Alexey Vorobyov instagram. Instagram of Alexey Vorobyov: women's investigation based on photos

Hello my dear friend. Today I decided to look into instagram an attractive blond, news about whom often explodes on various websites and magazine covers. I hope you understand who we are talking about today?

Musician, artist, singer, director, producer and even UN Goodwill Ambassador for the fight against AIDS... This is not all the achievements of the charming, funny guy from Tula Alexey Vorobyov. The number of his fans is simply off the charts, which is not at all surprising... After all, you can expect anything from him))

The life of Alexey Vorobyov in 2016

Instagram of Alexey Vorobyov has 1.8 million subscribers. Every day the artist posts new interesting photos and videos that allow us to follow his life.

It was a discovery for me that this musician performs at all concerts and television broadcasts only live... I think you will agree with me that now this is a rarity and an undoubted plus to his many advantages.

2016 was a very fruitful year for Vorobyov. In March, he began filming a reality show "Bachelor", which were watched not only by Russian girls, but also by his many fans from other countries. With bated breath, everyone waited to see who this heartthrob would choose... The finale of the show caused SHOCK among TV viewers. Certainly no one expected such a decision from a bachelor.

In the last episode of the project, Alexey refused both Natasha and Yana, as he realized that they did not capture his heart. Vorobyov’s pages were then bursting with comments from distributed observers. How so? The audience has become accustomed to the logical conclusion of the show. But Alyosha is not one of those people who looks for easy solutions. And that’s probably why he’s doing so well))

Is Alexey Vorobyov no longer a bachelor?

The artist also loves to tickle the nerves of his fans)) Published Alexey Vorobyov photo wedding ceremony blew up the entire Internet. Fans in love with him thought that the bachelor played secret wedding! But that was not the case)) He invented the role of the groom for the new video "Happy today and here". Alyosha tried to imagine himself in the role of a future father. He looks very cute with a baby in his arms. Is not it? The premiere of this video clip took place in June 2016 and caused many rave reviews. It is worth noting that Vorobyov directs his works independently!

Giving an interview, the twenty-eight-year-old bachelor admitted that he had long been ready for family life, and these wedding shoots brought him a lot of pleasure and positive emotions.

Scandalous photo from Instagram

Despite a large number of publications Alexey Vorobyov on Instagram, he rarely lifts the veil on his personal life. That is why a recently published photo with a half-naked girl attracted the attention of viewers and attracted many comments. Who is this stranger treating his beloved dog with treats?

Today Alexey hastened to show off his new car... Handsome! Well, what can I say?))

Projects of Alexey Vorobyov

Videos “Crazy” and “The Most Beautiful”

Do not forget about the previous original and interesting idea Alexey Vorobyov. Of course, I'm writing about the video for the song "Crazy." It turns out that I’m not the only one who likes to watch it again)) With this composition, Alexey became the winner "MUZ-TV Awards 2016. Energy of the Future" in the category "Best male video" This is what I hastened to boast about yesterday on my page.

I was also pleased with the continuation of the song "Crazy" in the video series, as the artist called it, "The most beautiful". The premiere of this work took place on October 14, 2016.


Autumn 2016 turned out to be busy for Vorobyov. I tried myself as a musician in a new project "Kinoshow", in which 12 artists compete. The best of them will be recognized as the winner and a true cinema connoisseur. The project participants are divided into 3 groups. Each group receives different interesting tasks. I wonder who will be the winner? This is unknown yet... The show is in full swing! So it's worth watching!

“Sport for the People” by Alexey Vorobyov

The project started in September 2016 Alexey Vorobyov"Sport for the people." From the pages of social networks and news sites, the artist encourages residents of the country to play sports and healthy image life. This online project is partially funded by the Russian Ministry of Sports. The idea is that an individual sports program will be developed for anyone at a fixed cost.

For reliability, the best trainers and sports specialists are involved in the work. The idea, of course, is good... I hope that this project will be a success especially among those people who do not have the opportunity to visit Gym for various reasons!

