What, where and when of the participants. Andrey Kozlov: “People say that I’m not a fool

- In November 1984, epistolary inspiration came to me, and I wrote a bunch of letters - to friends at the university, relatives, and, among others, to. It could also be considered family to some extent, because I watched it all the time. However, my comrades and relatives responded to my messages with, “What? Where? When?" - No. I waited a couple of months and then realized it was stupid. Of course, there was an announcement in the program that those who wanted to become experts could send an application and try their hand, but one cannot seriously think that players for the coolest TV show in the country are actually recruited based on an advertisement! However, after a year and two months from “What? Where? When?" the news came: they say, come to the qualifying round, if you haven’t changed your mind. I haven't changed my mind. On February 23, 1986, he came to the casting, and on March 6, 7 and 8, having already become a member of the club, he took part in the filming. By the way, it was last time, when the program was recorded, then it began to appear in live.

At first I was just a spectator, but I was still overwhelmed with feelings. After the game of Andrei Kamorin's team, experts went outside to smoke, animatedly discussing whether Kamorin was right or wrong in one situation. I listened to them and mentally agreed with Alexander Druz’s line. And once he even said something over his shoulder. turned around and looked at me with such an expression on his face that it was as if a lamppost had spoken. I was ready to fall through the ground, but ground failure rarely happens in right time in the right place. Since childhood, I have never had the desire to pat on the shoulder someone who is older or cooler; I always definitely felt the limit of decency - and on you. I cursed myself for being so tactless and inserting myself into the conversation. strangers, naively believing that I already had the right to this, because I also became a member of their club. This is how you can create an awkward situation out of the blue and then reflect. The first meeting with my future friend became a lesson for me that I still remember, but Friends, of course, does not. Moreover, Sashka is actually not an arrogant person. I have 20 friends who have nothing to do with celebrities, but are much more arrogant than the same Friend. It was just that Sasha was sincerely surprised that the “pillar” spoke.

On those memorable shootings, at a distance of an arm bent at the elbow, I saw not only famous experts, but also main star our stage - she sang “White Panama” in the “Musical Break”. When I had such a chance, I approached her for an autograph, and Alla Borisovna drew a heart. I didn’t know then that we would have a chance to communicate again, and more than once. And it would be fine at concerts and premieres, but no - in life! I board the plane, fly to Odessa, and lo and behold, Pugacheva sits in the chair right in front of me. We said hello, although I don’t at all think that Alla Borisovna should remember who Kozlov is. I'm flying back in two days, with a different airline. I get on the plane and see: Alla Borisovna in the first row. I take my seat in the second row, and she laughs: “Are you stalking me?” On the eve of Easter, I go to “Azbuka Vkusa” to buy sausage, and at exactly the same time Pugacheva comes there. Well, what is the probability, going to the store, to meet a Prima Donna there?! Here we need to decide complex problem: say hello or not. On the one hand, who am I and who is Pugacheva? Saying hello is the same as saying: “We know each other.” On the other hand, what if she recognized me, but I walked past and didn’t say hello? The problem needs to be solved in one and a half seconds. I understand that from the mouth of a 50-year-old man, in addition famous person, it sounds strange.

— You ended up pretending to study the ham, or decided to tell the Diva “ Good evening»?

- Made up his mind. We talked for 40 minutes about everything we didn’t have time to talk about in previous chance meetings. Then I looked at the sausage receipts - they indicate the time.

And in the first years of playing “What? Where? When?" I took autographs from almost all the stars who performed at the “Musical Break”, until one day... Oh, I remember a lot of bad things about myself. In 1987 Soviet Union played against Bulgaria in Sofia, and Vladimir Kuzmin sang there. I ran into him in the toilet - and what did I say? “Give me an autograph!” He immediately came to his senses, but in response to my “Oh, sorry, no need”, Kuzmin replied: “Nothing, I’m not used to it” - and signed the invitation card. Horror! Since then, autographs have ceased to interest me.

— Did they take your autograph in the “wrong” place?

— In the spring of 2013 in Israel, I was swimming in the sea and suddenly I heard: “Can I get your autograph?” Taken aback, he asked: “Do you have a pen and paper?” Funny detail sad story... In September I lost my mother - she had pancreatic cancer, so we were prepared for this outcome. As soon as she was diagnosed with this, I immediately sent her to a specialized clinic for treatment, rented her an apartment on the seashore, and when I visited her, we went swimming. I brought her there and lived with her for a week. Then he came again for ten days. And three and a half months later she came from Israel to Moscow and lived here for another two weeks, which we spent together. If I couldn’t be there, I called her twice a day. Before her illness, we saw each other five times a year: I came to Mariupol on Pokrov - for my grandmother’s birthday, on February 7 - for my mother’s birthday, and for the third time some other time. And my mother came to Moscow for New Year and on my birthday younger sister Gali, who also lives here. We have celebrated my birthday together only for the last few years. I was born on December 25, and the “What? Where? When?". I didn’t want my mother to distract me and asked her not to come. I was quite strict with her... So, except for my childhood years, I have never talked to my mother so much in my life as in her last four months.

- It’s good that at least we managed to stay close for the last time...

- Certainly. Oddly enough, it seems to me that the months of illness were the most happy time in her life. She and I went to Israel when she had terrible pain, but they dealt with it quite quickly. Mom loved water and, when she lived in Mariupol, every evening, taking her girlfriends, she got behind the wheel and drove to the sea. And in Israel, a few meters from her apartment, there was the clearest sea - no match for Azov. Her closest friend Larisa lived with her mother for a month, with whom they were inseparable for 40 years. Then my sister Galya and her son, my nephew, visited her, they were replaced by my younger brother Sasha with his girlfriend Katya. That is, we all tried not to leave her alone with her own thoughts for a moment.

