Literary quiz for elementary school students. Literary quiz "through the pages of your favorite books"

Hello, friends! There is probably no child who would not like to listen to books being read to him, and most parents enjoy reading poetry, fairy tales or short stories. But does the child assimilate well what he heard, does he know the heroes of fairy tales, does he remember all the events described in the book? A literary quiz for children aged 5–6 years based on the most popular stories will help you get answers to these questions. famous works for children.

Preparing for the Quiz

It is best to conduct a quiz during any children's party, for example, at a toddler’s birthday party, when children of approximately the same age gather as guests.

To make the event interesting for the children, you need to prepare:

  • It is very important that children are immersed in fabulous atmosphere. Decorate your room with picture posters literary heroes, balloons, flags, etc.
  • Select in advance the musical accompaniment for each competition: children's songs, medley of cartoon music, etc.
  • For competitions you will need didactic material: pictures with plots and characters from books, large decorative letters, etc. You can make them from any available material, be sure to involve creative process baby.
  • Prepare prizes for all quiz participants: none of the children should leave offended or without a gift. Think over nominations: “The most attentive”, “The most active”, “The most charming”, etc. Prizes can be small books, souvenirs, small toys.
  • Invited children can be asked in advance to make a craft or drawing on a literary theme. At the end of the quiz it will be possible to arrange a competition for better job or a lottery for parents of children.
  • At the end of the quiz, organize a sweet treat for the kids together with the other parents.

Literary quiz “A book is your best friend”

Divide the kids into two teams. Let the kids themselves come up with literary names for them, for example, “Cheburashka” and “Golden Key”. In addition, you will need a competent jury in the person of the parents of the toddlers. Prepare cards for them with numbers from 1 to 5, indicating points for each competition.

Competition No. 1: “Guess the fairy tale”

In this competition, children must guess the fairy tale based on brief description which the presenter does. If it’s difficult for kids, then you can accompany the competition by showing pictures of these fairy tales.

  1. In which fairy tale did the girl outsmart the bear? (“Mashenka and the Bear”)
  2. Which fairy tale hero used a pipe to destroy an army of rats? (" Wonderful trip Nils")
  3. In what fairy tale does the father leave his son a cat as an inheritance? ("Puss in Boots")
  4. Name a fairy tale in which the hero rode on a stove. ("By pike command»)
  5. The hero of which fairy tale is the onion? (“Cipollino”)
  6. In which fairy tale did all the seasons meet? ("Twelve months")
Competition No. 2: “Continue the phrase”

This competition will reveal which of the children can listen carefully and remember. Start reading a famous phrase from children's books, and let the kids continue and say which character says these words.

  1. “I put my hands into the sleeves...” - “It turned out that these were trousers.” (Abstract-minded man)
  2. “It’s a shame for an old man to roar: you are not a hare, but...” - “A Bear.” (Hare)
  3. “You’re wrong, Uncle Fyodor...” - “Eat a sandwich.” (Cat Matroskin)
  4. “A chicken pecked me...” - “On the nose.” (Barbos)
  5. “The head of the washbasins...” - “And the commander of the washcloths.” (Moidodyr)
  6. “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will go…” - “Through the back streets.” (Fox)
Competition No. 3: “Guess the Hero”

This competition will allow you to find out how well children know the heroes of literary works.

Read riddles to the kids, and let them take turns guessing.

I'm wearing a red cap,
Pies in a basket.
I'm walking to grandma's
Along a forest path.
If I meet a Wolf,
I won't cry
I'm then the hunters
I'll call you loudly.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

I am beautiful, strong, powerful,
I am more menacing than menacing clouds,
And smarter than everyone else, there are no words,
I have a lot of goals.


To save a faithful friend,
I had to go halfway across the country,
Run away from robbers
To freeze in a snowstorm,
Crossing the ice
Fight with the Queen.

I've never been to a ball,
She cleaned, washed, cooked and spun.
When did it happen that I got to the ball?
Then the prince lost his head from love.
I lost my shoe at the same time.
Who am I? Who can tell me?


I'm rich, omnipotent,
Very slender, terribly feisty,
But I'm not afraid of death.
Guess what my name is?

(Koschei the Deathless)

The beautiful maiden is sad
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
The poor thing is shedding tears!

(Snow Maiden)

What a weird one
Wooden man
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key?
He pokes his long nose everywhere -
Who is this?


You can complete this competition by dancing to cheerful music.

Competition No. 4: “Find the mistake”

Read children's poems to the kids, making one or two mistakes in them. The little ones must not only determine what is wrong, but also read the poem without errors.

Dropped wolf on the floor,
Torn off to the wolf paw.
I still won't leave him,
Because he's good.

The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
Wags his tail, with tits doesn't take his eyes off
And he says so sweetly, barely breathing:
“My dear, how beautiful!
What a neck, what eyes!
Telling stories like that, really!”

(From Crow)

I want to drink tea
TO vacuum cleaner I run up
But pot-bellied from me
He ran away like from fire.

(To the samovar)

Our Masha crying loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river.
Quiet, Mashenka, do not Cry,
The ball won't drown in the river!

Competition No. 5: “Who Lost It”

Bring a large box containing things that “belong” to various fairy-tale characters. Take out one item at a time and let the kids guess who lost it.

