Yuri Antonov: biography, personal life, family, photo. Biographies, stories, facts, photographs Yu Antonov biography marital status

Yuri Antonov was born on February 19, 1945 in Tashkent. Yuri’s father was a military man, so for the first three years after his son’s birth he saw him occasionally, because he served in the commandant’s office of the GDR. Then, in the biography of Yuri Antonov, there was a move to Belarus, where the family was finally reunited. After moving to the city of Molodechno, the usual routine life began. Yuri became seriously interested in music and went to study at music school. After graduation, he continued his education by entering a music school. Despite the calm cultural life small town, Antonov tried to organize an orchestra himself in the City House of Culture. It was difficult - there were not enough instruments or notes.

After graduating from college, Antonov’s biography included a referral to work as a teacher at the Minsk Music School. Without planning to remain a teacher in the future, Antonov began working at the State Philharmonic of Belarus. After serving in the army, he returned to the Philharmonic. And in 1967 he became the leader of the first team he organized - Viktor Vuyachich.

Two years later, Antonov was invited as a vocalist to the Singing Guitars ensemble. Several songs written and performed by Antonov in the Leningrad ensemble gained enormous popularity. A special hit, both among listeners and musicians, was the song “For me, there is no more beautiful you.”

In 1971, the biography of Yuri Antonov began new stage. He moved to Moscow, worked in the Rosconcert tour and concert association, and began performing with the Dobry Well Done ensemble. Then the compositions “Why”, “Summer is Ending”, “Yesterday” and many others were written. Antonov’s first group in Moscow as part of the Music Hall was Magistral. At that time, all-Union tours began for Yuri Antonov in his biography. His records, released by Melodiya, are a huge success. Despite the high circulation, not all of his songs are allowed to be released.

Then Antonov records songs with the group “Araks” (“I Remember”, “Twenty Years Later”, “Sea”), “Airbus” (“ White motor ship", "I'm coming to meet you"). At the invitation of the Odessa Film Studio, Antonov wrote a song for the film “Take Care of Women.” Then he continues to work on music for other films (“Beauty Salon”, “Order”, “Before We Part”, “Stranger Song” and others). The next hit in Antonov’s biography is the song “The Roof of Your House,” which was written for the musical “The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi.” The circulation of his records breaks all records, and each concert attracts more than 10 thousand spectators.

Then the singer and composer went to Finland at the invitation of Polarworks Music to record an album. Since then, Antonov has been recording discs in his own studio and working with many artists, both beginners and pop stars.

Throughout the biography of Yuri Antonov, he received many titles and awards. Among them: People's Artist of Checheno-Ingushetia, People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist, several Ovation awards and many others.

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Yuri Mikhailovich ANTONOV. National artist Russia, Honored Artist of Russia

Born on February 19, 1945 in Tashkent in the family of a military man. Father - Antonov Mikhail Vasilievich (born 1916), officer Soviet army, fought near Moscow, on the Don in the ranks of the Marine Corps. Mother - Antonova (Litovchenko) Natalya Mikhailovna (born 1921).

In 1959, Yuri Antonov entered the music school in the city of Molodechno, Belarusian SSR and graduated in 1963 in the class of folk instruments. Since 1964 - soloist-instrumentalist of the Belarusian State Philharmonic. In November 1964 he was drafted into the Soviet Army. After demobilization he returned to Belorusskaya State Philharmonic. Have worked musical director ensemble "Tonika" People's Artist of the Belarusian SSR Viktor Vuyachich. In 1969, he was invited to join the then famous ensemble “Singing Guitars” and moved to Leningrad. At this time he wrote one of his most famous songs, “You are no more beautiful.” This song brought Yuri Antonov all-Union fame. At the same time, he wrote popular songs that were included in the ensemble’s repertoire - “Stop, don’t shoot the soldiers” and “Song about good fellows and fair maidens.”

In 1971, Yuri Antonov moved to Moscow and became soloist of VIA"Good fellows." For quite a long time he worked in Rosconcert in the orchestra under the direction of A. Kroll, the Moscow Music Hall, and created his first ensemble - “Magistral”.

