Characteristics of the image of Charlotte Ivanovna. List of characters and character system of Chekhov's drama

When first reading The Cherry Orchard, the reader, as a rule, rarely pays attention to Charlotte. At first it seems that this character simply complements the overall picture of comedy and misunderstanding. But meanwhile, it was Charlotte, with her particularly interesting statements, that Chekhov considered one of the key figures in the drama, and insisted that only very talented actress, noting that “there should be an actress with humor here.”
Such famous literary scholars as A.P. Skaftmov and Z.S. Paperny wrote about the functions of Charlotte. In particular, they noted that Charlotte is far from being a one-sided comic character, but a truly deep psychological image. However, on In my opinion, the original findings of literary scholars did not fully address the question of the role of the character in the work, as well as the question of how comedy and tragedy coexist in the image of Charlotte.
Taking into account the observations and conclusions of famous Czech scholars, I will conduct my own research to clarify the role of Charlotte in the play " The Cherry Orchard».
What does the reader know about Charlotte? Charlotte is the governess of the Ranevskys, an orphan who did not know her parents, raised by “a German woman.”
For the first time we meet the name of Charlotte in the playbill of the drama, and even then it strikes us with its absurdity. Charlotte Ivanovna is a very strange combination of a French name and a Russian patronymic. And the image of a comic character is immediately created in the reader’s imagination. But is Charlotte really like this? Let's try to figure this out.
Charlotte first appears in Act I:

Enter... Anya and Charlotte with a dog on a chain, dressed for travel.
Gaev: The train was two hours late. What's it like? What are the procedures?
Charlotte (to Pishchik). My dog ​​also eats nuts.
Pishchik (Surprised). Just think!

It seems that Charlotte does not participate in the characters’ dialogue and says her line “by the way,” as it might seem at first glance. Perhaps, throughout the previous dialogue, Charlotte has been talking with Pishchik, and it is this phrase, divorced from context, that the audience hears. But this is probably the answer to Gaev’s remark, allegorical and not addressed to him at all. “My dog ​​even eats nuts,” says Charlotte. “My dog ​​tolerates it, even eats nuts, and doesn’t complain, but you complain about the rules. You need to be patient,” this, it seems to me, is the subtext of this phrase. But her statement is addressed to Pishchik, most likely as a person who will pay attention to her, who will listen to her, and not ignore her, as Gaev most likely would have done.
The next scene of the first act, in which we again meet Charlotte Ivanovna, largely clarifies the attitude of the rest of the inhabitants of the Ranevsky house towards her.

Charlotte Ivanovna in a white dress, very thin, tight-fitting, with a lorgnette on her belt, walks across the stage.
Lopakhin: (wants to kiss her) ...
Charlotte: If I let you kiss my hand, then you will then wish on the elbow, then on the shoulder...
Lopakhin: I'm unlucky today. ... Charlotte Ivanovna, show me your magic trick!
Charlotte: No need. I want to sleep.

It’s strange, but this episode is not mentioned, even in passing, in the works of A.P. Skaftymov and Z.S. Paperny, but it is precisely this episode that makes it possible to understand exactly how the household treat Charlotte, that Charlotte is perceived as nothing other than a buffoon, ready to make your owners laugh whenever they want. And Charlotte absolutely disagrees with this position. She clearly considers herself “superior”, and when asked to amuse Lopakhin and Anna Andreevna, she responds quite sharply (“no need, I want to sleep”) - after that, the requests immediately subside, and Charlotte calmly leaves.
Almost no one notices Charlotte in the house, but they still respect her opinion and desire. She herself personifies a protest against the indifferent treatment of her as a person. She puts herself on an equal footing with the owners, and demands good service and expensive food, as Anya says at the beginning of the first act.
Outwardly, Charlotte is indeed comical, because this is what those around her expect from her, but in the soul of a person completely different feelings reign. And even her phrase “If I allow you to kiss my hand, then you will wish on the elbow, then on the shoulder...” can be understood in two ways. Firstly, she, as it may seem, emphasizes the comicality of Charlotte, and secondly, she explains how Charlotte herself perceives this treatment of her: “As soon as I allowed you to see me as a buffoon, you tried me more and more persistently them to do, forgetting that I am first of all a human being, just like you,” she seems to be saying.
The next scene in which Charlotte appears is key to understanding this character. It is in this scene that Charlotte Ivanovna’s past is revealed to the viewer, and her loneliness is especially clearly emphasized.

Charlotte, Yasha and Dunyasha are sitting on a bench. Charlotte in an old cap; she took the gun off her shoulders and adjusted her belt buckle.

A comical image that does not match the words. Charlotte always looks quite comical, but she is comical only in the eyes of her owners, who perceive her as a “circus performer” and a “magician.” In such a strange outfit you can also see Charlotte’s pro-test “Did you want me to be a jester? Here, I’m a jester, in clown clothes...” - she seems to be saying with her appearance.
But as a person she is unhappy. And this “opposite” * (as Z. S. Paperny very wittily noted) is emphasized by the comedy that arises when the text of the play correlates the description of her appearance, costume and deep thoughts about her own fate.

Charlotte (thoughtfully) I don’t have a real passport, I don’t know how old I am, and it still seems to me that I’m young. When I was a little girl, my father and mother went to fairs and gave performances, very good ones. And I jumped salto mortale and various things. And when my father and mother died, a German lady took me in and began to teach me. Fine. I grew up, then became a governess. But where I am from and who I am, I don’t know... Who are my parents, maybe they didn’t get married... I don’t know. (Takes a cucumber out of his pocket and eats it.) I don’t know anything. I really want to talk, but not with anyone... I don’t have anyone.

And the reaction from the listeners, or rather, the lack thereof, immediately attracts attention. Charlotte doesn't seem to be noticed at all. She suffers from loneliness and pours out her soul in this “confession,” but her words go unnoticed. Epikhodov continues to sing and Dunyasha begins an argument with him. And even Charlotte’s contemptuous remark does not attract the attention of others.

Epikhodov (plays guitar and sings). “What do I care about the noisy light, what are my friends and enemies...” How pleasant it is to play the mandolin!
Charlotte. These people sing terribly... ugh! Like jackals……………
Epikhodov... Abroad, everything has long been in full swing.
Yasha. By itself.
Epikhodov. I developed person, I read various wonderful books, but I just can’t understand the direction of what I actually want, should I live or shoot myself, strictly speaking, but, nevertheless, I always carry a revolver with me. Here it is... (Shows the revolver.)
Charlotte. I finished. Now I'll go. (Puts on a gun.) You, Epikhodov, are very clever man and very scary; Women should love you madly. Brrr! (Walks.) These smart guys are all so stupid, I have no one to talk to... All alone, alone, I have no one and... and who I am, why I am, it is unknown... (Leaves slowly.)

It seems that Charlotte is already accustomed to the fact that they do not pay attention to her, and calmly, without trying to attract anyone’s attention, accepts the fact that she is not noticed.
Charlotte is depicted at a turning point in her life, when a person wants to find his place in the world, to find loved ones, relatives and like-minded people, but Charlotte doesn’t have them, which causes the heroine’s deep emotional experiences. She is trying to find friends, or just people who could understand and support her. And not outstanding self-taught philosophers who are trying to impress a girl with their statements. This scene echoes the very first one, where Charlotte appears with the dog. No one else has an animal in the house, only Charlotte has a dog, perhaps her only friend. This fact only emphasizes the loneliness of the heroine.
This is followed by the ball scene, the only action where the image of Charlotte acquires liveliness and gaiety, primarily in the scene of the demonstration of tricks entertaining the guests. Here Charlotte forgets about her problems for a while, she finds herself in the “element” of her role, imposed on her by the world order, and does what she likes, what she knows how to do perfectly.

They go out into the living room: the first couple is Pishchik and Charlotte Ivanovna...

(I think it’s worth paying attention to the fact that Charlotte enters the room with Squeaky. Without this character in the play, Charlotte would have been left alone, and most likely would have appeared in the hall when all the guests had gathered, as a circus performer, who was invited for entertainment)

Charlotte (hands Pishchik a deck of cards). Here is a deck of cards, think of one card.
Pishchik. I thought about it.
Charlotte. Now shuffle the deck. Very good. Give it here, oh my dear Mr. Pishchik. Ein, zwei, drei! Now look, it's in your side pocket...
Pishchik (takes out a card from his side pocket). Eight of spades, absolutely right! (Surprised.) Just think!
Charlotte (holds a deck of cards in her palm, Trofimova). Tell me quickly, which card is on top?
Trofimov. Well? Well, queen of spades.
Charlotte. Eat! (To the squeaker.) Well? Which card is on top?
Pishchik. Ace of hearts.
Charlotte. Yes!.. (He hits his palm, the deck of cards disappears.) And what good weather today!
A mysterious female voice answers her, as if from under the floor: “Oh yes, the weather is magnificent, madam.”
You are so good, my ideal...
Voice: “I also really liked you, madam.”
Station Manager (applauds). Madam Ventriloquist, bravo!

In this episode, Charlotte fulfills the role assigned to her in this family - entertaining those around her. In an effort to entertain the guests, she parodies the accent in her speech, ?(STYLE!!!)? although in his notes for the actors, Chekhov notes: “Charlotte speaks not broken, but pure Russian.”

Pishchik (surprised). Just think! The most charming Charlotte Ivanovna... I'm just in love...
Charlotte. In love? (Shrugs.) Can you love? Guter Mensch, aber schlechter Musikant.

For the first time, excitement and gaiety appear in her speech, perhaps feigned, but one still feels the excitement. And during this revival, she “accidentally” rejects Pishchik’s confession, not taking him seriously. (Neither recognition, nor person) She is not interested in him as a person, but still he is the only one who sees Charlotte as a person behind the constant jokes. He is almost the only one in the whole house who ignores her.

Charlotte. Please pay attention, one more trick. (Takes a blanket from the chair.) Here is a very good blanket, I want to sell... (Shakes it.) Does anyone want to buy?
Pishchik (surprised). Just think!
Charlotte. Ein, zwei, drei! (Quickly picks up the lowered blanket.)
Anya is standing behind the blanket; she curtsies, runs to her mother, hugs her and runs back into the hall with general delight.
Lyubov Andreevna (applauds). Bravo, bravo!..
Charlotte. Now more! Ein, zwei, drei!
Raises the blanket; Varya stands behind the blanket and bows.
Pishchik (surprised). Just think!
Charlotte. End! (Throws the blanket on Pishchik, curtsies and runs into the hall.)
Pishchik (hurries after her). The villain... what? What? (Leaves.)