  1. Hat with brim - Puss in Boots.
  2. Basket with pies - Little Red Riding Hood.
  3. Propeller - Carlson.
  4. Magic lamp - Aladdin.
  5. Pot of roses - Kai and Gerda.
  6. The pipe is Nils.
  7. Bow and arrows - Ivan Tsarevich.
  8. glass slipper- Cinderella.
Competition No. 6: “Answer without hesitation”

You can complete the literary quiz with a blitz competition. The presenter quickly asks questions, and the participants answer almost without hesitation.

  1. The villain who wanted to destroy the beautiful fly. (Spider)
  2. The largest vegetable that helped make friends big company. (Turnip)
  3. A bakery character who went on a journey through the forest. (Kolobok)
  4. Magic flower with multi-colored petals. (Seven-flowered flower)
  5. A wooden boy who didn't want to go to school. (Pinocchio)
  6. The smallest girl who lived in a flower. (Thumbelina)
  7. A lonely inhabitant of swamps who dreamed of flying. (Water)

Do kids need quizzes?

Of course, preparing a good literary quiz for young children is a lot of work for adults. But the benefits of such activities cannot be overestimated, because:

  • children gain skills in playing according to certain rules and are imbued with the spirit of team competition;
  • kids train memory, attention, imagination;
  • the kids are developing logical thinking, colloquial speech.

Literary quiz- This is also an opportunity for children to show off their knowledge, receive a prize and praise from adults.

Be sure to organize a literary quiz for your child and his friends, and you will get a lot of positive emotions from communicating with little book lovers.

Good luck to you! Best wishes!

Let's play.

(literary quiz on fairy tales for 3rd grade students)


  • Test your knowledge of works of oral folk art and original stories and fairy tales;
  • Learn to delve into the meaning of what you read, reason, reflect, defend your point of view.


  1. Teach expressiveness reading works, correct pronunciation of words, the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts, and expand one’s vocabulary.
  2. Develop speech, thinking, memory, communication skills, Creative skills children; ability to work in a team
  3. Foster careful, careful handling of books, instill a love and interest in reading.


  • large colored cube,
  • children's drawings for fairy tales,
  • book drawing,
  • portrait Lev Kassil,
  • cards with numbers: 2,3,4,5 for the jury,
  • “seven-flowered flower”,
  • a bag of “magical” things,
  • musical accompaniment: “There are many fairy tales in the world...”

Progress of the game

Dear guys, today we have an unusual lesson. An exciting journey through the land of Literature awaits us.

One honored guest came to our lesson. Guess which one.

Not a tree, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a plant, but with a root,
Not a person, but with intelligence. (Book)

Yes, this is a book, and along with the book come our favorite fairy-tale characters.

Alone, alone
Book heroes are dozing
On the pages of your books.
Awaken them to life!
Why should they suffer from boredom?
All heroes love work!
To you, friends, and books in your hands -
Let the heroes come to life!

(While the lines of the poem are being heard, the children attach drawings of fairy-tale characters to the board).

Did you know that a book, just like each of us, has a name day?

On March 23, the annual reading week “Book Name Day” will begin. “Book Name Days” was first organized by Lev Kassil in 1943, during the war years, in the Column Hall of the House of Unions in Moscow. Mostly children of Red Army soldiers who died on the fronts were invited there. And despite the fact that the time was difficult, people were deprived of a lot, there was not enough food - it was decided to hold this holiday, because our country has always been the most reading country in the world. The book has always been the most important friend for children.

You can learn a lot of useful and interesting things from books if you read carefully.

Now we will check how attentive readers you are.

Let’s start our “Let’s Play” quiz. Teams taking part today are:

1. “Znayki”

Motto: “He who reads a lot knows a lot”;

2. “Readers”

Motto: “In order not to be branded as a know-nothing, we must be friends with a book”;

3. “Why”

"Where? For what? And why? - I’ll solve the mystery.
I’ll pick up the book and I’ll find out the answer.”

And our respected jury will judge the competitions... (Jury presentation – 4th grade student).


(Questions are asked to the teams in turn. For each correct answer - 1 point. For helping the other team - an additional 1 point.)

  1. How many moon brothers did the heroine of S. Marshak’s fairy tale meet at the New Year’s bonfire? (12.)
  2. Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog? (Koschei the Deathless)
  3. How many times did the old man throw the net into the sea? (3.)
  4. What was the name of Doctor Aibolit's sister? (Varvara.)
  5. What was the name of Matroskin's cat's cow? (Murka.)
  6. Which boy was supposed to make the word “eternity” out of ice? for this they promised to give him new skates and the whole world. (Kai.)
  7. What did the queen say while looking into the magic mirror?
    (My light, mirror! Tell me,
    Tell me the whole truth.
    Am I the sweetest in the world,
    All blush and whiter?)
  8. Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal? (Tree, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle.)
  9. Who did Kolobok leave from? (From grandparents, hare, wolf, bear.)

The jury sums up the results and comments (the jury has cards with numbers, the total score is entered into the table on the board).

The quiz consists of 5 rounds:

1st round – “Pushkiniana”; 2nd – “Fairy Tales” foreign writers”;

3rd – “Who owns these things?”; 4th – “Russian folk tales”;

5th – “Fairy Tales” Russian writers”.

Cards with the names of the tours are laid out on the table; each tour has its own number. We need this number in order to determine the round number by throwing a die with five numbers. (Team captains take turns throwing the dice. The number drawn determines the round.)