Yuri Antonov - already famous composer and a musician - writes many songs that became hits in the USSR, tours a lot throughout the country. His record, which has not yet been broken, is 28 concerts in 15 days at the huge SKK in Leningrad. About 14 thousand spectators attended each concert. At the Melodiya company, recordings of Antonov's songs are released in huge quantities.

Yuri Antonov’s works combine not only vocal and artistic skills, but also warmth of soul and love for his people. Songs “The Roof of Your House”, “Poppies”, “Bullfinches”, “Native Places”, “Mirror”, “Sea”, “On Kashtanova Street”, “White Ship”, “On the High Bank”, “The Current Carries Me” , “At the Birches and Pines” and many, many others have become truly popular and entered the golden fund of the Russian pop art.

In total, to date, Yu. Antonov has released about 30 records and CDs with a total circulation of more than 48 million copies. Among the most popular are “The Roof of Your House” (1983), “Believe in a Dream” (1985), “The Long-Awaited Airplane” (“Melody”, LP, 1986), “From Sorrow to Joy” (1987), “Moonlight Path” (1990), “Mirror” (1993), “The Current Carries Me” (1993). Many of them have been republished several times both in Russia and abroad.

Yuri Antonov is the only Soviet and Russian pop figure who received praise from the legendary Paul McCartney, who highly appreciated the work of Yuri Antonov in his interview with the newspaper " TVNZ"in 1991. In musical groups, led by Yu. Antonov, passed good school many well-known musicians and performers today: A. Ukupnik, V. Matetsky, E. Morgulis, V. Zinchuk, V. Golutvin, M. Fainzilberg, K. Nikolsky and others.

Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov is not only a songwriter, but also the author of music for many films. Among them are “Take care of women”, “Before you part”, “Beauty salon”, “Order”, “Unfamiliar song”, “Predators”, “Fools die on Fridays”, etc. He wrote it together with the poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky children's musical"The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi." The Melodiya company released 4 records of this wonderful musical fairy tale: “The Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzi” (1983), “The New Adventures of the Grasshopper Kuzy” (1983), “The Grasshopper Kuzya is Wanted” (1989), “The Grasshopper Kuzya on the Planet Tuami” (1989).

Yuri Antonov - People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the national music award "Ovation" in the category " Best concert"In 1997, on the Square of Stars at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" the "Star of Yuri Antonov" was laid. During the celebration of the 850th anniversary of the founding of Moscow, Yu.M. Antonov took an active part in anniversary concerts for which he was awarded Certificate of honor Moscow government. In 1998, one of the stars in the constellation Pisces was given the name “Yuri Antonov” (certificate 10 No. 000285). Artist awarded with medals"20 years of victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" (1965) and "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow." In 1999, Yuri Antonov was awarded the National music award"Ovation" in the category " Living legend".

For more than 10 years now, Yu.M. Antonov is the permanent vice-president of the International Union of Pop Artists. On his recommendation, he carries out extensive patronage work for law enforcement officers and troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since the beginning of 1999, several of his concerts have been held for employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Tax Police, and the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia. Yu.M. Antonov is the Chairman of the Board of the Joint Council for Aesthetic and moral education employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 1999 he was awarded a prize from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In between recordings and work on stage, Yuri Antonov loves to communicate with his animals, and he has a lot of them - 5 dogs and 12 cats. Loves sports - football, tennis, billiards. Favorite drink is red wine.


Yuri Mikhailovich Antonov was born on February 19, 1945 in Tashkent. His father, Mikhail Vasilyevich, was an officer in the Soviet Army, his mother, Natalya Mikhailovna, was a housewife. Little Yuri spent the first years of his life in Uzbekistan, where his family was evacuated. He did not see his father often: after the end of the war, Mikhail Vasilyevich was forced to serve in Germany, while his wife and son remained in Tashkent. In 1948, Yuri’s sister Zhanna is born, and his parents decide to move to Belarus, to the tiny town of Molodechno. It was there that Antonov spent his entire childhood.

