Autobiography of Kuprin for children, brief summary. A.I

In literature, the name of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is associated with an important transitional stage at the turn of two centuries. Not last role this was played by the historical breakdown in political and public life Russia. This factor undoubtedly had the strongest influence on the writer’s work. A.I. Kuprin is a man of unusual destiny and strong character. Almost all of his works are based on real events. An ardent fighter for justice, he sharply, boldly and at the same time lyrically created his masterpieces, which were included in the golden fund of Russian literature.

Kuprin was born in 1870 in the town of Narovchat, Penza province. His father, a small landowner, died suddenly when the future writer was only a year old. Left with his mother and two sisters, he grew up enduring hunger and all kinds of hardships. Experiencing serious financial difficulties, associated with the death of her husband, the mother placed her daughters in a government boarding school, and together with little Sasha moved to Moscow.

Kuprin’s mother, Lyubov Alekseevna, was a proud woman, as she was a descendant of a noble Tatar family, as well as a native Muscovite. But she had to make a difficult decision for herself - to send her son to be raised in an orphan school.

Kuprin's childhood years, spent within the boarding school walls, were joyless, and internal state always seemed depressed. He felt out of place, felt bitterness from the constant oppression of his personality. After all, given the origin of his mother, of which the boy was always very proud, future writer As he grew up and matured, he showed himself to be an emotional, active and charismatic person.

Youth and education

After graduating from the orphan school, Kuprin entered a military gymnasium, which was later transformed into a cadet corps.

This event greatly influenced future fate Alexander Ivanovich and, first of all, on his work. After all, it was from the beginning of his studies at the gymnasium that he first discovered his interest in writing, and the image of Second Lieutenant Romashov from the famous story “The Duel” is the prototype of the author himself.

Service in an infantry regiment allowed Kuprin to visit many remote cities and provinces of Russia, study military affairs, the basics of army discipline and drill. The topic of officer everyday life has taken a strong position in many works of art the author, which subsequently caused controversial debates in society.

It would seem that, military career- the fate of Alexander Ivanovich. But his rebellious nature did not allow this to happen. By the way, service was completely alien to him. There is a version that Kuprin, while under the influence of alcohol, threw a police officer from the bridge into the water. In connection with this incident, he soon resigned and left military affairs forever.

History of success

After leaving the service, Kuprin experienced an urgent need to obtain comprehensive knowledge. Therefore, he began to actively travel around Russia, meet people, and learn a lot of new and useful things from communicating with them. At the same time, Alexander Ivanovich sought to try his hand at different professions. He gained experience in the field of surveyors, circus performers, fishermen, even pilots. However, one of the flights almost ended in tragedy: as a result of the plane crash, Kuprin almost died.

He also worked with interest as a journalist in various printed publications, wrote notes, essays, and articles. The spirit of an adventurer allowed him to successfully develop everything he started. He was open to everything new and absorbed what was happening around him like a sponge. Kuprin was a researcher by nature: he eagerly studied human nature, I wanted to experience all the facets of interpersonal communication for myself. Therefore, during military service, faced with obvious officer promiscuity, hazing and humiliation human dignity, the creator in a damning manner formed the basis for writing his most famous works, such as “The Duel”, “Junkers”, “At the Turning Point (Cadets)”.

The writer built the plots of all his works based solely on personal experience and the memories he received during his service and travels around Russia. Openness, simplicity, sincerity in the presentation of thoughts, as well as the reliability of the description of characters’ images became the key to the author’s success in the literary path.


Kuprin was eager for his people with all his soul, and his explosive and honest character, due to Tatar origin mother, would not allow those facts about the lives of people that he personally witnessed to be distorted in writing.

However, Alexander Ivanovich did not condemn all of his characters, even bringing them to the surface dark sides. Being a humanist and a desperate fighter for justice, Kuprin figuratively demonstrated this feature of his in the work “The Pit”. It tells about the life of brothel dwellers. But the writer does not focus on the heroines as fallen women, on the contrary, he invites readers to understand the prerequisites for their fall, the torment of their hearts and souls, and invites them to discern in each libertine, first of all, a person.

