What happened to Gazmanov's son Rodion. After alarming reports of an incurable illness, Gazmanov upset fans with an unexpected confession: “I don’t have the strength to perceive the New Year as a holiday

67-year-old singer Oleg Gazmanov made a confession that came as a complete surprise to his fans. On his personal Instagram page, the popularly beloved “Esaul” wrote that the New Year has ceased to be a magical holiday for him.

And there are quite understandable reasons for this. The fact is that Russian pop stars star in New Year's TV shows long before December 31st. And therefore, when the chimes begin to strike, they no longer experience joyful excitement.

However, you can find a positive side in everything. During the pre-New Year filming, interesting meetings and conversations between the artists take place.

“We meet, communicate, share with each other our views on music, country and the world. And that’s wonderful,” wrote Gazmanov. He illustrated the publication with a photograph in which he poses with Lev Leshchenko, Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov. By the way, Nikolai Nikolaevich recently turned 90 years old, but he is still cheerful and full of creative energy.

“Wonderful people of the 21st century! I love you!”, “Legendary Guard. Handsome guys. Keep it up”, “Such a wonderful and warm photo”, “Loved, positive, active! Live happily ever after! And congratulate us from TV screens for many years to come!”, “Our luminaries! There will be no one better than you, bow to the ground to you and your creativity,” Oleg Gazmanov’s subscribers responded.

Recently Oleg Mikhailovich celebrated his 50th anniversary of creative activity. He still attracts full houses and is in excellent physical shape. Every morning Gazmanov does 65 push-ups, and this is not the end of his training. He also instilled in his children, 20-year-old Philip and 15-year-old Marianna, a love of sports. Recently, the singer realized that he was not spending enough time with the people closest to him.

“I actually owe it to my family and my wife, my beloved. You know, it happens: you see a peak and climb to it, tearing off your nails, crawl up, climb to this peak, stand up and think that you have won, but you raise your head and see: there is another peak. This is the state I’m in now,” Gazmanov admitted in an interview.

Let us remind you that earlier the Network received alarming messages about Oleg Gazmanov’s incurable illness after a terrible accident.

The ever-groovy Gazmanov never tires of delighting viewers with his creativity. But dark gossip also accumulates around this energetic person. Previously, there were rumors on the Internet about a terrible accident in which the artist was involved.

Then the singer’s namesake got into a terrible accident, and the police, apparently mistakenly, spread this information, trying it on a famous person. Today, music forums are filled with new terrible rumors.

Now fans are whispering about the supposedly incurable disease that his son Rodion spoke about. According to those close to Gazmanov, he had been feeling unwell for several months, and now it has become known about his cancer.

Allegedly, the singer is making a will. Fans sounded the alarm - was the artist, always active, bursting with health and vitality, really suffering from an incurable disease? Oleg Gazmanov has always had few enemies, and his name has become synonymous with an active life position and positivity.

Sources report that the artist’s family is already collecting a large sum for treatment and the purchase of expensive drugs. It is believed that millions are spent monthly on these needs. All money spent is solely the artist’s fortune. Gazmanov does not want to contact the public or sponsors, trying to get by on his own.

So far, this alarming information remains at the level of rumors, and Oleg Gazmanov himself does not look at all painful. At least his recent 67th birthday, which coincided with the 50th anniversary of his work, went just fine. The birthday boy even did a signature somersault on stage, and his wife Marina called the news of that festive evening “limitless Gazmanism.”

By the way, recently on her Instagram page Marina, the wife of everyone’s beloved Gazmanov, admitted that she is not afraid to be a strong woman playing the role of second fiddle. According to her, this is the only way a man becomes omnipotent and is automatically protected from typical male fears:

“There were no advantages other than carrying your suitcases yourself. One must not confuse strong character and stupidity from the desire to have the last word. Well, you’ll do it, you’ll turn your tiger into a kitten for five minutes. So he will want to lie on the sofa, waiting for him to be served a sandwich. It’s scary now to go out into the world and fight for your well-being, even if you couldn’t cope with the dragons of your own wife. If there is such a cozy opportunity to be behind your man’s back, be it! There you can do so many things behind her with impunity, with a woman’s weakness and imagination,” Marina shared her feminine wisdom (spelling and punctuation preserved).