In addition to the regular secondary school, the boy also went to a music school: he learned to play the accordion. I also tried my talents in a dance club. As a child, Antonov was very sickly, at the age of seven he was even paralyzed, but Yura’s parents managed to cope with polio. Despite illnesses in childhood, the singer was quite a hooligan, like most local boys, he learned to defend his rights in fist fights.

Yard fights stopped captivating Antonov at the age of 14, when music became his passion. That year he graduated from school, entered the Molodechno Music College and got his first job - the leader of the railway workers' choir at the local depot, which was located 25 kilometers from Yuri's house. For the next four years, the teenager was literally torn between study and work. His musical taste formed under the influence of jazz classics and bands The Beatles, so Antonov soon makes an attempt to create his first ensemble. Only saxophones or bass guitars were never seen in Molodechnya, so I had to imitate jazz melodies on folk instruments, Antonov went to Vilnius for sheet music.

So, along with creative quests, my studies passed unnoticed. In 1963, the young accordionist was sent to the Minsk music school. Antonov was clearly not attracted to the prospect of teaching; Yuri was a good musician and wanted to make a career. Therefore, Antonov soon received an invitation to the Belarusian State Philharmonic as an instrumental soloist. Here in the center musical life Minsk, many prospects opened up before him. Is it true, creative plans had to be postponed for 2 years. In 1964, the Motherland called on Yuri to fulfill his military duty. Great career I waited for him afterwards.


Having been demobilized from the army, Antonov returns to the Belarusian Philharmonic. Soon he becomes the musical director of the ensemble "Tonika", which he once accompanied popular singer Viktor Vuyachic. The accompaniment turned out to be very successful, and two years later the 24-year-old musician was invited to Leningrad, to the legendary group “Singing Guitars”. For his new ensemble, Antonov writes songs, which he sometimes even performs himself. Soon the composer’s first hit, “For me, there is no one more beautiful than you,” appeared; in 1969, this song was heard from almost every iron. At only 25 years old, Antonov gained all-Union fame as a composer.

All doors opened for the young musician; in 1971, he chose Moscow, where he joined the “Good Fellows” group. Antonov’s career in the capital was stormy and contradictory. He flatly refused to join the Union of Composers, and at concerts “ Good fellows“I certainly wanted to perform Beatles songs.” This, of course, did not make it easier to communicate with his superiors, but Antonov’s talent saved him. He wrote several hits for “Veselyye guys”, and soon he was invited to become a soloist-vocalist in Anatoly Kroll’s ensemble. After some time, Antonov took the first step towards “stardom”; he organized his own ensemble"Magistral" and already as a vocalist began to tour with a solo program.

In 1973, Antonov released his first record, but entry to television was still closed to him. The young artist had a too unyielding and proud disposition. True, his absence on the silver screen had no effect on Yuri Mikhailovich’s popularity. He changed ensembles: first Airbus, then Araks. He recorded hits: “On Kashtanova Street”, “The Roof of Your House”, “Mirror”. His albums sold 20 million copies, and the party stubbornly refused to recognize Antonov’s talent. In the early 80s, he was not given what he deserved, and the offended singer, at the invitation of his friend Makhmud Esambaev, unexpectedly left for Grozny. Yuri Mikhailovich worked at the local philharmonic for 3 years, for which he deservedly became an Honored Artist of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Antonov became a People's Artist of Russia only in 1997, while back in 1991 his talents were recognized by Paul McCarney himself. Your last solo album Yuri Mikhailovich graduated in 2001, by his own admission, he is not at all interested in modern pop music and spends most of his time in music studio at home.

