What is the state of modern Russian culture? Development of culture in modern Russia

Culture in modern society is experiencing a state defined by the vast majority of researchers as “crisis”, “critical”, “borderline”, “threshold” or “interepochal”. Overflow of epistemological space with so many synonyms in modern science testifies to intense attempts to comprehend the sociocultural process in post-Soviet Russia. On the one hand, modern culture is influenced by the socio-political and socio-economic mechanisms that are emerging in society today. On the other hand, culture itself has a noticeable influence on them, thereby acting as a kind of catalyst for the social process. A similar situation is considered in modern science as a “transitional type of culture,” when a cultural situation goes beyond the boundaries of the previous qualitative state (“type of culture”), but has not yet reached the integrity of a new type and another system level.

The current stage of rethinking cultural values ​​and the future fate of Russian culture largely depend on its spiritual state, social and civic position every Russian, as well as from his mastery of the riches of domestic and world culture. Therefore, the current cultural situation in our country cannot be assessed unambiguously and categorically, since, firstly, it is extremely complex and contradictory, and secondly, the depth and scale of the changes taking place in it are not yet clear enough.

Today, scientists identify the following most obvious problems of culture in modern Russia.

  • 1. Erosion of the spiritual identity of Russian culture, which leads to the unification of customs, traditions and lifestyles (especially of the urban population) according to foreign models. The consequence of the mass replication of the Western way of life and behavior patterns is the standardization of cultural needs, the loss of national and cultural identity and the destruction of cultural individuality.
  • 2. De-ideologization of culture and elimination of the state monopoly on culture. In terms of content, this led, on the one hand, to greater freedom of creativity and freedom of choice in the cultural sphere, and on the other, to a loss of control over the quality and level of cultural products offered to consumers. All this ultimately hinders the normal process of interaction between culture and society.
  • 3. Commercialization of culture. Currently, this process is one-sided: rich people in Russia prefer to invest in the entertainment industry (this is still a highly profitable area). At the same time, institutions such as educational institutions, museums, theaters, libraries, classical art are not of commercial interest and are experiencing difficulties due to insufficient funding. This leads to a crisis of these institutions. In this situation, the younger generation, which is increasingly moving away from spiritual culture, is of particular concern, since the discrepancy between the declared priority universal human values And real life leads to the destruction of moral foundations and legal nihilism.


Nihilism (from lat. nihil– negation) as a social phenomenon expresses the negative attitude of a subject (group, class) to certain values, norms, views, ideals, individual, and sometimes all aspects of human existence.

  • 4. Growing interest in national cultures. This leads to the formation of respect for them, but at the same time, the increasing attention to national cultures is often used by political elites for their own selfish interests, which leads to the destabilization of social and government structure and order in society.
  • 5. Cultural and communicative apathy of the population, which leads to a weakening of interest in reading in favor of visual, spectacular forms(primarily television), a drop in attendance at theaters, museums, and libraries.
  • 6. The problem of the state of the Russian language, which is considered as an indicator of culture. Scientists note that today negative changes have occurred in the Russian language, leading to a decrease in the level of literacy, to the spread of foreign words, and to the widespread use of foul language in everyday speech.
  • 7. The influence of globalization processes on Russian culture in conditions of economic and political changes in life Russian society. On the one hand, the ego leads to the development of intercultural exchange and interaction, on the other hand, it creates a threat of destruction of national cultures, which causes a response to protect one’s own culture, stimulates interest in the past of culture, its origins, and dominants.

In modern cultural life In Russia, the younger generation bears the responsibility for the preservation and development of national cultural traditions and values, as well as for the civilized integration of Russia into global community And cultural space. Therefore, the development of a methodology for cultural policy and the development of mechanisms adequate to it, having clearly defined priorities, as well as increased attention to the relevant key issues formation of culture in modern Russia.

It is worth noting today the positive factors in the development of Russian culture:

  • 1) the number of types and forms has expanded artistic creativity, and also the range of cultural endeavors was enriched due to the development of various kinds of public associations, movements, clubs and associations;
  • 2) domestic cultural exchange has become richer;
  • 3) the feeling of cultural isolation disappeared;
  • 4) many returned to galleries, museums, and exhibitions artistic values, previously unjustly consigned to oblivion;
  • 5) the huge humanitarian potential of Russian culture is in demand and in many ways is being re-mastered - philosophical, cultural, sociological, psychological, economic thought;
  • 6) the use of specific and targeted support for various initiatives, carried out in the form of targeted programs.

Among such programs we can list the following.

  • 1. Targeted programs federal character:
    • – “Formation, restoration, preservation and efficient use museum funds";
    • – “Support for young talents in the field of culture and art”;
    • – “Preservation and development of national cultures of the peoples of Russia, interethnic cultural cooperation.”
  • 2. Targeted programs regional character:
    • – for example, “Development of culture and tourism in the Bryansk region” (2014-2020).
  • 3. Targeted programs municipal character:
    • – for example, “Development and preservation of culture and art in the city of Bryansk” (2013-2017).

