What pushes a person to commit dishonest acts essay. What can lead a person to cheat?

Time is an amazing thing. Everything happens over time - the world changes, people's attitudes towards something change. If several decades ago the concepts of “good” and “bad”, “good” and “evil” were the same, today they are completely different.

The theme of honor and dishonor excites the minds of writers and poets from ancient times to the present day. Let's try to figure out whether the true meaning of this concept has been preserved today, or whether it has changed significantly.

Old times

But before trying to assess the current situation, it is necessary to clearly define what is meant by the concepts of honor and dishonor. It is important to note: time has constantly left significant imprints on these concepts.

For example, in the time of poets Silver Age for an insult to honor, be it an unflattering comment about a person or, especially, a beloved, they were challenged to a duel, which often led to the death of one of the duelists.

The concept of “honest name” has been considered one of the most important since ancient times, and it was defended by any means. The problem of dishonor (or disgrace) was solved by duels.

Not so long ago, in the middle of the last century, honor was the highest value - people fought for it, fought and defended it, and most importantly, they tried not to lose it.

and dishonor?

Honor is the totality of what makes a person a Person with capital letters. actions for which you are not ashamed not only in front of yourself, but also in front of other people.

Dishonor is the opposite concept. It represents the lowest human qualities- selfishness, dishonesty, cynicism. A dishonest person was looked down on at any time, shamed and called upon to change for the better.

Current situation

What's happening these days? It must be said that the concept itself has significantly lost its importance. Due to time and the constant race for better life many people began to have a different attitude towards honor. All more people are ready to step over their dignity in order to achieve any goals. Dishonor is a lie, slander, unscrupulousness. And increasingly, humanity is turning to these concepts in order to gain some benefit.

But the worst thing is that children are raised in such a society. This is our very future, from which society will be formed in the future. And if adults do terrible things, most often deliberately, then small children already see this world in which dishonor is a way to survive.

Who is guilty?

But who or what caused such a sharp change in principles? After all, literally 3-4 decades ago, society lived with different attitudes.

Can only the people themselves be blamed for this? Can. But we should not forget that a person lives in society, and often it is this society that influences each person individually.

Modern society and the global situation forces people to go to dishonorable acts. Moreover, sometimes a person struggles with this, resists coercion. But not everyone is able to overcome this. Increased crime, corruption, terrorism - in all this lies the dishonor caused by the situation in society.

Today, every person is forced to literally fight for his life - to have wealth, to live comfortably, to be able to start a family and raise children. Sometimes it is this struggle that forces a person to act dishonestly.

However, this cannot be justified for everyone. While some are fighting for survival, others are taking advantage of the current situation to act dishonorably.

Is everything so bad?

But still you can’t just complain about the world and look at him through dark glasses. In fact, everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance.

Despite the disappointing situation in the world, nowadays many people are struggling with this problem. Dishonor is not an incurable disease of society. More and more young boys and girls are beginning to realize the lost value. Volunteer movements, relief funds and many other organizations are being created to help people. And selfless help is an important step towards moral honor, which is inherent in every person.

But in order to improve the situation in society, it is enough to start small. Many people believe that one person cannot change anything. There is some truth to this. But by uniting, people can change everything. You just need to start with yourself.

Remember, how long ago did you do something that made you a little better? After all, having done one good deed, you are already embarking on the path of establishing honor in society.

Take care of your honor. Remember, no matter how hard life is, there are immortals moral values- love, kindness, mutual assistance, responsibility. And they are the ones who will ultimately help you feel the most happy man, for whom honor is one of the most important values. Let it remain for everyone important question What is honor and dishonor? The essay written above only gives impetus to the awareness of these concepts.

An example of an essay in the direction of “Loyalty and betrayal.”

Relationships between people are one of the most extensive topics raised in Russian literature. A person’s whole life is a continuous series of various meetings and partings, awakening and fading feelings, quarrels and reconciliations, happiness, indifference and pain. Few can say with complete confidence why one special person capable of becoming a beacon in someone's destiny. However, even more internal confrontations, doubts and worries arise from the question: “What can lead a person to betrayal?”