Results of the investigation of Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram

Let's sum it up!!! So, over the past 10 years Alexey Vorobiev:

  • starred in 42 films and TV series;
  • released 25 videos;
  • took 16th place at Eurovision 2011;
  • repeatedly won the MUZ-TV award;
  • was the host of two programs (“Our Way Out” and “Vorobiev-live”);
  • successfully showed himself as a director and producer of his own short film “Daddy”, which received a prize at the Action On Film Festival in America;
  • entered into cooperation with the Dance4Life project;
  • participated in five long-running shows (“Cruel Intentions”, “The Great Race”, “Ice and Fire”, “The Bachelor” and “Kinoshow”).

There are still 2 months until the end of the year... I wonder what else interesting things this hardworking “Tula gingerbread” will present to us?

Finally, I would like to wish this talented artist not to stop there! Let the creative muse never leave him... Then we, his viewers, will get a bonus - good music, interesting clips, programs and films with his participation.

Being a versatile, interesting and, undoubtedly, worthy of attention personality, Alexey Vorobyov has gathered an entire army of fans on Instagram - 362 thousand people. His profile most often contains portraits and video messages to the audience, less often - photographs of the refrigerator, beautiful girls, other popular people, friends and beloved dog

Why is Alexey Vorobyov so popular on Instagram?

It's simple! Few people have heard of this young man now. What did he do at the age of 27! And he went to Eurovision, and acted in films, and participated in various television programs. At the main song competition in Europe young man no luck - only 16th place and almost the worst result for Russia in all years. But the guy promoted himself notably, shouting a phrase with obscenities in live. Many condemned him for such an act, but he was definitely remembered for a long time.

Figure skating fans various shows Alexey Vorobyov was remembered on television for his participation in the program “Ice and Fire”, where he, together with him, took first place. As an actor, he can be seen in such films as “Deffchonki”, “Ekaterina”, “Once Upon a Time in Rostov”, “Phobos. Club of Fear", "Treasures of O.K." The young man even tried himself as a director and screenwriter (he made a short film) and was quite successful: he won awards for his creation both in Russia and abroad.

The artist’s personal life is also interesting, because he met with many famous girls, including actresses and, as well as a singer. He can play the accordion, piano and guitar.

As you can see, the popularity of Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram account is easily explained. Did you like the boy? If yes, follow him by nickname mr.alexsparrow.

Account: mr.alexsparrow

Occupation: Russian musician, actor, director, UN Goodwill Ambassador, winner of the “Ice and Fire” project, Russian representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011

Alexey Vorobyov maintains an active Instagram every day. Finding the singer’s page will not be a problem for any user social network instagram. Having become famous as a singer and performer of his songs, Alexey has considerable popularity on Instagram, which, moreover, is constantly growing.

Alexey knows what his subscribers expect from him; I would like to draw your attention to the most interesting things:

  • First of all, Alexey notes his status as a producer of RedOne, victory in Dancing with the Stars and the possibility of cooperation.
  • Then very bright photos from vacation, gym, performances.
  • The singer's comments are always different, filled with advertising and approving admiration from fans.
  • Also, Alexey’s cute dog never remains in the shadow of his popular owner.

Biography of Alexey Vorobyov

The biography of Alexei Vorobyov begins in the city of Tula. Since childhood, he actively played football and was interested in music. He often performed in various music competitions and repeatedly returned victorious. Alexey gained his popularity thanks to his participation in the Eurovision Song Contest, which attracted a lot of discussions from the media. A great achievement was signing a contract with RedOne, which opened the doors to the Western stage.

Alexey Vorobyov, whose biography has become an example for many aspiring performers, is now known to many of his listeners:

  • Even before Eurovision in 2011, Alexey took 5th place in the 2008 selection;
  • in 2007, Alexey received the “Discovery of MTV” award, and in 2008 he received the “Sound Track” prize from MK;
  • Over the entire period, Alexey took part in more than 30 projects and films, shot more than 20 videos and released an album.
  • in 2016, Alexey tried on the role of a bachelor in the program of the same name on TNT.

Also, it is worth noting that the singer participates not only in public life, but also public: Alexey Vorobyov often uses photos from Instagram not only for PR purposes, but also to help children with disabilities; participates in several youth programs and in the UN program to combat AIDS in Russia.