More than one of Kuprin’s works is imbued with the theme of love. The most striking of them is the story ““. In it, as in “The Pit,” there is the image of a narrator, an explicit or implicit participant in the events described. But the narrator in Oles is one of the two main characters. This is a story about noble love, partly the heroine considers herself unworthy of it, whom everyone takes for a witch. However, the girl has nothing in common with her. On the contrary, her image embodies all possible feminine virtues. The ending of the story cannot be called happy, because the heroes are not reunited in their sincere impulse, but are forced to lose each other. But happiness for them lies in the fact that in their lives they had the opportunity to experience the power of all-consuming mutual love.

Of course, the story “The Duel” deserves special attention as a reflection of all the horrors of army morals that reigned in tsarist Russia at that time. This is a clear confirmation of the features of realism in Kuprin’s work. Perhaps that is why the story caused a storm negative reviews critics and the public. Romashov's hero, in the same rank of second lieutenant as Kuprin himself, who once retired, like the author, appears before readers in the light of an extraordinary personality, whose psychological growth we have the opportunity to observe from page to page. This book brought wide fame to its creator and rightfully occupies one of the central places in his bibliography.

Kuprin did not support the revolution in Russia, even though at first he met Lenin quite often. Ultimately, the writer emigrated to France, where he continued his literary work. In particular, Alexander Ivanovich loved to write for children. Some of his stories (“White Poodle”, ““, “Starlings”) undoubtedly deserve the attention of the target audience.

Personal life

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was married twice. The writer's first wife was Maria Davydova, the daughter of a famous cellist. The marriage produced a daughter, Lydia, who later died during childbirth. Kuprin's only grandson, who was born, died from wounds received during the Second World War.

The second time the writer married Elizaveta Heinrich, with whom he lived until the end of his days. The marriage produced two daughters, Zinaida and Ksenia. But the first one died in early childhood from pneumonia, and the second became famous actress. However, there was no continuation of the Kuprin family, and today he has no direct descendants.

Kuprin's second wife survived him by only four years and, unable to withstand the ordeal of hunger during the siege of Leningrad, committed suicide.

  1. Kuprin was proud of his Tatar origin, so he often put on a national caftan and skullcap, going out to people in such attire and going to visit people.
  2. Partly thanks to his acquaintance with I. A. Bunin, Kuprin became a writer. Bunin once approached him with a request to write a note on a topic that interested him, which marked the beginning of Alexander Ivanovich’s literary activity.
  3. The author was famous for his sense of smell. Once, while visiting Fyodor Chaliapin, he shocked everyone present, eclipsing the invited perfumer with his unique flair, unmistakably recognizing all the components of the new fragrance. Sometimes, when meeting new people, Alexander Ivanovich sniffed them, thereby putting everyone in an awkward position. They said that this helped him better understand the essence of the person in front of him.
  4. Throughout his life, Kuprin changed about twenty professions.
  5. After meeting A.P. Chekhov in Odessa, the writer went at his invitation to St. Petersburg to work in a famous magazine. Since then, the author acquired a reputation as a rowdy and drunkard, as he often took part in entertainment events in a new environment.
  6. The first wife, Maria Davydova, tried to eradicate some of the disorganization inherent in Alexander Ivanovich. If he fell asleep while working, she deprived him of breakfast, or forbade him to enter the house unless new chapters of the work he was working on at that time were ready.
  7. The first monument to A.I. Kuprin was erected only in 2009 in Balaklava in Crimea. This is due to the fact that in 1905, during the Ochakov uprising of sailors, the writer helped them hide, thereby saving their lives.
  8. There were legends about the writer's drunkenness. In particular, the wits repeated famous saying: “If truth is in wine, how many truths are there in Kuprin?”


The writer returned from emigration to the USSR in 1937, but with poor health. He had hopes that a second wind would open in his homeland, he would improve his condition and be able to write again. At that time, Kuprin's vision was rapidly deteriorating.

