Organization of transport services. Features of the transport services market

Market transport services- an independent sphere of the global services market, which emerged as the tertiary sector of the economy at the end of the 20th century - beginning of XXI V. The main segments of this market, in accordance with the accepted classification, include: cargo transportation, passenger transportation, management, logistics and forwarding services.
The transport services market is developing rapidly as a result of growth in global production and trade turnover. A powerful impetus for this was the expansion of the EU, the inclusion of the economic and trade potential of Asian countries, primarily China, and the creation of transport corridors between Europe and Asia.
Participants in this market are:
. customers of transport services. These are the owners, senders and recipients of goods;
. freight forwarders who are directly involved in the creation of a logistics chain for the delivery of goods;
. Freight carriers - railways, sea and river shipping companies, airlines, trucking companies - are the main participants in the transport services market.
Transport services are provided by water transport (sea and river); by land transport(railway and road); air (aviation); pipeline (Fig. 1).
Sea transport
Maritime transport plays a leading role in the structure of global cargo turnover, providing 62% of traffic.
Main advantages maritime transport before other types of transport services are:
. lower prices;
. reliability (shipping accidents are rare);
. high carrying capacity (holds more containers than a truck or airplane);
. the ability to transport any cargo - solid, bulk, fragile, etc.
The choice of transporting goods by sea is an important link in multimodal transportation, effectively combining the capabilities of sea, rail, road and air transport.

Rice. 1. Structure of world freight and passenger turnover SOURCE: The Review of Mortime Transport 2010. UNCTAD. P. 31.

A typical case of multimodal transportation crossing the ocean or sea is the delivery of goods to a seaport by freight transport, from there by ship to another port, then by plane or some other type of transport to the destination.
In 1970, the volume of cargo transported by sea amounted to 2.6 billion tons, and in 2009 it reached 7.8 billion tons (4.5% lower than in 20081).
The largest share of world maritime trade occurs developing countries(61.2% of loaded and 55% of shipped goods), which reflects the resource nature of their trade, mainly in the raw materials group of goods. Thus, in global cargo turnover in 2003, oil and petroleum products accounted for a third of cargo turnover.
The share of developed countries in maritime cargo transportation is 44.3% of imported cargo (mainly due to crude oil) and 32.4% of exported cargo (finished goods2).
Global shipping by region is ranked in the following order: Asia is in first place (41% of total exports), followed by the Americas, Europe, Oceania and Africa.
By the nature of the cargo transported, sea freight transportation are divided into liquid cargo, bulk (bulk) dry cargo, general or general cargo (finished products and semi-finished products), refrigerated cargo.
In the group of dry cargo, bulk cargo accounts for about 27% (2.113 million tons in 2009); of these, the most widespread are coal and iron ore (8% of the total volume each), grain - 4%, the volumes of transportation of bauxite, phosphates and alumina are significantly lower.
Refrigerated cargo, represented mainly by bananas, meat, fish and citrus fruits, accounts for only 1% by tonnage; oil and petroleum products occupy 33.8%, other dry cargo - 39.3%."
The total tonnage of the world fleet in 2010 was 1,276,137 thousand deadweight tons. Of these, 450 million tons of diesel fuel were tankers, almost the same amount were bulk carriers (457 million tons of diesel fuel), and 13.3%2 were container ships (their share is constantly increasing). There is an increase in the share of tankers for the transportation of liquefied gas in the tonnage. The fleet is replenished with technically advanced and safe vessels, taking into account the environmental component.
The largest shipping countries for sea cargo include Greece, Japan, and China.
It is noteworthy that 68.4% of cargo tonnage sails under foreign flags, which is explained by the “convenience” for shipowners to hire foreign sailors with cheaper pay, save on taxes, etc.
Improving the work of maritime transport is carried out through the continuous increase in the knowledge intensity of the transport industry, the logistics management system, as well as improving Vehicle, their specialization by type of cargo transported.
The latest technologies are being introduced into transport operations management information Technology, providing the ability to track the movement of cargo, speeding up clearance transport documents optimizing transport and warehouse operations.
Table. Largest ship-owning countries.