The bottom line is that betrayal is a violation of fidelity. Each of us, in theory, is capable of betraying ourselves, our Motherland, or betraying another person, and in most cases this capacious definition contains a huge variety of emotional experiences, doubts and pain and is placed on a par with such concepts as “sin” and “betrayal.”

In the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Hero of Our Time,” the author examines one example of adultery, and, without drawing specific conclusions, invites the reader to speculate on this phenomenon. Why did Vera cheat on her husband? And can this be called treason? Of course, it is possible, but the most important betrayal of this heroine is betrayal of herself and her own feelings. The girl felt a strong love for Pechorin, which, it seemed, nothing could cope with, not even marriage. Vera, being married to an unloved man, periodically tormented herself with thoughts about someone else. And despite respect for her husband, the heroine was not always able to control herself and her emotions. Therefore, when Pechorin appeared on the horizon, Vera, knowing full well how their meeting could end, still takes this difficult step. This secret meeting soon led to the expected consequences: Vera confessed to her husband that she loved someone else, and her husband, full of anger and resentment, took the girl away from the city in an unknown direction, leaving behind a trail of damaged reputation and a soul doomed to suffering.

In the essay by N. Leskov “Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district“Adultery is described with less dramatic overtones. The author appears in the role of an outside observer and introduces us to a story that is spare in emotions, but very deep. Unlike the heroine of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov, Katerina is not tormented by that same uplifting love. This girl, being narrow-minded and surprisingly unspiritual, is bored in her marriage and, out of this very boredom, commits a series of rash actions. The heroine’s husband treated her with obvious indifference, but this is not the reason for Katerina’s fall from grace. The girl met a man who awakened blind passion in her, and without a shadow of a doubt, with amazing ease, without thinking at all about the consequences, she committed adultery. What caused this action? Stupidity, lack of spirituality, irresponsibility and moral emptiness of Katerina, lack of love for her husband and, of course, partly, the indifference of the husband himself. For not a single hero of this essay, such concepts as “loyalty” and “family values” played any role, which was the reason for the tragic ending.

In fact, anything can lead a person to betrayal if the basis of the same relationship between people is not love and mutual respect. In my opinion, people only cheat when they don't realize true value what they are about to destroy.

arguments for an essay

Essays on the topic of honor on our website:

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The problem of honor and dishonor is one of the most important in a person’s life. We are taught from childhood that acting dishonestly is bad. Walking past the playground, we hear every now and then: “This is not fair! We must replay!”
That's the definition honor we find in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova:
There you can see the definition of the word "honest":
In the dictionary V.I. Dahl gives the following sayings about dishonor:

Honor is a moral category. The concept of honor is inextricably linked with the concept of conscience, that is, to be an honest man- is to live according to conscience, according to deep inner convictions that one thing is good and the other is bad.
A person faces the problem of what to do: honestly or dishonestly (lie or tell the truth; betray or remain faithful to the country, person, word, principles, etc.) literally every day. That's why all world literature addressed her one way or another.
the problem of honor and dishonor is one of the most important. Erast, a flighty young man, a nobleman, carried away by Lisa, a peasant girl, thinks of leaving his usual society for her sake and abandoning his previous way of life. But in the end his dreams turn out to be self-deception. Liza, deeply in love with Erast, sincerely believes young man and gives him the most precious thing that she, a poor girl, has - her maiden honor. Karamzin bitterly reproaches Lisa for this act:

But if we can understand and justify Lisa (she is truly in love!), then it is impossible to justify Erast. Brought up in a noble environment in such a way that he cannot earn a living on his own, the hero, who is facing a debt trap because he lost his entire fortune at cards, decides to marry a rich widow. Liza, waiting for her lover from the war, accidentally finds out about everything, and Erast, taken by surprise, wants to pay off the girl with money. The act is deeply dishonest, showing Erast’s cowardice, his lack of will, and selfishness. Lisa turned out to be more decent than Erast, paying for her love and lost honor at a very high price - her own life.
All heroes are tested for honor. Take care of honor from a young age - this is the main instruction of his father to Pyotr Grinev, who is going to serve. And the hero honorably fulfills the parent’s order. He refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev, while another hero, Alexei Shvabrin, does this without much hesitation. Shvabrin is a traitor, but if his action could be explained only by a completely understandable fear of death, then it could at least somehow be justified. But Shvabrin is a vile, low person. We know this from how he tried to denigrate Masha Mironova in the eyes of Grinev, how he meanly wounded Peter during a duel. Therefore, his betrayal is quite natural and cannot be justified.
Pugachev’s henchmen, who betrayed him, also show themselves to be dishonest people. While Pugachev himself, although presented by Pushkin as an ambiguous figure, turned out to be a man of honor (he gratefully remembers the sheepskin coat given by Grinev; at the request of the main character, he immediately stands up for Masha and frees her from Shvabrin’s captivity).
the problem of honor is also key. Both main characters, Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina, pass the test of honor. For Onegin, this test consists of refusing or agreeing to a duel with Lensky. Although according to unwritten rules secular society refusing a duel was cowardly, dishonest (committed an act - answer!), in the case of Lensky, greater dignity and honor for Onegin would have been to apologize and refuse the duel. But Evgeny showed cowardice, fearing the condemnation of the world: he did not explain to Vladimir. The result of the duel is known to everyone: the young poet died in the prime of his life. Thus, formally, Onegin was not guilty of anything: he accepted the challenge and fate turned out to be more favorable to him than to Lensky. But the hero's conscience was unclean. It was the consciousness that he acted dishonestly, dishonestly, in our opinion, that forced Evgeniy to leave society for seven long years.
Tatyana passed her honor exam with great dignity. She still loves Onegin, which she sincerely admits to him, but refuses a relationship with him because she wants to preserve the good name of her family. For her, a married woman, this connection is impossible.
A.S. himself Pushkin died tragically at the dawn of his strength, defending the honor of his wife, Natalya Nikolaevna, who was accused of having an affair with the young Frenchman Dantes. On his death M.Yu. Lermontov wrote wonderful words:
the concept of honor is replaced by the concept of benefit. It is not without reason that the writer characterizes him as a person of a cautious and cool character. Since childhood, Chichikov has well learned his father’s order to “take care and save a penny.” And so little Pavlusha sells food to his classmates, makes a wax bullfinch and sells it the same way. Having matured, he does not shun a shameless scam with the purchase of “dead souls”, finding an approach to each seller, deceiving someone, having written for this incredible story(as he did with Manilov), simply without explaining anything to someone (Korobochka). But other landowners (Nozdryov, Sobakevich, Plyushkin) are fully aware of the meaning of this event, but nevertheless their “honor” does not suffer in the least from Chichikov’s proposal. Each of these landowners happily sells “dead souls” to the main character, thereby improving their financial situation.
Officials in the poem are also shown as unscrupulous and dishonest people. And although the work does not contain large, detailed images, Gogol gives beautiful miniature portraits of government servants. So, Ivan Antonovich Kuvshinnoe Rylo is a typical official who, taking advantage of his official position, extorts bribes from visitors. It is he who introduces Chichikov to all the intricacies of the bureaucratic machine.
Unlike the poem