When she arrived in Moscow for a new examination, things began to worsen. And after some time it became clear to us that she was dying. Mom, too, probably guessed about this, although no one ever uttered the word “cancer” in front of her - we treated “tumor”, “education”. Luckily, she didn’t use the Internet and didn’t read anything about her symptoms. She was fading away, but over the past two weeks we went out to her favorite restaurants twice, went to the cinema, and to the theater a couple of times. We went for a walk along the boulevard near my apartment - she always liked it so much. Mother was half asleep: she did not respond well to painkillers - they completely knocked her out, but she

I didn’t refuse these walks. For the last six days, my mother had been in the hospital, and before going there, she asked her brother’s girlfriend Katya to dye her hair and give her a haircut. Then, although she was very weak, she curled her hair herself with curlers. I wanted to go to the clinic fully armed. In the hospital, she always had lipstick on her bedside table, and the first thing in the morning she painted her lips and asked the nurses: “How do I look today?” Two days before her death, my mother demanded that Katya give her a manicure and paint her nails with varnish, because, in her opinion, they looked completely indecent... Thank God, she did not have a hard time leaving - there was no pain. I arrived at the hospital to see her at about eleven o’clock in the evening. She is a night owl, for her it was always childhood time. He lies in the tubes, barely speaks, but whispers to me: “I want to sit down.” I answer: “I’ll call my sister now.” It’s scary to lift it yourself, I might hit something. And suddenly my mother said in a stronger voice: “You must have a conscience!” - "What do you mean?" - “Why bother people at eleven in the evening?!” Her character was complex and firm, but she always felt that “you must have a conscience.” We laughed a lot at the wake, because my mother gave reasons for laughter all her life, and she often laughed herself. I have her international passport - she even smiles there. And at the cemetery we put a photograph that her friend Larisa took in Israel. At that time, my mother’s pain had not completely gone away, but in the photo she was impressive and cheerful, standing in a hat and scarf and making some interesting movement with her hand. A friend, pointing the lens at her, said: “Irochka, I’m filming you!” And her mother showed her a cookie in response. Then she relaxed her hand, and at that moment the camera clicked.

My friend came from Kyiv to the funeral old friend— player “What? Where? When?" and famous Ukrainian TV presenter Igor Kondratyuk. Both he and I drink maybe twice a year, but that day we got really drunk. He then told me: “But your mother advised me back in 1987: “Hold on to Andrey. I’ll also tell Andrey to hold on to you. You should feel good if you are together.” This was on Saturday, and on Sunday the filming of “Brain Ring” for the Zvezda TV channel began - Igor, in fact, came to help me on it.

Usually at the Brain Ring my right hand is Alexey Kapustin. It’s good for me, but it’s fun for him—it’s not all he wants to do with his chemistry. But a month before filming, it became known that Kapustin would have a business trip to the States. I was worried: we were recording 12 episodes of the program in two days. This is a huge burden for everyone, especially for the presenter. It sounds funny, but it’s really important for me that in these extreme circumstances they give me cards with questions close person. And another one intimate detail: so that on the second day of filming I can talk and not hoarse, after recording the first six programs I definitely need to hover my legs, put mustard plasters on - to draw back the blood. Kapustin usually does this too (here you need to understand that if Kapustin needs it, then I will put compresses on him and steam his legs in exactly the same way).

The producer of our program, my good friend Alena Karpich secretly dialed Kondratyuk’s number in Kyiv. I didn’t even call Igor, knowing that he was busy filming. But he answered without hesitation: “I’ll come.” Igor certainly knows his worth; he is the number one TV star in Ukraine. But at the same time, he understands what role the IGRA TV company in general and I in particular played in his development - he worked with us on Love at First Sight, on the Brain Ring in the 1990s . And he came, despite being wildly busy, to play the role of serving cards, water and handkerchiefs for blotting the presenter’s face. And he was happy about it, as was I.

— You and Kondratyuk on “What?” Where? When?" met?

- Yes. Moreover, I know exactly the date when our relationship began, because we had an almost romantic date. On March 7 or 8, 1986, after filming “What? Where? When?" we returned to the Ostankino hotel, which was then booked by the youth editorial staff for visiting members of the club. We decided to take a walk and walked through the wet snow for three hours, talking about life.

And we met Kapustin when, after graduating from Donetsk University, I taught chemistry at the Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute (in 1948-1989, Mariupol was called Zhdanov. - TN note). I worked there for a couple of years when the son of the legendary Evgeniy came to our department as a research assistant

Aleksandrovich Kapustin, former rector of the institute. And people whispered: “The son of Kapustin himself.” And everyone wanted to meet him. And I thought to myself: on the one hand, who am I to go get acquainted with the carrier famous family? On the other hand, who is he for me to go meet him? He himself hasn’t done anything outstanding yet. Lesha was sitting in his laboratory at one end of the corridor, I was at the department at the other end, and although we bumped into each other at department parties, we officially met about a year and a half later - and as soon as this happened, we immediately began to be friends. And after my first game, in 1989, I immediately suggested to Kapustin: “Let me talk about you, you’ll play on my team.” But he categorically refused. I tried to persuade him for a long time...

And then Leshka got ready to go to Moscow. They passed it there student years. He graduated from the Mendeleev Moscow Chemical Technology Institute, then studied there in graduate school and doctoral studies. And after the capital, he felt completely sad in Mariupol. I was worried: Kapustin would leave for Moscow, and I would be left alone. My school friends are confused, there are no university friends here... As a result, I have been living in Moscow for 20 years, and Kapustin is still in Mariupol.

- Why?

— Lesha is a great, serious scientist, a figure in the world of heterogeneous catalysis. But his main dream is to tinker at his dacha near Mariupol, grow 30 varieties of grapes and enter into the computer which variety is which.

year it was planted and how many kilograms were harvested. He also likes to sit on the second floor, on the veranda overlooking the sea, and write a scientific article, and then, as a warm-up, switch and sketch out questions for the Brain Ring. He is constantly invited to teach at universities in England and the USA. He would have been there, giving 16 lectures, and would have easily received $150-200 thousand a year. But there, overseas, there is no dacha with grapes and other tomatoes. Kapustin sternly speaks at the department he heads: “Whoever doesn’t come to my dacha and pick up a bucket of tomatoes will be fired.” And from time to time the staff of the department, fortunately it is small there now - about 12 people, goes to his dacha. Leshka doesn’t even demand that employees, for example, dig up potatoes; he emphasizes: “I’ll dig them up myself - just take them away.” The harvests are crazy, there’s nowhere to put them, and if they go to waste, it’s a pity.

— When did you become part of the circle of friends of Friends?

— Sasha and I began to communicate wonderfully after “What? Where? When?" moved to a house in Neskuchny Garden. It's easy to be friends with Sasha. He is not at all touchy, and therefore, if I don’t like something about him, I can safely tell him to his face, without fear that we will quarrel in the 25th year life together. And he, when he thinks that I’m wrong, can also tell me directly what he thinks. I often criticize him for his attitude towards young teams. Because to Druz, any young team sucks if he didn’t nurture it.

- What complaints does he have against you?

