Why do you want to drink a lot during pregnancy? Why severe hunger occurs during early pregnancy and methods of satisfying it without compromising your figure.

We know why! As always, during pregnancy everything is to blame for the hormonal background, or rather, its hurricane changes that literally take the soul out of the expectant mother. These hitherto unfamiliar radical mood swings make her experience more than just positive emotions.

By the way, for many women the signal of pregnancy is precisely:

  • unexpected tearfulness,
  • sudden anxiety
  • a sudden feeling of childish helplessness (which also does not add peace of mind).

It is believed that it is in the first trimester that expectant mothers experience the most severe nervousness, because the female body has just begun to adapt to the recently begun, but already very rapid changes, and reacts to them, including changes in emotions.

There is nothing strange or unhealthy about this: we say “hormones” - we mean “emotions”, we say “emotions” - we mean “hormones” (may Vladimir Mayakovsky forgive me).

Which pregnant women are more prone to mood swings than others?

In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers who:

  1. Excessively nervous in life or had neurological diseases before pregnancy.
  2. They suffer from hypochondria: they are used to worrying about themselves, and now the health of the unborn child is an inexhaustible source of anxiety.
  3. We got pregnant unexpectedly, the pregnancy was not planned.
  4. During pregnancy they do not receive moral support from close people: husband, relatives, friends.
  5. Even before pregnancy, they had disorders of the endocrine system or acquired complications along this line with its onset.

Possible consequences of nervous breakdowns and hysterics during pregnancy

The question of why pregnant women shouldn’t be nervous, in my opinion, makes expectant mothers even more nervous. During the period of bearing a baby, a woman already has a hormonal storm raging in her body, and she is also constantly reminded: “You shouldn’t be nervous and cry, remember, this will harm the child, forget about your worries, step on the throat of your emotions!”

In my opinion, such advice triggers a mechanism similar to the anecdotal one: to know the truth, drink a specially prepared potion and NEVER THINK ABOUT THE WHITE MONKEY! It’s the same during pregnancy: don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous!

The expectant mother will inevitably become nervous if she is constantly reminded of this. In addition, it is impossible for even non-pregnant people to remain calm all the time, unless 100% phlegmatic people manage to do so. Sometimes even “calm as elephants” people become furious, let alone pregnant women experiencing crazy hormonal changes. Everything is just good in moderation.

Dear pregnant expectant mothers! If you want to cry - cry a little, if you want to get irritated - release your anger. Just do it consciously. Don't give in to extremes. In other words, don't get hysterical, because this is really dangerous.

Yes, you have an excuse: along with all other hormones, the release of the stress hormone cortisol also increases. But please realize that you have the power to cope with negative emotions and refrain from hysterics and nervous breakdowns.

Risk of miscarriage

In the early stages, nervous breakdowns can lead to miscarriage. A sharp release of cortisol tones the uterus and causes it to contract. This is dangerous throughout pregnancy, since at the beginning it can provoke a miscarriage, and towards the end - premature birth.

This, in fact, is the main danger of hysterics and nervous breakdowns during pregnancy - here lies a direct threat to the life of both the unborn baby and the expectant mother.

In addition to “incompatibility with life,” there are a number of negative consequences of emotional incontinence during pregnancy.

Negative impact on the psyche and development of the unborn child

Firstly, a nervous mother makes the fetus nervous, which has a detrimental effect on the formation of the child’s nervous system and psyche. Correlations have already been found between maternal stress during pregnancy and the development of schizophrenia or autism in the infant.

Maternal nervousness especially affects the psyche of boys. Perhaps, the desire to avoid such a prospect for your baby is a good antidote to the need to be nervous during pregnancy.

The risk of developing stress in a baby before and after birth

Secondly, even if we exclude serious mental illnesses in the unborn child, maternal stress during pregnancy can lead to prolonged stress in the baby before and after birth.

While the child lives in the mother's womb, he receives hormones through the general blood supply and through the pregnant woman's placenta. Cortisol changes the chemical composition of the blood and tissues of the placenta, which, in turn, makes it difficult for the fetus to breathe, plunges it into hypoxia and affects the slowdown of development.