It’s no secret that Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram is gaining rapid popularity thanks not only to its brightness, but also to the singer’s often uncovered torso and wide smile. Beautiful life eyes modern performer– that’s what millions are looking at!

Account: mr.alexsparrow

Occupation: Russian musician, actor, director, UN Goodwill Ambassador, winner of the “Ice and Fire” project, Russian representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011

Alexey Vorobyov maintains an active Instagram every day. Finding the singer’s page will not be a problem for any user of the social network Instagram. Having become famous as a singer and performer of his songs, Alexey has considerable popularity on Instagram, which, moreover, is constantly growing.

Alexey knows what his subscribers expect from him; I would like to draw your attention to the most interesting things:

  • First of all, Alexey notes his status as a producer of RedOne, victory in Dancing with the Stars and the possibility of cooperation.
  • Then very bright photos from vacation, gym, performances.
  • The singer's comments are always different, filled with advertising and approving admiration from fans.
  • Also, Alexey’s cute dog never remains in the shadow of his popular owner.

Biography of Alexey Vorobyov

The biography of Alexei Vorobyov begins in the city of Tula. Since childhood, he actively played football and was interested in music. He often performed in various music competitions and repeatedly returned victorious. Alexey gained his popularity thanks to his participation in the Eurovision Song Contest, which attracted a lot of discussions from the media. A great achievement was signing a contract with RedOne, which opened the doors to the Western stage.

Alexey Vorobyov, whose biography has become an example for many aspiring performers, is now known to many of his listeners:

  • Even before Eurovision in 2011, Alexey took 5th place in the 2008 selection;
  • in 2007, Alexey received the “Discovery of MTV” award, and in 2008 he received the “Sound Track” prize from MK;
  • Over the entire period, Alexey took part in more than 30 projects and films, shot more than 20 videos and released an album.
  • in 2016, Alexey tried on the role of a bachelor in the program of the same name on TNT.

Also, it is worth noting that the singer participates not only in public life, but also in public life: Alexey Vorobyov often uses photos from Instagram not only for PR purposes, but also to help children with disabilities; participates in several youth programs and in the UN program to combat AIDS in Russia.

It’s no secret that Alexey Vorobyov’s Instagram is gaining rapid popularity thanks not only to its brightness, but also to the singer’s often uncovered torso and wide smile. A beautiful life through the eyes of a modern performer – that’s what millions are looking at!

Alexey VorobievRussian actor, director, singer and musician. Born on January 19, 1988 in the city of Tula.

Lyosha is a very versatile person, and if he takes on something, he always achieves success in it. So, while still at school, the boy became interested in football, played for the youth team of his city, his team took first place more than once, and Vorobyov was named the best striker of the season. Although sports occupied most of his time, Alexey began to study music. At first, the parents did not accept their son’s new hobby and were very surprised when, after graduating from school, he entered the College of Music Arts named after Dargomyzhsky.

2005 became a fateful year for Vorobyov; he took part in the TV show “The Secret of Success”, where he was noticed famous producer Katerina von Gechmen-Waldeck, their acquaintance brought to a young performer ticket for big stage. At her suggestion, Lesha moves to the capital and enters Gnesinka. And in 2006 he recorded his first single “Summer”, in the same year he made his debut in the series “Alice’s Dreams”. This role makes him think about acting career, and he enters the Moscow Art Theater School.

Performance at the Eurovision Song Contest (2011)

In 2011, Lesha represented Russia at international competition performers of Eurovision 2011, but took only 16th place. It was one of the most disastrous Russian performances in the entire history of the competition, only (17th place) performed worse.

In 2012, he was invited to play the role of the star Sergei Zvonarev in the youth film. At first it was planned that this would be a minor supporting role, but love story main character(Masha Bobylkina) and “The Ringer”, the audience liked it so much that it was continued in the following seasons.

In the company of charming "Deffchonki"

Little is known about the personal life of the young handsome man. All of him ex-girlfriends- quite famous people. In 2008, he dated actress Anna Chipovskaya for almost a year, then the guy had a short relationship with Oksana Akinshina. Last of famous novels, was with singer Victoria Daineko, the couple broke up in 2012. According to rumors, producer Vikin spoke out against the couple’s relationship, which is why the girl even wanted to terminate the contract...