A real revolution in cargo transportation was made by the emergence and development of container transportation of general cargo. Was created a complex system interaction between container ships, container terminals in ports and delivery of containers to consumers. Transportation of goods in containers has significantly simplified and reduced the cost of loading and unloading operations, especially for expensive groups, and ensured their high safety. In 2010, container traffic amounted to 465.7 million TEU; more than 60% of general cargo is transported by containers, and in cargo transportation between economically developed countries - more than 80%.
Global transport systems have emerged, united into continuous transport chains, including several modes of transport. These include, in particular, mixed sea and land transport.
Progressive cargo transportation schemes are being created, such as door-to-door cargo delivery at exactly the appointed time (just in time). All this leads to increased transportation efficiency - reduced costs, improved quality of transport services, cargo safety and transportation safety.
In technology international transport transportation The role of ports has changed. They became organizational and logistics centers for international trade. The leading role of ports in organizing transport transportation is dispatching, connecting cargo movements, which allows minimizing total transportation, storage and other costs, and improving the quality of all transport work. This role is successfully fulfilled by the world's largest ports, concentrated in the Asian region. These are Singapore (12.2 million TEU), Shanghai (11.6 million TEU), Hong Kong (9.9 million TEU), Shenzhen (8.03 million TEU), Busan (5.6 million TEU)1.
Transport corridors play an important role, in which optimal legal and technological conditions are created for carriers. Overland cargo centers are being created connecting different kinds transport2.
The development of containerization is associated with the emergence of integrated transport companies- German Kombiverkehr, Swiss Nirae, Italian Cemat, Austrian Oekombi, French Novatrans, etc., providing clients with intermodal transport services, as well as a range of related transport services.
The leading Russian companies in the maritime cargo transportation market are the National Container Company, FSUE Rosmorport, OJSC Modern Commercial Fleet (Sovcomflot), as well as Novorossiysk, Primorskoye, Far Eastern, Murmansk, Northern Shipping Companies.
The total number of vessels in the maritime transport fleet controlled by Russia as of 2010 was 1,403 vessels with a total deadweight of 17.0 million tons, and the volume of transportation was 496 million tons (2009). Russian ports handle 82% of Russian foreign trade cargo. At the same time, the problem of Russian sea vessels leaving under a “flag of convenience” (taxes, hiring “cheap” crews from other countries, etc.) has become more acute. There are no high-performance specialized vessels left under the Russian flag (container ships, refrigerators, ferries, large-capacity tankers) for transporting exported oil, grain, coal, ore, and mineral fertilizers. To overcome these and other bottlenecks in maritime freight transport, funding for the industry is increasing. In 2009 it increased by 60% compared to 2008.

A market is a sphere of exchange according to the laws of commodity production, or a mechanism that brings together buyers (demand providers) and sellers (suppliers, i.e., goods or services).

They begin to produce a product when demand for it arises and in accordance with market needs (see topic 3.3.). Prices are determined by manufacturers for their goods, but at the same time they must choose transport organizations based on the proposed delivery prices for this product. Product producers under unfavorable circumstances, depending not only on themselves, but also on the price of services and the quality of work of transport workers, can become bankrupt 1 and leave the market.

Today, in the transport market, along with the transportation market, the market for infrastructure services (outsourcing) has begun to develop - forwarding, transshipment, provision of warehouses, terminals, etc., which makes it possible for transport organizations to make the transportation process more independent from cargo owners and receive additional income while improving the quality of service .

An enterprise must constantly work on the effectiveness of its pricing policy, changing it depending on the type of market, market conditions, assessment of supply and demand, analysis of prices and goods

(services) of competitors, etc., for which it is necessary to make wider use of marketing research of market situations.

For example, to retain or win a new customer, or to fight a competitor, an enterprise can reduce the price of its products down to the cost level. This technique is used as a temporary measure, because without a certain profit the enterprise cannot exist. However, for other clients or other types of cargo, it may inflate the price. If a company enters the market with a new service, it can set a maximum price for a certain period of time until competitors with a similar service appear.

Market prices depend on the specifics of production and consumption of transport services, i.e. the type of market in which this type of transport operates.

