Gubin now. Do they want to kill Andrei Gubin or is he killing himself? Korchevnikov show

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The reasons for Andrei Gubin’s protracted depression were revealed by a person closely familiar with the family situation of the 90s star.

In one of the recent talk shows, the performer of the hits “Tramp Boy”, “Liza” and “Girls Like Stars” told about why he disappeared from the scene in 2004. According to Gubin, he stopped performing due to an aggravated illness, in which his face hurt as if a knife was being stabbed into it. This program has become one of the most rated, viewers and fans feel sorry for the artist...

On condition of anonymity, a friend and colleague of the singer said "World of News", which actually caused the disease.

In the TV show, Andrei flatly refused to talk about his parents, saying: “This is a closed topic.” He seems to be afraid of his memories, why, we asked.

Andrei adored, literally idolized his mother, Svetlana Vasilievna. But the relationship with my stepfather Viktor Viktorovich (at one time he was a fairly famous cartoonist, and in the 90s he opened his own recording studio in Moscow) did not go well.

Although, according to official information, he allegedly helped Andrey at the start of his career. In fact, he gave some money to record the video, but Andrey returned this money to him with huge interest.

In general, Gubin Sr. (Andrey goes by his last name) was a tough and demanding person. “He didn’t beat me physically, but he literally destroyed me mentally. I remember how my legs couldn’t carry me home, because there they constantly pointed out my worthlessness,” Andrei once admitted to me. Having already become famous, he toiled on tour not so much to earn money, but to prove to his stepfather that he himself was worth something.

I slept three to four hours a day. He brought almost everything he earned to the family, helping his beloved mother and younger sister Nastya. So I overstrained myself, the illness was the result of overwork. And there is no one left to prove it - my mother is gone, and my stepfather is dead.

We called the artist’s sister Nastya. But she refused the conversation: “Andrei does not want me to speak in the press.” Nevertheless, according to the young woman, she has a very warm relationship with her brother.

But the famous sound producer Valery Demyanenko, whom Andrei Gubin often remembered kindly in his interviews, was more talkative:

We worked with Andrey in the 90s - we wrote his albums. Then we didn’t see each other for a while. And then we met again two years ago - he himself came to my studio and showed me his new songs. He said that he wrote it just for himself.

The eyes are sad and tired. He didn’t say a word that he wanted to return to the stage. It seems to me that he doesn’t really want to come back. Of course, if necessary, I will definitely pass on your words that his fans are waiting for his return, they love him... Perhaps Andrey will change his mind, and we will still hear his new songs.


Photo by G. Usoev.

A true legend of the 90s, the dream of all schoolgirls, a singer whose songs are still known by heart, and whose name has already become a household name - Andrey Gubin after meteoric rise and great fame throughout the country, he suddenly became a real hermit, forcing many fans to wonder what was happening to him. But recently the artist invited StarHit journalists to his home and talked about his deep loneliness.

“I have no relationships with women. Although I love them very much. Nobody communicates with me. I make contact with girls all the time, both in life and on social networks, but they always dump me. Once, in order to reduce the time for the dating process, I left an advertisement: “Ready to become a sponsor. Andrey". And you know, not a single answer. On the one hand, this made me happy. This means that women are not yet so corrupt,” the singer told reporters.

Care with big stage Andrey Gubin explains it with serious health problems. More than ten years ago, he was diagnosed with left-sided prosopalgia, a disease of the nervous system, due to which the artist experiences constant facial pain. Doctors cited lack of sleep, overwork, and chronic stress as the cause of the disease.


At the same time, the singer has not seen doctors for several years; sports helps him cope with the disease: “They could not understand what was wrong with me. I paid $40 thousand - the result was zero. I lay at home for a year, read books, and then it dawned on me and I started riding a bike. Everything started to get better.”

Andrey trains at a sports club: “They fenced off the gym there for me as a VIP client. My back hurts, but I don’t reduce the load to develop the muscles. Sometimes I don’t want to go, but I understand that water does not flow under a lying stone. What can a guy do in my situation? He can at least move."

In general, the artist has taken his recovery seriously and is trying to monitor any changes in his body: “I’m trying to play chess on the computer, watching my intellect. As long as the level doesn’t drop.”

