Names from Greek mean what. TOP Greek male names

in Russian names of Greek origin. Part 2.

Continuation of Russian names of Greek origin.

  1. Gordey - from Greek. named Γόρδιος (Gordios); meaning not clear
  2. Greta - from him. Greta - diminutive form of the name Margareta, Margarete (Margaret, Russian version - Margarita)
  3. Gregory - from Greek. named Γρηγόριος (Gregorios), origin. from γρήγορος (gregoros) - “vigilant”
  4. Damian - from Greek. named Δαμιανός (Damianos), origin. from δαμάζω (damaso) - “I tame, I humble”
  5. Daria - on behalf of Δαρείος (Dareios) - Greek. transcriptions of Persian male name Darayavausha may have originated. from Pers. dara - "possessing, possessing"
  6. Demid - from Greek. name Διομήδης (Diomedes, Diomidis): Δίας (Dias), “Diy, Zeus” + μέδομαι (medomai), “I think, I advise”
  7. Demian - see Damian
  8. Denis - from the name of the Greek. god Dionysus (Διόνυσος, Dionyusos)
  9. Diodorus - from Greek. named Διόδωρος (Diodoros) - “gift of Diya (Zeus)”
  10. Dmitry (Dimitri) - from Greek. named Δημήτριος (Demetrios) - “dedicated to Demeter (goddess of fertility)”
  11. Dorimedont (Dormedont, Dormidont) - possibly from the Greek. δόρυ (doryu, dori), "spear" + μέδω (honey), "to reign"
  12. Dorothea - see Dorothea
  13. Dorofey - from Greek. name Δωρόθεος (Dorotheos): δῶρον (doron), “gift, gift” + θεός (theos), “god”
  14. Dorothea - female form of Dorothea
  15. Dositheus - from Greek. named Δοσίθεος (Dositeos) - “given by God”
  16. Dosithea - female form from Dosithea
  17. Eugene - from Greek. named Ευγένιος (Eugenios), origin. from ευγενής (eugenes) - “high-born, descendant of a noble family”
  18. Evgeniya - female form from Evgeniy
  19. Evgraf (Evgrafiy) - from Greek. εὖ (eu), “good” + γράφω (grapho), “I write”, “well-written”
  20. Evdokim - from Greek. εὐδόκιμος (eudokimos) - “well-known”
  21. Evdokia - from Greek. name Εὐδοκία (Eudokia) - “benevolence”
  22. Eudoxia - from Greek. name Ευδοξία (Eudoxia): εὖ (eu), “kind, good” + δοξα (doxa), “glory”
  23. Eulalia - from Greek. εὖ (eu), "good" + λαλέω (laleo), "I say"
  24. Evlampius - from Greek. εὖ (eu), “good” + λάμπω (lampo), “candle, illuminating”; letters "good light"
  25. Eulampia - female form of Eulampia
  26. Eupraxia - from Greek. name Ευπραξία (Eupraxia) - lit. "good deeds"; figuratively - "benefactor"
  27. Evsey - see Eusebius
  28. Eusebius - from Greek. name Εὐσέβιος (Eusebios): εὐσεβής (eusebes) - “pious”
  29. Euphstachy - see Eustachius
  30. Eustachius - from Greek. named Εὐστάθιος (Eustathios) - “well (firmly) standing, steadfast, unchanging”
  31. Eutychius (Eutikh, Eutyphius) - from Greek. εὖ, (eu), “kind, good” + τύχη (quiet, tyukhe), “accident, lot, luck”
  32. Eutychia - female form of Eutyches
  33. Evfimy - see Efim
  34. Euphrasius - from Greek. εὖ (eu), “good” + φράζω (phraso), “I say, I state”
  35. Euphrasia - feminine form of Euphrasia
  36. Euphrosyne (Euphrosyne) - from Greek. named Εὐφροσύνη (Euphrosyne) - “joy”. In Greek mythology - the name of one of the harites (graces)
  37. Egor - see Georgy
  38. Catherine - from Greek. named Αικατερίνη (Aikaterina). The origin is controversial, perhaps from the Greek. καθαρός (katharos) - “pure”
  39. Elena - from Greek. name Ἑλένη (Helene), possibly origin. from ἐλένη (helene) - “torch, light”
  40. Eliconidas - from Greek. "born on Mount Helikon"
  41. Epimach - from Greek. ἐπιμαχέω (epimaheo) - “to help in battle, provide military assistance”
  42. Epiphanius (Epifan) - from Greek. name Ἐπιφάνειος (Epifaneios), origin. from ancient Greek ἐπιφανής (epiphanes) - “visible, obvious”, also - “noble, famous”
  43. Erasmus - from Greek. ἐράσμιος (erasmios) - “beloved, beloved”
  44. Ermak - see Ermolai
  45. Hermogenes - see Hermogenes
  46. Ermolai (Ermola) - from Greek. Ἑρμῆς (Hermes) + λαός (Laos) - “people”
  47. Jerome - see Jerome
  48. Erofey - from Greek. ἱερός (hieros), “sacred, dedicated” + θεός (theos, pheos), “god”; "dedicated to God(s)"
  49. Efim - from Greek. named Εὐφήμιος (Eufemios), origin. from εὔφημος (euphemos) - “benevolent, foretelling good”
  50. Euphrosyne (Efrosyne) - see Euphrosyne
  51. Zeno - see Zeno
  52. Zinaida - from Greek. named Ζηναϊς (Zenais) - “from the family of Zeus, Zeus”
  53. Zinovy ​​- from Greek. named Ζηνόβιος (Zenobios, Zinovios): Ζεύς (Zeus) + βίος (bios), "life"
  54. Zinovia - female form from Zinovy
  55. Zinon - from Greek. named Ζήνων (Zenon, Zinon) - “belonging to Zeus, Zeus”
  56. Zoil - from Greek. named Ζωίλος (Zoilos) - “merciful to animals”
  57. Zosima - from Greek. named Ζώσιμος (Zosimos) - “girded”, in a figurative sense - “preparing for something”
  58. Zotik (Zot) - from the Greek. ζωτικός (zotikos) - “vital, full of life”
  59. Zoya - from Greek. name ζωή (Zoe) - “life”
  60. Iakinthos (Iakinth) - from Greek. name Ὑάκινθος (Huaquinthos) - "hyacinth"
  61. Ianikit - see Anikita
  62. Jerome - from Greek. name Ιερώνυμος (Ieronimos): ἱερός (hieros), “sacred” + ὄνομα (onoma), “name”
  63. Hierotheus - see Erofey
  64. Izmaragd - see Smaragd
  65. Izosim - see Zosima
  66. Izot - see Zotik
  67. Ilarius - from Greek. ἱλαρός (hilaros) - "cheerful"
  68. Ilaria - female form of Ilarius
  69. Hilarion (Illarion) - prod. from Ilarius
  70. Iliodor - from Greek. named Ἡλιόδωρος (Heliodoros) - “gift of Helios, gift of the sun”
  71. Ilona is a name of Hungarian origin, possibly Hungarian. variant of the name Elena
