Arguments from literature in the direction of “Courage and cowardice. Summary of joint activities of the teacher with children on speech development “Retelling the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes” This is so important

Courage and timidity are moral categories associated with the spiritual side of the individual. They are an indicator of human dignity, demonstrate weakness, or, on the contrary, strength of character, which manifests itself in difficult life situations. Our history is rich in such vicissitudes, therefore, arguments in the direction of “Courage and Cowardice” for the final essay are presented in abundance in Russian classics. Examples from Russian literature will help the reader understand how and where courage manifests itself and fear comes out.

  1. In the novel L.N. In Tolstoy’s “War and Peace,” one such situation is war, which puts the heroes before a choice: to give in to fear and save their own lives, or, despite the danger, to preserve their fortitude. Andrei Bolkonsky shows remarkable courage in battle; he is the first to rush into battle to encourage the soldiers. He knows that he may die in battle, but the fear of death does not frighten him. Fyodor Dolokhov also fights desperately in the war. The feeling of fear is alien to him. He knows that a brave soldier can influence the outcome of a battle, so he bravely rushes into battle, despising
    cowardice. But the young cornet Zherkov gives in to fear and refuses to give the order to retreat. The letter, which was never delivered to them, causes the death of many soldiers. The price for showing cowardice turns out to be prohibitively high.
  2. Courage conquers time and immortalizes names. Cowardice remains a shameful stain on the pages of history and literature.
    In the novel by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter”, an example of courage and courage is the image of Pyotr Grinev. He is ready at the cost of his life to defend the Belogorsk fortress under the onslaught of Pugachev, and the fear of death is alien to the hero at the moment of danger. A heightened sense of justice and duty does not allow him to escape or refuse the oath. Shvabrin, clumsy and petty in his motives, is presented in the novel as the antipode of Grinev. He goes over to Pugachev's side, committing betrayal. He is driven by fear for his own life, while the fates of other people mean nothing to Shvabrin, who is ready to save himself by exposing another to the blow. His image entered the history of Russian literature as one of the archetypes of cowardice.
  3. War reveals hidden human fears, the most ancient of which is the fear of death. In V. Bykov’s story “The Crane Cry,” the heroes face a seemingly impossible task: to detain the German troops. Each of them understands that fulfilling their duty is possible only at the cost of their own lives. Everyone must decide for themselves what is more important to them: to avoid death or to carry out orders. Pshenichny believes that life is more valuable than a ghostly victory, so he is ready to surrender in advance. He decides that surrendering to the Germans is much wiser than risking his life in vain. Ovseev also agrees with him. He regrets that he did not have time to escape before the arrival of German troops, and spends most of the battle sitting in a trench. During the next attack, he makes a cowardly attempt to escape, but Glechik shoots at him, not allowing him to escape. Glechik himself is no longer afraid to die. It seems to him that only now, in a moment of complete despair, did he feel responsible for the outcome of the battle. The fear of death for him is small and insignificant compared to the thought that by fleeing he could betray the memory of his fallen comrades. This is the true heroism and fearlessness of a hero doomed to death.
  4. Vasily Terkin is another archetype hero who has gone down in the history of literature as the image of a brave, cheerful and gallant soldier going into battle with a smile on his lips. But it is not so much with feigned fun and well-aimed jokes that he attracts the reader, but with genuine heroism, masculinity and perseverance. The image of Tyorkin was created by Tvardovsky as a joke, however, the author depicts the war in the poem without embellishment. Against the backdrop of military realities, the simple and captivating image of the fighter Tyorkin becomes the popular embodiment of the ideal of a real soldier. Of course, the hero is afraid of death, dreams of family comfort, but he knows for sure that protecting the Fatherland is his main duty. Duty to the Motherland, to fallen comrades and to oneself.
  5. In the story “Coward” by V.M. Garshin displays the character's characteristics in the title, thereby, as if assessing him in advance, hinting at the further course of the story. “The war absolutely haunts me,” the hero writes in his notes. He is afraid that he will be recruited as a soldier and does not want to go to war. It seems to him that millions of ruined human lives cannot be justified by a great goal. However, reflecting on his own fear, he comes to the conclusion that he can hardly accuse himself of cowardice. He is disgusted by the idea that he can take advantage of influential contacts and evade war. His inner sense of truth does not allow him to resort to such a petty and unworthy means. “You can’t run away from a bullet,” says the hero before his death, thereby accepting it, realizing his involvement in the ongoing battle. His heroism lies in the voluntary renunciation of cowardice, in the inability to do otherwise.