Antonov always openly admitted that he loved, loves and will love women, and, moreover, large quantities. But he always added that even the Gestapo could not get information about his personal life out of him. Still, some information is known to journalists. The composer's first passion was a young student of the Polytechnic College, Rita, whom Yuri met in his native Molodechny. This love was tragic: the girl fell in love with an older boy and left the future composer. Many years later, a repentant and rather withered Margarita came to the already stellar Antonov backstage, but was received very coolly. By that time, Yuri Mikhailovich had lost his youthful romance and realized that “he could not love one woman all his life.” That is why Antonov was married three times. He put the first stamp in his passport out of calculation. The girl was going to emigrate to the USA, and the composer agreed to help her prepare the documents. The master himself was also planning to go overseas, but at the last moment he changed his mind. Only one thing is known about Antonov’s other two wives - they both live abroad. One in Croatia, the other in Paris.

One of the composer’s last serious hobbies was the pretty blonde Irina, who turned out to be 30 years younger than Antonov. Irina worked as an administrator at the Konstantin Raikin Theater, where she met Yuri Mikhailovich. A few years ago, the couple often appeared together on social events, but then, apparently, Antonov crossed out his mistress from his life, as well as all other women.

Yuri Mikhailovich has two children, and the composer carefully hides both his offspring and their mothers. Eldest daughter She is already an adult and lives abroad. Antonov sees her very rarely. Son Mikhail studies at a Moscow school, but is also not spoiled by his father’s attention.


Legends are formed about the harsh and intolerant character of Yuri Antonov. An extremely reverent attitude towards oneself and one’s creativity has more than once provoked awkward and sometimes simply indecent situations. There were many scandals in Antonov's life. Here are just a few of them.

The most recent scandal occurred in November 2011, when the singer had an argument with a biker at a gas station. As a result, Antonov was left with an impressive black eye, and the motorcyclist fled the scene without consequences. As the musician said, an unknown villain blocked the way for his car, and he himself went to have a snack in a cafe, not responding to Antonov’s signals calling for him to remove the motorcycle. As a result, when the motorcyclist finally came out, the verbal altercation quickly escalated into a fight.

“I didn’t expect the first blow to the face,” Antonov said in an interview. “But I had to defend myself. I moved towards him. Two strangers ran up. We wanted to take off his helmet to see his face. We couldn’t! He’s such a strong guy, he’s probably swaying in the gym. The next blow from the motorcyclist hit my right eye. The eyelid burst. Blood was gushing out. Horror. I immediately ran to the car. I found such a fit of anger... I grabbed whatever first came to hand to fight back. I, unlike him, without a helmet. Then I realized that I had taken the plastic cover from the warning triangle out of the car. Somewhere they already wrote that I jumped out with a baseball bat. A lie! I never had any baseball bats in my life. Yes, I did In fact, he didn’t hit me with this case. An unequal fight, if you can call it a fight at all. We didn’t fight, we rather fought.” The unknown attacker has still not been found, and Antonov had to have stitches applied to his damaged eyelid in the hospital.

Most loud scandal involving the singer occurred in January last year, when Antonov’s car was stopped by traffic police inspector Alexander Navrota on the highway in Barvikha. According to Yuri Mikhailovich, the law enforcement officer rudely demanded documents, which he then threw into the front seat, simultaneously hitting the singer in the ear. According to Nevrota, the singer refused to produce documents when asked, jumped out of the car and hit the policeman in the face. Be that as it may, Antonov was taken to the nearest police station, and the journalists who found out about everything made the scandal public. Yuri Mikhailovich filed a claim, which was successfully rejected. Neurota was suspended from work, and that was the end of the incident.

In 2003, Samsung Corporation invited Antonov to “judge” a karaoke competition it organized. Korean businessmen hardly expected that the famous composer would cause a huge scandal. Having taken the stage, Yuri Mikhailovich began accusing the corporation of plagiarism and threatening to sue them. The singer’s angry philippic could only be stopped by Bari Alibasov, who reminded Antonov of something else genius composer Mozart, who did not think about copyrights.

In 2004, Yuri Mikhailovich finally went to trial. He filed a lawsuit against the Rossiya TV channel, which “cut out” several songs from the broadcast of his concert. Representatives of the television company explained that at that same time it became known about the death of Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov, so the program was cut due to the emergency release of Vesti. But Antonov turned a deaf ear to “Russia’s” excuses and demanded 7 million rubles. He lost the trial.

