April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and practical jokes. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks The most interesting pranks for April 1

The first of April is approaching - the traditional day of laughter, jokes and practical jokes. On this day, everyone plays pranks: parents play on their children, and children play on their mothers and fathers; subordinates are allowed to play tricks on their boss, and schoolchildren and students play on their teachers. It’s not customary to be offended by even the most evil and sharp jokes, you just have to laugh with everyone!

We already seem to know all the jokes, but we still want to present some special one to our friend, colleague, family, classmates.

The approach of a holiday that symbolizes fun and smiles gives us positive emotions in the form of laughter, humor, and positivity.

Laughter prolongs life

In this article we tried to collect all the old and new, familiar and unknown jokes. You’ve already heard about something, someone was pranked in exactly the same way last year, or maybe there’s something new here, just for you? With our jokes and pranks you can please your relatives, friends or employees at work and give them and yourself vivid impressions and positive emotions.

It turns out that there is even a special list of famous world April Fool's jokes and practical jokes – “The Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes of All Time”, used by jokers of all nations and generations. It included a message about the fall Leaning Tower of Pisa, announcement of the landing of an unidentified flying object in London, appearance of flying penguins, application decimal system to the measurement of time, the new value of Pi - 3.0 and much more.

The main rule on this day is not to forget that all jokes must match the sense of humor of the person you are going to laugh at. Don't forget about moderation! Do not overdo it in your zeal, because in theory, not only you, but also your victim should laugh.

Playing pranks on colleagues

A little positivity and fun in the office never hurts!

It is especially pleasant to play a prank on a colleague precisely because this person is close to you, you spend every day with him great amount time, and probably he has already prepared some special joke for you. But being first is always better!

“A box (box, bag, container) without a bottom”

“What’s inside?!”

This april fools prank suitable for those who always need to look into all corners and need to know about everything. In a place, for example, on a cabinet (on a rack or open mezzanine), placed above a person’s height, place a small box (or whatever you have prepared), but without a bottom. This item should have a bright sticker, visible to everyone, that arouses curiosity - for example: FOR SEX, BOSS’S PERSONAL ITEMS, DO NOT TOUCH WITH YOUR HANDS, OPEN ON APRIL 2 or similar to these, but relevant in your team. The box is filled with small, lightweight objects: confetti, feathers, foil glitter, etc. As soon as the object of the joke enters the room, everyone needs to leave so as not to interfere with his curiosity about the contents of the mysterious box. When removing an object from a height, he will not suspect that there is no bottom in it, and will be showered with its contents from head to toe. You can come in and give him the broom and dustpan you prepared for the curious.

Playing a gullible secretary

Making fun of your boss's secretary is a nice thing to do!

If the secretary girl in your office is a naive and gullible person, call her from the phone in the next office and seriously and strictly inform her that the telephone exchange employees are cleaning the telephone cable. To do this, they will supposedly run hot steam through the wires and immediately need to pack all the phones in polyethylene or cloth, or, in extreme cases, put all the handsets on the floor. If you have convinced the victim of what is happening, do not stop him from putting all office telephones into “safe operating mode”.

A prank for those who don’t understand anything about computers (only for those who are friends with a sense of humor)

“Somehow it’s not working!”

1. Take a seat at a colleague’s computer in his absence.
2. Click “PrintSrceen” or “prt sc” for short, that is, take a photo of the screen.
3. Open: Start > Accessories > Graphic editor Paint.
4. Insert the photo you took, or using the Shift+Insert keys, it will be inserted automatically.
5. Save the joke.bmp to c:windows and close the editor.
6. Find “Display Properties” and make “joke.bmp” the background image on your desktop.
7. Remove all desktop icons from the screen. You can also send the “Taskbar” there.
After returning, your unfortunate colleague will not be able to click on icons or open folders. Restarting the computer won't help either. Only you will know that you need to open “Arrange icons by..” and restore the main background. If you don’t want to get a scolding from your superiors after a complaint from an unlucky colleague and a call to the IT service, the main thing is to confess in time.

Playing pranks on friends

What could be nicer than a friendly joke?

The old, proven "Hot Water" prank

We call a friend, preferably later, and ask: “Is there hot water running? - Yes! “Wash your feet and go to bed!”

