Who won the psychics show. All winners of the “Battle of Psychics” of all seasons: their names, surnames and short biography

" TV viewers finally found out which of the four strongest magicians - Konstantin Getsati, Sonya Egorova, Alexander Kinzhinov or Zhan and Dana Alibekov - received the coveted “Blue Hand”. The name of the winner turned out to be quite predictable - 53% of the audience cast their votes for the descendant of the Alanian magicians, Konstantin Getsati.

Finalists of the 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics”

The finale was not without surprises. The most came to support the finalists bright participants past seasons: Elena Golunova and Vlad Kadoni, Alexey Pokhabov, Nicole Kuznetsova, Namtar Enzigal, Victoria Raidos, Tatyana Larina and others. The Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro sent a video message to the finalists, and the winner of last season, the mysterious Swami Dashi, completely confused everyone by giving his “blue hand” to Jean and Dana Alibekov.

In the finale, Marat Basharov created real intrigue by inviting Sonya Egorova to once again show her strength at the “Battle” next season. Sonya Egorova agreed.

Swami Dashi give your “blue hand” to Zhan and Dana Alibekov

Let us remind you that Konstantin Getsati is a descendant of Alanian magicians. The real name of the medium is Timur (Taimuraz) Getsaev. Born into a family of an economist and surgeon, he grew up in Chukotka. He studied in Vladikavkaz and graduated from the North Ossetian Medical Academy in 2011. Arriving in Moscow, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology named after. ON THE. Lopatkin, and then got a job in one of the capital’s clinics.

In the first episode of the “Battle of Psychics,” season 18, Konstantin Getsati amazed observers and Sergei Safronov by not only finding a person in the trunk of a car, but also accepting Safronov’s challenge, agreeing to find three people in the trunk at once. As a result, he found two people. After the first episode of the show “Battle of Psychics,” season 18, fans of the project began to say on social networks that they saw the winner of the show in Konstantin Getsati.

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Woman’s Day found out what magicians, sorcerers and witches do after winning the popular TNT show.

As a rule, for a person who has previously worked in the field of providing esoteric services (and there are many of them among the winners of the show), winning a project is a very significant chance to improve their business - the flow of clients increases significantly. But it is worth noting that both the TNT channel and the creators of the “Battle of Psychics” project are categorically against turning to psychics for money, since no one can 100% guarantee that even the winners of the show have abilities. In each episode, viewers are reminded that not a single winner passed all the tests absolutely flawlessly. The goal of the program’s authors, they say, is to test people with unusual abilities and give viewers the opportunity to draw their own conclusions. Of course, in our turbulent times, when many people lack confidence in the future, people’s desire for all kinds of soothsayers is understandable - it’s better to have someone else’s confidence in your future than none at all. Again, modern medicine does not cope with all ailments... Well, if there is demand, then there will be supply. But to what extent it is necessary for you to receive esoteric services is up to you to decide.

Season 1: Natalya Vorotnikova

Born in 1976 in Tula region in a family of hereditary healers and psychics. In infancy she experienced two clinical deaths, already in childhood she began to show extraordinary abilities: she knew how to predict tragic events in people’s lives. The future healer went to study at International Academy human development in order to curb her abilities - Natalia’s energy was so strong that electrical appliances and light bulbs constantly burned out in the house. At the academy, she learned to control her power.

On the project. There were practically no tests that Natalya could not pass: she easily determined which person was in the trunk of a car, and was not even surprised - as if she saw right through it. However, perhaps this was the case: the program participants admitted that when Vorotnikova looked at them, they felt as if they were being x-rayed. Then she took part in another show on the TNT channel - “Psychics Are Investigating.”

Now. Engaged in healing, conducts seminars, gives lectures and even makes exclusive predictions about relationships popular stars for one glossy magazine. Natalya believes that she has no right to be distracted by her family and children, since her duty is to help other people.

Season 2: Zulia Radjabova

A hereditary Dagestan healer, her gift was revealed when Zulia was 9 years old, but she refused to accept it for a long time and, according to her, only after experiencing clinical death did she understand her purpose. Gift is a unique talent of insight, inherited from ancestors. Healing is not Zulia's only occupation; she is also a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics and judo.