The study of the place and role of culture in public life, the patterns of its development is of great practical importance. IN modern conditions it becomes clearly visible: it is impossible to implement economic and political programs without taking into account the cultural level of the population. In other words, raising the cultural level is a necessary prerequisite for socio-economic growth.

The fourth - last - stage in the evolution of Old Russian culture falls on the 16th - 18th centuries and lasts from 1480 to 1698. During this period, along with the liberation from the Mongol-Tatar rule, the formation of a single all-Russian culture also took place. This became one of the greatest achievements in the development of Russia.

In the 16th century, completely new phenomena emerged in Russian culture. The main one is printing, which is followed by radical changes in the entire culture. Russia is a century behind Western Europe in this area. And in 1564, Deacon Ivan Fedorov published his first book, “The Apostle.” Once in Lvov, he published the first Russian primer (1574) - “for the benefit of the Russian people.” In total, 20 books were published in Moscow in the 16th century, mostly of theological content.

In the 16th century there was a sharp rise in the national self-awareness of the Russian people. Russia is developing a political concept of the origin of the Russian state, its place and role in the world. “The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir” sets out, based on legends, the history of the origin of the Russian Grand Dukes from the Roman Emperor Augustus and the receipt by Vladimir Monomakh of the royal regalia from the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh.

The idea of ​​Moscow as the “third Rome” arises, formulated by the Pskov elder Philotheus in his letters to Vasily 111 (1510-1511), where he, in particular, writes: “two Romes have fallen, the third stands, but the fourth will not exist.” According to Philotheus, the center of Christianity consistently moved from “old Rome” to “second Rome” - Constantinople, and from there to Moscow. Byzantium betrayed Christianity, agreeing in 1439 to a union with the Catholic Church. Only Moscow has remained faithful to Orthodoxy and is therefore the world center of Christianity. This leads to the idea of ​​the messianic role of Russia, which, by preserving and continuing the true Christian faith, preserving genuine spirituality, thereby saves the world from evil and defilement.

In the middle of the 16th century, there was a powerful surge in Russian social thought, which caused the emergence of a new genre in literature - journalism. Russian thought actively discusses the nature of the emerging state, the role of law and autocratic will, the relationship between the “church” and the “kingdom,” spiritual and secular power. There is a dispute about the nature of autocratic power between Ivan the Terrible and Prince Andrei Kurbsky. Based on the idea of ​​​​the divine origin of royal power. Ivan the Terrible claims that he has the right to promise and punish not only for deeds, but also for thoughts.

In general, in the 16th century there was a revival in all areas of life, including artistic culture.

In architecture, one of the main events is the creation of the Moscow Kremlin, which has become one of the most beautiful architectural ensembles in the world. It seems to crown the victory of the Russian people in the liberation struggle and the final

establishment of Moscow as the center of Russia. Its ensemble includes three magnificent cathedrals. The first of them - the five-domed Assumption Cathedral (1475 -1479), built by the Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti, served as the place of enthronement. He amazed his contemporaries with his “majesty, height, lightness, sonority and space.” He is distinguished by pomp, severity and restraint.

The second is the three-domed Annunciation Cathedral (1484 - 1489) - an elegant and refined court cathedral with the Church of the Deposition of the Robe (1484 - 1486), connected to the palace complex, which included a reception hall - the Faceted Chamber (1487-1492), built by Marco Ruffo and Pietro Solario.

The third - the Archangel Cathedral (1505 -1509) - was built using secular elements and served as the grand ducal tomb. The ensemble also includes a tall and impressive pillar-shaped temple - the Ivan the Great bell tower (1500-1508). Besides. The Kremlin was surrounded by new brick walls more than two kilometers long with 18 towers, which became not only reliable fortifications, but also real works of art.

The Moscow Kremlin became a unique result of the entire previous development of Russian architecture. It absorbed the best achievements of the Vladimir-Suzdal, Novgorod-Pskov and other schools, and at the same time laid the foundations for the further rise of Russian architecture, for the formation of all-Russian national architecture.

Among the new phenomena is the tent style, which emerged at the beginning of the 16th century, which continues the traditions of Russian wooden architecture and breaks with the Byzantine type of cross-domed church.

A wonderful monument of stone hipped architecture was the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye (1530 -1532).

The most famous monument of such architecture was the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat, also known as St. Basil's Cathedral (1555 - 1561), built by Russian architects Barma and Postnik in memory of the capture of Kazan. The ensemble of the Intercession Cathedral consists of 9 pillar-shaped churches placed on a common base. The central temple is crowned with a large tent, and around

The onion domes of the other eight temples are located on it. The bold and original composition, bright colors and elegance of the domes made the cathedral a rare masterpiece of world art. The Intercession Cathedral also became a majestic symbol of the unification of Russian lands and principalities into a single state.

The 17th century was no less rich in events in the history of Russian culture. This century marks the end of the evolution of medieval culture and the birth of elements of modern culture, which is characterized by the strengthening of the secular and rational principles, secularization and “secularization.” Relations with Western European countries are noticeably expanding and deepening.

