Autobiography for joining the Union of Artists. © Professional Union of Artists of Russia

Members of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" can be professional creative workers visual arts: artists, restorers and art critics, as well as folk craftsmen who have created original works that have independent creative significance and recognize the Charter of the Union of Artists of Russia.

Admission to membership in the All-Russian creative public organization "Union of Artists of Russia" is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for admission to membership and termination of membership in the All-Russian creative public organization "Union of Artists of Russia" (published below).

List of documents required to join the Union of Artists

  • a written application for admission with an obligation to comply with the Charter of the Union of Artists of Russia;
  • list of main works, photographs and reproductions of works, documents on participation in art exhibitions, carried out in the system of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" or a list of art criticism works;
  • recommendations of three members of the Union of Artists of Russia (with at least 5 years of membership experience);
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  • copy of diploma or certificate of education;
  • autobiography;
  • personal sheets for personnel records with photographs measuring 4X6 cm.

Regulations on the procedure for admission to membership and termination of membership in the All-Russian creative public organization "Union of Artists of Russia"

I. General provisions

These Regulations have been developed and adopted in full accordance with clause 3.2 of the Charter of the All-Russian creative public organization “Union of Artists of Russia” (hereinafter “SHR”) and current legislation, is subject to execution by all structural divisions-organizations (departments) of SHR.

Members of the "SHR" can be professional creative workers in the fine arts: artists, restorers and art historians, as well as folk craftsmen who have created original works that have independent creative significance and recognize the Charter of the "SHR".

II. Conditions and procedure for purchasing SHR membership

2.1. Admission to membership in the "SHR" is carried out by an agreed decision of the structural unit-organization (department) and the "SHR" Secretariat.

2.2. Structural divisions-organizations (departments) with more than 50 registered members of the "SHR" carry out admission by decision of the Board, other structural divisions carry out reception at the general meeting.

2.3. An applicant who wishes to become a member of the "SHR" and is familiar with the Charter of the "SHR" applies to the Board of the structural unit at the place of his permanent registration at the place of residence and submits the following documents:

  • a written application for admission with an obligation to comply with the Charter of "SHR";
  • a list of main works, photographs and reproductions of works, documents on participation in art exhibitions held in the “SHR” system or a list of art history works;
  • recommendations of three members of “SHR” (with at least 5 years of membership experience);
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence;
  • a copy of a diploma or certificate of education;
  • autobiography;
  • personal sheets for personnel records with photographs measuring 4X6 cm;

2.4. The board of a structural unit (or its creative sections):

get acquainted with the works and works of Applicants who wish to be accepted into the “SHR”;

take into account the results of the artist’s participation in significant exhibitions held in the “SHR” system in the field of application of his professional skills, the results of the work of art critics in the theoretical generalization and popularization of art Russian artists, participation of applicants in social activities structural unit;

prepare the registration of the Applicant’s personal file, recommended for admission to membership in the “SHR”;

organize the display and discussion of the Applicant's works at special meetings or reception sessions.

2.5. Admission to membership in the SHR is carried out once a year at the place of permanent registration at the place of residence of the person joining the SHR within the time frame established by the Secretariat of the SHR.

2.6. Admission to membership in “SHR” is carried out in the following order:

for artists - by displaying their works at exhibitions of applicants specially organized for this purpose, taking into account successful participation in previous exhibitions organized and held by "SHR" or its structural divisions;

for artists whose main works cannot be exhibited at exhibitions of applicants (monumental art, art of cinema, theater, restoration of monuments, etc.) based on viewing and evaluation of their creative work on site, along with the display of photographs, sketches at exhibitions of applicants and other works of the artist;

for art critics - based on the study, review and discussion of their art criticism works, articles or publicly presented projects.

2.7. Admission to membership in the "SHR" is carried out by closed (secret) voting, for which:

the meeting (board) of a structural unit elects a counting commission from among its members by open vote (upon admission to the board, the functions of the counting commission may be entrusted to the audit commission of this structural unit);

the counting commission selects the chairman and secretary and draws up ballots (lists) for secret voting with the candidacies of applicants to the “SHR”;

each secret voting participant (meeting participant, board member) receives one copy of a ballot with the names of candidates for membership in the “SHR”, and a note is made in the list of voting participants (meeting, board member) about the issue of the ballot;

the participant in the secret ballot leaves in the ballot the names of those applicants whom he votes “for admission” and crosses out the names of those “against admission” to the “SHR” he votes, after which he places the ballot in a special ballot box (box) or transfers it to the counting commission;

The meeting (board) of the structural unit approves the protocol of the counting commission with the results of a closed (secret) vote and attaches it to its protocol on admission to membership in the “SHR”, signed by the chairman and executive secretary of the board (meeting).