This is perhaps the first scene in the play where Charlotte comes to life. Playfulness and gaiety appear in her words and movements. And even the remark “he curtsies and runs into the hall” can be contrasted with another: “He goes... He leaves slowly.”...
And finally, the departure scene, which received a lot of attention in the studies of Paperny² and Skaftymov."
Lopakhin enters. Charlotte hums a song quietly. Gaev. Happy Charlotte: Singing! Charlotte (takes a knot that looks like a rolled up baby). My baby, bye, bye...
A child is heard crying: “Wa, wa!..” Shut up, my good, my dear boy.
“Wa!.. wa!..” I feel so sorry for you! (Throws the bundle into place.) So, please, find me a place. I can't do this.
Lopakhin. We'll find you, Charlotte Ivanovna, don't worry.
Gaev. Everyone leaves us, Varya leaves... suddenly we are no longer needed.
Charlotte. I have nowhere to live in the city. We have to leave... (Humming.) Anyway...

Here is what Paperny writes about this scene:

The sale of the cherry orchard is a disaster for her, she has lost her place, a corner in the house, fate has dealt her another salto-mortale. And the fact that she “quietly hums” in the fourth act, of course, cannot in any way mean that she is feeling good. And this whole scene is built on the transition of words and phenomena into their opposite. One of the knots moving away turns into a “baby”, you can even hear him shouting: “Waah!.. Wah!..”, and then the baby becomes a knot again, and Charlotte throws him back to his original place. So is Charlotte herself: either she sang, seemed “happy,” or she asks to find a “place” for her.

And Skaftymov:

In Act IV, the picture unfolds of the last farewell minutes before leaving the sold estate. Charlotte's homeless, lonely life is now burdened by a new and already complete homelessness. Nobody needs her now. At the moment of the lyrical farewell conversation between Anya and Lyubov Andreevna, Charlotte appears, “quietly humming a song.” Gaev remarks to this: “Happy Charlotte: she sings!” Charlotte, indeed, does not violate the tone of her usual playful fun, takes a knot that looks like a rolled up child, and gives a scene of “ventriloquism”: “my baby, bye, bye ... (the child’s cry is heard: wa, wa!), etc. . Then he throws the bundle and says: “So, please, find me a place. I can’t do this..." And this remark immediately makes her state of lonely, silent anxiety transparent to the viewer.

As you can see, both literary scholars pay great attention to this passage, considering it key in understanding the character of the hero. They both notice that Charlotte is singing. But is it because she’s just trying to seem cheerful? If so, then the question arises: Why? She will no longer remain the governess of the Ranevskys, no matter how she behaves. Moreover, against the backdrop of general sadness and despondency, her “gaiety” can only irritate. In my opinion, Charlotte is immersed in her thoughts and is not aware of what she is singing.
A. Skaftymov notes “Charlotte, indeed, does not violate the tone of her usual playful fun, takes a knot that looks like a curled up child, and gives a scene of “ghosting”.” I'll try to disagree with him, and since I've already started looking hidden meaning in all Charlotte’s statements, then, perhaps, I will continue this tradition.
As mentioned earlier, Charlotte is depicted at a turning point in her life, when the world around her is collapsing, and when she wants to find loved ones and family, to have her own family. Perhaps Charlotte imagines the bundle as a baby precisely because her previous thoughts were connected with the house, with the family, with children...
Charlotte in this scene is a deeply unhappy person. Nothing holds her back in this family... she is not valued here, she is disgusted by the tone in which they communicate with her, but still, at the expense of this family she existed for a long time, and now she has nowhere to go. That’s why she asks to “find a place for her.”
The image is created of a lonely woman going through a difficult period in her life, a little tired, smart, talented and proud.
Stanislavsky, telling the actors about the role of Charlotte, asked them not to limit themselves to words, he wanted the actors to first of all understand the heroine herself, and then they would already play her. I think that Stanislavsky wanted the actress to understand that behind Charlotte’s outward comic appearance there was hidden a completely different, far from comical image.

First of all, live the image without touching or trivializing the words of the role. Sit down and play whatever comes to mind. Imagine this scene: Pishchik proposes to Charlotte, and she is the bride... How will she behave. Or Charlotte was driven away, and she again joined a circus or a café. How she does gymnastics, or how she sings a chansonette. Hair yourself in different styles and look for something in yourself that will remind you of Charlotte... Don't forget to play Charlotte at a dramatic moment in her life. Get her to sincerely cry over herself.

So, as I tried to tell in this work, Charlotte is far from a minor character in the play, who serves only to create the background of the comedy and introduce additional comic episodes into the play. Charlotte is an independent character, living her own life. Charlotte adds a new conflict to the drama, a conflict of external comedy with deep emotional experiences, which complements the already multifaceted general conflict in the soul of each of the characters.
In the person of Charlotte, Chekhov creates a deep image of a person, reveals his character, shows his problems and introduces him to the story of his life. (But Charlotte is almost the only character whose past is told in the drama).

"Skaftymov A. On the unity of form and content in “The Cherry Orchard” by A.P. Chekhov // Skaftymov A. Moral quest Russian writers. M.: Ho-dozhestven. Literat., 1972. P. 366.

² Paperny Z. “Contrary to all the rules...”. Plays and vaudevilles of Chekhov. M.: Art, 1982. P.221-222.
* Therefore, Gaev’s remark: “Happy Charlotte: sings!” - hits the heart with its “opposite” nature. Gaev’s phrase means one thing, but evokes in the viewer something completely different, a different, directly opposite reaction. (full quote)

The position of the governess in society is described in more detail in literature than in historical sources. Governesses are a difficult status. This is a person with education and a special culture. The image and characterization of Charlotte Ivanovna in the play “The Cherry Orchard” prove how a profession can change a person’s lifestyle and habits.


Charlotte is a "very thin" figure woman. The author chose such an epithet to emphasize not the stateliness of the woman, her slimness and grace, but rather her thinness, comparable to soreness. Charlotte's figure is also wrapped in clothes and accessories. For what? Unclear. Here we can assume that the classic wants to emphasize the circus roots: an acrobat. Another option is poor nutrition. Owners with limited funds are unlikely to think about food for their servants.

Interesting selection of clothes for the heroine:

  • Lornet on the belt;
  • Old cap;
  • Belt with buckle;
  • Gray cylinder;
  • Checkered trousers.
A woman should always make the viewer smile. There is no indication of age here. It is difficult to logically build her fate and determine how old she is. The author does not describe the heroine's face. Such a collective appearance of a dry old acrobat without age, relatives, friends. There is one more epithet in the text: “most charming.” This is what Simeonov-Pishchik calls the lady. It remains unclear what is its charm? Does the man really have this attitude towards Charlotte?

The social status of the woman is not clear, there is no precise statement about her nationality. Maybe that's why the author leaves her faceless. An actress with a sense of humor can play a character on stage - this is the main instruction of the classic.


Comedy the character takes place against the backdrop of a deep tragedy of the image. Only an attentive reader can understand the meaning of the character. Charlotte is single and free. She did not experience love either in childhood, or in adolescence, or in adulthood. This is how the “weed flower” grew. Freedom does not bring happiness to the character. She does not obey her owners, lives by some of her own norms and rules, but there is no sparkle in her eyes, no peace in her soul. Freedom within did not change her life: she remained a servant, a person who amused those around her.

Lonely and unhappy the woman is always calm. Humor allows her to survive and not lose faith in the future. There is no end to her life, and there is no resolution to the situation with the garden, around which so many destinies revolve.

The woman seems like an extra character, but once you exclude her from the play, you understand that without her the whole meaning is lost. The governess constantly observes and analyzes, her judgments help to understand the essence of the problem, its roots and causes.


The name Charlotte distinguishes the woman from other characters in the play. In origin it may have come from German, English or Catholic. In The Cherry Orchard, Charlotte does not know her exact origins, but her knowledge of German suggests that she is German. The woman knows nothing about herself. Time has erased the exact data in memory. Charlotte remembers that there were parents, but does not know whether it was a family or two single people. She remembers going to magic fairs with her parents. Charlotte enjoys performing magic tricks, but sometimes she simply goes away from the audience to sleep. The girl knew how to do somersaults and other acrobatic tricks. After the death of her parents, the governess ended up in the family of a German lady. The woman does not know what and how happened in her life. The whole point of the heroine is that no one taught her to live, and she herself could not find herself. You cannot live in society and be outside of it.

The governess has no home, no homeland. She lives with Ranevskaya no longer as a governess, but as a hanger-on.

A.P. Chekhov said that Charlotte is “an important role.” Collective image shows the problem of a changed Rus'. A rootless servant who has lost touch with loved ones is a whole class. Impoverished parents placed their children with rich ones, hoping that they had provided them with a comfortable existence and relieved themselves of responsibility for their future. Morality, connection between generations, value are lost family traditions. The essence of family, the importance of love, and the obligation to procreate are going nowhere. An example of Charlotte's life is another cherry orchard, cut down and put on sale.

Consciously depriving the play of “events,” Chekhov directed all attention to the state characters, their attitude to the main fact - the sale of the estate and garden, to their relationships, clashes. The teacher should draw students' attention to the fact that dramatic work author's attitude, author's position turns out to be the most hidden. To clarify this position, in order to understand the playwright’s attitude to the historical phenomena of the life of the homeland, to the characters and events, the viewer and reader need to be very attentive to all components of the play: the system of images carefully thought out by the author, the arrangement of characters, the alternation of mise-en-scenes, the coupling of monologues, dialogues, individual lines of characters, author's remarks.

At times Chekhov deliberately exposes the clash of dreams and reality, the lyrical and comic principles in the play. So, while working on “The Cherry Orchard,” he introduced into the second act, after Lopakhin’s words (“And living here, we ourselves should truly be giants...”) Ranevskaya’s response: “You needed giants. They’re only good in fairy tales, but they’re so scary.” To this, Chekhov added another mise-en-scène: the ugly figure of the “klutz” Epikhodov appears at the back of the stage, clearly contrasting with the dream of giant people. Chekhov specifically attracts the audience's attention to Epikhodov's appearance with two remarks: Ranevskaya (thoughtfully) “Epikhodov is coming.” Anya (thoughtfully) “Epikhodov is coming.”

In the new historical conditions, Chekhov the playwright, following Ostrovsky and Shchedrin, responded to Gogol’s call: “For God’s sake, give us Russian characters, give us ourselves, our rogues, our eccentrics! Take them to the stage, to everyone's laughter! Laughter is a great thing!” (“Petersburg Notes”). Chekhov strives to bring “our eccentrics”, our “klutzes” to the ridicule of the public in the play “The Cherry Orchard”.