  72. Ipatiy (Ipat) - from Greek. named Ὑπάτιος (Hyupatios), origin. from ὕπατος (hyupatos) - “highest”
  73. Hypatia - female form from Hypatia
  74. Hippolytus - from Greek. named Ἱππόλυτος (Hippolyutos) - “liberator of horses”
  75. Iraida - from Greek. "from the line of Hera"
  76. Irakli - from Greek. name Ἡρακλῆς (Heracles, Hercules), meaning. "glory of Hera"
  77. Irina - from Greek. named Εἰρήνη (Eirene) - “peaceful”
  78. Isidore - from Greek. named Ισίδωρος (Isidoros) - “gift of Isis”
  79. Isidora - female form from Isidore
  80. Iulitta - decrease. form of the Roman family name Julia (Julia), presumably originating. from Greek ϊουλος (yulos) - “fluffy, curly”
  81. Kaleria - possibly from the Greek. κάλλος (kallos) - “beautiful”
  82. Callinicus - from Greek. κάλλος (kallos), "beautiful" + νίκη (nike), "victory"
  83. Callistus - from Late Lat. named Callistus, origin. from Greek κάλλιστος (kallistos) - “most beautiful”
  84. Callista (Kalista) - female form from Kallista
  85. Kallistrat (Kalistrat) - from Greek. named Καλλιστράτος (Kallistratos): ancient Greek. κάλλος (kallos), “beautiful” + στρατός (stratos), “army”
  86. Carp - from Greek. named Κάρπος (Karpos) - “fruit”
  87. Katerina - see Ekaterina
  88. Cyrus - from Κύρος (Kiros) - Greek. forms Persian name Kûrush, possibly meaning "far-sighted" or origin. from Pers. khur - "sun". Sometimes this name is associated with the Greek. κύριος (kyrios) - “lord, Lord”
  89. Kira - female form of Kira
  90. Kyriak (Kiryak) - from Greek. named Κυριάκος (Kyriakos), origin. from κύριος (kyrios) - “lord, Lord”
  91. Kirill - from Greek. named Κύριλλος (Kirillos), origin. from κύριος (kyrios) - “lord, Lord”
  92. Kirsan - see Chrysanthos
  93. Cleopatra - from Greek. named Κλεοπάτρα (Cleopatra): κλέος (kleos), “glory” + πατήρ (pater), “father”
  94. Kozma - see Kosma
  95. Konon - from Greek. name Κόνων (Konon), origin is unclear
  96. Cosmas - from Greek. named Κοσμάς (Cosmas), origin. from κόσμος (space) - “order”
  97. Ksenia - from Greek. named after Ξενία (Xenia) - “hospitable”
  98. Xenophon - from Greek. name Ξενοφῶν (Xenophon): ξένος (xenos), “stranger, foreign” + φωνή (phone), “voice”; letters - "speaking a foreign language"
  99. Kuzma - see Kosma
  100. Laktion - see Galaktion
  101. Larion - see Hilarion
  102. Leo - tracing paper from Greek. named Λέων (Leon); borrowed from d.-v.-s. lеwo, from lat. leō, Greek λέων (leon)
  103. Leonid - from Greek. named Λεωνίδας (Leonidas), origin. from λέων (leon), “lion” + patronymic. suffix; letters "descendant of the lion"
  104. Leonty - from Greek. named Λεόντιος (Leontios), origin. from λέων (leon) - "lion"
  105. Lesya - see Elena
  106. Lydia - from Greek. named Λυδία (Lydia), origin. from the name of the region in Asia Minor - Lydia
  107. Lin - from Greek. named Λῖνος (Linos) - “flax”
  108. Lipat (Lipaty) - see Hypaty
  109. Liodor - see Iliodor
  110. Lukerya - see Glykeria
  111. Macarius (Makar) - from Greek. named Μακάριος (Makarios), origin. from μάκαρ (makar) - “blessed, happy”
  112. Margarita - from lat. named Margarita, origin. from Greek μαργαρίτης (margarites) - “pearl”
  113. Melania (Melanya, Malanya) - from lat. named Melania, origin. from Greek μέλαινα (melaina) - “black, dark”
  114. Meletius (Melentius) - possibly from the Greek. μελετάω (meletao) - “I care, I try”
  115. Methodius - from Greek. named Μεθόδιος (Metodios) - “purposeful”
  116. Mina (Minai, Menaeus) - from Greek. μηνάς (minas) - “moon, month”
  117. Minodora - from Greek. μηνάς (minas), "moon, month" + δῶρον (doron), "gift, gift"
  118. Myron - from Greek. named Μύρων (Miron, Muron) - “myrrh, myrrh, fragrant resin”
  119. Myrrh - from the word "myrrh" (Greek μύρω) - "myrrh, fragrant resin"
  120. Mitrofan - from Greek. named Μητροφάνης (Metrophanes) - “revealed by the mother”
  121. Mokiy (Mokey) - from Greek. "mocking"
  122. Muse - from Greek. μοῦσα (musa) - “thought, thinking”
  123. Narcissus (Narkiss, Narcissus) - from Greek. name Νάρκισσος (Narkissos), possibly origin. from ναρκή (narke) - “sleep, numbness”
  124. Nastassy (Nastas) - see Anastasius
  125. Nastasya (Nastasia, Nastasya) - see Anastasia
  126. Nectary - from Greek. νέκταρ (nectar) - "nectar"
  127. Nelid - see Leonid
  128. Neonilla - from Greek. "new"
  129. Nestor - from Greek. name Νέστωρ (Nestor), possibly origin. from νόστος (nostos) - “return”, also “journey”
  130. Nefed - see Methodius
  131. Nika - from Greek. νίκη (nik) - "victory
  132. Nicasius - from Greek. νίκη (nik) - “victory”
  133. Nikander - from Greek. νίκη (nik), "victory" + ἀνδρός (andros) - genitive from ἀνήρ (aner), "man, person"
  134. Nikanor - from Greek. named Νικάνορος (Nikanoros) - “seeing victory”
  135. Nikita - from Greek. νικητής (niketes) - “winner”
  136. Nikifor - from Greek. named Νικηφόρος (Nikeforos): νίκη (nike), “victory” + φέρω (fero), “carry, bring”
  137. Nicodemus - from Greek. named Νικόδημος (Nikodemos): νίκη (nike), “victory” + δῆμος (demos), “people”
  138. Nikolai - from Greek. named Νικόλαος (Nikolaos): νίκη (nike), “victory” + λαός (Laos), “people”
  139. Nikon - from Greek. νίκωνος (nikonos) - “victor”
  140. Nymphodora - from Greek. νύμφη (nymphe), "nymph" + δῶρον (doron) - "gift, gift"
  141. Niphon - from Greek. νήφω (nefo) - “to be sober”, in a figurative meaning - “to be reasonable”

