Construction of railway crossings and overpasses in the Moscow region.

A few facts about "concrete".
- Federal highways A-107 "Moscow Small Ring" and A-108 "Moscow Big Ring" were built in the 1950-1960s for the military transport needs of Moscow's missile defense. Therefore, until 1990, they were not indicated on all maps and road atlases. But motorists quickly learned about the new convenient passages, and both rings became public roads - first de facto, and in the late 1980s de jure.
- At the base of both roads there are several layers of concrete slabs capable of supporting the weight of multi-ton missile tractors. In the late 80s, the slabs were covered with asphalt, but people still call these routes “concrete roads”. By the way, the Moscow Ring Road in its second edition was also “concrete” - it was paved only in the late 60s.
- The Small Ring has a length of 335 km and is located 40-50 km from the center of Moscow. The large ring, 550 km long, is 70-90 km away from the “zero kilometer”.

Many believe that due to the construction of the Central Ring Road, the concrete roads will be completely abandoned in order to drive everyone who does not want to sit in traffic jams onto the new toll highway. And in vain: road workers are already actively working on both rings and serious changes for the better have finally begun there. Let's try to collect everything road projects, associated with these routes, and we’ll figure out what will be improved here before 2020.

Road Openings - 2014

On December 18, Rosavtodor opened traffic on northern bypass Dmitrova on the “big concrete road” (A-108). The new two-lane road, 7.5 km long, made it possible to close the bypass semi-ring and allow transit traffic to bypass residential areas.

According to calculations of the Federal Road Agency, the bypass of Dmitrov was made with a margin of bandwidth for 20 years. Work began in August 2012, and the volume of investment amounted to 1.3 billion rubles. The road includes 2 overpasses (road and railway).

As for the “small concrete”, two good news arrived in the fall.

On October 15, traffic was opened on the long-awaited overpass on A-107 in White Stolby, not far from the M4 Don highway. The opening was delayed by a year due to several birch trees, the “demolition” of which could not be approved.

And on November 29, 2014 they opened overpass on A-107 in Selyatin, not far from the Kyiv highway.

Road prospects for the “big concrete road”

A 24 km long bypass of the cities of Orekhovo-Zuevo and Likino-Dulyovo is already being built on A-108. When it is completed, these cities will finally get rid of transit. The section includes several overpasses and interchanges. According to the contract, it should be completed at the end of 2015, but it is possible that due to unresolved land issues the deadline may shift to 2016

The next 2 overpasses on the “big concrete road” will be near the village of Lipitino near the city of Mikhnevo and near the village of Sharapova Okhota between Simferopol and Old Simferopol highways, at the entrance to Serpukhov. At both sites it's already underway Preparation for construction. Completion date: March 2016.

Overpass near Lipitino: traffic management during the construction period (clickable). During construction, traffic will be detoured.

Overpass on A-108 in Sharapova Okhota (clickable).

Another overpass will be on the “big concrete” in Dorokhovo near Mozhaiskoe highway. As far as we know, it is also under construction. Completion date 2016

The railway crossing not covered by reconstruction remains in Novopetrovsk near Volokolamsk highway. There is no certainty about it yet.

Finally, between Volokolamskoye and Leningradskoye highways on a section of 12 km (from 23 to 35 km) The “big concrete road” will be expanded from 2 to 4 lanes. Completion of work in 2015.

“Small concrete road”: road prospects
One of the most long-awaited objects is the overpass in Lvovsky near Klimovsk. It is already being built, the contract period is March 2016. A very important object, since it is located right between the overpasses opened this year in Selyatin and White Pillars.

Overpass on A-107 in Lviv (clickable)

Overpass in Golitsyn will be built before 2018. There is no scheme yet.

Excellent prospects for the Western section of the “small concrete road” from Kievskoe highway to Leningradskoe highway, 82 km long. This section is called the “5th launch complex of the Central Ring Road” and by 2018 should be expanded from 2 to 4 lanes. Moreover, this section, although it will be included in the Central Ring Road, will remain free.

Already under construction interchange of the “small concrete road” with Dmitrovskoe highway. Completion date: September 2018. It will not only relieve congestion at the T-shaped intersection, but also prepare for the expansion of Dmitrovskoye Highway, which is also due to be completed in 2018.