The author's intention to make the viewer laugh and at the same time make him think about modern reality is most clearly expressed in the original comic characters - Epikhodov and Charlotte. The function of these “klutzes” in the play is very significant. Chekhov forces the viewer to grasp their internal connection with the central characters and thereby exposes these eye-catching faces of comedy. Epikhodov and Charlotte are not only funny, but also pathetic with their unfortunate “fortune” full of inconsistencies and surprises. Fate, in fact, treats them “without regret, like a storm treats a small ship.” These people are disfigured by life. Epikhodov is shown as insignificant in his penny ambitions, pathetic in his misfortunes, in his claims and in his protest, limited in his “philosophy”. He is proud, painfully proud, and life has put him in the position of a lackey and a rejected lover. He pretends to be “educated”, exalted feelings, strong passions, and life “prepared” for him daily “22 misfortunes,” petty, ineffective, offensive.”

Chekhov, who dreamed of people in whom “everything would be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts,” still saw many freaks who had not found their place in life, people with complete confusion of thoughts and feelings, actions and words which are devoid of logic and meaning: “Of course, if you look from the point of view, then you, if I may put it this way, excuse the frankness, have completely brought me into a state of mind.”

The source of Epikhodov's comedy in the play also lies in the fact that he does everything inopportunely, at the wrong time. There is no correspondence between his natural data and behavior. Close-minded, tongue-tied, he is prone to lengthy speeches and reasoning; awkward, untalented, he plays billiards (breaking his cue in the process), sings “terribly, like a jackal” (according to Charlotte’s definition), gloomily accompanying himself on the guitar. He declares his love for Dunyasha at the wrong time, inappropriately asks thoughtful questions (“Have you read Buckle?”), inappropriately uses many words: “Only people who understand and are older can talk about this”; “and so you look, something extremely indecent, like a cockroach,” “let me put it this way, you can’t exact it from me.”

The function of Charlotte's image in the play is close to the function of Epikhodov's image. Charlotte's fate is absurd and paradoxical: a German, circus actress, acrobat and magician, she ended up in Russia as a governess. Everything is uncertain, random in her life: Ranevskaya’s appearance on the estate is random, and her departure from it is also random. There are always surprises waiting for Charlotte; How her life will be determined further after the sale of the estate, she does not know, how incomprehensible the purpose and meaning of her existence are: “Everyone is alone, alone, I have no one and ... who I am, why I am - is unknown.” Loneliness, unhappiness, and confusion constitute the second, hidden basis of this comic character in the play.

It is significant in this regard that, while continuing to work on the image of Charlotte during rehearsals of the play in Art Theater, Chekhov did not retain the previously planned additional comic episodes(tricks in Acts I, III, IV) and, on the contrary, strengthened the motive of Charlotte’s loneliness and unhappy fate: at the beginning of Act II everything from the words: “I really want to talk, but there’s no one with...” to: “Why should I - unknown" - included by Chekhov in the final edition.

"Happy Charlotte: Singing!" - says Gaev at the end of the play. With these words, Chekhov emphasizes Gaev’s misunderstanding of Charlotte’s position and the paradoxical nature of her behavior. At a tragic moment in her life, even as if aware of her situation (“so please, find me a place. I can’t do this... I have nowhere to live in the city”), she performs tricks and sings. Serious thought, awareness of loneliness and misfortune are combined with buffoonery, buffoonery, and the circus habit of amusing.

In Charlotte's speech there is the same bizarre combination various styles, words: along with purely Russian ones - distorted words and constructions (“I want to sell. Does anyone want to buy?”), foreign words, paradoxical phrases (“These smart guys are all so stupid”, “You, Epikhodov, are a very smart person and very scary; women should love you madly. Brrr!..”).

Chekhov gave great importance these two characters (Epikhodov and Charlotte) and was concerned that they would be correctly and interestingly interpreted in the theater. The role of Charlotte seemed to the author the most successful, and he advised the actresses Knipper and Lilina to take it, and wrote about Epikhodov that this role was short, “but the most real.” With these two comic characters, the author, in fact, helps the viewer and reader understand not only the situation in the lives of the Epikhodovs and Charlotte, but also extend to the rest of the characters the impressions that he receives from the convex, pointed image of these “klutzes”, makes him see "wrong side" life phenomena, to notice in some cases the “unfunny” in the comic, in other cases - to guess the funny behind the outwardly dramatic.

We understand that not only Epikhodov and Charlotte, but also Ranevskaya, Gaev, Simeonov-Pishchik “exist for unknown reasons.” To these idle inhabitants of ruined noble nests, living “at someone else’s expense,” Chekhov added persons not yet acting on the stage and thereby strengthened the typicality of the images. The serf-owner, the father of Ranevskaya and Gaev, corrupted by idleness, Ranevskaya’s morally lost second husband, the despotic Yaroslavl grandmother-countess, showing class arrogance (she still cannot forgive Ranevskaya that her first husband was “not a nobleman”) - all these “types,” together with Ranevskaya, Gaev, Pishchik, “have already become obsolete.” To convince the viewer of this, according to Chekhov, neither evil satire nor contempt was needed; It was enough to make them look at them through the eyes of a person who had gone a considerable historical distance and was no longer satisfied with their living standards.

Ranevskaya and Gaev do nothing to preserve or save the estate and garden from destruction. On the contrary, it is precisely thanks to their idleness, impracticality, and carelessness that their “sacredly beloved” “nests” are ruined, their poetic beautiful cherry orchards are destroyed.

This is the price of these people’s love for their homeland. “God knows, I love my homeland, I love it dearly,” says Ranevskaya. Chekhov forces us to confront these words with her actions and understand that her words are impulsive, do not reflect a constant mood, depth of feeling, and are at odds with her actions. We learn that Ranevskaya left Russia five years ago, that from Paris she was “suddenly drawn to Russia” only after a catastrophe in her personal life (“there he robbed me, abandoned me, got in touch with someone else, I tried to poison myself...”). , and we see in the finale that she still leaves her homeland. No matter how much Ranevskaya regrets the cherry orchard and the estate, she soon “calmed down and became cheerful” in anticipation of leaving for Paris. On the contrary, Chekhov says throughout the entire course of the play that the idle, antisocial nature of the lives of Ranevskaya, Gaev, and Pishchik testifies to their complete oblivion of the interests of their homeland. He creates the impression that, despite all the subjectively good qualities, they are useless and even harmful, since they contribute not to creation, not to “increasing the wealth and beauty” of the homeland, but to destruction: Pischik thoughtlessly rents out a plot of land to the British for 24 years for the predatory exploitation of Russian natural resources, The magnificent cherry orchard of Ranevskaya and Gaev is dying.

Through the actions of these characters, Chekhov convinces us that we cannot trust their words, even those spoken sincerely and excitedly. “We will pay the interest, I am convinced,” Gaev bursts out without any reason, and he is already exciting himself and others with these words: “On my honor, whatever you want, I swear, the estate will not be sold! .. I swear on my happiness! Here's my hand, call me trashy then dishonest person, if I make it to the auction! I swear with all my being!” Chekhov compromises his hero in the eyes of the viewer, showing that Gaev “allows the auction” and the estate, contrary to his vows, turns out to be sold.

In Act I, Ranevskaya resolutely tears up, without reading, telegrams from Paris from the person who insulted her: “It’s over with Paris.” But in the further course of the play, Chekhov shows the instability of Ranevskaya’s reaction. In the following acts, she already reads telegrams, is inclined to reconcile, and in the finale, calmed down and cheerful, willingly returns to Paris.

Uniting these characters based on the principle of kinship and social affiliation, Chekhov, however, shows both similarities and individual traits of each. At the same time, he forces the viewer not only to question the words of these characters, but also to think about the justice and depth of other people’s reviews about them. “She is good, kind, nice, I love her very much,” Gaev says about Ranevskaya. “She is a good person, an easy-going, simple person,” Lopakhin says about her and enthusiastically expresses his feelings to her: “I love you like my own... more than my own.” Anya, Varya, Pischik, Trofimov, and Firs are attracted to Ranevskaya like a magnet. She is equally kind, delicate, affectionate with her own and adopted daughter, and with her brother, and with the “man” Lopakhin, and with the servants.

Ranevskaya is warm-hearted, emotional, her soul is open to beauty. But Chekhov will show that these qualities, combined with carelessness, spoiledness, frivolity, very often (albeit regardless of Ranevskaya’s will and subjective intentions) turn into their opposite: cruelty, indifference, negligence towards people. Ranevskaya will give the last gold to a random passer-by, and at home the servants will live from hand to mouth; she will say to Firs: “Thank you, my dear,” kiss him, sympathetically and affectionately inquire about his health and... leave him, a sick, old, devoted servant, in a boarded-up house. With this final chord in the play, Chekhov deliberately compromises Ranevskaya and Gaev in the eyes of the viewer.

Gaev, like Ranevskaya, is gentle and receptive to beauty. However, Chekhov does not allow us to completely trust Anya’s words: “Everyone loves and respects you.” “How good you are, uncle, how smart.” Chekhov will show that Gaev’s gentle, gentle treatment of close people (sister, niece) is combined with class disdain for the “grimy” Lopakhin, “a peasant and a boor” (by his definition), with a contemptuous and disgusting attitude towards servants (from Yasha “smells like chicken”, Firs is “tired”, etc.). We see that along with lordly sensitivity and grace, he absorbed lordly swagger, arrogance (Gaev’s word is typical: “who?”), conviction in the exclusivity of the people of his circle (“white bone”). More than Ranevskaya, he feels himself and makes others feel his position as a master and the associated advantages. And at the same time he flirts with his closeness to the people, claims that he “knows the people”, that “the man loves” him.

Chekhov clearly makes one feel the idleness and idleness of Ranevskaya and Gaev, their habit of “living in debt, at someone else’s expense.” Ranevskaya is wasteful (“spends money”) not only because she is kind, but also because money comes easily to her. Like Gaev, she does not count on her labors and siush, but only on random help from outside: she will either receive an inheritance, or Lopakhin will lend it, or the Yaroslavl grandmother will send her to pay off the debt. Therefore, we do not believe in the possibility of Gaev’s life outside the family estate, we do not believe in the prospect of the future, which captivates Gaev like a child: he is a “bank servant.” Chekhov hopes that, like Ranevskaya, who knows her brother well, the viewer will smile and say: What a financier and official he is! “Where are you! Just sit down!”

Having no idea about work, Ranevskaya and Gaev go completely into the world of intimate feelings, refined, but confused, contradictory experiences. Ranevskaya not only devoted her entire life to the joys and sufferings of love, but she attaches decisive importance to this feeling and therefore feels a surge of energy whenever she can help others experience it. She is ready to act as a mediator not only between Lopakhin and Varya, but also between Trofimov and Anya (“I would willingly give Anya for you”). Usually soft, compliant, passive, she only reacts actively once, revealing both sharpness, anger, and harshness, when Trofimov touches this world that is sacred to her and when she recognizes in him a person of a different nature, deeply alien to her in this regard: “In your years you need to understand those who love and you need to love yourself... you need to fall in love! (angrily). Yes Yes! And you have no purity, and you are just a clean person, a funny eccentric, a freak... “I am above love!” You are not above love, but simply, as our Firs says, you are a klutz. Don't have a mistress at your age! .."