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Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is a famous realist writer whose works resonated in the hearts of readers. His work was distinguished by the fact that he sought not only to accurately reflect events, but most of all by the fact that Kuprina inner world the person was interested in much more than just a reliable description. A brief biography of Kuprin will be described below: childhood, youth, creative activity.

The writer's childhood

Kuprin's childhood could not be called carefree. The writer was born on August 26, 1870 in the Penza province. Kuprin's parents were: hereditary nobleman I. I. Kuprin, who held the position of an official, and L. A. Kulunchakova, who came from a family of Tatar princes. The writer was always proud of his origins on his mother’s side, and Tatar features were visible in his appearance.

A year later, Alexander Ivanovich’s father died, and the writer’s mother was left with two daughters and a young son in her arms without any financial support. Then the proud Lyubov Alekseevna had to humiliate herself in front of senior officials in order to place her daughters in a government boarding school. She herself, taking her son with her, moved to Moscow and got a job in the Widow's House, in which the future writer lived with her for two years.

Later he was enrolled in the state account of the Moscow Guardianship Council in an orphan school. Kuprin's childhood there was joyless, full of sorrow and reflections on the fact that they are trying to suppress a person's sense of self-worth. After this school, Alexander entered a military gymnasium, which was later transformed into a cadet corps. These were the prerequisites for the development of an officer's career.

The writer's youth

Kuprin’s childhood was not easy, and studying in the cadet corps was also not easy. But it was then that he first had a desire to engage in literature and he began to write his first poems. Of course, the strict living conditions of the cadets and military drill tempered the character of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin and strengthened his will. Later his memories of childhood and youth will be reflected in the works “Cadets”, “Brave Fugitives”, “Junkers”. It’s not for nothing that the writer always emphasized that his works are largely autobiographical.

Kuprin's military youth began with his admission to the Moscow Aleksandrovskoe military school, upon completion of which he received the rank of second lieutenant. Then he went to serve in an infantry regiment and visited small provincial towns. Kuprin not only performed his official duties, but also studied all aspects of army life. Constant drill, injustice, cruelty - all this was reflected in his stories, such as, for example, “The Lilac Bush”, “Hike”, the story “The Last Duel”, thanks to which he gained all-Russian fame.

Beginning of a literary career

His entry into the ranks of writers dates back to 1889, when his story “The Last Debut” was published. Later Kuprin said that when he left military service, the most difficult thing for him was that he had no knowledge. Therefore, Alexander Ivanovich began to thoroughly study life and read books.

The future famous Russian writer Kuprin began to travel throughout the country and tried himself in many professions. But he did this not because he could not decide on his future type of activity, but because he was interested in it. Kuprin wanted to thoroughly study the life and everyday life of people, their characters, in order to reflect these observations in his stories.

In addition to the fact that the writer studied life, he took his first steps on literary field- published articles, wrote feuilletons, essays. A significant event in his life was his collaboration with a reputable magazine " Russian wealth"It was there that, from 1893 to 1895, “In the Dark” and “Inquiry” were published. During the same period, Kuprin met I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky.

In 1896, Kuprin’s first book, “Kyiv Types,” a collection of his essays, was published, and the story “Moloch” was published. A year later, a collection of short stories, “Miniatures,” was published, which Kuprin presented to Chekhov.

About the story "Moloch"

Kuprin's stories were distinguished by the fact that the central place was given not to politics, but to the emotional experiences of the characters. But this does not mean that the writer was not concerned about the plight of the ordinary population. The story “Moloch,” which brought the young writer fame, tells of difficult, even disastrous, working conditions for workers at a large steel mill.

It is no coincidence that the work received such a name: the writer compares this enterprise with pagan god, Moloch, demanding constant human sacrifices. Exacerbation social conflict(the rebellion of workers against the bosses) was not the main thing in the work. Kuprin was more interested in how the modern bourgeoisie can have a detrimental influence on a person. Already in this work one can notice the writer’s interest in a person’s personality, his experiences, and thoughts. Kuprin wanted to show the reader how a person feels when faced with social injustice.