In 2007, on tour in Saransk, Yuri Mikhailovich tried to repeat the feat of Philip Kirkorov. Several flashes from a local journalist’s camera infuriated the master. With the help of security guards, he attacked the girl with obscene language and took away her camera. On the same day, Saransk media decided to teach the singer a lesson by lining up concert hall, where he performed, a human shield of photo correspondents, ready to blind Antonov with flashes. Yuri Mikhailovich had no choice but to retreat through the back door.

In the same year, Antonov distinguished himself in Penza. Half an hour after the start of the concert, Yuri Mikhailovich stopped and angrily asked one of the spectators not to film him mobile phone. When the young man refused to submit to the will of the star, Antonov “set” the guards on him from the stage. Local journalists claim that after the concert, behind the scenes everyone received their share of obscene language: from the director to the cleaning lady. The composer pulled similar pranks back in Soviet times. In 1987, in Samara, Antonov, hearing the exclamation of one of the spectators, turned around and left the stage. After this, Mosconcert severely reprimanded the artist for his inappropriate behavior and removed him from participation in foreign tours for half a year.


Yuri Mikhailovich, as a creative person, has some very strange hobbies and inclinations. The main one is the incomprehensible love for pets. IN country house The composer has about 40 dogs and cats, most of them Antonov picked up on the street. Yuri Mikhailovich not only knows the name of each of his pets, but can also easily tell about the character and disposition of this or that pet. Antonov even has a special refrigerator where food for animals is stored. Every five days the composer carefully replenishes it.

Antonov's second passion can be called a craving for justice. The composer adheres to monarchical and nationalist views. In the mid-90s, he was going to join the LDPR and even put forward his candidacy for elections to the regional assembly of Kursk. After the party suddenly decided to remove Antonov from the elections, Yuri Mikhailovich changed his mind about going into politics. But he became vice-president of the Russian Authors' Society and chairman of the board of the council for moral education of employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is difficult to guess what Antonov does in this position.

Another weakness of the composer is shopping. Antonov parted with money very easily, but he has a special passion for jackets. Yuri Mikhailovich has an incredible number of them, and different colors and styles. The strangest thing is that Antonov almost never wears jackets, but buys them just to admire them on a hanger. The composer’s love for perfume is also limitless. Yuri Mikhailovich buys all the eau de toilette he finds in stores.


Antonov lived most of his life in two-room apartment on Academician Chelomeya Street. In the summer of 1997, Antonov completed the lengthy construction of a three-story mansion in Peredelkino. But after a few years he got tired of this house, and he set out to build “the most best house V Russian show business" The composer drew up the project himself: in a mansion with an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters there is a swimming pool, cinema, gaming halls, recording studio and concert venue.


Antonov began earning his first money at the age of 14, in the railway workers’ choir. The salary at that time was large - 60 rubles, which he gave to his parents. From his first tour, Yuri Mikhailovich brought 400 rubles. And already in the mid-70s he earned 15 thousand rubles a month. According to the singer himself, there were some lying right under his bed. plastic bags with money, because there was nowhere to put it. In 1991, Yuri Mikhailovich had about 1 million rubles on his account. According to Antonov, he pulled off a “very cunning operation” on time and managed to transfer all the money into dollars. Now, for one performance at a corporate event, the composer asks about 60 thousand dollars.


Antonov always talked enthusiastically about his collection expensive cars, the pearl of which was the black Bentley Arnage. The composer purchased this car in 2001. In the same year, Yuri Mikhailovich’s vehicle fleet was replenished with a black Toyota Land Cruiser jeep, and a year later, again with a black Mercedes Sl50 convertible.

Antonov began buying expensive cars back in Soviet times. In 1983, he became the first owner of a Volvo 244 in the country, which cost him 14 thousand rubles. In 1994, the composer traveled around Moscow on a popular Mercedes Benz, and in 1995 on a Toyota Rav-4.