When the baby is born, this entire hormonal cocktail received from a nervous mother continues to prevent him from living a peaceful life: the baby cries a lot, sleeps poorly, and has difficulty feeding.

A vicious circle of stress closes: the mother was nervous during pregnancy - the fetus received unwanted hormones. As a result, a nervous child was born; he sleeps and eats poorly, which means he does not allow his parents to sleep. His unstable development upsets his mother - as a result, the woman does not get out of the stress.

The threat of weakened immunity in the unborn baby

Thirdly, an even more distant prospect for the deterioration of the health of a future son or daughter due to the nervousness of the mother is a weakened immune system and hyperactivity, which means a painful childhood and reduced learning ability.

Factors that provoke increased nervousness during pregnancy

Constantly changing hormonal levels

The main factor has already been described by us: unstable hormonal levels. It is hormones that are responsible for emotions, and, consequently, for mood, and not only in pregnant women, it’s just that all this has a stronger effect on expectant mothers.

And then all that remains is to get used to the idea that the body is now pregnant, which means emotions can change, because the endocrine system is being rebuilt, and all this happens inside me while pregnant. This factor is internal.

There are, however, some reasons that can change a woman’s mood from the outside (and again, not only in pregnant women, but in them it is somehow more noticeable).


It is clear that this sensitivity itself is also an internal factor and completely hormonal-dependent, but it is provoked by weather changes: in the rain you want to cry, the wind increases anxiety, temperature changes - headache and melancholy, the sun - quiet happiness.

Or, on the contrary, anger: I, poor pot-bellied one, am suffering here, and this “yellow face” has come out again!

Lunar cycle

Since ancient times it has been known that the menstrual cycle is associated with the lunar cycle, because blood is a liquid, and all the ebbs and flows on earth are controlled by the moon. In pregnant women, menstruation, of course, stops, but, firstly, the body still “remembers” these cycles for approximately the entire first trimester.

And, secondly, the pregnant woman’s womb is filled with all sorts of additional fluids, such as amniotic fluid, plus the volume of blood, lymph and intercellular fluid increases, so the moon has something to control in the pregnant body. And when there are ebbs and flows inside, the mood will inevitably begin to change, if only because of changes in well-being.

Psychological atmosphere around a pregnant woman

Well, here we are talking about well-known things like the support of the child’s father, the parents of the pregnant woman, her various relatives and friends... When all this is there, the pregnant woman feels that both she and the baby are loved, there is somehow more peace of mind in her soul.

Although there are two sides to the coin here: I have more than once heard complaints from young mothers that after the birth of a child everything has changed, the husband and other relatives concentrate on the offspring, and she, the poor thing, no longer receives as much care as she did during pregnancy. So too much of a good thing is also bad.

Unexpected pregnancy

I really don’t want to mention this reason for the hysteria of the expectant mother, but, nevertheless, it exists: the pregnancy was not desired. Awareness of the “unplannedness” of one’s situation, coupled with unstable hormonal levels, increases nervousness in a pregnant woman and can lead to nervous breakdowns.

How to learn not to be nervous during pregnancy?

This is quite easy to do.

  1. If possible, do what the pregnant body wants: eat, drink, sleep, walk. If the body just wants to lie down and eat, turn on the brain and take yourself for a walk.
  2. Seeing the right doctor, listening to him and following his recommendations: among other things, this is reassuring. In addition, the doctor knows well that you should not be nervous during pregnancy, and will decide what to do as a last resort: prescribe a sedative.
  3. Attend classes for pregnant women - gymnastics, swimming, sauna (unless, of course, all this is contraindicated due to the characteristics of your pregnancy). Confidently taking care of yourself and your unborn child also gives you peace of mind.
  4. Take care not only of the body, but also of the soul: read interesting books, specialized publications for expectant parents, study your pregnancy. If you are a working pregnant woman and love your job, work for your health, this is an excellent prevention of intellectual stagnation.
  5. And finally, one more piece of advice. It is harsh, but often works, which is why this simple method is actively used in sports. If you can’t calm down and you’re literally shaking, think about your child and tell yourself: “Well, pull yourself together, you wimp!”

