The blonde from the battle of psychics is a black witch. How do the strongest participants in the show “Battle of Psychics” live?

Aired last weekend new season program "Psychics. Battle of the Strongest". While famous magicians, sorcerers and witches investigate mystical riddles on the screens, the site remembers what is happening in ordinary life clairvoyants. And they are concerned about completely earthly issues - pregnancy, separation from husbands, litigation, illness and money.

Photo: Instagram

Victoria Rydos

Victoria and her husband Vasily are raising their daughter Varvara, and will soon become parents again: in February the couple will have a son, whose name the couple has not yet disclosed. Even on latest dates pregnancy Rydos continues to work and conduct active image life: the witch spent the winter holidays with her family in Thailand, and upon returning home she presented the magical diary “Turning Year”, which, according to Victoria herself, will help its owners learn to “use the magical energy of the annual circle to make themselves stronger and their life is more harmonious.” Rydos will spend the first spring months on maternity leave, and at the end of May he will meet with fans at a week-long seminar in Turkey - the cost of participation in the event starts from 1.5 thousand dollars.

Natalya Banteeva

“I am a Life-coach, I find solutions to non-standard problems,” Natalya writes about herself. The St. Petersburg witch also makes money in other ways: the woman opened a production center (services include training, creating advertising, producing events and public figures, organizing holidays and corporate events), launched a clothing line and created a school of magic. Associated with Banteeva’s latest business project loud scandal: According to media reports, during a five-day training course, a witch of the Bureau of Forensic Sciences in St. Petersburg.

Marilyn Cerro

Another witch and another pregnancy among the participants in the “Battle of Psychics.” The other day, a photo of Marilyn’s rounded belly appeared on Marilyn’s personal page – users immediately began to congratulate the woman on her imminent replenishment and even received answers to some questions. For example, on behalf of Kerro in the witch’s group, the following notes appeared under the photo: “No, these are not pancakes,” “The long-awaited pregnancy,” and “The dog is part of the family, it feels the baby very well.” Exactly a year ago, the red-haired witch shared a similar photo, but later admitted - . However, now fans are sure that Marilyn will become a mother. Some of them are still convinced that the father of the child is Alexander Sheps, but the lovers broke up last year. After the breakup, Kerro vacationed in Greece with a mysterious woman.

Himself Shepsa they are increasingly seen in the company of a pretty blonde: the medium introduced the girl in the last season of the “Battle of Psychics,” but the couple is credited with a romantic, not a working relationship.

Swami Dashi

The most mysterious participant in the “Battle of Psychics” carefully hides his personal life: it is known that he is married, has an adult son and three children from his current wife Irina - the woman, by the way, helps Swami in the development of his meditation center. Dashi continues to conduct group seminars and sessions (events are already planned for May), and has also published two books - “Rebirth” and “Wolf. Reflections on the main thing." True, it is not the man’s projects that are discussed much more vigorously, but the scandals with his participation. So, in April last year, Swami provoked a conflict on the plane, trying to kick a passenger out of the next seat, and a few months later the psychic was detained for.

Nicole Kuznetsova

The participant in the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” continues to fight for her health. Since childhood, Nicole has suffered from a serious illness, due to which she is forced to breathe through a tracheostomy tube and periodically go under the surgeon’s knife - the woman has undergone about 280 operations. In February, Nicole's condition worsened - due to previous interventions, a foreign specialist was unable to provide her with appropriate assistance. Kuznetsova can only rely on a professor from Stuttgart, who promised to do a complete reconstruction of the affected organ. At the end of last year, the witch was attributed to Anton Mamon, however New Year holidays Kuznetsova spent time with her husband and children in the Dominican Republic - family photographs debunked all the myths about her secret personal life.

Julia Wang

The participant in the show, who was remembered by the audience for her extravagant outfits, has changed beyond recognition. Now Wang can easily be confused with a man: Julia got rid of long hair, lost a lot of weight, almost gave up makeup, and dresses in her wardrobe gave way to jackets, trousers and shirts. There was also no trace left of the “spirit of chaos,” as Julia herself called herself in the project. The winner of the 15th season does not hold receptions or provide consultations - now Wang earns money in a more earthly way: she sells handmade dolls, perfumes and sews clothes.

