Eternal values ​​in the images of the master and margarita. Essay on the topic True and imaginary values ​​in the novel M

Each person in his life has his own category of values, and in accordance with it he lives and is defined as an individual in society. For some, these are material values, for others, spiritual values. And unfortunately for each of us and for society as a whole, the category of the former is growing, and the category of the latter is decreasing. And more and more often you can hear the sad sighs of older people: “But in our time it wasn’t like that...”. What is the reason for such a revaluation of values ​​in society?
Let's remember the works that our fathers and mothers, grandparents grew up with - these were the works of the classics: Turgenev, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Chekhov, Tolstoy and other wonderful poets and writers. The sublime images and characters of the main characters encouraged us to imitate them in their loyalty, masculinity, culture of communication, subtle humor, and developed in us the correct concepts of duty and honor; exposed and ridiculed such character traits as hypocrisy, deceit, servility, sycophancy, infidelity, betrayal and much more.

If we now open almost any printed publication fiction, some magazine or newspaper, let's turn on the TV or go to the cinema, what do we see? Everything that was previously considered vile, shameful and unacceptable in society is now thriving and even advertised as a normal way of life and behavior. And all those true values, such as honesty, decency, duty, fidelity and others are considered outdated and unfashionable concepts of people who are behind the times.

Today, adherents of lack of culture loudly proclaim: “We must live in step with the times,” and they assert their category of values. And, unfortunately, the first place in this category is occupied by money, and for the sake of money, people today commit deception, all kinds of lies, and even more serious crimes.

One person said: “Who caused the most people to die? Because of Hitler, Stalin? “No, meet Benjamin Franklin, pictured on the $100 bill.” We, of course, understand the irony of this statement, but unfortunately, this category of a person’s value completely depersonalizes him, making him cruel, envious, deceitful, hypocritical, and so on. The Bible very clearly says that the root of all evil is the love of money.

You can often hear indignation at the new laws in the country and the activities of the government, but if you think about it - what makes up my scale of values. Maybe better start with yourself and look at what books I read, what shows I watch, what movies I like, in the end, why I love my husband or wife and whether I love them at all. There used to be a very common saying: “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.” It has not lost its relevance today. Someone said that a person has never been lonely as in the 21st century. But it seems to each of us Cell phones filled with a list of so-called friends. I say “so-called” because they are not, in fact, friends. We need them or they need us, we get some kind of mutually beneficial cooperation from each other and nothing more. If something happens to me, no one will remember why? Yes, because no one will need me.

One man was in a car accident and became disabled - a wheelchair user; his wife left him; in another family a blind child was born, he was sent to Orphanage; In another family, the son became a drug addict and his parents abandoned him and kicked him out of the house. And where is mercy, kindness, loyalty, revenue, mutual assistance, parental or filial duty?

One can cite dozens and hundreds of examples of similar human tragedies that fill the world today due to the fact that people choose the wrong values ​​for themselves, which in fact are not such.

So, the future of our children depends on what we choose today. And if our category of values ​​is money, position in society, fame, greatness, etc., then do not be surprised if tomorrow your children consider you unnecessary and send you to a nursing home; or, even worse, they will visit you only for your funeral in order to inherit your home and property.

True and false in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

I. Introduction

One of the main vices of modern civilization, according to Tolstoy, is the widespread dissemination of false concepts. In this regard, the problem of true and false becomes one of the leading ones in the work. How to distinguish true from false? For this, Tolstoy has two criteria: the true comes from the depths of a person’s soul and is expressed simply, without posture and “playing for the public.” The false, on the contrary, is generated by the base side of human nature and is always focused on external effect.

P. Main part

1. False greatness. “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth,” wrote Tolstoy. Napoleon personifies false greatness in the novel. It contains neither one nor the other, nor the third. Tolstoy shows that Napoleon sends people to death because of petty and largely selfish goals. Napoleon's behavior is extremely unnatural, every gesture and every word of his is calculated for effect. In the novel, Napoleon is contrasted with Kutuzov, whose actions are guided by love for his homeland and love for the Russian soldier. There is no play or pose in his actions; on the contrary, Tolstoy even emphasizes the external unattractiveness of the commander. But it is Kutuzov, as the exponent of the soul of the entire Russian people, who serves as an example of true greatness.

2. False heroism. While a person wants to accomplish a feat primarily in order to be noticed, and dreams of a feat that is certainly beautiful, this, according to Tolstoy, is not yet real heroism. This happens, for example, with Prince Andrei in the first volume of the novel during the Battle of Austerlitz. True heroism arises when a person thinks not about himself, but about the common cause and does not care about how he looks from the outside. Such heroism is shown in war, first of all, by ordinary people - soldiers, Captain Tushin, Captain Timokhin, etc. It is together with them, Prince Andrei becomes capable of true heroism during the Battle of Borodino.