For the faint of heart friend

While drinking coffee and having a calm conversation together, make an extremely frightened expression on your face and, pointing to your hair, shout: “Cockroach (spider, caterpillar, bee)!” The success of the joke will depend on your acting skills and the surprise of the moment.

Don’t overdo it so that your friend doesn’t take it out on you later!

For friend

Go with a friend to a gas station and while refueling his car or after, ask: “Are you, of course, filling up with winter diesel fuel?” Before realizing that this is a prank on the first of April, he will be at least a little scared. If you ask this question to a girl, you will get a 100% hit. In this way, by the way, you can meet the young lady you like.


Even though this joke is very old, it has an amazing effect. The main condition remains that the person being played must smoke. You invite him to try a new type of cigarettes, allegedly brought by relatives from abroad. By agreement with friends, through a short time after your friend has lit a cigarette, you do all sorts of special effects - turn on quiet music, release cockroaches from a box, open a can of paint so that the smell fills the rooms, whatever. Everyone present must maintain a calm appearance, not showing that anything is happening, “not seeing or hearing” what the smoking comrade is talking about. We assure you that the expression on the face of your character will be remembered for a long time!

"Reliable comrades"

Early in the morning, call close friends and, with alarm in your voice, ask them to immediately bring you a ten-liter bucket (with water or empty, it doesn’t matter).
The prank will only be discovered when a dozen cars and people with buckets and anxious faces arrive at your yard. Believe me, the neighbors’ reaction to this spectacle is also amazing; some also jump out into the street with buckets.

Relatives' prank

The family is not without... jokes!

“Who will milk the goat?”

If you have younger children school age and you live in a city apartment, this joke can be remembered for a long time. While having breakfast with the whole family, you put on a serious expression and address one child in a stern tone, informing them that you have decided to buy a goat. Describe all the benefits that you will receive from keeping it, and responsibly instruct your son (or daughter) to milk the animal. Cleaning and feeding, by the way, are also her or his responsibilities. Despite the child’s reaction, try not to admit to the prank and hold out as long as possible. If your child has doubts about the veracity of your words, pretend that you are making arrangements over the phone about how to get the goat home.

Husband's prank: "Woman driving"

“Honey, I have a little problem...”

Go shopping in your husband's or boyfriend's car. Agree with his friends, let one of them contact your husband in half an hour on the phone with an unfamiliar number and report with a Caucasian accent that you have broken him very much. expensive car(the more expensive the better). Your health is supposedly fine, but he takes you hostage and demands money for the damage. The more unrealistic the amount, the better. The husband's other friends, who should also be aware of what is happening, can monitor the husband's condition, helping him get out of the situation.

“Congratulations, you are homeless!”

This prank is suitable if you are planning to change the locks on your front doors. Change it and at the same time you will prank your soul mate. Before your wife arrives, you negotiate with by a stranger, who will open the door after your wife's unsuccessful attempts to do so with her keys. A strange, half-dressed man at the entrance to your own apartment will naturally puzzle your wife at first. And his question: “What did you want?” will completely baffle her. For all questions " new owner“must answer that he bought the apartment today and can show the documents. How long to play on your nerves will be determined by the condition of your loved one; it is better, of course, not to expect that she will call the police or fall unconscious at the door. Everyone will have fun later, when the intensity of passions passes and everyone calms down.

Prank of a jealous but easy-going husband

Serious passions can flare up from your joke!

Unbeknownst to your husband or boyfriend, sign your phone number in his contacts with another name, it could be a neighbor, a work colleague, an acquaintance. Before your husband leaves home, give him the opportunity to suspect that you are preening. After a while, call and in a changed voice say that his wife is visiting a handsome man, and you saw him giving her flowers and champagne. You can quickly set the table with your beloved’s favorite delicacies, because he will arrive faster than the wind. Be strong: you started this joke, and you are responsible for it. If your husband is the second Othello, we don’t recommend joking like that, try something easier.

Children's pranks

A child's laughter is the most valuable gift!

"Talking Horse"

Call the children and quickly say: “Good afternoon, is this a circus? Do you want a horse that can talk? Don’t hang up, dialing a number using a hoof is very difficult!”