Natalia Vorotnikova

The first winner of the project about psychics returned to the screens at the end of last year: together with the Filaretov sisters, Natalya launched the show “Sorcerers,” in which she helped viewers understand difficult situations- but without competitions and determination of winners. Vorotnikova often makes predictions regarding the personal lives of stars, but she herself does not become the heroine of the news. The clairvoyant continues to work in the center, providing services together with other finalists and winners of the “Battle of Psychics” - Maxim Vorotnikov, Yulia Solovyova, Tursuna Zakirova.

In the new season of the show “Psychics. “Battle of the Strongest” takes part: Swami Dashi, Nicole Kuznetsova, Nadezhda Shevchenko, Victoria Raidos, Alexander Sheps, Alexander Litvin, Zulia Radjabova, Liliya Khegai and others.

A participant in the show “Battle of Psychics”, the black witch Ilona Novoselova was found dead under the windows of a house on Entuziastov Highway on June 13 - the psychic fell from the sixth floor balcony after quarreling with a young man Artem Besov. Many spectators sympathized with Novoselova, who was considered one of the most scandalous participants programs. The young woman often allowed herself ambiguous antics and could express herself obscenely, which attracted the attention of the public. There were also rumors on the Internet that Novoselova had sex reassignment surgery. It's no secret that 29-year-old Ilona was a transsexual. She was born on November 2, 1987 as a boy, whom her parents named Andrei. Ilona fell in love with television viewers thanks to her participation in the rating project “Battle of Psychics.” The tenacious witch was a contestant in the sixth season and a finalist in the seventh season of the show.

But another psychic Ziraddin Rzaev was friends with Novoselova. He spoke very warmly about Ilona, ​​calling her a little girl.

Everyone said she was aggressive, but in reality she just looked that way. She was in life like a little girl, like a child. Ilona was very kind, clear and open. Ilona and I worked together: she is my best partner of all. Ilona treated me very respectfully, was well-mannered, and did not overwhelm me with energy. We had a good tandem. “I believe that this is a loss for the psychic world,” concluded Rzayev.

Ilona Novoselova’s friend Anastasia also described the deceased positively.

For me, he was a good person who would always help in any way he could, one of the few who will be remembered for the rest of my life. She helped someone, maybe she did something bad to someone, because that’s what her profession is, but for her family and friends she remains a good man, - REN TV quotes Ilona’s friend.

According to Novoselova’s colleague Marilyn Kerro, she had no intention of dying prematurely.

She showed herself stronger than she is. She loved her boyfriend very much. We recently quarreled. “She always said that it was too early to die,” Kerro said fragmentarily.

Igor Gornostaev, participant of the seventh season mystical show, shared his memories of his tragically deceased colleague. According to him, Novoselova had some problems from birth.

This was to be expected. She had problems since birth, which raised the question of gender determination. Of course, we are all mortal. I recently stopped using psychic abilities and even got baptized. Because when you have to communicate with other world, this does not lead to good. During the project, Ilona and I were in friendly relations. After the end of the “Battle of Psychics,” we did not keep in touch with her. I only heard rumors that it was not easy for her. She came to the project very young, and then enormous popularity fell on her, people began to make appointments with her. Of course, when she started accepting 10 people at a time, it took a lot of energy. She didn’t seem like a strong psychic to me,” Igor Gornostaev told StarHit.

“StarHit” contacted the illusionist and host of the “Battle of Psychics” program Sergei Safronov. The showman said that he was not closely acquainted with Ilona Novoselova, but she stood out from the other participants in the show.

People don't just fall out of the sixth floor. She, of course, was a bright, unusual, memorable participant in the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics.” There were many rumors about her, for example, that she allegedly changed her gender. Sometimes I saw her in reports scandalous news. In general, I don’t interact with psychics after the project, I don’t even talk after filming. However, I saw that she was a rather reserved person. I don’t dare to make any conclusions, but after participating in the “Battle of Psychics,” popularity fell on her, maybe she couldn’t cope with it, it’s also not so easy to bear... As I could see, Ilona was a rather unbalanced person, you never know what could have happened - maybe alcohol or some illegal substances were involved. I haven’t seen her at any parties, you can only draw conclusions about the events in her life from social networks,” Sergei Safronov told StarHit.

Journalists also reached Ilona’s neighbors. They noted that Novoselova was very scandalous.

Ilona and her boyfriend moved here two years ago. They regularly had scandals and often drank alcohol. She could have thrown dishes at him on the staircase. Overall she was a good person. Mom didn’t live with them, she only came occasionally and checked on them. I was at home at that moment, I heard screams. It all happened around three o’clock in the afternoon,” said one neighbor.