Outside the sphere of love, Ranevskaya’s life turns out to be empty and aimless, although in her statements, frank, sincere, sometimes self-flagellation and often verbose, there is an attempt to express interest in general issues. Chekhov puts Ranevskaya in a funny position, showing how her conclusions, even her teachings, diverge from her own behavior. She reproaches Gaev for being “inappropriate” and talking a lot in the restaurant (“Why talk so much?”). She instructs those around her: “You... should look at yourself more often. How you all live in a gray way, how much you say unnecessary things.” She herself also says a lot and inappropriately. Her sensitive, enthusiastic appeals to the nursery, to the garden, to the house are quite consonant with Gaev’s appeal to the closet. Her verbose monologues, in which she tells close people her life, that is, what they have known for a long time, or exposes her feelings and experiences to them, are usually given by Chekhov either before or after she reproaches her for verbosity those around you. This is how the author brings Ranevskaya closer to Gaev, whose need to “speak out” is most clearly expressed.

Gaev’s anniversary speech in front of the closet, his farewell speech in the finale, discussions about decadents addressed to restaurant servants, generalizations about people of the 80s expressed by Anya and Varya, a word of praise to “Mother Nature” pronounced in front of a “walking company” - all it breathes inspiration, fervor, sincerity. But behind all this, Chekhov makes us see empty liberal phrase-mongering; hence in Gaev’s speech such vague, traditionally liberal expressions as: “bright ideals of goodness and justice.” The author shows the admiration of these characters for themselves, the desire to quench the insatiable thirst to express “beautiful feelings” in “beautiful words”, their focus only on their inner world, their experiences, isolation from “external” life.

Chekhov emphasizes that all these monologues, speeches, honest, disinterested, sublime, are unnecessary, pronounced “inappropriately.” He draws the viewer’s attention to this, forcing Anya and Varya to constantly, albeit gently, interrupt Gaev’s beginning rantings. The word inopportunely turns out to be the leitmotif not only for Epikhodov and Charlotte, but also for Ranevskaya and Gaev. Inopportunely speeches are made, inopportunely they throw a ball at the very time when the estate is being sold at auction, inopportunely at the moment of departure they start an explanation between Lopakhin and Varya, etc. And not only Epikhodov and Charlotte, but also Ranevskaya and Gaev turn out to be “klutzes”. Charlotte’s unexpected remarks no longer seem surprising to us: “My dog ​​even eats nuts.” These words are no more inappropriate than the “reasonings” of Gaev and Ranevskaya. Revealing in central characters features of similarity with the “minor” comedic characters - Epikhodov and Charlotte - Chekhov subtly exposed his “noble heroes”.

The author of The Cherry Orchard achieved the same thing by bringing Ranevskaya and Gaev closer to Simeonov-Pishchik, another comedic character in the play. The landowner Simeonov-Pishchik is also kind, gentle, sensitive, impeccably honest, childishly trusting, but he is also inactive, a “klutz.” His estate is also on the verge of destruction and the plans for preserving it, just like those of Gaev and Ranevskaya, are not viable, they feel a calculation of chance: his daughter Dashenka will win, someone will give him a loan, etc.

Giving Pischik another option in his fate: he is saving himself from ruin, his estate is not yet being sold at auction. Chekhov emphasizes both the temporary nature of this relative well-being and its unstable source, which does not at all depend on Pishchik himself, i.e., he emphasizes even more the historical doom of the owners noble estates. In the image of Pishchik, the isolation of the nobles from “external” life, their limitations, and emptiness are even clearer. Chekhov deprived him of even his external cultural gloss. Pishchik’s speech, reflecting his wretchedness inner world, is brought closer by Chekhov in a subtle mocking manner to the speech of other noble characters and, thus, the tongue-tied Pischik is equated with the eloquent Gaev. Pishchik’s speech is also emotional, but these emotions also only cover up the lack of content (it’s not for nothing that Pishchik himself falls asleep and snores during his “speeches”). Pishchik constantly uses epithets in the superlative degree: “a man of enormous intelligence”, “most worthy”, “greatest”, “most wonderful”, “most respectable”, etc. The poverty of emotions is revealed primarily in the fact that these epithets apply equally to Lopakhin , and to Nietzsche, and to Ranevskaya, and to Charlotte, and to the weather. Gaev’s exaggerated “emotional” speeches, addressed to the closet, to sex, to Mother Nature, are neither give nor take. Pishchik's speech is also monotonous. “Just think!” - with these words Pishchik reacts to both Charlotte’s tricks and philosophical theories. His actions and words also turn out to be inappropriate. Inopportunely, he interrupts Lopakhin’s serious warnings about the sale of the estate with questions: “What’s in Paris? How? Did you eat frogs? Inopportunely asks Ranevskaya for a loan of money when the fate of the owners of the cherry orchard is being decided, inopportunely, obsessively constantly refers to the words of his daughter Dashenka, unclearly, vaguely, conveying their meaning.

Strengthening the comedic nature of this character in the play, Chekhov, in the process of working on him, additionally introduced episodes and words into the first act that created a comic effect: an episode with pills, a conversation about frogs.

Denouncing the ruling class - the nobility - Chekhov persistently thinks for himself and makes the viewer think about the people. This is the strength of Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard. We feel that the author has such a negative attitude towards the idleness and idle talk of the Ranevskys, Gaevs, Simeonovs-Pishchikovs, because he guesses the connection of all this with difficult situation people, defends the interests of the broad masses of working people. It was not for nothing that the censorship at one time removed from the play: “The workers eat disgustingly, sleep without pillows, thirty or forty in one room, there are bedbugs and stench everywhere.” “To own living souls - after all, this has reborn all of you, who lived before and are now living, so that your mother, you, uncle no longer notice that you are living in debt, at the expense of others, at the expense of those people whom you do not allow further than the front."

In comparison with Chekhov’s previous plays, in “The Cherry Orchard” the theme of the people is much stronger, and it is clearer that the author denounces the “lords of life” in the name of the people. But the people here are mainly “off-stage”.

Without making the working man either an open commentator or a positive hero of the play, Chekhov, however, sought to provoke thought about him, about his situation, and this is the undoubted progressiveness of The Cherry Orchard. The constant mentions of the people in the play, the images of servants, especially Firs, acting on stage, make you think.

Showing only just before his death a glimpse of consciousness in the slave Firs, Chekhov deeply sympathizes with him and gently reproaches him: “Life has passed, as if you had never lived... You don’t have Silushka, there’s nothing left, nothing... "Eh, you... klutz."

For the tragic fate of Firs, Chekhov blames his masters even more than himself. He speaks of the tragic fate of Firs not as a manifestation of the evil will of his masters. Moreover, Chekhov shows that good people - the inhabitants of the noble nest - even seem to care that the sick servant Firs is sent to the hospital. - “They sent Firs to the hospital?” - “Have they taken Firs to the hospital?” - “Have they taken Firs to the hospital?” - “Mom, Firs has already been sent to the hospital.” Outwardly, the culprit turns out to be Yasha, who answered the question about Firs in the affirmative, as if he had misled those around him.

Firs was left in a boarded up house - this fact can also be considered as tragic accident, for which no one is to blame. And Yasha could be sincerely confident that the order to send Firs to the hospital had been carried out. But Chekhov makes us understand that this “accident” is natural, it is an everyday phenomenon in the lives of the frivolous Ranevskys and Gaevs, who are not deeply concerned about the fate of their servants. In the end, the circumstances would have changed little if Firs had been sent to the hospital: all the same, he would have died, lonely, forgotten, far from the people to whom he gave his life.

There is a hint in the play that Firs' fate is not unique. The life and death of the old nanny and servants Anastasius were just as inglorious and also passed by the consciousness of their masters. The soft, loving Ranevskaya, with her characteristic frivolity, does not react at all to the message about the death of Anastasia, about leaving the estate for the city of Petrushka Kosoy. And the nanny’s death did not make much of an impression on her; she does not remember her with a single kind word. We can imagine that Ranevskaya will respond to the death of Firs with the same insignificant, vague words with which she responded to the death of her nanny: “Yes, the kingdom of heaven. They wrote to me."

Meanwhile, Chekhov makes us understand that remarkable possibilities are hidden in Firs: high morality, selfless love, folk wisdom. Throughout the play, among idle, inactive people, he - an 87-year-old old man - is shown alone as an eternally preoccupied, troublesome worker (“alone for the whole house”).

Following his principle of individualizing the speech of the characters, Chekhov gave the words of the old man Firs, for the most part, a fatherly, caring and grumpy intonation. Avoiding false popular expressions, without abusing dialectisms (“lackeys should speak simply, without let and without now” vol. XIV, p. 362), the author endowed Firs with a pure in folk speech, which is not devoid of specific words characteristic only of him: “klutz”, “in pieces”.

Gaev and Ranevskaya pronounce long, coherent, sublime or sensitive monologues, and these “speeches” turn out to be “inappropriate.” Firs, on the other hand, mutters incomprehensible words that seem incomprehensible to others, which no one listens to, but it is his words that the author uses as apt words reflecting the experience of life, the wisdom of a person from the people. Firs's word "klutz" is heard many times in the play; it characterizes all the characters. The word “in pieces” (“now everything is in pieces, you won’t understand anything”) indicates the nature of post-reform life in Russia. It defines the relationships between people in the play, the alienation of their interests, and misunderstanding of each other. The specificity of the dialogue in the play is also connected with this: everyone talks about his own, usually without listening, without thinking about what his interlocutor said:

Dunyasha: And to me, Ermolai Alekseich, I must admit, Epikhodov made an offer.

Lopakhin: Ah!

Dunyasha: I don’t know how... He’s an unhappy person, something happens every day. They tease him like that: twenty-two misfortunes...

Lopakhin (listens): Looks like they’re coming...

For the most part, the words of one character are interrupted by the words of others, leading away from the thought just expressed.

Chekhov often uses the words of Firs to show the movement of life and the loss at the present time of the former strength, the former power of the nobles as a privileged class: “Before, generals, barons, admirals danced at our balls, but now we send for the postal official and the station master, and even those They’re not going out to hunt.”

Firs, with his every minute concern for Gaev as a helpless child, destroys the viewer’s illusions that might arise based on Gaev’s words about his future as a “bank official”, “financier”. Chekhov wants to leave the viewer with the consciousness of the impossibility of reviving these unworking people to any kind of activity. Therefore, Gaev has only to utter the words: “They are offering me a place in the bank. Six thousand a year...”, as Chekhov reminds the viewer of Gaev’s lack of viability, his helplessness. Firs appears. He brings a coat: “If you please, sir, put it on, it’s damp.”