"Wet Holiday"

Fill a plastic bowl with water, use a ladder or stool to climb up to the ceiling, and lean the bowl against it. Shout: “Flood!”, call the one you planned to prank. Ask the person who comes to hold the bowl a little with a mop (which you previously placed next to it). You leave the room, leaving the unfortunate man with a mop in his hand and a bowl under the ceiling. What happened next can be filmed on camera. To prevent you from getting nailed after this, prepare a gift for your already wet “helper.”

"Items on Strings"

This joke will work if the door to your sibling's room opens outwards. Use a thread to connect more objects in the room to each other. They should not be heavy; for example, a pen, a book, a toy, a vase, or whatever else they have in their room will do. Go out and attach the end of the thread to the slightly open door. You close it. Whoever opens the door will cause the objects in it to teleport. It’s better to immediately take mom as an accomplice so that she doesn’t get into trouble later.

Joke with a newspaper sheet

If you share a bedroom with your sister or brother, place a sheet of newspaper under their sheets. The “victim” lying on the bed will hear a slight rustling sound and her reaction will be very funny.

Joke "Good morning!"

Now your brother or sister will have an hour to come up with an answer joke for you!

In the evening, when the person being played falls asleep, set all the clocks an hour earlier. In the morning, perhaps nothing will be found, but near closed school or college, a surprise will await your brother or sister. By the way, you will also have an hour left, you can easily follow him and enjoy the success.

"Pot of Water"

Water is poured into the pan, covered with a paper sheet, the pan is turned upside down and placed on the table. The paper is pulled out, but water should not run out. The “victim” of the prank will be the one who decides that the pan is not where it needs to be and in the wrong way. The same trick can be done with three-liter jar, leaving the pranked family member with thoughts of how to clean it all up.

"April Fool's Firecracker"

The firecracker is tied to the staircase railing, and the rope from it is tied to the neighbors' door. Ring the doorbell and hide in the apartment. Further observation can be carried out through the peephole in the door. We don't recommend laughing loudly - you'll get caught. The usual reaction of neighbors after this is to check the entrance every three to five minutes with a burning desire to catch the joker “in the act.”

"Magic Drive"

To a person who has little understanding of what a computer is, tell him that there is Email and you should receive a money transfer soon. Then you can solemnly take out the money hidden in advance in the drive.

Pranks for classmates and classmates

Student jokes are always remembered for a long time

"Mop on the Ceiling"

A note that says: “There is a mop on the ceiling” is passed around the class during class. But it also says: “Pass it on!” Everyone who receives the note will automatically look at the ceiling. When a chain reaction of those looking up occurs, the teacher will look up along with them.
"I'm skiing"


Tell your classmate that you will perform a magic trick and ask him to stand exactly in the middle of the class with his arms extended forward. You insert him between the big one and index fingers a match on both hands (sulfur head down). You slip the same matches under the toes of his shoes. You ask loudly: “What month is it now?” Naturally, he will say: “April.” Your response: “Why are you skiing?” Let's all have fun!


Your joke may not be to everyone's taste.

This is an amateur's joke, as they say. It is better not to test them for people with weak stomachs. It will only work if you relax in nature that day.
Unnoticed, not far from your friends, you make a pile of squash caviar, decorate in a piece toilet paper and with a cry: “Fresh!” – you start eating caviar with a spoon pulled out of your pocket. We warn you that your joke may literally hurt many people’s throats.

"The impossible is possible"

Announce to the “victim” in the presence of spectators that you have psychic abilities and you can make the “victim” climb the wall. Convince him of this by any means and words, using all sorts of “scientific” terms: aura, chakra, subconscious, etc. After your unfortunate friend agrees to participate in this experiment, put him against the wall, invite him to concentrate and try the power of contact of parts bodies with a wall - sliding movements with arms, legs, elbows. At the same time, he should repeat the text after you (this is like a “mantra that overcomes gravity”), without stopping his movements. Approximate content of the text: “The power is in me! I have dexterity! I can do this! I am sure about that! I'm not afraid of any obstacles! My brain is ready for any stress! No one will fool me! But I still climb the wall!”
If you have certain acting skills, your chosen “victim” will automatically repeat the last line, no longer suspecting anything!