We often hear that an expectant mother should eat for two. Some women do this, and at the end of the term they suffer from swelling, hypertension, back pain, and other pathologies. Pregnant women often say that they constantly want to chew something or have a snack. What to do? Is it normal to feel constant hunger and increase appetite during pregnancy? Why does it happen?

Causes of hunger during pregnancy

Hormonal changes in the body are the main factor that provokes a constant desire to eat. Changes lead to other new sensations and desires. For example, women passionately want to eat dishes that they previously did not like. There is also a desire to combine incompatible dishes: spicy and sweet, salty and sweet. Sometimes in winter, expectant mothers have a desire to eat melon or watermelon.

Gynecologists say that an increase in appetite and new taste habits are normal phenomena for expectant mothers. After all, their need for calories necessary for the development and growth of the fetus increases.

However, not the least important factor in increasing appetite is the psychological factor. This refers to the belief that now you need to eat for two. You should not listen to such erroneous opinions. Gynecologists say that with the onset of pregnancy, a woman should increase the amount of food consumed, but only by 300 calories in the first and second trimester and by 450 in the third. But not twice!

Another reason for the constant feeling of hunger is that which often accompanies pregnant women. Psychologists state that depressive states are characterized by a lack of the hormone of joy - serotonin. It is found in many sweet products, in particular chocolate and cocoa. So a woman tries to compensate for the lack of joy in life by consuming sweets or other favorite foods.

Feeling hungry in early pregnancy

It is at this stage of bearing a baby that expectant mothers begin to experience constant hunger. Some consider this a normal phenomenon and even require their husbands to buy them various goodies. Others, constantly monitoring their weight and observing its sharp increase, come to doctors with complaints that they cannot curb their appetite and begin to suffer from. A competent obstetrician-gynecologist explains to his patient the cause of the problem, its possible consequences and gives practical advice.

The feeling of constant hunger that arises can be overcome if you listen to the advice of nutritionists. It is important to comply with them, and not ignore them, justifying yourself with the mission of motherhood and promises to improve the situation after childbirth. This can only harm yourself and your unborn child. Edema, impaired renal function, gestational varicose veins - these are the problems that can be caused by just a few months of overeating.

So, to quell the constant feeling of hunger, follow these rules:

  1. Eat in fractional portions. For snacks, use biscuits or cereal cookies, fruits, carrots, and low-fat yogurts.
  2. Eliminate white bread and baked goods from your diet.
  3. Don't confuse thirst with hunger. If you really want to eat, just drink a glass of water. Surely the feeling of hunger will subside. But never drink immediately after eating. Separate eating and drinking intervals of 40-60 minutes.
  4. Try to eat less acidic foods. They increase acidity, irritate the stomach and cause hunger.
  5. Fill your diet with seasonal fruits and vegetables as much as possible. The fiber they contain perfectly helps fill the stomach and satisfy hunger.
  6. Protein should be present in your diet every day. It helps maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. By the way, it is better to steam or stew meat dishes. Avoid fried meats.
  7. Calcium must be present in the daily diet. Its rich sources are fish, cottage cheese, yogurt, and nuts.
  8. Never eat on the go. This will make you feel full very quickly. You need to chew slowly, sitting at the table, without being distracted by TV, books, newspapers, or talking on the phone.
  9. Find activities that interest you. After all, women often develop a feeling of constant hunger from idleness.

Especially for

What a joy it is to be carrying a baby. Feel his movements and realize that you will soon become a loving mother! And you’ve probably noticed an increased craving for salty foods. And now you’re asking yourself: “Is it normal if I eat salty foods?”, “What foods definitely won’t harm my baby?”

It would seem that there is nothing special about pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, herring and caviar, but where is the guarantee that all this will not harm the baby? Why do you crave salty foods so much during pregnancy? After all, salt, by its nature, carries not only taste, but also unpleasant consequences, albeit in case of excessive use.

What are the main reasons for cravings for salty foods?

So, why do you crave salty foods during pregnancy?

Our body is designed in a very interesting way, so in reality there is nothing supernatural when you have a desire to enjoy salty foods.