Remain undeveloped moving to Yurovo between Novoryazanskoye and Yegoryevskoye highways and moving to Sofrino behind the Yaroslavl highway. According to the first, there are plans to build an overpass until 2020. I have no data on the second one.

What about local events on concrete streets?
Paradoxically, local networks are the weakest point of Rosavtodor. Allocating tens of billions for large projects, the Federal Road Agency is “greedy”, saving on small point widenings. And it’s completely in vain: several small widenings at an intersection for 5-10 million can sometimes give an effect comparable to the construction of an overpass for 2 billion. In addition, due to neglect of local events, the effect of large road construction projects is blurred. For example, after the opening of the excellent overpass at the White Pillars, the load on the intersection with Kashirskoe Highway increased greatly. Because they didn’t expand anything on it!

During the construction of the neighboring overpass in Lvovskoye, no widening of the intersection with the Old Simferopol Highway is also provided. Please note: from the west there is a 4 km traffic jam just before the intersection with the highway, and not before the crossing!

But after the opening of the overpass, the load on the intersection will only increase. It turns out that after the construction of an overpass for a couple of billion rubles, the traffic jam will not go anywhere, except that it will be slightly reduced. And all because of the reluctance to spend 10 million rubles, 0.5% of the price of the overpass!

We will definitely contact Rosavtodor with a request to create a targeted program of local events. We need to somehow clear up the bottlenecks on federal highways, where there are no interchanges and are not expected. per year for federal roads In the Moscow region, at least 100 widenings can and should be done. With a cost of about 5 million rubles for 1 event, this is 500 million rubles for a hundred addresses. Only 15-20% of the cost of one single interchange!

In general, we can say that by 2018, when the first stage of the Central Ring Road is completed, both concrete sections will be basically put in order, eliminating the most big problems. The paid Central Ring Road will accommodate the main transit, while the free MMK and MBK will remain mostly local and suburban traffic. In any case, there will be a choice, and this is already a lot.

If you have any information on A-107 and A-108 that would complement this article, I would be grateful.

More materials

Source: Photo archive of Kommersant Publishing House

In Moscow and the Moscow region this year they will open a large number of new interchanges, overpasses and roads. Plots are being completed Northeast chord, interchange on Dmitrovskoe highway, large bridge in Dubna. At the same time, road workers are preparing to begin new construction on Yaroslavskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Rublevo-Uspenskoye highways, and in Lyubertsy: in these places, drivers need to prepare for blockages and congestion. In parallel with this, planned asphalt replacement begins on many roads and streets. Details are in the Kommersant article.

Expected road facilities in the Moscow region

Moscow territory:

  • Sections of the Solntsevo-Butovo-Vidnoe road from Borovskoe highway to Kaluzhskoe highway and from Kievskoe highway to Kaluzhskoe highway. Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road (from the former ChTK to the Veshnyaki district). Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Section of the North-Western Expressway: reconstruction of Krylatskaya, Yartsevskaya, Bozhenko, Kubinka streets with access to Mozhaiskoye Highway. Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoe Highway. Completion date: fourth quarter of 2018.

Moscow region roads:

  • Highway M-10-Lozhki-Povarovo-Friday in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Interchange at the intersection of Kooperativnaya Street and the entrance to the highway “Access to the city of Zhukovsky from the M-5 Ural highway” to the city of Zhukovsky. Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Interchange at the intersection of Volokolamskoye and Ilinskoye highways. Completion date: the first stage (partial opening of the interchange) - December 2018.
  • Overpass on Gagarin Street in Domodedovo (as part of the Kashirskoye Highway-Kiselikha highway). Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Bridge over the Volga in Dubna. Completion date: end of 2018.
  • Starosheretevo highway (reconstruction). Completion date: second quarter of 2018.
  • Interchange A-104 (Dmitrovskoe highway) with A-107 between the villages of Trudovaya and Ermolino. Completion date: second quarter of 2018.
  • Interchange between Dmitrovskoye and Rogachevskoye highways (with the elimination of the existing traffic light). Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • An overpass across the railway tracks on A-108 (33 km) on the section from Kashirskoe highway to Simferopol highway. Completion date: fourth quarter of 2018.
  • Bridge over the Velinka River at the 55th km of the M-5 Ural highway. Completion date: November 2018.
  • An overpass across the railway on the 25th km of the section from Ryazanskoye to Kashirskoye highway A-108. Completion date: November 2018.
  • Major repairs of the M-7 Volga highway in the section from km 83 to 94 in the Orekhovo-Zuevsky district. Elimination of traffic lights at km 88. Completion date: fourth quarter of 2018.
  • Elimination of traffic lights on the M-7 Volga highway due to construction pedestrian crossings on the 23rd km of the M-7 Volga highway in Balashikha. Completion date: second quarter of 2018.