1st round. “Pushkiniana”

(Maximum score – 5 points.)

(Teams are given cards with questions. After discussion, the teams themselves choose 2 questions to which they will answer)

1. What did the cockerel cry while sitting on the knitting needle?

Reign lying on your side.)

2. Which fairy tale are these lines from?

The wind blows across the sea
And the boat speeds up,
He runs in the waves
With full sails.

(“The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son, glorious and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich and Fr. beautiful princess Swan".)

3. Who did King Elisha turn to for help? (To the sun, moon, wind.)

4. What job did priest Balda hire for? (Cook, groom, carpenter.)

5. Which fairy tale are these lines from?

... Virgo suddenly
came to life. Looks around
With amazed eyes,
And, swinging over the chains,
Sighing, she said:
“How long have I been sleeping!”

(“The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes.”)

6. Which fairy tale are these lines from?

I will serve you well,
Diligently and very efficiently,
In a year, for three clicks on your forehead,
Give me some boiled spelt.

(“The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda.”)

7. What did King Dodon promise to the sage for the golden cockerel?

(“.. Your first will
I’ll do it like mine.”)

8. What was the name of the dog who guarded the tower of the seven heroes? (Falcon)

9. How many years did the old man and the old woman live “by the very blue sea”? ( Thirty years and three years.)

10. Who did Balda call his little brother? (Hare.)

(The selected answers are heard, the jury sums up the results, the results are entered into the TV table.)

2nd round. “Tales of foreign writers”

(Captain competition. Team captains draw cards with questions and answer them. Teams have the right to help. Maximum score – 2 points)

1. Who is the best dreamer and sweet tooth in the world, big friend Baby? (Carlson. “Kid and Carlson” by A. Lindgret)

2. What was the name of the owner of Puss in Boots? (Marquis Karabas. “Puss in Boots” by Ch. Perrault.)

3. In which fairy tale did the bear compose poetry himself? (A. Milln “Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all”)


3rd round. “Who owns these things?”

(Team members take turns taking out cards from the bag on which words are written that denote magical things. M maximum score – 2b.)

  1. Golden egg. (Hen Ryaba. Russian folk tale “Hen Ryaba”.)
  2. Glass slipper. (Cinderella. C. Perrault “Cinderella”.)
  3. Mirror. ( Evil stepmother. A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess...”.)
  4. Golden Key. (Pinocchio. A. Tolstoy “The Golden Key”.)
  5. Shell walnut. (Thumbelina. G.-H. Andersen “Thumbelina.”)
  6. Broken trough. (To the old woman. A.S. Pushkin. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”)
  7. Little Red Riding Hood. (To a girl. Ch. Perrot “Little Red Riding Hood.”)
  8. The Scarlet Flower. (To the monster. S. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”.)
  9. Firebird feather. (To Ivan the Fool. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”)


4th round. “Russian folk tales”

(Teams are given cards with questions. After discussion, the teams themselves choose 2 questions to which they will answer. M maximum score – 2b.)

  1. Who arranged such a division with whom: “Your tops, and my roots” (The man with the bear in the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear.”)
  2. Which hero was spent on pies? (The bear from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear.”)
  3. Who cooked porridge using intelligence and ingenuity? (The soldier in the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe.”)
  4. What words do Russian fairy tales begin with? (“Once upon a time...”; “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”.)
  5. What did the Tsar Father order to his daughters-in-law to test their skills? (Bake bread, weave a carpet.)
  6. What did the fox feed the crane? (Porridge.)
  7. What fairy tale are these lines from?
    Oh, Petya - simplicity,
    I messed up a little:
    Didn't listen to the cat
    Looked out the window... (“Golden comb cockerel.”)
  8. Who was the first to find the tower? (Little Mouse)


5th round. “Tales of Russian writers”

(“Seven-flowered flower.” Questions are written on the petals, team representatives choose any petal with a question, discuss the answer with the team.)

  1. Who wrote the fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno”? ( N. Nosov.)
  2. What are the names of the main characters in E. Uspensky’s fairy tale “Vacation in Prostokvashino”? ( Uncle Fyodor, cat Matroskin, dog Sharik, postman Pechkin.)
  3. Which musical instrument helped the girl Zhenya pick strawberries? ( The pipe in V. Kataev’s fairy tale “The pipe and the jug.”)
  4. What insect were all the animals afraid of? ( A cockroach from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach.”)
  5. What work are these lines from? “Suddenly the hat crawled straight towards Vadik. He will shout: “Ay!” - and jumped onto the sofa.” ( N. Nosov. "Living Hat".)

Summarizing. Team awards. Congratulations.

Our holiday is over, but an exciting journey through the country of Literature is just beginning. The book will be your faithful companion throughout your life.

She left a letter for you.

Letter from the Book.

Guys, I was glad to see you in my book kingdom.

I am a book. I'm your comrade!
Be careful with me, schoolboy...
My clean look always pleasant.
Protect me from stains!
I appeal to you, children:
There is nothing more useful than a book in the world!
Let books come into homes as friends.
Read all your life, gain your mind.

See you. Book.

