Which hemisphere works better test. Does your left or right hemisphere work better?

Hello, dear readers site!

All of you, of course, know that the brain consists of two hemispheres - left and right. It has been experimentally proven that different hemispheres are responsible for different types mental activity and control a specific side of the body. Eg, right hemisphere primarily responsible for left side of our body, that is, it receives and sends signals to the left hand, leg, eye, etc. A left hemisphere, respectively, right side bodies.

Do you know which hemisphere of your brain is more developed? Several tests, which I will give below, will help us answer this question.

But first, I will tell you more about the functions of the right and left hemispheres.

Left hemisphere brain is responsible for abstract thinking. Specifically - for language (speech, reading, writing) and mathematical abilities, logic and analysis.

Right hemisphere the brain is responsible for creative thinking, that is, for processing information expressed in images and symbols. With the right hemisphere we dream, fantasize and create various stories. Ability for music and fine arts we also owe it to the right hemisphere.

As a rule, in a person, one hemisphere is dominant, and, naturally, this is reflected in the individual properties of a particular person. For example, people with a dominant left hemisphere are more inclined to engage in science, while people with a right hemisphere are more often people of art. It is no coincidence that the majority famous artists, composers, writers and poets are right-hemisphere individuals.

The following figure shows the areas of specialization of the cerebral hemispheres more clearly:

As I already said, most often, a person is dominated by one hemisphere, characteristic of their type of thinking. But there are individuals who work with both hemispheres.

To find out which hemisphere is more developed in you, there are various simple tests. Let's move on to them.

Which hemisphere is more developed?

Cross the fingers of both hands into a “Lock.” Now look thumb Which hand did you have on top?

If it is the finger of your left hand, then your right hemisphere of the brain is more developed. And if the finger of the right hand is on top, then the left hemisphere dominates.

Cross your arms over your chest. Now look, which hand is on top?

If it's on top left hand, it means your right hemisphere is more developed. And if it was on top right hand– you are a left-hemisphere person.

If you saw a girl, then your right hemisphere is more developed.

To do this, look at the spinning girl. Which direction do you think it is spinning?

If you see that the girl is spinning clockwise, then this moment your left hemisphere of your brain is active.

Accordingly, if you see that a girl is spinning counterclockwise, then your right hemisphere is currently active.

To make sure that you are not being deceived, you can invite other people to look at this moving picture. Simultaneously different people can see the girl spinning in different directions.

You yourself can make the girl spin in the opposite direction by activating the work of the other hemisphere of your brain. Try it!

A simple test will help check the functioning of your brain. The picture of a spinning girl that you see has spread all over the Internet and has firmly won one of the leading positions as a test for which hemisphere of your brain works better. The author of this picture is Japanese designer Nobuyuki Kayahara.

How to check your brain function?
Everything is very simple. Look in which direction is the girl spinning in the first gif? Let’s make a reservation right away: it can be made to rotate in any direction.

If you see a girl spinning clockwise, it is assumed that your right hemisphere of the brain is more developed. If you see a counterclockwise rotation, it’s left.
More often than not, people see the girl spinning counterclockwise. Consequently, these people use more left side brain Let me remind you that by concentrating, you can change the direction of the girl’s movement.

Interestingly, several decades ago, the right hemisphere of the brain was not given much importance. It was generally accepted that it was in some way meaningless. However, over time, scientists have concluded that the right hemisphere of the human brain is very important for the development of a creative personality.

For those who cannot change the direction of the dancer’s rotation with their eyes, the second gif animation is located below. By briefly looking at the left or right picture, you can easily change the direction of movement in the central picture. This simple test will help you check which part of your brain is most active.

Left hemisphere of the brain.
Verbal information is processed. The left hemisphere is responsible for language abilities, controls speech, writing and reading abilities. Using the left hemisphere of the brain, a person remembers facts, dates, names and controls their writing. The left hemisphere of the brain analyzes all facts and is responsible for analysis and logic. Mathematical symbols and numbers are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Information is processed sequentially.

Right hemisphere of the brain.
Nonverbal information is processed. The right hemisphere of the human brain processes information that is expressed not in words, but in images and symbols. Using the right hemisphere, a person is able to fantasize and daydream, and compose stories. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for visual arts and music. The right hemisphere simultaneously processes a lot of different information. It makes it possible to consider everything as a whole, without resorting to analysis.

According to the results of research conducted at Yale University over five years, if a person manages to change the direction of a girl’s rotation without straining his eyes too much, then these people have an IQ above 160.
Or maybe it's just that optical illusion? You can check. Personally, I manage to do this quite easily.

Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively to an object and maintain this direction without distraction.

Does your left or right hemisphere work better?

> > Does your left or right hemisphere work better?

Depending on how your brain recognizes an animated picture, it is determined which hemisphere of your brain is better developed. Some people see the girl in the animation spinning clockwise, others see her spinning counterclockwise. But it very rarely happens that a unique person can “make” the animation spin different sides.
To post the test results in your journal, click on one of the buttons below, depending on where the girl is spinning:

Just look at this one frame

Try to imagine that the girl is standing on her left leg and has raised her right leg. Now imagine that it’s the other way around: the girl is standing on right leg, and raised her left leg. This picture drawn in such a way that you can easily imagine both. That is, before you is something like an optical illusion. And when such pictures begin to change in the animation, the direction of the girl’s rotation will depend only on whether you consider her to be standing on her left or right leg. And this, in turn, is precisely determined by which hemisphere of your brain is better developed.

If you see a girl spinning clockwise, it is assumed that your right hemisphere of the brain is more developed. If you see a counterclockwise rotation, it’s left.

More often than not, people see the girl spinning counterclockwise. Consequently, these people use the left side of the brain more. Let me remind you that by concentrating, you can change the direction of the girl’s movement.

Interestingly, several decades ago, the right hemisphere of the brain was not given much importance. It was generally accepted that it was in some way meaningless. However, over time, scientists have concluded that the right hemisphere of the human brain is very important for the development of a creative personality.

For those who cannot change the direction of the dancer’s rotation with their eyes, there are 3 pictures below. By briefly looking at the left or right picture, you can easily change the direction of movement in the central picture. This simple test will help you check which part of your brain is most active.

Left hemisphere of the brain.

Verbal information is processed. The left hemisphere is responsible for language abilities, controls speech, writing and reading abilities. Using the left hemisphere of the brain, a person remembers facts, dates, names and controls their writing. The left hemisphere of the brain analyzes all facts and is responsible for analysis and logic. Mathematical symbols and numbers are also recognized by the left hemisphere. Information is processed sequentially.

Right hemisphere of the brain.

Nonverbal information is processed. The right hemisphere of the human brain processes information that is expressed not in words, but in images and symbols. Using the right hemisphere, a person is able to fantasize and daydream, and compose stories. The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for visual arts and music. The right hemisphere simultaneously processes a lot of different information. It makes it possible to consider everything as a whole, without resorting to analysis.

According to the results of research conducted at Yale University over five years, if a person manages to change the direction of a girl’s rotation without straining his eyes too much, then these people have an IQ above 160.

Or maybe it's just an optical illusion? You can check. Personally, I manage to do this quite easily.

In this asana, the abdominal area, on the one hand, is compressed, and on the other, it is stretched, which stimulates the functioning of the organs. abdominal cavity. Thanks to lateral twisting of the spine, lumbago, as well as pain in the back and hip joints, quickly disappear. The neck muscles are strengthened and the shoulder joints become more mobile. Regular practice of this asana prevents enlargement of the prostate gland and bladder. She also prepares for mastering Paripurna Matsyendrasana, in which the spine is twisted as deeply as possible.

We present to your attention material from a study that was conducted to find outthe role of yoga in diabetessecond type. The title of the study is “The influence of a set of yoga classes on blood glucose levels and blood pressure type 2 diabetics." The original article was published in Yoga Mimamsa magazine in 2009. The author of the article is Singh Vijay Kumar, Lecturer, Department of Human Consciousness and Science of Yoga, Dev Sanskriti University, Haridwar, Uttarakhand.

Samadhi is a spiritual state of consciousness. Exist different kinds samadhi. Among the lower samadhis, savikalpa samadhi is highest form. After savikalpa samadhi comes nirvikalpa samadhi, but there is a huge gap between them: these are two completely different shapes samadhi. In addition, there is a state beyond nirvikalpa samadhi called sahaja samadhi.

In savikalpa samadhi, for a short period of time you lose all human consciousness. In this state, the concept of time and space is completely different. For an hour or two you are in a completely different world. There you see that almost everything is done. Here in this world, in you and in others, there are still many unfulfilled desires. Millions of desires have not yet been fulfilled, and millions of things remain awaiting fulfillment. But when you are in savikalpa samadhi, you see that almost everything is done, there is nothing for you to do. You are only a tool. If you are being used, great, if not, then everything has already been done. But from savikalpa samadhi one must return to ordinary consciousness.