presented detailed description life and morals of officials of a small town N. All of them are dishonest, since they do not hesitate to take bribes, and they do not really hide it. The officials feel like the rightful owners of the town, and the only thing the mayor is afraid of is denunciation. The habit of taking and giving bribes is so deeply rooted in the minds of officials that the best remedy to appease Khlestakov, whom they take for an auditor, they also consider a bribe. Khlestakov, a young man, according to Gogol’s definition, “without a king in his head,” not brought up in strict concepts of honor and dignity, having lost at cards in St. Petersburg and sitting in a hotel in the town of N penniless in his pocket, happily accepts money from officials, at first even not understanding what was the matter and why suddenly he was so incredibly lucky. He doesn't care about the consequences of his words and actions. And he is happy to deceive, attributing to himself more and more merits (and on friendly terms with Pushkin, and he writes and publishes in magazines, and knows all the ministers), he is not embarrassed by the fact that he declared his love to Marya Antonovna, his daughter the mayor, and his wife Anna Andreevna, and then even promised to marry Marya Antonovna.
honor turned out to be an empty phrase for Andriy - youngest son Taras, the old Cossack colonel. Andriy easily betrays the Cossacks for the sake of his beloved, the Polish lady. Taras and Andriy’s brother, Ostap, are not like that. For them, Cossack honor is most important. The father, no matter how hard it was for him, mad with anger after seeing his son slashing at his own Cossacks in battle, kills his son with a shot.
speaks for itself. The hero of the story is a boy who was entrusted by teenagers during a game to guard an imaginary military warehouse, having taken his word of honor not to leave his post. And he didn’t leave, despite the fact that everyone had long since left and the park was getting dark and scary. Only the permission of a military man, who happened to be nearby, freed the child from this promise.
In life it also often happens that the word, given by man, turns out to be above any personal benefits, circumstances, etc. All this speaks of high honor similar people. This is what happened with A.P. Chekhov, who refused the title of academician after the same title was deprived of M. Gorky, for whom Anton Pavlovich at one time warmly voted and whom he warmly congratulated on his election. But the Academy of Sciences decided to reverse its decision. Chekhov categorically disagreed with this. He said that his vote in favor of electing Gorky as an academician was sincere and the Academy’s decision was absolutely inconsistent with his personal opinion.
In the works of A.P. Chekhov's problem of honor, including professional honor, was raised more than once.

he talks about Doctor Osip Stepanovich Dymov, who remained faithful to his medical duty to the end. He decides to suck out diphtheria films from a sick boy, although this was very dangerous for the doctor, and therefore was not prescribed as a mandatory treatment measure. But Dymov goes for it, gets infected and dies.

All topics from all regions.

"Reason and Feeling"

"Honor and Dishonor"

"Victory and Defeat"

"Experience and mistakes"

"Friendship and Enmity"

509. What destroys friendship?

Central Federal District, Southern Federal District, Northwestern Federal District, Volga Federal District, North Caucasian Federal District, Crimean Federal District

103. When does a conflict arise between feelings and reason?
207. What act can be called dishonest?
313. Do you agree with the statement of E.M. Remark: “You need to be able to lose”?
401. Is a person’s strength or weakness manifested in his recognition of his mistakes?
506. Can people be friends if they don't see eye to eye?

Volga Federal District

Udmurt Republic, Samara region

113. What good feelings What does literature awaken in a person?
211. What can lead a person to a dishonest act?
307. Is it possible to achieve victory by any means?
409. What is the difference between a mistake and a crime?
513. When does misunderstanding between people lead to enmity?

Northwestern Federal District

Kaliningrad region

112. How do the mind and feelings influence a person’s actions?
204. “It annoys me that the word “honor” has been forgotten...” (V.S. Vysotsky).
311. Why are not only victories but also defeats important for a person?
406. Is it possible to always trust someone else’s experience in everything?
509. What destroys friendship?

Ural federal district

111. When is it necessary to restrain emotional impulses?
210. Why is it important for a person not to tarnish his honor?
309. How do you understand the words of the philosopher B. Spinoza: “Souls conquer not with weapons, but with love and generosity”?
408. Do you need to analyze your mistakes?
504. What qualities should a true friend have?

Siberian Federal District

Altai Territory, Novosibirsk Region, Altai Republic, Tomsk Region, Krasnoyarsk region, Republic of Tyva, Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo region

101. What feelings can be beyond the control of reason?
208. How do you think the concepts of honor and conscience are related?
306. Does victory always elevate the winner?
403. What does it mean to “learn the hard way”?
511. Do you agree with the statement of L.N. Tolstoy: “If there is enmity between two people, then both are to blame”?

Omsk region

104. When is it worth listening to the mind, and when to the feelings?
212. Is the concept of “family honor” outdated today?
302. What life victories can be important for a person?
411. Confirm or refute the words of W. Scott: “In life there is nothing better than your own experience.”
507. Is the difference in character an obstacle to friendship?