Video drawings for April 1

They say that laughter not only improves your mood, but also prolongs your life. I wonder how long you need to laugh to live forever? Let's imagine that five minutes of laughter prolongs life, well, at least by a day. Give a gift to your loved ones, friends, relatives, work colleagues - give them another bright day, and we will help you organize five minutes of laughter.

World April Fool's Day, April Fool's Day or April Fool's Day is coming soon, which means that April Fool's Day pranks await, if not all, then most of the world's inhabitants. In order not to lose face and to properly prepare for a fun holiday, we have prepared for you the most interesting jokes, pranks, funny stories, with the help of which you will cheer up those around you. Go!

Cocaine Prank: La Dolce Vita

If you're tired of sitting stupidly in the kitchen and drinking, entertain your friends with something more specific. For example, offer to snort cocaine. And it doesn’t matter if you’ve never smelled it in your life and don’t know what it looks like or its approximate market value. Your friends don’t know all this either, which means the April Fool’s prank will be great. Having invited your friends to try a true buzz, go to the kitchen and take some powdered sugar, just don’t overdo it - cocaine is an expensive drug, so it should contain at least 10-15 grams. To make it more realistic, pour it into a small plastic bag, take your credit card, sprinkle the contents on the table and divide the powder (cocaine) by the number of people who want to try it. Act confidently so that others get the impression that you are a master at this matter. Then take some respectable bill (a 100 euro note is perfect), roll it into a tube and inhale the sweet air of freedom through your nostrils. After your friends do the same, watch them squish and wobble after a good dose of powdered sugar. But the most important thing is that there is no waste, well, as a last resort, eat a donut with tea in the morning.

Student draw: Holiday for couples

Draws on April 1 should take place always and everywhere, even if you are sitting in a boring lecture and writing down all sorts of boring things, reasoning that you will never need it in your life. It's time to bring a little celebration into this routine. Find a large box and place it on a raised platform, the main thing is that it is slightly taller than human height, or rather, the height of your teacher, we hope that he is human. This box should not have a bottom, and fill it from the inside with candies, finely cut paper and other small dispersions. By the way, this word should have been taught to you at one of the lectures. So, in order for the teacher to notice it, and this is one of the conditions of the draw, stick some screaming word on it, for example: FIRE! It will also be effective if something like “TOP SECRET” is written on the box, and the teacher’s name is displayed next to it. He will notice the box, want to take it and... the result is obvious, which means the April 1st draw was a success. If you have not been a student for a long time, then this can be done at home or in the office.

Community joke: Redevelopment

It's a great way to prank your dorm roommate. True, there is one thing here important condition- the main thing that Entrance door The room opened to the outside. If the main condition is met, consider that the April Fool's prank was a success. And then we pull the threads from the handle to a wide variety of objects and tie them. Just imagine, your neighbor comes into the room, and suddenly dozens of objects fly out of their places. Complete brain rupture! True, you will have to work a little on your technique and try to leave the room in such a way as not to disturb the tied objects.


Finding a public toilet, especially in an unfamiliar place, is almost impossible. But we will help everyone who wants to relieve themselves as quickly as possible. Such a person walks along the endless corridor of the office center in search of a toilet and in despair reads the inscriptions on the signs: office 234, office 236, do not enter, office 238... TOILET! There is no limit to his happiness, he opens the door, there is a pause and he also quickly closes it. There is a question mark on the face, the problem is not solved, but people walk around and laugh strangers. It was they who attached a sign to one of the offices with the inscription “TOILET” and periodically laugh at the unlucky citizens who planned to relieve themselves in one of the organizations of a large commercial center. If pranks on the first of April with a sign “TOILET” seem a little cruel to you, then experiment with the inscriptions “CAFE”, “RECEPTION”, “ELEVATOR” and many others. Trust your imagination.

Rope joke: Hold it, please.

For this prank you will need a very long rope, about ten meters. Approach a passerby on the street and, using your favorite methods, persuade him to hold the rope and ask him to stand with it in his hands for a while. With the other end in your hands, go around the house so that the person with the rope does not see you and repeat the procedure with another passerby. After he agrees, you observe a picture of two strangers they hold the rope from different ends of the house and at the same time do not even suspect each other’s existence. It’s hard to say what will come of it, but definitely – it will be a lot of fun.