  • As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins to produce progesterone. And it has the ability to influence blood vessels, relaxing them. Because of this, most expectant mothers experience dizziness, shortness of breath and drowsiness: blood flows more slowly in relaxed vessels and pressure drops. By consuming salt (sodium), you can return your blood pressure to normal.
  • Salt also causes thirst, and by drinking water, a woman helps increase blood circulation in the body, which also helps increase blood pressure.

Knowing this, you need to remember that all this is primarily typical in the first three months; in the future, it is better to moderate your cravings for salty foods, so as not to harm your pregnancy.

Important! You need to monitor your body throughout your pregnancy. It is important to note at what stage of pregnancy you crave salty foods. For example, a craving for salty foods throughout pregnancy is not the norm - this is most likely a consequence of disorders in the body (weakened immunity or lack of protein).

And after the first trimester, you need to completely reduce the consumption of salty foods.

Standards for salt consumption during pregnancy

So, the norm for salt consumption for an ordinary person is 4 grams per day. For a pregnant woman, the indicators change slightly:

  1. During the 1st trimester, the maximum dose of salt should not exceed 12 grams per day;
  2. During the active second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother must adhere to the norm of 9 grams and no more;
  3. In the third trimester, the salt norm is only 3 grams per day.

At the same time, it is important to remember that if a woman suffers from certain chronic diseases, or her weight is too high, the amount of salt for her is only 1-2 grams per day.

Important! We remember that salt retains water in our body. If you have a tendency to swelling, toxicosis (there is a detailed article about toxicosis on the website: Nausea during pregnancy >>>) or problems with the genitourinary system, you need to carefully consume salty foods.

Which foods are acceptable during pregnancy and which ones should be avoided?

If an expectant mother really craves salty foods during pregnancy, it is important for her to know which foods are acceptable in her position:

  • You can eat 3-4 pickled cucumbers a day, while you need to take into account other salty foods that were eaten that day. But it is better to eat pickled cucumbers no more than 2 per day, as they contain a sufficient amount of vinegar. And it has an adverse effect on a woman’s body during pregnancy;
  • Salted tomatoes. This type of pickles is safer if they are preserved at home, with your own hands. Store-bought tomatoes are dangerous. Since they contribute to severe swelling and irregular blood pressure. What a mother does not need at all during pregnancy. That is why you can have no more than 2 medium tomatoes per day;
  • Sauerkraut. Although mothers rarely crave cabbage during pregnancy, it is indeed very healthy. Since it contains a large amount of vitamins, and also valuable folic acid. Sauerkraut helps relieve toxicosis, heartburn and relieves constipation. If you use it wisely, for example, 100-150 g per day, you can get the maximum benefit without harming yourself or the fetus;
  • Lightly salted fish. Fish contains many useful microelements, especially red fish. If you have the opportunity to consume 50 g of lightly salted red fish during pregnancy, at least once a week, that’s great. The main thing: choose the right freshly prepared fish, without adding dye;
  • Herring. Atlantic fish is very beneficial during pregnancy. It contains a sufficient amount of protein, ergocalciferol, calcium and phosphorus. You can eat it 3-4 small salty pieces per week;
  • Caviar. Not every expectant mother can afford to buy black or red caviar during pregnancy. But, although expensive caviar is very healthy, you can find a cheaper way to treat yourself by buying herring caviar. It is also tasty and has maximum benefits. The main thing is to buy it no more than 1-2 times a week.

Important! During pregnancy, you should not eat chips, crackers, smoked meats, or dried fish. And if you have a choice between homemade pickles and store-bought ones, you should opt for homemade products.

How can you replace salty foods?

An excellent alternative for a pregnant woman can be iodized sea salt. It contains a large number of micro-, macroelements and minerals. Thanks to its natural origin, you can help the mother, as well as the baby, improve the health of the thyroid gland in advance.

At the same time, remember: it is better to add salt to your dishes before serving. Since high temperature destroys the structure of salt and destroys all useful components.


Is it possible to eat salty food during pregnancy? It is possible and necessary. If you take into account the recommendations given in the article and adhere to the norms of consumption, salty foods will only benefit the mother, as well as the unborn child.

