Girlish secrets of Sabina Mustaeva. Life after “The Voice”: Pluzhnikov is still waiting for a new apartment, and Kozhikina and Mustaeva left Fadeev Sabina Mustaeva personal life

The New Year ended before the New Year. Now everyone is waiting for the children's “Voice”. Traditionally, this project becomes the most popular among TV viewers at the end of the year. The public wants spontaneous performances and is ready to tear their souls out, looking at the genuine emotions of the kids. But how much does this help young vocalists? The TV program magazine recalls.

Alisa Kozhikina (13 years old, Uspenka village, Kursk region)

Photo: Channel One

The charming blonde came to the children's “Voice” at the age of nine and ended up on Maxim Fadeev’s team. For her victory, she was given half a million rubles and a contract with Universal Music. In November of the same year, Alisa went to Junior Eurovision 2014, where she took fifth place with the song Dreamer. Kozhikina released three singles, recorded the soundtrack for the animated series, and played main role in the show of illusionists the Safronov brothers.


After “The Voice,” the singer continued to collaborate with Maxim Fadeev, but then terminated the contract. The producer said that this was the decision of the girl’s parents, who put their studies first. Now St. Petersburg composer Mikhail Chertishchev, the author of music for the series of cartoons, writes songs for Alice. Since 2016, Kozhikina began to give solo concerts. At the end of last year, 13-year-old Alice released debut album“I'm not a toy,” the video for the title song has already received 14.5 million views. It contains these words: “I am going to new day without blending in with the crowd. I want everyone, everyone to take me into account."

Sabina Mustaeva (16 years old, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)

Photo: Channel One

Sabina got into the show at the age of 14, literally on the edge of the age threshold. And also to the team of Maxim Fadeev. No one could have thought that she would win, because her mentor sent her home in the semi-finals.

“We were already going to bed when the phone rang and my mother started screaming throughout the apartment,” Sabina recalls. - “Daughter, they’re calling us again! One more stage." I started shaking, I didn’t understand how this was possible. I started asking: how, what, why? And my mother says: “I don’t know, they told me to come.”

The organizers of the show added intrigue and held an additional round in which the audience and. She won!


After the victory, Sabina returned to Tashkent, where she is now finishing her studies at school. In 2015, with Universal Music, she released debut single“Let’s give the globe to the children,” the girl donated funds from the sale of charitable foundation"Life Line" - to help seriously ill children. Now 16-year-old Sabina gives solo concerts, sings jazz or classics, and continues to participate in music competitions, broadcasts on the social network Periscope. The girl doesn’t need money, because she is the daughter of the first vice-president of the Federation rhythmic gymnastics Uzbekistan Ruslana Mustaeva. Which, in turn, right hand head of the sports organization Lola Karimova, daughter of the President of Uzbekistan. By the way, a year ago Sabina’s little sister was born.

Danil Pluzhnikov (13 years old, Sochi)

Photo: Ruslan ROSCHUPKIN

On January 26, this guy turns 14 years old; he came to the children's “Voice” at 13. And immediately conquered everyone. The point is not at all that his height is 110 centimeters (this is due to a serious illness - spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia of the upper and lower extremities). Just Danya right away, with meaningful arguments and dedication. It’s hard for him to stand on stage; he walks on crutches and leans on a stand when he stands. Fingers with almost no bones barely move along the keys of the synthesizer. But he does everything to perform and live. Danya chose Dima Bilan, although this was not so important: his victory was a foregone conclusion and took place as a matter of course.

Danya continues to study, sing, perform, write music, record video blogs and receive treatment. He also participates in charity concerts, works as a volunteer at the Save Life Foundation, raises money for the disabled and visits clinics where cancer patients are treated. But the one that Sochi Mayor Anatoly Pakhomov gave him is still being completed.

Photo: Personal archive

What surprises “The Voice. Children-4"?

The composition of mentors is kept secret. More precisely, it has not yet been approved. However CEO Channel One Konstantin Ernst recently mentioned that one of the coaches of the previous convocation will appear in the red chair. Another slip of the tongue was made by Polina Gagarina: it turns out that her son from her first marriage is 9 years old. Considering that the singer herself is in an interesting position and will miss the children’s “Voice”, it’s time to send the child to the stage.

: Competition is growth

— The competition space has enormous developmental potential, because the child is surrounded by adults. He is not alone. Even if he is worried and waiting, he is constantly in contact and under the supervision of adults. Of course, if there are concerns about the child’s mental health, then it is better to conduct an examination. But in general, participation in the competition is growth. Like on a slide: the baby climbs up, comes to the edge, experiences vestibular tension, and then relieves it, going down the slide. The adult does not do it for him, but insures him. There is no development without stress.

