Tatars profess Islam. Tatars religion

Tatars - Turkic people, living in the central part of European Russia, as well as in the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, the Crimea, as well as in Kazakhstan, the states of Central Asia and the Chinese Autonomous Republic of Xinjiang. About 5.3 million people of Tatar nationality live in the Russian Federation, which is 4% of the total population of the country, they rank second in number after Russians, 37% of all Tatars in Russia live in the Republic of Tatarstan in the capital of the Volga Federal District with its capital in the city of Kazan and constitute the majority (53%) of the republic's population. The national language is Tatar (a group of Altai languages, Turkic group, Kipchak subgroup), has several dialects. The majority of Tatars are Sunni Muslims; there are also Orthodox and those who do not identify themselves with specific religious movements.

Cultural heritage and family values

Tatar traditions of housekeeping and family life in to a greater extent preserved in villages and towns. Kazan Tatars, for example, lived in wooden huts, which differed from Russian ones only in that they did not have a vestibule and the common room was divided into women's and male half, separated by a curtain (charshau) or a wooden partition. In any Tatar hut it was obligatory to have green and red chests, which were later used as the bride’s dowry. In almost every house, a framed piece of text from the Koran, the so-called “shamail,” hung on the wall; it hung above the threshold as a talisman, and a wish for happiness and prosperity was written on it. Many bright, rich colors and shades were used to decorate the house and surrounding area; the interior rooms were richly decorated with embroidery, since Islam prohibits depicting humans and animals; embroidered towels, bedspreads and other things were mostly decorated with geometric patterns.

The head of the family is the father, his requests and instructions must be carried out unquestioningly, the mother has a special place of honor. Tatar children from early years They are taught to respect elders, not to hurt younger ones and always help the disadvantaged. The Tatars are very hospitable, even if a person is an enemy of the family, but he came to the house as a guest, they will not refuse him anything, they will feed him, give him something to drink and offer him an overnight stay. Tatar girls are raised as modest and decent future housewives; they are taught in advance how to manage a household and are prepared for marriage.

Tatar customs and traditions

There are calendar and family rituals. The first are associated with labor activity(sowing, harvesting, etc.) and are held every year at approximately the same time. Family rituals are carried out as needed in accordance with changes that have occurred in the family: the birth of children, marriages and other rituals.

A traditional Tatar wedding is characterized by the obligatory Muslim rite of nikah, it takes place at home or in a mosque in the presence of a mullah, the festive table consists exclusively of Tatar national dishes: chak-chak, kort, katyk, kosh-tele, peremyachi, kaymak, etc., guests do not eat pork and do not drink alcoholic beverages. The male groom puts on a skullcap, the female bride wears a long dress with closed sleeves, and a scarf is required on her head.

Tatar wedding rites are characterized by a preliminary agreement between the parents of the bride and groom to enter into a marriage union, often even without their consent. The groom's parents must pay a bride price, the size of which is discussed in advance. If the groom is not satisfied with the size of the bride price and he wants to “save money,” there is nothing wrong with stealing the bride before the wedding.

When a child is born, a mullah is invited to him, he performs a special ceremony, whispering prayers into the child’s ear that drive away evil spirits and his name. Guests come with gifts, and a festive table is set for them.

Islam has a huge influence on social life Tatars and therefore the Tatar people divide all holidays into religious ones, they are called “gaete” - for example, Uraza Gaete - a holiday in honor of the end of fasting, or Korban Gaete, a holiday of sacrifice, and secular or folk “bayram”, meaning “spring beauty or celebration”.

On the holiday of Uraza, Muslim Tatar believers spend the whole day in prayers and conversations with Allah, asking him for protection and remission of sins; they can drink and eat only after sunset.

During the celebrations of Kurban Bayram, the holiday of sacrifice and the end of the Hajj, also called the holiday of goodness, every self-respecting Muslim, after performing morning prayer in the mosque, must slaughter a sacrificial ram, sheep, goat or cow and distribute the meat to those in need.

One of the most significant pre-Islamic holidays is the plow festival Sabantuy, which is held in the spring and symbolizes the end of sowing. The culmination of the celebration is the holding of various competitions and competitions in running, wrestling or horse racing. Also, a mandatory treat for all those present is porridge or botkasy in Tatar, which used to be prepared from common products in a huge cauldron on one of the hills or hillocks. Also at the holiday it was mandatory to have large quantity colored eggs for children to collect. Main holiday Sabantuy of the Republic of Tatarstan is officially recognized and is held every year in the Birch Grove in the village of Mirny, near Kazan.

News from Russia


I. Russian Muslims.

Muslims are a sixth of that human mass that is called the Russian people, this is every sixth in the army and in the rear, and therefore in the days when the Russian statehood is being rebuilt, when all restrictions disappear, the role of thirty million Muslims can be very significant, because it can influence one or another solution to our historical problems.

Therefore, we consider it timely to familiarize Russian society with the moods, desires and political views of Muslims.

Muslims are not a people, but many peoples, united by one religion and one Eastern culture, which they received along with religion from the East, from Arabia, and therefore Islam in itself has realized the brotherhood of peoples, bonded by a common idea.

Islam is the East, that East, whose stamp lies on the monuments of Russian antiquity - look at the domes - the turbans of St. Basil, at the portraits of Godunov and Ivan the Terrible, this stern khan in a skullcap, remember that Yauza and Balchug still exist in Moscow - and you will understand that Russia’s connection with the Tatars is not an accident or a whim of history.

