Karma "Bachelor". The reasons why all the couples broke up became known

Tonight there will be a post-show of the “Bachelor 7” project - “How to Get Married”, in which we will again see the most bright participants project, as well as Stella and Lida, and, of course, Dmitry Cherkasov. We have exclusive behind the scenes footage!

In addition, we will meet Stella again. The finalist of the project and one of the brightest and most seductive participants in “Bachelor 7”, who, although she did not win the heart of Dmitry Cherkasov, but acquired an entire army of Internet fans, will also come to the post-show and surprise you with the details of her personal life. Well, in a stunning way, of course.

At the post-show, we will be able to see the ex-couple of “Bachelor 6”, Irakli Makatsaria and: the guys promise to reveal the whole truth about why their relationship did not work out. They will share their stories, answer all the provocative questions of host Rosa Al-Namri and delight with new images.

Alena Lesyk at the post-show “Bachelor 7”

Anetti and post-show “Bachelor 7” - “How to get married”

Irakli Makatsaria - the main character of “Bachelor 6”

It looks like there is something between Irakli and Anetti! The guys are flirting on air after the show!

Participants in the show “Bachelor 7”: Julia, Margot and Alena

Experts of the post-show “How to Get Married”: Anna Kalina, Dmitry Karpachev and presenter Rosa Al-Namri

Host of the post-show “How to Get Married” Rose Al-Namri

Margot after the project: preparing for the broadcast of the post-show “How to Get Married”

Galya before the broadcast of “How to Get Married”

24-year-old Stella Shapovalova, a finalist of the “Bachelor 7” project, will appear on the show, who would doubt it, in a seductive dress with a bare back, a slit and a deep neckline. The beauty, who, according to many TV viewers, should have won, will tell why she did not succeed, as well as how she survived a heart injury. Did she manage to heal her broken heart?

The winner of the project, Lida Nemchenko, is back in scarlet! As in: her image was built in contrast with the outfit of Stella, who chose a black, fitted, floor-length dress. In the post-show, we will find out how Lida and Dima’s relationship developed after the project, whether she overcame her fears and learned to cook nutritious breakfasts for her man!

One of the sexiest participants in the Bachelor 7 project, Margot, will surprise fans with a new image. A girl remembered for her most frank actions and no less frank outfits, as well as her kind hearted, will come to the show with his favorite pet. For what? We'll find out tonight!

Feelings that you don’t have to talk about... This is exactly what you can call Dima’s relationship with Lida. Having drowned in the eyes of this girl at the first party, the Bachelor could not forget them. In the finale of the romantic reality show, Dima chose Lida. We invite you to remember what the history of this couple’s relationship was like on the project.

“During these months that we have been communicating with Dima on the project, we have had our own story. We saw each other, went on dates, talked, spent time together, quarreled, sorted things out. I can’t even believe that all this happened to me,” admitted Lida.

Dmitry Cherkasov and Lida live together after the project: how did the couple’s relationship develop?

It all started at the first party, when the Bachelor first saw the eyes of the participant. “I, of course, noticed what kind of beautiful eyes. I literally drowned in them,” said Bachelor.

At the first party, Lida gave Dima a billiards cue. She immediately interested the Bachelor and got her first tête-à-tête on the project.

“Character is revealed in billiards,” the girl explained.

Lida became the first participant in the entire history of the project to be on dates for two days in a row! These two were able to understand each other even without words...

“It was that date on which Dima and I realized that there was contact between us. I thought there would be a lot of passion, but I couldn’t even imagine how much!” admitted the winner of “Bachelor 7.”

“An indescribable feeling of goosebumps that begin to run through you. I want to be close and not even talk about anything. Just feel each other,” Lida described her feelings.

Both of them can call their first kiss the best in their lives.

“It was the best kiss of my life, the most unforgettable,” the girl said.

“What I like about Dima is that he is kind, very caring, and gentle. You immediately understand what kind of husband and father of children he will be. I understand that our relationship may have a future. Everything will depend on us,” Lida summed up on the eve of the final.

Dmitry Cherkasov and Lida: Hero of the romantic show Bachelor 7 Dmitry Cherkasov wrote a touching grateful post

On May 26, the last episode of the Bachelor 7 project aired on the STB channel. In the final episode, two participants, Lida and Stella, fought for the heart of the athlete, the main character of the show, Dmitry Cherkasov.

