I want money, what should I do? The problem of big money. What to do if you suddenly become the owner of a large sum. Fear of losing and fear of missing out on profits

Who doesn’t want to earn a lot of money – all at once? And, if possible, without making any effort to do so special effort. But, alas, this rarely happens. But the offers to get rich instantly are simply overwhelming.

Various lotteries, sweepstakes, quizzes and competitions are designed for gambling people. Winning them is a one in a million chance, but the ghostly zeros in the coveted prize cloud any common sense.

Fear of losing and fear of missing out on profits

If you are a recent graduate, teacher, or anyone else looking for quick money, summer is a great time to start a business. With little money, hard work and big amount entrepreneurial spirit, you can start making profits immediately.

Go where it's hot and help people stay cool

Here are six ways you can be your own boss this summer. There are many public places that don't have snack bars, and even a convenience store just isn't convenient enough. Bottled water, sports drinks, visors, cheap sunglasses and battery-powered fans are sold everywhere sunlight. Try parks, the beach, a baseball practice field, or even a busy street corner near popular summer destinations.

This is what happened with the record holder in the number of jackpots won, a resident of the Chernivtsi region, Gennady Teterey, who, for the love of big money, accrued a lot of debts and a prison sentence.

You can't stop living beautifully

“I love to live beautifully,” this is how a 57-year-old Bukovinian in a pre-trial detention center justified his debts.

A former airport worker, after retiring, he realized that government assistance would not be enough for all his needs, and decided to go into business. He opened a company selling airline tickets, Aeroservice. Business was going well; his office earned 1–2 thousand dollars a month.

Webinars on money

What you'll need: Transportation, a decent cooler, four bags of ice, two bottled waters, two cases of sports drinks, a half-dozen sunglasses, a half-dozen visors, and a half-dozen battery-powered fans. Shop for sunglasses, visors and fans at your local dollar store for starters.

How Much Can You Make: Even when buying at retail prices, you should be able to charge double or triple the price or even more for bottled water. How to Grow: Once you've figured out which products move best, you can order them in bulk for a fraction of the cost.

But even this money was not enough for Gennady. He dreamed of a comfortable existence for his children and could not deny himself an everyday pleasure - expensive cognac. Constantly borrowing money from friends and acquaintances, as he said, to develop his business, Gennady accumulated a huge debt, which it was time to repay. Having not come up with anything better than getting a lot of money at once, I decided to play the lottery.

Things to consider: Check local sales requirements. In addition, permits may be required at beaches, parks and other public places. People who take care of their own yard the rest of the year may not want to keep up with it in the summer when it needs to be mowed every 1-2 weeks. And full-time professional yard maintenance services want to create regular contracts. Offer a low price and don't try to push current contracts.

Drive through neighborhoods, looking for yards that need mowing and leave flyers. It's hard work, but good money if you control your expenses. It will take a couple of dollars in gas for one yard, and another dollar for a line of trimmers, mowers, etc. if you have too much time to travel, you should be able to do each yard in less than an hour.

Teterya bought tickets in batches every day. And finally he achieved his goal: in 2003 he won his first jackpot in “ National Lottery» – 1 million 600 thousand hryvnia. Later, while under investigation, Gennady will say that he spent this money on paying off debts.

Inspired by his victory over fortune, the player subsequently spent almost all his money on buying lottery tickets.

How to grow: Follow the equipment. Suggest Additional services, such as weeding, planting, landscaping, etc. Beware: Maintenance equipment can very quickly eat up all your profits. Keep it well oiled, clean and sharp. Also, do not press on the equipment. The right equipment will allow you to work twice as fast. The wrong equipment will make several yards impossible.

Best Web Resource: - Lots of books and other stuff for sale, but a great collection of free resources. Summer is family vacation, and someone has to and does pick up the mail and newspaper when everyone is gone for a week or two. If you can target your marketing to families, it will be most effective.

In the end, there was a goal left, like a falcon.

But after the first win there were two more. In Poland, Gennady Teterya won 3 million zlotys (750 thousand dollars) in “Loto” and in Ukraine, having guessed 6 numbers in the National Lottery, he received 3 million 400 thousand hryvnia.

Knowing about the victories of the Bukovinian, people easily trusted him with their money. Between 2003 and 2007, Gennady defrauded gullible friends of about $2.5 million and spent all this money on gambling.

What is better, work by profession or go into business?

What you'll need: Flyers and a few ads in local newspapers, insurance, transportation. How to Grow: Offer extra services like house cleaning and pet care that can be done while you're there. All you need to pay attention to is: trust is everything in this business. Be prepared to provide personal references. Network with everyone you know to let them know you're looking for a job like this. Referrals will be your best source of lead.

