State Tretyakov Gallery The State Tretyakov Gallery. State Tretyakov Gallery - a treasury of Russian painting Tretyakov 20th century

Hello, dear readers!
I present to you a new section on my blog, called “Did you ask? I answer!”
The need for this section has been brewing for a long time. Quite often people contact me with questions about traveling around Russia, visiting museums, vacationing with children, etc. And I always answer everyone with pleasure. The questions are often repeated, which involuntarily suggests that there is information in demand that will be useful to many. Why not answer everyone at once?

Many are interested in the famous Tretyakov Gallery. After all, acquaintance with the sights of Moscow often begins with it.

Therefore, despite the fact that I have already written about the Tretyakov Gallery several times, the first topic in the new section will be “The Tretyakov Gallery for Dummies” or “Simple answers to simple questions about the Tretyakov Gallery.”

How long does it take to see the Tretyakov Gallery?

It depends on how you look and what goals you pursue. You can quickly get acquainted with the Tretyakov Gallery in 1 day. If you study each room in detail, you will need several days. It’s difficult to say more precisely - everything is individual.
There are people who can contemplate a picture while sitting on a bench for more than one hour. So calculate how much time it will take for all the works, because there are about 7 thousand paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery alone.

What to see in the Tretyakov Gallery? Which are the most famous paintings thereThere is?

In the Tretyakov Gallery you can see Russians works of art: painting XVIII- XX centuries, graphics XVIII - early. XX century, sculpture of the 18th - early 20th centuries, ancient Russian art of the 12th-18th centuries. (icons, sculpture, applied art).
The Tretyakov Gallery houses such masterpieces as “Morning in pine forest"I. Shishkina, "Bogatyrs" by V. Vasnetsov, "Stranger" by I. Kramskoy, "Boyaryna Morozova" by V. Surikov, "Horsewoman" by K. Bryullov, "The Rooks Have Arrived" by A. Savrasov, "The Appearance of Christ to the People" by A. Ivanov , "Demon" by Vrubel,"Morning Streltsy execution"Surikov, Apotheosis of War" by V. Vereshchagin, "Portrait of A.S. Pushkin" by O. Kiprensky and many others. Andrei Rublev's "Trinity" is also located here.

What can surprise a person in the Tretyakov Gallery?

First of all, unique works of art themselves can surprise, if a person, of course, is in principle capable of being surprised. The skill of the old masters is perfect. Personally, it always surprises me magical influence The feeling that the paintings provide is a kind of hypnosis, a feeling of immersion in the distant past.
Many of the portraits are palpably alive, the people’s eyes in them are warm, glowing, as if they are watching what is happening around them, penetrating into the soul...
I am also always pleasantly surprised by how many people come to the Tretyakov Gallery and are sincerely interested in art.
These are my personal observations and surprises. I don't know what will surprise you. Everything is individual. Cx O baby, please share.

Is it possible to take photographs in the Tretyakov Gallery?

You can take photographs in the Tretyakov Gallery, but without flash. It costs 200 rubles. You must pay immediately at the box office when purchasing entrance tickets. You will be given a yellow round sticker, you need to stick it on your chest like a badge. The sticker is visible and the caretakers will not pester you to show your ticket for filming, as happens in other museums.

Do you have a favorite painting in the Tretyakov Gallery? Why her?

I have many favorite paintings in the Tretyakov Gallery. Among them are Bryullov’s “Horsewoman,” Unequal marriage"Pukirev, "Matchmaking of a Major" by Fedotov, "Night on the Dnieper" by Kuindzhi, "Princess Tarakanova" by Flavinsky, etc. I really love the portraits of A.P. Struyskaya Rokotov, M.I. Lopukhina Borovikovsky and Princess M.V. Vorontsova Zaryanko.

It is impossible to answer why you like some paintings more and others less. There’s just something that catches you (or doesn’t) in every picture. Some kind of special beauty, depth, drama, history.
As an example, I’ll take two of the three portraits mentioned above - the portrait of Lopukhina and the portrait of Vorontsova.

Looking at the young, serene charmer Lopukhina, I could not help imagining her prosperous, long life in happiness and joy, and looking at the sparkling eyes and feverish blush of the high-society beauty Vorontsova, I pictured her hard fate, life drama, even an incurable disease.