- "Tatars in Rus'!" - the terrible news was transmitted from end to end throughout all of Rus', plunging the appanage princes into fear and despondency. The Tatars first came with Batu in 1238, and many of them then remained in Rus' as warriors and guards of the princely treasury. Then, Tatar invasions were repeated frequently, and cruel conquerors Each time they signed their mother’s visit to Russian cities with fire and sword.

Khan Chanibek (Dzhanibek - editor's note) took Moscow. The Iron Lame, Khan Timur (Amir Timur - ed.), spared Moscow and, on pain of death, forbade his soldiers from entering the capital. Khan Edigei and Safa-Bey spared Rus', and only Devlet-Girey, under Ivan the Terrible, avenging the ambassadors killed by the Terrible, burned Moscow.

During this entire period, the Tatars more than once were allies of one or another appanage principality and, as free nomadic warriors by profession, found fault with every opportunity to fight, taking advantage of the eternal wars between the feuding appanage princes.

The Tatars instilled in the Russians their military organization, infected them with the spirit of aggressive adventurism, and they themselves were defeated, conquered and absorbed by the expanding Russian state.

The conquered peoples of the khans disappeared, transformed, others became Russified, but the peoples remained and over the centuries adopted the Russian state culture, preserved the faith of their fathers and the spiritual culture of the East.

All Turkic peoples that are part of the Russian state are united under the common banner of Russian Islam, considering Islam not as a religion, but as a cultural discipline that brings together tribes kindred in spirit.

Hundreds of years spent in peaceful work side by side with the Tatars taught the Russians to believe and respect their Muslim brothers.

The khans fought with the tsars, but today there are no khans, no tsars, there are peoples, there is a union of Russian peoples - and among them are Muslims.

Together with the Russian people, they bore all the hardships of a subjugated existence, enduring all the blows inflicted on the subject peoples by the dissolute Romanovism.

The richest lands in Siberia, Kazan, the Volga region, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Crimea and Turkestan were taken away from the Muslims. The huge estates of the Romanovs, all these appanage and cabinet estates - millions of acres of plundered land - will now form the people's land fund.

Muslims were persecuted for their origin, their faith and customs - yet the Muslim masses were the most loyal and served the interests of Russia, often sacrificing everything dear to them and never betraying the Russian people.

The Russian government paid for loyalty with meanness: it closed schools, educational institutions, stifled all manifestations of self-awareness and made loyal Muslims merge with the Russian people and, together with them, renounce the regime of betrayal and trade in conscience.

II. Religion and life.

The religion of Muslims, Islam, or Mohammedanism (named after the founder of the religion and its Prophet Mohammed), is not only an idealistic teaching, but a set of laws that provide for almost all everyday phenomena and serve the most diverse aspects of life. This includes common law (adat), a set of church decrees (sharia), the foundations of military and civil organization, and much more.

Tatars are religious, sober and very hardworking. The life of a Tatar village differs little from a Russian one: the same primitive farming, the same stamp of landlessness and overcrowding, but there are no taverns, no dirt, the Tatars are clean, and literacy is obligatory for children of both sexes. Everyone has the right to attend a Tatar school, regardless of age and status. Schools, madrassas and mektebe mainly provided hitherto elementary education: reading, writing, the basics of the Koran and its interpretation.

Russian schools of the “ministerial” type provided very little, and the government did not allow the establishment of schools of other types.

The Tatars, however, persistently strived for the light, fought for the right to study, and on this basis their history is a history of persecution and punishment.

For a long time, the only relatively enlightened people in the Tatar village were exclusively confessors, that is, mullahs and imams. They were among the people, they taught the people the little that they themselves knew and stood guard over religion.

Islam does not have a “clergy” in the Christian sense, there is no such class. Any Muslim can be a mullah, and the son of a mullah is no different from the son of a farmer or artisan. Religion and everyday life are closely connected and this, perhaps, explains the stability and moral qualities of Islam.

Muslims live in good neighborly relations with their neighbors, and do not show any hostility towards peoples of other faiths. Some tragic misunderstandings, such as the Armenian-Tatar clashes in Transcaucasia, are explained partly by the lack of culture of the native population, partly by economic conditions, but mainly by the malicious provocation of the old tsarist government, its henchmen and servants.

Until now, Europeans had a deep conviction that Islam, as a religion, is a hindrance that makes it difficult for Muslims to join culture. This is true insofar as, in general, every religion is conservative.

The teachings of Islam are essentially elastic and deeply democratic in spirit. Republican communities existed among the ancient Arabs, governed by elected sheikhs. The ancient caliphate was a republic where the caliph was the president, and the people remained the master of the country, easily deposing the caliphs. Islam and the Arab-Turkish culture adjacent to it do not know an aristocracy as a caste; Neither the Arabs nor the Turks had and do not have privileged classes: neither nobles, nor princes, nor clergy.

Islam patronized the sciences, literature, and the arts, and in the era of the Moorish heyday, art and science reached the limits of high development.

Neither in the Koran nor in other written books of laws there is any tendency against culture, and any political and social reforms from the point of view of Islam can only be welcomed.

Any references to the intolerance of Islam in connection with indications of the inertia of individual tribes do not stand up to serious criticism, for this inertia is not from Islam, but from the imperialist serfdom policy of the peoples among whom Muslims live.

The Russian peasant is not familiar with Islam, however, among the masses he is no higher than any Tatar. Both of them were kept in the closet of ignorance by the royal government.