Another resident of the house spoke about Ilona’s strange behavior.

She kind of cursed this house. They often said about her that she makes noise at night, goes into a trance or something. This was discussed in the chat at home. It is quite possible that she was sick with something, said another neighbor of the deceased girl.

Psychic Julia Wang is a mysterious, unique, controversial and vibrant figure of our time. ABOUT supernatural abilities girls with unusual appearance and aloof lifestyles are rumored, even legends. For fans, Julia is an object of worship, for enemies - a reason for gossip, but who is the real Wang. The girl herself calls herself the Spirit of Chaos, a soul reborn hundreds of times, a person who has collected within herself the wisdom of centuries lived.

To what extent do the ideas of the priestess of Ra coincide with reality? On the topic extraterrestrial origin Julia was told a lot, but any theories need a solid basis, which never existed. Discussions of Wang's powers, using Black Magic for her own purposes, were subject to careful analysis by experts and ordinary observant spectators.

Julia Wang is the most extraordinary and mysterious psychic who has amazed almost everyone with her abilities

The whole truth about Julia Wang is nothing more than an interpretation of a single truth. Whichever side you look at, that’s how you’ll see her. You have the right to make own opinion about the most controversial winner of the fifteenth season of the Battle of Psychics, but first, you should study some facts from the life of the mysterious Spirit of Chaos.

The Mysteries of Julia Wang

Having literally burst into a popular program about paranormal phenomena, Julia immediately captured the attention of the show's viewers. Some openly hated her, while others bowed to the clairvoyant’s prophecies. Psychic Wang did not leave anyone indifferent. Even the skeptics and celebrities who came to the filming of the Battle were fascinated by the talents of the reserved, overly cold girl with an unusual name.

First mystery: Where was born the mysterious psychic calling herself the Spirit of Chaos

Julia Wang's revelation of psychics began with innocent little things. The deliberately created mysterious image of the girl raised many doubts from the first shooting day. Julia Wang, in her own words, came from Germany, where the psychic’s family previously lived.

It is no coincidence that a girl born in a distant European country bore a rather unusual name for Russia. The only snag that prevents us from taking the winner’s words on faith is that Julia’s own testimony miraculously changed.

From the suburbs of Germany, Wang's birthplace turned into Riga, and the name of the now famous psychic suddenly had a completely understandable origin. Julia, according to curious fans, is none other than Julia Wang. The reasons why the girl hid her own data are clear - little things are needed to create an ambiance. Flashy makeup, mysterious tattoos, deliberately altered appearance and charisma, which Julia turned into her trump card.

Second Mystery: Julia Wang's Date of Birth

The second unexpected and very unpleasant surprise for fans was the confusion about the psychic’s date of birth. The Spirit of Chaos, brilliantly passing each new test of the Battle, tactfully remained silent when asked about her age. Girls find such clarifications unpleasant, and Julia’s reaction seemed quite appropriate, if not for the distortion of facts, which Wang resorted to more than once.

Julia Wang changed her zodiac sign

According to colleagues of the winner of the Battle, the extravagant blonde changed her zodiac sign. To the common man and it would never have occurred to her to hide her date of birth from prying eyes, but Julia is sure that the lasso of the Devil she has chosen characterizes her much more accurately than the position of the celestial bodies on her birthday.

Secrets that periodically emerge in the press or on the Internet are just the tip of the iceberg, hiding lies. The popularity of Julia Wang is not an accidental phenomenon, but a well-developed plan, which, based on the public reaction, was completely successful.

Julia Wang's thoughts on her life and her gift

To the question “Is Wang still a psychic or not,” you will never find a definite answer. Julia demonstrates serious results in foreseeing the future, and, giving the girl her due, she does it easily and naturally. It seems that the secretive magician knows more than she says out loud.

Prophecies flying from lush lips Julia surprised not only the viewers of the show, but also experienced experts. Despite the criticism, controversial statements and distrust of the other participants in the fifteenth Battle, Wang won the final.

When the wave of delight subsided a little, observant spectators saw something they had not noticed before. Julia's slyness caught my eye. Not only the stories from childhood turned out to be unreal, but also other facts from the psychic’s biography:

  • age;
  • hometown;
  • details of Wang growing up;
  • natural forms of a girl.