The singer does not forget to write music and travel. He said that, tired of noisy Moscow, he lived for several years in Egypt, in the mountains: “But I didn’t take root there... Nearby there is a mosque where prayers are sung five times a day. I wanted to write music and couldn’t listen to the notes being missed.”

In general, he admits that he now lives on what he earned during the years of his career activity. “I worked for ten years. Then what you earn is enough.” At the same time, the artist admits that he doesn’t need much: he doesn’t spend anything on entertainment and lives alone: ​​“I’m lonely. I don’t communicate with anyone because I’m shy and I’m afraid to bother someone. back side this - I don’t like it when they bother me.”

Andrey Gubin is a Soviet and Russian pop singer, poet and composer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004). The peak of his popularity came in the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, when he released such hits as “Winter Cold”, “Liza” and “Girls Like Stars”. Later he worked as a music producer and wrote the song “La-la-la” for Zhanna Friske.

Childhood and adolescence

Andrey was born in the capital of Bashkiria, Ufa, but spent most of his childhood in Moscow. Your own father He practically doesn’t remember Valery Klementyev: his mother divorced him when Andrei and his younger sister Nastya were very small. In 1983, Svetlana Vasilievna became the wife of Viktor Gubin, a researcher at one of the Ufa oil and gas research institutes. Soon the new family moved to Moscow.

The stepfather adopted the children of his beloved woman and tried his best to ensure that they did not lack anything. He bought Andrey his first guitar, encouraged him to play chess and football, and welcomed his passion for poetry.

Due to the lack of Moscow registration, the family was forced to change apartments frequently, so the boy had certain difficulties with his studies. He couldn't keep up school curriculum, and the constant change of the team did not contribute to good academic performance. In addition, Andrei had a lot of complexes due to his short stature and burr, so he preferred football training to communicating with his peers. During one of them, he received a serious leg injury, which put an end to his future sports career.

Having come to terms with this fact, he focused on creativity and began writing songs, which were later included in his debut non-professional album entitled “I’m a Homeless Man.” At the same time, the famous hit “Tramp Boy” was born, which later made Andrei famous throughout the country.

Music career

By his school graduation, the young man clearly decided that he would become a musician, and entered the Gnessin School. By this time, Viktor Gubin had already settled into the capital and served as vice-president of the Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange. With his help, Andrei recorded two more albums and in 1989 appeared with his song on television in the program “Up to 16 and older.”

In 1994, the aspiring artist met Leonid Agutin at one of the song competitions. With his support, Gubin recorded his first studio album“The Tramp Boy,” which sold half a million copies. From that moment on, a stellar period began in the performer’s career. Andrey's songs topped the charts and were heard at every discotheque; his concert performances attracted full halls, and there was no end to enthusiastic fans.

Andrey Gubin - “Boy - Tramp”

The next albums “Only You” and “It Was, But It’s Gone” turned out to be no less successful and were also doomed to success. Andrey began collaborating with other performers, wrote several songs for Olga Orlova, Zhanna Friske, the group “Kraski”, and began producing Yulia Beretta. Has been awarded many prestigious music awards, and in 2004 he became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, Viktor Gubin unexpectedly died of a heart attack. His death became a great psychological trauma for Andrei, who at that time was already experiencing a creative crisis.

He began to drink a lot, stopped appearing in public and reacted extremely negatively to publications about himself in the press. The situation was aggravated by the death of his mother in 2012. Gubin finally disappeared from sight, became a recluse, and prolonged depression developed into a complex nervous disease, due to which the artist experiences constant excruciating pain.

Andrey Gubin and Kraski - “Those who love”

Personal life of Andrey Gubin

At the peak of his popularity, Gubin literally bathed in female love, which millions of fans were ready to give him. But despite his stormy romances with Yulia Beretta, Tatyana Tereshina and Lyusya from the Caramel group, the singer never managed to create a strong family. All the girls left Andrei, unable to withstand his quarrelsome character and “star” ambitions.

Gubin, in all his interviews, talked about a certain Liza Sautina - his first love, who forever broke his heart. It was to her that he dedicated the famous song of the same name. Now the singer lives alone, and recently moved to Ufa, away from annoying journalists and illegitimate children, who Lately trying to pester him.