Best web resource: - Detailed recommendations on marketing, operations and startup costs. People love convenience, and the idea of ​​taking your car away while she's already sitting there in her home or office sure beats the odds of taking it somewhere and waiting on it. Luxury car owners may be reluctant to use machine washes, and especially owners of high-end vans and pickups may not even be able to.

He usually borrowed from people who sold real estate or returned from abroad.

One of the deceived says: “Teterya seemed to have hypnosis, he so easily convinced him to borrow money when he asked, there was no strength to refuse him.” At first, he asked to lend him funds in order to buy out the office in which his company Aeroservice worked. But, as it turned out later, this premises could not be purchased in principle, since it belonged to the Medical Academy and was state property.

How to make money out of thin air

What you will need: transportation, Business Cards to leave on windshields, portable vacuum, bucket, sponges, chamois, detergents. How to Grow: Transfer some of your money to equipment to offer better services, such as laundry cleaning or carpet cleaning, or others accompanying services, such as scaling and windshield chip repair.

Beware: Know the Protection Agency's rules environment O chemicals water you use and local water regulations. Best Web Resource: - Tons of articles, discussion forums, marketing tips and more. For working parents of children school age summer presents a real challenge. Summer camp might take care of a few weeks, a family trip for another week or two, but what about the rest of the summer? Find two or three families, or one with several children, and take care of the children during the day.

Later, Gennady took $40,000 worth of lottery tickets from one of the victims for sale, didn’t sell a single one, filled them all out himself - and... didn’t win anything.

In addition to these two creditors, Teterya managed to borrow money from 25 more people - these are only those who turned to the police. According to investigators, there were many more victims. Knowing about the jackpots, the victims gave Tetere their hard-earned money for promises to repay the debt with a large percentage and provide free tickets to different parts of the world.

What you'll need: clean, reliable transportation, some announcements, love of children. It's less money than some other options, but it's generally an easier job. How to Grow: Take on more kids and turn into a home day care. Or, pay more for additional services, such as pet grooming or light house cleaning.

Things to consider: Caring for multiple children outside of the same household usually requires licensing and will require facilities to meet certain requirements. Eat big step from watching 2-3 children from 1-2 families in one of their homes, to watching 4-5 children in your own home. Some states have licensing requirements for nannies.

When the hour of reckoning came, the unfortunate gambler said that he did not have a penny to his name. And so it turned out. Out of despair, Gennady even tried to burn himself by dousing himself with acetone, crowded place in Chernivtsi, but he was saved. Two compassionate women who were walking through the park on the day when Gennady decided to take his own life quickly put out the fire on the arsonist and called an ambulance.

Best Web Resource: - Non-profit association dedicated to improving the quality of home child care. One gets life insurance, another inherits or wins the lottery: if from one moment to the next large sum money pours into the account, the joy at first glance is great. With sudden blessings there is often a problem, but also a problem: how should money be created? Financial advisors and insurance agents are rarely confused by the answers to this question. But they often only pull a few standard products out of their pockets, consumer advocates warn.

After Teterya was treated in the hospital, he began to hide from creditors in the Chernivtsi regional drug treatment clinic, and later went to mental asylum, from where he ended up in a pre-trial detention center. A psychiatric examination found him healthy.

The wife had to answer for the husband's tricks. She invited the angry crowd of deceived citizens to take everything they had from the apartment. And now in the once luxuriously furnished apartment there is only one TV left, which stands on a stack of books, and a backpack with things. Even the forks and spoons were taken out of the house. Perhaps they would sell the apartment, but due to the fact that Gennady’s minor granddaughter is registered in it, they cannot do this.

Therefore, the first step towards a solution should not immediately lead to a bank or insurance. Risk appetite “Investors should first listen and check their own risk appetite,” advises Peter Gribl, financial expert at the Baden-Württemberg Consumer Affairs Centre. It's harder than it seems. Because without a detailed consideration of one’s own life situation risk appetite cannot be clarified. Anyone who has to provide for an insecure job or children "rarely wants to play with money."

Likewise, there is no point in betting senior investors on retirement products. “Because there are also 60-year-old children who have already made a good position and want to take the money now at a greater risk - only then will they also have more high possibility return."

Today, Teteri’s wife doesn’t even visit him in prison out of resentment that he disgraced the family so much. After all, they were once considered rich and respected people in the city. They had everything: and two-roomed flat, and a Volkswagen Paste car, and a store, and a company, and two more three-room apartments purchased for children.

He doesn’t say where Gennady did the borrowed money. Law enforcement officers assume that his son Andrei took part of the money with him. He is now wanted. As close friends of the 30-year-old guy say, he always dreamed of building a hotel on an island in the Caribbean and staying there.