All areas of culture become significantly more complex and differentiated, and completely new phenomena arise in them.

One of important events In spiritual life, there was a split in the Orthodox Church, caused by the reforms of Patriarch Nikon (1653 - 1656), aimed at strengthening the role of the Church and the state and carried out by force. As a result

The Old Believers arose, which had a very contradictory character and became the head of the opposition to the official ideology.

The beginning of the formation of the education system should also be included among the important phenomena. Public and private secondary schools are appearing in the country, books and teaching aids are being published, among which publications with religious content coexist with secular ones. In 1687, the first higher educational institution in Russia, the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, was opened in Moscow to train higher clergy and civil service officials.

Important changes are also taking place in artistic culture. Literature is being enriched by a number of new genres.

One of them is satire. The themes of satirical works are very diverse. In "The Tale of Shemyakina's Court" and "The Tale of Ersha Ershovich" the order in court is exposed. In "The ABC of a Naked and Poor Man" the decline of morals among the townspeople is condemned, and in "The Festival of Tavern Markets" the state monopoly on the trade in vodka is condemned.

Among the new types and genres of art are theater, drama and poetry. The founder of Russian drama was Simeon of Polotsk, who wrote such plays as “The Tragedy of King Nebuchadnezzar” and “The Comedy of the Parable of the Prodigal Son.” He was also the pioneer of versification, creating the “Rhyming Psalter” and two handwritten collections “Rhymelogion” and “Multicolored Vertograd”. The first theatrical performances took place in the court theater of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1672.

The architecture of the 17th century also underwent major changes. There is a strengthening of the secular principle, a departure from strict church canons, and a clear convergence of religious and civil architecture.

It is still at a high level and widespread wooden architecture. A wonderful monument of secular wooden architecture was the unpreserved palace of Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye (1667 -1668), in which the desire for the highest elegance, picturesqueness and decorativeness was especially clearly manifested.

By the middle of the 17th century, secular stone construction became widespread. A striking example in this regard is the Terem Palace built in the Moscow Kremlin, which combined the traditions of wooden buildings with the latest motifs of stone architecture. Another example of a civil building was the Gostiny Dvor in Kitai-Gorod (1668 - 1684).

Under the influence of secular architecture, religious buildings are also becoming more and more festive, elegant, multi-colored, and decorated with rich decor. The impact of civil architecture turned out to be so strong that Patriarch Nikon, trying to preserve canonical traditions, in the middle of the 17th century banned the construction of tented churches and the modernization of religious buildings. However, this prohibition was not respected, and the popular tent was widely used for crowning bell towers and porches.

At the end of the 17th century, a new style was emerging in Russian architecture, conventionally called “Moscow” or “Naryshkin Baroque”, since most of these churches were built for the Naryshkin boyars. The similarity of this style with European Baroque is manifested mainly in the external decor. It is characterized by clear symmetry and mass balance. multi-tiered, creating upward direction, multi-color and decorativeness. An excellent example of this style is the Church of the Intercession in Fili (1693 - 1694).

In the painting of the 15th century - especially in icon painting - the most profound disruption of established traditions occurred. Already at the beginning of the century, two competing trends emerged here. One of them; represented by the “Godunov school”, sought to preserve classical forms and canons and prove their vitality. The other, represented by the “Stroganov school,” did not limit itself to the framework of the ancient canon, attached great importance to the purely pictorial, artistic and aesthetic principles, and moved further and further away from medieval religious symbolism towards realism. This direction became predominant in the second half of the 17th century.

The changes taking place were clearly manifested in the work of S. Ushakov (1626 -1686). His first works were made in the spirit of traditional icon painting. However, already in the 50s, realistic tendencies noticeably intensified in his work. He paints his icons, taking into account the anatomical structure of the face, relying on a subtle drawing, making extensive use of chiaroscuro, giving great importance to wealth color range. It is in this manner that his icons “The Great Bishop” and “The Savior Not Made by Hands” were painted.

S. Ushakov believed that high art should correspond to the truth of life. In his later works realistic tendencies are further intensified, which is especially evident in his “parsuns,” that is, portraits of real persons. Parsuna still retains some features of icon painting and at the same time acts as the first purely secular genre of Russian painting. Having emerged at the beginning of the 17th century, it achieved significant success towards its end, coming close to the famous Russian portrait of the 15th and 11th centuries.

In general, the 17th century completes the history of medieval Russian culture and creates all the necessary prerequisites for the future rise of the culture of the 18th century.

In short, the development of culture in modern Russia causes considerable concern among many experts. This issue is a problem whose roots go back to the distant past, but at the same time we must remember that a country is only an element of the global community. We belong to humanity, and the processes characteristic of society at the global level influence the state modern culture Russia. It is impossible to deny this fact, it is unreasonable to resist it, so it is necessary to adapt whenever possible and be able to find benefits for yourself - including at the national level. The identity of our country is not only a personal achievement and a sign of sovereignty, but also an element of world culture.