On the project. The tests did not cause her any difficulties: it often turned out that when she came to the shoot, Zulia already knew what question she would be asked and was ready to answer. On one of the missions, she found a boy in a quarry, whom even the Ministry of Emergency Situations officers with service dogs could not find. She also took part in the filming of the show “Psychics Are Investigating.”

Now. Lives in Moscow, married, has a child. She heals people, has already written three books and tirelessly (on her VKontakte page) warns people not to get involved with swindlers who work under her name. The fact is that Radjabova is not real name Zulia, so those who are called her relatives (and, apparently, there are many of them) are clearly scammers.

Season 3: Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa

The Iranian clairvoyant came to Moscow more than 15 years ago, but did not immediately take up extrasensory perception: after graduating from the Moscow Medical Institute, he received the specialty of a dentist. But his gift, inherited, according to him, from his great-grandfather, was already present in those years: it was revealed when Mehdi was 9 years old, at this age he began to predict the future.

On the project. Mehdi used his gift of prediction for its intended purpose: he knew in advance about his victory and openly spoke about it to those around him.

Now. Mehdi’s first child from his wife, Muscovite Lyudmila, was born during the filming of the show, after which the Iranian fortuneteller became very popular. Provides services in extrasensory perception and psychology in International Center psychics, whose address is provided only when making an appointment. On Mehdi’s official website you can purchase paintings by him (95 thousand rubles apiece), each of which was “charged” by the author. Filming is also currently underway documentary film, dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Mehdi's victory in the popular TV show.

Season 4: Tursunoy Zakirova

Born in Tajikistan, Tursuna was named after her grandmother, from whom she inherited her abilities. The gift was revealed after the death of his mother in 1993. After this tragic event, Tursuna lost her legs. She had difficulty walking, and doctors could not make a diagnosis. Tursunoy began to treat people and began to recover herself. After the birth of her third child, doctors diagnosed Tursuna with a malignant breast tumor. The tumor grew, but Tursunoy did not allow herself to be operated on. The woman lived with this diagnosis for 14 years, but she still beat the disease.

On the project. During filming, Tursunoy repeatedly amazed viewers with her abilities - for example, she accurately described the events that took place at the crime scene. She received two white envelopes, and in the final series she beat out two other contenders for victory by a huge margin in the number of audience votes.

Now. Regularly visits Moscow, hosts receptions at the center " Magic power", with the help of the writer and doctor Olga Romanova, she published a book called "How to become happier." The list of her services on the official website includes, among other things, clairvoyance, communication with other world, exorcism of demons, elimination of the evil eye and damage.

Season 5: Lilia Khegai

Her nationality is half Chinese, half Korean, although Lilia was born in Tajikistan, high in the mountains of the Pamirs, where her dad was sent after college, and lived most of her life in Uzbekistan. She has the gift of clairvoyance, which she inherited from her grandmother. Sometimes the ability to see the future manifests itself against her will.

On the project. The tests at the “Battle of Psychics” were often difficult for Lilia: letting the inevitable negativity pass through her, she then took several days to come to her senses. In her own words, participating in the show helped her overcome her own addiction to casino games.

Now. Lilia has a husband and two children. He provides services to those in need, but on his official YouTube channel in one of the videos he says that he does not consider himself a psychic, and admits that he is simply physically unable to accept so many people.

Season 6: Alexander Litvin

Native of Troitsk Chelyabinsk region I decided to seriously engage in extrasensory perception only after winning the show, and before that I managed to be both a military doctor and a customs officer. I began to notice the ability to predict the future as a child, and at school I could predict the results of a session for my classmates: many in my family on my mother’s side had such abilities. I decided to go to the casting for the show when I realized that I could easily pass the tests that the participants had to face.

On the project. He confidently moved towards victory in the show, demonstrating extraordinary abilities in almost every episode: he could, picking up the gloves that belonged to the deceased, accurately describe the circumstances of his death.

Now. He has written several books (for example, “How to Develop a Sixth Sense”), which can be purchased on his official website at prices ranging from 199 to 500 rubles. Getting an online consultation via Skype from Alexander on the topic of compatibility with a partner, children, health or choice of profession costs much more - 29,900 rubles. You can also buy it on the website for 250 rubles. purchase the author's "Calendar" happy life", which reveals the character of each day, what this day allows the best way plan.