Cruel Prank: Hallucinations

We warn you right away - the draw is very tough, if not cruel. April 1 jokes in this style can only be done with trusted people; you should not try it on grandparents, mothers and pregnant girls. For this tough trick, you will need a mannequin and one living person who will be aware of your toughness. The object of the prank is in the same room with you, and your friend is standing outside. Go to the open window and stand there for a while, pay attention to your roommate, the moment he turns away, find a secluded place in the room and hide. As soon as you move away from the window, your partner will understand this as a signal and begin to shout with all his might: “Fell! Crashed! Fell out of the window! Help!"

Your colleague's natural reaction will be to rush to the window and look at the incident. Having run up, he will look down and see you, or rather a mannequin lying on the ground, wearing the same clothes as yours. Second natural reaction normal person– run out into the street and inquire about the victim’s health. But once on the street, he does not see either your partner under the window, much less you, in the form of a mannequin.

The third natural reaction of a no longer particularly sane person is to go back and check what the hell is going on here. And the following happens: you, as if nothing had happened, are in the same place - near the open window, and make a very surprised face, asking just one question: “Did something happen?”

April 1 joke: Foam attack

Chemist friends won't give you bad advice. So this time they came up with cool pranks for April 1st. Take a basin or large saucepan and pour it in hot water and dilute it with a medium bottle of shampoo. Not champagne, but a hair care cleanser! And finally, add some dry ice. Chemists assure that the effect will be stunning, and the amount of foam produced will simply knock you off your feet. But be careful, after this prank there may be problems with your neighbors, whom you can flood. And this is no longer very funny.

Flour mill

Do you want a truly festive, bright April Fools' Day prank? You'll need flour, a hair dryer, and most importantly, an unsuspecting roommate. You close this same neighbor from the outside, and then take a small diameter tube and fill it tightly with flour. Place one end of the tube to keyhole, the hole in the door, finally, to the gap near the trim, and at the other end turn on the hair dryer. The result is a white, bright room and a lot of positive emotions. Just, who will clean it all up later?

Prank: Bedroom in the toilet

If you are tired of your roommate who is always snoring, then you need to teach him a lesson somehow. Take a couple of strong guys and, during his sound, peaceful sleep, take the snorer out of the room and put the bed in the toilet. After making sure that he continues to sleep, shout loudly and clearly: “Rise!” Let him be in prostration for some time and figure out how he fell asleep in the toilet.

Who-who? Snowman in a coat

As a rule, there is still snow in the vast expanses of our vast Motherland, at least until April, so there should be no problems with the main material for a joke on April 1st. Roll up a large ball of snow and wrap it in a sheet, then bring it into the room and place it on the bed of the prank victim. He, of course, will unwind the sheet and see a huge spare part from a snowman, but he will not be able to do anything with it. And time goes by, the snow melts.

Bearded joke in the subway: Free ticket office

Old good joke on the subway or train. These cool pranks on April 1st have been done more than once and in no other country in the world. To do this, you need to go into one of the train cars, confidently approach the button to call the driver and pretend that you pressed it. After this, in a confident voice, with an ordinary intonation, you should say something like the following: “Please, one medium cola, medium french fries and a cheeseburger for the carriage so-and-so.” Perplexed passengers, of course, will appreciate your joke, but they will be very surprised when, at the next station, the best employee of the month enters the carriage in a McDonald's uniform and gives you an order. After paying you off, he will thank you for not having change and will have time to leave before the door slams. With an indifferent face, you begin to eat your order, and then go back to the button, again pretend to press it and confidently declare: “Until the end without stopping, please.” I wonder what the passengers' reaction will be to this statement?

Funny: Drunken swallow

How nice it is on Friday, after a hard day working week get into a good tavern, and spend this difficult five-day period in rest. And immediately after, in a good, pleasant location, go out and walk to the nearest metro or bus. But what to do along the way? Play a game - who is the most sober. To determine the most persistent, you just need to ask the applicant to make a swallow. This is a stance in which your arms are spread out to the sides and one leg is extended back. It will be difficult to maintain balance, but the person will try to pretend to be the least drunk, they still want to win. After the teetotaler is done the most complex figure, immediately tell him that he is dead drunk. To reasonable questions, such as, why the hell, explain that only a real drunk would make a swallow while in a crowded place.