A Tale of Love - "Olesya"

Not fewer works was written about love. Love occupied a special place in Kuprin’s work. He always wrote about her touchingly and reverently. His heroes are people who are capable of experiencing, experiencing sincere feelings. One of these stories is “Olesya,” written in 1898.

All created images have a poetic character, especially the image main character Olesya. The work talks about tragic love between the girl and the narrator, Ivan Timofeevich, an aspiring writer. He came to the wilderness, to Polesie, to get acquainted with the way of life of inhabitants unknown to him, their legends and traditions.

Olesya turned out to be a Polesie witch, but she has nothing in common with the usual image of such women. It combines beauty with inner strength, nobility, a little naivety, but at the same time one can feel a strong will and a little bit of authority in her. And her fortune telling is not connected with cards or other forces, but with the fact that she immediately recognizes the character of Ivan Timofeevich.

The love between the characters is sincere, all-consuming, noble. After all, Olesya does not agree to marry him, because she considers herself no equal to him. The story ends sadly: Ivan did not manage to see Olesya a second time, and he only had red beads as a memory of her. And all other works on love theme are distinguished by the same purity, sincerity and nobility.


A work that brought fame to the writer and won important place in Kuprin's work, became "The Duel". It was published in May 1905, already at the end Russo-Japanese War. A.I. Kuprin wrote the whole truth of army morals using the example of one regiment located in a provincial town. The central theme of the work is the formation of personality, its spiritual awakening using the example of the hero Romashov.

The “duel” can also be explained as a personal battle between the writer and the stultifying everyday life of the tsarist army, which destroys all that is best in a person. This work has become one of the most famous, despite the fact that the ending is tragic. The ending of the work reflects the realities that existed at that time in the tsarist army.

Psychological side of works

In the stories, Kuprin appears as an expert psychological analysis precisely because he always sought to understand what motivates a person, what feelings control him. In 1905, the writer went to Balaklava and from there traveled to Sevastopol to take notes on the events that took place on the mutinous cruiser Ochakov.

After the publication of his essay "Events in Sevastopol", he was expelled from the city and forbidden to come there. During his stay there, Kuprin creates the story “The Listriginovs,” where the main characters are simple fishermen. The writer describes their hard work and character, which were close in spirit to the writer himself.

In the story "Staff Captain Rybnikov" the writer's psychological talent is fully revealed. A journalist wages a hidden struggle with a secret agent of Japanese intelligence. And not for the purpose of exposing him, but in order to understand what a person feels, what motivates him, what kind of internal struggle is happening in him. This story was highly appreciated by readers and critics.

Love theme

Works on a love theme occupied a special place in the work of writers. But this feeling was not passionate and all-consuming; rather, he described selfless, selfless, faithful love. Among the most famous works are "Shulamith" and " Garnet bracelet".

It is this kind of selfless, perhaps even sacrificial love that is perceived by the heroes as the highest happiness. That is, a person’s spiritual strength lies in the fact that one must be able to put the happiness of another person above one’s own well-being. Only such love can bring true joy and interest in life.

Writer's personal life

A.I. Kuprin was married twice. His first wife was Maria Davydova, the daughter of a famous cellist. But the marriage lasted only 5 years, but during this time they had a daughter, Lydia. Kuprin’s second wife was Elizaveta Moritsovna-Heinrich, whom he married in 1909, although before this event they had already lived together for two years. They had two girls - Ksenia (in the future - a famous model and artist) and Zinaida (who died at the age of three.) The wife outlived Kuprin by 4 years and committed suicide during the siege of Leningrad.


The writer took part in the war of 1914, but due to illness he had to return to Gatchina, where he made a hospital for wounded soldiers from his house. Kuprin was waiting for the February Revolution, but, like the majority, he did not accept the methods that the Bolsheviks used to assert their power.