Forward at any cost

To describe the situation briefly, the culture of modern Russia is changing quite a lot under the influence of the shocks that affect world-class culture. The question is not only about promoting the ideas of humanism, which to some extent conflict with technicalism. Currently, the debate between irrationalists and rationalists is quite strong. At the same time, the trends of modern Russian culture are determined by the strengthening of collectivism and individualism in different layers and groups of society. The opposition of modernism, traditionalism, the confrontation of anthropocentrism, theocentrism form the complex conditions in which modern man lives.

The cultural features of modern Russia reflect the crisis in which world-class culture finds itself. At the same time, the specific features of the historical past of our state play a role.

Background and reasons

The end of the twentieth century was a difficult era for our state, when the country literally stood at a crossroads. The culture of modern Russia is largely determined by the decisions and social trends that dominated during this time period. The complexity of the situation these days is due to the fact that society needs guidelines and is looking for them, at the same time cultural values are mobilized, and this applies primarily to traditional baggage.

The culture of modern Russia is a problem of conflict between several layers, literally opposing each other. On the one hand, during Soviet power a rather specific culture had formed, developing over seven decades, and it simply could not disappear overnight. And in politics, and in society, and in artistic directions, in work skills and everyday aspects, the culture of modern Russia is determined by the Soviet past. But there is also a group of people who have an extremely negative attitude towards everything connected with this historical period. Some use facts that prove the injustice of the totalitarian regime, while others convince that under Soviet rule the people created lasting values ​​that inspire people around the world.

What happened is not past

Observing the trends in the development of culture in modern Russia, one cannot help but recognize the fact that recently more and more attention has been paid to the period before Soviet power. Recently, values characteristic of the era before October revolution, are increasingly attracting the attention of wide sections of society. In particular, this can be seen in how interest in the creations of authors is being revived Silver Age. The culture of modern Russia also means pride in the works written by creators who left in the first wave of emigration. Many remember the norms of etiquette that existed in the era of the nobility, as well as the rules of life of the old intelligentsia, and call for their implementation in our modern times. You can notice the increased attention to the past and history in modern Russian culture by the interest aroused by traditional folk clothes and folk tales.

The culture of our country at present is a complex system values ​​in which the past merges with the present, while at the same time the phenomena of the post-Soviet space are making their way to life. This is quite noticeable in the religious sphere. After such a long period of atheism, the pros and cons of modern Russian culture can be observed “in the flesh”: religious ceremonies are becoming more and more solemn, and the ideas of theology are coming into the life of wide sections of the population. Personal experiences spiritual plan, theoretical research has become a characteristic feature of Russian society today.

Mixing and development

The processes of cultural development in modern Russia are a kind of whirlpool in which many streams associated with the most in different directions and features. Combinations and connections of these directions of movement give quite bizarre outlines. According to some, the development of culture in modern Russia is a unique process, absolutely curious, and one that beckons to take part in. At the same time, those who observe this mixture from the inside cannot always clearly determine what belongs to the norms and what goes beyond the understanding of culture, normality, and relevance.

At the same time, processes of the emergence of fundamentally new trends and directions are observed, and some of them are definite applications for dominance in the near future. Positive features The development of the culture of modern Russia, as many researchers note, is still quite vague, it is not possible to formulate them clearly, but one cannot deny the fact of the emergence, the gradual emergence of something new. The culture in our country today is open to outside influence and welcomes fresh perspectives on current situations and relationships. Society is following such a path that even the most sudden turns become only features of the culture of modern Russia, without breaking or traumatizing the public.

Mono and poly: one replaces the other

Recently, in our country, as some theorists say, analyzing the trends and formation of cultural features of modern Russia, the so-called monostylistic trends are becoming a thing of the past, the place of which is quickly taken by a polystylistic society.

Problems of culture in modern Russia

These are currently in the theoretical study of the characteristics of cultural social development several are highlighted. The most important aspect is the relationship with the cataclysms that have befallen the political and ideological spheres of society in the last few decades. Recently, such strong Soviet ideals were suddenly criticized and found themselves literally “out of place.” At the same time, the people did not receive, instead of previous trends, any new constructive ideas that would be relevant for broad sections of the population, that is, would be recognized by the masses. It’s not even a matter of a general ideology, which must be instilled at any cost. The main problem of culture in modern Russia is the absence of an idea that would reflect the spiritual image of the state.

Some researchers are of the opinion that a general idea can be invented and proposed to the general public for consideration, and it will be immediately accepted if presented correctly. Others do not agree with this approach and consider it an incorrect simplification - the people are not a submissive flock of sheep and do not accept sudden prophets promoted by anyone. An idea that would unite society must mature in the popular consciousness and reflect the desire for unity. If this problem of cultural development in modern Russia is solved, the nation will receive a single core of development that does not interfere with the diversity of forms, but provides a systematized ideology necessary for moving forward.

There is more than one difficulty

Another problem associated with the current state of culture in our country is due to the monetary aspect: material, financial support has recently decreased quite significantly, and the prestige of employment in creative sphere fell significantly. Cultural figures, seeing better prospects for themselves in other countries, are actively moving abroad. The elite of this field in our country has been noticeably aging lately, but there is practically no young influx. The most promising individuals focus their efforts on business development or immerse themselves in pop culture as the most profitable option.