There are four types of market:

  • 1. Free (pure) competition - many sellers and buyers of homogeneous products. In this situation, no one can seriously influence the market price.
  • 2. Monopoly market - one consumer sets the price for many producers, which forces the producer to set the volume of his sales (productions). If such a market exists, there is usually government regulation at the federal or local levels.
  • 3. Monopoly competitive market- a type of monopoly in the differentiation of goods according to various criteria, which creates a monopoly in the entire market or its specific segment.
  • 4. O ligopoly market - a small number of producers that do not provide an easy opportunity for others to penetrate this market with many consumers.

There are markets for wholesale and retail services, for example, freight transportation is a wholesale service; passenger - retail.

The role of transport in the market cannot be considered unchanged. Here we need to pay attention to certain properties of transport products and policies in the country’s economy. For example, as stated earlier (see topic 2.4), river transport has historically had a special role in Russia, but attention to it has not always been sufficient for intensive development, especially since the organizational management of this type of transport is concentrated in the same Department with maritime transport. But in the Transport Strategy until 2030, significant funds will be allocated to it. The changing role of transport in the transport services market can be demonstrated by the following example: at one time in the USA there was a significant advantage towards road transport for fast delivery of goods in the presence of roads High Quality, which led to a sharp reduction in the role of rail transportation. However, the deterioration of the environment in the country associated with the operation of the same motor vehicles is currently leading to the return of more wide application railway transport powered by electricity, which is also facilitated by a sharp increase in its speed,

The price of a transport service is influenced by the type of market. The pricing strategy consists of setting such a price and varying the latter depending on market situations in order to satisfy one’s needs and goals without prejudice to the interests of the consumer, who may refuse this transport enterprise.

Due to the specifics of service sectors, production technologies and other features, each type of transport operates in its own spatial market. According to research by domestic and foreign scientists, a level has been established at which a market entity can determine pricing policy, i.e. level of monopoly. Thus, a monopolist in our country is considered to be an enterprise whose market share exceeds 35%; in other countries it can be 25.50 or even 75% under certain conditions, depending, among other things, on the number of large enterprise players in the market.

Rail transport in our country is a natural monopolist. The objectivity of its monopoly comes from the fact that, firstly, most of the country is connected by a wide network of railways into a single space with maximum provision of cargo flows in certain regions. And secondly, Railway handles more than 35% of the freight turnover of the entire transport network of the country.

Road transport has a sectoral and regional nature, most of the enterprises are private (individual), which creates conditions for working in the free competition market. Due to its advantages - greater speed of delivery and the possibility of door-to-door transportation - road transport in regional services is playing an increasingly significant role, conquering new market segments and competing with other modes of transport. This is confirmed by global experience in the operation of road transport abroad, where the effective distance of its transportation is much greater than domestic ones. This is due, among other things, to the greater carrying capacity of the rolling stock.

It should be noted that the importance of road transport in the country's market strongly depends on the availability of modern vehicles running on gasoline and diesel fuel of EURO 4-6 level, especially on international routes. The lack of domestic heavy vehicles forces industries, especially for the construction of large facilities, to turn to the services of foreign carriers.

River transport, due to its specificity, is a monopolist in areas adjacent to rivers and in season for a certain group of goods.

Maritime transport operates in two types of markets. In transcontinental transportation (foreign navigation), it is one of a small number of international carriers operating in the oligopolistic global freight market; for regional transportation within the country (short-sea shipping), sea transport is a natural monopolist, primarily in the Far North (Northern Sea Route) and Far East due to the lack of other modes of transport. The government ensures the so-called northern delivery of products to these regions.

Air transport is a monopolist in transporting passengers over long distances and in specific types of work (fields of activity). It is necessary to introduce a system of fines for violations of the quality of service, which is done throughout the civilized world. Currently, amendments are being made to the Air Transport Rules, which clearly define the fine and its characteristics. Flight safety can be ensured, in particular, by a leasing system when updating the rolling stock fleet.

Pipeline transport is a natural monopolist in the transportation of gas and liquid cargo, and its share in cargo turnover is more than 50%.

Energy transport is also a monopolist, concentrated in RAO UES of Russia.