Winner of Channel One's musical television project “The Voice. Children 2" Sabina Mustaeva gave exclusive interview portal

Photo: DR Sabina Mustaeva

A lot of time has passed since the completion of the project. What are you planning to do next?

After winning the project, a lot of new and interesting events. I go to concerts with other participants, and as a prize for winning, together with Universal, I recorded the song “Let’s Give the Globe to the Children.” I also participated in the LEGO project ® Friends "School of Pop Stars", where the guys themselves composed their own songs and came up with stage images, and I shared advice with them. Especially for the “School of Pop Stars,” I recorded video lessons in which I told how to write a text, prepare for a performance, and much more. Based on the results of all stages, five winners will be selected who will star in the video for my single and will be able to perform at big stage. This is also an interesting experience for me, because this will be my very first music video.

When did you feel your popularity and do you feel it now?

Yes, I became more famous after the project. This is very pleasant, but now I have a great responsibility, I simply cannot let down my friends and fans who were rooting for me in “The Voice”. When, after the blind auditions, it appeared great amount positive feedback, and the views of my performance increased every day, then I think that’s when I realized that this is what popularity is.

What lessons did you learn from being on the TV show?

During the project, I realized that, firstly, you need to be honest with yourself and with the viewer, all emotions and feelings must come from the heart. You need to be very resilient and hardworking, as the filming schedule is very difficult, sometimes we finished long after midnight. And the last thing is probably the love for singing, for your favorite thing. All this helped me in the TV project.

What was the most valuable advice that Maxim Fadeev gave you?

Maxim Fadeev always says that you need to sing with your heart and soul. I am grateful to him for his advice, which I try to follow.

Do you communicate with other participants of “The Voice”?

We communicate with all the guys, I wait every time new meeting with them. The friendship we have gained is very valuable to me.

I don't want to be like anyone. I'm trying to find something of my own and be individual. There are artists who amaze with their skill, talent and hard work. Among them are many Western vocalists who have reached world level. I love listening to Ella Fitzgerald, Beyoncé, Pharrell and others.

What are your hobbies besides singing, how is your free time?

I study in regular school and, like all teenagers, I like to spend time with friends, go to the movies, and roller skate. Sometimes, when I have inspiration, I draw. But singing and vocal practice is my main business. I sing always and everywhere.

What advice can you give to future “little stars”?

I was on the set of the blind auditions for the third season of “The Voice.” Children" as a reporter. I wanted all the guys, of course, to get together and overcome their anxiety (although this is oh, how difficult it is!). The main thing is to show the real you, and then the viewer will hear you.

Sabina’s dad is Tatar, and her mom has Russian and Armenian roots.

Sabina participated in many vocal competitions and often won them.

Winner (3rd place) "Children's New wave 2013":

Sabina sang with Leonid Agutin at the "Children's Song of the Year 2013":

Sabina Mustaeva - winner of the Grand Prix of the “Gifted Children” competition (Tashkent):

Sabina took first place in International competition“Star Crimea” (Livadia, 2012).

Sabina is a laureate of the Republican Variety and Academic Performance Competition. And also the winner of the Grand Prix of the “Mardlar Kuriklaidi Vatanni” competition among students of music schools in Tashkent.

Sabina used to play tennis, but music takes up a huge amount of time, so I had to put tennis on hold for now.

Sabina Mustaeva dreams of singing a duet with Ani Lorak, Sabina is delighted with the energy of this singer, and she also really likes her timbre and appearance. Of course, Sabina would like to sing with Western stars, for example, with Beyoncé. Sabina considers her a super professional!

Soon Sabina will need to enter a university, because in Uzbekistan people study at school for 9 years. Sabina Mustaeva dreams of studying at Berklee College of Music, it is located in Boston and is considered almost the most best place in a world where you can learn to play music for real high level. The most famous jazz players graduated from it, and Sabina simply loves jazz! After all, her grandfather is a jazz saxophonist

Sabina Mustaeva always speaks very warmly about Maxim Fadeev. Working with Maxim Alexandrovich is a pleasure for Sabina. He a kind person, attentive to details, even helps to choose costumes for performances. You can also contact Fadeev with song suggestions. He may well listen to his participants, listen to the songs they want to sing, and then give his opinion whether it is suitable or not. For example, Whitney Houston "Run To You" was suggested by Sabina. She sang it, and she and Maxim Fadeev decided to leave it.

Television project “Voice. Children,” where participants demonstrate their vocal skills to the judges, is needed not only for entertainment purposes and to raise the ratings of Channel One to unprecedented heights. This show gives an opportunity to show off young talents from ordinary families who, thanks to their perseverance and work, become new stars in the firmament of show business.