After the White Army was defeated, the Kuprin family went to Estonia, then to Finland. In 1920 he came to Paris at the invitation of I. A. Bunin. The years spent during emigration were fruitful. The works he wrote were popular with the public. But, despite this, Kuprin became increasingly homesick for Russia, and in 1936 the writer decided to return to his homeland.

The last years of the writer's life

Just as Kuprin’s childhood was not easy, so last years his life was not easy. His return to the USSR in 1937 caused a lot of noise. On May 31, 1937, he was met by a solemn procession, which included famous writers and admirers of his work. Already at that time, Kuprin had serious health problems, but he hoped that in his homeland he would be able to regain his strength and continue to study literary activity. But on August 25, 1938, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin passed away.

A.I. Kuprin was not just a writer who talked about various events. He studied human nature and sought to understand the character of every person he met. Therefore, reading his stories, readers empathize with the characters, feel sad and rejoice with them. Creativity of A.I. Kuprin occupies a special place in Russian literature.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin- Russian writer of the early 20th century, who left a noticeable mark on literature. Throughout his life he combined literary creativity With military service and travels, was an excellent observer of human nature and left behind him stories, tales and essays written in the genre of realism.

Early life

Alexander Ivanovich was born in 1870 noble family, however, his father died very early, and therefore the boy’s growing up was difficult. Together with his mother, the boy moved from the Penza region to Moscow, where he was sent to a military gymnasium. This determined his life next years he was somehow connected with military service.

In 1887, he entered to study as an officer, three years later he completed his studies and went to an infantry regiment stationed in the Podolsk province as a second lieutenant. A year earlier, the first story of the aspiring writer, “The Last Debut,” was published in the press. And during four years of service, Alexander Ivanovich sent several more works to print - “In the Dark,” “Inquiry,” “ Moonlit night».

The most fruitful period and recent years

After retiring, the writer moved to live in Kyiv, and then traveled for a long time around Russia, continuing to gather experience for the following works and periodically publishing short stories and novellas in literary magazines. In the early 1900s, he became closely acquainted with Chekhov and Bunin and moved to northern capital. Most famous works writers - “Garnet Bracelet”, “The Pit”, “Duel” and others - were published between 1900 and 1915.

At the beginning of the First World War, Kuprin was again called up for service and sent to the northern border, but he was quickly demobilized due to poor health. Alexander Ivanovich perceived the revolution of 1917 ambiguously - he reacted positively to the abdication of the tsar, but was against the Bolshevik government and was more inclined to the ideology of the Socialist Revolutionaries. Therefore, in 1918, he, like many others, went into French emigration - but still returned to his homeland a year later to help the strengthened White Guard movement. When the counter-revolution suffered a final defeat, Alexander Ivanovich returned to Paris, where long years lived quietly and published new works.

In 1937, he returned to the Union at the government invitation, because he greatly missed the homeland he had left behind. However, a year later he died from incurable esophageal cancer and was buried in St. Petersburg.

Russian literature Silver Age

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin


Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich (1870 - 1938) - Russian writer. Social criticism marked the story “Moloch” (1896), in which industrialization appears in the image of a monster factory that enslaves a person morally and physically, the story “The Duel” (1905) - about spiritual death pure hero in the deadening atmosphere of army life and the story “The Pit” (1909 - 15) is about prostitution. A variety of finely outlined types, lyrical situations in the stories and short stories “Olesya” (1898), “Gambrinus” (1907), “Garnet Bracelet” (1911). Cycles of essays (“Listrigons”, 1907 - 11). In 1919 - 37 in exile, in 1937 he returned to his homeland. Autobiographical novel "Junker" (1928 - 32).

Big encyclopedic Dictionary, M.-SPb., 1998


Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich (1870), prose writer.

Born on August 26 (September 7, new year) in the city of Narovchat, Penza province, in the family of a minor official who died a year after the birth of his son. After the death of her husband, his mother (from the ancient family of Tatar princes Kulanchakov) moved to Moscow, where the future writer spent his childhood and youth. At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (orphanage), from where he left in 1880. The same year he entered the Moscow Military Academy, which was transformed into the Cadet Corps.