Listen to your desires, indulge yourself with delicious food, but remember that it is better to undereat than to overeat. After all, your health and the health of your unborn baby is in your hands!

Many people say that a woman who is expecting a child should eat for two. There are women who do this, and in the end they begin to have problems with swelling, high blood pressure, and pain in the back. Often women during pregnancy claim that they always want to eat. Literally all expectant mothers are recommended to eat a low-carbohydrate diet for pregnant women. Therefore, questions arise why pregnant women constantly want to eat.

Reasons for feeling hungry

When a woman is pregnant, she constantly wants to eat. Some women demand that their husbands constantly buy them different delicious foods. But there are also those who keep their weight under control.

Why do pregnant women constantly want to eat:

  1. hormonal changes in the body;
  2. psychological factor;
  3. depression.

The main factor is changes in the hormonal sphere, therefore, such changes contribute to the emergence of new desires and sensations. For example, a girl eats dishes that she previously did not like at all.

In addition, dishes that do not go together are combined - salty with sweet, sweet with salty. Experts say this is normal for those who will soon become mothers. There is an increase in the need for calories, which are so necessary for the baby’s intrauterine development. But the psychological factor also plays an important role when it is said that it is necessary to eat for two.

Doctors are confident that when carrying a baby, the expectant mother should consume more calories, but only by 300–400 calories, and not tens of times.

Depressive states are considered to be the causes of hunger. A woman lacks the hormone of joy, which is found in sweets. As a result, the girl tries to compensate for this condition by eating sweet foods.

What you want to eat during pregnancy:

  • salty foods;
  • sweets;
  • baked goods, bread;
  • sour food.

When a woman complains that she is constantly very hungry in the early stages of pregnancy, a competent doctor talks about the reasons for such an appetite and gives recommendations.

If a woman overeats while expecting a child, swelling occurs, kidney function is disrupted, and varicose veins.

By following the advice of experts, you can avoid the constant feeling of hunger. It is necessary to follow them so as not to harm your health and the health of the child. A low-carbohydrate diet for pregnant women is recommended.

  1. eat in small portions. A snack can include biscuits, yogurt, carrots;
  2. refuse baking;
  3. do not confuse when you want to drink and when you want to eat;
  4. reduce consumption of acidic foods;
  5. eat seasonal vegetables and fruits as much as possible;
  6. protein and calcium should be consumed every day;
  7. do not eat on the go.

Do interesting things, because hunger can come from idleness.
Thus, it is advisable to make a list of foods for pregnant women as well as a no-carbohydrate diet menu for pregnant women to avoid unnecessary problems.

Uterine tone during pregnancy

The phenomenon of increased uterine tone when carrying a baby is quite common. In such a situation, the expectant mother feels pain in the abdomen and lower back. This condition contributes to miscarriage, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

What to drink for uterine tone during pregnancy:

  1. Magne-B6;
  2. calming tablets;
  3. medicines to relax the uterus.

But you can reduce the tone of the uterus in other ways. There are products that reduce the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. We are talking about products that contain magnesium.

What foods reduce uterine tone during pregnancy:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • Wheat groats;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • Rye bread;
  • green vegetables.

Thus, almost every woman experiences uterine tone during various periods of expecting a child. It must be gotten rid of under any circumstances. In addition, you should adhere to a balanced diet and not overeat. Experts recommend a diet without carbohydrates for pregnant women.

Stressful conditions most often contribute to the occurrence of various anomalies. As soon as certain health problems become noticeable, you should immediately consult a doctor, avoid stress and take a horizontal position.

Such a long-awaited period in a woman’s life as pregnancy begins. This joyful event is incomparable in its meaning and energy to anything else. This is a special state: so reverent and happy, although, naturally, it also brings some inconvenience. One of them is refusing sex. And, often, on the initiative of a woman. Some pregnant women simply don't want it. What is the reason? Let's analyze it.

Do pregnant women want sex?

The desire for sex for a pregnant woman varies at different stages of this period of her life. Moreover, this is such an individual issue that even doctors do not give any specific recommendations and prescriptions for everyone. All this is connected with the hormonal background of each individual woman, with the characteristics of her particular pregnancy.

