Mini-essay “What does the Motherland mean to me? Essay “My homeland is Russia” Project what my homeland means.


Every person has a homeland. No matter what distant countries a person is in, he is always drawn to his homeland, where he spent the best years of his life.

Homeland is the country where a person was born, his hometown or village, his parents, friends, nature. No one can forget their homeland, it will always be in the heart. This is the best place there can be on earth.

For me, my homeland is my home, where I live. This is the city of Smolensk. This is my country Russia with fields and forests, mountains and seas. This is the country where my ancestors lived, which my great-grandfathers defended.

The homeland is one of the greatest values ​​in our lives, and it is our duty to love and protect it.

What is Motherland?

Homeland is one of the greatest values ​​in our lives. This is not just the country in which you were born, but also the spiritual heritage of the people: language, culture, traditions and customs.

In every person, it seems to me, love for the homeland grows from childhood. The native places where one was born and raised, the customs, books and culture of the native country become accessible to a person from a very early age. For each of us, our homeland means something different, but for everyone it is very important in life.

In childhood, the homeland is our home, our parents, then this concept expands, and we realize that the homeland is huge, it gives us strength, the joy of life. The homeland is endless and majestic.

Motherland! How many meanings are contained in every sound of this word, what invisible strings it makes tremble in the soul of every person. It contains everything that is so dear to each of us: the endless expanses of steppes and deep mountain gorges, the grandeur of old oak forests and the smooth surface of lakes and rivers. Sadness, joy, pain, pride - everything, absolutely everything is collected in one short, beautiful word - homeland.

In their poems, poets idolize their homeland, and these poems help us love it with all our hearts and souls, instill in us goodness and faith in the future.


The word homeland can be given many definitions, all of them will mean something beloved, bright, joyful and warm for you.

Homeland is the place where you were born. This is your home, your street, your city and your country.

Homeland is the place where you live. This is my school, my yard, where I walk with my friends, and my home, where my closest people live.

And also our homeland is our country. Russia is the biggest country in the world. We are proud of our homeland for its rich history, for its great victories, for the beauty of nature, for the famous people it has given to the whole world. Homeland is a place where you always want to be.

What does my homeland mean to me?

Every person has a homeland. Homeland is the country where a person was born. Usually this is the place where childhood spent. The most pleasant memories are associated with them.

For me, my homeland is not only the place where I was born, but also my hometown, family, friends and nature. You are always welcome in your home, you are always welcome.

Thinking about my homeland, I see before me the streets of my beloved city, the faces of my relatives, the forests and lakes of my native land.

There is my favorite place in the city center - the Heroes' Memorial Square with the Eternal Flame. When I go there, I think about the people who went to the front. They loved their homeland so much that they were even ready to die defending it.

Each person has his own homeland. But I know for sure - this is the best place on Earth


Dear students, the essay on the topic “What does my Motherland mean to me” is given without correcting errors. These texts were created by 4th grade children. There are teachers who check essays for availability on the Internet. It may turn out that two similar essays will be tested. Read a sample version of the GDZ homework and write your own literature essay on this topic.

I found out that I have
There is a huge family -
And the path and the forest,
Every spikelet in the field!
River, blue sky -
This is all mine, dear!
This is my homeland
I love everyone in the world!

In ordinary life, I practically never use the word “Motherland”. Only in school during lessons, and only if the topic of the lesson is related to this word. When communicating with friends, I also don’t talk about the Motherland. But, having decided to write an essay on the topic: “Why I love my Motherland,” only then did I think about what the Motherland means to me and my attitude towards it. The word "Motherland" means "native". Homeland is the place where I was born, where my relatives and friends live, where my father’s house and my family are. My homeland is a part of my life. For me this is more than a word! I think this is the most important thing for every person. Wherever you are, you always pull back to your native land. There is only one homeland. But I consider the expression “second Motherland” to be erroneous or incorrect; there is no second Motherland. Just like there is no second mother. The homeland is also called mother. But there is another name for the Motherland - fatherland, fatherland. When you say these words, the concept of protection associated with military significance arises in my mind. For me, of course, the word “Motherland” is closer. This word immediately brings back memories of my mother. Because there is no person dearer or closer to me.

Russia is my homeland. I was born in the city of Nakhodka. Yes, my city is small and not in the center of the country, but for me it is the closest. And in general it is not small, but cozy. What enchanting nature is here, especially in autumn. The most extraordinary miracle for me is the presence in my city of several types of reservoirs: a river, a lake, and the sea. And our weather is always the warmest if we compare the climate of the Primorsky Territory. In my life I have never traveled further than Vladivostok and it is difficult to compare it with other cities. And the memories are not very pleasant, this is a city of noise and movement. But, having returned to my city, I realized that I felt calm in it, everything around me was familiar. There is probably no need to even compare the city of Nakhodka with other cities. If something is dear to you, then you don’t need to do it. For example, I love my mom and dad, and I’m not going to compare them with other people, and I don’t need that. They are the only ones I have and will always be mine. So is the Motherland, I have only one, and will always be my Motherland.