Seasonal asphalt replacement begins in the Moscow region

Rosavtodor and the Moscow Region Ministry of Transport announced the start of work on federal and regional roads in the Moscow region: replacement of asphalt and markings will begin approximately from April 16.

to unmute

Work is planned on sections A-108 (“large concrete road”), A-107 (“small concrete road”), A-104 (Dmitrovskoe highway) and will last until August. More detailed information- on the website of the Federal Public Institution "Tsentravtomagistral".

Among the regional roads that will be repaired are sections of the routes: Voskresensk-Vinogradovo, Zaraysk-Bogatishchevo, Dedinovo-Selnikovo, Barynino-Vayukhino, Kalinovo-Kalugino, etc. Full list- on the website of the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow Region. Completion of work expected in September.

In Moscow, planned asphalt replacement began on April 8. Details - in an interview with the first deputy head of the State Budgetary Institution " Car roads» Raisa Chiglikova.

New facilities, the construction of which will begin in the Moscow region in 2018

Moscow territory:

  • Bridge over the old bed of the Moscow River in the southern part of the ZIL plant territory.
  • Reconstruction of the Dmitrovsky overpass.
  • An overpass over the railway tracks connecting passage 2236 with Khachaturyan Street.
  • Reconstruction of the interchange on the Kievskoe highway, construction of an overpass to provide transport services to the Salaryevo metro station and the Salaryevo transport hub.
  • Section of the North-East Expressway from Yaroslavl highway to Dmitrovskoe highway.
  • Section of the North-East Expressway from Open highway to Yaroslavl highway.
  • Section of the Southern understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt (from the interchange at the intersection with Minskaya Street to the Third Transport Ring).
  • A turning overpass on the section of the road from Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street to Dmitrovskoe Highway.
  • Overpass across the paths of the Savelovsky direction of the Moscow railway, connecting the street of the 800th anniversary of Moscow with Inzhenernaya street.
  • Interchange at the intersection Northern understudy Kutuzovsky Prospect, Shelepikhinskaya Embankment and the Third Ring.
  • Interchange through Kazanskoe and Gorky directions Moscow Railway on the section from Entuziastov Highway to Ryazansky Prospekt.
  • Moscow region roads:

  • Reconstruction of Oktyabrsky Avenue and Zeninsky Highway in Lyubertsy.
  • Overpass across the railway in the direction of Mira Street in Mytishchi.
  • Reconstruction of Lobnenskoye Highway in the section from Sheremetyevskoye Highway to Lenin Street (Lobnya railway station) to four lanes.
  • Reconstruction of Tupolev Street in Zhukovsky.

Federal roads of the Moscow region:

  • Reconstruction of the M-8 Kholmogory highway in the section from 29 to 35 km (work has already begun). Construction of an interchange between M-8 and Staroyaroslavskoe highway.
  • Construction of the M-5 Ural road bypassing the Oktyabrsky village.
  • The next stage of the project for the reconstruction of the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway at the entrance to the city of Odintsovo.
  • Construction of a transport interchange on the 27th km of the M-7 Volga highway at the exit from Balashikha (work has already begun). It is planned to expand the roadway to six lanes in the section from 26 to 30 kilometers, and to build turnaround loops at two levels at 26 and 30 kilometers to organize U-turns and left-turn exits.

Sources of information: Moscow Department of Construction, Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region, FKU "Tsentravtomagistral" and FKU "Uprdor Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod" of the Federal Road Agency.