Delight at the unearthly gift gave way to disappointment, even grief. Tricks popular programs on national television is no stranger to the public. Julia Wang, the whole truth about which evokes the most controversial feelings, remains one of the most discussed participants in the Battle and a girl leading a closed lifestyle. By the end of the show, the opinions of people who tirelessly follow all the ups and downs of the lives of psychics were radically divided.

Unconditional victories in the tests made Julia too static and unnatural.

The more the Spirit of Chaos foreshadowed, the less she wanted to believe. Can a mere mortal see so much? Know so much about the future? The exposure of Julia Wang, albeit on completely trivial occasions, pleased the pride of her rivals, but did this have any significance for a magician so separated from the external bustle?

Julia Wang - True or False?

Winner of the Battle of Psychics 15, who is she really? A well-crafted story designed to fool naive viewers or a mysterious figure not understood by ordinary minds. If you trace Julia’s path to fame, and this is not at all difficult to do, because the Internet is full of the girl’s early attempts as a model or actress, then you get the strong impression that all the stories about Wang’s imprisonment in her own frightening gift are exaggerated and inflated.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that a young and ambitious girl was looking for her own destiny, trying herself in different roles. Two different stories are difficult to combine, and against the backdrop of the seriousness of the entire image of the psychic at the Battle, they seem incompatible at all.

Julia Wang starred in several cameo roles

The real appearance of Julia Wang is revealed only in exceptional cases. Getting into movies like a separate species visual arts, the psychic starred in several episodic roles. For the eminent magician, such an adventure did not become a breakthrough or a long-awaited debut, but, according to Julia herself, it allowed her to experience unique feelings.

Colleagues film set spoke of Wang with genuine warmth. A non-conflict, receptive girl with model-like appearance quickly won the love and respect of the other actors. Julia Wang's behavior at the Battle was not characterized by such loyalty. Frequent quarrels between the favorite and other magicians were savored in the press for weeks.

The finale of the show exceeded all expectations not only of Julia's fans, but also of her ill-wishers. Natalia Banteeva, the winner of the ninth season of the show and a significant figure in the magical community, was invited to the announcement of the results audience voting, and, being a friend of Julia’s rival, the hereditary witch spoke sharply in the direction of the Spirit of Chaos.

The matter was not limited to just words; later, when Wang was admiring the coveted figurine of the winner of season 15, Natalia threw white powder in the girl’s face and with threats left the gathering place of the Battle participants. News of the conflict between the two magicians spread faster than expected. The protracted conflict became overgrown with rumors and absurd details. To this day, when mentioning the winners of a TV show about supernatural phenomena, fellow psychics throw up their hands meaningfully.

Was the quarrel part of a strategy to add popularity to either a hereditary witch or a soul reborn 150 times? One can only guess who benefits from attracting the public's attention using such dirty methods.

Julia Wang exposed

If you are interested in the fate of the fifteenth winner of the Battle, you can stumble upon the eloquent headlines of thousands of publications, “Julia Wang Exposure.” Unraveling the secrets of a girl with an otherworldly appearance did not take much time. Gradually, previously unknown facts surfaced online. People who knew Julia before the Battle stated that Wang had a normal childhood, and old friends destroyed the myths so carefully created:

Julia Wang - Spirit of Chaos and daughter of an otherworldly being. The girl Julia was born in a small town near Moscow, where most of the military lived. Julia's father, now famous photographer, left the family when Wang was barely fifteen. It was not easy for the women left to the mercy of fate, and Julia’s grandmother also lived with her.

The young girl had to work in the market and attend school during the day. Soon, the naturally weak mother married a second time and new husband, according to neighbors of Julia’s family, did not favor his stepdaughter. Until adulthood, Wang was fond of photography and was not ashamed candid photo sessions(especially for men's erotic magazines).

Julia Wang's figure is naturally perfect. It’s quite difficult not to notice Julia’s seductive curves. Thin, fit Wang has always attracted the attention of the opposite sex. Thanks to early works girls in their youth can be traced as some parts of the body of the Spirit of Chaos changed.

Experts insist that Julia Wang turned to plastic surgeons

It’s not a matter of age, insist experts - famous plastic surgeons, the chest, lips and nasolabial folds of psychic Wang are flawless not from God, but from human hands. A clairvoyant with such powers of foresight could be anything, but Julia chose to turn into a lifeless doll.

Julia Wang is thirty years old. One of the most controversial topics regarding a psychic is her age. The deliberate changes in appearance completely confused the public. In appearance, Julia has hardly crossed the 30 mark, but the girl’s former friends claim that the cost of a mistake is almost ten years. One can only envy Wang’s tenacity.