Irkutsk region

109. When do reason and feeling fight in a person?
209. How can you get out of a difficult situation with honor?
312. Is defeat only bitterness for a person?
412. Why does the younger generation sometimes have a negative attitude towards the experience of their elders?
508. What are the causes of enmity between people?

Transbaikal region

110. Over what feelings can the mind have no power?
205. Do you agree with the statement of the writer R. Rolland: “Everyone courageous, everyone truthful person brings honor to his homeland"?
310. How do you understand the expression “moral victory”?
407. What is the value of historical experience?
505. Why does a person strive to make friends?

Far Eastern Federal District

Magadan Region

105. Why does a person sometimes have to make a choice between reason and feelings?
206. Do you agree with Latin proverb: “It is better to die with honor than to live in dishonor”?
308. What lessons can be learned from defeat?
404. How can the experience of our ancestors be preserved and passed on to descendants?
510. Does conflict between people always lead to enmity?

Jewish Autonomous Region, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory

108. What's in to a greater extent controls a person: mind or feelings?
201. When does the choice between honor and dishonor arise?
305. Which victory would you say is the most difficult for a person?
402. Is it good life principle– act by trial and error?
503. Do you agree with the statement of the philosopher Cicero that in order to maintain friendship, sometimes you have to endure insults?

Kamchatka Territory, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

102. Do you agree with the statement that a person is not free in his feelings?
213. What qualities should a man of honor have?
304. What does it mean to survive defeat with dignity?
410. How do you understand the words of D.S. Likhacheva: “Literature gives us a colossal, extensive and profound experience of life”?
501. Can friendship bring disappointment to a person?

Final essay on the topic: “What qualities should a person of honor have? "

What qualities should a person of honor have? Of course, he must be decent, honest, true to his word. He also needs to have courage to defend his honor in difficult situations. He must have the fortitude to face danger, perhaps even death, with dignity. A man of honor is characterized by altruism, a willingness, if necessary, to sacrifice himself in the name of higher values. Such a person is ready to stand up not only for himself, but also for others. Let us illustrate this with examples.

Here is Sotnikov, the hero of the story of the same name by V. Bykov. Having been captured, he courageously endures torture, but does not tell his enemies anything. Knowing that he will be executed the next morning, he prepares to face death with dignity. The writer focuses our attention on the hero’s thoughts: “Sotnikov easily and simply, as something elementary and completely logical in his situation, now made the last decision: to take everything upon himself. Tomorrow he will tell the investigator that he went on reconnaissance, had a mission, wounded a policeman in a shootout, that he is the commander of the Red Army and an opponent of fascism, let them shoot him. The rest have nothing to do with it.” It is significant that before his death the partisan thinks not about himself, but about saving others. And although his attempt did not lead to success, he fulfilled his duty to the end. The hero faces death courageously, not for a minute does the thought of begging the enemy for mercy or becoming a traitor occur to him. We see that the hero is characterized by such qualities as loyalty to duty and the Fatherland, courage, and willingness to sacrifice oneself. This hero can rightfully be called a man of honor.

Such is Pyotr Grinev, the hero of A.S. Pushkin’s novel “ Captain's daughter" The author talks about the capture Belogorsk fortress Pugachev. The officers had to either swear allegiance to Pugachev, recognizing him as sovereign, or end their lives on the gallows. The author shows what choice his hero made: Pyotr Grinev showed courage, was ready to die, but not to disgrace the honor of his uniform. He found the courage to tell Pugachev to his face that he could not recognize him as sovereign and refused to betray his military oath: “No,” I answered firmly. - I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you.” With all sincerity, Grinev answered Pugachev that he might begin to fight against him, fulfilling his officer’s duty: “You yourself know, it’s not my will: if they tell me to go against you, I’ll go, there’s nothing to do. What will it be like if I refuse to serve when my service is needed? The hero understands that honesty may cost him his life, but the sense of duty and honor prevails in him over fear. It was the hero’s sincerity and courage, honesty and directness that helped him get out of a difficult situation with dignity. His words struck Pugachev so much that he saved Grinev’s life and released him.