2.8. A decision is considered adopted if more than half of the authorized board (meeting) participating in the voting votes for it. An applicant who does not receive a sufficient number of votes at a meeting of the Board (meeting) has the right to file an appeal to the SHR Secretariat.

2.9. To approve the results of admission to the SHR, a special meeting of the SHR secretariat is held, to which the structural units represent:

minutes of board meetings (meetings) on admission to members of “SHR” and minutes of creative commissions;

personal files of Applicants admitted to SHR;

list of main works, photographs and reproductions of works, information about participation in exhibitions;

a list of art works and publicly presented projects accepted into the "SHR".

Applicants may present their main works for display to the secretariat meeting.

2.10. The SHR Secretariat discusses the candidacy of each Applicant accepted into the SHR by a structural unit and, through an open vote, approves (or rejects) his acceptance as a member of the SHR, which is documented in the minutes of the secretariat meeting.

2.11. Those accepted as members of the "SHR" are issued a uniform ticket (form No. 1 - is an integral part of these Regulations).

2.12. A membership card of the established form is the only document confirming actual membership in the SHR.

III. Conditions and procedure for termination of membership in "SHR"

3.1. Membership in SHR is terminated in the following cases:

a) exclusion from members of “SHR”;

b) departure from the members of "SHR".

3.2. Expulsion from members of the "SHR" is carried out in case of violation or failure to fulfill the duties of the members of the "SHR" provided for in subsection. a, c, d, f clause 3.4 of the SHR Charter.

3.3. Retirement from members of "SHR" is carried out:

a) in case of failure to fulfill the duties of a member of the "SHR", provided for in subparagraph. b clause 3.4 of the SHR Charter for one calendar year;

b) at your own request;

c) failure to confirm membership in the SHR, except in cases of disability due to old age or illness.

3.4. Resignation from members of the "SHR" in case of failure to fulfill duties or non-confirmation of membership is formalized by the protocol of the Secretariat of the "SHR" on the basis of information provided by the boards of the structural unit-organization (branch).

3.5. A member of the SHR is considered to have left the Union from the moment the protocol of the SHR Secretariat is drawn up or from the moment the SHR receives an application for withdrawal of his own free will.

3.6. Those who have left and were expelled from the members of the "SHR" can join the "SHR" again on a general basis.

3.7. In order to resolve the issue of non-confirmation of membership of the Board structural divisions-organizations (departments) annually submit to the SHR Secretariat the following information about the members of the SHR who are registered in these structural divisions:

last name, first name, patronymic, age, membership card number;

debt on membership fees and fees for a creative workshop (studio) based on an accounting certificate;

long-term non-participation in the statutory activities of the SHR structural unit for 4 (four) years.

3.8. Expulsion from members of the "SHR" is carried out by the same bodies and in the same manner as admission to membership of the "SHR", except for the cases provided for in paragraphs. 3.9, 3.10 of these Regulations.

3.9. Actions committed by members of the SHR, including those elected to the governing bodies of the SHR system, classified as one-time gross violations of the Charter of the SHR, serve as grounds for exclusion from members of the SHR in a special manner - on the basis of a resolution of the Secretariat of the SHR.

3.10. Single gross violations of the SHR Charter are actions aimed at violating organizational structure of a single Union, or for the alienation of property objects of "SHR" and its structural divisions, as well as the application material damage"SHR" and its structural divisions, dissemination in printed publications or in any other way of information discrediting the honor, dignity or business reputation of other members of "SHR", its structural divisions, commercial and non-commercial structures of the "SHR" system, including filing unfounded claims in the courts.

IV. Final provisions

4.1. When authorized bodies decide on issues of admission and termination of membership in the SHR, the presence of the applicant or member of the SHR is not necessary.

4.2. Decisions of authorized bodies on termination of membership in SHR can be appealed to the Central Audit Commission of SHR.

4.3. Decisions of authorized bodies on issues of admission and termination of membership in “SHR” cannot be appealed or declared invalid (illegal) by judicial authorities, since in accordance with Art. 17 Federal Law “On public associations» organ intervention state power into activities public organizations not allowed.

The regulations were approved by the Resolution of the Secretariat of the Union of Artists of Russia dated February 6, 2004 (Protocol No. 2).

If you have any questions about the procedure for joining the Union of Artists of Russia, please contact those listed on the website.

How to become a member

Professional Union of Artists of Russia

1. According to the Charter of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia (PSHR), members of the Union of Artists of Russia can be painters, graphic artists, sculptors, masters of decorative and applied arts, photographers, designers, architects, art historians, gallery and museum workers, journalists, and other persons associated with professional interests in areas of culture and art. The PSHR has an Admissions Committee.

2. To join the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, you must fill out a form, which can be downloaded on our website in the format Excel orWord. The questionnaire is at the same time an application for admission to the Trade Union.