Delving deeper into history, I learned that the opposite is true. An unfortunate fate awaited Mashenka Lopukhina; she died very young from consumption. And Princess Maria Vasilievna Vorontsova long years throughout her life she lived in luxury and wealth, was close to the royal court, successfully married twice, had a son and died at the age of 76.

That's why I love real painting- for the fact that behind each great picture there is a story that you want to know, and a mystery that you want to solve.
The fates of many heroes antique paintings, which are located in the Tretyakov Gallery, are interesting. Perhaps someday I will return to this topic and tell you, for example, about the portrait of Alexandra Petrovna Struyskaya - the most beautiful woman XVIII century...

Is Aivazovsky's painting "The Ninth Wave" in the Tretyakov Gallery?

No, “The Ninth Wave” is in, as well as other most famous paintings of the Russian Museum, which are often searched for in the Tretyakov Gallery: “The Last Day of Pompeii” by Bryullov, “ Moonlight night on the Dnieper" by Kuindzhi, "Barge Haulers on the Volga" by Repin, "The Knight at the Crossroads" by Vasnetsov and "Suvorov's Crossing of the Alps" by Surikov.

Are there many visitors to the Tretyakov Gallery? When is the best time to go there?

On weekends there are a lot of visitors during the day and evening.
If you prefer a more relaxed atmosphere and don’t want to stand in line at the box office, come on weekdays or when the gallery opens on the weekend - at 10 o’clock.
Opening hours of the Tretyakov Gallery: Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday - from 10.00 to 18.00, Thursday, Friday - from 10.00 to 21.00. Monday is a day off.

  • How to book an individual tour of the Tretyakov Gallery for children?
  • How to purchase a children's subscription?
  • What paintings of the Tretyakov Gallery do children like?
  • At what age can children be brought to the Tretyakov Gallery?
  • At what age did you bring your child to the Tretyakov Gallery for the first time? How did the child react to the pictures?

The question about the age of the children remained unanswered and the question about individual excursions was not clarified. I will answer and clarify!
1) I brought my son to the gallery for the first time at the age of 9, and my daughter much earlier - at 2 years old. And I don’t regret it at all.
2) Individual excursions for children they exist in the form of subscriptions for a cycle of 4 excursions (for more details, follow the link above). But there is another option for those who do not want to purchase a whole subscription and whose child is already old enough to listen to the excursion in a mixed group. What is this option?
IN summer period And all year round on Sundays, groups of individuals (from 5 to 20 people) are gathered here and excursions are conducted for them. You pay 300 rubles. for excursion service + cost entrance ticket(adults - 500 rub., preferential categories- 200 rubles, children under 18 years old - free). Start of excursions for individuals: 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00, 16.00. Gathering near the excursion department.

This concludes the topic of questions and answers about the Tretyakov Gallery. I hope that the article was interesting and useful to you. I suggest continuing it in the comments.

Write everything you would like to know about the Tretyakov Gallery. I'll try to answer you.

“Tretyakovskaya”, “Novokuznetskaya”, “Polyanka”. The gallery has a branch where you can get acquainted with the latest art. Authors from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries are represented there. It is located at the address: Krymsky Val, building 10. Oktyabrskaya and Park Kultury stations are located nearby.

If you decide to visit the main gallery building in Lavrushensky Lane, it is better to get there through the Tretyakovskaya metro station - this is the shortest way. There is only one way out. Go up the escalator and you will find yourself on Bolshaya Ordynka Street. Cross it - you will run into a restaurant building fast food. Turn left. Then turn right - you will find yourself in the Horde dead end. Follow it until the end, until it intersects with Lavrushensky Lane. There the Tretyakov Gallery building will already be within sight.

The Tretyakovskaya and Novokuznetskaya stations are located almost in the same place. Therefore, to get to the Tretyakov Gallery through Novokuznetskaya, you need to exit the metro to Bolshaya Ordynka Street and walk a few meters to a fast food restaurant. Then proceed in the same way as described in the first option.

You will have to get from the Polyanka metro station to the Tretyakov Gallery by land transport. Look for the stop of trolleybus No. 1 or bus No. 700. Get to the stop "Bolshaya Yakimanka Street". There the gallery will be within sight.