We know that in another situation Grinev was ready to sacrifice his life defending the honor of another person - Masha Mironova. He fought a duel with Shvabrin, defending the honor of Masha Mironova. Shvabrin, having been rejected, in a conversation with Grinev allowed himself to insult the girl with vile hints. Grinev could not stand this. As a decent man, he went out to fight and was ready to die, but to defend the good name of the girl.

We see that Pushkin's hero is characterized by the best human qualities: courage and courage, loyalty to duty and honesty, directness, willingness to stand up for others. He is an excellent example of a man of honor.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that there will be as many such people as possible.

Final essay on the topic: “How can you get out of a difficult situation with honor? "

Life often puts us in difficult conditions, and it is very important to be able to get out of a difficult situation, maintaining your dignity and without tarnishing your honor. How to do it? I think ready-made recipe it cannot be for all occasions. The main thing is to always remember what is most important. And the most important thing is loyalty to duty and your given word, decency, self-esteem and respect for other people, honesty and directness. A moral compass will always point you to the right path.

Let us turn to the novel by A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. The author talks about the capture of the Belogorsk fortress by Pugachev. The officers had to either swear allegiance to Pugachev, recognizing him as sovereign, or end their lives on the gallows. The author shows what choice his hero made: Pyotr Grinev showed courage, was ready to die, but not to disgrace the honor of his uniform. He found the courage to tell Pugachev to his face that he could not recognize him as sovereign and refused to betray his military oath: “No,” I answered firmly. - I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you.” With all sincerity, Grinev answered Pugachev that he might begin to fight against him, fulfilling his officer’s duty: “You yourself know, it’s not my will: if they tell me to go against you, I’ll go, there’s nothing to do. What will it be like if I refuse to serve when my service is needed? The hero understands that honesty may cost him his life, but the sense of duty and honor prevails in him over fear. It was the hero’s sincerity and courage, honesty and directness that helped him get out of a difficult situation with dignity. His words struck Pugachev so much that he saved Grinev’s life and released him.

As another example, we can cite the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Main character, Andrei Sokolov, was captured. They were going to shoot him for carelessly spoken words. He could beg for mercy, humiliate himself before his enemies. Perhaps a weak-willed person would have done just that. But the hero was ready to defend the soldier’s honor in the face of death. When commandant Müller offered to drink German weapons to the victory, he refused. Sokolov behaved confidently and calmly and refused the snack, despite the fact that he was hungry. He explained his behavior this way: “I wanted to show them, the damned ones, that although I’m disappearing from hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handouts, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried.” Sokolov’s act aroused respect for him even among his enemy. The German commandant recognized the moral victory of the Soviet soldier and spared his life. We see that self-esteem, courage, and integrity helped this hero get out of a difficult situation with honor.

Thus, we can conclude: in difficult circumstances, one should remember moral guidelines. They will be the ones who will show the way out of their darkness to the light.

Final essay on the topic: “When does the choice between honor and dishonor arise? "

When does the choice between honor and dishonor arise? In my opinion, a person may face such a choice under a variety of circumstances. For example, in war time the soldier comes face to face with death. He can die with dignity, remaining faithful to duty and without tarnishing military honor. At the same time, he can try to save his life by taking the path of betrayal.

Let us turn to V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov”. We see two partisans captured by the police. One of them, Sotnikov, behaves courageously, withstands cruel torture, but does not tell the enemy anything. He retains his self-esteem and before execution, he accepts death with honor. His comrade, Rybak, is trying to escape at all costs. He despised the honor and duty of the defender of the Fatherland and went over to the side of the enemy, became a policeman and even participated in the execution of Sotnikov, personally knocking out the stand from under his feet. We see that it is in the face of mortal danger that the true qualities of people appear. Honor here is fidelity to duty, and dishonor is synonymous with cowardice and betrayal.

The choice between honor and dishonor arises not only during war. Anyone, even a child, may have to pass a test of moral strength. To preserve honor means to try to protect your dignity and pride; to experience dishonor means to endure humiliation and bullying, afraid to fight back.