Season 7: Alexey Pokhabov

There were no healers or fortune tellers in his family, and Alexey, a lawyer by training, discovered his gift on his own. He was 19 years old when his girlfriend left him, and from his experiences the guy went into a trance and left his own body. Nobody believed his stories, but the skepticism of those around him probably diminished when they saw him on the TNT channel show. Alexey went to the casting of “The Battle of...” after he realized that he could easily complete the tasks that were given to participants in previous seasons. Calls himself a psychic of a new generation.

On the project. Also easily (at least externally) Alexey overcame the tasks on the project, winning with 64% of the audience votes.

Now. Alexey believes that there is nothing unusual in his abilities and everyone can develop them, which is why the topics of his seminars are appropriate - for example, “Fundamentals of the development of superpowers.” He also conducts personal consultations - 30 minutes in Alexey’s company will cost 8,000 rubles. And for 2000 rubles. You can listen to the author’s webinar on the topic “Who am I? Meeting yourself."

Season 8: Vladimir Muranov

The 43-year-old native of Zvenigorod does not like the word “psychic,” preferring to be called a “healer.” Rumors about his abilities spread far beyond the borders of his native Moscow region. But before becoming a healer himself, Vladimir had to be a patient of an Indian healer, who became his spiritual mentor.

On the project. He ended up on the set against his own will: a friend, confident in his abilities, cunningly lured him to the casting, where he had to find a person in the trunk of a car. And among 30 cars, Vladimir unerringly chose the right one. During filming, many tasks were difficult for him, because, in his own words, clairvoyance and extrasensory perception were a completely new area for him. However, gradually he began to feel and understand how it works.

Now. He continues to heal people and conducts seminars. He wrote the book “The Truth Is Within Us” (can be downloaded for free on his official website), where you can also purchase (from 1500 to 2000 rubles) sets of CDs and DVDs with recordings of meditations and mantras from Vladimir.

Season 9: Natalya Banteeva

Natalya was only 4 years old when her gift manifested itself: she and her grandmother came to a friend’s funeral, and when she saw someone who had hanged himself in the corner of the room, she burst into tears loudly. The grandmother quickly took home the girl, whose gift of vision began to manifest itself more and more often over time, and at first it was not possible to take control of it. She was a difficult teenager - she ran away from home, which ultimately led her to prison for two years for causing a fight. She practiced black magic, but after doctors diagnosed her with infertility, she gave up witchcraft.

On the project. She passed all the tests with dignity: she found an ancient treasure, she found a man hidden in the trunk, and she found a decoy in prison cell determined. Subsequently, she repeatedly took part in the “Psychics Are Investigating” program.

Now. Created "Coven" northern witches", holds a show called "Night of Magic" in clubs in the capital, and on her page on VKontakte she is registering for training in " Closed school", whose students are invited to immerse themselves for five days "in real life a wizard, with theory, experience and practice.” In addition, she offers life coaching services - mentoring and analysis of any relationships in any area of ​​life.

Season 10: Mohsen Norouzi

The 57-year-old native of Iran claims that he sees with his eyes closed, reads minds and feels other people's pain. Of his five brothers and three sisters supernatural powers only Mohsen has. The gift of foresight saved Mohsen’s life: he took part in combat operations during the Iran-Iraq conflict and convinced his comrades to leave the dugout seconds before a bomb hit it. In addition to clairvoyance, he can also heal people.

On the project. I read prayers and fell into a trance, without using any attributes except the rosary. Mohsen couldn’t speak Russian, so he needed a translator for the project. However, the language barrier did not prevent him from winning.

Now. After winning the show, he became very popular and gave forecasts about stars and significant events for StarHit magazine. She receives clients in the office of a modern business center; in addition to personal consultation, you can also order a personal talisman made of natural stone from Mohsen - depending on the purpose (health, luck, success at work, etc.), the author engraves groups of Persian numbers on it and letters in such an order that the talisman brings benefits to its owner.