Municipal budget educational institution

"Oktyabrskaya secondary school"

Kursk district, Kursk region

Along the roads of fairy tales

(literary quiz

for younger students)


primary school teacher

Tulchenko Irina Anatolyevna

MBOU "Oktyabrskaya average"

comprehensive school"

Kursk region

Literary quiz "On the roads of fairy tales"

Purpose of the lesson:

    Summarize children's knowledge of fairy tales;

Lesson objectives:

    Develop thinking, imagination, interest, attention;

    Nurture love and careful attitude to fairy tales;

    Demonstrate successes, skills and abilities;

    To develop emancipation in front of the audience, the ability to demonstrate one’s creative abilities;

    Develop communication, research, and social competencies.

Progress of the lesson:

Before the start of the game, it is necessary to make a game cube, preferably so that it is bright and the dots on it are clearly visible to the audience in the hall.


Hello boys and girls! Let's start our quiz "On the roads of fairy tales." Today they are taking part in it...(participants say their names)


Thank you, we were very pleased to meet you! Now let's do a warm-up.

(The presenter conducts a warm-up to identify participants and fans.) Whoever scores the most points in the warm-up will be a participant, the rest will be fans.

(For the correct answer -1 point)

Warm-up questions:

1. How many moon brothers did the heroine of S. Marshak’s fairy tale meet at the New Year’s bonfire? (12)

2. How many brothers did Eliza, the heroine of H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Wild Swans” have? (11 brothers)

3.What was the name of Doctor Aibolit’s sister? (Varvara)

4.Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog? (Koschei the Deathless.)

5.What was your name three bears from Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Three Bears"? (Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)

6.Which of the three little pigs built the strongest house? (Naf-Naf)

7.What did the queen say when looking into the magic mirror?

("My light, mirror! Tell me,

Tell me the whole truth.

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?")

8.Which boy had to spell out the word “eternity”? For this they promised to give him new skates and the whole world. (Kai)

9.Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal? (Tree, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle.)

10.What was the name of Matroskin’s cat’s cow? (Murka)

11.How many times did the old man throw a net into the sea? (3)

12. How many robbers did Ali Baba outwit? (40)

13.What was the name of the genie who was freed from the bottle by Volka, from the fairy tale

L. Lagina? (Hottabych)

14.Who did Kolobok leave? (From grandfather, from grandmother, hare, wolf, bear.)


The quiz consists of 6 rounds:

1st round - Pushkinian;

2nd - Fairy tales of foreign writers;

3rd-Whose portrait is this? 4th - Russian folk tales;

5th - Fairy tales of Russian writers,


(There are cards with the names of the rounds on the table, each round has its own number.) We need this number in order to determine the number of the round by throwing a six-numbered die. Let's throw the dice. The number 3 came up, round “Whose portrait is this?” (There are 10 questions on the card, teams choose the question number. For the correct answer - 2 points.)

1st round. Pushkinian

1.What did the cockerel cry while sitting on the knitting needle?

( Kiri-kuku,

Reign lying on your side.)

2.What fairy tale are these lines from?

The wind blows across the sea

And the boat speeds up,

He runs in the waves

With full sails.

( "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his son, the glorious and mighty hero Prince Guidon Saltanovich, and of the beautiful Princess Swan")

3.Who did King Elisha turn to for help? (To the sun, moon, wind)

4.What job did Pop Balda hire? (Cook, groom, carpenter)

5.Which fairy tale are these lines from?

...Virgo suddenly

Alive. Looks around

With amazed eyes,

And, swinging over the chains,

Sighing, she said:

“How long have I been sleeping!”

( "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.")

6.Which fairy tale are these lines from?

-I will serve you well,

Diligently and very efficiently,

In a year, for three clicks on your forehead,

Give me some boiled spelt.

("The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda")

7.What did King Dodon promise to the sage for the golden cockerel?

(Your first will

I'll do it like mine.)

8.What was the name of the dog who guarded the tower of the seven heroes? (Sokolko)

9.How many years did the old man and the old woman live near the blue sea? (Thirty years and three years)

10.Who did Balda call his little brother? (Hare)

2nd round. Fairy tales of foreign writers

1.Who sent the princess a rose and a nightingale? (Prince from H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Swineherd.”)

2.Who is the best dreamer and sweet tooth in the world, Baby’s great friend? (Carlson)

3. In which fairy tale did the bear compose poetry himself? ("Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all")

4.Which girl lost her shoe at the ball? (Cinderella)

5.What was the name of the owner of Puss in Boots? (Marquis Karabas)

6.Who wore a belt with the inscription “When I’m angry, I kill seven”? (Brave Tailor).

7.Name the country where instead of " good morning“they say “good night”, where do bakeries sell pencils, paints, glue, and do stationery stores sell bread?

(Land of Liars)

8. In which fairy tale does it snow on earth if downy feather beds are fluffed up in the sky? (“Mistress Blizzard”)

9.Name Carlson’s favorite expression. (Everyday matter)

10.What was the name of the smallest girl? (Thumbelina)

3rd round. Whose portrait is this?

1. "All its sides are torn,

Palisades driven into the ribs,

The village is on the tail;

The men are plowing on the lip,

The boys are dancing between the eyes..."

Who is this? (Miracle Yudo fish-whale)

2.Whose portrait is this?

“He lies down, stretches, rolls from side to side. He gets up, jumps and sits by the window to count flies...” (Lenivitsa)

3.Who is this heroine, and from which fairy tale?

"White-faced, black-browed,

The character of such a meek

And the groom was found for her -

Prince Elisha"

(Princess from the fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights")

4. “But the most beautiful was the mistress of the palace, standing on the threshold. She was also cut out of cardboard, with a blue scarf on her shoulders, and on her chest a shiny brooch, as large as her owner’s head, and just as beautiful.” Guess who it is?