The branch on Krymsky Val can be reached on foot from the Oktyabrskaya and Park Kultury metro stations. Once outside, you need to go towards the Moscow River, crossing it over the bridge. Below, on the left, on the shore, you will see the gray building of the Central House of Artists. It is here that the branch of the Tretyakov Gallery is located, dedicated to contemporary art.

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  • Tretyakov Gallery how to get there

A house in Lavrushinsky Lane in Moscow, similar to a tower, is not just Art Gallery- this is one of the business cards capital Cities. The building houses exhibits from the 11th to 19th centuries.

The Moscow Art Museum, which is called the State Tretyakov Gallery, or Tretyakov Gallery, was founded in 1856. It contains one of the largest collections in the world visual arts.

Composition of the Tretyakov Gallery

The museum association, which is called the Tretyakov Gallery, is located in Moscow. The main building of the Tretyakov Gallery is located in Lavrushinsky Lane, in Zamoskvorechye. In addition to the main building, where most of the collection is located, it includes:
- Engineering building, where temporary exhibitions are held;
- a building on Krymsky Val, where the art of the 20th century is presented;
- museum in the Church of St. Nicholas, located in Tolmachi;
- personal museums of artists.

The main building of the Tretyakov Gallery is located in Moscow at the address: Lavrushinsky Lane, building 10.

The collection collected at the Tretyakov Gallery is dedicated exclusively to Russian national art. This is how the gallery was conceived by its founder Pavel Tretyakov, and this is how it has been preserved to this day.

How the Tretyakov Gallery appeared

The Tretyakov Gallery began with the fact that Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov acquired two paintings by Russian artists in 1856 - this was the first step towards creating the famous collection. From that moment on, the collection began to grow steadily, and the Moscow City Gallery of Pavel and Sergei Tretyakov was able to receive its first visitors in 1867.

In 1892, Pavel Tretyakov donated his art gallery to the capital. At that time, it contained many wonderful works, including a collection of icons.

When collecting works, the founder of the gallery, Tretyakov, relied on his own taste. He was quite well aware of the importance of art in both the cultural and socio-political life of society.

The gallery was initially located in one building. As the collection grew, other rooms were gradually added to the mansion, which were used to store and display works. The pile of extensions grew and multiplied until a design was developed for a building with a façade that looked like something out of a fairy tale.

Currently, the Tretyakov Gallery collection contains more than one hundred thousand works of art. The exhibits are located in architectural complex, in Lavrushinsky Lane, and in a building located on Krymsky Val. In 1995, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Tretyakov Gallery was classified as one of the most valuable objects Russian culture.

Ah, art, art. Vrubel, Flavitsky, Aivazovsky. And that's just small part artists whose works are presented in one of best museums Russia. Is it possible to photograph such magnificence? Is it possible to take photographs in the Tretyakov Gallery?

Are the camera and the museum incompatible?

When visiting museums and galleries, guests can be quite puzzled. Is filming allowed or not? Sometimes it’s somehow awkward and inconvenient to approach and ask strict caretakers. And, being in the Tretyakov Gallery, everything immediately flies out of your head, and your hand just reaches out to the phone.

You can breathe easy! In the Tretyakov Gallery you can take it off. But you need to be careful. Photography is only allowed permanent exhibitions galleries and New Tretyakov Gallery, as well as in other museum buildings. If there is some kind of temporary exhibition, then photography and filming may be prohibited because the law on the protection of copyright and intellectual property comes into force.

There is an interesting and unique opportunity to conduct professional photography at the Tretyakov Gallery, but for this you need to contact the museum’s press service.

If you are interested in what else you can and cannot do in museums (not only in the Tretyakov Gallery), then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with Federal law“About Museum Funds and Museums”, which will tell you about all the nuances and processes of this area.

Flash is the main enemy!

One of the important reminders. Photography is allowed, but without flash and without the use of any special equipment (even a selfie stick, alas, is prohibited). The fact is that flash light can be too dangerous and harmful to works of art. Ultimately, it can damage them and lead to “premature aging.” The flash also distracts museum staff and visitors, making it difficult for the former to monitor the hall and for the latter to concentrate on the work of art.