After completing his studies, he continued his military education at the Alexander Junker School (1888 - 90). Subsequently he will describe his “ military youth"in the stories "At the Turning Point (Cadets)" and in the novel "Junkers". Even then he dreamed of becoming “a poet or novelist.”

First literary experience Kuprin had poems that remained unpublished. The first work to see the light was the story “The Last Debut” (1889).

In 1890, after graduating from military school, Kuprin, with the rank of second lieutenant, was enlisted in an infantry regiment stationed in the Podolsk province. The life of an officer, which he led for four years, provided rich material for his future works. In 1893 - 1894, his story “In the Dark” and the stories “On a Moonlit Night” and “Inquiry” were published in the St. Petersburg magazine “Russian Wealth”. A series of stories is dedicated to the life of the Russian army: “Overnight” (1897), “ Night shift"(1899), "Hike". In 1894, Kuprin retired and moved to Kyiv, without any civilian profession and having a small life experience. In the following years, he traveled a lot around Russia, trying many professions, greedily absorbing life experiences that became the basis of his future works. In the 1890s, he published the essay “Yuzovsky Plant” and the story “Moloch”, the stories “Wilderness”, “Werewolf”, the stories “Olesya” and “Kat” (“Army Ensign”). During these years, Kuprin met Bunin, Chekhov and Gorky. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg, began working for the “Magazine for Everyone,” married M. Davydova, and had a daughter, Lydia. Kuprin's stories appeared in St. Petersburg magazines: “Swamp” (1902); "Horse Thieves" (1903); "White Poodle" (1904). In 1905, his most significant work was published - the story "The Duel", which had big success. The writer’s performances with the reading of individual chapters of “The Duel” became an event cultural life capital Cities. His works of this time were very well-behaved: the essay “Events in Sevastopol” (1905), the stories “Staff Captain Rybnikov” (1906), “River of Life”, “Gambrinus” (1907). In 1907, he married his second wife, sister of mercy E. Heinrich, and had a daughter, Ksenia. Kuprin's work in the years between the two revolutions resisted the decadent mood of those years: the cycle of essays "Listrigons" (1907 - 11), stories about animals, the stories "Shulamith", "Garnet Bracelet" (1911). His prose became a notable phenomenon of Russian literature at the beginning of the century. After the October Revolution, the writer did not accept the policy of military communism, the “Red Terror”; he feared for the fate of Russian culture. In 1918 he came to Lenin with a proposal to publish a newspaper for the village - “Earth”. At one time he worked at the World Literature publishing house, founded by Gorky. In the fall of 1919, while in Gatchina, cut off from Petrograd by Yudenich's troops, he emigrated abroad. The seventeen years that the writer spent in Paris were an unproductive period. Constant material need and homesickness led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, the seriously ill Kuprin returned to his homeland, warmly received by his admirers. Published the essay “Native Moscow”. However, new creative plans was not destined to come true. In August 1938, Kuprin died in Leningrad from cancer.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin (1870-1938) - famous Russian writer. His father, a small official, died a year after the birth of his son. His mother, originally from the Tatar princes Kulanchakov, after the death of her husband moved to the capital of Russia, where Kuprin spent his childhood and youth. At the age of 6, Alexander was sent to an orphanage, where he stayed until 1880. And immediately upon leaving, he entered the Moscow Military Academy.

Afterwards he studied at the Alexander School (1888-90). In 1889, his first work, “The Last Debut,” saw the light of day. In 1890, Kuprin was assigned to an infantry regiment in the Podolsk province, life in which became the basis for many of his works.

In 1894 the writer resigns and moves to Kyiv. The following years were devoted to wandering through Russia.

In 1890, he introduced readers to many publications - “Moloch”, “Yuzovsky Plant”, “Werewolf”, “Olesya”, “Kat”.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is a famous Russian writer and translator. He made a significant contribution to the fund of Russian literature. His works were particularly realistic, thanks to which he received recognition in various strata of society.