To be continued.

Many names that seem originally Russian are actually Greek: Stepan, Timofey, Fedor, Makar, Vasily, Alexey. The list of famous Greek male names can be continued for a long time. People like Greek names because they mean positive characteristics person: wisdom, kindness, reliability, courage, masculinity. But these are precisely the qualities that society expects from a man.

History of the origin of Greek male names

How did male names of Greek origin come to us? Partly through mythology, but mainly from religion. The Greeks had a tremendous influence on world culture and everyday life

With the spread of Christianity, ancient Greek words entered our everyday life and became intertwined with it so closely that it is difficult to immediately determine which word is of Slavic origin and which is Greek.

The Gospels and Epistles of the Apostles were distributed to Greek. Russian Orthodox Church At one time it was called the “Greek Catholic” or “Greek Rite Church.” The Greek names themselves (before they came to us) came from ancient Greek and Latin.

Interesting information: among the Greeks, when a woman gets married, she takes not only her surname, but also her husband’s patronymic.

List of beautiful names for a boy

All of them are beautiful, just some are unusual to the ear, but others are especially sonorous:

  • Aristarchus translated means “best leader.” Life credo: “If you hurry, you will make people laugh”;
  • Arkady. The name comes from the name of the region of Arcadia (Greek territory);
  • Artemy is interpreted as “healthy”;
  • Arseny - “mature”, “courageous”, which is the most valuable qualities for a man;
  • Georgy - “farmer”;
  • Evsey is translated as “pious,” that is, highly moral, resistant to temptation;
  • Elisha is a variant of the name Odysseus ("angry"). Yes, the translation is formidable, but it sounds beautiful and such a person has a good character: he is reliable, smart, fair;
  • Leonidas is “son of the lion” both in translation and in personal qualities;
  • Rodion was formed from the ancient Greek Herodion (“hero”, “heroic”);
  • Sevastyan - “highly revered”;
  • Felix is ​​translated from Greek as “prosperous.” This is the case when appearances are deceptive: people may consider Felix careless, but in fact he is firm in his intentions, sets goals for himself and goes towards them;
  • Philip - “horse lover”. For the Greeks, the horse represents courage and power.

Rare male names of Greek origin

We will consider rare names that are found in 10 or fewer newborns per month in the registry office statistics:

  • Gerasim - “respected”;
  • Demyan - “submissive”;
  • Demid is interpreted as “the care of God”;
  • Eustachius means “fertile”;
  • Heraclius consists of two words: "Hera" (the name of the goddess) and "kleos" ("glory");
  • Orestes - "mountain";
  • Plato translated from Greek means “broad-shouldered”;
  • Prokhor means “choir manager”;
  • Pankrat - “omnipotent”;
  • Trofim is translated as “breadwinner”.