- Of course, all these years he thinks that I ended up in “What? Where? When?" accidentally. I changed his idea of ​​what an expert and captain could be. For example, a friend says: “I came up with a new question. Tell?" - "Come on". He voices a question, I remain silent. He: “Well?” - “What’s “well?” - "Beautiful

question?" I say: “I don’t know. Tell me the answer." He gets excited: “Tell me the answer!” I also start to boil: “Yes, I don’t know the answer. You ask me a question, tell me the answer, and I can tell you whether the question is a good one or not.” But the Friend cannot understand how this expert, upon hearing a question, does not immediately engage in thinking about the answer! Sashka himself is ready to endlessly do two things: tell jokes and answer questions. And I don’t have a complex at all because there are things I don’t know. Back in the day, I was amazed when a question was asked about the painting “ last supper”, written by Ge, and I calmly asked Kravchenko and Medvedkova live: “Who is Ge?” Voroshilov decided that I was playing him, pretending to be a cretin. And I really don’t think a person should be a walking encyclopedia. But Druz thinks exactly the opposite. There was a time when I was visiting him in St. Petersburg, we were driving along the Fontanka embankment, and I asked: “Where is the apartment in which Pushkin died?” Sashka turned the steering wheel so much that we almost fell into the river. He was shocked: his friend, an expert, forgot that Pushkin died in an apartment on the Moika!!! Or confused the Moika with the Fontanka!!! Forgive me, Sasha, for doing your psychoanalysis remotely. But I think he can’t wrap his head around how a person can not know basic things, not answer questions non-stop, and at the same time he is a great captain “What? Where? When?". I am sure that other players are in the same bewilderment.

— Probably, many experts wanted to work at “What? Where? When?”, but Vladimir Voroshilov called you. How did this happen?

— In 1988, Vladimir Yakovlevich Voroshilov and Natalia Ivanovna Stetsenko came up with the idea of ​​creating the International Association of Clubs “What? Where? When?". I proposed holding this event in Mariupol and collected an incredible amount from advertisers - 500 thousand. Soviet rubles! And in 1989, Voroshilov invited me to work in Moscow. I refused for a year. True, I told my colleagues at the department that

Voroshilov, they say, is calling me to work in Moscow. If I were them, I would think that Kozlov is lying a lot. Well, it can’t be that a person is called to work in Moscow, on television, in “What? Where? When?" and he refused. But even then I was very conservative. I taught at the institute - in those days this in itself was considered cool. In addition, I was a popular chemistry tutor in the city and began to make great money: my students did well in medical universities, where chemistry was a core subject. After the first two years of working in the field of tutoring, I was forced to refuse many people, because I physically did not have time to study with everyone who wanted to. I wanted to not only earn money, but also have time to spend it. I liked being in Moscow, and I could afford to go there as much as I wanted. And in Mariupol, my mother is nearby, she has her own apartment...

— When did the turning point happen?

— In May 1990, the first Brain Ring was launched. I went with my university colleague Alena Bezvinenko to hang out and at the same time help the film crew. When she was getting ready to leave home, I asked: “Alyonochka, please hand over your resignation letter to work.” During the ten days that filming took place, I became a little unaccustomed to home, but I mentally understood that if I went back to Mariupol, I would hardly agree to return. I still remember the note to the manager by heart: “Dear Valery Georgievich, there are circumstances in life in which, if you don’t make a decision, you will regret it all your life. Now I have such a circumstance. I beg you very much, please do not prevent me from resigning.” And this is 1990 -

It was not so easy to move from one job to another. But it’s okay, I dealt with everything. I didn’t want to rent an apartment in Moscow, so I lived in the Budapest Hotel for two years. The hotel cost 2 rubles 60 kopecks per day. In a month I earned 90 rubles - it seemed expensive, but, paradoxically, it was somewhat more profitable than renting a decent one-room apartment in the center. In addition, it is easy and pleasant for a single man to live in a hotel: everything will be cleaned up, the maid will wash shirts for a moderate fee, there is a buffet on the second floor, there is not much of a buffet - on Tverskaya, opposite the Telegraph, women sell baked chicken. True, there were also inconveniences, because according to Soviet rules, a person could not live in a hotel for more than a month at a time. Therefore, I had to live under my last name for one month, and under the last name of my friend Dima Koshkin for the next. Everyone already knew me and were calm about the fact that I was turning from Kozlov to Koshkin. I had such a wonderful life in “Budapest” that when I bought an apartment, renovated it and furnished everything, I didn’t move out of my favorite room for a month.

“You had a wonderful life at the hotel, but what was it like working at What? Where? When?"?

— In the first years, we had terrible fights with Voroshilov. Twice we had such protracted quarrels that then we didn’t talk to each other at all for six months and passed notes through our employees. I regularly wrote letters of resignation, and because of what fatal passions were boiling, I can’t even explain. When I watched the series “House Doctor,” I kept thinking: who told them about our work with Voroshilov?! How did they know? Apparently, geniuses like happy families, similar to each other. Four years later collaboration I compared Vladimir Yakovlevich with another genius - with Fellini. He formulated it well in a conversation with someone: “I work with Fellini, and what difference does it make what his character is. An encyclopedia article will still be written about Fellini, and I will know that I worked with him.” One day we left the office on Bolshaya Dorogomilovskaya for a walk in the courtyard, and suddenly Voroshilov asked: “How old are you?” I answer: “Thirty.” He was surprised: “Why am I talking to you so seriously?” But if he didn’t want to take the person seriously or didn’t want him to work for him, he quickly quit. So we had the usual production disputes - adjusted for his genius and insufferability. Over the years we got used to it, although we fought until the last moment. Maybe only on ours last meeting, in February 2001, he never raised his voice - he was tired and somehow peaceful.

— Is there an expert in the club who worries about games more than you?

- I don’t know how this can be measured. I, too, experienced victories and defeats differently at different points in my life.

- But once you had a mini-stroke due to a lesion!

- Well, it’s not because I was very worried. When the game ended the last word it turned out to be Grisha Guselnikov, whom Boris Kryuk asked whether to accept the team’s answer or not. And Grisha took it and said that he would not admit it. The game ended, I got up and yelled at Grisha. I have high blood pressure, and apparently, when I was screaming, it jumped beyond all measure, and at that second one small vessel could not stand it. I didn’t lose consciousness, and only a day later it became clear that I was having a mini-stroke. I just had a hard time swallowing. Then the doctors explained that this was bulbar syndrome - one of the signs of a stroke in a certain part of the cerebral cortex. We left for the dacha, I felt very bad. An ambulance was called. The doctors thought that I had a hypertensive crisis, gave me some kind of injection and left. The next day I dragged myself from the dacha to Moscow - I had to film “Cultural Revolution”. But my health was so disgusting that I missed filming for the first and last time and stayed at home. They called a neurologist, and he said: “Dude, let’s go to the hospital urgently - you’re having a stroke.” By the way, with my temperament, I could have screamed in the same way in another place. Yes, at least during football. Adrenaline could go off scale because of the scoring chance.