World transport markets are part of world commodity markets. All relations between transport workers and the clientele served are built on the basis of special agreements and conventions that are signed at the level of governments of countries participating in foreign trade. Foreign trade relations in the market are regulated by the state, for example, a ban (embargo) may be imposed on the import or export of certain types of products or goods from certain countries, customs duties may be changed so that the imported (exported) product is not competitive in the market. In special political situations, entry into the country's market of any goods from an unfriendly country may be prohibited.

Naturally, markets play vital role in the country's economy depend significantly on political situation at a specific point in time, both within the country and abroad. Markets should always be in the sight of the state to promptly correct the situation. This is done, first of all, to protect our own manufacturer.

  • Bankrupt is an insolvent debtor due to ruin.
  • Outsourcing is a new direction in the activities of enterprises in various industries to provide additional services, improving the quality of service.

The transport services market represents the purchase and sale of transportation services and transportation of goods from one country to another. Transport is the leading link in foreign trade in goods. Goods themselves cannot move from seller to buyer, so certain intermediary operations arise for their movement, which are separated into an independent service sector - transport operations carried out by transport organizations. Such operations, along with national ones (transportation within the country), can also be international if they are associated with the movement of foreign trade goods on external sections of the transportation route relative to the seller country and the buyer country.

Usually the delivery process is international trade includes transportation, international transit and transportation from the border point of the importing country to the domestic point of consumption of the goods. In a broader sense, international transport services, in addition to direct transportation activities, include various related operations: delivery of goods from the sender’s warehouse to the nearest cargo terminal, its loading onto mainline vehicles, transshipment to other modes of transport at intermediate points and re-issuance of transportation documents.

International transport services, being a specific product, are bought and sold on international transport markets, which vary depending on the following factors.

1. From geographical areas of transportation - intercountry, intercontinental. Geographically in Lately transportation of goods and passengers between different countries and the continents are increasingly turning into a single technological process. In the 90s so-called transport corridors have begun to be used more widely, combining in certain directions several modes of transport for transportation through the territory of a number of countries with the corresponding financial and legal support.

2. From the types of cargo transported - cargo, passenger. Freight transport is the most developed. The leading countries in the freight and passenger transport services market are the USA, Great Britain and France.

3. From modes of transport - sea transport, inland water transport, road, air, pipeline, railway transport.

Shipping. The global freight market is an area of ​​contracts between a transport product manufacturer offering a transport service and a consumer who places a demand for this specific type of product. This market has a major place in the emerging unified transport system, accounting for 80% of the total cargo turnover of world trade. The maritime transport market can be classified:

· By types of vessels chartered – to the dry cargo and tanker tonnage markets.

· By type of communication – tramp and linear tonnage markets.

· By type of vessels – scheduled and leased tonnage.

· By geography - into sections: Northern European, Mediterranean, Far Eastern, North American, South American.

· By offering transport services. The main international agreement defining the relationship between the parties to the contract of carriage by sea and legal status bill of lading is the Brussels Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Bills of Lading (1924).

Automobile transport. Global road transport markets are among the most dynamic. IN last years There is a constant increase in the volume of transportation and the vehicle fleet, which is due not least to the successful competition of road transport with rail and river transport, the cost of which is higher, the high-quality updating of vehicles, and increased safety. During the period from 1975 to 1993, the vehicle fleet more than doubled. Subsequently, the rate of its growth slowed down somewhat in the 90s. were only 3.5%. In the future, however, significant growth of this market is expected. According to forecasts, until 2010 it will increase by 4-5% annually.

The bulk of the world's truck fleet (3/4) is in Europe and North America. The total length of asphalt roads in these regions is 9,590 thousand km, along which 16 billion tons of cargo are transported annually. However, the share of international road transport is only 5%.

Air Transport. One of the especially developing modes of transport is air transport. International air transport accounts for more than 54% of the total volume of all scheduled air transport in the world. For the 80s this share increased by more than 8%. The total length of the world's air routes has doubled over the past decade, the number of passengers transported has increased by 1.6 times, and the volume of cargo transported has doubled.

Pipeline transport – This is the type of transport that is most dynamically and successfully developing in almost all countries. The length of main oil pipelines in 27 countries reaches 436 thousand km. Some of the largest owners are the USA and Russia. The development of this type of transport is associated with competition with all other types, moreover, it is cheaper and more convenient, which makes it dynamic.