Some songs make us rest our chin on our hands, bow our heads a little and stand in thought, listening to the Clever words and a wonderful melody. This is how you need to listen to Yuri Antonov, because he has great amount soulful, gentle and touching compositions, although lively and perky ones are also found. On our website you can download songs by Yuri Antonov in excellent quality.

The future pop star was born three months before the victory Soviet Union over Nazi Germany in World War II. The child was born in Tashkent, but spent his childhood in Berlin, where his father was transferred immediately after the war. Then he, mom, dad and little sister move to Belarus in small town Molodechno. This is where Yura spends his youth, and here he graduates from school and music college.

Since childhood, the child had a penchant for music, composed lyrics, learned to play folk instruments, and at the age of 14 he got his first job - in a depot choir. A little later, he formed his own orchestra, with which he performed at city concerts and holidays.

After graduation, Yura is sent to Minsk to work as a music teacher, and his whole family moves there. He combines teaching with creativity and is a soloist in the Philharmonic. But then he is drafted into the army. After returning from service, Antonov’s life began to spin rapidly. He becomes the leader of the Belarusian ensemble “Tonika”, and then he is unexpectedly invited to Leningrad to serve as a keyboard player in the then famous VIA “Singing Guitars”. It is in the cultural capital of Russia that he reveals himself as a vocalist and performs songs own composition“Stop, don’t shoot, soldier!”, “Airport” and “Where is the courage?” Then there were many more groups, in some of which he sang, in others he played various musical instruments.

Great success awaited him with the release of the song “If You Love.” This composition becomes his business card, it seems that the entire Union knows it by heart. Soon Yuri met David Tukhmanov, and in 1973 he released his debut album. Antonov accurately guessed the spirit of the times, he seemed to know what worried most people in this moment, everyone found something dear and close in his work, which is why fame and universal love awaited the musician.

The young guy collaborated with many popular groups and solo performers. He wrote songs for VIA “Singing Hearts”, “Watercolors”, “Earthlings” and even Lev Leshchenko himself. Soon such hits as “Under the Roof of Your House”, “A Dream Comes True”, “I Look at You Like a Mirror” and others saw the light of day. Yuri becomes one of those performers who are always heard. You can download Yuri Antonov's songs listed and many others on our website.

Surprisingly, the first music collection Antonova is published not in the Soviet Union, but in Yugoslavia. Soon the song that was destined to become a hit reappears - “Wider Circle”, and then the TV festival of the same name, in which it became the main track.

Interesting fact: Yuri Antonov set a record for the number of concerts. He managed to release 28 solo albums in 15 days, and so far no one has come close to his result.

In the 90s and 00s, Antonov was already an influential and authoritative figure in Russian show business. He is an Honored and People's Artist, awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. The musician is an honored guest and jury member at various festivals and programs: “Song of the Year”, “ New wave", "Five Stars", " Main stage" Of the most striking performances recent years We can highlight the duet with Leonid Agutin of the song “On the Arbat” and the performance of the composition “At the Birches and Pines” together with Grigory Leps, which caused great delight among the audience and Internet users.

The legendary singer said that he loves animals and has about fifty cats living in his home. But Antonov’s personal life did not work out. He was married three times, but got divorced. He dedicated to his first beloved woman named Anastasia lyrical song with the same name.

Antonov is not going to leave the stage, so we can expect a lot more brilliant works masters In the meantime, you can listen online Antonov.

For more than 40 years, people have known, loved and sung the songs of Yuri Antonov. By today's standards, this is considered solid creative experience. Such popularity is worth a lot, as are the enthusiastic reviews of fans, and even Paul McCartney himself. Ten years ago, the singer was awarded the Ovation Award in the Living Legend category. Undoubtedly, the singer is exactly that. From this article you will find out how old Yuri Antonov is and get acquainted with the key points of his biography.


The father of the future singer, Mikhail Vasilyevich, was a military man. In the summer of 1944, he was given leave and went to Tashkent, where his wife Natalya was being evacuated. 9 months after this “date” (February 19, 1945) Yura was born. Using simple arithmetic operations, you can calculate that this year the star Soviet stage turned 70.