  1. Many people think that the famous painting by I.K. Aivazovsky's "The Ninth Wave" is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery, but this is a misconception! It is located in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg.
  2. If you are a fan of Crimea, but your finances do not yet allow you to visit it, then we are pleased to announce that in the gallery you will be able to enjoy the paintings of I.I. Levitan from the series "Crimean Landscapes".
  3. Did you know that the museum has a loyalty program - “Friends of the Tretyakov Gallery”? A personal card is issued that will delight you with pleasant bonuses for a whole year.
  4. Enjoy art at home! At the Tretyakov Gallery you can order a digital reproduction of your favorite painting of very high quality.
  5. Save yourself time! And buy tickets at in electronic format through the official website of the museum.


  • Official website of the Tretyakov Gallery
  • Federal Law "On Museum Funds and Museums"

As if intricate towers from a Russian fairy tale stand in Zamoskvorechye buildings Tretyakov Gallery, the main facade of which was decorated in 1901-1902 according to the design of the artist V. Vasnetsov. The inscription at the entrance, made in ancient script, reads: “Moscow City art Gallery named after Pavel Mikhailovich and Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov. Founded by P.M. Tretyakov in 1856 and donated by him to the city of Moscow together with the collection of S. M. Tretyakov hung in the city.”

It is very difficult to believe that such a huge museum of world significance began to exist thanks to the efforts of just one person - P.M. Tretyakov.

Russian genre painting began with the works of the artist P. Fedotov, which pushed Tretyakov to the idea of ​​​​creating a museum. The paintings simply amazed him with their versatility and, at the same time, simplicity. And so in 1856 the first step was taken - he bought the painting “ Temptation" After some time, another one was added to the collection extraordinary picture « Skirmish with Finnish smugglers”, which was written by V. Khudyakov. It is with these two paintings that we can consider that Tretyakov’s collecting began. The so-called exhibitions of the Society of Art Lovers were held in Moscow, from where the collection was gradually replenished.

Tretyakov began to make acquaintances with artists, and could already buy a painting that was not even ready yet, which was just beginning in the artist’s studio. Tretyakov believed that Russian art has a future, and we need to pay attention to this issue a large number of time. In Tretyakov’s letter there are the following lines: “Many positively do not want to believe in the good future of Russian art, they assure that if sometimes our artist writes a good thing, it is somehow by accident, and that he will then increase the number of mediocrities... I have a different opinion, otherwise... I wouldn’t have collected a collection of Russian paintings...”

Fate was favorable to Tretyakov. He married the niece of S. Mamontov, who was a patron of the arts. Tretyakov often visited him in Abramtsevo. It was here, at that time, that many outstanding Russian painters, members of the famous Abramtsevo art circle, lived and worked.

In 1871 Tretyakov met Repin. This was facilitated by the world's first traveling exhibition. Tretyakov wanted to convey all the boundless beauty of paintings to the masses, and was very passionate about this idea.

Continuous purchases of paintings led Tretyakov to the point that his mansion could no longer accommodate all the works in the collection. And then he decided to make a large extension with a facade on Lavrushinsky Lane (now the main building of the museum). In 1874 the work was completed. Having hung paintings in the halls, Tretyakov announced the opening of the gallery to visitors. This was his long-time dream, and it came true!

But Tretyakov did not stop there. In 1892, he donated a collection of his paintings and his brother’s collection, which was hung to him (it included paintings by European masters, which were later included in the exhibition State Museum Fine Arts named after A. S. Pushkin) as a gift to Moscow. More than 3 thousand works of painting, graphics and sculpture collected by him became the basis of a famous art gallery. Tretyakov Gallery - largest museum national fine arts.

The gallery was supplemented by its employees. Now there you can find masterpieces of such famous painters as Andrei Rublev, Dionysius, Theophanes the Greek and many others. More than 400 works written in the 18th century were added to the gallery from private collections. Moreover, the department is still being replenished Soviet art. On this moment more 57 thousand works of national fine art are included in the priceless collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Over one and a half million visitors pass through its halls every year. Almost 100 traveling exhibitions Every year they depart from Lavrushinsky Lane to cities across the country. This is how Lenin’s decree is fulfilled, which entrusted the Tretyakov Gallery with “nationwide educational functions” - to widely introduce the masses to art.

Muscovites are rightfully proud of their famous museum. M. Gorky wrote: “The Tretyakov Gallery is as good and significant as Art Theater, St. Basil the Blessed and all the best in Moscow.”

Ask any resident of Russia if they know the most famous art museum in Moscow and most respondents will answer that it is the Tretyakov Gallery. Even those who are not interested in art have heard about the museum. And those who are interested equate it to a real temple!