Their rarity may be due to their outdated sound. However, each name meaning is quite pleasant.

Modern popular names and their meanings

Despite the tendency to call children difficult rare names, the usual ones don’t give up their positions either.

Modern Greek names are as follows:

  • Artem. He stands firmly on his own, knows exactly what he wants from life, and is extremely hardworking. Respects authorities, but does not subservient to them;
  • Alexander. Strives to do everything perfectly the first time. Rarely allows himself to show emotions in public. Will not engage in idle chatter, but will competently support a substantive conversation;
  • Anton is a solid, independent and at the same time quite shy person;
  • It is not for nothing that Alexey is translated as “defender”; he fully corresponds to this characteristic;
  • Andrey is the life of the party, and therefore a well-connected person. Representative creative profession;
  • Victor means "winner". An adventurer, but by no means frivolous, because he has developed sense responsibility;
  • Vasily is distinguished by limitless patience and balance. Strong intuitive, but bases judgments on logic and facts;
  • Gregory - from the Greek “awake”. Sensitive nature and capable “techie”. A faithful family man who values ​​home comfort;
  • Denis is an active and curious boy. Growing up, he becomes neat and diligent;
  • Evgeniy is a born diplomat: non-conflict, knows how to negotiate and find a compromise;
  • Egor is a Russian variety Greek name George (“cultivator of the land”);
  • Nikolai is translated as “people's winner.” Nothing can set him off, he is extremely resilient;
  • Nikita. Key Feature character - charm, this attracts many people to him.

Interesting fact: there are Greek names that everyone knows, but Last year their popularity plummeted. For example, such names include Anatoly, Valentin, Gennady, Valery.

Ancient and forgotten names

Some names are outdated due to the desire to name children in a European way, and some for historical reasons or because of their interpretation, for example:

  • Nicodemus is translated as “the conquering people.” It has never been popular with the population because it sounds unfriendly;
  • Agathon - “kind”. Used only in the lower classes;
  • Anfim means "flower", which by modern standards does not sound very masculine;
  • Agap, Agapit. Translation from Greek is “beloved”, now the word is forgotten;
  • Anastasy - “resurrected”, turned into the female name Anastasia;
  • Efim - “who foretells good.” This was the name of the clergy, but was not used by the people;
  • Evdokim - “honorable”. This name was given when becoming a monk;
  • Luke means "light." It has fallen out of use because it is associated with the word “cunning” (insincerity, cunning);
  • Macarius - “blessed”, but also translated as “blessed”, which in modern society understood as “strange”, “eccentric”;
  • Potap means “wanderer”. Lost popularity due to its old-fashioned sound.

Have you noticed that pop stars often take such names as their pseudonyms? The words are rare, that is, they add uniqueness to the speaker; At the same time, they are sonorous and well remembered.

How to choose a Greek name for a boy

Believers follow the custom of naming in honor of a saint based on their date of birth or adjacent numbers. Name options for a boy church calendar there are many, several names of revered elders and martyrs. For example, a son was born on January 31st. We open the calendar and see that on this day Kirill, Dmitry, Emelyan are venerated. There will be other options, not Greek.

You can also start from the desired meaning, a certain image that is significant for parents. For example, a woman who has not been able to get pregnant for a long time may name her son Fedot (“given by God,” “donated”) or Chariton (“grace”).

It happens that parents want to name their son after a character from myths Ancient Greece so that he is as respected and significant. For example, Zeno (“belonging to Zeus”), Zinovy ​​(“the power of Zeus”), Isidore (“the gift of Isis”), Taras (the son of Poseidon in mythology), Tikhon (in honor of the goddess of luck Tyukhe).

The name should sound consistent with the patronymic. Say it out loud and cut off incompatible, absurd, difficult-to-pronounce pairs: for example, Nestor Alexandrovich is less harmonious than Pyotr Alexandrovich. But combinations sound harmonious where the first name and patronymic begin with the same letter (Vasily Vitalievich) or the same consonant is repeated (Kuzma Mikhailovich).

When choosing a name, remember that a person will have to wear it all his life. How cute does that sound to little boy, but it will create discomfort and will not cause the best associations for an adult man.

Female names

Alexandra means “courageous protector” in Greek.
The name Agnes means "chaste." Alina, translated from Latin, is different.
Anastasia, according to researchers, means “returned to life”, “resurrection”.
The common name Anna means "grace."
The name Alice translated from ancient German means “baby”.
The name Alla is of ancient Arabic origin and means “letter”.
Not too much popular name Anfisa may become one if it becomes known that its meaning is “blooming.”
Albina is translated from Latin as “white”.
Rare name Amelia (Amalia) on German means "diligent".
The Arabic names Amina ("safe") and Aziza ("powerful", "bearer of God") are interesting.
Angelina is translated from ancient Greek as “angelic”; Anisya - “executive”; Arina - "peace".
Antonina means “entering into battle,” and Alevtina is translated from ancient Greek as “rubbing with incense,” “averse to evil.”

Old Slavonic female names Bogdana - “given by God” and Bozhena - “God’s”. Bertha
is translated from German as “bright, light, magnificent”, and the Latin name Bella means “beautiful”.

The biblical name Veronica means "bringer of victory."
Valentina comes from the ancient Roman word "valentia", translated as "strength, power." Valeria means "to be healthy."
The Greek name Vasilisa means "royal", Vera comes from the Russian word - "faith". But Violetta is translated from Latin as “violet”.
Vitalina comes from Latin word"vitalis", translated as - "vital"; Vladislava - "possessing glory."
The name Varvara is of ancient Greek origin and means “savage.”