Foreign cultural flows are another challenge that Russia is currently facing. Of course, a “fresh wind” from outside is exerting positive influence on any power, but it is necessary to understand that control over such a “breath” must be very strict, otherwise your own layer of culture will suffer. Today Russia is becoming richer to some extent, since interaction with world culture brings positive values, but this also leads to the suppression of its own unique baggage accumulated over many centuries. The values ​​inherent in the nations from which the federation is formed gradually degrade without adequate support.

Work together or against each other?

One of the difficulties that determines the specific development of the culture of our country is the confrontation that has long been characteristic of mass culture and the elite. Traditional trends close to the roots of nations come into confrontation with professional areas, which also sets a specific tone for development. Mass culture- these are numerous simplifications made as part of the popularization of the movement, focused on the primitiveness of tastes and accessibility for everyone. Belonging to this type of culture does not require a spiritual rise, does not force one to suffer and be tormented. Mass character is cosmopolitanism in the worst sense of the term.

An elite movement is a specific area where only a select few are admitted who can prove their involvement in this area. These are the so-called “highbrows,” who are characterized by snobbery, and on an individualistic basis. Modern elite culture is accessible only to the initiated, intricate and carefully encrypted to prevent anyone from being “extra.”

People and professionals

Folk culture is largely determined by traditions formed in the distant past. The fact that the basis is the experience accumulated over many centuries allows this trend to strengthen. Its opposite is professional, which, as some argue, can rightfully be called high. It denies and opposes traditions, and puts innovation at the forefront.

Professional high culture is not only insight, the ability to discover amazing novelties, but also originality, often bordering on adventurism. World culture is also distinguished by the opposition of the listed trends, and in the global community the conflict is not as pronounced as it can be observed in the everyday life of the people of our country.

Is there a future?

Despite the abundance of problems characteristic of modern times, Russian culture shows good potential for development in the present and future. There are points, according to professionals, that are extremely encouraging, while others show that the country is moving forward and the foundation has been prepared for solid development.

Most important factor They consider the stability characteristic of the cultural layers of Russia. Even though people are faced with spiritual difficulties, confusion and confusion, politicians are moving forward in very intricate zigzags and spirals, and everyday life is unpredictable due to economic turmoil, there are still enthusiasts to this day. The country is constantly undergoing significant organizational changes, but this does not eliminate the presence of cultural defenders and activists.

In whose hands is the future?

First of all, the authors of paintings create, act, and advance culture in modern Russia. musical works, academicians, library workers, curators of crafts of various nationalities. Teachers, teachers, and educators who work with audiences of all ages make a very big contribution. Their contribution to the cultural wealth of the country and their influence on the formation of the future generation cannot be underestimated. Festivals and symposiums are regularly organized, within the framework of which specialists exchange experiences, which makes work more effective. The educational system of the future is developing and acquiring new, more effective features. The World Wide Web is also of considerable importance, access to which is available today in almost all populated areas of the country. The Internet has become an indispensable tool for exchanging experiences, improving, recognizing new techniques and understanding how they can be used in practice.

The culture of the future - both the country and the world - is largely determined by the processes of change that take place in the community at the global level. The idea of ​​a co-evolutionary relationship between culture and nature is the main trend that will dominate in the near future. Daring new items should complement the traditions of peoples that have been preserved for many centuries; the specific aspects of specific nations will merge, without losing their uniqueness, with those of the general clan. Emotions, intelligence, individuality and society, non-rational and rational, as can be seen from the most positive forecasts for the near future, will actively cooperate, which will be the key to the formation of a full-fledged society, where culture will be high, but continuing to develop.

Youth: features of the issue

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the future of the cultural development of our country is entirely in the hands of modern youth. The characteristics of this layer of the population have changed significantly over the past few decades since the collapse of the USSR, but approaches to communicating with them in many educational institutions to this day the same practices are practiced as before. It is important to understand that young people are the bearers of cultural values; it is in this class that the future of the country lies.

Some believe that a particular problem is the fact that modern youth are far from the spiritual sphere. It is customary to blame teachers, resources, mass media and methods of data presentation. Some believe that modern children are brought up in an atmosphere of immorality; from childhood, they are instilled with a disdainful attitude towards basic values ​​- work, family, work. Some also say that modern approaches to educating young people in Russia provoke an increase in the level of violence, since they do not explain from childhood how uncivil it is, but information reports and examples surround them literally at every step. Beginning to critically evaluate the world around them, young people see how democratic ideals are crumbling, how weak the values ​​declared in society are, and this provokes a surge of nihilism and irresponsibility. Many believe that it is completely unrealistic to solve social problems, and hopeless, decadent sentiments dominate among young people.

Culture and subculture

Considering the characteristics of modern youth, some experts argue that it is necessary to talk about this layer of the population as an additional subculture that has its own rules. A layer has been formed by people who are still at a certain stage of development, when the examples of world culture are not understood, are not accepted, and any ideals are condemned and criticized.