Ivan Buranov

The decision to build the Central Ring Road was made by the government of the Moscow region back in December 2003 in order to reduce the congestion of the Moscow Ring Road, Betonka (A-107) and Bolshaya Betonka (A-108).

The city authorities plan that after construction is completed, approximately 34,000 cars will pass through the toll highway every day. The choice of drivers will not be random, because for a small fee they will receive such benefits as:

  • no traffic jams;
  • high-quality modern coating;
  • the ability to reach speeds of up to 150 km/h;

For this purpose, 5 launch complexes with a total length of 525 km will be built. The first two sections are almost completed:

  1. Complex No. 1 length 113.45 km;
  2. Complex No. 5 with a length of more than 89.97 km.

Upcoming launch

On July 26, 2018, Sergei Sobyanin promised that the first two sections toll road will be opened at the end of this year, but the opening of the third and fourth sections will have to wait, because Vladimir Putin postponed their completion to 2019.

Launch Complex No. 1

The road will cover the territory of Podolsk and Naro-Fominsk districts, as well as the Domodedovo urban district and the Troitsky administrative district of the capital. The total length of the commissioned section will be 49.5 kilometers (from 96 to 146 km).

The 1st section of the Central Ring Road will differ from other roads by the presence of:

  • 24 guidebooks;
  • 12 bridges;
  • 6 multi-level interchanges;
  • 3 overpasses;
  • canvases for 4 - 6 lanes in both directions;
  • the presence of a special barrier between threads.

Important! Each kilometer of driving along the site will cost vehicle owners 2.32 rubles. There will be no benefits for Muscovites and other categories of motorists.

Wherein maximum speed cars will be 140 km/h.

Launch Complex No. 5

The 5th launch complex will be laid along the Istra, Naro-Fominsk, Odintsovo, Solnechnogorsk districts and the Zvenigorod urban district. In the future, the Moscow Ring Road, the Central Ring Road and the restored Kaluga highway form the transport system of the “new Moscow”.

In 2017, the first section of the Central Ring Road opened to traffic was the segment of the fifth complex (3.6 km long), which paved the road bypassing Zvenigorod. Full completion of construction is expected in December 2018. Although in an interview with the media, Andrei Vorobyov said that 50-90 km will be launched at the end of this year. the new roundabout, he did not specify which sections he was talking about.

Reasons for creation

In addition to the key technical factors of highway construction, among which experts especially highlight its low congestion and the absence of a large number of exits and intersections, this project also has a whole range of social and urban planning reasons.

So, if the authorities decided to take the path of reconstructing Betonki, they would definitely have to face the discontent of people whose houses are located next to highways. For example, A-107 passes next to such major cities, How:

  • Noginsk;
  • Bronnitsy;
  • Elektrostal;
  • Zvenigorod;
  • Domodedovo.

At the same time, the buildings are located at a distance of only 5-30 m from the “Pyatidesyakilometrka”. The buildings would inevitably be demolished if the designers began expanding existing routes.

notice, that central ring will be a road of the 1st technical category (I-A). This means that the curvature, width of shoulders, degree of longitudinal slopes and other indicators of the highway will meet strictly established standards. Therefore, here even heavy vehicles can move safely at high speeds.

Free A-107 and A-108 cannot boast of meeting accepted standards. In order to make them comply with the regulations, both highways would have to be completely redone, incl. destroy many junctions, intersections, offsets and junctions. Such a redrawing of the transport road would be much less expedient than the construction of a new closed road near Moscow.

Future development concept

The authorities are developing plans for the construction of 3 additional transport arteries in the Novomoskovsky and Troitsky districts. Interchanges will appear at the intersection of the Central Ring Road with Kaluga and Warsaw highway and next to the 26th picket, and their length will be more than 22 km. The Department of Transport decided to limit itself to this in order not to overcrowd the transit route.

Let us recall that the implementation of the Central Ring Road scheme first began in December 2015. The project, the implementation of which cost over 300 billion rubles, was aimed at creating a modern 530-kilometer highway.

It was financed through 3 sources:

  • investments of investors and concessionaires;
  • funds from the National Welfare Fund of Russia;
  • subsidies from the federal treasury.