Railway transport - one of traditional types transport. The total length of railway tracks in 42 countries of the world exceeds 915 thousand km; more than 3.7 billion tons of cargo are transported along them annually. The share of railway transport in the total volume of the transport market is steadily declining, which is due to fairly fierce competition from road, air and pipeline transport. So, in Germany only in the 90s. it decreased by 1/3, and in Hungary and Poland even more significantly. General trends in the development of world transport show that railway transport as a whole will retain its importance, but significant increases in its growth rate are not expected. The same trends are characteristic of Russian railway transport.

The development of the transport market faces many problems associated with tariffs, duties, and protectionist policies towards some countries. In this regard, since the late 80s. Many countries have begun to pursue policies promoting transport liberalization. At the same time, the basis was the privatization and commercialization of state-owned enterprises, the expansion of the scope of the private sector within the framework of the functioning of both national transport enterprises and those with foreign participation. On modern stage V to a greater extent Characterized by bilateral agreements on certain types of transport, the principle of “free competition” is used on a commercial basis. This regime ensures freedom of transportation, protects against discrimination against foreign carriers, unfair pricing policies and preferential treatment for national carriers.

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The market for road transport services is the sector of the economy in which enterprises and entrepreneurs of road transport sell their services to consumers.

The famous specialist in the field of marketing F. Kotler defines the market as a sphere of potential exchanges, simultaneously formulating the following five mandatory conditions existence of an exchange situation:

1) the presence of parties with divergent interests;

2) whether each party has anything that may be of interest to the other party;

3) freedom of communication between the parties in search of a mutually beneficial solution

4) the freedom of each party to enter into a transaction or refuse it;

5) the feasibility and profitability of concluding a transaction for the parties.

The main type of services sold on the market is road transport of goods and passengers, for which these conditions also apply.

To properly understand the tasks facing PAT when organizing cargo transportation in the road transport services market, it is necessary to take into account a number of important features.

The first feature is the presence of intense competition between PATs. Road transportation of goods is relatively easy for entrepreneurs. Buying or renting several trucks does not require significant initial capital, and obtaining from government agencies licenses, not supported in Russia, as in most other countries

Therefore, in the market for road freight transportation there are always many independent enterprises - carriers and forwarders, and supply of services usually exceeds demand.

It leads to high level competition on this market. In addition, in the intercity and international transport they experience additional competition from enterprises of other modes of transport.

The second feature is free pricing. In most countries, the state, as a rule, only in certain cases limits the level of tariffs on individual species freight Automotive Transportation. IN Russian Federation these rates are currently unlimited. Under a system of free tariffs, each enterprise, setting prices for transportation and other services at its discretion, must take into account its own costs, the level of solvency of a particular consumer, the price level and quality of services offered in this moment competitors, other conditions. Thus, motor transport enterprises, operating in market conditions, constantly solve the problem of choosing the optimal level of tariffs.

The third feature of the market for road transport services is the diversity and variability of the conditions under which transactions are concluded and implemented between private companies and cargo owners. Service for each consumer has its own characteristics, which must be studied by the commercial service of the motor transport enterprise, reflected in the terms of the contract and taken into account when organizing customer service. Over time, market conditions change, which forces us to constantly make the necessary adjustments both in serving individual consumers and in the commercial strategy of the motor transport enterprise as a whole.

The fourth feature is the close relationship between the market for motor transport services and the commodity markets in which shippers and consignees operate. In conditions market economy requirements for the quality of services of a motor transport enterprise are actually dictated not so much by transportation rules as by objective market needs of cargo owners. The speed and timing of delivery, the batch size of the cargo, the type of packaging, the price that the cargo owner is willing to pay for transportation, and other terms of the transportation contract depend, first of all, on where and under what conditions the sale of the goods presented for transportation takes place. Therefore, for successful activities in the market, the commercial PAT service must be well aware of the features and monitor Current state those product markets in which consumers of the enterprise's services operate.

Thus, successful work freight motor transport (transport and forwarding) enterprise, regardless of its specialization, largely depends on the correct accounting of the entire complex market conditions, in which the transport enterprise itself and the consumers of its services operate.

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Economic activity and structure of a motor transport enterprise

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