  6. “And the dawns here are quiet...” B. Vasilyeva’s book is by no means about cowardice. On the contrary, it is about incredible, superhuman courage. Moreover, its heroes prove that war can have a feminine face, and courage is not only a man’s lot. Five young girls are fighting an unequal battle with a German detachment, a battle from which they are unlikely to emerge alive. Each of them understands this, but none of them stops before death and humbly goes towards it to fulfill their duty. All of them - Liza Brichkina, Rita Osyanina, Zhenka Komelkova, Sonya Gurvich and Galya Chetvertak - die at the hands of the Germans. However, there is not a shadow of doubt about their silent feat. They know for sure that there can be no other choice. Their faith is unshakable, and their perseverance and courage are examples of true heroism, direct proof that there are no limits to human capabilities.
  7. “Am I a trembling creature or do I have rights?” - asks Rodion Raskolnikov, confident that he is more likely the latter than the former. However, due to an incomprehensible irony of life, everything turns out to be exactly the opposite. Raskolnikov's soul turns out to be cowardly, despite the fact that he found the strength to commit murder. In an attempt to rise above the masses, he loses himself and crosses the moral line. In the novel, Dostoevsky emphasizes that taking the wrong path of self-deception is very simple, but overcoming fear in oneself and incurring the punishment that Raskolnikov is so afraid of is necessary for the spiritual purification of the hero. Sonya Marmeladova comes to the aid of Rodion, who lives in constant fear for what he has done. Despite all her external fragility, the heroine has a persistent character. She instills confidence and courage in the hero, helps him overcome cowardice, and is even ready to share Raskolnikov’s punishment in order to save his soul. Both heroes struggle with fate and circumstances, this shows their strength and courage.
  8. “The Fate of a Man” by M. Sholokhov is another book about courage and courage, the hero of which is an ordinary soldier Andrei Sokolov, to whose fate the pages of the book are dedicated. The war forced him to leave home and go to the front to undergo trials of fear and death. In battle, Andrei is honest and brave, like many soldiers. He is faithful to duty, for which he is ready to pay even with his own life. Stunned by a live shell, Sokolov sees the approaching Germans, but does not want to flee, deciding that the last minutes must be spent with dignity. He refuses to obey the invaders, his courage impresses even the German commandant, who sees in him a worthy opponent and a valiant soldier. Fate is merciless to the hero: he loses the most precious thing in the war - his loving wife and children. But, despite the tragedy, Sokolov remains a man, lives according to the laws of conscience, according to the laws of a brave human heart.
  9. V. Aksenov’s novel “The Moscow Saga” is dedicated to the history of the Gradov family, which gave its entire life to serving the Fatherland. This is a trilogy novel, which is a description of the life of an entire dynasty, closely connected by family ties. The heroes are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of each other's happiness and well-being. In desperate attempts to save loved ones, they show remarkable courage, the call of conscience and duty for them is decisive, guiding all their decisions and actions. Each of the heroes is brave in their own way. Nikita Gradov heroically defends his homeland. He receives the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The hero is uncompromising in his decisions, and several military operations are successfully carried out under his leadership. The Gradovs’ adopted son, Mitya, also goes to war. By creating heroes, plunging them into an atmosphere of constant anxiety, Aksenov shows that courage is the lot of not only an individual, but also an entire generation raised to respect family values ​​and moral duty.
  10. Feats are an eternal theme in literature. Cowardice and courage, their confrontation, numerous victories of one over the other, are now becoming the subject of debate and search by modern writers.
    One of these authors was the famous British writer Joan K. Rowling and her world-famous hero, Harry Potter. Her series of novels about a boy wizard won the hearts of young readers with the fantastical plot and, of course, the brave heart of the central character. Each of the books is a story of the struggle between good and evil, in which the first always wins, thanks to the courage of Harry and his friends. In the face of danger, each of them remains steadfast and believes in the final triumph of good, with which, according to a happy tradition, the winners are rewarded for courage and bravery.
  11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Many people say that there is nothing wrong with fear, because every person is afraid of something. I agree that it is normal to be afraid of losing loved ones, getting into an accident, or something else. But there are people who are overcome by fear. And this fear has nothing to do with it. These people often cannot even say themselves what they are afraid of. This is the meaning of the expression “fear has big eyes.”