— After that, didn’t you try to work on your character, learn to react more gently to stimuli?

- No. Except that after that incident ten years ago, I’ve been taking my hypertension pills twice a day like clockwork. And in the evening, when I watch TV, I’ll definitely measure my blood pressure, see that I’m 120-130 over 70 or 85, and I’ll be happy. I realized what blood pressure we need to keep an eye on it, because if a micro-stroke is so disgusting, then what can we say about a stroke? I stayed in the hospital for two weeks. Thank God, neither my arms nor my legs were taken away, I did not stutter, my face did not become distorted. But overall I felt terribly bad - you can’t even explain why.

Although we had people who received “What? Where? When?" and physical harm. In the early 2000s, a game was planned with the “six” politicians and public figures, among whom were Anatoly Chubais, Irina Khakamada, Avdotya Smirnova... They came to our office and trained until they sweat! I saw during training how the process of birth of new knowledge shocked them: they say, look, none of us knew this, but it was born to us in a minute. Happiness and surprise! But we could be left without the head of the entire nanoindustry... Our office is in the basement, and the office has a very low door. And Chubais is tall. And as he entered, he hit his head hard. After that, I hung a “Stop!” sign above the door.

And a couple of years ago Maxim Potashev suffered. The pavilion where the games take place is located in Neskuchny Garden. Nothing can be built there, but in the early 1990s Voroshilov received permission to “go underground.” They built a basement for us, where the life of the television company is concentrated to this day, and where our editing studio is located. And somehow the day before another game Potashev, already in a tuxedo, was hastily descending the narrow steep stairs, tripped and broke his arm! He was immediately taken to the nearest emergency room. Well, who sits in line at emergency rooms late in the evening on a weekend? Mostly shabby people in rumpled, dirty clothes. And then our Max appears spectacularly in a snow-white shirt and tuxedo! I know about this from Potashev’s words. And I vividly imagine the whole picture.

- Yes, once experts played in sweaters, but now “What? Where? When?" associated with blacks evening dresses ladies and gentlemen's tuxedos.

— When we decided to play in the pavilion in Neskuchny Garden, it became clear that the surroundings of this room obliges us to introduce a certain dress code. Thus was born the idea of ​​dressing connoisseurs in club jackets. I wonder where to get them in 1990? To begin with, Dima Koshkin, under whose name I lived in “Budapest,” and I went to some fair and bought blue cloth there. By that time, my former colleague Alena Bezvinenko had moved to Moscow - the same one who handed over my resignation letter to the department. She helped me out the second time too. Alena happened to have a friend whose dad was a colonel general and worked in a KGB studio on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya Street. And there was a great cutter working there! We came to him with an incredible task: to sew 25 jackets in a month. There were four teams of six people playing, plus one more jacket in reserve. The tailor sobbed and wailed: “You don’t understand anything! This task is impossible!”

- “Look at this world and look at my jackets.”

- That's it. Since then I know how long it takes for a glued shoulder on a jacket to dry so that it keeps its shape. But we must give the master his due, he did it. The next story about jackets is even cooler. And it is connected with the rule that was born at the games in Neskuchny Garden: the losing team leaves the club forever. As soon as we came up with it, a reasonable question arose: what about Druz? Well, friend forever. But is this bad for the program? Badly. And here I have a rare opportunity to boldly say that I came up with something for the program. Because it was I who came up with the idea of ​​making “immortal” experts. We were sitting, discussing a problem called “the departure of Friends,” and then it dawned on me: “There is a French Academy, the members of which - 40 “immortals” - are elected for life. So we need to make “immortal” players “What? Where? When?". Whoever received the “Crystal Owl” becomes “immortal.” And if his team loses, everyone else on the team is eliminated, but he remains in the club.” The idea seemed strange at first - some kind of “immortals”... And then this word even entered the airwaves. Then the question arose: how to single them out, these “immortals”? And we decided to dress them in red jackets. As usual on television, they were needed yesterday, that is, urgently - there were a couple of weeks left before the next series of games. Dima Koshkin sat down to call various representative offices of foreign companies that supplied clothes, and found one Pakistani company in Sovintsentr. We arrive there, and I can’t believe my eyes: the head of the representative office is my former student from Mariupol! Fortunately, I gave him A's and not D's, and so we received the first six red jackets from Pakistan within a week. It’s funny that as soon as our “immortals” appeared on the air, about six months later all the lads changed into the same red jackets. But the trendsetters were definitely the experts!

Was born: December 25, 1960 on a plane flying from Berlin to Moscow. But the place of birth was recorded as Lugansk (Ukrainian SSR), where his family lived

Family: sister - Galina, manager at a large travel company; brother - Alexander, television administrator

Education: graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Donetsk State University

Career: was accepted into the club “What? Where? When?" in 1986. He played his first game on television in 1989, and since then he has played only as a team captain. Since 1990, at the invitation of the creator of “What? Where? When?" Vladimir Voroshilova works at the television company Igra-TV, which produces the program. In the early 1990s it became her general producer. In 1992, 1994 and 2008 he won the Crystal Owl prize. Since 1991 he has been hosting the Brain Ring program. Director of the programs “Love at First Sight”, “Cultural Revolution”, “Life is Beautiful”, “Brain Ring”

You don't often see programs of this level on television. smart casino"What where When?". His games have been of constant interest for many decades. But even among intellectuals there are scandals and intrigues.

On March 5, 1950, Boris Oskarovich Burda, bard, connoisseur, and culinary specialist, was born. Among his other hobbies is visiting nudist beaches. Some members intellectual club"What where When?" They have an explosive temperament, are distinguished by strange preferences, and sometimes even break the law. Gag ring, bare chest, strippers, verbal altercations and accusations of rape... We present to your attention the most high-profile scandals and intrigues of an intelligent casino.

Boris Burda owes increased media attention to his unusual hobby: going to a nudist beach.

“I was brought to my current beach almost twenty years ago. Then adherents of yoga, Eastern teachings, poets and creative people in general gathered there,” the expert recalled in an interview.

“It was indecent to behave differently from everyone else... Over time, I got so accustomed to the beach that they began to attract me to perform public duties. Sometimes some idiot from the provinces comes to the beach with a video camera. And he starts asking: where is the general, where is Prosecutor, where is Burda?"

Burda also said that at the beginning of his career as an “expert” he was subjected to real discrimination from the presenter. “Unfortunately, from the very beginning Voroshilov tried to pass me off as a person who knows a lot, but is very poor at thinking...