By showing other servants in the play: Dunyasha, Yasha, Chekhov also denounces the “noble” landowners. He makes the viewer understand the pernicious influence of the Ranevskys and Gaevs on people in the working environment. The atmosphere of idleness and frivolity has a detrimental effect on Dunyasha. From the gentlemen she learned sensitivity, hypertrophied attention to her “delicate feelings” and experiences, “refinement”... She dresses like a young lady, is absorbed in issues of love, constantly listens warily to her “refined-tender” organization: “I have become anxious, I’m still worried... She has become tender, so delicate, noble, I’m afraid of everything...” “My hands are shaking.” “The cigar gave me a headache.” “It’s a little damp in here.” “Dancing makes you dizzy, your heart beats,” etc. Like her masters, she developed a passion for “beautiful” words, for “beautiful” feelings: “He loves me madly,” “I fell in love with you passionately.”

Dunyasha, like her masters, does not have the ability to understand people. Epikhodov seduces her with sensitive, albeit incomprehensible, words, Yasha with “education” and the ability to “reason about everything.” Chekhov exposes the absurd comedy of such a conclusion about Yasha, for example, by forcing Dunyasha to express this conclusion between two of Yasha’s remarks, testifying to Yasha’s ignorance, narrow-mindedness and inability to think, reason and act at all logically:

Yasha (kisses her): Cucumber! Of course, every girl must remember herself, and what I don’t like most is if a girl has bad behavior... In my opinion, it’s like this: if a girl loves someone, then she is immoral...

Like her masters, Dunyasha speaks inappropriately and acts inappropriately. She often says about herself what people, like Ranevskaya and Gaev, think about themselves and even let others feel, but do not directly express in words. And this creates a comic effect: “I’m such a delicate girl, I really love gentle words.” In the final version, Chekhov strengthened these features in the image of Dunyasha. He added: “I’m going to faint.” “Everything went cold.” “I don’t know what will happen to my nerves.” "Now leave me alone, now I'm dreaming." "I am a gentle creature."

Chekhov attached great importance to the image of Dunyasha and was worried about the correct interpretation of this role in the theater: “Tell the actress playing the maid Dunyasha to read The Cherry Orchard in the Knowledge edition or in proof; there she will see where she needs to powder, and so on. and so on. Let him read it without fail: everything in your notebooks is mixed up and smeared.” The author makes us think more deeply about the fate of this comic character and see that this fate, in essence, also by the grace of the “masters of life,” is tragic. Cut off from her working environment (“I’m unaccustomed to simple life”), Dunyasha lost her ground (“she doesn’t remember herself”), but did not acquire a new support in life. Her future is predicted in the words of Firs: “You will spin.”

Chekhov also shows the destructive impact of the world of the Ranevskys, Gaevs, Pischikov in the image of the lackey Yasha. Witnessing the easy, carefree and vicious life of Ranevskaya in Paris, he is infected with indifference to his homeland, people and a constant desire for pleasure. Yasha expresses more directly, sharply, more rudely what, in essence, is the meaning of Ranevskaya’s actions: the attraction to Paris, the careless and contemptuous attitude towards the “uneducated country”, “ignorant people”. He, like Ranevskaya, is bored in Russia (“yawns” is the author’s insistent remark for Yasha). Chekhov makes it clear to us that Yasha was corrupted by Ranevskaya’s careless recklessness. Yasha robs her, lies to her and others. Easy example Ranevskaya’s life, her mismanagement developed Yasha’s claims and desires beyond his capabilities: he drinks champagne, smokes cigars, orders expensive dishes in a restaurant. Yasha’s intelligence is just enough to adapt to Ranevskaya and take advantage of her weaknesses for personal gain. Outwardly, he remains devoted to her and behaves politely and helpfully. He adopted a “well-mannered” tone and words when dealing with a certain circle of people: “I can’t disagree with you,” “let me make a request to you.” Valuing her position, Yasha strives to create a better impression of herself than she deserves, she is afraid of losing Ranevskaya’s trust (hence the author’s remarks: “looks around”, “listens”). Hearing, for example, that “the gentlemen are coming,” he sends Dunyasha home, “otherwise they will meet and think of me as if I’m on a date with you. I can’t stand it.”

Chekhov thus simultaneously exposes both the deceitful lackey Yasha and the gullible, thoughtless Ranevskaya, who keeps him close to her. Chekhov blames not only him, but also the masters, for the fact that Yasha found himself in the absurd position of a man who “does not remember his kinship” and who has lost his environment. For Yasha, who is removed from his native element, men, servants, and a peasant mother are already people of a “lower order”; he is harsh or selfishly indifferent towards them.

Yasha is infected by his masters with a passion to philosophize, to “speak out,” and, like them, his words are at odds with his life practice, with his behavior (relationship with Dunyasha).

A.P. Chekhov saw in life and reproduced in the play another version of the fate of a man from the people. We learn that Lopakhin’s father, a peasant, a serf, who was also not even allowed into the kitchen, after the reform he “made it into the people,” became rich, became a shopkeeper, an exploiter of the people.

In the play, Chekhov shows his son - a bourgeois new formation. This is no longer a “grimy”, not a tyrant merchant, despotic, rude, like his father. Chekhov specifically warned the actors: “Lopakhin, it’s true, is a merchant, but a decent person in every sense, he must behave quite decently, intelligently.” “Lopakhin should not be played as a loudmouth... He is a gentle person.”

While working on the play, Chekhov even enhanced the features of gentleness and external “decency, intelligence” in the image of Lopakhin. Thus, he included in the final edition Lopakhin’s lyrical words addressed to Ranevskaya: “I would like... for your amazing, touching eyes to look at me as before.” Chekhov added to the description given to Lopakhin by Trofimov the words: “After all, I still love you. You have thin, delicate fingers, like an artist, you have a subtle, gentle soul...”

In Lopakhin’s speech, Chekhov emphasizes sharp, commanding and didactic intonations when he addresses the servants: “Leave me alone. I'm tired of it." “Bring me some kvass.” “We must remember ourselves.” In Lopakhin’s speech, Chekhov crosses various elements: it senses both the life practice of Lopakhin the merchant (“he gave forty”, “the least”, “net income”) and peasant origin (“if”, “that’s it”, “played the fool”, “to tear his nose”, “with a pig’s snout in a row of guns”, “hanging out with you”, “was drunk”), and the influence of lordly, pathetically sensitive speech: “I think: “Lord, you gave us... vast fields , the deepest horizons...” “I just wish that you would still believe me, that your amazing, touching eyes would look at me as before.” Lopakhin's speech takes on different shades depending on his attitude towards the listeners, towards the very subject of the conversation, depending on his state of mind. Lopakhin speaks seriously and excitedly about the possibility of selling the estate, warns the owners of the cherry orchard; his speech at this moment is simple, correct, clear. But Chekhov shows that Lopakhin, feeling his strength, even his superiority over the frivolous, impractical nobles, is a little flirtatious with his democracy, deliberately contaminates book expressions (“a figment of your imagination, covered in the darkness of the unknown”), and deliberately distorts the grammatical and stylistic forms perfectly known to him. By this, Lopakhin is simultaneously ironizing those who “seriously” use these cliched or wrong words and revolutions. So, for example, along with the word: “farewell,” Lopakhin says “goodbye” several times; along with the word “enormous” (“Lord, you gave us enormous forests”) he pronounces “enormous” - (“the cone, however, will jump up huge”), and the name Ophelia is probably deliberately distorted by Lopakhin, who memorized Shakespeare’s text and almost who paid attention to the sound of Ophelia’s words: “Ophmelia, O nymph, remember me in your prayers.” “Okhmelia, go to the monastery.”

When creating the image of Trofimov, Chekhov experienced certain difficulties, understanding possible censorship attacks: “I was mainly frightened by ... the unfinished state of the student Trofimov. After all, Trofimov is constantly in exile, he is constantly expelled from the university, but how do you portray these things? In fact, student Trofimov appeared before the viewer at a time when the public was agitated by student “unrest.” Chekhov and his contemporaries witnessed the fierce but inconclusive struggle waged against the “disobedient citizens” for several years by “... the Russian government... with the help of its numerous troops, police and gendarmes.”

In the image of the “eternal student” commoner, the son of a doctor - Trofimov, Chekhov showed the superiority of democracy over the noble-bourgeois “lordship”. Chekhov contrasts the antisocial, antipatriotic idle life of Ranevskaya, Gaev, Pischik, and the destructive “activity” of the acquirer-owner Lopakhin with the search for social truth by Trofimov, who fervently believes in the triumph of a just social life in the near future. When creating the image of Trofimov, Chekhov wanted to preserve a measure of historical justice. Therefore, on the one hand, he opposed the conservative noble circles, which saw modern democratic intellectuals as immoral, mercantile, ignorant “grimy”, “cook’s children” (see the image of the reactionary Rashevich in the story “On the Estate”); on the other hand, Chekhov wanted to avoid idealizing Trofimov, since he perceived a certain limitation of the Trofimovs in creating a new life.

In accordance with this, the democratic student Trofimov is shown in the play as a man of exceptional honesty and selflessness; he is not constrained by established traditions and prejudices, mercantile interests, or an addiction to money and property. Trofimov is poor, suffers hardships, but categorically refuses to “live at someone else’s expense” or borrow money. Trofimov’s observations and generalizations are broad, intelligent and objectively fair: nobles “live in debt, at someone else’s expense”, temporary “masters”, “ beasts of prey"- the bourgeois are making limited plans for the reconstruction of life, the intellectuals are doing nothing, are not looking for anything, the workers live badly, “they eat disgustingly, sleep... thirty or forty in one room.” Trofimov’s principles (work, live for the sake of the future) are progressive and altruistic; His role - as a herald of the new, as an educator - should evoke the respect of the viewer.

But with all this, Chekhov shows in Trofimov some traits of limitation and inferiority, and the author finds in him the traits of a “klutz” that brings Trofimov closer to other characters in the play. The breath of the world of Ranevskaya and Gaev also affects Trofimov, despite the fact that he fundamentally does not accept their way of life and is confident in the hopelessness of their situation: “there is no going back.” Trofimov speaks indignantly about idleness and “philosophizing” (“We only philosophize,” “I’m afraid serious conversations"), and he also does little, talks a lot, loves teachings, ringing phrases. In Act II, Chekhov forces Trofimov to refuse to continue the idle, abstract “yesterday’s conversation” about a “proud man,” while in Act IV he forces Trofimov to call himself a proud man. Chekhov shows that Trofimov is not active in life, that his existence is subject to elemental forces (“fate drives him”), and he himself unreasonably denies himself even personal happiness.