Season 11: Vitaly Gibert

Born in 1988 in Elista in ordinary family– Vitaly is the first in his family who has psychic abilities, which began to manifest themselves in his childhood. He knows hypnosis and practices healing, considering himself a guide between worlds. However, Vitaly does not consider himself a sorcerer, a witcher, or a superman - simply, as they say on his official website, “being in touch with higher powers, he can point a person in the right direction so that he can solve his problems on his own.” “He is an exceptionally bright person and attracts only positive emotions and positive people“, besides, he knows how to attract the fair sex” - this is the description given to Vitaly on his official website.

On the project. He came to the show to test his abilities and did it brilliantly. According to viewers, he became one of the strongest participants in the battle. Although at first he irritated the presenters with his self-confidence, he completed the task so effectively that skepticism about him disappeared.

Now. After the victory, Vitaly wrote two books - “Modeling the Future” and “You are the Main Miracle in the Universe”, and also conducts visiting seminars on the Black Sea coast. To take part in them, you need to fill out a form, pass the selection and pay 23,000 rubles. - This amount includes meals and accommodation at the campsite in your own tent.

Season 12: Elena Yasevich

The Belarusian witch claims that she experienced a coma and four clinical deaths, communicates with the afterlife and sees the dead, and she inherited the gift from her great-grandmother, a famous Belarusian witch. Elena also received training in Thai methods of non-contact influence on the chakras.

On the project. When the winner of this season was announced, serious passions flared up, and all because Elena self-confidently declared in the finale that victory would go to her, and openly admitted that she was a black witch and everything she did on the project was “done through darkness.” This was the first time the show won " dark forces“- however, as one of the participants clarified, “the dark ones are just a force that many people do not understand.” After her victory, Elena took part in several television shows with esoteric themes.

Now. Provides esoteric services in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Although she admitted to black witchcraft, she categorically does not provide services for casting spells and spells, but she helps in relieving depression and negativity, solving family problems and setting up a money channel. There is a paid annual subscription on the official website - for 3090 rubles. You can receive exclusive useful articles and rituals from Elena.

Season 13: Dmitry Volkhov

The sorcerer from Zhukovsky works in tradition Slavic paganism and considers God Veles to be his spiritual father. Interests: occultism, healing and neo-paganism. Has the ability to quickly fall into a trance, with the help of which he receives information from the spirits of his ancestors. A ritual knife, a candle and a special herb are integral tools in his work.

On the project. He passed the tests with unusual courage and confidence, sometimes telling facts that even the project leaders did not know about. And sometimes he even saw events that he himself did not expect to know about: for example, during one of the tests, Dmitry, according to him, saw his own death.

Now. Having acquired a solid army of fans after winning the show, he began to actively work on social networks to popularize neo-paganism. Conducts seminars, trainings and personal receptions in Russian cities. For example, tickets to the “Managing Destiny” seminar, which will take place in October this year in Yekaterinburg, cost 1,500–2,000 rubles.

Season 14: Alexander Sheps

At the time of participation in the show, Alexander was only 26 years old, however, despite his youth, he had no lack of confidence in his abilities. While still living in Samara, he managed to work as a TV presenter, DJ and event organizer, eventually realizing that he had clairvoyant abilities and was most attracted to esotericism.

On the project. He attracted attention to himself even during the selection tests, easily answering the questions of the presenters and accurately describing the details of the events that he had not witnessed. And during the test with hidden amulets, in which they had to guess their appearance, he amazed everyone by not only accurately describing the amulets, but also seeing, as he put it, phantoms - deceased relatives of the people who were wearing these amulets.

"I am not crazy. It’s just that my inclinations and normality are beyond your norms.” One of the brightest and most extravagant participants in the “Battle of Psychics” is a native of Riga. However, Julia captivated the audience not only appearance and her manner of dressing, but also her ability to clairvoyance, as well as unusual statements, for example, that she remembers all her past lives, of which there were more than 150. However, esotericism is far from her only hobby: Julia sometimes acts as a model, sings , acts in films.

On the project. During the show, Julia received as many as six white envelopes from the jury, striking with a very accurate description of events that she did not witness.

Now.“Julia Wang does not host, provide consultations, take on students or serve the public. There are no exceptions” – this is the notice that greets visitors official group Julia on VKontakte. Unlike most of the show's winners, she found herself in other pursuits - creating perfumes and soaps self made. The signature perfume “from Julia” can be purchased on her official website at prices ranging from 5,399 to 10,499 rubles.