(Ballerina from the fairy tale "The Steadfast" tin soldier")

5. “As soon as this child learned to babble, he immediately began to say the sweetest things, and in all his actions there was so much intelligence that one could not help but admire him. And he had a tuft on his head...” What was the name of this prince?

(Rike with a tuft)

6. In what fairy tale did you read about this beauty?

"The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead the star burns.

And she herself is majestic,

He performs like a peahen."

(A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.”)

7."She lightly touched her dress with a magic wand, and the old dress turned into a wonderful outfit of silver and gold brocade, all strewn with precious stones"Who and in what fairy tale turned an old dress into a ball gown?

(Fairy, "Cinderella")

8.Guess who it is?

“In front of her sits a grey-haired old man; he sits on an ice bench and eats snowballs; he shakes his head - frost falls from his hair, and thick steam rises from his breath.”

(Moroz Ivanovich)

9. “He’s walking around, yawning, reading signs, a raven counting. Meanwhile, an unfamiliar dog stuck behind him and ate all the bagels one after another.” What girl are we talking about here?

(About the girl Zhenya from V. Kataev’s fairy tale “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”)

10. “She was so lovely and tender, but made of ice, made of dazzling, sparkling ice, and yet alive! Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them.”

Who is this? Where did you meet her? Who wrote about her?

(H.H. Andersen " The Snow Queen")

4th round. Russian folk tales

1. Who arranged such a division with whom: “Your tops, and my roots.”

(A man with a bear in the fairy tale "The Man and the Bear")

2.Tell me, which hero was played at the pies?

(Bear from the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")

3.Who cooked the porridge using intelligence and ingenuity?

(Soldier in the fairy tale "Porridge from an Ax")

4. How did a man divide one goose into seven without offense: a master, a lady, sons and two daughters, and did not offend himself?

(For the master - the head, for the lady - the tail, for the sons the legs, for the wings for the daughters, and for yourself - the whole body.)

5.What words do Russian folk tales begin with?

(“Once upon a time...”, “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”.)

6.What did the Tsar Father order to his daughters-in-law to test their skills?

(Bake bread, weave a carpet)

7.What did the fox feed the crane?


8. In which fairy tale does a thrown hat cause the hut to stagger?

(In the fairy tale "Ivan -peasant son and Miracle Yudo.")

9.Which fairy tale are these lines from?

Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little:

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window...

("Golden Comb Cockerel.")

10.Who was the first to find the tower?

(Little mouse.)

5th round. Fairy tales of Russian writers

1.What is the name of the sorceress who was afraid of water, and how many years did she not wash her face?

(Bastinda, 500 years old.)

2.Who wrote the fairy tale “The Adventures of Dunno”?

(N. Nosov)

3.What are the names of the main characters in E. Uspensky’s fairy tale “Vacation in Prostokvashino”?

(Uncle Fyodor, cat Matroskin, dog Sharik, postman Pechkin.)

4.What were the names of the fat men from Y. Olesha’s story “Three Fat Men”?

(No names)

5.Which countries do the heroes of A. Volkov’s fairy tales travel through?

(Country of talkers, jumpers, blinkers, chewers, etc.)

6.What insect were all the animals afraid of?

(Cockroach from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach”)

7. In what fairy tale did the king love semolina porridge more than anything in the world and what was the name of the cook who knew the secret of preparing this porridge?

(S. Prokofiev’s fairy tale “The Patchwork and the Cloud”, Barbatsutsa)

8.Who wrote the fairy tale “Kolobok is following the trail”?

(E. Uspensky)

9.What musical instrument helped the girl Zhenya pick strawberries?

(Pipe; V. Kataev “Pipe and Jug”)

10. Walks to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy.

Gets to school instead

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name?


6th round. “Say the word.” 1. Only suddenly, because of a bush, Because of the blue forest, From distant fields Arrives......(sparrow) 2. Long, long time crocodile The blue sea was extinguished Pies and pancakes, And dried...(mushrooms) 3. I am for a candle, candle into the stove! I'm for a book So run And skipping Under….! (bed) 4. And behind her are forks, Glasses and bottles Cups and spoons Jumping along... (path) 5. And such rubbish All day: Ding-dee-lazy, Ding-dee-lazy, Either the seal will call, then ... (deer) 6. Only bully crayfish Don't be afraid of a fight; Even though they are moving backwards, But the mustache... (they move) 7. Fishes are walking across the field, Toads fly across the sky The mice caught the cat In a mousetrap...(put in) 8. You have wax on your neck, There's a blot under your nose, You have such hands That they even ran away... (pants) 9. I am the Great Laver, Famous Moidodyr, Umybasnikov Head And washcloths... (commander) 10.Robin Bobin Barabek Ate forty people And a cow and a bull, And crooked...(butcher) 11. She sewed caftans for me, I sewed boots Sweet, rosy Baked me...(pies) 12.And they had one crooked cat, And she meowed Sitting at ... (window) 13. Mura took off her shoe, Buried in the garden: - Grow up, my little shoe, Grow up, little one! Just like washing a shoe I’ll give you some water... (I’ll pour it) 14. Fleas came to Mukha, They brought her boots But the boots are not simple - They have clasps...(gold) - Guys, what unites all these excerpts from poems? (Tales of K.I. Chukovsky)


Encouraging the most active participants.