In the play “The Cherry Orchard” this does not happen positive hero, which would be fully consistent with the pre-revolutionary era. The time required a writer-propagandist whose loud voice would sound both in open denunciation and in the positive beginning of his works. Chekhov's distance from the revolutionary struggle muffled his authorial voice, softened his satire, and was expressed in the lack of specificity of his positive ideals.

Comedy in 4 acts

Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna, landowner. Anya, her daughter, 17 years old. Varya, her stepdaughter, 24 years old. Gaev Leonid Andreevich, brother of Ranevskaya. Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich, merchant. Trofimov Petr Sergeevich, student. Simeonov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich, landowner. Charlotte Ivanovna, governess. Epikhodov Semyon Panteleevich, clerk. Dunyasha, maid. Firs, footman, old man 87 years old. Yasha, a young footman. Passerby. Station Manager. Postal official. Guests, servants.

The action takes place on the estate of L.A. Ranevskaya.

Act one

A room that is still called a nursery. One of the doors leads to Anya's room. Dawn is coming soon the sun will rise. It’s already May, the cherry trees are blooming, but it’s cold in the garden, it’s morning. The windows in the room are closed.

Dunyasha enters with a candle and Lopakhin with a book in his hand.

Lopakhin. The train arrived, thank God. What time is it now? Dunyasha. Soon it's two. (Puts out the candle.) It’s already light. Lopakhin. How late was the train? For at least two hours. (Yawns and stretches.) I'm good, what a fool I've been! I came here on purpose to meet him at the station, and suddenly overslept... I fell asleep while sitting. It's a shame... I wish you could wake me up. Dunyasha. I thought you left. (Listens.) Looks like they're already on their way. Lopakhin (listens). No... Get your luggage, this and that...

Lyubov Andreevna lived abroad for five years, I don’t know what she’s become now... She’s a good person. An easy, simple person. I remember when I was a boy of about fifteen, my late father - he was selling in a shop here in the village - hit me in the face with his fist, blood came out of my nose... Then we came together to the yard for some reason, and he was drunk. Lyubov Andreevna, as I remember now, still young, so thin, led me to the washstand, in this very room, in the nursery. “Don’t cry, he says, little man, he’ll heal before the wedding...”

A peasant... My father, it’s true, was a peasant, but here I am in a white vest and yellow shoes. With a pig's snout in a Kalash row... Just now he's rich, a lot of money, but if you think about it and figure it out, then the man is a man... (Flips through the book.) I read the book and didn’t understand anything. I read and fell asleep.

Dunyasha. And the dogs didn’t sleep all night, they sense that their owners are coming. Lopakhin. What are you, Dunyasha, so... Dunyasha. Hands are shaking. I'll faint. Lopakhin. You are very gentle, Dunyasha. And you dress like a young lady, and so does your hairstyle. You can not do it this way. We must remember ourselves.

Epikhodov enters with a bouquet; he is wearing a jacket and brightly polished boots that squeak loudly; upon entering, he drops the bouquet.

Epikhodov (raises the bouquet). So the Gardener sent it, he says, to put it in the dining room. (Gives Dunyasha a bouquet.) Lopakhin. And bring me some kvass. Dunyasha. I'm listening. (Leaves.) Epikhodov. It's morning, the frost is three degrees, and the cherry trees are all in bloom. I cannot approve of our climate. (Sighs.) I can’t. Our climate may not be conducive just right. Here, Ermolai Alekseich, let me add to you, I bought myself boots the day before, and they, I dare to assure you, squeak so much that there is no way. What should I lubricate it with? Lopakhin. Leave me alone. Tired of it. Epikhodov. Every day some misfortune happens to me. And I don’t complain, I’m used to it and even smile.

Dunyasha comes in and gives Lopakhin kvass.

I will go. (Bumps into a chair, which falls.) Here... (As if triumphant.) You see, excuse the expression, what a circumstance, by the way... This is simply wonderful! (Leaves.)

Dunyasha. And to me, Ermolai Alekseich, I must admit, Epikhodov made an offer. Lopakhin. A! Dunyasha. I don’t know how... He’s a quiet man, but sometimes when he starts talking, you won’t understand anything. It’s both good and sensitive, just incomprehensible. I kind of like him. He loves me madly. He is an unhappy person, something happens every day. They tease him like that: twenty-two misfortunes... Lopakhin (listens). Looks like they're coming... Dunyasha. They're coming! What's wrong with me... I'm completely cold. Lopakhin. They really are going. Let's go meet. Will she recognize me? We haven't seen each other for five years. Dunyasha (excited). I'm going to fall... Oh, I'm going to fall!

You can hear two carriages approaching the house. Lopakhin and Dunyasha quickly leave. The stage is empty. There is noise in the neighboring rooms. Firs, who had gone to meet Lyubov Andreevna, hurriedly passes across the stage, leaning on a stick; he is in an old livery and a tall hat; He says something to himself, but not a single word can be heard. The noise behind the stage is getting louder and louder. Voice: “Let’s go here...” Lyubov Andreevna, Anya and Charlotte Ivanovna with a dog on a chain, dressed for travel. Varya in a coat and scarf, Gaev, Simeonov-Pishchik, Lopakhin, Dunyasha with a bundle and an umbrella, a servant with things - everyone is walking through the room.

Anya. Let's go here. Do you, mom, remember which room this is? Lyubov Andreevna (joyfully, through tears). Children's!
Varya . It's so cold, my hands are numb. (To Lyubov Andreevna.) Your rooms, white and purple, remain the same, mommy. Lyubov Andreevna. Children's room, my dear, beautiful room... I slept here when I was little... (Crying.) And now I'm like a little girl... (Kisses his brother, Varya, then his brother again.) But Varya is still the same, she looks like a nun. And I recognized Dunyasha... (Kisses Dunyasha.) Gaev. The train was two hours late. What's it like? What are the procedures? Charlotte (to Pishchik). My dog ​​also eats nuts. Pishchik (surprised). Just think!

Everyone leaves except Anya and Dunyasha.

Dunyasha. We're tired of waiting... (Takes off Anya’s coat and hat.) Anya. I didn’t sleep on the road for four nights... now I’m very cold. Dunyasha. You left during Lent, then there was snow, there was frost, but now? My darling! (Laughs, kisses her.) I've been waiting for you, my sweet little light... I'll tell you now, I can't stand it for one minute... Anya (sluggishly). Something again... Dunyasha. The clerk Epikhodov proposed to me after the Saint. Anya. You're all about one thing... (Straightens her hair.) I lost all my pins... (She is very tired, even staggering.) Dunyasha. I don't know what to think. He loves me, he loves me so much! Anya (looks at his door, tenderly). My room, my windows, as if I never left. I'm home! Tomorrow morning I’ll get up and run to the garden... Oh, if only I could sleep! I didn’t sleep the whole way, I was tormented by anxiety. Dunyasha. On the third day Pyotr Sergeich arrived. Anya (joyfully). Peter! Dunyasha. They sleep in the bathhouse and live there. I'm afraid, they say, to embarrass me. (Looking at his pocket watch.) We should have woken them up, but Varvara Mikhailovna didn’t order it. You, he says, don’t wake him up.

Varya enters, she has a bunch of keys on her belt.

Varya . Dunyasha, coffee quickly... Mommy asks for coffee. Dunyasha. Just a minute. (Leaves.) Varya . Well, thank God, we've arrived. You're home again. (Caresing.) My darling has arrived! The beauty has arrived! Anya. I've suffered enough. Varya . I'm imagining! Anya. I left during Holy Week, it was cold then. Charlotte talks the whole way, performing tricks. And why did you force Charlotte on me... Varya . You can’t go alone, darling. At seventeen! Anya. We arrive in Paris, it’s cold and snowy. I speak French badly. Mom lives on the fifth floor, I come to her, she has some French ladies, an old priest with a book, and it’s smoky, uncomfortable. I suddenly felt sorry for my mother, so sorry, I hugged her head, squeezed her with my hands and couldn’t let go. Mom then kept caressing and crying... Varya (through tears). Don't talk, don't talk... Anya. She had already sold her dacha near Menton, she had nothing left, nothing. I also didn’t have a penny left, we barely got there. And mom doesn't understand! We sit down at the station for lunch, and she demands the most expensive thing and gives the footmen a ruble each as a tip. Charlotte too. Yasha also demands a portion for himself, it’s just terrible. After all, mom has a footman, Yasha, we brought him here... Varya . I saw a scoundrel. Anya. Well, how? Did you pay interest? Varya . Where exactly. Anya. My God, my God... Varya . The estate will be sold in August... Anya. My God... Lopakhin (looks through the door and hums). Me-e-e... (Leaves.) Varya (through tears). That's how I would give it to him... (Shakes his fist.) Anya (hugs Varya, quietly). Varya, did he propose? (Varya shakes her head negatively.) After all, he loves you... Why don’t you explain what you’re waiting for? Varya . I don't think anything will work out for us. He has a lot to do, he has no time for me... and he doesn’t pay attention. God be with him, it’s hard for me to see him... Everyone talks about our wedding, everyone congratulates, but in reality there is nothing, everything is like a dream... (In a different tone.) Your brooch looks like a bee. Anya (sad). Mom bought this. (He goes to his room, speaks cheerfully, like a child.) And in Paris I'm on hot-air balloon flew! Varya . My darling has arrived! The beauty has arrived!

Dunyasha has already returned with a coffee pot and is making coffee.

(Stands near the door.) I, my dear, spend the whole day doing housework and still dreaming. I would marry you off to a rich man, and then I would be at peace, I would go to the desert, then to Kyiv... to Moscow, and so on I would go to holy places... I would go and go. Splendor!..
Anya. Birds sing in the garden. What time is it now? Varya . It must be the third one. It's time for you to sleep, darling. (Entering Anya’s room.) Splendor!

Yasha comes in with a blanket and a travel bag.

Yasha (walks across the stage, delicately). Can I go here, sir? Dunyasha. And you won’t recognize you, Yasha. What have you become abroad? Yasha. Hm... Who are you? Dunyasha. When you left here, I was like... (Points from the floor.) Dunyasha, Fedora Kozoedov's daughter. You do not remember! Yasha. Hm... Cucumber! (Looks around and hugs her; she screams and drops the saucer. Yasha quickly leaves.) Varya (at the door, in a dissatisfied voice). What else is there? Dunyasha (through tears). I broke the saucer... Varya . This is good. Anya (leaving his room). I should warn my mother: Petya is here... Varya . I ordered him not to wake him. Anya (thoughtfully.) Six years ago my father died, a month later my brother Grisha, a pretty seven-year-old boy, drowned in the river. Mom couldn’t bear it, she left, left, without looking back... (Shudders.) How I understand her, if only she knew!

And Petya Trofimov was Grisha’s teacher, he can remind you...

Firs enters; he is wearing a jacket and a white vest.