Dangerous prank: Trolleybus

There are such cool pranks for April 1 that will never get old. One of them is a trolleybus joke that goes back decades, when these same trolleybuses first appeared on our roads. For the draw you will need a trolleybus driver's uniform - an orange vest will do. At one of the stops, approach behind the trolleybus and take two cables, and then ask one of the pedestrians to secure you and hold you, literally, for a minute, while you retreat to a safe distance as quickly as possible. Nobody knows how this joke will end, but there have been cases when good aunties, trolleybus drivers, turned into fiends.

Great April Fool's Prank: Catch the Bus

This prank requires two people. You and your partner will have to dress in the same clothes and it is better if you have the same headdress on your head: a hat, a baseball cap, a hat, finally. The main thing is that you do not differ much from each other in physique and height; in short, you should be similar to each other, like twins. The first person is at stop A, the second is at stop B. The one at A does not have time to catch the bus and begins to catch up with him, but it is clear that the bus has the advantage. But another person, the one at stop B, when the bus arrives, comes through the front door and, after catching his breath a little, says: “I made it!” This will have a great effect on people.

Secretary Prank: Phone Rescue

Let's say you have a new, young secretary in your office. It’s better, of course, if it’s blonde, in every sense of the word. So, when this same blonde is at her workplace, one of the colleagues needs to go into the next room or into the corridor and call the work phone. We assure you that you have never staged such telephone pranks on April 1st. As soon as she picks up the phone, in a completely serious voice you need to inform her that you are from the telephone exchange, and that, for preventive purposes, hot steam will now be supplied through the telephone wire to clean the rusted contacts. For the operation to be successful and Office equipment not damaged, you need to wrap all the company phones in paper or polyethylene, or, as a last resort, collect all the handsets and put them in a dark place. Well, after that we’ll see what happens next.

Telephone prank: Call Leonid

Funny pranks on April 1 usually take place over the phone. Another old joke. Get together with a group of 5 people and call the same number, ask to call Leonid. They will tell you that no Leonid lives here, but don’t hesitate and keep calling, and when the last fifth person remains, he will have to call and, introducing himself as Leonid, ask if anyone has called him. The reaction of the person on the other end of the line will be very interesting.

Phone prank: Let me wash myself

Another funny and very ancient prank for the first of April related to the telephone. Call someone, introduce yourself as a housing office employee, and talk about the planned water outages, and in an hour. Therefore, we advise you to fill a whole bath of water. An hour later you call back, ask how you are doing and say that you will soon come to visit to wash the elephant.

Telephone prank: TV for free

Phone pranks for April 1st, what could be funnier and more creative! Call any number at random and say: “Hello, hello, do you happen to need a TV?” The person replies that he is not needed, then you say that you will come now. To a reasonable question - why, you confidently answer that behind the TV.

Transport joke: Dolphin

There are also dolphins in our area. Don't believe me? And you do the right thing, then make others believe it. The next time you take a bus across a bridge over a river, shout out that you see dolphins. For realism, point with your finger. I wonder how many passengers will follow?

Joke: Falling ceiling

Urgently wake up your friend Lyokha and stretch the blanket over his head. And when he opens his eyes, shout that the ceiling is falling. In fact, Lekha will not be laughing.

Dangerous prank: Husband on a business trip

Pranks on the first of April can turn into a scandal if you write your husband an SMS with approximately the following content: “Mine is gone. You can come." The main thing is to explain later that this is a joke.

Funny prank for April 1st: Powder diet

Pour into a box from under washing powder formula for infants and eat the contents with an unwavering face in front of others. Some may call an ambulance, but most will appreciate this prank on April 1st.

Draw for April 1st at school: Whose traces

A great joke for schoolchildren on April 1st. Pass a note around the class that says “there are cat tracks on the ceiling.” And then watch the reaction; according to statistics, 100% of those participating in the drawing raise their heads.

School Prank: Eagle

April Fool's prank for the most resourceful. You tell your friend that you can draw an eagle in two seconds. He doesn't believe it, so you take a pen and draw an oval. To your friend’s widening eyes, you say that he will soon hatch from this egg.