His collections are truly priceless, and not only from a material point of view - the exhibition of the Tretyakov Gallery covers the period from the 11th to the 20th centuries, starting from Ancient Rus' and ending with the Soviet period, thanks to which you can become imbued with Russian history and come closer to understanding national identity.

History and general information

Today the Tretyakov Gallery is a whole complex of restored buildings located on different streets of Moscow. The most significant include:

  • the main building is the former mansion of Pavel Tretyakov at the address: Lavrushinsky Lane, 10 (this can also include the adjacent engineering building - Lavrushinsky Lane, 12 - where, in addition to exhibition and conference rooms, the museum’s engineering and technical services are located);
  • the so-called “New Tretyakov Gallery” is a new pavilion built in the 80s of the last century on the Moskva River embankment at the address: Krymsky Val, 10.

In addition, branches of the Tretyakov Gallery are:

  • the operating church-museum of St. Nicholas (located at the address: Maly Tolmachevsky Lane, 9 - this is the building adjacent to the engineering building in Lavrushinsky Lane. It is here that the priceless icon of Vladimirskaya is kept Mother of God, which is almost 900 years old);
  • house-museum of Viktor Vasnetsov (Vasnetsov Lane, 13);
  • memorial museum-apartment of Vasnetsov (Furmanny lane, 6);
  • museum-workshop A.S. Golubkina (Bolshoy Levshinsky Lane, 12);
  • house-museum of P.D. Korina (Malaya Pirogovskaya street, 16).

Those who are more interested in the pre-revolutionary period of painting (from the 11th to the 19th centuries) should head to a beautiful building, similar to an ancient Russian tower, which is located in Lavrushinsky Lane. Modern masterpieces XX century - found refuge in new gallery in the style of early Soviet modernism on Krymsky Val.

About 1.5 million people visit the Tretyakov Gallery every year. It is not difficult to calculate that on average about 5 thousand visitors come to admire the paintings per day, but on weekends their number is much higher. So, if possible, you should choose a weekday to visit the gallery.

The Tretyakov Gallery is more than 160 years old! A brief excursion into history

It is known that a representative of the merchant class, Pavel Tretyakov, began collecting his collection in 1856 (he was then only 24 years old). He focused his attention on the works of Russian masters. Initially, the paintings were kept in specially designated rooms of the merchant mansion, but their number grew so quickly that to accommodate new exhibits it was necessary to build a separate one nearby. two-storey house. In connection with the further expansion of the collection, new buildings and premises appeared on the territory of the estate, later united into a single complex.

Pavel Tretyakov's brother Sergei also collected art objects, but he gave preference to Western European masters, which avoided competition between the brothers. Premature death Sergei (in 1892), who, in addition to his own collection, bequeathed a significant part of his fortune to the city of Moscow, including half of the house in Lavrushinsky Lane, became the reason for Pavel Tretyakov to combine both collections into one and transfer them to the city. At that time, the gallery’s exhibition consisted of more than 1,000 paintings famous artists(together with sculptures, jewelry, sketches, graphic drawings– about 2,000 items).

Now the treasury of Russian art has more than 180,000 exhibits!

In addition to the Tretyakov brothers, big role Igor Emmanuilovich Grabar, who was appointed trustee of the museum in 1913, played a role in the formation of the museum. It is he who is credited with systematizing the legacy left behind and transforming what was essentially a private collection into a world-class museum. So, Igor Grabar:

  • carried out extensive research work on the study of paintings;
  • introduced a new principle of their placement (chronological);
  • compiled the first scientific catalogue;
  • was the initiator of the creation of the restoration workshop and was its leader.

It is worth mentioning how much he did to preserve masterpieces in difficult years revolution and civil war.

Igor Grabar was not only a good organizer, but also talented artist. One of his paintings found a place in the Tretyakov Gallery itself - in room No. 38 you can see the famous “ February blue", written in 1904.

Exposition and main attractions

Masterpieces of Lavrushinsky Lane

The most famous and popular among Muscovites and guests of the capital is the old building of the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane. It underwent a large-scale reconstruction, which lasted from 1986 to 1996. The museum halls received modern lighting and an updated interior.

Particularly valuable masterpieces were placed in special capsules made of bulletproof glass, connected to complex system control of temperature and humidity.