The father rarely saw the boy, as he got a job in the Berlin commandant's office. After 3 years, the Antonov family reunited and moved to the city of Molodechno (Belarus). There the future singer went to school. He began studying music at Everyone knew how old Yuri Antonov was, but almost no one was aware that at such a young age (14 years old) he was already leading the choir of railway workers at the local depot. To obtain notes for the orchestra, he had to go to one of the clubs in Vilnius (20 km from Molodechno), where the future singer sometimes gave concerts on the accordion. For this he was paid 60 rubles a month.

Antonov showed himself very actively during his years of study at music school. He was able to organize Dixieland. Since the necessary equipment was not available, Russians had to be used. Nevertheless, Dixieland was quite famous.

Believe in the dream

After completing his studies at the music school, Antonov began teaching music at a children's school. Then he became a soloist-instrumentalist in the Belarusian Philharmonic. After serving in the army, Antonov returned. And a few years later he received an offer to work with the legendary group “Singing Guitars”. The ensemble knew how old Yuri Antonov was and were familiar with his work. This helped him beat other candidates. In the new group, the singer begins to perform original songs. The hit “For me, there is no one more beautiful than you” brought him enormous popularity.

Moving to Moscow

The members of the Singing Guitars ensemble were aware of the composer’s ambitions and knew how old Yuri Antonov was. The singer, despite his young age (26 years), needed to develop further. Therefore, they did not mind much when Yuri announced his departure from the team.

In 1971, the singer left for Moscow and got a job in the Dobry Well Done ensemble. Yuri also wrote songs for the group “Jolly Fellows”. At that time, such compositions as “At the pines and birches”, “Summer is ending”, “Yesterday” appeared. Antonov becomes a soloist and vocalist and begins performing with the group “Good Fellows” throughout Moscow. The number of the singer's fans grew steadily.

Yuri Antonov submitted his program to Rosconcert as many as 18 times. He didn’t care how many years this could go on. He knew how to stand until the end, and this struggle hardened him. Moreover, the artistic councils found fault not only with the content of the songs, but also with appearance artists. For example, when passing the next program, Yuri and his musicians were asked to shorten their long hair, which was fashionable at that time. As a sign of protest, they cut their hair completely.

Lunar path

"Araks" - that's what it was called a new group, with whom singer Yuri Antonov began to collaborate. How many years before that they worked on the stage did not bother him. Working with Araks was for him a way to realize his own creative potential. And Yuri Mikhailovich was able to fully reveal it: such hits as “I Remember”, “Sea”, “Don’t Forget”, “20 Years Later” appeared. With the participation of the Melodiya company, almost 20 million copies of records were released and sold.

The Odessa film studio invited Antonov to write music for the film “Take Care of Women.” This is how the composer’s work in cinema began. He wrote music for such films as “Predators”, “Stranger Song”, “Order”, “Beauty Salon”.

In 1985, Polarvox Music invited Yuri Mikhailovich to Finland to record an album in English and Russian. Now the singer has his own recording studio. He spends a lot of time there, rewriting old songs and writing new ones.

Personal life

So, now you know how old Yuri Antonov is, and have become acquainted with his short biography. All that remains is to talk about the singer.

Yuri Mikhailovich was married three times and has no desire to get married anymore. The singer's first wedding took place in 1976. He married a girl who was planning to leave Russia with her family. Antonov bought tickets and prepared Required documents for a trip to the USA. But at the last moment I changed my mind about going with her. I just realized that I couldn’t live without Russia. Subsequently, he never regretted his decision.

The singer’s second wife is Russian by nationality, but lives in Paris. This is what Antonov Yuri himself said. How many years this marriage lasted is unknown. The composer does not really like to talk about the details of his personal life.

The singer's third wife was Yugoslavian. Despite the fact that Yuri Mikhailovich was married three times, he has only one child - his son Mikhail.