Season 16: Victoria Rydos

Born in 1976 in Leningrad, her grandmother introduced her to magic as a child. Then Victoria mastered the energy of the major arcana of Tarot cards, mastered Reiki techniques and was initiated into ritual magic. In addition, according to Victoria, she sees the spirits of the dead and can communicate with them.

On the project. Victoria made it clear from the first tasks that she is one of the strongest participants of this season. Subsequently, open rivalry developed between her and the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro: Victoria even claimed that Marilyn was preventing her from passing the tests. However, having received the prize, Victoria hugged her rival, who admitted that the winner had rightfully received the “hand”.

Now. She conducts a personal reception, however, it is worth remembering that Victoria does not engage in healing, but “solves complex everyday and family situations, helps with career issues and influences life circumstances associated with luck and fortune.” Conducts seminars in other cities - for example, tickets to the seminar “Magic and Energy of the Kind”, which will be held in August in Krasnoyarsk, cost from 2500 to 5000 rubles.

On the project. He repeatedly amazed spectators and test participants by accurately describing the circumstances of events that once happened. For example, during a test where it was necessary to find the owner of a country house, I was amazed by the fact that I saw the ghost of the deceased niece of one of those present at the competition.

Now. Recently I published my first book called “Rebirth”. Dasha’s training takes place in spartan conditions, as he himself says, “when you give your body a tough workout, your soul sings.” You can also sign up for an individual session by joining the waiting list.

By the way, the fight for victory in the next season of the “Battle of Psychics” will begin at the end of August on the TNT channel.

It is known that Konstantin Getsati is not his real name young man. The psychic invented the pseudonym in order to share his medical career with his mystical gift. In fact, the Ossetian nationality is Taimuraz Gatsayev.

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Watch online Battle of Psychics Season 18 Episode 14 from 12/23/2017 on the TNT channel. That's arrived the most long-awaited and most solemn moment of the 18th season of the Battle of Psychics. The winner of the main mystical project at Russian television finally determined, and his name is in an envelope that will be opened at the very end of the program and then the whole country will know who is recognized as the strongest this time. Jean and Dana Alibekov, Alexander Kinzhinov, Sonya Egorova and Konstantin Getsati - everything you wanted to know about them and which of them will win.

The fifth episode of the show “Battle of Psychics,” season 18, brought Sonya Egorova to the lead. But Zhan Alibekov said that psychologist Alexander Makarov, who acted as a skeptical observer, prevented him and his sister Dana from working on the site. Rustam Zartdinov said goodbye to his fellow magicians.

not that interesting. Banteeva also gave her hand to Golunova. but there it was deserved. although not in fact. and here it’s not interesting. since we took 4th place. so rejoice in it. Kostya is the best. it was clear since entrance test. Sonya cosplays as Marilyn once. so let him go to battle again until he gets his own. But still, it’s not the same. Get it right the first time. I now have three male favorites from all seasons. Sashka. Dasha and Kostya.

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On September 23, 2017, the 18th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” began airing on TNT. Clairvoyants, sorcerers and shamans from Russia and countries near and far abroad competed for the title of winner of the Battle of Psychics and the main prize - a blue crystal hand. Filming of season 18 began on July 17, 2017 and ended on December 16, 2017. All episodes of “Battle of Psychics” can be watched online at high quality here: link

Viewers of the TNT channel learned the names of the finalists of the 18th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” on December 9 in the 12th issue. After this, the right to choose the winner was given to fans of the project, who actively voted for their favorites by sending SMS for them. Konstantin Getsati, Sonya Egorova, Alexander Kinzhinov and Jean and Dana Alibekov - which of them will receive the coveted Blue Hand prize? The presenter of the show, Marat Basharov, will announce this at a ceremony that will be shown on TNT on the evening of Saturday, December 23.

Battle of psychics season 18 - who won. News today 01/16/2018

Vika Raidos withdrew from one battle because she realized that she was her daughter. And then she said that if her husband didn’t allow it, she wouldn’t go. Family comes first.
And this couple doesn’t seem to care about family...