At the same time, it is noted that young people are characterized by classical cultural patterns, but this is more associated with the youthful age of revaluation of values. If at this moment a person is lucky enough to encounter a good mentor, educator, he will probably cultural development will change its direction somewhat. There is another situation when circumstances develop not so positively. On the other hand, you need to understand that the cultural future of Russia cannot be formed by forcibly forcing everyone to join world culture - any person has the right to free choice, and only a decision made independently and consciously makes sense and will be a source of a positive outcome, productive life, which will help further develop the country's culture.

History of Russian culture in brief overview we propose to trace it according to the structural typology of N.A. Berdyaev, developed by him in a series of works about its features, path, fate, etc. In these works, the scientist outlined and defined its several main stages. This historical typology of Berdyaev can be considered as a basis, but with additions related to the events of the last century.

Stage of Slavic-European civilization (X – beginning of the 13th century)

By this period, called Kievan Rus , the foundations of the organization of society have already been formed. There was a written language, the basis of statehood was laid, and legal institutions appeared. All this gave impetus to the further evolution of East Slavic culture. The strengthening of the country and the increase in territories was carried out simultaneously with the Eastern Slavs and neighboring tribes. “Dual faith” - a bizarre symbiosis of paganism and Christianity gives rise to an original picture of existence, combining different religious ideas.

  • not solving problems, but moving away from them to new lands,
  • no man's land, God's land,
  • sense of temporality
  • no need for deep rooting in one place.

This way of doing peasant farm in terms of territory and number of participants made up the majority ancient Russian culture, which is difficult to research, since it has no written sources.

Artistic culture and history based on written sources

The history of Russia at that time is studied using the main artifacts related to urban culture: chronicles, letters, architectural monuments, arts and crafts, paintings from treasures and burials. Based on the analysis of artistic written sources, two stylistic directions are distinguished:

  • monumental historicism
  • epic lyricism.

Monumental historicism

This style became widespread at the end of the 10th century. and dominated until beginning of XII V. This was a period of communion and equivalent entry of Rus' into Christianity, understanding of its role in new culture. This is confirmed by the surviving architectural, pictorial and literary evidence of this period. They are characterized by a sublime and majestic mood, they are filled with importance. The style of monumental historicism accurately reflected the spirit of the times of the reign of the Rurik dynasty. For the heroic era of the country, this was the primary style, identical to the Romanesque style for the West. It was equivalent to the state one and corresponded to the demands of the princely environment, the desire of the young country to create its own image, its own principles, and compare itself with the culture and history of the world.

Empirical lyricism

This style is also called secondary; it was formed by the middle of the 12th century. This time is characterized by increased feudal fragmentation. Art became closer to man; it began to highlight the features of individual people, and not just the breadth of the state, as was the case in the previous period.

  • Chamber forms appeared in architecture; it became more animated, more festive, rather than masculine.
  • of that period became “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” This is an epic and emotional work that reflects the history of Rus', along with the thoughts, emotions, sorrows and joys of a real person.
  • Temples are being erected everywhere, monasteries are being built, schools of icon painting and crafts are being founded, and the events that take place are recorded in chronicles.

About the versatility of development artistic culture That time can be judged by how writing crystallized and artistic training developed.

  • Novgorod becomes the center of veneration of Sophia,
  • Vladimir - Our Lady,
  • in Chernigov and Ryazan - princely images of Boris and Gleb.

Appanage Rus' - culture of the 13th – 14th centuries

The 13th century went down in history as the beginning of the Golden Horde period. “Tatar Rus'” entered the phase of “moral monumentalism.” Gradually, the fragmentation of the country into appanage principalities was overcome, which helped to free ourselves from the yoke.

The profound changes that occurred by the middle of the 13th century provide grounds for the isolation of this period, since they also had big influence on the type of Russian culture. Much research has been carried out on that era, and there are different opinions in assessing the consequences of the invasion of the steppe people. Gumilev believed that it saved the country from being subjugated by Europe, which, in his opinion, would have brought much more harm to Russia.

These events left a significant mark, but the Mongol-Tatar yoke could not radically change the Russian agricultural culture to a nomadic one. But the invasion of the Horde stopped development and caused irreparable damage. Temples were destroyed, libraries and cities were burned, and crafts were in a depressed state. The invasion of nomadic tribes was perceived as God's punishment, a universal disaster, which was unthinkable to resist.

When the yoke was thrown off, the culture and history of Russia became different. The main consequence of the invasion is regression in all areas of life. In the second half of the 13th century, development seemed to freeze. Even in Novgorod lands, where the Horde did not “reach”, there was gloomy stagnation, accompanied only by the renewal of fortifications.

The atmosphere of the era and the experiences of people can be understood from literary sources in the genre of “war stories”, biographies of martyrs for the faith, and sermons.

Muscovite Rus' - stage XIV - XVII centuries

The period from the end of the 14th to the 17th centuries. went down in history as the time of formation of the Eurasian civilization. The emergence of a centralized independent state with power in Moscow formed a different picture in different areas life. This was conducive to the generation of a renewed concept of values ​​and the universe.