III. Land and freedom.

Anyone who wants to study the history of Russian Islam over the last two centuries can do this without looking into Russia. It is enough to visit Persia and Turkey, it is enough to drive along the Anatolian railway from Constantinople to Konya and you will see the history of two centuries of persecution and study the land issue of Russian Islam better than from any documents.

At the Gaidar Pasha station, immersed in greenery and looking into the azure mirror of the Bosphorus, sad, emaciated ragamuffins in sheepskin hats wander among the picturesque crowd. For a pittance they carry away luggage and cargo and again stand at the walls, gloomy and hungry. These are the “Urus-Muhajirs”, refugees from Russia, Crimean Tatars.

Crimeans fled en masse to Turkey three times. For the first time, in the days of the annexation of Crimea to Russia, when Catherine II, with a single wave of her hand, “granted” to her favorites Potemkin, Bulgakov, Zubov, Zotov and the handsome Phanariots Kachioni, Revelioti and others hundreds of thousands of acres of land. “Take as much as the eye can see,” the queen said to the Greek Kachioni, and he, having climbed Chatyrdag, pointed his hand at the Karasu-bazaar, which was white in the distance, and received about a hundred thousand dessiatines. The queen deigned to laugh, but did not grieve about the Tatars, writing about them to Potemkin literally the following:

“Since these Tatars are not nobles, they cannot have their own lands.”

“These Tatars,” having turned into beggars, in 1791, in the amount of about one hundred thousand, headed to Turkey.

A flourishing region, densely populated, with exemplary gardens, pastures, silkworm, apiary and dairy farms, turned into a desert. The “state peasants” with whom the new landowners populated these lands fled.

After the Crimean War of 1853-55, the Russian government tried to establish missionary societies to raise up to two thousand Tatars, who abandoned everything and fled to Turkey in 1861. And finally, in 1901, driven to despair by the Russian policy, another fifty thousand Tatars left for Turkey. The government, having done away with private ones, even took control of the “waqf” lands, so that the Tatars could not build schools and orphanages with the income from these lands.

The first emigrants were settled by the Turks in Dobruja, and when Dobruja passed to Romania, the Tatars remained there, and to this day they lived tolerably. The later ones, settled in Asia, are in poverty. Many died from fevers, others died during the construction of the Anatolian road.

"You can walk from Istanbul to Baghdad by walking from one Tatar grave to another."

And in the Crimea, the landless handful live out their days in heavy corvee labor, in the skopshchina and as farm laborers on the Romanov appanage, cabinet and high-noble lands.

That's the whole agrarian question of the Crimean Tatars.

An Anatolian express rushes along the shores of the Bosphorus and stops at Gebze station, where beggarly huts huddle on the bare slopes. Turkmens and Sarts from Turkestan live here. They had millions of acres of land, but the Russian government decided to “cleanse” the region of the natives. Millions of tithes were declared cabinet and government, and the fattest piece, the Murgab-Ali oasis, turned out to belong to the king and formed the multimillion-dollar “Murgab Sovereign Estate.” The same thing happened with the Kirghiz who fled to China, and the Turkmen who went to Persia.

This is the history of the agrarian question in Turkestan.

From Gebze station to Ismit, with 14 stations, you can explore history Caucasian highlanders. To the right and left of the railway track are the sakli of the Abadzekhs, Tavlins, Adigois, Avars and Circassian auls.

At the stations - beshmets, hats, guttural dialect. Talk to them and hear how their ancestors were thrown out of Avalov’s “Borzhom”, which was “Highly granted” to Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich. You will hear how the Abrau tracts were cleared, where the effervescent Durso now foams. You will learn how lands were alienated in the Batumi region, where there are now Chakvinsky tea plantations, lead and copper mines in the Murgul region and the richest “state” lands. You will find out where the priceless estates of the great princes, scattered throughout the Caucasus, came from.

Fifteen years ago, Prince Alexander of Oldenburg liked the lands in the Gagra tract. Two companies of soldiers with three guns were demanded from Sukhum, and the Gagra region was declared “state property” and Gagra itself became the property of the prince, who set up a resort and palace there, and the Abkhazians were driven naked to the shore, where they boarded boats and feluccas and headed to Asia Minor.

The March storm did its job, and the Black Sea sheltered several hundred men, women and children on its hospitable bottom.

The survivors reached the Turkish coast, and then ended up in Eskisheer, where they work in the extraction of “sea meerschaum” in the Bes-Tepe mines. Hard labor pays a pittance and requires great sacrifices.

In Smyrna, Alashera, Karagissar, Koniya, on the wild Gok-Dag - everywhere Russian “muhajirs” eke out a hungry existence, whose entire guilt is that the Russian tsars and their servants liked millions of acres of Muslim lands.

This is the essence of the agrarian question of Russian Muslims, and when they talk to me about numerical statistical data, I listen poorly, because I remember my trip to Turkey, I see the dying remnants of tribes, I remember the rich cultural areas taken from them, and I feel that this question is written with a sharp knife on the human heart.

Love for the homeland - oh, you will understand it when you remember that after all these torments and experiments on popular organizations, there are about thirty million Muslims left in Russia. True, they are landless, horseless, they are not landowners, but air-owners and sky-owners, who constantly fought for the Russian cause, for the Russian lands and for the Romanov lands taken from the Muslims.

I'll give you the numbers:

Over two centuries, 41,675,000 acres of land were taken from Russian Muslims, including Siberian lands.