First test: three girls brought their amulets. Psychics need to identify the owners of objects, talk about amulets and their owners. Konstantin Getsati and Jean/Dana Alibekov guessed all three things right.

This weekend I rewatched the 18th season. It was as if I was watching with different eyes. A wonderful season, this is probably the kindest season, without snorting or pathos, warm relationships within the participants. All the finalists deserve to call themselves psychics. I was rooting for Sonya, although I was sure that Konstantin will win, he is certainly worthy of his hand, a smart, talented, handsome young man. Sonya, a kind young girl, very talented, very, very good. A good battle, a great battle!!!

Psychic originally from Vladikavkaz. He spent his entire childhood in Chukotka, where he graduated high school and mastered the guitar. It is recognized that in youth was in love with a teacher music school. The guy also played sports and collected a collection of stamps in his spare time.

The second test was at the driving out ceremony in the Gothic hall. The psychics were asked to once again prove their abilities. Marat Basharov invited the participants to guess what was in the large white envelope. There was a newspaper article about Zoya Karnaukhova, a girl from Samara who danced with an icon and froze in place for 128 days (“Zoya’s standing”) and then died.

1. Marina Zueva - natural witch from Portugal, exorcist-housewife; 51 years old
2. Nikita Turchin - housekeeper from Ufa, actor; 17 years.
3. Zhan and Dana Alibekov from Kazakhstan.
4. Olesya Molchanova from Khakassia.
5. Konstantin Getsati from Moscow, 30 years old. Urologist.
6. Sonya Egorova, fashion model;
7. Alexander Kinzhinov - tarot card reader;
8. Irina Maklakova - village witch;
9. Rustam Zartdinov - sorceress from Tashkent.
10. Irina Volkova and dog Dasya.
11. Maxim Nikitin - black magician.
12. Ivan Shabanov - city shaman.

And the official release of the program with the announcement of the results of BE-18 will be released on Saturday, December 23, 2017. Then we will know the number of votes the finalists received. In the article you can see a photo of Konstantin Getsati, where he is holding the prize of the Battle of Psychics “Blue Hand”, as well as a video where Konstantin Getsati is greeted by fans satisfied with his victory.

How the places were distributed in the Battle of Psychics - Season 18

By the way, last week the star of “Battle” Vlad Kadoni spoke about possible closure mystical project. "They say this last season"Battles of Psychics." I don't want to believe it. I want to continue to see these wonderful people on television screens...” - Vlad Kadoni wrote a post for a photograph with illusionist Sergei Safronov and actress Vera Sotnikova, who acted as observers for many years during the tests in the “Battle”. Subscribers of Vlad Kadoni's microblog are divided into two arguing camps: some say that the show must continue, others say that it is high time to put an end to the project.

Viewers of the TNT channel saw the first episode of the 18th season of the “Battle of Psychics” on September 23, 2017. Observers in the “Trunk” test were surprised by the witch from Portugal Marina Zueva, the housekeeper Nikita Turchin, the shy young sorcerer Rustam Zartdinov and, of course, the charismatic descendant of Alan magicians Konstantin Getsati. Played the role of "Mr. X" famous singer Yulia Samoilova.

Battle of psychics season 18 finalists. (updated).

The television project “Battle” of season 18 has come to an end. Fans of the show learned the name of the winner even before the official release last broadcast to the TNT TV channel, since fans and project participants could not hide the results of the audience voting.

I think many people understand that the Battle of Psychics is a show, so you can’t take this show seriously. Moreover, the eighteenth battle took place entirely according to the scenario of the seventeenth battle, then the winner of the show was already known from the first episode of the program. Then it was charming, of course not Dashi. In the eighteenth Battle of Psychics, the winner was a man with the same type (charm, charisma and radiance of inner strength), and the same favorite of TV viewers, Konstantin Getsati. More information about the names of the psychics of the Battle of Psychics-18 can be found in the article on the Sprint-Answer website, and the profile of Konstantin Getsati in this article on our website. The name of the winner of the show Battle of Psychics of Season 18 became known on the night of December 17th.