Clear definition of goals. For example, if you know what you want to buy new car after three years, you should choose a different investment than the one who has reserves and a lot of time: “It can also accept more high risk" Even if you want to take a few weeks to decide, you don't have to waste your money until then: In such cases, successful money market accounts are available, says Edda Castello from Hamburg at the consumer center. There, capital remains guaranteed and always available.

If you need a little longer to make your decision, you can also choose account with a temporary deposit - for three or six months, explains Castello. “There are higher interest rates, but you can only get this money after the deadline.”

Numerology of winning

The Bukovinian had his own playing system, which he trusted, as it brought him victory more than once.

– It is necessary to take into account the numbers of the previous circulation – they are very often repeated in the next one. Then you need to add key numbers to them,” Gennady Efimovich told the investigator. – I call the key ones those who haven’t won for a very long time. As a rule, I am lucky on unpaired days of the month - the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 17th and 31st.

Big money through honest work - myth or reality

Paying off debts even more For investors, Castello believes that using money to pay off debts is even more profitable. Whether it's a line of credit, a consumer loan, or an auto loan: "Loan rates are typically always higher than the savings interest you can earn through investments." For example, anyone who pays ten percent interest on a loan but only achieves five percent profit with fixed money is doing a bad business. It is possible that repayment may be more difficult with a real estate mortgage. “If it has a long remaining maturity, a penalty may be imposed.”

But, smiling three times, fortune decided to turn away from Teteri forever.

What do psychologists say?

According to many psychologists, luck for a person who wins a large sum is extremely stressful. A sudden change in social status turns out to be problematic, and such people often behave inappropriately. But what is this “trouble” compared to daily poverty!

Professions where you can earn a lot of money

However, Castello has a solution for this: “In this case, you must invest part of the money so that it is available when mortgage may be repaid." Investment dispersion And what happens to the remaining money? “In any case, you must spread the risk in the plant,” recommends Norbert Hofmann. This means not investing everything in one stock or fund, rather than investing the entire amount at the same time, rather than investing everything for the same duration. For example, those who choose more high risks, must plan more a long period time. “When it comes to losses, there is a chance that they will balance out over time.”

Therefore, many again and again try to escape poverty by buying lottery ticket. And successful players are united by two things - now they believe in luck and continue to play gambling with the state.

Money plays big role in the life of every person. Firstly, they are necessary for life, as they are used to pay for all purchases. Money is a universal measure of value. They express the price of any product and make calculations. Moreover, for some people, money is the measure of success in life, and some even make acquiring money their main goal in life. Therefore, almost every person has thought at least once about how to earn enough money.

You can't stop living beautifully

Avoiding mistakes Experience has shown, however, that practice often looks different, warns Edda Castello. For the same reason, Castello also advises against pension products that are often recommended in such cases: “Life insurance and personal pension insurance combines the two biggest mistakes a private investor can make: timing is too long and costs are too high.” Difficulty level: like lotto in a lottery. How to make money quickly and spend some money on many things is now well known.

Set yourself a specific goal and go towards it

The first thing you need to do to earn enough money is set a goal for yourself. A valid goal must satisfy the following criteria:
    Be inspiring. The desire to earn money should be inspiring; therefore, you need to choose an amount of earnings that will motivate and that a person will strive for. If the amount is too small, then you won’t have to try hard to get it, which means it won’t inspire and motivate. If the amount is too large, then the opposite problem will arise - the person will not believe in it and make efforts to obtain the target amount of income. Be limited in time. You should not set yourself a goal with an indefinite period of achievement. You need to set a specific deadline for achieving it, otherwise there is always the opportunity to postpone your work a little and delay receiving the target amount of income. Be extremely specific. IN in this case a specific goal means that its achievement can be verified. Be achievable. When setting your own goal, you need to believe that it can be achieved and understand the resources that will be required for this, and also have them available. Be measurable. The process of achieving a goal can be measured, assessing how close a person is to it.

Professions where you can earn a lot of money

Currently the most highly paid professions are:
    Risk management specialists. Their task is to identify possible risks of the organization (events that could lead to a deterioration in the company’s financial results) and develop measures to neutralize them. This profession appeared relatively recently, so there are still few such specialists, which explains their high salaries. Programmers and specialists in the field information technologies. This industry is actively developing, therefore specialists in it are constantly required, and high demand also determines the high incomes of people employed in this field. Engineers in the field of nano and biotechnologies. These industries are recognized as one of the priority sectors in the state, therefore, significant investments are being made in them. cash. This also leads to an increase in demand for employees who have work skills or professional knowledge in the field of nanotechnology or biomedicine. Specialists in the field of architecture. Qualified architects are highly valued. Construction and changing the appearance of buildings, their restoration, all require the development of projects, which is why there is a need for architects. Economists and lawyers. Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of such specialists, those who are highly qualified are in demand and have a stable, good income.