Andrey Gubin now

Andrey Gubin has not been involved in songwriting for a long time; several years ago, many were shocked by his appearance and stories about his broken health on the show “Let Them Talk.” In 2017 he visited several more television shows, including “Live Broadcast” with Andrei Malakhov and “Secret for a Million” on the NTV channel.

Andrey Gubin in " Live»

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Andrey Gubin - listen online for free

Gubin Andrey Viktorovich is an incredibly talented, bright and incredibly handsome young man with difficult fate. The charming tramp boy won the hearts of millions of girls with his songs and sincere smile in the nineties, but disappeared somewhere these days. His fans claimed that he left the country, started drinking and even died.

Few people know, but Andrei is not only a famous Soviet and Russian singer, but also a composer, producer and holder of the proud title of Honored Artist of our country.

At the same time, Andrey is a person whom few people can recognize now. Because he is seriously ill and has changed beyond recognition, which terribly frightened his own fans.

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrey Gubin

Fans strive to clarify Andrei Gubin’s height, weight, and age. They are even more interested in how old Andrei Gubin is, but this information easy to find by turning to proven and up-to-date Internet resources. Another pressing question is where Andrey Gubin is currently located.

Andrei Gubin was born in 1974, so he is already forty-three years old. According to the zodiac celestial circle, the guy received the sign of the stable, creative, ambitious, creative Taurus.

At the same time, the Eastern horoscope presented the singer and composer with character traits characteristic of Tigers. Namely, cunning, dexterity, wit, reliability, creativity.

Andrey Gubin: the photo in his youth and now are two photographs that are simply strikingly different from each other. Because nowadays the guy has changed a lot and has aged due to a serious illness.

By the way, Andrei Gubin has now retired from creativity and performing on stage in 2017. He lives in Ufa and has a disability due to a general illness. The height of the singer and composer was one meter and sixty-six centimeters, and his weight does not exceed fifty kilograms.

Biography of Andrey Gubin

The biography of Andrei Gubin began from the moment he was born in distant Ufa. The boy moved with his family to the capital of the USSR, where he spent his best years.

Father - Viktor Gubin - was quite famous person, because he worked at the Ufa Oil and Gas Research Institute, drew talented cartoons, and also was the owner of several recording studios and was the producer of his own son, but died in 2007.

Mother - Svetlana Gubina - worked in one of the Moscow kindergartens, and then became a housewife; she died suddenly in 2012 from acute heart failure.

Sister - Anastasia Klementyeva (Boeva) - was six years younger than her star brother, she was educated as an economist and manager for the sale of audio and visual products, happily married and already in 2005 gave birth to a son, whom she named after her beloved brother.

As a child, Andrei was an inquisitive boy, he was fond of music and played the guitar, and also went to a chess club. At the same time, the boy was engaged in the football section, for a long time playing for the capital's youth team until he broke his leg in high school.

Poetry became another hobby of little Gubin; he not only excellently recited other people’s poems, but also wrote his own poems. The boy did not study very well, because his parents were unable to register in Moscow and moved from apartment to apartment, and Andryusha, due to his short stature and burr, could not make friends in any of the schools.

By graduation, he not only recorded an amateur album, but also became famous at school, so he entered Gnesinka, from which he was kicked out already in his first year for systematic absences from classes.

At the same time, the father began to help his son, who with his light hand recorded two new albums and even sang in popular show"Up to 16 and older." Andrei tried his hand at journalism, but recorded a surprisingly unsuccessful interview with Makarevich and abandoned this path.

In 1994, the guy met Leonid Agutin at a song competition, who helped record the disc and organized the young man’s tour.

After that, he was popular from 1995 to 2009, but then Andrei’s concert activity faded away, he stopped performing and making videos, however, he still produced young pop stars. Gubin wrote songs for Zhanna Friske, Olga Orlova, Yulia Beretta, Mike Mironenko and once popular group"Paints".

Since 2009, interviews with Andrei Gubin have appeared in the press only occasionally, but he practically does not appear on social events, except at a few talent shows as part of the jury. At the same time, the guy writes songs for himself, takes part in the programs “Let Them Talk!”, “Secret for a Million,” “Live,” and “The Stars Aligned.”