3. Along with the completed application form, please provide us with:

3.1. Your photo for your membership card (regular document photo, approximately 3x4 cm);

3.2. A short autobiography (it can be entered in the “I consider it necessary to tell about myself” column of the questionnaire);

3.3. A copy of your passport ( home page and registration pages);

3.4. Information about your creative achievements, including a list of state and public awards, publications (including on the Internet), and for artists - also a list of exhibitions (including on the Internet), catalogs, reproductions of 5-10 works for different periods of creativity. Recommendations from colleagues, museums and galleries, links to Internet sites and pages on social networks will also be useful.

4. Attention! When filling out the form, remember that you are joining a trade union of creative workers, and not a trade union of workers in any other field of activity (business, industry, politics, transport, etc.). Therefore your occupation according to the corresponding column of the questionnaire, it can only be related to creativity(see paragraph 1), and the PSHR Admissions Committee will be interested primarily in your creative achievements(see clause 3.4). We ask them to be reflected in the questionnaire first of all. Other professions you have and your achievements in other areas of activity may be indicated in the application form as additional information.

5. Materials are accepted by e-mail (see section “”). It is advisable to print out the form, sign it, and then scan it and send it to us.

Submitted materials are not reviewed and will not be returned.

Attention! For technical reasons, materials are not currently accepted by regular mail.

6. E If you are accepted into the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, you can receive documents on membership in the PSHR by mail. .

7. In case , if you have been assigned a rating level of at least 5, you have the right to become a member of the Professional Union of Artists of Russia without consideration of your works Admissions Committee. In this case, simply fill out the form and send it to us.

8. If you are an artist (painter, graphic artist, sculptor, master of decorative and applied arts...) and are accepted into the Professional Union of Artists of Russia, you will automatically be included in Register of Professional Artists XVIII - XXI centuries, no additional data is needed for this.

9. Please note that the Professional Union of Artists of Russia does not have entrance or annual membership fees. We work exclusively on a voluntary basis.Therefore, we do not have any set deadlines for responding to letters or considering applications. We try to do all this as quickly as possible, but we apologize in advance if the resolution of any issue takes several weeks, or even months.

If you still have questions that you did not find answers to on this page, take a look at the “” page or contact us.


© Professional Union of Artists of Russia

When using site materials, a valid link to the relevant page is required.

Joining the Union is a fact of recognition by the professional community of the creative, pedagogical, methodological, organizational successes and merits of each member of the Union. Therefore, it is especially important that colleagues can familiarize themselves with the professional experience of each participant. The Union website is the only one in Russia information platform, which contains information about teacher-artists. Everyone has personal page with a portfolio, a gallery of children's and author's works, a presentation article illustrating work experience.

It is important for us that every act of participation in the life of the Union becomes for each of its members a confirmation of the level of professional experience and skill. We put not only our soul into each Union event, but also the points necessary for certification, which are confirmed necessary documents. The presence of a portfolio and publication of methodological experience on the all-Russian professional portal is the first degree of “initiation” that each member of the Union a priori receives (together with a membership certificate and an international pass education card, confirming professional membership in the elite caste of “teachers of art” in Europe, which has the right to free visit museums).

The second stage is getting to know our programs and projects and participating in them (more details in the section). Participation in our competitions, seminars, exhibitions, plein airs, advanced training courses for members of the Union will ALWAYS be free; or, when involving third parties, organized with discounts and special conditions. This is one of the main principles of the existence of the Union.

When organizing our events, we will certainly notice those members of our community for whom it is important not only to gain points for certification and their own satisfaction. We will notice those who care about science (research in the field of artistic pedagogy and methodology), practice (testing art materials), organizational work(implementation of one’s own art projects), work as a manager (creating one’s own workshop or studio), evaluation activities (membership in the jury and competition commissions), work to order (execution teamwork with children by order of partner companies). Active members of our community will receive the opportunity for additional development, assistance in their endeavors, our orders and additional work as it arises. This is the third stage of “initiation,” which is simply called creative friendship.

Well, above are only stars) You can propose your project, worthy of development and dissemination at the all-Russian and international level, and become the chairman of the corresponding section of the “Union”. You can become the Chairman of a regional or local branch of the Union (this requires good organizational and leadership skills, a certain authority and a request to the Board of the Union). You can become the Chairman of the Union itself - the organization is open, elections will be regular, it is important that each of us has the right to a decent assessment of our work.

But... all this is ahead) First you just need to become a member of our community.
To do this, you need to fill out the application form (in the section) and send it to the address Email: [email protected] . An archived folder with electronic documents must be attached to the completed application, which should contain (ATTENTION!):

Personal photograph;

5 photographs of children's works;

5 photos of your own work (and/or photos of implemented organizational projects);

Presentation article.