V. Aksyonov talks about this in his story “Breakfasts in 1943.” The narrator regularly became a victim of stronger classmates, who regularly took away not only his breakfasts, but also any other things they liked: “He took it away from me. He selected everything - everything that was of interest to Him. And not only for me, but for the whole class.” The hero not only felt sorry for what was lost, the constant humiliation and awareness of his own weakness were unbearable. He decided to stand up for himself and resist. And although physically he could not defeat three over-aged hooligans, moral victory was on his side. An attempt to defend not only his breakfast, but also his honor, to overcome his fear became an important milestone in his growing up, the formation of his personality. The writer brings us to the conclusion: we must be able to defend our honor.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that, when faced with a choice between honor and dishonor, we will remember honor and dignity and will be able to overcome mental weakness, let’s not allow ourselves to fall morally.

Final essay on the topic: “What can lead a person to a dishonest act? "

What can lead a person to commit a dishonest act? It seems that the answers to this complex question may be different. In my opinion, one of the reasons for a dishonest act may be selfishness, when a person puts his own interests and desires first and is not ready to sacrifice them. His “I” turns out to be more important than generally accepted moral principles. Let's look at a few examples.

Thus, in “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young guardsman and the daring merchant Kalashnikov” M.Yu. Lermontov tells about Kiribeevich, the guardsman of Tsar Ivan the Terrible. He liked Alena Dmitrievna, the wife of the merchant Kalashnikov. Knowing that she married woman, Kiribeevich still allowed himself to solicit her love, moreover, in public. He did not think about the shame he would bring on a decent woman and her entire family. For him, above honor, there was passion, the desire to possess the object of his love. His selfish aspirations ultimately led to tragedy: not only the guardsman himself died, but also the merchant Kalashnikov, Alena Dmitrievna became a widow, and her children became orphans. We see that it is selfishness that forces a person to neglect moral principles and leads him to a dishonorable act.

Let's look at another example. V. Bykov’s work “Sotnikov” describes the behavior of the partisan Rybak, who was captured. Sitting in the basement, all he could think about was salvation. own life. When the police offered him to become one of them, he was not offended or indignant; on the contrary, he “felt keenly and joyfully - he will live! The opportunity to live has appeared - this is the main thing. Everything else will come later.” An inner voice told Rybak that he had embarked on the path of dishonor. And then he tried to find a compromise with his conscience: “He went to this game to win his life - isn’t this enough for the most, even desperate, game? And there it will be visible, as long as they don’t kill them or torture them during interrogations.” The writer shows the successive stages of Rybak's moral decline. So he agreed to go over to the side of the enemy and at the same time continued to convince himself that “there is no great guilt behind him.” In his opinion, “he had more opportunities and cheated to survive. But he is not a traitor...” And so Rybak took part in Sotnikov’s execution. Bykov emphasizes that Rybak tried to find an excuse even for this terrible act: “What does he have to do with it? Is this him? He just pulled out this stump. And then on the orders of the police.” We see that a man became a traitor to the Motherland, the executioner of his comrade for one reason: he put his own life above duty and honor. In other words, cowardice and selfishness push a person to the most terrible actions.

In conclusion, I would like to express the hope that in a situation where our selfish motives are on one side of the scales, and on the other - moral principles, duty, honor, we can do it right choice and we will not commit dishonorable acts.

Final essay on the topic: “What act can be called dishonorable?”

What action can be called dishonorable? In my opinion, this can be called the act of a person who behaves vilely, tries to discredit someone, slander him. As an example, we can cite an episode from the work of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", which tells the story of a conversation between Shvabrin and Grinev about Masha Mironova. Shvabrin, having received a refusal from Masha Mironova, in retaliation slanders her and allows himself offensive hints addressed to her. He claims that one should not win Masha’s favor with verses, he hints at her availability: “... if you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of tender poems, give her a pair of earrings...

Why do you have such an opinion about her? - I asked, barely containing my indignation.
“And because,” he answered with a hellish grin, “I know her character and customs from experience.”

Shvabrin, without hesitation, is ready to tarnish the girl’s honor just because she did not reciprocate his feelings. It is precisely this kind of action that is undoubtedly dishonorable.