And Sabina Mustaeva, whose songs amazed music lovers, is no exception. While participating in the show, Sabina had both joys and failures, but this did not prevent the talented performer, whose song “Let’s give the globe to the children” (previously performed) won the hearts of listeners, from becoming the winner of the project.


The future star was born on June 16, 2000 in sunny Tashkent, which is rich in historical sights and cultural institutions. Sabina grew up in an average family with her sisters Amina and Yasmina; her mother Victoria and father Ruslan, who is the first vice-president of the Gymnastics Federation of Uzbekistan, are far from creativity. According to the recollections of the mother of the show participant, she and her husband can only sing karaoke.

But Sabina’s grandfather, Bulat Mustaev, is close to high art, he is a professional saxophonist who delights listeners with jazz. It was he who instilled in his little granddaughter a love of music, which only grew over time. One day, grandfather allowed Sabina to perform on the same stage with him, so the girl heard the applause of the audience back in early age.

Creative biography Sabina started at age 11. The talented girl participated in various music competitions and took first place. In 2011, the young singer was awarded the Grand Prix at the “Gifted Children” song competition, held in Tashkent. In 2012, Sabina demonstrated her skills at the Star Crimea festival. A year later, Mustaeva earned third place by participating in the “Children’s New Wave” competition.

Show “Voice. Children"

"Voice. Children" is an adaptation of the Dutch show The Voice Kids, in which young participants compete in singing songs, and the jury does not make concessions to the little contestants and tries to evaluate their vocal skills as objectively as possible. The first thing the show participants face is the so-called blind audition, when the judges sit with their backs to the stage, unable to see the performer.

If the jury liked the vocal abilities of a boy or girl, they press a special button and turn to face the participants. This means that the mentor is ready to take the young participant into his team for further competitions. Next comes the fights, the elimination song and the final.

Sabina’s mother admitted in an interview that the girl became a participant in the show “The Voice. Children" only on the second try. However, the beauty was not upset, because the parents taught their daughter that in life there are both ups and downs, so all the obstacles encountered along the way must be accepted with dignity. When she got ready for the show, Sabina took with her the bracelets made by her grandmother as a talisman.

Sabina Mustaeva got into the second season of the television project, which started on February 13, 2015, and the roles of mentors were, and music producer, thanks to which Russian stage Many stars lit up, for example, and other performers.

Sabina performed the composition “The Path”, which surprised the jury members - to young talent Every single one of them turned around. But Mustaeva gave preference to Maxim Fadeev. After the end of the qualifying round, the fights began, but, unfortunately, the girl was so worried that she made many mistakes, and the judges could not turn a blind eye to it. Therefore, Maxim Fadeev had to say goodbye to the talented participant, who after the failure left for her native Tashkent.

However, shortly before the finale, the producers of the show “The Voice. Children" decided to make an exception to the rules and held another qualifying round, different from the standard: now the fate of the contestants was decided not by mentors, but by television viewers. Thanks to the additional stage, Sabina Mustaeva, Saida Mukhamedzyanova and Elena Malevskaya competed for the right to show their talent in the finals. Since the girl acquired an army of millions of fans, she easily advanced to the next stage of the competition.

The final competition took place on April 17, 2015. Sabina sang a song American rock band Aerosmith - “Crazy”, captivating music lovers with a range of two and a half octaves. 45% of TV viewers voted for the girl who became the winner. When journalists asked Mustaeva what she would spend on cash winnings, she answered without hesitation - for charity.

The singer’s mother admitted that after winning “The Voice. Children" Sabina gained popularity: every day she received dozens of comments on her official page in "Instagram", and enthusiastic fans often ask the young star for his coveted autograph.

Personal life

In life, Sabina Mustaeva is the same cheerful person as they are used to seeing her on TV screens. In her free time from school, the girl is not averse to immersing herself in classic literature. The singer's favorite writer is the author of adventure novels. It is known that, despite a busy schedule and classes in music school, Sabina is an excellent student. The TV project participant is used to pleasing her parents with “A’s” in her diary.

Among other things, the young singer can play the musical instruments, dance and loves animals, she loves watching programs about our little brothers. Victoria Mustaeva admitted that Sabina could watch such programs for hours on end. On weekends, Mustaeva roller-skates and spends her time with friends on the street or in the cinema.

Sabina Mustaeva now

In 2016, Sabina performed at a concert where she performed the song “You are the Wind.”

“Thank you, Raymond Voldemarovich, for inviting me to such an important concert. Thanks to every organizer, musician, and spectator for the emotions they gave. It was at this concert that I finally understood what music is,” Sabina shared on her Instagram page.

In 2017, Mustaeva is studying at school and intends to fulfill her old dream - to enter a prestigious College of Music Berkeley in Boston. Also, the gifted girl is not averse to singing with and.