The Russian principalities, freeing themselves from the shackles of the yoke, rallied around Moscow, creating a state of a new type. It was a means of defending sovereignty. To this day, the state has extreme significance in the minds of people, which was acquired back in those days.

The interests of the state and power turned out to be higher than personal gain and even more important than laws. The formation of the Moscow kingdom took over the baton of Orthodoxy from Constantinople, which had fallen in those days. The Byzantine state sank into oblivion. Elder Philotheus in his letters Vasily III voiced new messianic aspirations in the concept

Stage-by-stage history of the culture of great Russia during the Moscow period

The evolution of Russian culture during the Moscow period can be divided into three stages:

  1. Russian Pre-Renaissance (end of the 14th century - mid-15th century)

This time was marked by the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, and with it came an emotional leap in national self-awareness. During this period, literature, art, and the rise of individuality began to flourish. Vivid examples there may be names of Daniil Cherny. Theophanes the Greek. By these values, the development of Russia can be compared with the Proto-Renaissance and the Italian early Renaissance. The Renaissance bypassed Russian history. All resources were used to create and develop a country with its center in Moscow. The most majestic temples are built there, icons and frescoes are created, books are written.

  1. "Sovereign monumentalism"(second half of the 15th century - 16th century)

It is characterized by the final formation of the Moscow kingdom. The country began to expand towards the eastern aisles, Kazan was taken. Gradually the state turned into a vast Eurasian empire.

In all spheres of the country's life there is a settlement and ordering, for example,

  • the arrangement of the state is described in the “Degree Book”,
  • systematization historical information- in the Facial Chronicle,
  • religious canons - in “Stoglava”, in “Great Cheti-Menaia”,
  • family problems - in Domostroy.

A new one appears architectural style– Moscow. The Kremlin and the Assumption Cathedral are being rebuilt; they are a symbol of Russia to this day.

  1. Russian Renaissance or Baroque (XVIIV.)

During this period, also called the “rebellious age,” many events took place. Change of dynasties, Polish intervention, peasant revolts. The culture of this period, despite many dramatic pages in history, is enlightened and alive.

  • The architecture is rich in color, intricate in shape and decorative.
  • Paintings are decorative, at the same time realistic features appear in them, objects become more voluminous due to the transfer of chiaroscuro. The first Russian parsuns appeared - a synthesis of portrait and icon.
  • Heroes with humane traits also appear who live in real life, such as the first Russian novel “The Tale of Savva Grudnitsyn.”

In art and literature, the individual origin and the author's point of view are conveyed.

History of culture and art of Russia (XVIII century - beginning of XX century)

The period of Imperial Russia is the time of the presentation of its new appearance. Russian culture gravitates toward European culture, is influenced by it, but remains original. The gigantic Eurasian civilization is public to the West and East, but retains its independence. This era can be divided into three time periods.

  1. Story XVIII culture century

This is a time of radical reform. Since the adoption of Christianity, Russia has turned to the West at the behest of the ruler for the second time. Cultural metamorphoses under the reign of Peter I are as contradictory and complex as the innovations of Prince Vladimir.

Peter's movement to Europe was continued by his heirs. Everything became a period of deep transformations affecting different sides. The main feature was mastery of results and conquests European culture, mostly through education. Changes took place under pressure from the top and from within, since the prerequisites for them had already matured in the previous century. Such traits as realism, individuality, and rationality are now dressed in European attire.

The rapidity of reforms led to their uneven assimilation in different strata of society. A split arose between the Europeanized upper classes and the lower classes, mired in the “quagmire of Asiaticism.” In addition to disunity according to social standards, at this time a crack formed between ethnic and national culture. In the future, the efforts of many people will be aimed at bridging this gap.

  1. History of culture of the 19th century

This is the period of its beginnings and knowledge gained in Europe. Their merger gave impetus to further development. This century is called the Russian Golden Age. A huge list of names, discoveries, plans, achievements, and brilliant creations allows us to say that during this period Russia played a significant role in the history of world culture. Then her individuality was most clearly revealed, primary questions were asked and solutions to problems were given. This is a period of searching for cultural community and spirituality.

  1. The main thing about the Silver Age

The turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the history of Russia is called it. Despite its short duration, it can be distinguished as a separate type. The turning point of time gave this era freedom, an active change of course and trends. An avalanche of fresh ideas, ideas, judgments, and paradigms that had a contradictory orientation swept over the country. Creative life became intense. Unions, associations, circles arose and multiplied, involving a large number of new members.

In the dialogue between different cultures, the focus also changes: it is not just a retrospective study, but a desire to join and comprehend, plunging into the very depths. The merging of different types of arts, worldviews, and the desire for unity was one of the important features of this time. But the period was not monolithic; there were many incompatible ideas, multidirectional movements, demonstrating a degree of freethinking.

History of Russian culture - stage of the 20th century.