Sometimes it happens that physically strong man takes advantage of his superiority, humiliating and offending the weaker. For example, in A. Likhanov’s story “Clean Pebbles,” a character named Savvatey keeps the entire school in fear. He takes pleasure in humiliating young children who cannot stand up for themselves. The bully regularly robs students and mocks them: “Sometimes he would snatch a textbook or notebook from his bag instead of a bun and throw it into a snowdrift or take it for himself so that, after walking away a few steps, he would throw it under his feet and wipe his felt boots on them.” His favorite technique was to run a “dirty, sweaty paw” across the victim’s face. He constantly humiliates even his “sixes”: “Savvatey looked at the guy angrily, took him by the nose and pulled him down hard,” he “stood next to Sashka, leaning on his head.” By encroaching on the honor and dignity of other people, he himself becomes the personification of dishonor.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that people will avoid dishonorable acts, adhering to high moral principles.

Final essay on the topic: “Do you agree with the Latin proverb: “It is better to die with honor than to live in dishonor”?”

Do you agree with the Latin proverb: “It is better to die with honor than to live in dishonor”? Reflecting on this question, one can come to the conclusion: honor is above everything, even life. It is better to die with honor than to live in dishonor, for the one who gave his life in the name of high moral values ​​will always be worthy of respect, and the one who chose the path of dishonor will be doomed to the contempt of others and will not be able to live calmly and happily. Let's look at a literary example.

Thus, V. Bykov’s story “Sotnikov” talks about two partisans who were captured. One of them, Sotnikov, bravely withstood the torture, but did not tell the enemies anything. Knowing that he would be executed the next morning, he prepared to face death with dignity. The writer focuses our attention on the hero’s thoughts: “Sotnikov easily and simply, as something elementary and completely logical in his situation, now made the last decision: to take everything upon himself. Tomorrow he will tell the investigator that he went on reconnaissance, had a mission, wounded a policeman in a shootout, that he is the commander of the Red Army and an opponent of fascism, let them shoot him. The rest have nothing to do with it.” It is significant that before his death the partisan was not thinking about himself, but about saving others. And although his attempt did not lead to success, he fulfilled his duty to the end. The hero chose to die with honor rather than become a traitor. His act is an example of courage and true heroism.

Sotnikov’s comrade, Rybak, behaved completely differently. The fear of death took over all his feelings. Sitting in the basement, all he could think about was saving his own life. When the police offered him to become one of them, he was not offended or indignant; on the contrary, he “felt keenly and joyfully - he will live! The opportunity to live has appeared - this is the main thing. Everything else will come later.” Of course, he did not want to become a traitor: “He had no intention of giving them partisan secrets, much less joining the police, although he understood that it would obviously not be easy to evade them.” He hoped that “he would turn out and then he would certainly settle accounts with these bastards...”. An inner voice told Rybak that he had embarked on the path of dishonor. And then Rybak tried to find a compromise with his conscience: “He went to this game to win his life - isn’t this enough for the most, even desperate, game? And there it will be visible, as long as they don’t kill him or torture him during interrogations. If only he could break out of this cage, he wouldn’t allow himself anything bad. Is he an enemy to his own? Faced with a choice, he was not ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of honor.

The writer shows the successive stages of Rybak's moral decline. So he agreed to go over to the side of the enemy and at the same time continued to convince himself that “there is no great guilt behind him.” In his opinion, “he had more opportunities and cheated to survive. But he is not a traitor. In any case, I had no intention of becoming a German servant. He kept waiting to seize the right moment - maybe now, or maybe a little later, and only they would see him. »

And so Rybak took part in the execution of Sotnikov. Bykov emphasizes that Rybak tried to find an excuse even for this terrible act: “What does he have to do with it? Is this him? He just pulled out this stump. And then on the orders of the police.” And only while walking in the ranks of policemen did Rybak finally understand: “There was no longer a road to escape from this ranks.” V. Bykov emphasizes that the path of dishonor that Rybak chose is a path to nowhere. There is no future for this person anymore.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to express the hope that, when faced with a difficult choice, we will not forget about the highest values: honor, duty, courage.