Wang's abilities

Julia Wang is a psychic. The girl’s abilities have been talked about since the first episode of the fifteenth season of the Battle. Faith is a delicate matter and sometimes the presence of evidence that is too convincing is alarming. An amazing gift, which people had no idea about for more than thirty years, draws on an amazing fairy tale. Her reclusive lifestyle does not work in Julia's favor. Wang does not receive people, does not conduct sessions, instead the girl actively acts in films, sings and draws comics. Apparently, the experience of 150 lives was not in vain.

The question is not whether Julia Wang really came to this mortal coil from another dimension. What does it matter? A popular person by his nature cannot be completely frank. All the deception that is attributed to Julia comes from the minds of other people. Wang is in no hurry to dissuade the public or prove his own worth as a magician. She has no use for such reasoning, as the Spirit of Chaos herself says, “the dogs bark, the caravan moves on.”

IN new series TV viewers will get acquainted with the biography mysterious psychics and will see them at work again. New tests prepared by TV presenters will reveal the strongest and weakest participants in the project.

At the very beginning, Marat Basharov introduces TV viewers to the new participants in the 19th season of “Battle”. will help TV viewers understand what each psychic is, what magic he possesses and how he uses his unique gift. Sit back and see with your own eyes the work of the strongest clairvoyants.

The mysterious death of a young man

A new test awaits psychics in the Moscow region city of Serpukhov, where they go to solve complicated story. Relatives of the deceased young man Dmitry contacted “Battle” so that psychics could help them find out the real reason disappearance and death of the guy. Relatives do not believe that he could have died voluntarily. The guy quarreled with his girlfriend and disappeared, and only a few days later he was found hanged. The investigation is still ongoing, and only psychics are able to shed light on the tragedy.

Manana Marshunova took personal belongings and a closed envelope with a photograph, and immediately said that we're talking about O young guy. She accurately described it and correctly understood that the tragedy had happened recently. Surprisingly, Manana immediately said that he was hanged. Taking the threads in her hands, she began to read information from relatives, but refused to go to the place where the young man was found. It is not known why the clairvoyant was afraid, but after her words that there was a murder, Manana left the site.

Yuliy Kotov I used the bell to tune in to the wave of energy and decided to read information from the dead guy’s girlfriend. It is not clear how, but Julius saw intimate moments from their lives that no one could know about. Then Julius began to describe everything that happened after the quarrel between the young people, heading to the place where Dmitry was found. Suddenly he stopped and said that he could no longer take the test. Without cameras or microphones, he took the boy’s inconsolable mother aside and talked to her, saying that the young man had hanged himself.

Aida Grifal I picked up the envelope and the keys that were with the guy at the time of his death. She correctly identified him as a young 17-year-old boy. She immediately began to look for the place of his death, but went in the opposite direction. Aida correctly determined that the guy hanged himself and said that he did it himself. Then the psychic took the hand of the deceased guy’s friend and said that Dmitry used something during his life. Aida did not find the place of death, but she told too many details that confirmed her unique abilities.

Maria Schweide I immediately determined that the envelope contained a photograph of a man. She drew an analogy with her mother, who also died under mysterious circumstances, and confirmed her relatives’ version of the murder. And indeed, the investigation into the case has been going on for more than six months, the questions are growing, and no one is giving answers to the inconsolable relatives. She was unable to find the place of death, but she said that there was a conflict before his death, the young man had injuries and his death was not voluntary.

Varvara Panina realized that we were talking about a guy, and said that he was killed, and then moved to the place where a factory worker later found Dmitry hanged. She was unable to find the place, admitting that she did not work as a search engine.

Natalya Abramovich also determined that the envelope contained a photo of a young man and a recent death, but then she got confused and could not find the right place.

Vitaly Bortsov He immediately stunned his loved ones by saying that he saw a girl who had been raped and killed.

Aunt Sveta said that she saw a schoolgirl who was suffering from epilepsy and hit her head in the very place where the tests were being carried out, and here her body was found.

Timofey Rudenko Having heard the task, he seemed to fall into a stupor. After the ritual with a candle and the witch’s hair, his face changed and began talking to the mother of the deceased Dmitry, repeating the guy’s words. The psychic saw many details that only those close to him knew about. In the darkness, Timofey still found that very place and said that the guy was hanged, but the death was not his own. He said the guy's death was drug-related.