A special hall was built for Mikhail Vrubel’s large panel “Princess of Dreams,” which had lain in storage for almost a century. Other premises have been refurbished.

If you intend to visit the gallery without a guide, you should plan the excursion route in advance. Think about what time period (or what artist) interests you most. You should be aware that it is almost impossible to see all the exhibitions in one visit - there are 62 rooms in the gallery and not all of them are open at the same time.

Top 10 most famous paintings on Lavrushinsky Lane:

  • 1) “The Appearance of Christ to the People” by A. Ivanov (hall No. 10)
  • 2) “Unequal marriage” by V. Pukirev (hall No. 16)
  • 3) “Troika” by V. Perov (hall No. 17)
  • 4) “Unknown” by Kramskoy (hall No. 20)
  • 5) “Morning in a pine forest” by I. Shishkin (hall No. 25)
  • 6) “Bogatyrs” by V. Vasnetsov (hall No. 26)
  • 7) “Boyaryna Morozova” by V. Surikov (hall No. 28)
  • 8) “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan” by I. Repin (hall No. 30)
  • 9) “Demon (seated) by M. Vrubel (hall No. 33).
  • 10) Icon “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev (room No. 60).

This list does not include paintings by Serov, Levitan, Kustodiev, Aivazovsky, but they are also worthy of attention! In addition to paintings and icons, in the main building you can see graphics, sketches, sculptures, and sketches.

Hall of Old Russian Painting

History buffs and Orthodox Christians will be attracted by the icon painting hall, located on the first floor. Particularly valuable icons are placed here in special glass cases, inside of which the required temperature and humidity are maintained. Here you can see the works of Andrei Rublev, as well as Orthodox shrines, painted by unknown masters between the 11th and 17th centuries.

Let us remind you that the most famous of the icons - the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God - is located in a separate building - the Church of St. Nicholas. You can get here both through the engineering building (Lavrushinsky Lane, 12) and from Maly Tolmachevsky Lane.

Ilya Repin Hall

The works of one of the most famous Russian artists are displayed in room No. 30. Until recently it hung here sadly famous work Repin “Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan”, but in May 2018 it was subjected to another attack, received serious damage and was again sent for restoration. The Moscow court estimated the cost of restoration work at between 5 and 10 million rubles.

Nevertheless, other famous paintings by the great Russian artist remained in the hall:

  • "We didn't expect"
  • "Dragonfly",
  • "Autumn Bouquet"
  • “The Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan”,
  • "Princess Sophia in the Novodevichy Convent"
  • portraits of Mussorgsky, Shevchenko, Tolstoy.

In addition, it is in the Repin Hall that you can see a portrait of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov himself.

Mikhail Vrubel Hall

One of the new halls was built during the last reconstruction specifically for the exhibition of the huge canvas “Princess of Dreams” (its size is 7.5 x 14 meters), as well as others large-scale works artist. In fact, 2 halls (No. 32 and No. 33) are reserved for the works of Mikhail Vrubel. One of them has a podium to accommodate an orchestra, as musical evenings are held here.

Art of the 20th century in the branch on Krymsky Val

In 1986, the main building (on Lavrushinsky Lane) was closed for long-term restoration. Most of the paintings were transported to a new building - a newly built branch on Krymsky Val. In 1996, the reconstruction was completed, but the works of art of the 20th century were not returned. We decided to leave the most modern exhibits in the new branch. Today, it is in this building that you can see the Russian avant-garde: works by Malevich, Kandinsky, Petrov-Vodkin.

It should be noted that the new building is much more spacious, and it is located in a very picturesque place on the banks of the Moscow River, opposite the Park of Culture and Recreation. Gorky with its ponds and beautiful alleys. So, of course, it’s worth seeing this corner of Moscow. More than 5,000 exhibits are collected under the roof of the New Tretyakov Gallery. In addition, exhibitions dedicated to contemporary art are regularly held here.

Experts highlight the main masterpieces of the branch on Krymsky Val:

  1. “Black Suprematist Square” by Kazimir Malevich (hall No. 6);
  2. “Composition VII” by Wassily Kandinsky (hall No. 9);
  3. “Above the City” by Marc Chagall (hall No. 9);
  4. “Bathing the Red Horse” by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin (hall No. 13);
  5. “Future pilots” by Alexander Deineka (hall No. 16).