Firs (goes to the coffee pot, worried). The lady will eat here... (Puts on white gloves.) Is your coffee ready? (Strictly to Dunyasha.) You! What about cream? Dunyasha. Oh, my God... (Quickly leaves.) Firs (busts around the coffee pot). Eh, you klutz... (Mumbling to himself.) We came from Paris... And the master once went to Paris... on horseback... (Laughs.) Varya . Firs, what are you talking about? Firs. What do you want? (Joyfully.) My lady has arrived! Waited for it! Now at least die... (Cries with joy.)

Enter Lyubov Andreevna, Gaev, Lopakhin and Simeonov-Pishchik; Simeonov-Pishchik in a thin cloth undershirt and trousers. Gaev, entering, makes movements with his arms and body, as if playing billiards.

Lyubov Andreevna. Like this? Let me remember... Yellow in the corner! Doublet in the middle!
Gaev. I'm cutting into the corner! Once upon a time, you and I, sister, slept in this very room, and now I am already fifty-one years old, oddly enough... Lopakhin. Yes, time is ticking. Gaev. Whom? Lopakhin. Time, I say, is ticking. Gaev. And here it smells like patchouli. Anya. I'll go to bed. Good night, Mother. (Kisses mother.) Lyubov Andreevna. My beloved child. (Kisses her hands.) Are you glad you're home? I won't come to my senses.
Anya. Goodbye, uncle. Gaev (kisses her face, hands). The Lord is with you. How similar you are to your mother! (To her sister.) You, Lyuba, were exactly like that at her age.

Anya shakes hands with Lopakhin and Pishchik, leaves and closes the door behind her.

Lyubov Andreevna. She was very tired.
Pischik. The road is probably long. Varya (Lopakhin and Pishchik). Well, gentlemen? It's the third hour, it's time to know the honor. Lyubov Andreevna(laughs). You are still the same, Varya. (Draws her to him and kisses her.) I'll have some coffee, then we'll all leave.

Firs puts a pillow under her feet.

Thank you dear. I'm used to coffee. I drink it day and night. Thank you, my old man. (Kisses Firs.)

Varya . To see if all the things were brought... (Leaves.) Lyubov Andreevna. Is it really me sitting? (Laughs.) I want to jump and wave my arms. (Covers his face with his hands.) What if I'm dreaming! God knows, I love my homeland, I love it dearly, I couldn’t watch from the carriage, I kept crying. (Through tears.) However, you need to drink coffee. Thank you, Firs, thank you, my old man. I'm so glad you're still alive.
Firs. Day before yesterday. Gaev. He doesn't hear well. Lopakhin. Now, at five o'clock in the morning, I have to go to Kharkov. Such a shame! I wanted to look at you, talk... You are still just as gorgeous. Pishchik (breathes heavily). Even prettier... Dressed like a Parisian... my cart is lost, all four wheels... Lopakhin. Your brother, Leonid Andreich, says about me that I’m a boor, I’m a kulak, but that doesn’t really matter to me. Let him talk. I only wish that you would still believe me, that your amazing, touching eyes would look at me as before. Merciful God! My father was a serf to your grandfather and father, but you, in fact, you once did so much for me that I forgot everything and love you like my own... more than my own. Lyubov Andreevna. I can't sit, I can't... (Jumps up and walks around in great excitement.) I won’t survive this joy... Laugh at me, I’m stupid... The closet is my dear... (Kisses the closet.) The table is mine. Gaev. And without you, the nanny died here. Lyubov Andreevna (sits down and drinks coffee). Yes, the kingdom of heaven. They wrote to me. Gaev. And Anastasius died. Parsley Kosoy left me and now lives in the city with the bailiff. (Takes a box of lollipops out of his pocket and sucks.) Pischik. My daughter, Dashenka... I bow to you... Lopakhin. I want to tell you something very pleasant and funny. (Looking at his watch.) I’m leaving now, I don’t have time to talk... well, I’ll say it in two or three words. You already know that your cherry orchard is being sold for debts, an auction is scheduled for August twenty-second, but don’t worry, my dear, sleep well, there is a way out... Here is my project. Attention please! Your estate is located only twenty miles from the city, there is a railway nearby, and if the cherry orchard and the land along the river are divided into summer cottages and then rented out as summer cottages, then you will have at least twenty-five thousand a year in income. Gaev. Sorry, what nonsense! Lyubov Andreevna. I don’t quite understand you, Ermolai Alekseich. Lopakhin. You will take the smallest amount from the summer residents, twenty-five rubles a year for a tithe, and if you announce it now, then I guarantee anything, you won’t have a single free scrap left until the fall, everything will be taken away. In a word, congratulations, you are saved. The location is wonderful, the river is deep. Only, of course, we need to clean it up, clean it up... for example, say, demolish all the old buildings, this house, which is no longer good for anything, cut down the old cherry orchard... Lyubov Andreevna. Cut it down? My dear, forgive me, you don’t understand anything. If there is anything interesting, even wonderful, in the entire province, it is only our cherry orchard. Lopakhin. The only remarkable thing about this garden is that it is very large. Cherries are born once every two years, and there’s nowhere to put them, no one buys them. Gaev. And the Encyclopedic Dictionary mentions this garden. Lopakhin (looking at his watch). If we don’t come up with anything and come to nothing, then on August 22 both the cherry orchard and the entire estate will be sold at auction. Make up your mind! There is no other way, I swear to you. No and no. Firs. In the old days, about forty to fifty years ago, cherries were dried, soaked, pickled, jam was made, and it used to be... Gaev. Shut up, Firs. Firs. And it used to be that dried cherries were sent by cartload to Moscow and Kharkov. There was money! And dried cherries then were soft, juicy, sweet, fragrant... They knew the method then... Lyubov Andreevna. Where is this method now? Firs. Forgot. Nobody remembers. Pischik (To Lyubov Andreevna). What's in Paris? How? Did you eat frogs? Lyubov Andreevna. Ate crocodiles. Pischik. Just think... Lopakhin. Until now, there were only gentlemen and peasants in the village, but now there are also summer residents. All cities, even the smallest ones, are now surrounded by dachas. And we can say that in twenty years the summer resident will multiply to an extraordinary extent. Now he only drinks tea on the balcony, but it may happen that on his one tithe he will start farming, and then your cherry orchard will become happy, rich, luxurious... Gaev (indignant). What nonsense!

Varya and Yasha enter.

Varya . Here, mommy, there are two telegrams for you. (He selects a key and unlocks the antique cabinet with a jingle.) Here they are. Lyubov Andreevna. This is from Paris. (Tears up telegrams without reading.) It's over with Paris... Gaev. Do you know, Lyuba, how old this cabinet is? A week ago I pulled out the bottom drawer and looked and there were numbers burned into it. The cabinet was made exactly one hundred years ago. What's it like? A? We could celebrate the anniversary. An inanimate object, but still, after all, a bookcase. Pishchik (surprised). A hundred years... Just think!.. Gaev. Yes... This is a thing... (Having felt the closet.) Dear, respected closet! I greet your existence, which for more than a hundred years has been directed towards the bright ideals of goodness and justice; your silent call to fruitful work has not weakened for a hundred years, maintaining (through tears) in generations of our family vigor, faith in a better future and nurturing in us the ideals of goodness and social self-awareness. Lopakhin. Yes... Lyubov Andreevna. You are still the same, Lepya. Gaev (a little confused). From the ball to the right into the corner! I'm cutting it to medium! Lopakhin (looking at his watch). Well, I have to go. Yasha (gives Lyubov Andreevna medicine). Maybe you should take some pills now... Pischik. There is no need to take medications, my dear... they do no harm or good... Give it here... dear. (Takes the pills, pours them into his palm, blows on them, puts them in his mouth, and washes them down with kvass.) Here! Lyubov Andreevna(scared). You're crazy! Pischik. I took all the pills. Lopakhin. What a mess.

Everyone laughs.

Firs. They were with us on Holy Day, they ate half a bucket of cucumbers... (Mumbling.) Lyubov Andreevna. What is he talking about? Varya. He's been mumbling like this for three years now. We're used to it. Yasha. Advanced age.

Charlotte Ivanovna in a white dress, very thin, tight-fitting, with a lorgnette on her belt, she walks across the stage.

Lopakhin. Sorry, Charlotte Ivanovna, I haven’t had time to say hello to you yet. (Wants to kiss her hand.) Charlotte (removing her hand). If I let you kiss my hand, you will then wish on the elbow, then on the shoulder... Lopakhin. I'm having no luck today.

Everyone laughs.

Charlotte Ivanovna, show me the trick!

Lyubov Andreevna. Charlotte, show me a trick!
Charlotte. No need. I want to sleep. (Leaves.) Lopakhin. See you in three weeks. (Kisses Lyubov Andreevna’s hand.) Goodbye for now. It's time. (To Gaev.) Goodbye. (Kisses Pishchik.) Goodbye. (Gives his hand to Varya, then to Firs and Yasha.) I don't want to leave. (To Lyubov Andreevna.) If you think about dachas and decide, then let me know, I’ll get you a loan of fifty thousand. Seriously think about it. Varya (angrily). Yes, finally leave! Lopakhin. I'm leaving, I'm leaving... (Leaves.) Gaev. Ham. However, sorry... Varya is marrying him, this is Varya’s groom. Varya . Don't say too much, uncle. Lyubov Andreevna. Well, Varya, I will be very glad. He is a good man. Pischik. Man, we must tell the truth... the most worthy... And my Dashenka... also says that... she says different words. (Snores, but wakes up immediately.) But still, dear lady, lend me... a loan of two hundred and forty rubles... pay the interest on the mortgage tomorrow... Varya (scared). No, no! Lyubov Andreevna. I really have nothing. Pischik. There will be some. (Laughs.) I never lose hope. Now, I think, everything is gone, I’m dead, and lo and behold, the railroad passed through my land, and... they paid me. And then, look, something else will happen not today or tomorrow... Dashenka will win two hundred thousand... she has a ticket. Lyubov Andreevna. The coffee is drunk, you can rest. Firs (cleans Gaeva with a brush, instructively). They put on the wrong pants again. And what should I do with you! Varya (quietly). Anya is sleeping. (Quietly opens the window.) The sun has already risen, it’s not cold. Look, mommy: what wonderful trees! My God, the air! The starlings are singing! Gaev (opens another window). The garden is all white. Have you forgotten, Lyuba? This long alley goes straight, like a stretched belt, it sparkles on moonlit nights. Do you remember? Have you forgotten? Lyubov Andreevna (looks out the window at the garden). Oh, my childhood, my purity! I slept in this nursery, looked at the garden from here, happiness woke up with me every morning, and then he was exactly the same, nothing has changed. (Laughs with joy.) All, all white! Oh my garden! After a dark, stormy autumn and cold winter again you are young, full of happiness, the heavenly angels have not abandoned you... If only I could take the heavy stone off my chest and shoulders, if only I could forget my past! Gaev. Yes, and the garden will be sold for debts, oddly enough... Lyubov Andreevna. Look, the late mother is walking through the garden... in a white dress! (Laughs with joy.) That's her. Gaev. Where? Varya . The Lord is with you, mommy. Lyubov Andreevna. There is no one, it seemed to me. To the right, at the turn towards the gazebo, a white tree bent over, looking like a woman...