1. Veselova K.I. Fairy tales, songs, riddles. - Moscow: Children's literature, 2004.

2. Mitunok S.P. Holidays, matinees in elementary school. - Moscow: Children's literature, 2009

3. Ostroumov V. A. Poems for children and about children. - Smolensk: PERSEY*VECHE*AST, 1995.

The magical world of fairy tales. Literary quiz with answers for children

Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, primary teacher MBOU classes Zolotukhinskaya secondary school, Kursk region
Purpose: literary quiz is intended for children, educators preschool institutions, primary school teachers, class teachers, educators additional education and parents. A variety of quiz questions will help children remember and consolidate their knowledge about fairy tales and their characters. Work will bring positive emotions to children.
Target: consolidating children’s previously acquired knowledge about their favorite fairy tales.
1. Draw children's attention to literary creativity.
2. Remember and consolidate knowledge about the names, authors and heroes of children's fairy tales.
3. Reinforce the concepts: folk and literary fairy tale, children's ability to identify types of fairy tales.
4. Organize active leisure time for students and cultivate an interest in reading.

Teacher: Fairy tales are an integral part of childhood. There is hardly a person who, when he was little, did not listen to many of the most different stories. Having matured, he retells them to his children, who understand them in their own way, drawing images in their imagination acting characters and experiencing the emotions that the tale conveys.
According to scientific definition in literature, a fairy tale is an "epic" literary genre, a story about some magical or adventurous events, which has a clear structure: a beginning, a middle and an ending." From any fairy tale, the reader must learn some kind of lesson, moral. Depending on the type, the fairy tale also performs other functions.
-What kind of fairy tales are there?(Children's answers)
Each of us will agree that in separate species It is worth highlighting tales about animals. The second type is fairy tales. And finally, there are so-called everyday fairy tales. All types have their own characteristics.
-What fairy tales do you know about animals?(Children's answers)
Animals are creatures that live in close proximity to us. It is this fact that influenced the fact that folk art uses images of animals, the most diverse: both wild and domestic. At the same time, it should be noted that the animals found in fairy tales are not presented as typical animals, but as special animals endowed with human traits. They live, communicate and behave like real people. Such artistic techniques allow you to make the image clear and interesting.
- What fairy tales do you know about magic?(Children's answers)
The main characteristic feature of this species is magical, fantasy world, in which the main characters live and act. The laws of this world are different from the usual ones, everything in it is not as it really is, which attracts young readers and makes this type of fairy tales undoubtedly the most beloved among children. In most cases, this type of fairy tale has a typical plot, certain characters and happy ending. These can be stories about heroes and fantastic creatures, tales about unusual items and various trials that are overcome thanks to magic.
As a rule, in the finale the heroes get married and live happily ever after.
Everyday tales narrate events ordinary life, illuminating various social problems And human characters. In them the author ridicules negative human qualities. Such tales are social and satirical, with elements fairy tale and many others. Here they are ridiculed negative qualities rich and vain people, while the representatives of the people embody positive features.
Everyday tales show that the main thing is not money and power, but kindness, honesty and intelligence.
We talked about types of fairy tales.
-What types of fairy tales are there?(Children's answers)

In addition to the above classification, fairy tales are also divided into author's and folk. Already from the names it is clear that author's tales are those that were written by a specific famous writer-storyteller, and folk tales are those that do not have one author. Folk tales are passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation, and the original author is unknown to anyone.

Each of the peoples in their history came up with great amount instructive stories for adults and children, sharing their experience and wisdom next generations. Folk tales reflect human relations and shift moral principles, show that the basic values ​​remain unchanged, teach to draw a clear line between good and evil, joy and grief, love and hate, truth and falsehood.
-What folk tales do you know?(Children's answers)

They can be both magical and everyday. A lot of folk tales talks about animals.

The question often arises: when was the first Russian folk tale invented? This will probably remain a mystery, and one can only speculate. It is believed that the first “heroes” of fairy tales were natural phenomena - the Sun, Moon, Earth, etc. Later they began to obey humans, and images of people and animals entered fairy tales. There is an assumption that all Russian folk narratives have a basis in reality. In other words, some event was retold in the form of a fairy tale, changed over the centuries and came to us in the form to which we are accustomed.
Author's fairy tales are usually subjective processing folk plot. Character traits author's fairy tale– psychologism, sublime speech, vivid characters, use of fairy-tale cliches.
Who are they, the authors of fairy tales?

Surely everyone has heard about “The Tales of My Mother Goose” by Charles Perrault, the fairy tales of the Italian Gozzi, the works German writer Wilhelm Hauff, the Brothers Grimm and the Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. We must not forget about the Russian poet Alexander Pushkin! Their stories are loved by children and adults around the world. Entire generations grow up listening to these fairy tales. The most famous and beloved fairy tales are used to make films and cartoons.

The favorite heroes of fairy tales were and remain in Rus': Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Vasilisa the Beautiful...
The world of fairy tales is amazing and diverse. In a word, this Magic world fairy tales tell us that it is better to be kind and honest.

Fairytale Quiz:

I invite you to remember your favorite fairy tales and fairy tale characters.