Almost forty-two million dessiatinas. It is these lands that Muslims lay claim to, who on the land issue fully and unanimously share the program of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, but make a reservation: - Muslims will be content with the lands that were taken from them outside the war being returned to them by a free Russia. Muslims firmly believe that the Russian people, represented by their Constituent Assembly, will return to them the lands where the remains of their grandfathers rest, they believe in the conscience of the Russian people and, hopefully, will not repent of their faith.

Muslims say that the agrarian question cannot be solved by seizures and violence, that suffering Russia must now be protected, and all personal issues, even questions of existence, must be postponed until the Constituent Assembly.

Let strength obey conscience!

Muslims, in the majority, are farmers and pastoralists.

The earth for them is bread, light and strength. On the question of land, in the Constituent Assembly they will firmly stand on the position I have indicated. For this position is the only solid ground under the feet of every agricultural people.

IV. Land regulations.

A practically serious question is the question of the amount of land required for Muslims.

It is difficult to answer this question now, in the absence of accurate data, but we can safely say that, in general, it is important for Muslims to receive lands in the areas of their settlement. And here's why: Muslims, oddly enough, given the prevailing belief about their backwardness, are excellent owners, supporters of intensive farming, the principle of which is:

The highest profitability with the best cultivation from the smallest area of ​​land.

A Crimean Tatar on the southern coast extracts more income from one dessiatine of a vineyard the size of a garden or tobacco plantation than a steppe dweller from twenty-five dessiatines of even good land.

In Crimea there are gardens that provide up to ten thousand rubles in income per tithe.

This tithe is processed by one family, while in the steppe a peasant family cannot cultivate and harvest five tithes of grain without hired labor help.

Vineyards, vegetable gardens, tobacco plantation, on the one hand, and sheep breeding, cattle breeding, dairy farming, on the other - these are predominantly the favorite economic sectors of Muslims. Therefore, it is impossible to solve the agrarian question by offering a Caucasian or Crimean any land in Siberia, where even oats freeze on the roots at the end of May.

This is why Muslims stand firm on the issue of land distribution:

The allocation of lands must be consistent with the territorial rights of individual peoples.

That is, the Crimeans must receive Crimean lands; Kazan - Kazan; Siberians are Siberian. Fishermen do not need arable land at all: give them the shores of those waters from which fishing is a source of livelihood for them.

This is what Muslims are striving for in the area of ​​the agrarian issue.

V. Political views.

There is now a clear split among modern Islam; All Russian Muslims were divided into two camps on the question of the forms of future statehood.

These two currents: unitarianism and federalism. Supporters of a democratic republic on a federal basis adhere to the program presented at the last All-Russian Congress of Muslims by the prominent federalist Rasul-Zade. Federalists proceed from the following provisions:

Our future statehood must rest on two principles. This is the universality of interests on the one hand and the freedom of individual development of individual nationalities on the other. The characteristics of each nationality must be preserved and ensured. Preservation of the national physiognomy is necessary in the interests of all humanity. When the characteristics of any nationality perish, this is a loss precious treasures for all humanity.

Each nation must organize itself. Islam is a unifying principle. But if Islam is a building, then let individual Muslim nations be rooms in that common house. For example, Turkic peoples should not interfere in Arab affairs. Also, small branches of the Turkic people have their own characteristics; they must be preserved. There is a difference in the dialect; Volga residents have their own wonderful literature, their own writers, poets - they should not be forgotten. Whoever wants to Turkishize the Tatars will offend the Tatars.

Primary school should be in its own dialect, in secondary school the common Turkic language should be taught as a subject. In higher education the language should be common Turkic.

We wish, say the Muslim federalists, that the future form of government should be democratic republic on a federal basis, but we add that we do not want to take advantage of the critical situation of the Russian state, but are postponing the resolution of the issue until the convening of the Constituent Assembly.

A completely different position was taken by supporters of a unitary republic, whose leaders are famous writer Gayaz Iskhakov and popular publicist and fiction writer Akhmet Bek Tsalikov.

Their program, in contrast to the federalists, places the basis for the structure of the future state not on separation, but on the unification and cohesion of individual national groups into a single, united and powerful state: 1) Russia must represent a decentralized democratic parliamentary republic; 2) the cultural and national autonomy of Muslims in Russia must be guaranteed by the constitution of the country, as a public legal institution.

These two trends were clearly expressed at the last Muslim congress in Moscow in May 1917, when the federalist resolution was adopted by the majority.

Peoples of Turkic origin now number about 25 million in Russia out of 30 million of the total Russian Muslim population. Of these: a) eastern: Siberian Tatars (Turks), Chinese Uighurs, etc.; b) southern: Ottomans, Azerbaijanis, Turkmens; c) central: Tatars, Kirghiz, Bashkirs, Nogais.

Talking about the shape of the future government system, it is necessary to keep in mind the interests and right to self-determination of even the smallest nationalities. Moreover, these nationalities have proven their peaceful readiness to work in a neighboring community with the Russian people.

The attitude of Islam towards Russia can be judged by the final speech of the chairman of the mentioned congress.

The country that was our stepmother, the country where humiliated and oppressed Muslims, third-class citizens, were insulted every day, has now become our homeland, our mother. This country is in real danger, and this state of the country requires special wisdom from us. And we, Muslims, gathered here for the All-Russian Muslim Congress, must show that we can intelligently combine boundless devotion to the interests of the people to which we belong, with loving concern for the good of that whole dear to us, whose name is free Russia!

This is how Islam behaves in difficult times for Russia, which has the right to count, in turn, on the support of the Russian people in the future.