Trofimov enters, wearing a worn student uniform and glasses.

What an amazing garden! White masses of flowers, blue sky...

Trofimov. Lyubov Andreevna!

She looked back at him.

I will just bow to you and leave immediately. (Kisses his hand warmly.) I was ordered to wait until the morning, but I didn’t have enough patience...

Lyubov Andreevna looks in bewilderment.

Varya (through tears). This is Petya Trofimov... Trofimov. Petya Trofimov, former teacher your Grisha... Have I really changed that much?

Lyubov Andreevna hugs him and quietly cries.

Gaev (embarrassed). Full, full, Lyuba. Varya (crying). I told you, Petya, to wait until tomorrow. Lyubov Andreevna. Grisha is my... my boy... Grisha... son... Varya . What should I do, mommy? God's will. Trofimov (softly, through tears). It will be, it will be... Lyubov Andreevna(cries quietly). The boy died, drowned... Why? For what, my friend? (Quietly.) Anya is sleeping there, and I’m talking loudly... making noise... What, Petya? Why are you so stupid? Why have you aged? Trofimov. One woman in the carriage called me this: shabby gentleman. Lyubov Andreevna. You were just a boy then, a cute student, but now you don’t have thick hair and glasses. Are you still a student? (Goes to the door.) Trofimov. I must be a perpetual student. Lyubov Andreevna (kisses his brother, then Varya). Well, go to sleep... You too have aged, Leonid. Pishchik (follows her). So, now go to bed... Oh, my gout. I’ll stay with you... I would like, Lyubov Andreevna, my soul, tomorrow morning... two hundred and forty rubles... Gaev. And this one is all his own. Pischik. Two hundred and forty rubles... to pay interest on the mortgage. Lyubov Andreevna. I have no money, my dear. Pischik. I'll give it back, honey... The amount is trivial... Lyubov Andreevna. Well, okay, Leonid will give... You give it, Leonid. Gaev. I'll give it to him, keep your pocket. Lyubov Andreevna. What to do, give it... He needs... He will give it.

Lyubov Andreevna, Trofimov, Pischik and Firs leave. Gaev, Varya and Yasha remain.

Gaev. My sister has not yet gotten over the habit of wasting money. (To Yasha.) Move away, my dear, you smell like chicken. Yasha (with a grin). And you, Leonid Andreich, are still the same as you were. Gaev. Whom? (Vara.) What did he say? Varya (Yasha). Your mother came from the village, has been sitting in the common room since yesterday, wants to see you... Yasha. God bless her! Varya . Ah, shameless! Yasha. Very necessary. I could come tomorrow. (Leaves.) Varya . Mommy is the same as she was, hasn’t changed at all. If she had her way, she would give everything away. Gaev. Yes...

If a lot of remedies are offered against a disease, this means that the disease is incurable. I think, I’m racking my brains, I have a lot of money, a lot, and that means, in essence, none. It would be nice to receive an inheritance from someone, it would be nice to marry our Anya to a very rich man, it would be nice to go to Yaroslavl and try his luck with the aunt countess. My aunt is very, very rich.

Varya (crying). If only God would help. Gaev. Do not Cry. My aunt is very rich, but she doesn’t love us. My sister, firstly, married a lawyer, not a nobleman...

Anya appears at the door.

She married a non-nobleman and behaved in a manner that cannot be said to be very virtuous. She is good, kind, nice, I love her very much, but no matter how you come up with mitigating circumstances, I still have to admit that she is vicious. This is felt in her slightest movement.

Varya (whispers). Anya is standing at the door. Gaev. Whom?

Surprisingly, something got into my right eye... I couldn’t see well. And on Thursday, when I was in district court...

Anya enters.

Varya . Why aren't you sleeping, Anya? Anya. Can't sleep. I can not. Gaev. My baby. (Kisses Anya’s face and hands.) My child... (Through tears.) You are not a niece, you are my angel, you are everything to me. Believe me, believe... Anya. I believe you, uncle. Everyone loves and respects you... but, dear uncle, you need to be silent, just silent. What did you just say about my mother, about your sister? Why did you say this? Gaev. Yes Yes... (She covers her face with her hand.) Indeed, this is terrible! My God! God save me! And today I gave a speech in front of the closet... so stupid! And only when I finished did I realize that it was stupid. Varya . Really, uncle, you should be silent. Keep quiet, that's all. Anya. If you remain silent, then you yourself will be calmer. Gaev. I'm silent. (Kisses Anya and Varya’s hands.) I'm silent. Just about the matter. On Thursday I was in the district court, well, the company got together, a conversation began about this and that, fifth and tenth, and it seems that it will be possible to arrange a loan against bills to pay interest to the bank. Varya . If only God would help! Gaev. I'll go on Tuesday and talk again. (Vara.) Don’t cry. (Not.) Your mother will talk to Lopakhin; he, of course, will not refuse her... And when you have rested, you will go to Yaroslavl to see the countess, your grandmother. This is how we will act from three ends and our job is in the bag. We'll pay the interest, I'm sure... (Puts a lollipop in his mouth.) On my honor, I swear whatever you want, the estate will not be sold! (Excitedly.) I swear on my happiness! Here's my hand to you, then call me a crappy, dishonest person if I allow it to go to auction! I swear with all my being! Anya (the calm mood has returned to her, she is happy). How good you are, uncle, how smart! (Hugs uncle.) I'm at peace now! I'm at peace! I'm happy!

Firs enters.

Firs (reproachfully). Leonid Andreich, you are not afraid of God! When should you sleep? Gaev. Now. You go away, Firs. So be it, I’ll undress myself. Well, kids, bye-bye... Details tomorrow, now go to bed. (Kisses Anya and Varya.) I am a man of the eighties... They don’t praise this time, but I can still say that I got a lot in my life for my beliefs. No wonder the man loves me. You need to know the guy! You need to know which... Anya. You again, uncle! Varya . You, uncle, remain silent. Firs (angrily). Leonid Andreich! Gaev. I'm coming, I'm coming... Lie down. From two sides to the middle! I put clean... (He leaves, followed by Firs.) Anya. I'm at peace now. I don’t want to go to Yaroslavl, I don’t like my grandmother, but I’m still at peace. Thanks uncle. (Sits down.) Varya . Need sleep. I'll go. And here without you there was displeasure. In the old servants' quarters, as you know, only old servants live: Efimyushka, Polya, Evstigney, and Karp. They began to let some rogues spend the night with them - I remained silent. Only now, I hear, they spread a rumor that I ordered them to be fed only peas. From stinginess, you see... And this is all Evstigney... Okay, I think. If so, I think, then wait. I call Evstigney... (Yawns.) He comes... What about you, I say, Evstigney... you are such a fool... (Looking at Anya.) Anya!..

I fell asleep!.. (Takes Anya by the arm.) Let's go to bed... Let's go!.. (He leads her.) My darling has fallen asleep! Let's go to...

In Chekhov's work “The Cherry Orchard” many interesting characters are presented, who in one way or another create in the work the atmosphere that the author of this work, that is, Chekhov, intended. Among these characters, Charlotte Ivanovna should be highlighted.

Charlotte Ivanovna is a middle-aged woman of rather pleasant appearance, whom the author presents as a rather pleasant image. She looks neat enough to be described as a noble woman from a wealthy family, which she is.

In her image, the author tried to clarify the subtleties that he would like to convey in order to describe with completeness and clarity. That feminine arrogance and noble appearance make her image even more sophisticated than it already is.

In character, the woman is very extraordinary, which contrasts with her seemingly light and easy-to-perceive image. This woman is a mystery that not everyone can solve. There is that mysterious mystery in her character that makes people follow her and treat her with warmth and love.

Also, the author added a feature to her image that has always attracted and will continue to attract people to such a person. She is very independent and very free-thinking, regardless of anyone or anything outside. Nothing can change her mind, and no one can convince her of anything, which makes her a very interesting person, with her own unique opinion on everything that surrounds her. It is in this way that Chekhov draws attention to her uniqueness throughout the work, while all the others are simply the same type and not very interesting personalities to get acquainted with, Charlotte Ivanovna creates a unique contrast in which she stands out very much from the crowd.

But even with such a seemingly arrogant and arrogant character, she is not alien to kindness and mercy, which she shows throughout the entire work. Thus, we see that the author made it this way in order to make the reader understand that even people who at first glance seem very aloof and uninterested in the lives of others, in fact have very strong empathy, which allows them to effectively help others. Charlotte Ivanovna perfectly understands the feelings of her interlocutor, which allows him to win over her.

Image 2

One of the strangest and initially incomprehensible heroes " Cherry Orchard» Chekhov is served by Charlotte Ivanovna, governess of the Ranevsky family. I like some roles in the play, some disgust me, but the role of Charlotte has always been neutral in my mind and has little influence on anything. For me, this is just the most mysterious character in the entire play.

Its mystery lies in several aspects: firstly, it is difficult for the reader to understand why this image is needed, what it brings to the play, what its tasks are and what the reader should see in it. Secondly, Charlotte has no passport, no parents, no family, no husband, she does not know her origins and simply lives to live. And thirdly, Charlotte Ivanovna has no contact with the main event of the play - the sale of the estate.

We only know that Charlotte can perform magic tricks, speaks German, and sometimes spews out phrases that are illogical and inappropriate at first glance. And even greater mystery arises when you find out that for Chekhov it was best role throughout the play. The role is secondary, not possessing any character traits, why could Chekhov like it so much? It was this question that began to torment me when I learned about Anton Pavlovich’s words. After all, if the author himself singles out a certain role, especially since it is not the main role of the play, then you always want to understand: what did he see in it, why can’t I see what he saw and put into it?

This answer is hidden on the surface: if you judge, then all the characters in the play depend on their status, origin and fashion, then dominant in society. Charlotte Ivanovna is, as it were, an observer of everything that happens, she is not in a close relationship with anyone, she does not want to be a follower of fashion, like the lackey Yashka was, she has absolutely detached thoughts and remarks. I think that Chekhov wanted to put into this role the image of a person who rises above all the local problems in the play, Charlotte is above all these problems and worries, in her, at first glance, thoughtless remarks, there is the whole essence, the whole truth, because truth is born in the judgments of someone who is not dependent on or interested in any side of the discussion. Charlotte Ivanovna, in my humble opinion, is the image of a seed that sprouts in Ranevskaya’s house, a seed whose name is truth.

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