1. In which state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live?
(In the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state)
2. Name Baba Yaga's vehicle? (Mortar)
3. What definition can be used to combine the following fairy-tale characters: Basilio, Cockroach, Koschey the Immortal, Babarikha, Barmaley, Sherkhan, Karabas, Baba Yaga? (Negative heroes)
4. Which of the inhabitants of the swamp became the prince's wife? (Frog)
5. What was Moroz Ivanovich's house made of? (Made from ice)
6. She sang her cheerful song, not noticing the lion cub, because her eyes were closed with pleasure. Who sang the song? (Turtle Tortilla)
7. What did A. Milna give in the fairy tale? Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" to Eeyore on his birthday Owl? (His own tail)
8. What was the name of the terrible room in Malvina’s house, where Buratino was imprisoned as punishment for his sloppiness? (Into the closet)
9. What was Karabas - Barabas the director of? (Puppet theater)
10. In what fairy tale did a grain of barley grow from a grain of barley? beautiful flower- the tulip in which the little girl lived? (H.K. Andersen Thumbelina)
11. What are the names of the wood particles formed as sawing waste that were in Winnie the Pooh's head? (Sawdust)
12. Guess his name:
"This fairy tale hero,
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
I'm all striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots." (C. Perrault. Puss in Boots)

13. What color is the cap of the heroine of the fairy tale by Charles Perrault, who carried gifts to her grandmother through the forest? (Red)
14. In which fairy tale were the characters' names: Mikhail Ivanovich, Mishutka and Nastasya Petrovna? (r.s. Three Bears)
15. An animal from a fairy tale by E. Uspensky, who traveled in a box of oranges and settled in telephone booth name... (Cheburashka)
16. At what time of year does the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command” take place? (Winter)
17. What fairy tale? we're talking about: wolves, child, jungle? (R. Kipling Mowgli)
18. What protective device never helped the Princess and the Pea? (Featherbed)
19. From which plant did Eliza weave shirts for her brothers in H. C. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Wild Swans”? (From nettle)
20. Which fairy tale talks about the dire consequences of poor fire safety equipment? (S. Marshak. Cat's house)

21. He is a great Russian poet, whose cities, squares, and streets are named after him. In his immortal works meet - the Swan Princess and uncle Chernomor, the prince Elisha and the learned cat, the golden cockerel and the crafty Balda. Who are we talking about? (A.S. Pushkin)
22. On which island did Guidon, the son of Tsar Saltan, build his palace? (On Buyan Island)
23. What first fell into the old man's net in A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale? (Tina)
24. Who said that?
“I didn’t sleep the whole night;
Unfortunately for me
It was terrible weather!
The rain just kept pouring down like that.” (Danilo in P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)
25. Name the fairy-tale long-lived king. (Koschei)
26. Where is the death of Koshchei the Immortal? (Tree, chest, hare, duck, egg, needle.)
27. Which finger should I put it on? magic ring to find yourself in the palace of the miracle of the sea, the forest beast in the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”? (On the right little finger)
28. Which of the literary heroes pulled himself out of the swamp by his pigtail, did not lose heart in his stomach huge fish, flew on a cannonball, visited the Moon, grew a tree on the head of a deer? (Resp. Baron Munchausen)

29. Who is spoken about in the following lines:
“Kai looked at her. How good she was! He could not imagine a smarter and more charming face. Now she didn’t seem cold to him..." (The Snow Queen. H.K. Andersen)
30. Identify the author of the fairy tale using the words: sea, ship, crown, prince, pain, witchcraft drink. (H.K. Andersen The Little Mermaid)

Literary quiz for elementary school children: The world of fairy tales is the most amazing and wonderful in the world

Chelysheva Irina Vasilievna, teacher of the educational institution "S(K)O boarding school of the VIII type No. 5", Kursk.
-develop cognitive interest in the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin.
Correctional and educational:
-summarize and expand children’s knowledge about the work of A.S. Pushkin;
-V game form repeat and consolidate children's knowledge of A. S. Pushkin's fairy tales;
Correctional and developmental:
- to develop in children the ability to recognize fairy tales and their characters, auditory attention, associative memory, creative imagination;
-broaden children's horizons.
Correctional and educational:
- to cultivate the need for reading books, to cultivate a love of oral folk art.
Equipment: portrait of A.S. Pushkin, illustrations, book exhibition.
Quiz progress:
The song “Fairy tales walk around the world” is played.
Leading: Hello, dear guys! Today we will take a journey into the world of fairy tales, the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. (Showing a portrait).

A. S. Pushkin was born on June 6, 1799, in Moscow. He was raised by his nanny Arina Rodionovna. She was a skilled storyteller and storyteller. She often told little Sasha fairy tales that she had heard or composed herself. Her performance charmed the future great poet. During his creative period, he wrote 7 fairy tales and many poems. And now we are with you
Now we will conduct a quiz on these fairy tales. But first, you need to split into two teams. Each team must come up with a name and choose a captain (the captains say the names of their teams). Our quiz will consist of five competitions. The conditions of our quiz are as follows: I ask a question for one of the teams. If a team makes a mistake, it can be answered by the other team. For each correct answer you receive a star. At the end of the quiz, we will count the stars and find out which team knows the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin best and is worthy of a prize.
-So, we start our quiz.
The first competition "Warm-up".