If your name is Galina, then you will be pleased to know the meaning of this name. It means "calmness", "serenity".
Hera is translated from ancient Greek as “guardian”, “mistress”.
The Soviet name Gertrude stands for "Heroine of Labor". Glafira is translated from Greek as “refined”, Gloria in Latin means “happiness”, and German name Greta is a "pearl".

The names Victoria and Daria mean “victor,” only the first is translated from ancient Greek, and the second from Persian.
The meaning of the name Diana is "divine". Dana is translated from Slavic as “given”.
Daniela means "God is my judge" in Hebrew.
Julia is translated from Latin as “from the family of the Julians.” The Greek name Dina comes from the word "dynamis", translated as "strength", "power", and Dinara from the name of the gold coin - "dinar".

The common name Catherine means “pure”, “immaculate”.
The name Helen comes from a Greek word meaning “chosen, bright, shining.”
Elizabeth translated from Hebrew means “oath of God.”
Eve is translated from Hebrew as “giver of life.” Eugenia from ancient Greek - “noble”; Evdokia comes from the word “eudokia”, translated from ancient Greek as “gratitude”, “benevolence”.

The name Joan in Hebrew meant “mercy of God.”

The name Zoe comes from the Greek word for life.
And Zinaida in Greek means “divine daughter.”
Zara is translated from Persian as “gold”. The Latin name Zemfira means “rebellious.”
Zlata is translated from Slavic as “golden”, “gold”.

Few people know what is ancient Russian name Inna used to be masculine. And if we consider the version of its ancient Greek origin, then the meaning of the name is “a crying, stormy stream.”
And the name Inga comes from the Old Norse word for “winter.”
The name Irina is ancient Greek origin and means “peace”, “rest”.
Isabella means "beauty" in Spanish. Ivanna is translated from Hebrew as " given by god". Iraida - "striving for peace."

Karina in Latin means “looking forward.” And Clara is “clear”.
The name Christina means “Christian,” “dedicated to Christ.”
Kaleria is translated from Latin as “hot”. Kira means "lady" in ancient Greek. Claudia comes from the Latin word "claudus", translated as "lame".
Ksenia comes from the word "xenia", translated as "hospitality".

The name Larisa comes from either the Greek word for “sweet, pleasant” or the Latin word for “seagull.”
The name Lily comes from the Latin word meaning "white flower".
Slavic name Lyudmila means “nice to people”, the name Lada means “sweetheart”, “wife”.
Lydia comes from the name Lydia - a region in Asia Minor.
Love comes from the Old Church Slavonic language, where it appeared as a tracing paper from the Greek word - “love”.


The name Maya belonged Greek goddess spring. In Latin, the name Margarita means “pearl.” Marina comes from the Latin word "marinus", translated as "sea".
The name Maria has three meanings: “bitter”, “beloved”, “stubborn”. Which one do you like best, choose!
The name Martha means “mentor”, and Natalia means “native”.

The name Nina does not have any specific meaning, it comes from the name of the founder of the Syrian state, Ninos.
Hope is the Greek word for hope. Nelly comes from the Greek word "neos", translated as "young, new."
Nike from the ancient Greek "victory". Nonna - “Consecrated to God.”

The name Oksana, according to some researchers, means “hospitality.”
Olga (feminine form of the male name Oleg) means “saint.” Olesya is translated from Greek as “protector”.

The name Polina comes from the name of the ancient Greek god of arts and predictions, Apollo.
The Greek names Pelageya means “sea”, Praskovya means “Friday”.

The name Raisa comes from the Greek “light”. Regina is translated from Latin as “queen”.
Rimma comes from the name of the city of Rome. Roxana is translated from Persian as "dawn".
Ruslana comes from Turkic word"Arslan" translates as "lion".

Svetlana comes from the old Russian word “bright”.
Santa is translated from Hebrew as "bright one." Old Hebrew names: Sarah means “powerful,” “mistress,” Seraphim means “fiery angel.”
Silva (Silvia) is translated from Latin as “forest”, Stella is “star”. Sophia means “wisdom” in ancient Greek, and Stefania means “crowned.”
Stanislava is translated from Old Slavic as “to become glorious.”

Tatiana translated from Greek means “organizer.” Taisiya is translated from ancient Greek as “belonging to the goddess Isis”, Teresa means “guard”, “protection”.
Tala means "warmth" in Hebrew. Tomila comes from the Old Russian word “tomiti”, translated as “to torture”, “to torment”.
And Tamara in Hebrew means “Phoenician palm.”

Ulyana is translated from Latin as “from the Yuliev family.” Ustinya - "fair".

Faina comes from ancient Greek - “shining”. Faya is translated from Arabic as “very generous.” Felicia - "happy". Frida means "peace", "calm".

Kharita, (Kharitina) is translated from Greek as “lovely”, “darling”. Christina - “Christian”, “dedicated to Christ”.

Tsvetana is translated from Bulgarian as “blooming”.

Cheslava means "honor and glory."

Evelina comes from the Greek "aeol" - the name of the god of the winds. Elina, (Ellina) - "Greek". Ella - “dawn”, “light”. Hellas - "morning dawn".
Editha translates from Old English as “mastery of battle.” Elmira means "princess" in Spanish, and Esmeralda means "emerald." Emilia is translated from Latin as “zealous.”

And the popular name Julia means “curly”, “fluffy”.
Yuna is translated from Latin as “the only one.” Juno comes from the name of the ancient Roman goddess of marriage.