To describe this expression in more detail and understand where all this can lead, I want to consider an example from Chekhov’s literary work “The Man in a Case.”

The main character Belikov is a man who is overcome by fear. And what he is afraid of, he cannot say. He is afraid that he will deviate from the regulations and will not live according to the rules. But such a life cannot lead to anything good. A person withdraws into himself, his life ceases to be interesting, and the person begins to die mentally.

As we see from this example, fear that has no reason destroys a person. A person’s life becomes closed, a person loses everything around him that was once dear to him.

Updated: 2017-10-24

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What is courage? Courage is a trait of a decisive person who is able to make serious decisions quickly and fearlessly. Literature, both domestic and foreign, is replete with examples of brave heroes who look fear in the eye without a drop of doubt. Courage helps people cope with difficulties by overcoming the barrier of fear. The many-wise Litrekon helps you cope with other difficulties, namely with the selection of examples from the literature for essay-reasoning 15.3 on the OGE in the Russian language.

  1. Hero of the story M. A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man” Andrei Sokolov shows courage throughout the war. He is able to overcome the fear of death, captivity, and battles. Even when he finds himself alone with his enemies, the hero is not timid and behaves with dignity. He is not afraid of any work - everything works out in Andrey’s hands. Sokolov is the personification of true courage, which became the main weapon of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War.
  2. A. S. Pushkin in the novel “Dubrovsky” creates the image of the brave Vladimir, the main character. Dubrovsky is not afraid to do brave things in the name and for the sake of love. He is ready to take risks, hide his name, but be closer to Masha Troekurova. Love often makes people make fearless decisions. She is able to destroy all fears when it comes to a loved one. Therefore, in the finale, Vladimir makes a desperate attempt to capture the well-guarded crew in order to save Marya. Thus, the source of courage is often a feeling of attachment to what is in danger.
  3. N.V. Gogol in the story “Taras Bulba” creates images of Cossacks, all of them fearless, ready to give their lives for the Sich, for the Cossacks. Such are the sons of Taras. Ostap, the eldest son, strived to the last to defend the honor of his native land and accepted death without fear or reproach. Andriy showed courage not only on the battlefield, but also during the harsh, fatal meeting with his father. The hero, like his brother, fearlessly accepted death, but from his own hand.
  4. “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboyedov shows us examples of courageous actions. For example, Chatsky is not afraid to speak the truth into the eyes of the entire Famus society. The hero boldly criticizes the country's conservatism, its hypocrites, and bureaucrats. On the contrary, Molchalin is an example of extraordinary cowardice in front of “big” people. In such a clear contrast, the beauty of courage and all the baseness of cowardice appear most clearly.
  5. Pyotr Grinev, hero " The Captain's Daughter" by A. S. Pushkin, reveals himself as a brave warrior. He is honest with his own conscience, honest with his colleagues and the empress. Grinev fearlessly expresses his opinion to Pugachev, knowing full well that his life depends on the words spoken to the robber. However, the risk does not stop Grinev - he remains a brave and honest officer even under the threat of physical harm.
  6. « A Word about Igor's Campaign"is one of the most ancient works of Russian literature that have reached us. It is in this text that the strength and legendary courage of Russian soldiers is shown. Igor and his army fight bravely, fearing neither captivity nor death in the battle with the nomads. Their courage, however, is unfounded. The heroes simply pursued glory in battle, but achieved the loss of many warriors and their own freedom. Any courage needs to be used wisely; it cannot be given to it recklessly.
  7. "Song of the Prophetic Oleg" also reminds us of the distant history of the Russian state. Oleg, believing the predictions of the sorcerers and magicians, decided to protect his horse from himself: it was from him that the prince was destined to die. However, after the death of the horse, Oleg laughed at the predictions and boldly went to the grave of the war horse. It was here that his death from a snake awaited him. This example reminds us that reckless courage can lead to dire consequences.
  8. Poem by M. Yu. Lermontov “Borodino” tells about the fearlessness of Russian soldiers during the Patriotic War of 1812. Then many brave fighters died on the battlefield, their feat was forever recorded in history. M. Yu. Lermontov presents all the events of those years as a simple story, a conversation between an uncle and a young man. But it is precisely thanks to this form of presentation that we, readers, more clearly imagine the courage of our ancestors, who did not spare their lives for the sake of victory.
  9. Tatyana Larina, heroine p Ushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin", acted truly bravely, revealing her feelings to Eugene. In those days, it was risky for a girl to confess her love to a young man. Tatyana was not afraid, she destroyed existing stereotypes, fighting for her happiness. Although the girl was rejected by her lover, she did not regret her courage at an important moment in her life. This act became the most valuable life lesson for her.
  10. In the fairy-tale poem by A. S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila” the main character, along with other daredevils, fearlessly goes in search of his beloved. Lyudmila was kidnapped after her wedding to Ruslan, and the young man saved his wife without a shadow of a doubt. All the obstacles that arose on Ruslan’s path only fueled his courage and desire to find Lyudmila. Thanks to his courage, the hero managed to thwart evil forces and destroy the insidious plans of his enemies.