Questions for the first team:
1. The fulfiller of all wishes in A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale? (gold fish)
2. Guidon and his mother’s means of transportation by sea? (barrel)
3. The evil stepmother's favorite item that she got angry about. (mirror)
4. A bird that was placed on a knitting needle to guard the border. (cockerel)
5. Forest beast who lived in the crystal palace? (squirrel)
6. What was the name of the girl, in whose appearance there was something unusual, but what was her
didn't it spoil it? (princess - swan)
7. The old man’s nickname in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish?” (simp)
8. How many times did the old man go to the sea? (5)
9. What made the pop jump to the ceiling? (from click)
Questions for the second team:
1.Where was the Principality of Guidon? (on Buyan Island)
2.The insect that became an instrument of revenge in Pushkin’s fairy tale? (mosquito, fly)
3.When was Prince Guidon born? (at the end of September)
4.Who were Guidon’s aunts? (weaver and cook)
5.What song did the squirrel sing? (“In the garden or in the vegetable garden”)
6.Who kept a strict count of nuts? (deacon)
7.What were the coins made of in the Principality of Guidon? (from the shell)
8. How many brothers does the princess have - Swans? (33)
9.What was Svatya’s name? (Babarikha)
Second competition “Recognize the hero by his description”
Leading: Now I will say the words, and you must guess who they are talking about and in what fairy tale.
1.Speak the truth, young lady
There really was a queen
Tall, slender, white,
She took it both with her mind and with everyone... (The Queen-Stepmother, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”)

2. In an expensive sable jacket,
Brocade kitty on the crown,

Pearls weighed down the neck,
There are gold rings on my hands,
Red boots on her feet... (Old woman, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”)

3. He was formidable from a young age
And the neighbors every now and then
Offended boldly;
But in my old age I wanted
Take a break from military affairs... (Tsar Dadon, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”)

4. He sleeps on straw,
Eats for four
Works for seven
Everything dances until daylight,
The horse will be harnessed, the strip will be plowed,
He will flood the oven, prepare everything, buy it,
He will bake the egg and peel it off himself... (Balda, “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”)

Third competition "Mysterious"

Leading: Guess the riddle and name the fairy tale whose character this riddle is.
Questions for the first team:
1.Who is afraid of a worm?
What's on the hook? (To the fish “The Tale of the Goldfish”).
2. I wake everyone up on time,
At least I don’t wind the clock.” (Cockerel “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”).
3. Forests hide many troubles,
There's a wolf, a bear and a fox!
Our animal lives in anxiety,
The trouble takes your feet away. (Hare. “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”).
4. You and I will recognize the animal
According to two simple signs:
He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,
And in a red fur coat in the summer. (Belka. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”).
Questions for the second team:
1. A little danger lurks
Faithful guard on a thin knitting needle
It will move, it will perk up,
It will turn to the other side. (Cockerel "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
2. The fish is not easy
It sparkles with scales.
Swims, dives.
Fulfills wishes. (Gold fish)
3. Stargazer to King Dadon
He brought the cockerel with a bow...
-Answer me, dear friend,
What did the rooster guard then? (City, kingdom)
4.Prince Guidon on the ocean
He sailed to Tsar Saltan three times.
Got there undetected.
And who did he turn into? (Bumblebee, fly, mosquito)
The fourth competition "Are we from the same fairy tale?"

Leading: I ask a question, and you will have to determine whether the heroes are from one fairy tale or not.
1.Tsar Dadon and the Shamakhan queen? (Yes)
2. The Swan Princess and the seven heroes? (No)
3.Korolevitch Elisha and the dead princess? (Yes)
4.Prince Guidon and the evil stepmother? (No)
5. Popadya and goldfish? (No)
6. Tsar Saltan and thirty-three heroes? (Yes)
7. Goldfish and Golden Cockerel. (No)
8. The Swan Princess and Doctor Aibolit. (No)
Fifth competition “Say the Word.”

Leading: I'm starting a fairy tale, and you will have to continue it.
1. An old man lived with his ... (old woman)
By the bluest...(sea)
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three...(years)
2.Squirrel songs...(sings)
Yes, all the nuts... (gnaws)
Yes, nuts are not simple,
All shells...(golden)
3. The old man went to the blue ... (sea)
He began to click on the golden...(fish)
Swam to him..., asked: (fish)
“What do you want, elder?”
4. At the Lukomorye ... (oak) green;
Golden... (chain) on the oak tree;
Both day and night... (cat) scientist
Everything goes around and around in a chain.
5. The wind on the sea...(walks)
And the boat speeds up;
He runs to himself in ... (waves)
On inflated...(sails)
6. Today I caught ... (a fish)
Goldfish, not simple;
In our words... (fish)
She asked to go home to ... (the sea) blue.
Leading: Our quiz has come to an end. Let's count how many stars each team got (star counting). The teams scored approximately equal amount tokens, which means that friendship won! So, you all deserve sweet prize.
- Guys, did you like our quiz today? (children's answers)
-What did you like and remember most? (children's answers)
And I enjoyed giving this quiz to you. Well done, you know the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin well and did an excellent job with all the tasks.
- And I want to finish our quiz with a poem by Nikolai Alifirenko.
I love Pushkin's works,
And this is not a secret at all.
His poems
It couldn't have been more beautiful!
Since his childhood we have been reading fairy tales,
They contain the heat of the soul, the nature of paint.
Goodness blooms in them, anger languishes.
They have the Russian spirit, they smell of Russia!
Thanks for Pushkin of Rus'
On behalf of all the people!
After all, we read his poems
As he wrote - without translation.