Russia is a huge, vast country with an amazing history, people, architecture, and nature. A special feature of our nature are birch groves. Birch is a white, “good” tree. For almost everyone, the birch tree evokes the idea of ​​Russia, just like the bear. My country has the largest gas reserves in the world. By words such as “samovar”, “gingerbread”, “pancakes”, “caviar”, “dumplings”, “Russian ballet”, “figure skating”, “ditties”, “Baikal”, one can understand that we are talking about Russia .

There are a lot of cities in Russia. Cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Novgorod and many others make up the heart of Russia. Each city has its own history and monuments. Our country is very friendly and multinational. Each nation also has its own history and traditions. The greatest people live in Russia. No matter what trials our people face, the Russian people are always united! Which means we won’t win. I think that it was love for the Motherland that gave the people the strength to overcome all the difficulties they encountered. And what kind of people live in Russia! The greatest people lived and live in Russia. They are known all over the world: Ivan the Terrible, M.V. Lomonosov, A.S. Pushkin, Yu.A. Gagarin, V.V. Putin and many others! I am proud that my homeland is Russia.

Why do I love my Motherland? I even do not know why. I just love her. It seems to me that I was born, and I already had this feeling. And if you explain in simple terms what it means to love your Motherland, then I think that you need to know the history, traditions of your people, take care of nature, do good deeds, be active, and if someone does not understand why love the Motherland, then you just need to explain to him.

It is necessary to protect and not forget our Motherland, because we have only one!

The homeland is a home, a dear corner of the earth. You can breathe easily and freely there, everything around you is painfully familiar and familiar. That is why life is happy there. And it is there that our thoughts rush when we are in a foreign land. We dream of returning to these places because the most pleasant memories of our lives are associated with them. A piece of our soul remains there. Forever.

Love for the Motherland can be compared to love for a mother; it is also natural and unconditional. This bright feeling is ingrained in a person from childhood. It begins to develop out of love for the nature of our native land - the place where we were born. After all, each of us treats with special trepidation the unique beauty of our dear streets, lakes, forests, and parks that we visited in childhood. From an early age, our parents instill in us an unshakable love and respect for nature.

Homeland is a fairly deep concept. This is not only the place of our birth. This is also the Fatherland, our native country. We are all, regardless of age, children of our country, and she is our Motherland, our Fatherland. In this sense, love for the Motherland is a manifestation of patriotism, devotion to one’s people, and pride in the achievements of national culture. This is the desire to serve the interests of one’s state through one’s actions, the readiness to protect it from enemies.

Most often, the concept of “homeland” is understood in a narrower sense. This is the so-called spiritual continent, that is, the most precious thing that every person has. As the famous song says, this is all that “no one can take away from us in any trials.”

For me, probably, like for all people, the Motherland is the place where I was born, where I live and study - this is the fatherland, my native country, warm and sunny. A place where I feel good and comfortable, where I can relax both body and soul. Where is my childhood, the place where I will live and work in the future, the city in which I will stay for the rest of my life.

They say “it’s good to be away, but it’s better to be at home.” This phrase means that no matter where a person is (in neighbors or a foreign country), home is definitely better. The homeland is a person’s home, no matter how big or small it is.
Everything that is dear to me, that is close and loved, belongs to the Motherland. Favorite landscapes, fields, forests, native village, house at the end of the street, friends and relatives, parents and my animals - all this is part of me and my Motherland. This is the best place in all the land and it will always be in my heart, no matter how far away I am.

There is not a single person who does not have a homeland. Everyone has a place where they feel good and comfortable now or once were. This is part of human life.

Recently my mother told me how she and my father went abroad to work when I was not yet there. She said how sad they were after some time, how they wanted to go home to their native lands and close people. How they could not sleep on someone else’s bed, although it was new and comfortable, but they wanted to go home to their own creaky sofa. They could not endure the foreign language, laws and locality for long and returned three months later instead of the planned six. The parents were so happy from the mere sight and atmosphere of their native land that they abandoned the magnificent wedding, for which they themselves saved and earned money. They modestly signed their names, and then sat in a narrow family circle.

They instilled this love for the homeland in me too. No matter how good things are abroad with grandma, at home everything is exactly much better. And I always look forward to returning to my beloved beautiful city.

This simple word evokes complex sensations and feelings that are very difficult to convey. It is I who will not be able to part with my native land for a long time and I believe that everything will be fine. I believe in the decent and rapid prosperity of the country, and all bad things will definitely disappear. I am a patriot and I can proudly say that my homeland is the best and I can endlessly talk about all its advantages and disadvantages. I love her the way she is. You don’t choose your homeland, just like you don’t choose your parents.