VI. Muslim.

The free woman of Arabia, the foremother of Islam, never knew the oppression of family slavery, was never a harem trinket, a thing, a meager vessel. Nomadic, full of dangers and military adventures, life placed a woman in the ranks of men, and in the history of Arabia, throughout its entire length, the names of women poetesses, judges - “kadine”, large merchants, like the first wife of Mohammed, Khadija, are mentioned, and even female commanders are mentioned and sheikhs of the tribes, in the clan of Gulnar, Zainab-Sheikh and the legendary Kara-Fatima. Under the caliphs (the caliph is the Prophet's deputy on earth), there was a women's academy of arts and conservatories in Zamarra, Baghdad and Cairo.

Among the peoples who adopted Arab culture - and Islam became the religion of nomads -

women enjoyed the rights of men as long as the people led nomadic life. Among the Arab tribes, among our and Chinese Kyrgyz, among the Buryats, women still have the right to this day, and at the ongoing Muslim congress in Moscow there is a delegate elected by an entire Kyrgyz district - not from women, but from the people.

Seljuk women lost their rights since the Ottoman Settlement, and Russian Tatar women received new culture prison seclusion and lack of rights. A Tatar woman came to Rus', armed with a quiver and a spear, on a war camel, like a winner, but the tower defeated her. The summers passed, the Russian woman threw off her kokoshnik, broke the prison gates and came out into the world. The Muslim woman was still sitting behind bars, waiting for her to be liberated, and wondering: what is better - to wait or to catch up?!

Today we see women with open faces, speaking loudly about their needs, voting and speaking out on issues of great political importance along with men. We see women doctors, lawyers, teachers.

True, there are few of them; True, behind the backs of this “star hundred” of intelligent girls are fifteen million trembling, not liberated Russian Muslim women, but the dam has been broken, and the spontaneous women’s movement is already crushing age-old barriers in its path.

Encouraged by the events they were experiencing, Muslim women decided to break with the nightmare past imposed by traditions and the clergy, who had distorted the covenant of the Koran and Sharia with arbitrary interpretations. According to Sharia, women enjoy political and civil rights; In Sharia there is no Hijab ritual prohibiting walking with an open face.

Modern Muslim women, regardless of prejudices, have renounced the medieval principles of slavery. They demand the same rights as men, the abolition of forced marriages, by agreement of parents, the abolition of dowry (ransom), which turns the institution of marriage into a commercial trade.

They want to prohibit the clergy from performing marriage ceremonies over girls under sixteen years of age. They require those getting married to present a medical certificate of health.

Polygamy, where it exists, must be abolished. First of all, it is necessary to open women's hospitals and maternity hospitals, as well as widely provide medical services to Muslim women.

The last question is especially serious, because hitherto in many areas, especially among the mountaineers, women were deprived of medical care, since there are no female doctors, and men, especially those of other faiths, cannot be contacted. Endemic epidemics destroyed thousands of young lives due to barbaric customs, and Muslim women still often die as victims of the vagaries of “Tatar pharmacology,” consisting of beans, horse teeth, spells and other rubbish. All these demands of Muslim women, so basic, will have to be won with great difficulty. Here, at the congress, where men are mostly progressive, the best people, women's demands, of course, meet with sympathy and support, but how will they be treated in the remote slums of Crimea, Turkestan, Transcaucasia?

Where a woman is a universal remedy, where she is a wife for everything, where her destiny is a barnyard, a vegetable garden and a kitchen, where she is a dumb slave?

This question is painful and painful; it worries leading Muslim women, the first pioneers, and the emancipation of their sisters.

There are many mullahs in Transcaucasia - fanatics who are hostile to women and conduct cruel propaganda. It will be difficult to fight them; It takes years to implement at least some of the issues that are resolved here in half an hour.

In Baku, in the Muslim world, the situation of women is especially difficult. Even intellectuals, women doctors and teachers, do not risk appearing in the theater among men.

Every rich native considers it a sign good manners have one or more non-Muslim common-law wives. They live wonderfully, go everywhere, go to resorts and abroad and enjoy freedom to the fullest, while legal wives languish in gilded cages, left to their own devices, under the control of a despot-husband, and often his relatives.

How long ago did the trial of Tagiyev, who mutilated a man just because he talked to his wife, end?

The wisdom of the East said:
- Marriage is the grave of love.

And not only love, but also youth, and freedom, and the grave of everything, everything human.

The human ends, the slave begins, the bestial, the universal toiletry case, the well-fed servants, anything you like, but not a person equal to the owner - the husband.
On the husband's side: customs, society, false laws and the clergy. No wonder it has been said: the devil lives in holy cities.

The struggle is tough, but the woman is challenging; The proletarian formula of K. Marx is applicable to her, more than to anyone else:

We have nothing to lose, because we can only lose chains and find the whole world!

The new, illuminated by the light of freedom, the enlightened Muslim will make room and give place to his mother, his wife, sister and daughter, to all those from whom for centuries he took everything: their health, their freedom, their bodies and souls and gave nothing in return.

He will give, otherwise the woman will force him to give everything that belongs to her according to the word of divine and human laws.

A Muslim woman is on the threshold, and she will boldly cross the threshold.

VII. Muslims and war.

“Muslims are historical militarists, nomadic conquerors, for whom war is a profession and their most favorite craft today,” says Vambery, but this is not true.

Undoubtedly, among dozens of Muslim tribes there are warlike peoples, but who would call the Volga, Siberian, and Central Russian Tatars warlike?