Kirillova Tamara

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 3, Dankov, Lipetsk region


joint activities of the teacher and children

on speech development

“Retelling of the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes”

in the preparatory group of children with mental retardation


Kirillova Tamara Nikolaevna,

teacher first


1. Introduce children to a new fairy tale “Fear has big eyes.”

2. Continue to teach children to retell the text of a fairy tale sequentially, without omissions or repetitions, expressively conveying the speech of the characters.

Equipment: masks of fairy tale characters.

Vocabulary work: deck, rocker, water carriers.

OOD progress.

1. Opening speech by the teacher.

Today we are visiting again with a fairy tale, funny and, as always, instructive. The fairy tale has an amazing title - “Fear has big eyes.” I think that you already want to quickly find out what kind of events will happen in this fairy tale. And so, let's get acquainted with the fairy tale.

2. Reading the fairy tale “Fear has big eyes.”

3. Conversation on the content of the fairy tale.

Name the main characters of the fairy tale “Fear Has Big Eyes.” (Children's answers: grandma is an old lady, granddaughter is a laugher, a chicken is a clucker, a mouse is a busybody, a bunny is a coward).

Tell me, where did grandma get her water from? (Children's answers: from the well).

Where did the granddaughter get the water from? (Children's answers: from the deck).

A log is a thick log, the middle of which is hollowed out and filled with water. Have you already guessed why the granddaughter takes water from the log? (Children's answers: the granddaughter has smaller buckets than the grandmother, and there is less water in the deck than in the well).

Why does a chicken take water from a puddle? (Children's answers: the chicken has buckets the size of a cucumber).

What about a mouse made from a pig's hoof mark? (Children's answers: the mouse has buckets the size of a thimble).

What happened to the water carriers one day? (Children's answers: a hare rushed under the water-carriers' feet, frightened by an apple falling on him from an apple tree).

How did the hare scare the heroes of the fairy tale? (Children's answers: he knocked down the old lady, knocked down his granddaughter, turned the chicken on its back, pressed the mouse with his paw).

What animals seemed to the water carriers? (Children's answers: the grandmother thought that a bear was chasing her. The granddaughter thinks that a wolf attacked her. The chicken thinks that the fox missed her. And the mouse thinks that she managed to escape from the robber cat).

What words that are close in meaning can be used to name the heroes of the fairy tale? (Children's answers: cowardly, fearful, fearful).

Why does the last phrase of the fairy tale: fear has big eyes sound mocking? (Children's answers: because the main idea of ​​the fairy tale is to condemn and ridicule cowardly people).

What does this fairy tale teach us? (Children's answers: believe only what we see with our own eyes).

4. Physical education lesson “The bunny went out for a walk.”

The bunny went out for a walk.

The wind began to subside. (Walk in place.)

Here he is jumping down the hill,

The green one runs into the forest.

And rushes between the trunks,

Among the grass, flowers, bushes. (Jumping in place.)

The little bunny is tired.

Wants to hide in the bushes. (Walk in place.)

The bunny froze in the grass.

And now we too will freeze! (Children sit down.)

5. Repeated reading of a fairy tale with the intention of retelling.

6. Retelling a fairy tale.

I suggest you retell the fairy tale differently today. Distribute roles among yourself as you wish. Put on masks from our mask theater according to the role you choose, and I will be the host. I'll start telling a story, and you listen carefully. Each of the characters must say their words so that everyone can see how scared the grandmother, granddaughter, chicken and mouse are.

7. Summary.

Today you should take away from class the confidence that you don’t need to be afraid of everything, but first you need to look and decide that in this situation, like in this fairy tale, maybe there is nothing scary at all. Always remember that fear interferes with the real perception of reality and fear has big eyes!