For this reason, in some women, sexual desire increases greatly, while in others, on the contrary, it disappears. It is believed that libido becomes less in the first trimester of pregnancy, as the woman experiences discomfort (nausea, dizziness). This is due to the changes that have begun in her body. In this way, in the absence of attraction, he is protected from unnecessary stress. But this doesn't happen to everyone. Some women, on the contrary, strive for sexual release in order to brighten up uncomfortable symptoms: by experiencing an orgasm, a woman receives an additional dose of endorphins - joy hormones.

In the second trimester, as they say, the need for sex increases: negative symptoms go away, future parents get used to their position and the “presence of the third” in bed, and become more tender and sensitive. But, again, there are women whose level of male hormones increases due to pregnancy to such an extent that sex simply becomes unnecessary for her. She can't even stand the body odor of her other half. That's why he doesn't let him get close to him. From the point of view of nature, in this way the woman’s body protects itself from premature termination of pregnancy, since a high level of testosterone (male hormone) can provoke it.

During the third trimester, if pregnancy is not in danger, sexual activity increases due to physiological changes in the woman’s genital organs: blood flow improves, the labia, vagina and uterus become softer, which increases sensitivity, orgasm becomes more vivid, prolonged and repeated. It is for this reason that desire in pregnant women increases sharply.

In addition, the desire/refusal of sex depends on the psychological mood and understanding. Sometimes a couple builds a wall for intimacy, based on their prejudices, and sometimes, on the contrary, all barriers are broken, and the spouses become even closer (the awareness of their future parenthood, the warmth and tenderness that a man shows cannot but affect a woman’s attitude).

Prejudices that interfere with the sexual life of spouses during pregnancy

Fear of miscarriage

Everyone knows that during pregnancy a woman faces certain restrictions: in diet (no spicy, smoked...), in movements and clothing (no jumping, walking in heels or tight jeans), in habits (smoking, alcohol are prohibited), etc. P. One of the limitations that women think is sex.

This is a false opinion with some truth. Sex during pregnancy is permitted and encouraged by doctors as long as it does not pose a risk of miscarriage. The doctor will tell you about this. And if he gives the green light, then fears will be unfounded.

Physical condition of a pregnant woman

It’s another matter when a woman refuses sex not because of a threat to the fetus, but because of her physical condition. The first stages of pregnancy are accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. It's worth waiting a little. The symptoms will go away and a happy sex life will follow. There is no need to force yourself under any circumstances. It won't be fun. In this case, a man needs to show tolerance and understanding.

Thoughts that the unborn child hears and sees everything

Under the influence of the media, future parents have thoughts that the child hears, sees and understands everything already in the womb, and sexual intercourse will negatively affect his psyche. In fact, the nascent organism sees only light and darkness, hears only sharp loud sounds or harmonious ones (as in music), and there cannot be any understanding at all. But he feels grace and joy when mom feels good. And even his movement at a later date after the end of sexual intercourse does not indicate his reaction and attitude to what is happening.

The opinion that sexual intercourse will harm the embryo

There are also concerns that sex will harm the fetus. Of course, it’s not worth experimenting and achieving new records in sex at this period of a woman’s life. You need to be careful and gentle during coitus: do not put pressure on the stomach, avoid sudden movements, let the duration of intercourse be the average 3-5 minutes, do not insert the penis deeply, have sex as regularly as before pregnancy. And remember that the fetus is still well protected by amniotic fluid, the muscles of the uterus and the tissues of the abdominal cavity. This triple defense is difficult to overcome.

The future mother's insecurity about her attractiveness

Some women are horrified by changes in the body and, as a result, feel embarrassed about their body. But all the “bellies”, “globes” and “balls”, in fact, are the most beautiful during pregnancy. Every woman is a miracle, charm and charm during the period of bearing a child. So more confidence, love for yourself and your special, worthy position!

By throwing away all imaginary obstacles, you can have the most unforgettable moments in an intimate relationship with your soul mate. This brings people together, the level of understanding and trust grows. This strengthens the family, which is necessary for the harmonious development of the unborn child.

See also video about sex during pregnancy