In the Middle Ages, when everyone was savage and bloodthirsty, the military organization of the Mongols brought them brilliant victories, but time and culture erased traces of professional militarism, and today's Muslims, with the exception of the southern highlanders and outlying Turkmens, are peaceful farmers and cattle breeders who do not dream of any no matter the seizure of foreign territories.

Their attitude towards Russia's wars with its enemy was always based on a consciousness of civic duty.

In the ranks of the Russian army, Muslims fought with the Hungarians, French, British, Turks, and Japanese; in the current war they are fighting with the Germans, Bulgarians, and Turks.

Agree that this is curious: the struggle of the Slavs with the Germans and the Turks with ultimate goal the dismemberment of Turkey and the erection of the cross on Hagia Sophia, and in this war for the Slavic idea hundreds of thousands of Muslims die resignedly.

There are one and a half million Muslim generals, officers and soldiers in the Russian army, and general reviews everyone:

Muslims are the best soldiers, honest, ideal, brave and resilient. You can always rely on them.

Moreover, in the Russian army there are a number of regiments formed from Muslim volunteers who are free from military service.
They came to the army on their own initiative, on their own horses, with their own edged weapons - those sabers with which their grandfathers for centuries defended the freedom of their native mountains from attacks from the north, east and west, with those sabers on sharpened blades, whose mottos are inscribed : "We will die for the freedom of the mountains."

For almost three years, in the most difficult conditions, with the Austro-Germans in front of them, and behind them, even more enemy meat-eating and Romanovism, these people performed miracles of courage, covering them with glory Russian weapons. Deprivation, hunger, injury and death on a foreign side for the Russian cause - this is the program carried out today by native regiments.

In military history, these highlanders wrote brilliant pages of superhuman military achievements and battles in the 1914 campaign in Hungary, in the Carpathians and Galicia, in 1915 on the Dniester, on the Prut, in Bukovina, near Gaivorona; in 1916 near Chertovets, Okna, near Izerzhany, Tysmentsa, Tulumach, Chernivtsi, in 1917 - again the Carpathians; bloody battles at height 625 and the terrible Romanian epic. Hundreds of battles and skirmishes, where regiments and divisions competed with each other in daring and desperate courage.

During three years of war, the natives lost half of their strength killed and wounded; Now the regiments have received their fourth reinforcement. Piles of officers and horsemen are the entire capital of military orders. Today they are the loyal troops of free Russia, soldiers of the Russian people as a whole, in the ranks of its army they have imprinted with their blood devotion to the interests of the whole people, and will never betray the Kunak people. They do not need Russian lands, they will not exchange bare rocks and stone saklyas for all the palaces and parks of the world. They want their rights to the mountains to be recognized, and that’s all. They have not stained themselves with anything, and the only stain against the background of the snows of history is the lakes of their blood, shed in ancient times for the freedom of their native mountains, and in our days - for the honor of Russia.

These people will never encroach on Russian freedom, because they realize that the freedom of Russia is their freedom, bringing the fulfillment of their most cherished thoughts and dreams. And the Muslim soldiers of these regiments, like all Muslims in the Russian army, will fight as long as free Russia needs it. Their requirements:

A world without annexations, but an honorable peace that protects and guarantees the free cultural development of all nationalities.

They do not thirst for blood, but they are not afraid of it either and are ready to shed it as long as the consciousness of inevitability and duty to their homeland demands it. The only thing Muslims demand is the formation of Muslim regiments with their own officers and confessors.

This little is their legal right.

In all other respects, they are Russian soldiers on whom the Russian republic can always rely.

VIII. Conclusion.

Today's Russian Muslims have grown to understand those forms of government that they consider acceptable for themselves, and for the most part, Muslims are no less conscious than, say, the Russian people.

Previously, there were Tatars - conquerors in Rus'.

Nowadays we are free citizens, striving for the speedy restoration of peace and cultural and labor balance, in order to, in cooperation with the Russian people, begin to renew and ennoble the old forms of life and law. The Tatars in Rus' are not enemies, but friends, true friends who will not stab bleeding Russia in the back, but will help it heal its wounds and pave the way for a bright and proud future common to all Russian peoples, the beginning of which will be laid by the Constituent Assembly and founded by it Russian Republic.

Public political library.Under the general editorship of D. Ya. Makovsky No. 52

Alexander Tamarin. MMuslims in Rus'.Edition by D. Ya. Makovsky
Moscow, 1917

Tatars have been practicing Islam for more than a thousand years. This religion determines their moral and spiritual character. Its foundations permeate all spheres of existence, social and family relationships, customs and traditions. The power of faith inspires a true Muslim to good deeds and keeps him from sinful acts.

Today Kazan is one of the largest Muslim centers in Russia. But everyone remembers what a thorny path the traditional religion of the Tatar world had to go through. Its history has seen both prosperity and periods of oblivion. However, despite government and political changes, modern residents of Tatarstan remember, honor and follow the religion inherited from their ancestors.

Islam appeared during the Volga Bulgaria era. With the adoption of this religion, it turned into a full-fledged state and achieved unprecedented prosperity in the field of education. History knows the names of the great Bulgarian scientists in the fields of medicine, history and Islamic jurisprudence.

As a result of the attack of the Golden Horde, Volga Bulgaria lost its independence. Since then, Islam has become a persecuted and forbidden religion. Hundreds of mosques were destroyed, and the tradition of building stone religious buildings was lost forever. Madrasahs and prayer houses at that time were huddled in small wooden buildings. And only after separating from the Golden Horde, the Tatars again returned the official status to Islam. It became a powerful unifying factor for the population of the Kazan Khanate, which was the successor to Volga Bulgaria.