Jadwiga is translated from ancient German as “rich warrior.” Yana, Janina come from the Latin word “Janus” - the god of the sun and light.
Yanita is translated from Hebrew as “merciful of God.” The Slavic name Yaroslav means "fierce glory."

Male names

Adam is a Hebrew name, translated meaning “from red clay” (according to biblical legend, this is how the first man was created).
Alexander is an ancient Greek name that is a combination of two words for "protect" and "man". The literal translation is “protector.” The name Alexey has the same meaning.
The name Anatoly has Greek roots and means "east".
The name Andrey can be translated, based on the ancient Greek dictionary, as “man”.
The ancient Roman name Antony (now turned into Anton) was intended for real warriors and means “one who enters into battle.”
Not very common, but quite beautiful name Arseny means "courageous" in Greek.
Arkady is translated from Greek as “shepherd”, Arkhip is “chief of the cavalry”, Askold is “wielding a spear”.
Albert means "noble splendor".
Athanasius is translated from ancient Greek as “immortal”. Ashot in Old Persian means “fire”.
Akim is translated from Hebrew as “God will raise up.”
The name Artem is intended to give its bearer good health, because it means “impeccable health.” Another name with a similar meaning is Valentin.
The name Arthur comes from the Celtic word for "bear".

The name Bogdan is of Greek origin, and in Slavic tradition means "given by God."
Boris translated from Old Church Slavonic means “fighter for glory.”
The old ancient Russian name Bazhen means “desired,” Borislav means “one who gains glory in struggle,” and Bronislav means “glorious protector.”
Benedict is translated from Latin as "blessed."
Ancient Germanic male names: Bernard - “strong as a bear”; Bruno - "swarthy".
Boleslav is translated from Polish as “more glorious.”

One of the meanings of the name Vadim (according to some assumptions, having Slavic roots) is to argue.
The name Basil is of ancient Greek origin and the meaning of this name is royal.
Valery comes from a Greek word meaning strong, healthy.
The Slavic name Vladimir means “who owns the world.” But few people know that the popular name Vitaly means “feminine.”
The name Vladislav - a modern version old Russian name Volodislav, which means “possessing glory.”
Vsevolod translated from Old Church Slavonic means “owner of everything.”
Valentine comes from the Latin word "valeo", which translates as "to be healthy"; Benedict - "blessed"; Victor is the "winner".
Velizar is translated from ancient Thracian as “shooter”.
Benjamin comes from the Hebrew word "Ben-yamin", translated as "son of the most beloved of wives"; Vissarion - “giving life to people.”
Waldemar is a name of Germanic origin, translated as “famous ruler”; Witold - "forest ruler".
Vyacheslav comes from Old Russian words"vyache", meaning "more", and "slav" - "glory".
The Soviet names Vilen comes from the abbreviation "V.I. Lenin" and Vladlen - "Vladimir Lenin".

The name Gennady is not very common these days, which is a pity - after all, translated from Greek it means “noble”. Surprisingly, the name Evgeniy has the same meaning.
George comes from an ancient Greek word that means "farmer".
The name Gleb has Old Norse roots and means “favorite of the gods.”
Gabriel is translated from Hebrew as “divine warrior.”
Ancient Greek names: Herald - “wielding a spear”; Gerasim - “respected”; Gregory - “awake”, “unsleeping”.
Henry is translated from ancient German as “powerful”, “rich”.
Herman comes from the Latin word “germanus”, translated as “native”, “half-uterine”.
Gordey comes from the name of the Phrygian king Gordius.

The name Denis is a distorted form of the name of the ancient Greek god of wine and fun, Dionysus.
The common name Dmitry comes from the name ancient greek goddess Demeters.
David is translated from Hebrew as “beloved”, Daniel - “God’s judgment”.
In ancient Greek, the names mean: Demid - “council of Zeus”; Demyan - “conqueror”, “pacifier”; Dorofey - "gift of the gods."

Evgraf is translated from ancient Greek as “well-written”, Evdokim - “well-known”, “dobroslav”; Emelyan - “flattering, pleasant in words”; Ermolai - “messenger of the people”; Erofey - “sacred”. Efim comes from the ancient Greek word "euphemos", translated as "pious", "compassionate".
Egor comes from the name Georgiy - “farmer”.
Hebrew names: Elizar - “God helped”; Elisha - "salvation"; Ephraim - "fruitful".

Jean translates from French as “John” (our Ivan).

Zakhar means "God's memory." Sigmund is translated from German as “winner”.
Zinovy ​​- "Zeus' power".

The name Igor has Scandinavian roots, and its approximate meaning is “warrior”, “strong”.
Ivan translated from Hebrew means “mercy of God.”
And the name Elijah, translated from the same Hebrew, means “the power of God.” Ibrahim is translated from Tatar as “prophet”.
Ignatius (Ignatius) comes from the Latin word "ignatus", translated as "unknown".
Hilarion in Greek means "cheerful" and Innocent means "innocent". Joseph is translated from Hebrew as “increase”, “profit”.

The name Kirill has two meanings: according to one version it means “lord”, according to another it means “sun”.
Constantine translated from Greek means “steadfast”, “constant”.
Casimir translates as “to announce, to make known the world.” Karl in German means “brave”, Karen in Arabic means “generous”, “magnanimous”, Kim in Celtic means “chief”.
Latin names: Claudius - “lame”; Clement - “merciful”, “meek”, “soft”; Klim (Clement) - “lenient”.
Korniliy is translated from Greek as “broad-shouldered”, Kuzma - “decoration”.