How to pin your friends: Toothpaste

How to have breakfast and brush your teeth at the same time? It’s very simple – just pour some sour cream into a tube. You will really save your friends time and make them laugh in the morning.

Giveaway for April Fools' Day: Sweet and salty

Change the contents of the salt shaker and sugar bowl and be sure to invite your friend to drink tea or salt some potatoes. But remember funny pranks on April 1st should not harm health. Make jokes appropriately.

April Fool's Prank: Well, you and the moose!

For all those with great acting talent. Someone says that they dream of playing Hamlet, someone says Romeo, and your dream role will be a moose. Just a moose. You put your hands in the shape of elk antlers to your head and run past the bus stop shouting: “I’m a moose!” And half a minute later, your friend runs past the same stop and asks the passengers if a moose has run through here.

Computer drawing: Press the button

Computer pranks on April 1 are very popular among those who consider themselves cool hackers and everyone else lames. The joke is called press any key. Surely, among your friends there is a person who is not a problem with computers, that’s what we need. At one fine moment, one of the programs will definitely write, they say, to continue working you need to press any button: press any key to continue. But where can you find this very “any key” button? That's right, on system unit. In advance, stick a piece of paper on the reset inscription on the system unit and after the program asks you to press any button to continue, the person, having searched the entire keyboard, will not find it and will move the search to the system unit, and here any key is hiding. After clicking, the system begins to reboot. What a laugh!

Old computer prank: Kill yourself on the monitor

Everyone has probably heard about blue screen death appearing on the monitor. In order for it to permanently settle on the screen of one of your friends (and maybe enemies), it is best to take a screenshot and make it into a picture for your desktop. Naturally, all shortcuts must be removed. This will be a great April Fool's prank with gray hair at the temples.

Video: cruel computer prank

Attention! This prank should not be applied to heart patients, as the attack is not far away! The portal administration disclaims all responsibility, you act at your own peril and risk!
So, what do you need to play a good prank on your friend on April 1? You need a computer and good speakers, the more the better.
In the absence of your friend, you need to replace the standard greeting in Windows with the sounds of gunfire and turn up the volume.
As a result, we get approximately what is shown in the video:

Video prank with orange:

Cool April Fool's Prank (Video):

Today is April 1st - April Fool's Day, which means you definitely need to come up with an interesting joke. What pranks and jokes can be organized on April 1 at home, at work and in the company of friends - read the material.

April 1, 2018 falls on a Sunday, which means that a heavy dose of all the jokes will go to friends and loved ones, but work colleagues are luckier this year. But if you are one of those who will have to go to work on Sunday, don’t be discouraged! On this day, you just need to cheer yourself and your team up with practical jokes.

The only advice is to make sure that your pranks and jokes are kind, do not damage other people’s property and do not cause discomfort to other people. We are only for positive emotions on this day!

Who doesn't love sweets? And free ones even more so! This is exactly what you can do to catch your gullible friends. For example, you can grease sandwich cookies not with cream, but with toothpaste. The main thing is to use white paste without a strong smell, otherwise you will be found out!
Or offer your friends your own chocolate candies... with cotton wool!

To do this, pour chocolate over small balls of cotton wool and place them in the refrigerator for several hours. Insidious sweets are ready!

You can also treat everyone to ice cream! Of course it's not real.

Vanilla ice cream is very similar in color to mashed potatoes. To do this, boil the puree, add more cream or milk to get the desired color. For best results, leave the puree in the freezer overnight. Place the balls into glasses or cups and pour over chocolate or any other topping. And don't forget to wish you bon appetit.

In order not to harm the car, but to use it for April Fools' Day jokes, use cling film.

You can either simply wrap it around the car or tie it to a pole. Do you remember that you can’t tear cling film so easily with your hands?

April 1st draws for lovers

Here you need to be careful - it is very easy to offend your beloved half, and on April 1 such quarrels are definitely useless. Keep your jokes as neutral as possible. For example, a “living refrigerator”. In the evening (even when no one opens the refrigerator) “eyes” on all products - they can be purchased at craft stores. The more such “live” products there are, the better the effect will be.