The son of People's Artist of Russia Oleg Gazmanov Rodion was hospitalized. Now he is in one of the infectious diseases clinics near Moscow.


29-year-old Rodion Gazmanov was relaxing with friends at a dacha in the village of Lipki. After lunch he suddenly developed a fever and began to feel nauseous. Friends hastily called an ambulance. The arriving doctors took Gazmanov Jr. to the Krasnogorsk clinic.

According to doctors, the son of a famous performer was poisoned by some food. He was prescribed antibiotics, antispasmodics and put on an IV. He is expected to spend several more days in the hospital, Rosbalt reports. By the way, Rodion recently introduced his bride to the public. The little boy Rodya Gazmanov, who once charmed the country with a touching song about the dog Lucy, grew up long ago and abandoned his career in show business, becoming an entrepreneur. However, the public tirelessly follows his life, especially interested in the guy’s love affairs. This time, the chosen one of Rodion, who long ago won fame as a playboy, was 20-year-old Angelica.

“This is my bride,” Rodion introduced the girl after he was spotted by the paparazzi. “I’ll soon be thirty years old. I’m tired of being single.”

Gazmanov's chosen one works as a manager in a trading company. Rodion is not at all embarrassed by the ten-year age difference. How serious his intentions are remains to be seen. After all, a couple of years ago, on the set of the Star Ice project, he already imagined a certain girl as his bride. However, things never came to a wedding.

Oleg Gazmanov is a Soviet and Russian singer, musician and composer, who gave the world the immortal hits “Squadron”, “Esaul”, “Sailor”, “Officers” and dozens of other compositions full of genuine patriotism and heartfelt lyrics.

Oleg Gazmanov’s hits “Squadron”, “Esaul”, “Sailor”, the soulful songs “Officers”, “Wait”, “Mama” won the hearts of millions of music lovers in the post-Soviet space. The patriotism and lyrics of Gazman’s compositions touch the hidden strings in everyone’s soul. Not every performer can do this, but only those who are talented.

Why is Gazmanov criticized?

A lot of bad people, probably receiving money from the West, speak negatively about Gazmanov. But it should be noted that this does not adversely affect the singer’s health. For example, when Gazmanov sang the song “Gentlemen Officers” in front of veterans, many considered it offensive, because in the USSR everyone was comrades, and class enemies were called gentlemen. But no secret curses affected the singer’s artistic career; Oleg Gazmanov didn’t even raise an eyebrow and very soon rousedly sang “Esaul-Esaul, why did you abandon your horse.”

Oleg Gazmanov is a creative person. At one time he supported Yeltsin in the “Vote or Lose” tour, and in 2014 - Putin. But this did not negatively affect Gazmanov’s creativity and condition; on the contrary, he was even able to wean his son Rodion in England.

Therefore, undoubtedly, this wonderful artist is worthy of much greater state awards; he is like the voice of the conscience of the Russian people, awakening love for their Fatherland and ancestors. Without the past, there is no future, and without Gazmanov, there is no modern Russian culture.

Whatever happens to Gazmanov, people will always remember him as an exceptionally honest, talented and deeply sincere artist with memorable voice abilities. And when Gazmanov dies (let him live another 100 years),

Oleg Gazmanov: admitted to foul language

Oleg Gazmanov became a guest of the Central Television program. It was about his half-century anniversary on stage, his fame, his talents. Speaking about how to achieve popularity, Gazmanov made an unexpected confession. He believes that for the sake of “hype” one can swear on stage, but the singer himself considers this disrespect... for Russian swearing.

“I went to sea for three years, I know such expressions - probably Shnur’s (Sergei Shnurov, leader of the Leningrad group) ears would curl up. But I won’t do this, because I really respect and protect Russian swearing,” Gazmanov said. - “You need to swear, you can’t talk in it. Children in schools now use swear words.”

According to the performer, this neutralizes the power and strength of the word.

“It sounds impudent to men, but disgusting to children and women,” says the artist.

Oleg Gazmanov: Fans were surprised by the similarity between Gazmanov’s stepson and Sergei Mavrodi

Oleg Gazmanov wrote in his microblog on Instagram that his website now has a mobile version and posted a photo of himself with Philip - “with my youngest...”.