What is better, work by profession or go into business?

The main advantage of the profession is stability and certainty. If a person has achieved a certain success, he will be in demand, which means he will receive a stable income. In addition, such a specialist has the opportunity to choose. With his unique specialization, he can decide where to work and under what conditions. At the same time, a career in the profession requires constant self-development, which requires constant effort. As for business, its main advantage is freedom and the opportunity to earn money without restrictions (a specialist’s salary still depends on the capabilities and desires of the owner). At the same time, business is a significant responsibility; it is necessary to provide profit not only for yourself, but also for your subordinates. Besides, own business doesn't give on initial stage stability. Until your business reaches a certain level, there is a possibility of a drop in income and even bankruptcy.

How to make money out of thin air

There are several types of business that allow you to earn income without much investment and significant effort:
    Intermediary services. Every person has friends, so you can make money by selling what some have in abundance and others have in short supply. In addition, you can become a representative of an organization and distribute its products or services among acquaintances and friends. agency agreements. The scheme is very similar to intermediary services. For bringing a client to a company, a person receives a certain reward. Thus, you just need to maintain regular communication and get paid for it. Work and business on the Internet. This area is becoming increasingly popular. Various opportunities arise to earn a stable income from writing texts to website development and programming. Training. If you have a skill or ability, you can make money from it by helping others develop it through video courses or developing instructions.

There are three categories of people who earn significant amounts of money:
    The first is various unique specialists who have in-demand skills. For example, risk managers, architects, programmers, and so on. In principle, qualified employees are required in any industry and everywhere they are willing to pay them high wages. A qualified plumber may well earn more than an unqualified economist. The second group is entrepreneurs. They risk their savings, time and other resources, but they receive significant profits. For success in entrepreneurial activity you need to guess the scope of your activity and organize high-quality services. The third group is those who know how to manage other people’s and their own money. These are specialists in the field of financial markets. They are able to recognize trends, navigate flow and information, and accept right decisions in areas of investment. As a result of such work, they receive significant profits.

Big money through honest work - myth or reality

IN modern world It is quite possible to earn a significant amount of money through honest work. Firstly, the external environment is constantly changing and new opportunities are opening up. Most recently, working for financial market Only a few could, but today anyone can take a training course, master the necessary skills and start making money from it. The situation is similar with the Internet. Today, everyone can earn additional income by offering their services on the Internet. In addition, people themselves have learned to change. The secret of success is the ability to quickly learn something new and master the required skills. The time for stability is over. The more dynamically a person changes and adapts to the external environment, the more successful he is, which means his chances of receiving additional rewards increase.

How to work less and earn more

1. The first advice that can be given in this situation is to work comfortably. This means not only outside(having a comfortable workplace), but also internal feelings (for example, you should like the work). You can also work remotely. This allows you to create a work schedule that is convenient for you and independently choose the orders to complete. 2. The second tip is to use modern time management techniques. The first thing you should do is just look at how your day is structured. Surely there will be many actions that will turn out to be useless and unnecessary. In theory, they are called time thieves. By getting rid of them and learning to concentrate on work, you can significantly increase its efficiency. 3. The third recommendation is to use modern technical solutions. Currently there is enough in various ways make work easier, from various devices to programs. This allows you to significantly increase your own productivity, which means reducing the time it takes to complete work while maintaining cost.

The amount of money you can earn on the Internet is limited only own time and desire. The fact is that working on the Internet requires sufficient high level self-discipline. There is always a temptation to relax, to devote less time to work, because you still cannot fire a person. Therefore, many people first approach work with interest, start well, do quality work, receive their first income, but then, when no one asks, they relax and income drops. Thus, in order to receive serious income from working on the Internet, you should follow certain recommendations:
    Work daily; Keep your commitments; Set specific goals for the desired amount of income.

How to make money work for you

First What you need to do to solve this problem is to set a specific goal, how much money you would like to earn. This allows you to motivate yourself every day to take certain actions and actions. Second step- maintain a budget. This is a very important tool because it shows where the money is actually going. Having started keeping a record of income and expenses, many are surprised how much money is spent on entertainment and other areas that can be abandoned. The result is usually savings. Third step In addition to forming directions for generating income, it is necessary to set aside some funds and develop your own investment principles. These could be bank deposits, securities or simply saving for the purchase of something important and significant. Thus, earning a lot of money is not difficult. It is necessary to see the goal, understand the method of generating income and learn how to manage it.