...Once at a press conference he was asked what intelligence is. He said something for a long time, and then suddenly pointed his finger at me and said: “In general, Boris, erudition interferes with intellect.” A year later there is another press conference... Voroshilov is asked what the difference is between just educated person and a player in "What? Where? When?". And the grandfather answers again: the difference is like between Dvinyatin and Burda."

But members of the intellectual club Andrei Kozlov and Rovshan Askerov became famous for their explosive temperaments. One day they got into a verbal altercation right during a television broadcast of the game of the team that won the Crystal Atom prize.

Askerov furiously claimed that he saw Kozlov give a hint to the players at the table, after which, as an answer to the question, a version was given that was not even discussed at the table.

“Mr. presenter, there was a hint and it’s open. I will not remain silent under any circumstances. Mr. Kozlov, everyone else, and even me, saw it when you said the word “books”. It was, have the courage to admit,” said Rovshan Askerov.

The presenter did not see this, since the game managers did not pay attention to it, and therefore could not judge the dispute.

Kozlov called Askerov a scoundrel and compared him to the tiger from the sketch by Gennady Khazanov, who was not reported to. “And I won’t be silent here either. Rovshan, you’re a scoundrel. What can I do, you’re a scoundrel. Rovshan is just jealous that the guys are playing, but he’s not. Rovshan, I won’t talk to you anymore,” Kozlov said.

Shortly before this, Askerov had a row with Alexander Druz, the most recognizable “expert”. The stumbling block in this conflict was the tomato, the question about which Askerov’s team answered.

The players were given two salads - fruit and vegetable - and a tomato. They were asked to explain how British journalist Miles Kington used these dishes to explain the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

The presenter considered Alena Blinova’s answer incorrect, but still awarded the team a point. Many experts present were outraged by this decision.

The friend even stated that Askerov, who came to Blinova’s defense, lost his reputation in front of millions of viewers, to which he retorted: “A friend can go to hell!”

“I don’t care at all about the opinion of Master Alexander Abramovich Druz regarding my reputation, because my opinion regarding his reputation is that he has no reputation at all. So what? I don’t care at all! The person who changed the answer for the sake of a point has no right to me say nothing at all. I saw their opinion in the grave! " - he said.

Askerov had a conflict with Maxim Potashev last year, but not during the game, but on Facebook. Rovshan posted a post in which he expressed his displeasure that the program “What? Where? When?” not broadcast live.

At the same time, the “expert” addressed his claims to Maxim Potashev, to which the latter hastened to respond in the comments.

Maxim did not mince words.

Team captain Alena Povysheva attracted everyone's attention not with her scandalous behavior, but with her original decoration.

Alena appeared on the show wearing a leather jewelry reminiscent of a gag ring for BDSM.

Internet users found similar accessories in sex shops. In BDSM, they are put on the head, and the ring is placed in the mouth to prevent the jaw from closing.

A lot of memes and comments about this appeared on the network: “Alena Povysheva was in such a hurry to the game “What? Where? When?" that I didn’t have time to take off my BDSM choker."

Another scandal erupted around the political views of the player Ilya Novikov, a lawyer involved in the case of Nadezhda Savchenko.

The host and producer of the show, Boris Kryuk, in an interview with Moskovsky Komsomolets, said that the player had to make a choice in this case.

"With all my good attitude to Ilya, he had to choose first what was more important for him - the Club or political career, and then deal with Savchenko. Understand, if you defend Savchenko and you are a “ChGK” player, then it means that “ChGK” is also for Savchenko. "ChGK" is out of politics. And if you decide to get involved in politics, you need to say: thank you, I will do this,” Hook commented.

After this conflict, Novikov really did not participate in the spring series of games, but this was explained by the fact that he did not have the opportunity.

Singer Ani Lorak, who represented Ukraine at Eurovision in 2008, also performed in front of “experts” during a break in the program.

The performance was not without embarrassment: Anya’s lush breasts jumped out of her tight dress, which pleased both the audience and the players of the “What? Where? When?” club.

In another episode of "What? Where? When?" a couple of dancers performed a candid dance to Serge Gainsbourg’s hit “Je t’aime… moi non plus” in front of connoisseurs.

Moreover, the brave dancers had to perform the number at a temperature of almost -20°C, which can be seen from the steam emanating from the stripper’s mouth

When the “musical break” was close to completion, the girl exposed her breasts in front of the unsuspecting “experts.”

The intellectual club players demonstrated a variety of reactions.

In 2007, the court sentenced the player "What? Where? When?" Georgiy Zharkov to 4.5 years of suspended imprisonment.

According to the prosecution, Zharkov raped a 19-year-old resident of Nizhny Novgorod, who suffered from mental retardation.

The “expert” met a guy looking for an overnight stay at the Vladimirsky station and invited him to his apartment.

There, Georgy kept the guy locked up for several days, forcing him to perform oral sex.

In the end, the young man managed to escape through the balcony of the tenth floor, making a rope out of clothes and bed linen, but fell around the fifth. Fortunately, he did not suffer any serious injuries from the fall.

Georgy Zharkov himself never admitted his guilt. On February 28, 2016, the “expert” died after an illness.

In the 90s, in addition to "What? Where? When?" the same “experts” participated in another similar show called “Brain Ring”.

It was in one of the episodes of the program that the emotional Rovshan Askerov truly lost his temper for the first time when the presenter counted his essentially correct answers as incorrect.

Askerov literally “barked” at Andrei Kozlov, and young Anatoly Wasserman also came under his arm.

At the same time, a certain magnificent lady from the team tried to stop him with Askerov’s kisses. It was after this release that it became clear to everyone that it was better not to mess with Rovshan.

But the legendary presenter "What? Where? When?" In the 70s, Vladimir Voroshilov hosted a program called “Auction,” in which Soviet goods were “promoted.”

In one of the episodes, the Minister of the Fishing Industry Ishkov personally rolled an amber necklace into a tin of crabs and promised that tomorrow this can would appear on one of the shelves.

All the canned crab was sold out the next morning, but the then guardian of morality, Mikhail Suslov, was outraged by this episode: the program was closed, and Voroshilov was fired, forbidden to appear on television for a long time.

// Photo: Natalia Krasilnikova / PhotoXPress.ru

“Once I went to the Toy House to buy something as a gift for my three-year-old friend. I saw a top with a jumping horse and bought two at once, the second one for myself. I played without leaving home for ten days,” recalls Vladimir Voroshilov, the creator and host of the program, the first broadcast of which took place exactly 43 years ago. It is this top that will fascinate viewers glued to their TV screens in anticipation of an exciting game.