Information for visitors

  • The Tretyakov Gallery is closed on Monday. Opening hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday: from 10-00 to 18-00. Thursday, Friday and Saturday: from 10-00 to 21-00.
  • The cost of a ticket for an adult (at the time of writing) is 500 rubles. The following people have the right to free admission to the museum: veterans and disabled people of the Second World War, conscripts, disabled people of groups I and II, persons under 18 years of age, as well as some other categories of citizens ( detailed list located on the official website of the museum - see below).
  • On Wednesdays you can visit the engineering building and the branch of the museum on Krymsky Val for free. You can also come to the Tretyakov Gallery for free on “Museum Night” (usually held in the second half of May).

Please note that the famous paintings of the Tretyakov Gallery are often “away”, traveling to other countries and continents. If you want to see certain paintings, check in advance whether there is free access to them.

Interactive tour of the museum on Lavrushinsky Lane

How to use the window interactive tour:
by briefly pressing the left mouse button on any of the white arrows in the tour window, you will move in the corresponding direction (left, right, forward, etc.), by pressing and holding the left button pressed, rotate the mouse in different sides: You can look around without moving. When you click on the black square in the upper right corner of the interactive tour window, you will be taken to full-screen viewing mode.

1. Hall with a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs".

2. Hall with a masterpiece by A.A. Ivanov “The Appearance of Christ to the People.”

3. Hall I.I. Shishkina. (Lavrushinsky lane 10).

4. Hall of M. Vrubel and his panel “Princess of Dreams”.

5. Halls Old Russian art XII-XVII centuries.

Where is it and how to get there

The main building of the Tretyakov Gallery, where most of the most famous exhibits, located in Lavrushinsky Lane, 10. The most convenient way to get here is by metro. The nearest stations are: “Tretyakovskaya” (Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya or Kalininskaya lines, about 400 m to the museum) and “Novokuznetskaya” (Zamoskvoretskaya line, just over 800 m to the museum).

The branch on Krymsky Val, 10 is located next to the Oktyabrskaya metro station (Circle line). The distance from the metro station to the museum is about 1 km. In addition, in the immediate vicinity of the gallery (approximately 400 m) there is a Gorky Park bus stop (bus route No. 2).

Official website of the Tretyakov Gallery:

The world-famous Tretyakov Gallery (State Tretyakov Gallery) is a museum where one of the largest collections fine art national art. Russian and foreign tourists are usually eager to find out where the Tretyakov Gallery is located in Moscow. Artistic treasures museum collection can be seen at several addresses in the city.

Glorious unification

The Tretyakov Gallery is a complex consisting of the main building, the Engineering Building, an exhibition in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, a branch on Krymsky Val and house-museums of Russian painters.


Main building art museum not difficult to find in the very center of the capital. Address where the Tretyakov Gallery is located: Lavrushinsky lane, house 10. A cozy old Moscow place near the Moscow River. The facade of the building in a fairytale style attracts attention, and it is difficult to pass by the museum. Here the inquisitive visitor will find an impressive collection of Russian icons and paintings, which are rightfully considered precious masterpieces Russian art. The collection contains examples of Russian painting from the 10th to the 19th centuries.

Zamoskvoretsky route

Its name will tell you where the Tretyakov Gallery and the Tretyakovskaya metro station are located. It bears the name of the museum and its founder Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov. The station is located on the orange line of the metro (Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line) and on the yellow line crossing it (Kalininskaya line). The route starting from here will help you get to your goal as quickly as possible. The journey will take 5 minutes. There is only one exit from the subway. Having gone up the escalator and going out into the street, you will find yourself on Bolshaya Ordynka. The street must be crossed. Once you do this, you will find yourself in front of a bar-restaurant. Turn left, go to the Ordynsky dead end and move along it until you see Lavrushinsky Lane. On its other side is the Tretyakov Gallery, and to the south of it is the Museum's Engineering Building. It appeared during the reconstruction period, in 1989, next to an ancient building, the facade of which was designed by Vasnetsov. The new building houses an information center, a conference room, and a children's room. creative studio, demonstration rooms in which you can not only enjoy Russian and foreign objects of art, but also get acquainted with the exhibitions of regional museums of our country.