3. False patriotism. It is manifested in the novel by a significant part of the aristocracy, starting from the tsar himself and ending with Helen Bezukhova. The desire to show off one’s patriotism (a fine for uttering a French word in a high-society salon, jingoistic “bills” and pompous oaths of Rostopchin, etc.) is contrasted with the true, unostentatious patriotism, first of all, of the Russian people: soldiers and militias, the merchant Ferapontov, who burned his shop so that the French, partisans, residents of Moscow and other cities and villages who left Napoleon’s army “scorched earth”, etc. would not get it. True patriotism The best representatives of the nobility, united with the people, also differ: Kutuzov, Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova and others.

4. False love. Real love, according to Tolstoy, should arise from a feeling of spiritual closeness between people. Truly loving person thinks not so much about himself as about his loved one or loved one. Love is only justified in Tolstoy's eyes when it expresses spiritual unity. Such love is shown by Tolstoy mainly in the epilogue using the example married couples Nikolai Rostov - Princess Marya and Pierre Bezukhov - Natasha. But the novel also shows love as a false and selfish feeling. So, Pierre's love for Helen is just a sensual attraction. The same can be said about Natasha’s sudden passion for Anatole. A slightly more complex case is Prince Andrei's love for Natasha. It would seem that Andrei Bolkonsky loves quite sincerely, but the fact is that in this love he sees mainly himself: first, the possibility of his own spiritual resurrection, and then - an insult inflicted on his honor. From Tolstoy's point of view, true love and individualism are incompatible.

There have always been values ​​that were considered an immutable truth; attention, love, mutual understanding, loyalty, empathy, trust. Gradually a person learns to communicate with other people and gains experience. He develops his own view of the world, of people, and gradually develops his own system of values. Everyone chooses how to behave in a given situation. But a person makes a choice based on his existing value system.

People with absolutely different views the world is shown in Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace". In the work, the author talks about the lives of people from various walks of life. The author's favorite heroes are the conductors of true values ​​in the epic novel. This is Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova. At the same time we observe life secular society filled with insincerity, selfishness and arrogance.

Tolstoy contrasts false values ​​with true values ​​and reveals them in full using the example of the Kuragin family.

We meet the head of the family, Vasily Kuragin, already in the first chapter of the novel. During a conversation with Anna Pavlovna Scherer, we learn that the main purpose of visiting Kuragin was not to ask about the health of the maid of honor (she had the flu) or to talk about the war with France. No. The main task was to find out “whether it is true that the Dowager Empress wishes to appoint Baron Funke as first secretary in Vienna.” Prince Vasily wanted to appoint his son to this place. Subsequently, we learn that Kuragin only wanted wealth for himself and his children, which is why he married his daughter Helen to the rich Pierre Bezukhov.

Anna Scherer also shows an interest in wealth. Her attitude towards Pierre changed dramatically as soon as he became rich.

At the first meeting, “Anna Pavlovna greeted him with a bow that belonged to people of the lowest hierarchy in her salon.” When the count received the inheritance, “everything he said came out charming.” For both Kuragin and Anna Scherer, the main advantage of a person was his wealth.

The Kuragin family is opposed to the Bolkonsky family. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky undoubtedly loves his children. He considers it necessary to constantly study mathematics with his daughter. He himself is constantly busy with some kind of physical or mental activity: “a high writing table on which lay an open notebook, lathe with tools laid out and shavings scattered around." Nikolai Andreevich also loves his son Andrei. Old Prince knew the military and political circumstances of Europe in every detail, but did not dissuade his son from going to war, although he was very worried. Unlike Prince Kuragin, Bolkonsky did not try to place his son in a prestigious, profitable position.

A lot of space in the novel is devoted to the description of military events. This is the Battle of Shengraben, and Battle of Austerlitz, and the Battle of Borodino. In the work, when describing the Battle of Shengraben, the author talks about the manifestation of heroism by Captain Tushin and the manifestation of heroism by Fedor Dolokhov.

Dolokhov, who had recently been demoted to the ranks of soldiers, sought to regain the rank of officer as quickly as possible. Fedor proved himself by killing one Frenchman and capturing an officer of the enemy army. But perhaps the least of all thoughts flashed through his mind that he was fighting for the good of the country, and not for his own benefit. It was important for Dolokhov that his action was noticed and remembered by the regimental commander. Fyodor persistently repeats: “I captured an officer. I stopped the company... Please remember, Your Excellency.” Thus, Dolokhov only cares about returning his rank, he is only concerned about promotion. Unlike Tushin, who cares about the success of the common cause, Dolokhov is only concerned with selfish interests.