Revival of religion

WITH late XVIII century began new wave revival of Islam. It is associated with the names of the great enlightenment scientists Marjani and Kursavi. Tatar thinkers became the first in the Islamic world to raise national issues and called for their new decision. Thus, Jadid scientists (supporters of the new socio-political movement) Rizaetdin Fakhretdin, Galimdzhan Barudi and Zainulla Rasuli opened new method madrassas: “Galia” in Ufa, “Rasulia” in Troitsk and “Muhammadiyya” in Kazan. The active construction of stone stones and the training of theologians made it possible for the capital of the Kazan province to become a center of Islamic culture and Muslim education.

IN modern history In our country, Tatarstan is already successfully returning the forgotten traditions of the Muslim world. Today in the Republic there are over a thousand mosques, many religious publishing houses, newspapers and magazines. Since 1992, the Republican University has been operating, and since 1998, the Russian Islamic University.

Muslim Tatars living in Kazan are reviving their religion with a pure heart and the name of Allah on their lips. In worship and submission to the Almighty they find the true meaning of life.

Tatars(self-name - Tat. Tatar, tatar, plural Tatarlar, tatarlar) - a Turkic people living in the central regions of the European part of Russia, in the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Xinjiang, Afghanistan and the Far East.

Tatars are the second largest ethnic group ( ethnoc- ethnic community) after Russians and most numerous people Muslim culture in the Russian Federation, where the main area of ​​their settlement is the Volga-Ural region. Within this region, the largest groups of Tatars are concentrated in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Language, writing

According to many historians, the Tatar people with a single literary and practically common spoken language emerged during the existence of the huge Turkic state - the Golden Horde. The literary language in this state was the so-called “idel terkise” or Old Tatar, based on the Kipchak-Bulgar (Polovtsian) language and incorporating elements of Central Asian literary languages. The modern literary language based on the middle dialect arose in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

In ancient times, the Turkic ancestors of the Tatars used runic writing, as evidenced by archaeological finds in the Urals and Middle Volga region. Since the voluntary adoption of Islam by one of the ancestors of the Tatars, the Volga-Kama Bulgars, the Tatars used Arabic writing, from 1929 to 1939 - Latin script, and since 1939 they have used the Cyrillic alphabet with additional characters.

Earliest surviving literary monuments in the old Tatar literary language (Kul Gali’s poem “Kyisa-i Yosyf”) was written in the 13th century. From the second half of the 19th century. The modern Tatar literary language begins to take shape, which by the 1910s had completely replaced the old Tatar language.

Modern Tatar language, belonging to the Kipchak-Bulgar subgroup of the Kipchak group of the Turkic language family, is divided into four dialects: middle (Kazan Tatar), western (Mishar), eastern (language of the Siberian Tatars) and Crimean (language of the Crimean Tatars). Despite dialectal and territorial differences, Tatars are one nation with a single literary language, a single culture - folklore, literature, music, religion, national spirit, traditions and rituals.

Even before the 1917 coup, the Tatar nation occupied one of the leading places in the world in terms of literacy level (the ability to write and read in its own language). Russian Empire. The traditional thirst for knowledge has survived in the current generation.

The Tatars, like any large ethnic group, have a rather complex internal structure and consist of three ethno-territorial groups: Volga-Ural, Siberian, Astrakhan Tatars and the sub-confessional community of baptized Tatars. By the beginning of the 20th century, the Tatars went through a process of ethnic consolidation ( ConsolidAtion[lat. consolidatio, from con (cum) - together, at the same time and solido - compacting, strengthening, merging], strengthening, strengthening something; unification, consolidation individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common goals).

The folk culture of the Tatars, despite its regional variability (it varies among all ethnic groups), is fundamentally the same. The vernacular Tatar language (consisting of several dialects) is fundamentally unified. Since XVIII -to the beginning XX centuries A national (so-called “high”) culture with a developed literary language emerged.

The consolidation of the Tatar nation was strongly influenced by the high migration activity of Tatars from the Volga-Ural region. So, by the beginning of the 20th century. 1/3 of the Astrakhan Tatars consisted of immigrants, and many of them were mixed (through marriages) with local Tatars. The same situation was observed in Western Siberia, where already to end of the 19th century V. about 1/5 of the Tatars came from the Volga and Urals regions, who also intensively mixed with the indigenous Siberian Tatars. Therefore, today it is almost impossible to identify “pure” Siberian or Astrakhan Tatars.

The Kryashens are distinguished by their religious affiliation - they are Orthodox. But all other ethnic parameters unite them with other Tatars. In general, religion is not an ethnic-forming factor. Basic elements traditional culture baptized Tatars are the same as those of other neighboring groups of Tatars.

Thus, the unity of the Tatar nation has deep cultural roots, and today the presence of Astrakhan, Siberian Tatars, Kryashens, Mishars, Nagaibaks has a purely historical and ethnographic significance and cannot serve as a basis for identifying independent peoples.

The Tatar ethnic group has an ancient and bright story, closely connected with the history of all the peoples of the Ural-Volga region and Russia as a whole.

The original culture of the Tatars has worthily entered the treasury of world culture and civilization.

We find traces of it in the traditions and languages ​​of the Russians, Mordvins, Mari, Udmurts, Bashkirs, and Chuvashs. At the same time, national Tatar culture synthesizes the achievements of the Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Indo-Iranian peoples (Arabs, Slavs and others).