The game was originally a family quiz game in which participants received sets of books as gifts. Over the first few years, the program changed and looked for the format that we are used to seeing - a team of experts fights with a team of viewers, answering questions from viewers. The first team to score six points wins. The creators of the program are confident that stunning success and its enduring relevance stems from the fact that, unlike many other television mind games, What? Where? When?" is a game not for knowledge and erudition, but for intelligence and reasoning skills. One cannot but agree how interesting it is to watch the heated discussion and chain of reasoning of talented experts, while at the same time trying to find the answer yourself.

TV show host name for a long time remained a mystery to the audience. And Vladimir Voroshilov was given the nickname “Incognito from Ostankino” for a long time. Viewers only found out who was hiding behind the menacing voice five years later, when the broadcast ended with the words: “The show was hosted by Vladimir Voroshilov.”

After his death, the presenter’s chair was taken by his successor, Boris Kryuk. It was he, as a 12-year-old boy, who composed the first questions for the experts, and became the first TV viewer to win over the experts. The symbol of the transfer is the eagle owl Fomka - a crystal figure with his image is awarded to the best player in the final games. Later, a new prize was introduced - the Diamond Owl, which is awarded to the best player of the year. In the most popular "black box" Soviet television visited hundreds various items: scull, toilet paper, Wedding Dress, a head of cabbage, a bikini swimsuit, a jar of urine, an alarm clock, and a live butterfly.

For several years, the game was a unique program where you could see performances for the first time foreign performers. Very soon, on September 16, it begins new season games of the autumn session.

// Photo: Natalia Krasilnikova/PhotoXPress.ru

Remembering past seasons and the brilliant play of experts, it is interesting to know how the fate of the most famous intellectuals, who were watched by millions of viewers from year to year, turned out.

Rovshan Askerov, owner of the “Crystal Owl”, captain of his own team, recalls that his passion for quizzes appeared in childhood - when he was 14 years old, he wanted to please a girl, and in order to stand out, he created school game"What? Where? When?". Things didn't work out with the girl, but love for her appeared. intellectual game.

Rovshan took part in the game for the first time as an expert in 1998. At that time he was a journalist, a sports commentator. Rovshan admits that the popularity that overtook him was very pleasant to him, but at the same time it disciplined him and kept him on his toes. There was a case when popularity played into one’s hands when it was necessary to interview a famous person.

Currently, Rovshan holds the position of PR director of Baku magazine. But the connoisseur’s main pride is his own intellectual games club “No Fools,” which he opened two years ago with his long-term partner in the connoisseurs’ club, Boris Levin. Games take place every week on Wednesdays and Thursdays. In addition to Moscow, the game takes place in other cities - Sergiev Posad, Sochi, Adler, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod and Tashkent.

Ilya Novikov, two-time winner of the “Crystal Owl”, winner of the “Diamond Owl” at this moment continues to successfully practice law. Ilya wanted to become a lawyer and a criminal lawyer since he was 12-13 years old. He remembers how, as a child, he read books about a fictional character, Perry Mason, a practicing Los Angeles lawyer. Playing for him has always been just a hobby, a passion, and not a job.

He says that participation in the program briefly overshadowed him as a lawyer - people perceived Ilya as an expert and a showman. According to Ilya, he is often recognized on the street in Russia and there are people who think that this is what is written in his work book - “expert”. When asked about participating in new seasons, he answers that he has no plans to return in the near future.

Boris Belozerov, the youngest captain of the game, winner of the Crystal Owl, graduated this year International Institute energy policy and diplomacy at MGIMO in the field of World Economy and International Energy Cooperation, currently engaged in conducting various intellectual games as a presenter and author of questions. Will be a participant in the winter series of games.

Let us remind you that participation in the game is not a means of earning money for experts. Only winning viewers receive cash prizes. All experts have a favorite job and participate in the game for the sake of excitement and interest.

September 2017 marked 42 years since the release of the first episode of the program “What? Where? When?". All this time, a team of experts is looking for answers to viewers’ questions. We invite you to meet the brightest experts on “What? Where? When?"!

History of the game show

The first episode of this program was released in 1975. Then the bar of the television center in Ostankino was chosen as the location for filming. Seven years later, the unique intellectual game “moved” to Herzen Street, 47. Later, the game was broadcast from Bulgaria - three times. From 1988 to 1989 The experts gathered at Krasnaya Presnya, and then moved to the Hunting Lodge in Neskuchny Garden, where, by the way, they meet to this day.

The author of the television project is Vladimir Voroshilov. He was born in December 1930. His mother, Vera Borisovna Pellekh, was a seamstress and worked at home, and his father, Yakov Davidovich Kalmanovich, first held the position of head of the rationalization bureau, and later became the chief engineer of the People's Commissariat of Light Industry. After graduating from Moscow secondary art school Vladimir entered the Moscow Art Theater School and studied at the Higher Directing Courses.

In 1966, Voroshilov was invited to work on television. Initially, he was involved in filming television plays and documentaries. Vladimir Voroshilov released his first major television project called “Auction” in 1969. True, only six episodes saw the light of day, after which the program was taken off the air, and its author was transferred to the category of freelancers. Despite this, in September 1975, Voroshilov released the first game “What? Where? When?". By the way, for the first few years, the author’s last name was not indicated in the credits; the editor of the program, Natalia Stetsenko, marked on the folders that she submitted to the broadcast that there was no presenter.

At the end of 2000, Vladimir Yakovlevich held his last game. And in March 2001 he passed away. In the same year, Voroshilov posthumously received the TEFI award. In 2003, at the grave of the first president of the International Association of Clubs “What? Where? When?" a black granite cube was installed - a symbol of a black box. The author of the project is Nikita Shangin, a participant in the TV game.

Maxim Oskarovich Potashev

Muscovite Maxim Potashev was born in January 1969. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. And his first game at the club took place in 1994.

It was this expert who in 2000 was recognized as the best player of the “What? Where? When?" for 25 years of existence of this project! Maxim Oskarovich has four “Crystal Owls”, and he received two of them in 2000 in the anniversary series of games. In addition, he is the owner of the diamond star of the Master of the ChGK. The secret of success is simple: according to Potashev, in order to win the game, you need the ability to play for the team, and not for yourself.

Maxim does not like to talk about himself; it is known that he is well versed in sports and science fiction. He prefers the poetry of Pasternak, Blok, Gumilyov. I even tried to write poetry. Maxim Potashev cannot stand boiled onions, bad poetry, cats and stupid women. Maxim is married and has two sons.

Andrey Anatolyevich Kozlov

Another Master of the Game is Andrey Kozlov. He was born in December 1960 right on the plane that was flying from Germany to the Soviet Union.

