di Napoli
  • 2002 - Russian Sacred Choral Music
  • 2003 - Pyotr Tchaikovsky. "The Queen of Spades"
  • 2003 - "Songs of the War Years"
  • 2004 - Georgy Sviridov. "Petersburg"
  • 2004 - Dmitry Hvorostovsky in Moscow
  • 2005 - Songs and Dances of Death Symphonic dances
  • 2005 - Light of birches Favorite Soviet songs
  • 2005 - Pyotr Tchaikovsky. "Queen of Spades", the best fragments
  • 2005 - I Met You, My Love
  • 2005 - Verdi Arias
  • 2005 - Moscow Nights
  • 2006 - Portrait
  • 2007 - Heroes and Villains
  • 2007 - "Eugene Onegin", conductor Valery Gergiev (Onegin)
  • 2009 - Deja Vu
  • 2010 - Tchaikovsky Romances
  • 2010 - Pushkin Romances

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 55, Florence Hvorostovsky remained a widow - a 47-year-old beauty, half Italian, half French by birth. They met in 1999, he was still married, but on the verge of divorce, she was free. A significant meeting took place on the stage of the theater, Dmitry played the part of Don Juan, she played the role of one of his girlfriends. Florence Illy immediately laid eyes on the handsome, gray-haired Russian hero. Talented, temperamental, stately, well-built.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky had a very difficult relationship with his first wife, as a result of which he even became addicted to alcohol, slowly destroyed himself, did things that he remembered with shame much later. It is possible that the majority creative people prone to self-destruction, alcohol abuse. Some, like Dmitri Hvorostovsky, talk about it openly, and some hush up their problems with the green serpent. Here I look at this handsome man, who would live and live, but he died at the peak of his popularity, died in the prime of his life. Stress certainly contributes to illness, outwardly polished and successful, but inside broken and let misfortunes happen to him even before he met Florence Illy, before the birth of Max and Nina's children, but the self-destructive mechanism was launched a long time ago.

The first wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Svetlana, died in 2015, at that time she already knew about her illness. ex-husband, the spouses even managed to reconcile, although for long years managed to spoil a lot of blood to each other. Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Svetlana had twins in 1996 - daughter Alexander and son Daniel. In addition, Svetlana has a daughter from her first marriage - Maria, she was Dmitry, like her own daughter.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky was a staunch atheist. And I admire this man, if only for the fact that before his death he did not rush to be baptized, go to church, confess, take communion, get married, kiss the icons and relics of miracle workers, did not go to holy places. This courage is not to indulge yourself with thoughts that they are waiting for us in the other world, that there will be a second chance to fix something. Dmitri Hvorostovsky believed that there is nothing after death. He was honest not only with others, but also with himself. Prayers do not help with brain cancer, even if you pray with the whole world ...

Flosha, as Dmitry Hvorostovsky called his second wife, was a ray of light in his life. It was this woman who saved him from drunkenness, gave him a second chance to become happy, successful, in demand, became a muse, wife, lover, mother. For the sake of her beloved, she mastered English and Russian, learned how to cook borscht and make dumplings, left the stage, and devoted herself entirely to her family. She had no choice, the only way she could give her beloved a sense of a reliable rear, Florence herself could achieve a lot, she had all the data for this, but love turned out to be more important for her. At 47, she was left a widow, with two children in her arms: 14-year-old son Max and 10-year-old daughter Nina. For two years, Dmitry Hvorostovsky struggled with his illness, brain cancer, but the disease won.

With son Max.

In the photo with his wife Florence and children: daughter Nina and son Max.

And in this photo are the parents of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: father Alexander (chemical engineer) and mother Lyudmila (gynecologist).

On the right in the photo are the parents of Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

With Luciano Pavarotti.

As a child, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was like that.

With son Max.