Another interesting joke with an upside down glass filled with water.

To do this, fill a glass with ice and put any light object in it. For example, something from cosmetics (only hermetically sealed). And turn the glass over. The very next morning you will receive a glass of water, the object from which will not be so easy to get :)

You can also “invite” your favorite actors or superheroes.

Just print out a small image and stick it on the door peephole. Simulate a doorbell (for example, by recording the sound on your phone) and ask your loved one to open the door.

And a very tasty draw (and very good) for breakfast.

Fried eggs can be imitated using yogurt and peach. You can't tell the difference by looking at it! And the taste definitely won’t disappoint!

Jokes for colleagues should also be selected as carefully as possible. Firstly, you still have to work with these people, and secondly, no one wants to pay for damaged corporate property.

Therefore, you can experiment with humorous “harm” for the computer. You can use regular glue to make a blot that you place on your laptop keyboard. And before you tell your colleague that there are problems with his technology, pick up a carton of milk. He'll love it!

Stickers will help add a little color to this day. This joke was created specifically for perfectionists. Cover everything you can with them - a computer, table, chair, etc. This prank looks at least very bright!

You can add not only color to this day, but also volume! To do this, attach the horn to your work chair with tape.

Every time someone sits there, the whole office will know about it.

There are literally a few hours left until the holiday, which some consider meaningless and merciless, while others see it as an excellent reason to joke. April 1, also known as April Fool's Day, forces us to be careful when communicating with friends, or to use our creativity and sense of humor to the fullest. If you don’t want or don’t have time to come up with your own prank, we offer you a dozen time-tested April Fool’s jokes.

Classics of the genre

1. If we discard the vulgar “your whole back is white,” then the most indestructible classic is moving all the clocks in the house forward an hour. The “victim” gets up an hour earlier by the alarm clock and goes about his business through the morning darkness. And he doesn’t even suspect that he will have to wait another hour for the meeting/the start of the working day/the opening of the museum.

2. Fill the bottom of a glass with toothbrushes with Moment glue. Primitive? Yes, but in the morning you are guaranteed the rage and bewilderment of your relatives.

3. Tonight, before going to bed, hide all your slippers. The effect is similar to the previous point.

4. If there are gourmets in your family heightened senses beautiful, skip this point. In other cases, good old salt in a sugar bowl works like clockwork, no matter how old this “trick” is.

5. IN last years a prank with soap and nail polish became popular thanks to the VKontakte public pages. Actually, you take soap and clear nail polish. The first is covered with the last, and after drying it cannot be distinguished from ordinary soap by appearance. But an attempt to “soap” such a piece turns into a fiasco for the unaware “victim”.

6. Food coloring to help you! You can use it for fun in a variety of ways (fortunately, regular dyes are safe), but the most popular way is to dye it overnight toothbrush. I wonder why people joke about hygiene products so often?..

If you have a working day ahead

Maybe it happens that you have to spend this Saturday at work? Well, maybe some office pranks might come in handy.

7. An optical computer mouse can be sealed from the bottom with a piece of tape. Before your colleague realizes what is going on, he will be sure for some time that the most important detail the computer has become unusable.

8. Give or lend a banknote to a colleague. Just make a reservation that it is better not to insert it into the ATM. For a long time and painfully, your “victim” will look for signs of a counterfeit on the banknote.

9. If you have a particularly curious person at work, take cardboard box with a cut out or simply poorly secured bottom. Place a variety of things in it, and write something like “do not touch” or “personal items” on the outside. Then leave the room and wait for the person being played to enter it. Then walk into the noise of things falling out and watch the reaction.

Creative approach

There are many unusual ways prank those around you. We offer one of them.

10. You make an agreement with your friend and go buy some takeaway food at the nearest fast food outlet. Then you get on the metro and your friend leaves for the nearest station. On the next train, you enter the same carriage, during the trip, go to the “passenger-driver” communication button and pretend to speak into the microphone. Say the following loudly and clearly: “Hamburger, country fries and a small Coke!” At the next station, a friend, to the surprise of those around you, solemnly hands you a package with your order.

Whatever prank you pull off, don’t forget to congratulate your friend on April 1st and say that it was a joke. Friendship is more valuable!