IN final release showed a retrospective of the entire season with a story about the four finalists of the project. Then Marat Basharov announced the start of the award ceremony. After passing to film set Through the ranks of fans, the finalists were in for a surprise: participants from previous seasons, as well as psychics from season 18, gave them gifts. Elena Golunova gave Konstantin Getsati a basket of flowers. Vlad Kadoni, Alexander Sheps and Alexey Pokhabov presented bouquets of flowers to Sonya Egorova. Nadezhda Shevchenko gave the Alibekovs flowers and a mortar. Marilyn Kerro congratulated the finalists remotely - they were shown a video of congratulations on a tablet. Nikita Turchin gave the Alibekovs pig hearts, Alexander Kinzhinov a box of soil, Sonya Egorova mice, and Konstantin Getsati brains with cockroaches. Victoria Raidos gave Konstantin Getsati a painting with Alan figures. Swami Dashi presented Alexander Kinzhinov with a ring, Konstantin Getsati with a set of substances, Sonya Egorova with candles, and Zhan and Dana Alibekov with musical instrument and your crystal blue hand.

25/11/2017 at 17:47
In the eighteenth battle, many people want to watch, I’m here for three. And most of all for Konstantin, he is so serious and specific knows his work, inspires confidence. And it seems to me that he is very good doctor I will keep my fingers crossed for him, let him succeed as he planned. Konstantin is the best.

The media reports that Konstantin Getsati received higher education urologist. After which I decided to enroll in graduate school, which I graduated with honors. Currently, the young man works as a doctor in two clinics in Moscow.

The finale was not without surprises. The brightest participants of previous seasons came to support the finalists: Elena Golunova and Vlad Kadoni, Alexey Pokhabov, Nicole Kuznetsova, Namtar Enzigal, Victoria Raidos, Tatyana Larina and others. A video message to the finalists was sent by the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro, and the winner of last season mysterious Swami Dashi completely confused everyone by giving his “blue hand” to Zhan and Dana Alibekov. In the finale, Marat Basharov created real intrigue by inviting Sonya Egorova to once again show her strength at the “Battle” next season. Sonya agreed.

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Battle of psychics season 18 winner video. All the latest information.

On September 22, 2018, the 19th season of the show “Battle of Psychics” began airing on TNT. Clairvoyants, sorcerers and shamans from Russia and countries near and far abroad competed for the title of winner of the Battle of Psychics and the main prize - a blue crystal hand. Filming for season 19 began on July 31, 2018 and ended on December 16, 2018. All episodes of “Battle of Psychics” can be watched online in high quality here: link

Participants in the Battle of Psychics Season 19

1. Timofey Rudenko - clairaudient schizophrenic
2. Aida Grifal - inherited the gift from her gypsy grandmother
3. Grigory Kuznetsov - owns runic and sexual magic
4. Yuliy Kotov - singer, counter tenor
5. Manana Marshunova - Georgian clairvoyant from a remote village
6. Maria Shweide is an orphan, her parents were killed
7. Varvara Panina - learned magic on the Internet
8. Natalia Abramovich - witch, born dead
9. Vitaly Bortsov - former police officer, served in hot spots
10. Svetlana Nazarova - eats cemetery soil
11. Artemy and Vladimir Nikara are twins
12. Georgy Malinovsky - sorcerer, participated in season 16

Battle of Psychics Season 19 - who won?

The name of the winner of the eighteenth season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT became known on the night of December 15-16 during the filming of the award ceremony. He became (45.13%). Second place - Aida Grifal (27.92%). Third place - Grigory Kuznetsov (26.95%).

The winner of the nineteenth Battle of Psychics will be announced on TNT on December 22, 2018. Results popular vote VK radically disagreed with the official results:

Filming of the BE-19 finale took place in Stakheev’s mansion, located at st. Novaya Basmannaya 14 building 1, also known as the Central House of Children of Railway Workers. You can see how the final was filmed in this video:

Battle of Psychics season 19 - all episodes

Battle of psychics season 19 episode 1 09/22/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 2 September 29, 2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 3 10/06/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 4 10/13/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 5 10/20/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 6 10.27.2018 ( link)
Battle of psychics season 19 episode 7 11/03/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 8 11/10/2018 ( link)
Battle of Psychics Season 19 Episode 9 11/17/2018 (