Brief biography of Kuprin

We present to your attention short biography Kuprina. It, like everything else, contains many interesting facts.

Childhood and parents

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin was born on August 26, 1870 in the city of Narovchat, in the family of a simple official. When little Alexander was only one year old, his father, Ivan Ivanovich, died.

After the death of her husband, the mother of the future writer, Lyubov Alekseevna, decided to go to Moscow. It was in this city that Kuprin spent his childhood and youth.

Training and the beginning of a creative path

When young Sasha was 6 years old, he was sent to study at the Moscow Orphan School, from which he graduated in 1880.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

In 1887, Kuprin was enrolled in the Alexander Military School.

During this period of his biography, he had to face various difficulties, which he would later write about in the stories “At the Turning Point (Cadets)” and “Junkers”.

Alexander Ivanovich had good ability to write poetry, but they remained unpublished.

In 1890, the writer served in an infantry regiment with the rank of second lieutenant.

While in this rank, he writes such stories as “Inquiry”, “In the Dark”, “Night Shift” and “Hike”.

Creativity flourishes

In 1894, Kuprin decided to resign, being at that time already in the rank of lieutenant. Immediately after this, he begins to travel around, meeting different people and gaining new knowledge.

During this period, he manages to meet Maxim Gorky and.

Kuprin’s biography is interesting in that he immediately took all the impressions and experiences he received during his considerable travels as the basis for future works.

In 1905, the story “The Duel” was published, which received real recognition in society. In 1911 his very meaningful work“Garnet bracelet”, which made Kuprin truly famous.

It should be noted that it was easy for him to write not only serious literature, but also children's stories.


One of the most important moments in Kuprin's life became October Revolution. In a short biography it is difficult to describe all the writer’s experiences associated with this time.

Let us briefly note that he flatly refused to accept the ideology of war communism and the terror associated with it. Having assessed the current situation, Kuprin almost immediately decides to emigrate to France.

In a foreign land, he continues to write novels and short stories, as well as engage in translation activities. For Alexander Kuprin it was unthinkable to live without creativity, which is clearly visible throughout his biography.

Return to Russia

Over time, in addition to material difficulties, Kuprin increasingly begins to feel nostalgia for his homeland. He manages to return back to Russia only after 17 years. Then he writes his last piece, which is called “Native Moscow”.

Last years of life and death

Soviet officials benefited famous writer, returned to his homeland. They tried to create from him the image of a repentant writer who came from a foreign land to sing the praises of the happy.

About Kuprin’s return to the USSR, 1937, Pravda

However, in memos competent authorities have recorded that Kuprin is weak, sick, incapacitated and, practically, unable to write anything.

By the way, this is why information appeared that “Native Moscow” belongs not to Kuprin himself, but to the journalist assigned to him, N.K. Verzhbitsky.

On August 25, 1938, Alexander Kuprin died of esophageal cancer. He was buried in Leningrad at the Volkovsky cemetery, next to the great writer.

  • When Kuprin was not yet famous, he managed to master many different professions. He worked in a circus, was an artist, teacher, land surveyor and journalist. In total, he mastered more than 20 different professions.
  • The writer's first wife, Maria Karlovna, really did not like the unrest and disorganization in Kuprin's work. For example, having caught him sleeping at work, she deprived him of breakfast. And when he did not write the necessary chapters for a story, his wife refused to let him into the house. How can one not remember the American scientist who was under pressure from his wife!
  • Kuprin loved to dress in national Tatar attire and walk the streets like that. On his mother's side he had Tatar roots, which he was always proud of.
  • Kuprin personally communicated with Lenin. He suggested that the leader create a newspaper for villagers called “Earth”.
  • In 2014, the television series “Kuprin” was filmed, telling about the life of the writer.
  • According to the recollections of his contemporaries, Kuprin was truly a very kind person who was not indifferent to the destinies of others.
  • Many are named after Kuprin settlements, streets and libraries.

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