Tatars are one of the most mobile peoples. Due to landlessness, frequent crop failures in their homeland and the traditional desire for trade, even before 1917 they began to move to various regions of the Russian Empire, including the provinces Central Russia, to Donbass, Eastern Siberia and the Far East, North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. This migration process intensified during the years of Soviet rule, especially during the “great construction projects of socialism.” Therefore, at present there is practically no federal subject in the Russian Federation where Tatars live. Even in the pre-revolutionary period, Tatar national communities were formed in Finland, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and China. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, Tatars who lived in the former Soviet republics - Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, and the Baltic countries - ended up in the near abroad. Already due to re-emigrants from China. In Turkey and Finland, since the mid-20th century, Tatar national diasporas have been formed in the USA, Japan, Australia, and Sweden.

Culture and life of the people

The Tatars are one of the most urbanized peoples of the Russian Federation. The social groups of the Tatars, living both in cities and in villages, are almost no different from those that exist among other peoples, especially Russians.

In their way of life, the Tatars do not differ from other surrounding peoples. The modern Tatar ethnic group arose in parallel with the Russian one. Modern Tatars are the Turkic-speaking part of the indigenous population of Russia, which, due to their greater territorial proximity to the East, chose Islam rather than Orthodoxy.

The traditional dwelling of the Tatars of the Middle Volga and Urals was a log hut, separated from the street by a fence. The external façade was decorated with multicolor paintings. The Astrakhan Tatars, who retained some of their steppe cattle-breeding traditions, used a yurt as a summer home.

Like many other peoples, rituals and holidays Tatar people largely depended on the agricultural cycle. Even the names of the seasons were designated by a concept associated with a particular work.

Many ethnologists note the unique phenomenon of Tatar tolerance, which consists in the fact that in the entire history of the existence of the Tatars, they have not initiated a single conflict on ethnic and religious grounds. The most famous ethnologists and researchers are sure that tolerance is an invariable part of the Tatar national character.

To the question, what religion do the Tatars belong to??? given by the author Wild Angel the best answer is The ancestors of the Tatars - the Bulgars (who inhabited Volga Bulgaria) converted to Islam in 922. Having become part of Russia, part of the Tatars adopted Christianity, and this group of Tatars who converted to Christianity is often united into a separate ethnic group - the Kryashens.
This does not at all contradict the norms of Islam and Christianity.
Spouses may be of different religions.

Answer from Ermek Kundakov[guru]
Islam since the 10th century.

Answer from Irina[guru]
mostly Muslims

and so: I met different-)

Answer from User deleted[guru]
They don't "relate". Most of them are Muslims, significantly fewer are Orthodox; there are other faiths, but very few.

Answer from Ilya Muromets[guru]
To the Tatar diaspora (((

Answer from Andrey Pyartman[guru]
The traditional religion of the Tatars is Sunni Islam, with the exception of a small group of Kryashen Christians who were converted to Orthodoxy in the 16th-18th centuries.

Answer from Art Sool.[guru]
They were pagans until the 8th century, bowing to all sorts of spirits and gods, then they were forced to accept Islam on pain of death.

The first Turkic state to convert to Islam was the Khazar Khaganate. In 737, the Arab commander Marwan defeated the Khazar army and peace was achieved, the condition of which was the adoption of Islam by the Khaganate and its entourage. After this, Islam very quickly began to spread among the population of this state. Back in 650, with the death of Kubrat, Great Azov Bulgaria ceased to exist, which then in 651 entered the newly formed Khazar Khaganate. By the will of fate, the Bulgars converted to Islam. When the Kagan, who professes Judaism, came to power in 790, many Muslims began to leave the country. At this time, Turkic tribes, among which the Bulgars predominated, began to move to the Middle Volga region. Having united with local Turkic and Finno-Ugric tribes, the Bulgars in the 9th century created Volga Bulgaria, which was still subordinate to the Khazar Khaganate. But at the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century, the Kaganate began to weaken. To demonstrate its independence, in 922 Volga Bulgaria officially converted to Islam.
After the defeat of the Golden Horde by Tamerlane at the end of the 14th century, Ulug Ulus weakened so much that in the 40s of the 15th century it ceased to exist. On its ruins, the Tatar khanates were created, among which the most prominent were the Kazan and Crimean khanates. In all Tatar khanates, Islam became the state religion.
In 1552 - 1556, the Kazan Khanate was conquered by Moscow. Russian state carried out forced Christianization towards the Tatars, especially in the Volga region. However, having become convinced of the futility of such a policy, the Russian state was forced to recognize Islam. In 1788, the Spiritual Administration of Muslims - the Muftiate - was created, the first mufti of which was Muhammedzhan Khusainov.
As we can see, the adoption of Islam by the Tatars began in the 8th century and ended in the 14th - 16th centuries....

Answer from Otto[newbie]
Any religion is not true by definition. Religions are created to divide and manipulate populations.

Answer from Midved the Blessed[guru]
Witnesses of Pokhuism.

Answer from Yoashin DAD[guru]
Religion is not determined by nationality. but by faith. God gave people freedom. And a person of any nationality can be of any faith. Many people believe. Once a Tatar, it means a Muslim. This is a thinking stereotype. God gave Orthodoxy to the Russians 1000 years ago and Glory to God. By the way, many Tatars accepted Orthodoxy and once again thank God for bringing us to the truth!

Answer from Hare[guru]

Answer from Mustafa Mustafa[guru]