On toll roads (eastern, northern and southern understudies MMK, or A-107) motorists will be able to reach a speed of 140 km/h, and on the only free site(western) – 80 km/h. By the final stage, which will fall in 2020-2025, the Central Ring Road will be the largest multifunctional transport and logistics center in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Video about the construction of the Central Ring Road in 2018:

The first section of the Central Ring Road of the Moscow Region from the interchange with the M-4 Don highway. The highway, more than 520 km long and 4 to 8 lanes wide, will pass 25-65 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road.

The construction of the Central Ring Road was provided for by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2001, but the path from concept to the start of construction took a long 13 years. In honor of this event, a commemorative capsule commemorating the start of construction was laid at the future interchange of the Central Ring Road with the M-4 Don highway.

1st section of the 1st launch complex of the Central Ring Road, km 96 - km 146. It has a length of 49.49 km and will run from the M4 Don interchange to section A-107 between Kaluzhskoe and Kievskoe highways. In the diagram below it is indicated in red.

Surprisingly, open information about the Central Ring Road is incomplete and contradictory. Let's try to bring together everything that is reliably known at this moment, and figure out why this road is needed, in what order sections of the Central Ring Road will be built, how much the journey will cost, and what will happen next with the A-107 and A-108 highways ("small concrete " and "big concrete").

What will be the length of the Central Ring Road and where can I see its route?
It seems that the question about the length of the Central Ring Road is elementary. But the answer is not so simple: I came across 5 options in the range from 520 to 530 km. This is due to the fact that over the years of approvals and design, the project has undergone several adjustments. IN this moment correct answer 529.02 km. This is exactly the length that will be obtained if you add up the lengths of all launch complexes.

The general scheme of the Central Ring Road with an overlay on the terrain looks like this.

For those who want to see more precisely where the route will pass, our map of road construction projects will help you estimate the distance from the road to some object, but not the entire Central Ring Road is there yet. I also recommend the scheme with an overlay on the Yandex map.

In what order will sections of the Central Ring Road be built?
Let's start with terminology. Almost all media now use the term “site” and write about “4 sites until 2018.” In fact The Central Ring Road is divided into 5 launch complexes (PC) or 10 sections.

In addition, there is a small connecting section between 3 PCs and 5 PCs with a length of 5.3 km. It is not included in the launch complexes of the Central Ring Road and the Avtodor Group of Companies is building it at its own expense.

Further, construction of the Central Ring Road is divided into 2 stages. At the first stage, by 2018, 6 sections out of 10 will be built, which form a ring 338.35 km long, practically duplicating the MMK. The road width will be mainly 4 lanes. At the second stage, from 2020 to 2025, the remaining 4 sections with a length of 190.67 km and a width of 6 lanes will be built, and everything built under stage 1 will be expanded from 4 to 6 lanes (in some places up to 8).

Construction stages on the animated diagram:

Main technical parameters of the launch complexes of the Central Ring Road.

Will all sections of the Central Ring Road be tolled and how much will it cost?
All sections will be paid, except for 5 PCs - the reconstructed section of the A-107 highway, the so-called Zvenigorod passage “small concrete road”. It is planned that the fare for paid sections for passenger cars it will be 2.32 rubles per 1 km.

What benefits will the Central Ring Road bring?
The effect of the road is difficult to overestimate. Moreover, it will be colossal for Moscow, the Moscow region, and Russia as a whole.

Moscow The Central Ring Road will help by absorbing part of the transit and heavy traffic flow from the Moscow Ring Road and ensuring the connectivity of the annexed territories with the Moscow region. Moreover, this will free Moscow from its current role as an all-Russian cargo distribution center, intercepting cargo for other regions at distant approaches with re-sorting and dispatch to regions. Both are powerful means of combating Moscow traffic jams.