1917 - 1991 years of the twentieth century refer to Soviet Russia. This is a difficult and paradoxical time that has yet to be objectively assessed. It reflected the most controversial features national character. Totalitarianism sought to bring culture to a uniform form, but external monolithicity was combined with individual creativity, which can be seen in an allegorical form both at the everyday level and in the underground. It is worth adding to the assessment of the significance of Russian culture of the Soviet period and it can be considered as a legacy of pre-revolutionary culture. About 10 million emigrants believed in their mission to preserve and enhance it. This is confirmed by their educational, scientific, and publishing work. Characteristics spiritual life of the Silver Age and the development of these ideas reflected in their works

ON THE. Berdyaev, S.N. Bulgakov, B.P. Vysheslavtsev, I.A. Ilyin, N.O. Lossky, G.P. Fedotov, G.V., Florovsky, S.L. Franc.

There remains to be an objective study and assessment of the works of the Russian Abroad as an integral part of all-Russian culture.

Modern stage of history

As Berdyaev predicted, after the “fifth” there is the formation of a “sixth” post-Soviet Russia. The most important achievement here, despite all the obstacles and problems, is:

  • liberation from the prohibitions of ideology,
  • addition of previously prohibited works and names,
  • acquaintance with foreign Russian culture.

The modern progress of Russian culture is explained by the dynamic development of self-knowledge, the search for community, and the disclosure of its role in world culture.

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Culture played big role in spiritual preparation for changes called perestroika. Cultural figures prepared with their creativity public consciousness to the need for change (T. Abuladze’s film “Repentance”, A. Rybakov’s novel “Children of Arbat”, etc.). The whole country lived in anticipation of new issues of newspapers and magazines, television programs in which, like a fresh wind of change, a new assessment was given to historical figures, processes in society, and history itself.

Representatives of culture were actively involved in real political activity: they were elected as deputies, city leaders, and became leaders of national-bourgeois revolutions in their republics. So active public position led the intelligentsia to a split along political lines.

After the collapse of the USSR, the political split among cultural and artistic figures continued. Some were guided by Western values, declaring them universal, others adhered to traditional national values. Almost all creative connections and groups split along these lines. Perestroika lifted bans on many types and genres of art, and returned films that had been shelved and works prohibited for publication to the screens. The return of the brilliant culture of the Silver Age also dates back to this period.

The culture of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries showed us a whole “poetic continent” of the finest lyricists (I. Annensky, N. Gumilev, V. Khodasevich, etc.), deep thinkers (N. Berdyaev, V. Solovyov, S. Bulgakov, etc.) , serious prose writers (A. Bely, D. Merezhkovsky, F. Sologub, etc.), composers (N. Stravinsky, S. Rachmaninov, etc.), artists (K. Somov, A. Benois, P. Filonov, V. Kandinsky, etc.), talented performers (F. Chaliapin, M. Fokin, A. Pavlova, etc.). This flow of “forbidden” literature had, in addition to a positive, a negative aspect: young writers, poets, and screenwriters were deprived of the opportunity to publish in state publications. The crisis in architecture associated with cutting construction costs also continued.

The development of the material base of culture has slowed down sharply, which was reflected not only in the absence of new films and books on the freely formed market, but also in the fact that, along with the best foreign examples of culture, a wave of products of dubious quality and value poured into the country.

Without clear state support(this is also evidenced by the experience of developed Western countries) in conditions of market relations, culture has little chance of surviving. Market relations themselves cannot serve as a universal means of preserving and enhancing the spiritual and sociocultural potential of society.

The deep crisis in which our society and culture find ourselves is a consequence of long-term neglect of the objective laws of social development during the Soviet period. The construction of a new society, the creation of a new person in the Soviet state turned out to be impossible, since throughout all the years of Soviet power people were separated from true culture, from true freedom. Man was viewed as a function of the economy, as a means, and this dehumanizes man just as much as technogenic civilization. “The world is in danger of dehumanization human life, dehumanization of man himself... Only the spiritual strengthening of man can resist such a danger.”

Researchers of various cultural concepts talk about a civilizational crisis, about a change in cultural paradigms. The images of postmodern culture, the culture of the end of the millennium (Fin Millennium) have many times surpassed the naive decadence of the modernist culture of the end of the century (Fin de Sitcle). In other words, the essence of the changes taking place (in relation to the change in the cultural paradigm) is that it is not culture that is in crisis, but man, the creator, and the crisis of culture is only a manifestation of his crisis. Thus, attention to a person, to the development of his spirituality and spirit is overcoming the crisis. The books of Living Ethics drew attention to the need for a conscious approach to future changes in the cultural and historical evolution of man and highlighted ethical problems as the most important condition for the development of man and society. These thoughts also resonate with the modern understanding of human life and society. Thus, P. Kostenbaum, a specialist in the education of American leadership, believes that “a society built not on ethics, not on mature hearts and minds, will not live long.” N. Roerich argued that Culture is the cult of Light, Fire, veneration of the spirit, the highest service to the improvement of man. The establishment of true Culture in human consciousness is a necessary condition for overcoming the crisis.