Behind the Engineering Building you can see the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi (Maly Tolmachevsky Lane, building 9). Here you can see church art rarities. If you are traveling by car, then know that it is easiest to reach the gallery from the alley.

Another station in Moscow, where the Tretyakov Gallery is located, is located next to Tretyakovskaya, it is called Novokuznetskaya and is located on the green line of the metro (Zamoskvoretskaya line). Both stations communicate with each other through a transition. You can go to Tretyakovskaya station without getting up from the metro. If you used the Novokuznetskaya station exit, first go to Bolshaya Ordynka Street and then follow the route described above.

Another variant

Another place that helps you find the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow is the Polyanka metro station. The station is located on the gray line (Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line). But from there you will have to travel by ground from bus stop No. 700 or trolleybus No. 1. The journey will take 20 minutes. Get off at the “Bolshaya Yakimanka Street” stop and you will see the gallery.

Exhibitions in Lavrushinsky Lane are available on all days except Monday. Opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday from 10 to 18 hours. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday the museum can be visited from 10 to 21 hours.

Branch on Krymsky Val

The so-called New Tretyakov Gallery, where works by Russian and Russian masters painting of the period of the 20th - early 21st centuries, located at: Krymsky Val, building 10. The museum operates on the same schedule as in the main building.

The metro station where the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val is located is called “Oktyabrskaya”. It is located at the intersection of the Circle and Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya lines. Having risen from the metro to the city, you need to go through the underground passage to the other side of Bolshaya Yakimanka Street, and then walk along Krymsky Val to the building of the Central House of Artists. In that modern building you will find a branch of the Tretyakov Gallery. You can also get to it from the Park Kultury station, which is located at the intersection of the Circle and Sokolnicheskaya lines (red line). After leaving the metro, go towards the Moscow River along Novokrymsky Proezd, cross the Krymsky Bridge to the other side and move until the turn onto the street. Krymsky Val. Here you will see the gray building of the Central House of Artists, where the Tretyakov Gallery’s collection of contemporary art is exhibited.

Home exhibitions are also part of the Tretyakov Gallery

In the Meshchansky district of Moscow, at Vasnetsov Lane, building 13, the house-museum of Viktor Vasnetsov appears before art lovers. Little-known works of the painter are exhibited here; everything in the apartment “breathes” the unique atmosphere in which the great Russian master lived and worked. The easiest way to get to the museum is from the Prospekt Mira station on the Circle Line. At the top, turn left and walk along the street. Gilyarovsky to Durova Street. There, turn right, passing the street. Shchepkina, turn towards Meshchanskaya and move to Vasnetsov Lane. After 100 meters you will find yourself at the doors of the museum.

Museum-apartment younger brother the artist - Apollinary Vasnetsov, a landscape painter and historian, famous for the sketches of old Moscow that he made at archaeological excavations - is located in Furmanovsky Lane, house No. 6. You can reach it from the metro station " Chistye Prudy» (Sokolnicheskaya line). From the metro, go to Gusyatnikov Lane and follow it to Bolshoi Kharitonyevsky. Turn left and go to the street. Chaplygina, who will appear on the right. Along it you will get to Furmanovsky Lane, 6. On the third floor you will find an apartment and see modest, elegant furnishings, the famous sketches of clouds that the owner of the house loved to draw, and other interesting objects.

At Bolshoi Levshinsky Lane, 12 there is a museum-apartment of Anna Golubkina, sculptor Silver Age. You can get to it from the Park Kultury station. After exiting the metro, find the “Metro Park Kultury” stop on Zubovsky Boulevard in the direction Crimean Bridge. Take bus No. T10 or No. T79 and go to the stop “First Neopalimovsky Lane”. Once outside, go back to Bolshoi Levshinsky Lane, in the 1st house on the left you will find a memorial workshop.

Another point where the Tretyakov Gallery (branch) is located is the house-museum of Pavel Korin, a Russian portrait painter and teacher. It is located at the address: Malaya Pirogovskaya, building 16, outbuilding No. 5.

The apartment museums are open to the public from Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday are days off. Each of the museums may be closed for reconstruction at certain periods, so you need to find out in advance whether the object is open on the days you decide to visit it.

Heritage of the Fatherland

In 1995, an association called the Tretyakov Gallery was included by presidential decree among the most valuable objects of the Russian national culture. Now the museum's collection contains more than one hundred thousand artistic masterpieces.