The ancient Greek name Leonidas means son of the lion. Leo comes from the Latin word "leo", translated as "lion"; Leonard - "strong"; Leonty - "lion".
Luke is translated from ancient Greek as “light.” Lyubomir means “beloved by the world” in Slavic.

The name Maxim has Latin roots and means “greatest.” And Michael, translated from Hebrew, means “like God.”
Mark comes from the Greek name Markos, which, in turn, presumably comes from the Latin word "marcus" - hammer; Makar - “blessed”, “happy”; Marat - "desired".
Martin is translated from Latin as “warlike”, “like Mars”.
Matthew in Hebrew means “gift of Yahweh”, Moses in Egyptian means “drawn from the water”, Murat in Arabic means “goal”, “intention”.
Old Slavonic names: Mechislav - “marked by glory”; Milan - "darling"; Miroslav - “peace” and “glory”; Mstislav - "glorious avenger".

The name Nikita means "winner". And Nikolai is the “victor of nations.”
Nazar is translated from Hebrew as “dedicated to God”, Nathan - “gifted”, Nahum - “comforting”.
Nikanor (Nikander) is of Byzantine origin and is associated with “victory”, Nikon - “victor”, Nikephoros in Greek - “winner”.

Oleg means "sacred". Olan is translated from Celtic as “harmony”, “concord”, Oscar from Scandinavian - “God’s spear”.

Peter means "stone", "rock". Paul means "little" in Latin.
Ancient Greek names: Plato - “broad-shouldered”, Porfiry - “crimson”, Prokofy - “advanced”, “successful”, Prokhor - “chief, leader of the choir”.

The name Ruslan has Turkic roots and means "lion". Roman means "Roman".
Radium is translated from ancient Greek as “ray of sun”, Rodion is “resident of the island of Rhodes”, “heroic”, “pink”.
Ratmir in ancient Slavic means “warrior”, Rostislav means “the one whose glory grows”.
Rinat, Renat is translated from Latin as “born again.”
In Old German, Robert means "unfading glory" and Roland means "glory." Rustam in Persian means “hero”.

Sergei is an ancient Roman name that means “high”, “highly revered”.
The name Stanislav is borrowed from the Polish language and means “to become glorious.”
The name Stepan is of ancient Greek origin, from the word "stephanos", which means wreath.
Savva is translated from Hebrew as “sagittarius”, Saveliy is “asked from God”, Samuel is “heard by God” or “the name of God”, Semyon is “heard by God in prayer”.
Greek names: Samson - “strong”, “mighty”, Spartacus - “trampling”, “trampling”, Stephen - “wreath”. Sebastian comes from the Greek word “sebastianos”, translated as “dedicated”, “sacred”, “highly revered”.
Svyatoslav comes from two Slavic words two words - “holy” and “glory”.

The name Taras is not of Slavic, but of ancient Greek origin and means “troublemaker”, “rebel”.
Theodore is translated from Latin as “messenger of God”, Terenty - “refined”.
Ancient Greek names: Tigran - “hot-tempered”; Timofey - worshiper of God"; Tikhon - "happiness", "successful"; Tryphon - "luxurious"; Trofim - "breadwinner", "pet".
Timur from Turkic means iron.

Ustin is translated from Latin as “fair”.
The name Fedor translated from ancient Greek means “God’s gift.” Thaddeus is translated from Hebrew as “praise.”

Greek names: Fedot - “God-given”, “given away, dedicated to the gods”; Philemon - “beloved”; Philip - "horse lover".
Felix comes from the Latin word "felix", translated as "happy", "prosperous".
Thomas means "twin" in Aramaic. Franz in Old German means “from the tribe of the Franks”, and Friedrich means “powerful”.

Greek names: Chariton - “generous”, “showering with favors”, “beautiful”, Christian - “Christian”, Christopher - “carrying Christ”.

Edward comes from the ancient German phrase “guardian of wealth.” Edward is translated from Old English as "wielding a spear", Eldar from Persian - "owning the country", Emil from Latin - "zealous".
Emmanuel is translated from Hebrew as “God is with us.”
In ancient Germanic the names mean: Erast - “charming”, Eric - “noble leader”, Ernest - “serious”, “strict”.

Julian is translated from Latin as “from the Julian family,” and the name Yuri means “farmer.”

Yakim means “compassionate” in ancient Greek. Jacob is translated from Hebrew as “second born”, who appeared “on the heels”.
Yan comes from the West Slavic and Baltic forms of the names John, Ivan. Jaromir in ancient Slavic means “sunny world”, Yaroslav - “furious”.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Mythical names

Mythical male and female names and their meanings

Mythical names- these are names taken from Roman, Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic, Egyptian and other mythologies.

On our website we offer a huge selection of names...

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Mythical names. Mythical male and female names and their meanings

After the Christianization of Rus' in 988, every Eastern Slav received a baptismal name from a priest. Baptismal names corresponded to the names of saints and were therefore common Christian names. However, these names are not of Slavic, but of Greek origin. TO Eastern Slavs they came from Byzantium via Bulgaria, where Christianity was adopted even earlier, in 865. This article examines the meanings of names of Greek origin.



ADRIAN - "Coming from Adria." Adria is a port on the Adriatic Sea.

AKAKIY - "Good-hearted."

AXENTIY - "Growing".

ALEXANDER - "Defender of people."

ALEXEY - "Defender".

ANATOLY - "Eastern". Coming from the east, from Asia Minor

ANDREY - "Courageous, brave man." Derived from the ancient Greek "andros" - "man".