Moscow region The Central Ring Road will be even more useful. First of all, it will relieve transit pressure on the “small concrete road” A-107 and the western section of the “large concrete road”, as well as the “head” sections of the radial highways between the Moscow Ring Road and the Central Ring Road. Further, the Central Ring Road will help solve one of the main problems of the Moscow region and Moscow - the lack of jobs in the Moscow region, due to which hundreds of thousands of residents daily participate in “pendulum” migration, traveling to the capital in the morning and home in the evening. According to the authorities, the Central Ring Road will create as many as 200 thousand new jobs! It seems that this assessment is justified: a road of this level will inevitably “attract” more than a dozen investment projects, both production and logistics. And the first applications, according to Governor Vorobyov, have already been received. Let’s not forget about the road service infrastructure: it is already planned to build 32 gas stations with minimarkets and fast food cafes, 30 multifunctional gas stations with 22 cafe-restaurants, 18 service stations, 18 motels along the Central Ring Road.

As for Russia as a whole, The Central Ring Road will make it possible to form chord roads that will become part of four international transport corridors (ITC).

Together with the reconstruction of the main federal highways already underway and planned until 2020 (M-4 Don, M-5 Ural, M-7 Volga, M-8 Kholmogory, M-10 Russia), all this will allow the country to realize its transit potential. Now, it’s funny to say, Russia earns 5% of what it could from transit. And the country’s budget receives less, according to the State Duma Committee on Transport, up to 2.5 trillion. rubles per year. Transit development - great way resume economic growth, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and attract additional investment in logistics and oil refining. (More about the transit potential of the Russian Federation).

But that is not all. The effect from the highway, although smaller, is expected for the economies of neighboring regions - Tver, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ryazan, Kaluga, Tula and Smolensk. Security will increase traffic and speed of travel, people's mobility will increase. The movement of goods within the country will be accelerated and made cheaper, and the competitiveness of any Russian product will increase.

Oddly enough, the level will also decrease negative impact on environment: after all, harmful emissions at 5-10 km/h are 4-10 times higher than at speeds of 60-80 km/h.

Why is it needed? new route? Why not just reconstruct the ring A-107 or A-108?
This option was considered, but was abandoned for three reasons.

The first reason is social. Both of these roads pass through cities and towns. On A-107, the length of “populated” sections is more than 40 km, the concrete road passes through Noginsk, Elektrostal, Bronnitsy, Zvenigorod and others, the distance to buildings in some places is 5-30 m. When reconstructing up to 6 lanes, it would be necessary to either build a lot of bypasses of cities, or buy a lot of properties. Moreover, in the second option, there would still be many dissatisfied people - after all, only the property being demolished would be bought out, and not the houses of all those who do not want to live next to the transit highway.

The second reason is technical. To make the highway attractive for transit, it must be designed for a speed of 130-150 km/h and haveI technical category. This means very high requirements for curvature, longitudinal slopes, width of shoulders, number of junctions, etc. But neither MMK nor MBK meet these requirements even close! To reconstruct any of them to category I means to completely rebuild it, in fact to demolish it old road and build a new one in its place.

The third reason is urban planning. Considering that in the Moscow region the density road network 4-5 times lower than in European countries with similar population density, it is much better to have 2 roads, local and transit, rather than one hybrid. When reconstructing the MMK or MBK, the “high-speed” route would have both slow local and fast transit traffic. Tractors, passenger buses, local Gazelles, and international heavy trucks would still travel along the same road. In addition, we would have to solve the problem of those hundreds of junctions and intersections that exist on concrete roads now. And either create colossal extra mileage for local traffic of a dozen or two kilometers, or build dozens of extra overpasses and interchanges. It is for this reason that the “Zvenigorodsky Stroke” of the A-107 highway, which is being reconstructed as part of the Central Ring Road, will be 4 lanes wide, it will retain traffic lights (although several interchanges will be built), and it will have only technical category II.

In general, the chosen solution, from my point of view, is optimal.

What will happen to the concrete roads and railway crossings on them?
Both concrete roads will remain free and will be used primarily by local traffic. And all railway crossings will be reconstructed, and overpasses will be built instead. 2 overpasses in Alabino and in White Pillars on A-107 are already being completed.

Overpass under construction on A-107 in White Pillars (clickable)

An overpass under construction on A-108 in Alabino (clickable).

3 more overpasses, in Lvovsky on A-107, in Sharapova Okhota and Lipitino on A-108, will begin to be built this year. Preparations for construction are now underway.