Andrei's childhood dream was to work on television. Therefore, after graduating from school, he went to Moscow to enroll in drama school named after Shchukin. The young man passed entrance tests, but took the documents and, at the insistence of his parents, returned to Donetsk. Here Andrey entered Donetsk State University. Kozlov chose chemistry as his specialty. Andrei Anatolyevich wrote a letter to the editors of the club of experts. The qualifying round passed immediately. In 1989, he took part in an elite club game. It is worth noting that Andrei Kozlov plays exclusively as a team captain. Among the awards this connoisseur receives is a “Diamond Owl” and three “Crystal” ones. In addition, Andrei Anatolyevich is the holder of the honorary title “Best Captain”.

By the way, Kozlov’s childhood dream came true: since 1990 he has lived in Moscow and worked on television. It was he who became the director of such television programs as:

  • "Brain Ring".
  • "How to spend a million."
  • "Life is Beautiful".
  • "Program Guide".
  • "Songs of the 20th century".
  • "Cultural Revolution".

Alexander Abramovich Druz

It is difficult to find a person who has never heard the name of this expert “What? Where? When?". Alexander Abramovich is a master of the game, his list of awards includes six “Crystal” and one “Diamond Owl”, the Order of the “Diamond Star”.

Alexander was born in May 1955, his homeland is the city of Leningrad. Here he graduated from the Institute of Railway Transport Engineers, and received a diploma with honors. The only “B” in the diploma was given by the teacher of the political economy of socialism. When asked what brought him to the elite club, Alexander Druz answers simply - curiosity. It was out of curiosity that he wrote a letter to the editor of the game, and from it he decided to play a couple of games. However, he could not stop - since 1981, Druz has been playing to this day. Other experts call the master nothing less than the “Great Combinator,” because he is able to calculate absolutely everything. Club members also note Alexander Abramovich’s special love for jokes: he can tell them on a certain topic, for a while, and even for an argument.

Alexander Druz is married, his other half does not play in the club, saying that there should be at least one in the family normal person. But Alexander’s daughters Inna and Marina (we’ll tell you more about them a little later) are passionate lovers of the game, each of them has an “Owl”.

By the way, Alexander has a secret for raising smart children. The expert is sure that intelligence can only be developed until the age of 18, and therefore during these years you need to have time to read as many books as possible to your child. It is also important to answer all the children’s questions. Alexander admits that if he doesn’t know something, he does not hesitate to look into dictionaries and reference books.

Alexander Andreevich Byalko

Alexander Byalko was born in the late summer of 1952. MEPhI is behind him. Alexander Andreevich - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The main thing this expert understands is nuclear physics. My first game in the club “What? Where? When?" he played in 1979. It was Alexander who became the first owner of the “Sign of the Owl”. Alexander Byalko has a daughter and a son. Maria is a talented journalist, and Dmitry is good with computers.

Ales Vasilievich Mukhin

Ales's homeland is the city of Minsk. He was born in September 1976. It is worth saying that Ales is a history and English teacher; he graduated from the history department of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University.

Fans of the game "ChGK" first saw Ales (some are closer to another version of this name - Oles) Mukhin in 2001. This expert plays only as a captain. Ales has one gaming sign: if his wife is present in the hall, the game will be successful. This rule bears fruit - Ales has a “Crystal Owl”. Mukhin also has two children - son Anton, born in 1996, and daughter Dasha, who was born in 2004.

Now Ales lives in Minsk, works on television. Little is known about the expert. For example, he loves classical music, often visits organ concerts. He also likes the work of Boris Grebenshchikov.

Boris Oskarovich Burda

In 1990, a new player appeared at the club - Boris Burda. In what? Where? When?" he did not come of his own free will. In an interview, Burda admitted that he was blackmailed by the Komsomol authorities: if he had not headed the Odessa club “ChGK”, he was in danger of serious trouble.

Boris Oskarovich talks about many other things. For example, his hobbies include badminton and cooking. It is worth noting that in 1999, a book by this club connoisseur entitled “Boris Burda Treats” was published. Two years later, a sequel to the book appeared. Favorite hobby Boris - reading. By the way, he learned to read on his own. From the age of four, his parents left him alone with his ABC book. Boris Burda's hobbies include conversations with smart people, playing "Heroes-3", playing the six-string guitar and piano. The connoisseur writes songs and takes part in art song festivals. By the way, at the very beginning of the 70s of the last century, Boris took part in another famous game - KVN.

Among the achievements in the elite club are three “Crystal Owls” and one “Diamond” owl. The club calls him a “walking encyclopedia.”

Lyudmila Avgustovna Gerasimova

Speaking of experts, “What? Where? When?" It’s worth mentioning about Lyudmila Gerasimova. This Owl owner appeared on the game show in 1981. Then she was still studying at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Udmurt State University. The debut turned out to be successful - Lyudmila answered two questions correctly, and at the end of the game she became the best expert. Until 1995, Gerasimova played in women's team, whose captain was Valentina Golubeva. Afterwards Lyudmila took up organizing school movement experts. On Yekaterinburg television she hosted the Erudite Club program.

Inna Alexandrovna Druz

The eldest daughter of the expert “What? Where? When?" Alexandra Druzya, owner of the “Crystal Owl” Inna was born in 1979 in Leningrad. Already at the age of 12 she took part in the game “What? Where? When?". Then she played in Vilnius. Inna joined the elite club when she turned 15 years old.

Behind Inna Aleksandrovna's background is the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum of St. Petersburg, and the State University of Economics and Finance. She also graduated from Paris-Dauphine University. Inna Druz knows German, English and French languages. In addition, her hobbies include photography and reading.

Marina Aleksandrovna Druz

In December 1982, a daughter, Marina, appeared in the family of Alexander Abramovich. She went to school a year earlier than her peers. Marina studied at the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum of St. Petersburg, and her certificate only had four “B’s.” It is also worth mentioning that she speaks Spanish, French and English languages. Marina Druz - winner All-Russian Olympiad on literature.

Marina first took part in ChGK at the age of eight. Today she has "Crystal Owl". This connoisseur reads a lot and prefers Western classics. Her interests include hiking and various competitions.

Yulia Valerievna Lazareva

Yulia Lazareva has three “Owls” at once. She was born in 1983 in Moscow. And in 2001 she played her first game. When the girl was studying at the Moscow Law Academy, she was offered to take part in the selection for the game “What? Where? When?". The girl agreed without hesitation, because she had previously taken part in various intellectual games. By the way, Yulia recalls that to some extent the decision to play was influenced by the example of 16-year-old Inna Druz. By the way, it was Lazareva who was recognized five times as the best player and expert of the ChGK club.