The presentation article will be posted on the website for public access and discussion; requirements - Word document, volume - up to 4 pages of typewritten text, with inserted drawings up to 5 MB. The archive folder and application must be signed with your last name and initials.

The article should reflect your personal methodological, pedagogical, and organizational experience. In the title it is necessary to classify it into one of the following categories:

  • Painting
  • Graphic arts
  • Composition
  • Computer graphics
  • Sculpture
  • Architecture
  • Design
  • Art history
  • Organizational project
  • Administrative project

Materials illustrating the conduct of a lesson (lesson), a series of lessons (lessons), a master class, can be accepted as a presentation article. organizational project(holiday, opening of an exhibition, competition, etc.), implementation of an administrative project (in the area of ​​solving current problems modern system art education). As a presentation article, excerpts from educational programs, methodological developments, descriptions, recommendations, free-form articles, scripts, reports, speeches, presentations, visual aids.

Attention! The amounts of entrance and membership fees are published in the “Regulations on Entry” (section “Documents”). For 2014, the entrance fee is 1000 rubles, the annual membership fee is 1000 rubles and 100 rubles for pensioners.

My journal began many years ago with entries dedicated to joining the Union of Artists. I was young, naive and burdened with a bunch of small kids. You need to do something to keep from getting sour! Let everyone realize how awesome I am! I filled out a completely insane Soviet questionnaire, which asked if I was under occupation and if I participated in the partisan movement, took the rugs on which I wove some pictures - a fish, a still life, abstractly beautiful colors reminiscent of a forest, and went. They told me that the rugs are bad, they can buy better ones at IKEA. Artists with rugs are not accepted into the Union of Artists. What if I want to do woven images- I have to train as a tapestry maker and weave tapestries. I spat, decided that I was not going to weave tapestries and it was generally unclear why I decided to join there.
It seems to me that format and adherence to it is the motto of this organization. A step to the right, a step to the left - execution on the spot. This format was formed in the late seventies. It reminds me of a community of old Southern aristocrats who gather for forty years in a row at some Colonel Dupont's, smoke cigars and remember the old days. On the street there is already a different era, a different century, different conditions... neither they, nor their memories, nor their cigars are of interest to anyone. And if I were them, I would pay extra to people who agree to play this with them. and they manage not to accept anyone else.
This time I took the path of conformity. For three years I exhibited with our city youth and was active. They tolerated me, despite my not quite the statutory age. So I decided that how fair man obliged to marry them.
This year the youth decided to join almost full staff. They took my works with sauce, which everyone likes, and several watercolors.

And at the appointed time I went first to the section. After all, I’m joining as a scheduler, at first the schedulers looked at us. The building is pretentious, in the center of Moscow. A long corridor is filled with a bunch of artists from different cities. By the way, there are chairs there! So people-pleasing has reached there too...

There is a list on the wall, and everyone in turn is called into the room where the commission is meeting. You arrange your work, at this time the secretary reads from your personal file where you studied and what you have major exhibitions, and you go out.

We have to wait for everyone to see it. The lady secretary (this is her moment of fame. And she has been working there for 50 years) calls everyone into a separate room. Everyone huddles in the corners as she announces the results of the commission's vote.

Today was the second day, secretariat. I met a friend from Kostroma there. The train arrives at 6 am, and she sat there in the corridor until two and waited. There were many different cities. I also wanted to go to an exhibition of photographs on a Russian estate, and during the break I went there on foot. Not long on the map. Suddenly I found myself on Maroseyka. Then I got to Red Square - and immediately turned back because time was up.
I was not accepted unanimously, eight against six. So even when I indulge in conformity, I still don’t fall completely into the format :) When I was laying out the work there, at first I argued with the lady who read out that my education was a cultural institute. And last time they clung to it tightly. A real artist must have an education - Surikovsky. Well, or Stroganovsky. Even from the former Leninist pedagogue, they accept the Hoodgrafists without enthusiasm, and they may turn them away. And here, in general, there is some kind of cultural institute. I had to explain that in fact my education is a mahu, it’s pretty cool. At the end of this conversation there was a call on my phone.
My husband bought it for me the day before, angry that my phone often runs out of charge and sometimes I don’t hear calls. It is the size of a handbag and rings like the trumpet of Jericho. And now I’m arranging the work, and he’ll ring! It was the child who called to report that he had come home from school. Members of the commission, including those who were completely deaf and fell asleep, were pressed into the wall by the sound wave :)

And then I went to a friend who works in a club on Maroseyka, and we drank beer and made a sketch for memory :) while I was doing it, I thought - only a couple of hours in the artists’ union, but my drawing has become much worse :) Now all that’s left is the ID get it, and I'll be a licensed fool, with a certificate