Personal life of Andrey Gubin

The personal life of Andrei Gubin has always been eventful and incredibly bright, since fans were constantly spinning around him who would give anything for the attention of the singer and composer. He failed to create a strong family just because he was famous bad character and ambition, which resulted in the handsome man’s star fever.

He rarely names the names of his fans, he simply says that he was ready to conquer many. But he didn’t dare to give his heart to anyone, so he was left alone. Gubin claims that his personal life is last years faded away. Because everyone needed him during his star popularity, but no one needed him when he fell ill and became disabled. However big problem He does not consider the absence of his wife. Because he is prone to loneliness, creativity and tranquility.

Family of Andrey Gubin

Andrei Gubin's family was quite interesting and strange, since he was illegitimate child, along with his little sister. The fact is that his mother married Valery Klementyev, but at the same time fell in love with a talented and promising employee of one of the capital’s research institutes, Viktor Gubin. From her lover she gave birth to Andrei and his sister Nastya, but she could only register them in the name of her legal spouse. That is why, until the age of seven, the boy was Andrei Valerievich Klementyev, and when he entered school, he turned out to be Andrei Viktorovich Gubin.

In the Gubin family, by the way, a whole series of relatives bore the name Andrei: the singer himself, his uncle and his nephew. His father’s family had many children, since in addition to his father, Victor, there was also an aunt and uncle.

Andrei Gubin’s grandfather headed the State Technical Petroleum University of Ufa for a long time, and his grandmother was a historian and taught at a police school, although she really wanted to be an actress, but betrayed her dream at the request of her husband.

Children of Andrey Gubin

The children of Andrei Gubin have not yet been born, because the man did not want heirs to be born from an unloved person, and he never found a life partner.

Numerous fans of Andrei, over all the years of his concert activity, constantly talked about what they had whirlwind romance with a handsome guy. They spread gossip that they gave birth to children from Gubin out of wedlock, and also provided photos and videos of babies who allegedly looked like the famous singer.

The fact is that not a single girl was able to prove that her child was born from Andrei Gubin by doing a DNA test. At the same time, the singer’s illegitimate children never cease to seek the attention of their star “daddy,” persistently offering to become relatives.

Gubin does not recognize these children, offering to do a DNA paternity test, but for now he is hiding from the annoying attention of his fans and their offspring in his native Ufa, where he is resting and improving his own health.

Girls of Andrey Gubin

Andrei Gubin's girls have always been his big weakness, because the star of the Russian and Soviet stage was reputed to be quite loving. However, Andrei points out that his promiscuity in sexual relations is just a PR move by his concert director, which was supposed to stir up the interest of females in the handsome man.

Gubin talks about how his only and great love you can name only one girl, but he began to fall in love kindergarten. His favorites were little girls named Sveta and Galinka, who went to the same group with Andrey in turns and whom he successfully looked after in turn. This was manifested in the fact that the boy tried to feed the thin girls soup, and also danced the polka with them. Then the girls moved from Ufa, and the guys’ paths diverged forever.

In the first grade, the boy again fell in love with a classmate with big white bows, the daughter of a policeman and activist Lenochka. But six months later the boy left for the capital and lost sight of the girl.

Gubin did not deny that he had affairs with girls who starred in his videos. But things didn’t go further than walks under the moon along the seashore. At the same time, Andrei admitted that his chosen ones were not always adults, and their age ranged from 13 to 15 years.

The guy speaks easily about the fact that he had affairs with fans in his life. But they all ended quickly and on a friendly note.

By the way, only romances with Yulia Beretta, Tanya Tereshina and the lead singer of the group “Caramel” Lyudmila were proven, but they did not lead to marriage. However, Gubin said that he always loved only one girl - Elizaveta Sautina. To whom he dedicated the song “Liza” and filmed it in the video of the same name.

The young people met on the Moscow subway when Elizabeth was only seventeen, and Andrei was two years older. The guy was too shy to confess his love and simply let his love go. And she got married, gave birth to two children and moved to Switzerland.

According to another version, the guys lived together for a long time in a civil marriage. But they separated because of nonsense and tension tour schedule a young star, and then the girl went abroad.