Grigory Kuznetsov, taking the keys in his hands, immediately said that they belonged to the man. After the envelope was in his hands, he realized that we were talking about a young guy. Gregory saw privacy family and asked relatives to think about the place where he was found. Taking the hand of the aunt of the deceased Dmitry, he led everyone in the direction where the body was found. Gregory said that the young man was hung here, and saw a picture of death. According to him, the young man was beaten and hanged alive, but unconscious. The psychic told relatives that the guy had problems with drugs and debts. Gregory told many details that shocked the relatives.

After a difficult test at the council, the jury chose the best psychic and who should leave the project. The white envelope contained a photograph of Grigory Kuznetsov, and the black envelope contained the Nikara brothers.

New challenges are ahead, and psychics will surprise viewers and presenters with their abilities more than once again. Follow new releases of the “Battle of Psychics”, and also try to develop your clairvoyance abilities. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.10.2018 17:59

Difficult tests for psychics continue. In this episode, they will test their abilities again by going through two...

The life of Ilona Novoselova is shrouded in mysterious rumors and mystical stories. And now investigators are unraveling the mysteries of her death. Fans of the psychic will certainly see the influence of otherworldly forces in what happened.

Video: Channel Five

Footage from the scene of the death of Ilona Novoselova
Video: Channel Five

Black hair, dark clothes, piercing eyes... Classic look The modern witch is complemented by an extravagant accessory - a roe deer's paw. According to Novoselova, this is her magic wand, with the help of which she communicates with spirits. They also help her foresee the future.

At the psychic show, she increased her rating with shocking behavior: she made scandals, showered curses on the program participants, disrupted filming, smoked on camera and did not mince words. And, despite this, she was one of the best to pass all the tests, as if seeing right through people.

Video: Channel Five

From TV screens, Ilona spoke more than once about how she began to see and hear the dead at the age of 10. The girl, due to her connection with the other world, found it difficult to study and in the seventh grade she switched to home schooling.

Her peers laughed at her, her neighbors shunned her, calling her a witch. Ilona accumulated resentment and cursed all her ill-wishers.

Having appeared in a famous television project, Ilona Novoselova from Pavlovsky Posad became famous throughout the country. As a result, a line of people lined up to see the witch who wanted to remove the spell and bewitch their lover. She assured that she could detect diseases by smell and heal any ailment. Along with fame, the woman also faced a lot of troubles. The yellow press began writing tall tales about her. One of the most striking is about gender reassignment. Like, the Witch Novoselova is actually Andrei.

Vlad Kadoni, participant in the show “Battle of Psychics”
Video: Channel Five

In 2013, Ilona began to experience a real black streak - she was kidnapped at the entrance of her house and later demanded a ransom from her mother - seven and a half million rubles. The criminals assumed that the famous witch must have money. The police quickly detained the kidnappers, and Ilona remained unharmed. And after that it became even more popular.

Video: Channel Five archive

Journalists were watching her at the door of her apartment with a question: how did she not foresee her abduction? The witch Novoselova promised illness and trouble in return.

Ilona's last lover is a warlock Artyom Besov. Speaking name and the daring image of the 26-year-old black magician only added to the popularity of their union - on Instagram the couple was called “beautiful” and “real.”



Novoselova's fame clearly had a beneficial effect on the young magician's income. Elite brands of clothing, jewelry and electronic gadgets flash in his photos with enviable frequency.


But the idyll in the relationship between the witch and the sorcerer real life, as it turned out, was overshadowed by regular scandals. According to neighbors, the lovers often quarreled; on the fateful day of Ilona’s death, it was allegedly noisy outside the door of their apartment. According to one version, the couple had a big fight, and Artyom said emotionally that he would leave Moscow.

Video: Channel Five

Earlier, in an interview, Novoselova told how at the age of 19 she tried to commit suicide because of unhappy love. Ilona was then abandoned by her boyfriend and was allegedly persuaded by spirits to stay alive. Like, “the calling of a psychic is more important than a woman’s happiness.”

But Novoselova sadly admitted to her loved ones that she was very lonely and dreamed of getting married. A few of the psychic’s friends say that she was only aggressive in appearance. At heart he was an extremely vulnerable and very sad child.


The last post that the witch left on her Instagram page two years ago was an ominous photo of a skull with the caption: “I prophesy to everyone.” The most impressionable people already decided that the hereditary witch had jinxed herself.

Ksenia Yakubina