ANDRON - Short form from the canonical name Andronik - “conqueror of men.”

ANISIM - "Useful."

APOLLO - Ancient Greek god Sun and patron of the arts.

APOLLINARIUS - "Dedicated to Apollo."

ARKADY - "Coming from Arcadia." Arcadia is a region in southern Greece, on the Peloponnese peninsula.

ARISTARCH - "Head of the best."

ARSENY - "Courageous".

ARTEM, ARTEMY - "Unharmed."

ARKHIP - Compound name, means "senior, chief over horses, chief of cavalry."

Athanasius - "Undying"

ATHINOGENES - "Born of the goddess Athena."

VASILY - "Lord, master."

VISSARION - "Forest".

VUKOL - "Shepherd, boot-herder."


HELIUM - Derived from the Greek "helios" - sun.

GENNADY - "Noble"

GEORGE - "Farmer".

GERASIM - "Dear."

GREGORY - "Wakeful, awakened."

DEMENTIUS - "Taming".

DENIS - The ancient Greek name Dionysus was the name of the god of viticulture and winemaking.

DMITRY - “Dedicated to Demeter” (goddess of fertility).

EUGENE - "Noble".

YERMOLAI - Compound name. "Hermes" is the god of trade and "Laos" is the people.

EFIM - "Blessed".

ZINOVY - "The Power of Zeus".

ILLARION - "Merry".

HIPPOLYTUS - "Unharnesser of Horses."

KIRILL - "Mr."

CLIMENT - "Meek, soft."

KUZMA - There are two interpretations: the first is “peace, order”, the second is “decoration”.

LION - "Lion, the mighty brave man."

LEONID - "Son of a lion, from the lion family, lion-like."

LEONTY - "Lion".

MAKAR - "Happy".

NESTOR - "Reminiscent."

NIKANOR - The same as Nikita - “winner”.

NIKITA - "Winner".

NIKIFOR - "Victorious".

NIKODIM - "The Victorious People."

NICHOLAY - "Conqueror of Nations."

ORESTES - "Highlander, savage."

PANKRATIY - "All-Powerful".

PANTELEMON - "All-Merciful."

PARAMON - "Reliable".

PAKHOM - "Broad-shouldered".

PETER - "Stone".

PLATO - "Shouldered".

POLYCARP - "Fertile".

PROCOPIUS - "Prosperous". Russian pronunciation named Prokofy.

PROKHOR - "Singing singer, choir director."

RODION - "Pink".

SEVASTIAN - "Sacred".

SPARTAK - “trampling”, “trampling”

STEPAN - "Ring, crown, wreath", canonical form - Stefan.

TARAS - "Exciter, rebel."

TIMOTHY - "He who worships God."

TIKHON - "Successful".

TRIFON - "Luxurious".

TROFIM - "Well-fed, pet."

FEDOR - "God's gift."

FEDOT - "Given by the Gods."

THEODOSIY - "God granted."

PHILIP - "Horse Lover".

ERNEST - "Diligent, diligent."


AGATA, AGAFIA - From the Greek "agathe" - "good".

AKULINA - "Eagle".

ALEVTINA - Yes different interpretations: “taken away, cut off”, “rubbing with incense, anointing”, and also “alien from evil”.

ALEXANDRA - The feminine form of the name Alexander is “protector of people.”

ANASTASIA - "Resurrected".

ANGELINA - "Angelic".

ANGELA - From "angelos" - "angel", and also has the meaning - "messenger".

ANISYA - "Successfully accomplished."

ANTONINA - Feminine form of the name Anton (ancient Roman family name- Anthony).

ANFISA - "Flower".

APPOLINARY - Feminine form from the ancient Greek name Appolinarius - “worshipper of Apollo”. Nowadays the diminutive form is used as an independent name - Polina.

ARIADNE - "Very revered."

VARVARA - Comes from the ancient Greek “barbarian” - “not a Greek”.

VASILISA - "Ruler, Queen".

VERONIKA - Possibly from the Greek-Macedonian "Pherenike" - "victorious".

GALATEA - IN ancient greek mythology the name of one of the sea nymphs.

GALINA - "Calm, quiet."

GLAFYRA - "Graceful, slender."

DOROTHEA - The feminine form of the male name Dorotheus - "gift of the gods."

EVGENIYA - The feminine form of the male name Evgeny is “noble”.

EVDOKIA - "Gratitude, good wish."

EUPHROSYNE - "Joyful".

EKATERINA - "Immaculate".

ELENA - "Light".

ELIZABETH - "God's oath, vow to God."

ZINAIDA - "Born by Zeus, from the family of Zeus."

ZOYA - "Life".

KIRA - "Mistress".

KSENIA - "Guest".

LARISSA - From the name of the city of Larissa in northern Greece. Another interpretation: “pleasant, sweet” (from the Greek “laros”). Third: "seagull" (from the Latin "larus").

LYDIA - "Coming from Lydia" or "resident of Lydia."

NELLY - Variant of the name from "Neonilla", which means "young"

OLYMPICS - Derived from the name of Mount Olympus - the seat of Zeus and many other Greek gods.

OPHELIA - "Support, help."

PELAGEIA - The same meaning as the name Marina - “sea”.

POLINA - Short form of the ancient Greek name Appolinaria - "worshipper of Apollo." IN Lately quite often used as an independent name.

RAISA - "Submissive, compliant, easy."

SOFIA - "Wisdom".

TATYANA - "Organizer, founder."

TERESA - "The Reaper".

KHARITINA - "Beautiful, graceful."