Captain Tushin showed considerable heroism and courage in battle. With only four cannons, the captain repelled French attacks for a long time. The captain will show courage by not allowing enemies to approach the main army. Tushin could have drawn the attention of Prince Andrei to his contribution to the common cause when he arrived with the order to retreat, but did not do this, since he was not looking for glory.

Tolstoy developed family thought throughout the entire work. At the end of the novel, the results are summed up. The author concludes "War and Peace" with a description of the life of two families. Maria Bolkonskaya married Nikolai Rostov, and Natasha Rostova married Pierre Bezukhov. Mutual understanding reigned in the families, the spouses loved each other. Using the example of Natasha Rostova, the author shows that being rich is much more important in life spiritual world, love for people, the ability to empathize and sympathize with them, rather than external indicators. Comparing Natasha with Helen, whose “unchangeable smile” never left her face, we can say that Natasha did not seek her own benefit in communicating with people, did not seek happiness in money and wealth. She shows sincere feelings and emotions. She loves to sing and dance. Natasha seems alive, real. With the formation of a family, Natasha finds happiness. She devotes herself completely to her family; she now sees her purpose in serving her husband and children.

Thus, in Tolstoy's novel great attention is given to true values. Their bearers are the author’s favorite heroes. They care about each other and love their fatherland. Lies, cunning, opportunism are unacceptable to them. Tolstoy shows that it is precisely such people that the future belongs to, it is precisely such people that Russia can be proud of.

Effective preparation for the Unified State Exam (all subjects) -

An example of completing task 17.3 on the Unified State Exam in literature with examples and quotations from the text.

It is a widely known fact that Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was favorably received at court and for some time moved in select circles. However, with age, the writer began to realize how much lies and falsehood had accumulated in this high society, how disingenuously people behave towards each other, how dishonor covers itself with a veil of aristocratic origin. Gradually, he left the world and began to look for the truth among simple peasants and artisans, with whom he communicated and discovered a lot of simple, but at the same time, new and surprising things. That is why in his book “War and Peace” the author raises the topic of the truth and falsity of our values, concepts and principles.

Absolutely all components in the novel, from the title to the ideas, are built on contrasts: Kutuzov and Napoleon, military battles and peaceful scenes, sincere heroes and liars. By contrasting one with the other, Tolstoy makes it clear what is true and false in beauty, patriotism and love. Each person must determine this for themselves in order to better understand the world, people and, of course, themselves.

True and false patriotism in the novel War and Peace

In the novel "War and Peace" there are real and false, leavened patriots. For example, many nobles stopped speaking French and wore sundresses and caftans when the War of 1812 began. Prince Rostopchin, the Governor-General of Moscow, completely exuded tasteless, feigned, jingoistic appeals, and this was instead of really helping and supporting the frightened, desperate people who were leaving their native land.

Showed true patriotism simple people, who, being not rich, still burned their houses, belongings, arable land, just so as not to leave anything to the enemy, not to help him with their belongings and shelter to get to Moscow. Left destitute, these unknown heroes went into the forests and organized partisan detachments, and then dealt crushing blows to the French, risking their lives for the liberation of their homeland. At the same time, many nobles did not see the difference between the Russian Tsar and the foreign invader: they put their personal interests above national ones. They calmly accepted the invaders and fawned over them in order to preserve their privileges.

True and false heroism in the novel War and Peace

Prince Andrei thinks about true and false heroism when he goes to war for glory. At Shengraben, he takes part in the battle and sees the feat of the battery of the modest and awkward captain Tushin, the breakthrough of the detachment of captain Timokhin, who put the French to flight, and the daredevil Dolokhov, who heroically captured the French officer. The hero cannot figure out which one is a real hero, although the answer lies on the surface. For example, Dolokhov demanded a reward for his action, boasted about it during the formation, and Tushin was almost deprived of command for his modesty, and would have been deprived if Bolkonsky had not stood up for him. Which one is the hero? Selfish Dolokhov or unknown hero Tushin? How to decide, since both of them risked their lives for a common goal?

At the Battle of Austerlitz, Andrei rouses soldiers to a deadly bloody battle that could have been avoided. The hero, like Dolokhov, was flattered by the fame and did not count the heads along which he walked towards her. No wonder Kutuzov taught him to take care of life, but Bolkonsky did not heed this advice. This is false heroism, as the prince was convinced of from his own experience.

True and false beauty in the novel "War and Peace"

Tolstoy describes many ugly women, because his task is to depict the truth of life. For example, about Natasha Rostova he writes: “Ugly, thin...”, and does not forget to mention the ugly stretched mouth crying girl, her angularity and imperfections on her face. He speaks directly about Princess Bolkonskaya: “Ugly Princess Marya...”.

But Helen, a regular at salons and balls, is a dazzling beauty. She is superbly built, her shoulders turned even the hottest heads.