Fear- this is one of the most powerful negative emotions in a person, and the biggest obstacle to success. When we are scared, a significant amount is released into the blood. This causes the body to react accordingly: the heartbeat quickens, the pupils dilate, muscles tense, and sometimes fear even paralyzes the body. In general, fear is a natural phenomenon, and was created exclusively as a protective mechanism of a biological organism from danger and threat to life.

When there really is grounds In order to fear for your life, fear helps. For example, you can run away, hide, stop a conflict, or protect yourself in time. But in modern life, fears are mainly an acquired psychological problem that has no real threat to life and health. We are afraid of failing an exam, giving a public report, going on the carpet to the boss, and so on. Such fears do not bring any benefit, do not protect our lives, but rather cause harm. After all, other than a shattered nervous system and missed opportunities, such fears will not bring anything else. Let's try to fight them.

1. First step

The most scary- this is the unknown. When we are faced with an unknown task, we are haunted by the fear that we will fail. “What if it doesn’t work out? I’ve never done this!” we exclaim, and with horror we begin to postpone this matter for an indefinite period, or refuse altogether. A good method of dealing with such fear is to start a new business as soon as possible.

Just do it first step, start taking action. It doesn't matter if you don't even know where to start. Start from the middle, or from the end. I was recently assigned a task that, when I saw one wording, I panicked because I had no idea how to do it. I started by opening the Internet and reading everything I could find on the topic. So I had a starting point, and then I figured out the task itself. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The eyes are afraid, but the hands do everything.”

2. I am a hero

Public speeches If not all, then most of us are afraid. How to behave in front of listeners or viewers to please them? Here! We want to please! That's all! To do this, it is enough to be sure that they like you. Well, first of all, try to realize that these people who came to watch and listen to you do not know as much about this subject as you do, otherwise they would be speaking themselves.

By the way, majority the audience has no idea at all about the subject of the report. Therefore, feel like a smart teacher in front of your little students. And to gain more self-confidence, imagine that there is a person in the hall now who certainly admires you, for whom you are a hero, and dedicate your performance to him. You need to be tuned in to a wave of unconditional approval in order to cope with such fear, then everything will work out.

3. I'll think about it tomorrow

"Tomorrow is the exam! But I haven’t learned anything!” - the thoughts of a student who was well prepared to pass the subject, but is simply panicking. It would be good to think about yours tomorrow, after the exam. Say to yourself: “I’ll think about it tomorrow, at 17-00 after returning from the institute , I’ll have a lot of time.” And you mentally stick a piece of paper on the wall with a reminder of the upcoming event called “being afraid of the exam.” By the way, you can hang up a real piece of paper with a reminder.

Our brain will subconsciously put off the “thing” for the designated time, and you will not be tormented by useless fears, you will be calm. Or you can specifically write down a lot of important things for yourself, schedule them for “after the exam,” and let your mind be busy thinking about these important things. And we’ll pass the exam as if by the way. It’s just that your fear and anxiety can play a cruel joke on you during the exam. We learned the subject, but got too excited and forgot everything in a panic. To prevent this from happening, put off fear for later.

4. Am I weak?

Fear taking yourself to a new, higher level can end very badly. Imagine you have been offered a prestigious job. Several candidates are vying for the position. And you, succumbing to your fear, say to yourself: “No, I won’t succeed, I’m weaker than other candidates, I can’t handle it, I’m afraid, I won’t go.” Doesn't it really bother you that someone can do it, but you can't?

After all, it should be pride and pride. Yes, purely out of spite, it’s worth going and fighting, proving to yourself and the world that you are worth something. Even if it didn’t work out the first time, this is already a small victory over yourself. Long live courage! And then, think about it, because if you sit and be impressed by your fears, then all the best will go to someone else, and not to you. So many missed opportunities! After all, it’s better to regret what you’ve done than what you haven’t done.

5. This is so important

And sometimes it happens scary just like that, without any particular reason, or because of some nonsense. Adrenaline is released when we call the guy we like, when the boss calls us, when we see a spider... If fear has frozen your body over such a trifle, ask yourself: “What will happen if this event just happens in my life?” Most likely the brain will answer “I don’t know... Probably nothing.” And you can calmly do things without attaching importance to them. After all, this is just one of the many events in your life. What to be afraid of?