At the end of Bachelor 7, Cherkasov decided to express words of gratitude to everyone who took part in the creation of the project, the participants with whom he tried to build relationships, as well as the host of the show, Grigory Reshetnik. Dmitry posted the post on his social page.

“Many thanks to the STB team for the fairy tale; there are no other words to describe this beauty. Thank you, Grisha, for your support. Many thanks to all participants for unforgettable experience, sorry if something is wrong. Stella - thank you for the wonderful and emotional story we had! And of course, many thanks to Lida for those deep feelings, for the love that has not visited me for a long time, but, unfortunately, we were never able to turn our spark into a blazing fire! Thank you to everyone, everyone, everyone who was worried, who was dissatisfied, who rejoiced with us!“, wrote the main character of Bachelor 7 Dmitry Cherkasov.

Dmitry Cherkasov and Lida: Lida - frankly: “I realized that Dima is not my person”

The winner of the romantic reality show "Bachelor 7" Lida said in exclusive interview for STB.UA about relations with Dmitry Cherkasov and the reason for the separation.

Lida, why did you come to the “Bachelor” project?

When I went to the project, I was looking forward to some kind of adventure! I was positive. At the same time, I believed that everything would work out as it should. I didn’t build castles in the air and couldn’t predict what my fate would be after the first party - whether I would go further or not. I only entertained the idea that the Bachelor might be my man.

What was your first impression of Dima?

I immediately noticed that he was very charming. It also caught his eye. I don't have an ideal man's appearance. I just wanted him to be taller than me, at least a little bit (laughs).

Was it difficult for you to build relationships in front of cameras?

No. The only thing I was worried about when I went to the project was that I would have to express my opinion about the other participants and discuss them during the interview. I had no idea how it would be, but you quickly get used to everything (laughs). And I just stopped paying attention to the cameras.

How did you find it? mutual language with other participants?

All the girls split into groups, and Lilya and I were neutral. This is our similarity with her. When the time came to move in, the neighborhood was determined on a residual basis. At first we looked closely at each other for a long time, but then mutual understanding arose, I felt comfortable with her. And later I became friends with Yulia. I was always skeptical about friendship on the project, but, as they say, never say never. I didn't have much to do with other girls.

Now about the relationship with Dima. When did your first feelings for this person begin to appear?

The feelings arose on a “silent” date in Lvov. I realized this when we stopped and silently looked into each other’s eyes. And also these noses of ours (smiles). That day I wanted to kiss Dima. But, blindfolded, other senses became aggravated. Passion knew no bounds.

Was it difficult to find mutual understanding without words?

It was the first time in my life that I had such an interesting experience. The situation reminded me of the game Crocodile, but I rarely played it in groups. However, contact quickly arose between us. We raised such topics with him that even the film crew was surprised! It was great.

Did you expect that Stella and Yulia would end up with you in the final? How did you assess their chances?

I have always treated Stella as a serious competitor. I realized that her tactics would work with Dima. But I remembered Yulia in an atypical outfit from the first party. It seemed to me that such a girl would interest a man. I was not mistaken.

Did you feel in whose favor Dima’s final decision would be?

To be honest, somewhere I understood that Dima would choose me in the final. I saw his loving eyes and the way he treated me. Although, given the difficulties in communication that had already begun to appear, I could not be 100% sure of his choice.

Were you happy when Dima chose you?

I was happy. Of course, I already understood that he had feelings, but Dima didn’t talk about it, the editors of ftimes.ru learned.

I admit, when I was already reviewing the episode, it seemed to me that with the other girls he was more verbose...

Lida, why did you and Dima break up?

It’s sad when you imagine one picture, fantasize about a future relationship, but everything doesn’t happen as planned. After the project, I came to Kyiv, we talked, and this conversation played a role key role. The feelings did not fade away immediately. Several factors contributed to this... Clarification of past relationships, some kind of resentment. And as I said at the post-show, my man will behave completely differently. I just realized that Dima is not my person.

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The long-awaited release of the final post-show “The Bachelor. How to Get Married” dotted all the i's. Fans of the project, who sincerely hoped that a miracle would happen this season, and Dmitry Cherkasov and Lida Nemchenko would be able to build a relationship outside the spotlight, are disappointed by the unfortunate news. The couple, as you know, broke up on Lida’s initiative. But there was an unexpected turn: it seems that Dmitry Cherkasov intends to restore contact with Stella Shapovalova.