At the same time, it is not the mythical Lisa who starred in the video, but Igor Starygin’s daughter named Nastya, she is married, raising a son and lives in Russia. The singer was never close to Anastasia, so many fans think love story about Lisa is just a touching legend.

Andrey Gubin nervous system disease - latest news

Andrey Gubin nervous system disease - last news– these headlines were full of headlines in many newspapers and online resources. The fact is that journalists managed to photograph the favorite of millions and they were horrified by him appearance, yellow skin and incredible thinness. It was rumored that the man abused alcohol, suffered from cirrhosis of the liver, and was dying of AIDS or oncology.

At the same time, Gubin claimed that he had a hard time with the death of his parents, but only became depressed and did not become an alcoholic. Andrey became a real hermit who hid from problems in home in Ufa.

Andrei Gubin: “I have signed a death warrant” - this statement was made public by the singer himself when he learned that he was facing a terrible disease - multiple sclerosis. Moreover, as Andrei Gubin later reported, his Parkinson’s disease was not confirmed. And his condition is explained by nervous exhaustion as a result of lack of sleep and a busy touring schedule.

In addition, ten years ago the guy was given a terrible diagnosis - prosopalgia. That is, problems with nervous system, in which any facial movement brings terrible pain.

It is worth clarifying that information about what disease Andrei Gubin has is not publicly available. But four years ago, he finally registered the public’s favorites for the first disability group.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrey Gubin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Andrey Gubin have existed for several years, they are official and relevant. It is worth clarifying that from an article on Wikipedia it is possible to obtain reliable information about childhood, family, education, hobbies, personal life and creativity, discography and videography, work on television and filming in documentaries.

At the same time, more than 12,400 people have subscribed to the man’s profile on Instagram, all of whose subscriptions have been approved. In this social network you can find numerous photos and videos that related to his past concert activities. You can really comment on all of them or like them, and also contact the famous singer directly through Instagram.

Andrey Gubin born on April 30, 1974 in Ufa. The boy lived in hometown, and during the holidays he loved to visit his grandmother in the village of Nikolo-Berezovka.

Andrey Gubin


In 1981, Gubin and his family moved to Moscow. Andrei's father Viktor Viktorovich Gubin worked as a cartoonist and researcher. Andrey often helped his dad draw pictures, which were once appreciated by the editors of the Crocodile magazine.

Andrei was forced to move often and change schools and friends. The artist studied very well, but the father decided to transfer the boy from the second to the fourth grade, so he began to constantly receive bad marks.

At school, Gubin loved to play chess and also play football with friends. He even played for the Moscow youth team for some time. However, due to a broken leg, he had to leave this sport.

In high school, the guy dreamed of becoming a journalist, but an unsuccessful interview with Andrei Makarevich put an end to this career.

After some time, Andrei Gubin began to express himself through music, but his burr was a big problem until he was 13 years old. But the artist worked hard and was able to improve his speech.

The guy's first song became an all-Russian hit. "Tramp Boy" he wrote in 7th grade.

At the age of 15, he recorded his first album, “I’m a Homeless Man,” which was very popular among young people and the adult generation. As you know, the record was sold in a limited edition - only 200 pieces.

Andrey was bored with studying, and he was never able to get a special education musical education. But even without him, the guy, at the age of 18, released his second album called “Ave Maria” and in 1992 the third album “Prince and Princess” was released.

In 1999, producers of the Western record company Radisson in Russia listened to Andrey's album and offered him their contract. The artist leaves for Canada for a while, but soon returns, as he could not settle down there. On the trip he could only come up with one hit “I dream about you.”

At the end of 1999, the artist released another hit, “Cry, Love,” and a few months later the album “It Was, But It’s Gone.”

In 2002, the fourth album “Always with You” was released, and before that the song “Dancing” and “Be with me - go away” with a video.

Andrey Gubin's latest work is the album "The Best" which was able to appear to the whole world in 2008.

Andrey Gubin - personal life

In 2010, the artist became officially unemployed, and he received breakdown. Also former soloist group "Strelka" Yulia Beretta, left Andrey. Gubin produced it, but the girl said that she could not always carry an adult man. However, ex-lovers were able to maintain warm relations.

Many considered Andrei a womanizer, since he did not stay with the girls for long.