Yulia Valerievna willingly communicates with journalists. He talks about how he loves to travel, attend various exhibitions and concerts. Among musical styles prefers jazz. He cannot imagine his life without friends. After participating in the intellectual game “What? Where? When?" Yulia was also invited to other projects, such as “Children’s Pranks” and “The Smartest”.

Asya Ilyinichna Shavinskaya

Among the experts “What? Where? When?" and graduate State University St. Petersburg Asya Shavinskaya. Among Asya's prizes are one crystal and one diamond “Owl”. She first appeared in the ChGK club at the end of 2003. Then she passed the telephone round of the game and became part of the MTS team. The second game in 2004 brought Asya the title best player teams.

This member of the connoisseurs' club loves active recreation. Her hobbies include horseback riding, billiards, ballroom dancing and gymnastics. Asya Shavinskaya willingly goes on hikes and takes part in tourist rallies.

Elizaveta Sergeevna Ovdeenko

Talking about famous experts"What? Where? When?”, one cannot fail to mention Elizaveta Ovdeenko. She was born in Odessa in 1980. Elizabeth has two higher education: She is a mathematician and a bank worker. The reason for moving to Moscow in 2010 was a successful personal life, and the girl was brought to ChGK by her love for reflection. In addition, Elizabeth simply loves games with words, for example, “Scrabble.” It is worth noting that Ovdeenko is the owner of two “Crystal Owls”.

Vladimir Grigorievich Belkin

It is worth noting Vladimir Belkin, an expert on the game, a member of the ChGK club and the board of the International Association. He was born in January 1955 in Moscow. Vladimir studied at the Nikolai Ernestovich Bauman Technical University. Graduated from the Faculty of Automation and Mechanization of Production. For fifteen years he worked at the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Technology.

In 1989, Vladimir Belkin defended his dissertation and became a candidate technical sciences. The list of his works includes 15 certificates for a variety of inventions.

He first heard about the intellectual game in 1979. I watched several episodes and wrote a letter to the editor. There was no answer for a long time; Vladimir managed to forget that he had sent an application to participate in the game. However, a year later they called him and offered to come to Ostankino. The interview with the editor lasted three hours. After Vladimir Grigorievich was invited to the selection. The man did not pass the first qualifying stage, but Voroshilov remembered it. And so, after another year, he was invited back to the game. Belkin joined the club in 1982.

Andrey Kozlov, what where when, for a long time was the leader of one of the teams of the popular game “What? Where? When?". B. Burda, A. Druz, M. Potashev and many other eminent intellectuals were partners of our hero.

A huge role in shaping the views on life of the future showman and connoisseur of the popular game Andrei Kozlov was influenced by his own grandmother. Andrey often had to visit the theater, where his grandmother worked her entire career and earned recognition as a People's Artist Ukraine. Here the student learned the intricacies of theatrical skill. The six-year-old boy participated in various events and concert programs.

It happened during the summer holidays that I went on tour to collective farms. After graduating from school, the young man entered the chemistry department of Donetsk University without any problems. He showed leadership abilities in amateur performances and was an organizer of concert festivals. Andrey remembers his student years with warmth and, having a career of more than a dozen years of directing behind him, openly says that he is not ashamed of his evenings and creative concerts, which he led in his youth.

Personal life

The famous player and presenter keeps his personal life in the strictest confidence. It is difficult for journalists to call Andrei to frank interview, even during the game he is not very sociable. What is known is that he has a wife named Anna. Andrei's parents were not from the poor all the time and early years taught my son to be independent. Even during his student years, Andrei managed to earn extra money, and he did it well. Perhaps it was luck, but having once acquired country cottage area for only 8,000 greens, he profitably invested the funds he earned in the land project. At the moment, such a hacienda is already valued at 140,000.

What man doesn't like driving fast? Andrey Anatolyevich is no exception, only he prefers ideal foreign routes with permitted speed limit where he truly enjoys the process. Other hobbies of the showman:

  • active walking (up to 10 km per day);
  • TV (sometimes when I have free time);
  • football matches;
  • Andrey rereads his favorite book “Watches” with interest several times.

Carier start

Fruitful cooperation with popular game"What? Where? When?" Andrei Kozlov’s idea dates back to 1986, when he sent his questions for a quiz to the program. Some time passed, he was invited to try his hand at the qualifying round, and he successfully passed this stage.

However, his successful debut took place only on February 23, 1989. Despite his many years of successful career, Kozlov is not susceptible to star fever. Personally myself included smart people does not relate, but only modestly asserts that he is simply not stupid.

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?" serves our hero as an integral part of life and destiny. More than once Andrey had to celebrate his name day right at the tournament. Over the years, only once good reason the showman didn’t make it to the game; right before the broadcast he suffered a mini-stroke.

On the account of one of bright participants an elite institution with many awards and personal achievements. In addition to the fact that Kozlov is the master of the club, he was able to win the “Crystal Owl” prize three times, as well as the “Diamond Owl”, holder of the honorary title “Best Club Captain”. And since the spring of 2014, the popular presenter becomes president of the international association of clubs “What? Where? When?".

5 interesting facts about Kozlov’s life

Let's look at a few interesting events that occurred in the life of a connoisseur.

  1. At the age of 16, having received a certificate and gone to have fun in Moscow, our hero secretly from his parents entered the Shchukin School. However, at the insistence of his parents, the documents had to be taken away, which the showman subsequently never regretted.
  2. Kozlov, even in his young student years, sought to earn money; he successfully mastered the work of a conductor on the railway.
  3. When the intellectual was first invited to work on television, he refused, considering teaching at a university a more prestigious profession.
  4. At first, an apartment in Moscow was too expensive for the hero. He lived in an inexpensive hotel room. The man is so used to comfortable conditions residence, when everything was cleaned and shirts were ironed for him, and besides, there was a buffet nearby. So he didn't want to leave the hotel and move into his new place.
  5. In 2008, Kozlov was only one of the team who completed the super blitz, giving the correct answer to 3 tasks. For this magnificent victory he was awarded a Volkswagen Phaeton.

Participation in other shows

Kozlov had close ties with many channels, such as “Culture”, “TVC”, “RTR”. TV viewers watched him in the following projects:

  1. "Life is Beautiful".
  2. "Songs of the 20th Century".
  3. "Cultural Revolution".
  4. "Love at first sight".
  5. "Science and us."

Creative activity brought Kozlov vast experience. Later, Andrey himself had the opportunity to take the place of the main producer and director of the Igra-TV project.

What do you think about Andrei Kozlov? Write your answers below.