The finale of the post-show, which you can watch on I WANT, turned out to be generous with sensations and interesting news items. As we have already written, and, we note, not on the most positive note. The initiator of the break was the winner of the show herself, inviting the main character to remain comrades.

Later, more interesting details about the end of the project became known. As the man admitted, a few days before filming final release he wrote a post-show post-show, who left the project one step before victory. The presenter of the show, Rosa Al-Namri, confronted Stella and Dima, finding out the history of their reunion.

It is impossible to imagine how the relationship between Stella Shapovalova and Dmitry Cherkasov, between whom viewers have repeatedly noted a crazy attraction, will develop. It is likely that the man will try to renew the warmth of communication that was in the air during the project, and still make his final choice, even after the show ended.

They are also now discussing the news that they presented the song “Not Your Baby”.

During the reality show “Bachelor 7,” Stella more than once planned to leave the show on her own, but Bachelor Dmitry Cherkasov persuaded her to stay. Despite the romance in the relationship between the young people, in the finale of the seventh season, the main character gave the ring to another girl - Lida. In an exclusive interview for the Stal website, Shapovalova said what she thinks about the winner.

- You came to Dima’s first party with a rose. How did you come up with the idea for such a gift for the Bachelor?

My girlfriends and I sat after the casting and thought about what gift we could give the Bachelor. I’m not coming with some sunflowers, am I? I have a slightly different character, I needed to declare myself, to declare boldly. And I realized that I would attract his attention if I came with a rose. We started to remember, we realized that none of the girls had done this before, and I thought: “Why not do it first?”

- Do you think Dima and Lida were not suitable for each other from the beginning?

Oh no. If they were not initially suitable for each other, Lida would not have reached the finals. Of course, there were some common points. Maybe it was just a show on her part - the girl was smart, she knew how to show herself, what to say, how to behave, where to place herself and play on it. I don't want to judge anyone. As it happened, it happened that way. It was clear that she was a completely different person, and not the one she was on the project.

- Did your parents like Dima when they met?

Yes, I liked him. True, my mother said: “It seemed to me that there was some kind of game on Dima’s part.” I then convinced her that it was just excitement. Dad said that Dima is a good guy.

- How did they react when you returned home after the project?

How might your loved ones react? Of course, they supported me and said that as time passed, he would understand what a wrong choice he had made. I am grateful to my family and friends for their support. Because when I first arrived from Italy, on the first evening I met my friends and we went for a walk. I told them then: “Damn, it’s so cool, people are walking, music is playing, there are no cameras” (laughs). And then for 4 days I simply locked myself in the apartment and didn’t go out anywhere because I understood that it was all over. It was very difficult.

- Do you communicate with Lida after the project?

(Laughs). Of course we are best friends. We have pendants made of two half hearts, I just took it off. Of course not! We have not communicated and will not communicate. Why should I communicate with her? This is not my person at all.

- What advice would you give to the participants of the next season?

The main thing is to be yourself, not to play under any circumstances, not to build any schemes. Because as practice shows, then people themselves fall for it. And also open up to him. Don't close yourself off and let him solve your riddles. And if you go there, be kind and open up. Because it is also very difficult for a Bachelor to find an approach to every girl. There should be reciprocity in everything.

Dmitry Cherkasov – master of sports of international class in swimming, champion of Austria, Turkey, Serbia, France, medalist of the Mediterranean Games, main participant the seventh episode of the TV show “The Bachelor,” which was broadcast on the Ukrainian channel STB.

Dmitry was born on May 26, 1987 in Dnepropetrovsk in the family of Andrei Nikolaevich and Natalya Vladimirovna Cherkasov. After the collapse of the USSR, the boy’s parents went into private business. In the late 90s, Dmitry had younger sister Anastasia and the Cherkasovs moved to Kyiv.

Already at the age of 6, Dmitry began swimming. As a teenager, he became the champion of Ukraine among juniors more than once. At the age of 17, he broke the junior breaststroke record in the 100-meter distance. After finishing school he entered Pridneprovskaya state academy construction and architecture. IN student years Cherkasov continued sports career, defending the honor of Ukraine.