However, true beauty for Tolstov does not lie in appearance: “The ugly princess Marya always looked prettier when she cried, and she always cried not from resentment, but from sadness or pity.” The soul of this girl was beautiful and shone from within when she was given free rein. Natasha Rostova is also beautiful in her mercy and simplicity. Her incomparable charm was also manifested in her creativity, because Natasha sang magnificently and danced talentedly.

Thus, true beauty is always expressed in naturalness, kindness, creativity, but not in appetizing forms devoid of spiritual content. Anyone who does not understand true beauty will not find happiness and harmony in life, like Pierre Bezukhov, who was deceived by Helen.

The meaning of the novel "War and Peace" lies in a permanent movement towards the truth, because only those heroes who were able to make this movement understood themselves and found happiness.

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“What you do will come back to you.”

Winston Churchill

Our actions run like a red thread through our entire life, thereby determining its quality. What are our actions based on, what is their foundation? The answer is very simple: the foundation of any action is our internal qualities, they are also the values ​​of our life. When we perform this or that action, we, first of all, must turn to our inner world, rely on our internal values.

The true values ​​of our life are not material goods. Not a car, an apartment, clothes, jewelry and many other things. Although for some reason we often value these things more than people. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a loved one, a work colleague, or just a passerby. We forget that by respecting others, you respect yourself. I do not deny at all that an apartment, a car and other attributes are necessary and important, but I ask you to understand that they are not our true values. We are often hostile to other people, while elevating ordinary things to the rank of deity and worshiping them. It seems to me that we are all a little confused in this life, making external goods more important internal qualities. Please remember when you last time did you help the people who exist next to you, who surround you? How often do you do good deeds and show respect to others?

Sometimes it is very useful to answer questions that relate to your inner world. The answer to them can help form an inner core, develop the right principles that you can always rely on, no matter what. life situation didn't happen.

One of these supports can be our internal values, which will help us navigate this life. By internal values ​​I mean the qualities that guide us when making a particular decision. These qualities are of the following nature: nobility, virtue, respect, responsibility, honesty, friendliness, mutual understanding and much more that you can find in the depths of your heart.

Of course, these qualities can only have a positive meaning and in no case can they be negative. Why can't they be negative? Are those committed by us bad deeds can make our life better, more harmonious, happier, can they really help other people? Eat famous proverb- “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself” or “What goes around comes around.”

And this is true, rather even a law that life itself came up with. Going against the laws of life is very unwise. After all, if you jump from a roof, the law of attraction will certainly do its job, of course, unless you are Neo from the movie “The Matrix”. By the way, Neo is the personification of true inner values, a stronghold of goodness and nobility. He saves the world from oblivion, trying to reveal to people the truth of life.

Sometimes saving the world means destruction, which is a fight against something dark inside us. In the same way, we can shed light on the ignorance and darkness that are trying to take root in us, in our entire being. We can break our old patterns of behavior that lead to the destruction of ourselves, relationships with our loved ones, and our entire world as a whole. We can create new principles, for which true values ​​will be a beacon.

How can true values ​​be determined? Imagine that there are many roles in your life that you play. These roles are manifested in various fields life, for example: family, friends, work, hobbies, society in general. Now let's look at some of these roles.

Let's start with family, the closest and most valuable to us. You can be: father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, etc. Let's look at the example of father/mother. Now imagine, or better yet, write down what kind of father/mother you would like to be. What qualities would you like to show in your children? Would you like to be sensitive to them, give love and care, raise them in an atmosphere of respect and mutual understanding, loyalty and honesty? After you write down these qualities, try to monitor yourself in real life. Are your behavior and actions consistent with the qualities you would like to have? If not, think about why and how you can change it.

The next role I would like to consider is the role we play at work. Let's say you are a swimming coach and teach children to swim. In addition to teaching children to swim, you are also an example and guide for them. Learning takes place not only on the water, but also in the children's heads, you teach them moral principles. And the way you behave during classes, the principles on which you act and what values ​​you rely on, shapes, firstly, your behavior, and secondly, the behavior of the child, which he can adopt from you.

It follows from this that our internal values, no matter what role we occupy, must be formed in the same way. And this key should open only those doors behind which our positive qualities are located.

Treat other children the same way you treat your child. Observe your behavior, both in the family and in all areas of life, and always remember true values.

We have the opportunity to go through all the roles of our lives and see those qualities that we know about, but for some reason we do not use them as a guide, we do not use them as a foundation. Our inner values ​​are like the bright light of a beacon that illuminates our path, helps us follow the right path and not get lost in the abyss of passions that envelop us and our lives like fog.

True values ​​should be the basis of our personality, they should serve as a guide and lead us in the right direction, permeating our entire path. I hope your values ​​will be virtue and order, love and compassion, nobility and respect. And, of course, I hope that all of them will illuminate your life, the life of your family and all the people on our planet.