The sacred duty, the responsibility of every person is to defend his homeland and defend its rights.

Another essay on the topic “What does the Motherland mean to me”

As far as I can remember, I have never been particularly patriotic and have never divided people into nations. For me, everyone is just a person, not a Frenchman, a German or a Pole. Perhaps this attitude towards representatives of other nationalities was the reason for my upbringing, since there were never “leavened patriots” in my family.

When I see how my grandparents and parents live now, there is no feeling of gratitude towards our state at all. Of course, each person is the architect of his own happiness, but if the state does not take care of its citizens, why love it? For me personally, European countries have always been an example, where the way of life and lifestyle are completely different. They, of course, also have their problems, but it’s simply ridiculous to compare our standards of living. Of course, the reason for this is the social cataclysms and wars that shook our country in the 20th century.

On the other hand, I love our people for the resilience, will and love of life they have developed over the years. Not every nation could have survived what we had to go through and not give up. I will always remember my homeland, it is dear to me if only for the simple reason that I was born here. I’m not sure that I want to spend the rest of my life here, but I definitely won’t leave my family and loved ones.

Most likely, all the warm feelings that I feel for our country are connected precisely with the people dear to me. Therefore, I think with sadness that perhaps someday we will have to part. As for everything else, namely the famous cultural monuments, fields, forests and Russian land in general, I also have tender feelings for them. I hope that in the near future the way of life in our country will change, and I will be able to proudly say that I live here.

Essay “What does the Motherland mean to me?” Today it is included in almost every school curriculum in Russian language and literature. This work not only helps students improve their knowledge of morphology, punctuation and spelling. It also develops the ability to think and express thoughts competently. This is the primary task of the essay.

Where to begin?

Many students have difficulty writing the first paragraph. What's the best way to start? There is no clear answer here. Essay “What does the Motherland mean to me?” - this is a work on a free topic. Therefore, the beginning, like the content, can be anything. The main thing is that the introduction is meaningful and short. For example, like this: “We all know well, This is the country in which each of us was born. We answer without hesitation. But what is a small Motherland? After all, everyone has it too. And these are the places that are dearest to us. Those with which the best memories of childhood and youth are associated. The places where we grew up exposed us to the world. City, town, district, street or house. I, like anyone else, also have my own small homeland.”

This introduction can end. It was possible to identify the topic - the reader immediately understands that what follows will be about the small Motherland. This is one of the options, and a pretty good one.

The essay “What does the Motherland mean to me?”, like any other work, must be structured. All essays have a three-part format. The first part was described above. This is the introduction. The second is the main part, or, as it is called, the content.

It should be the largest in volume. It is in the main part that the theme is revealed. But it is necessary to reason in the same spirit in which the essay was begun. Here’s what the main part might look like, written as a continuation of the above example introduction: “I was born in the wonderful city of N. This is not a capital, not a metropolis. But, nevertheless, it is not entirely small. There are certain attractions and local beauties, but tens of thousands of tourists do not come here every year. But that doesn't make my city any less beautiful. After all, I love him. I know everything here - from secluded streets to places that are difficult for a visitor to find. Every corner here has some memories associated with it. And those places that a visitor sees as completely ordinary seem to me special, unique. This is my beloved and native land. He has always been and will always be special to me.”

Stylistic devices

So, above was an example of a paragraph that could become the main part for the essay “What does the Motherland mean to me?” And to be more precise, its beginning. Since the main part should still not be small in volume.

What do you need to learn first? The fact that the text should not be “dry”. Don't be shy about using artistic means of expression. But you shouldn’t oversaturate the text with them either. It is very important to observe moderation.

The second rule is that the text must contain reasoning and descriptive elements. As mentioned above, any essay first of all teaches the student to express his thoughts and personal attitude to the topic. Therefore, it is also impossible to do without statements and their subsequent justification. All this will make the essay “I love my Motherland” more interesting. You only need to remember one rule: having written a statement, you must immediately prove its correctness. By following this simple principle, you will be able to make the text logical.


And finally, a few words about what the final lines should be in the essay “What does my Motherland mean to me?” The essay can be anything, we managed to understand this based on all of the above. But, regardless of the specific, narrow topic, the conclusion is always the same. Namely, short, succinct, summing up everything that was said earlier.

If we again rely on the previously mentioned examples, then the ending could be like this: “I really love my small Motherland. Everything here is familiar and close to me. And most importantly, I feel calm here. And this is the most important condition for happiness.” Or you can add a little more patriotism: “I believe that every person should remember their small Motherland. About the place where he was born, grew up, studied and became a person. After all, no matter where each of us ends up, the Motherland will remain the same as it was.”

In general, there can be a lot of ending options. The main thing is that it successfully and harmoniously completes the text. There should be no feeling of understatement or incompleteness.