Since 2006, at performances in Turkey, he became a champion and record holder. In 2013, he took fifth place in the world ranking of swimmers at a distance of 50 meters. In the same year he received the title of champion of Austria, three years later he won first places at championships in Serbia and France. Dmitry became the champion of the Asian Games four times and a gold medalist at the Mediterranean Games.

Project "Bachelor"

The seventh season of the Ukrainian show “The Bachelor” started on the STB channel on March 10, 2017. Previous seasons of the program featured Georgian businessman Irakli Makatsaria, football player Sergei Melnik, owner of the investment group Konstantin Yevtushenko, plastic surgeon Andrey Iskornev, descendant royal dynasty Francis Matthew Romanov and dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy.

Dmitry Cherkasov in the show "The Bachelor"

Main character last transmission 29-year-old athlete Dmitry Cherkasov had to choose a bride from 25 participants. The age of the applicants ranged from 19 to 35 years. For four months, the country's main groom traveled around the world, inviting brides on dates and outings together. The most popular participants in the project were clothing designer from Dnieper Lilya Soltanova, Stella Shapovalova from the city of Rubezhnoe in the Lugansk region, Galya Lutsenko from a village in the Poltava region, TV presenter Lida Nemchenko and Kristina Kuzmina from Kremenchug.

The most scandalous contender for the bachelor’s hand and heart was a girl named Margot, who even before the project gained fame as an Instagram star. In her own blog, the girl demonstrates the changes that happened to her after plastic surgery. Margo left the project early, but considered participating in “The Bachelor” good start for a career in show business.

On the penultimate date, which took place in the circle of Dmitry’s family with three participants, without waiting for the rose to be presented, the third contender, Yulia, left the project. The girl is raising alone two year old daughter, lives with his parents in Odessa. Julia justified her departure by Dmitry’s unwillingness to accept someone else’s child. As a result of the selection, two contenders qualified for the final of the show, which took place on May 26 - Stella Shapovalova and Lida Nemchenko.

On the first day, Lida arrived in Milan, whom Dmitry decided to surprise with shopping. Together with the girl, the athlete went to a vintage clothing boutique, but choosing Lydia’s dress was not easy. In the evening the couple had a romantic walk, and then Dmitry invited the girl to a restaurant where singers from opera house La Scala and Schools.

The young people decided to end the evening in hotel room, where they no longer hid their feelings for each other. The next day, Stella arrived in Milan, with whom the groom went for a walk in the company of an Italian family. Surrounded by children, the girl felt constrained, which Dmitry immediately noted.

Then the young people decided to cook dinner together and at the same time took advantage of the Italian tradition of breaking dishes for good luck. At the end of the day, Dmitry had to make a difficult choice between two contenders. Feeling sympathy for Stella, Dmitry decided to continue his relationship with Lida.

Two weeks after the end of the project on the “Getting Married” show, Dmitry and Lida announced their separation. The athlete lacked the emotional return he expected from the girl. Having ended his relationship with Lida, Dmitry Cherkasov announced his intention to date Stella.

Personal life

There is no information in the media about Dmitry’s personal life before the project. After a short affair with Lida Nemchenko, the athlete met a charming blonde. Cherkasov posts photos with the girl on his own page on "Instagram", but, maintaining intrigue, does not show the face of his beloved. The young couple took their last pictures while on vacation in Georgia.

Fans suspect that the stranger may be the Ukrainian singer SoloKha, whom the athlete met on the set of the “Who’s on Top?” program. Already in the first joint photographs taken on air of the program, fans of the ex-bachelor noticed that the young people could not hide their mutual sympathy for each other.

Dmitry Cherkasov now

Although sports biography Dmitry Cherkasov's training is nearing completion, the swimmer continues to participate in sports competitions. Now the athlete won gold at the Kyiv championship, which took place on June 29, 2017.

Cherkasov doesn’t let through either cultural events. In June, Dmitry visited Lviv at the Alfa Jazz Fest 2017 and visited the exhibition of sculptor Oleg Pinchuk.


  • Multiple champion of Ukraine among juniors
  • Junior record holder - 2004
  • Silver medalist of the European Junior Championships - 2005
  • Multiple champion of Ukraine
  • Multiple champion and record holder of Turkey - 2007-2016
  • Winner of 5th place in the world ranking of swimmers - 2013
  • Austrian Champion - 2013
  • Serbian Champion - 2016
  • French Champion - 2016
  • Mediterranean Games medalist
  • 4-time champion and silver medalist of the Asian Games