Overpass on A-107 in Lviv (clickable).

Overpass on A-108 in Sharapova Okhota (clickable).

Next up are the Golitsyno and Yurovo crossings on the Small Ring, and Dorokhovo on the Big Ring. The overpass in Golitsyn (Bolshiye Vyazemy) will be built before 2018 under a separate title simultaneously with the 5th launch complex of the Central Ring Road. Overpasses are also planned for the remaining two addresses, with commissioning dates from 2018 to 2020.

Thanks to the state company Avtodor and the forum for the information provided. If you find errors in this article, write about it, but only with a reliable proof link.

A large number of new interchanges, overpasses and roads will open in Moscow and the Moscow region this year. Sections of the North-Eastern Expressway, an interchange on Dmitrovskoe Highway, and a large bridge in Dubna are being completed. At the same time, road workers are preparing to begin new construction on Yaroslavskoye, Dmitrovskoye, Rublevo-Uspenskoye highways, and in Lyubertsy: in these places, drivers need to prepare for blockages and congestion. In parallel with this, planned asphalt replacement begins on many roads and streets. Details are in the Kommersant article.

Expected road facilities in the Moscow region

Moscow territory:

Moscow region roads:

  • Highway M-10-Lozhki-Povarovo-Friday in the Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region. Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Interchange at the intersection of Kooperativnaya Street and the entrance to the highway “Access to the city of Zhukovsky from the M-5 Ural highway” to the city of Zhukovsky. Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Interchange at the intersection of Volokolamskoye and Ilinskoye highways. Completion date: the first stage (partial opening of the interchange) - December 2018.
  • Overpass on Gagarin Street in Domodedovo (as part of the Kashirskoye Highway-Kiselikha highway). Completion date: third quarter of 2018.
  • Bridge over the Volga in Dubna. Completion date: end of 2018.
  • Starosheretevo highway (reconstruction). Completion date: second quarter of 2018.

Seasonal asphalt replacement begins in the Moscow region

Rosavtodor and the Moscow Region Ministry of Transport announced the start of work on federal and regional roads in the Moscow region: replacement of asphalt and markings will begin approximately from April 16.

Among the regional roads that will be repaired are sections of the routes: Voskresensk-Vinogradovo, Zaraysk-Bogatishchevo, Dedinovo-Selnikovo, Barynino-Vayukhino, Kalinovo-Kalugino, etc. The full list is on the website of the Ministry of Transport of the Moscow Region. Completion of work expected in September.

In Moscow, planned asphalt replacement began on April 8. For details, please contact the First Deputy Head of the State Budgetary Institution “Highways” Raisa Chiglikova.

New facilities, the construction of which will begin in the Moscow region in 2018

Moscow territory:

Moscow region roads:

  • Reconstruction of Oktyabrsky Avenue and Zeninsky Highway in Lyubertsy.
  • Overpass across the railway in the direction of Mira Street in Mytishchi.
  • Reconstruction of Lobnenskoye Highway in the section from Sheremetyevskoye Highway to Lenin Street (Lobnya railway station) to four lanes.
  • Reconstruction of Tupolev Street in Zhukovsky.

Federal roads of the Moscow region:

Future bypass of the Oktyabrsky village as part of the M5 Ural highway

  • Reconstruction of the M-8 Kholmogory highway in the section from 29 to 35 km (work has already begun). Construction of an interchange between M-8 and Staroyaroslavskoe highway.
  • Construction of the M-5 Ural road bypassing the Oktyabrsky village.
  • The next stage of the project for the reconstruction of the Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway at the entrance to the city of Odintsovo.
  • Construction of a transport interchange on the 27th km of the M-7 Volga highway at the exit from Balashikha (work has already begun). It is planned to expand the roadway to six lanes in the section from 26 to 30 kilometers, and to build turnaround loops at two levels at 26 and 30 kilometers to organize U-turns and left-turn exits.

The planned turnaround loop at the 27th kilometer of the M7 "Volga"

Photo: FKU "Uprdor Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod"

Sources of information: Moscow Department of Construction, Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region, FKU "Tsentravtomagistral" and FKU "Uprdor Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod" of the Federal Road Agency.