Who was Ksenia Sobchak's father? Is Ksenia Sobchak really the adopted daughter of Anatoly Sobchak Ksenia Sobchak children family

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak. Born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian television and radio presenter, journalist, actress, socialite, public figure.

Known for the reality shows “Dom-2” (TNT), “Blonde in Chocolate” (Muz-TV), “ Last Hero"(Channel One), as well as the programs "State Department 2" (Snob) and "Sobchak Live" (Rain), co-hosting the program "Barabaka and the Gray Wolf" with Sergei Kalvarsky on the radio station "Silver Rain".

Father - Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak, lawyer, mayor of St. Petersburg from 1991 to 1996.

Mother - Lyudmila Borisovna Narusova, historian.

Ksenia’s godfather was Father Gury, who was serving at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra at that time, and Lyudmila Narusova’s university friend Natasha was her godmother.

She lived with her parents in house 21 on Kustodiev Street, then in a communal apartment on the embankment of the Moika River. As a child, Ksenia studied ballet at the Mariinsky Theater and painting at the Hermitage.

In middle school I studied at high school No. 185 with in-depth study of the English language.

She graduated from school at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.

In 1998 she entered the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University. In 2000, she moved to Moscow and transferred to the Faculty of International Relations at MGIMO.

In 2002 she received a bachelor’s degree, and in 2004 she graduated with honors from MGIMO’s master’s program in political science (the topic of the diploma is “ Comparative analysis institutions of the presidency in France and Russia"). Speaks English, French and Spanish.

After graduating from MGIMO, she planned to continue her studies and at the same time take part in a number of television and other projects.

According to Forbes magazine, for the period from September 2008 to September 2009, her income amounted to $1.2 million. In February 2010, Sobchak acquired a minority (less than 0.1%) stake in the Russian cellular retailer Euroset, spending on that's just over $1 million.

Since 2004 she has hosted a reality show "House 2" on the TNT channel together with (then joined them), but in the summer of 2012 she did not renew her contract with the television company and left the show.

She hosted such reality shows as “Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire” on TNT, “The Last Hero-6” on Channel One, “Blonde in Chocolate” on Muz-TV.

She was one of the hosts of the show “Two Stars” on Channel One.

She was parodied seven times in the TV show “Big Difference”: as the host of the reality show “Dom-2”, as a guest in the program “ Good night, kids!”, co-host of the “Two Stars” show, guest in the “Let Them Talk” program, host of the “Big Difference” Festival in Odessa. In one of the parodies, Ksenia Sobchak participated in the role of a waitress at a restaurant that Ksenia Sobchak visited (she herself was parodied by the troupe’s artist Maria Zykova). All parodies were performed by the troupe's artists Olga Medynich and.

Is one of the main characters of the television cartoon show "Cartoon Personality".

In 2013, Sobchak created the image of Oksana Sever and shot a video for the song “Native”, which received the RuTV award, and Ksenia for the image scandalous star chanson was nominated for the “TOP 50. Most famous people Petersburg" from the magazine "Sobaka.ru".

After the elections to the State Duma on December 4, 2011, which were won by “ United Russia“Sobchak supported protests against election fraud. On December 10, she came to a rally at Bolotnaya Square, and on December 24 she spoke at a rally on Academician Sakharov Avenue. In January, Sobchak was included in the top ten most influential Russian women, compiled by the Ekho Moskvy radio station with the support of the Interfax agency, RIA Novosti and Ogonyok magazine.

After the presidential elections on March 4, 2012, which she won, Sobchak spoke at the “For Fair Elections” rally on Novy Arbat on March 10. On April 14, Sobchak spoke at a rally in Astrakhan in support of ex-candidate for mayor of Astrakhan Oleg Shein, who did not recognize the results of the mayoral elections. Sobchak deliberately did not take part in the “March of Millions” action on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, because, as she reported after the fact on May 7, she knew that the action would be aimed at increasing radicalization.

However, already on May 8 she came to the opposition camp on Chistoprudny Boulevard. After the oppositionists were ousted from Chistye Prudy they gathered on Pushkin Square, but already there, at the Nikitsky Gate, Ksenia Sobchak, along with Alexei Navalny, was detained. After the arrest, Sobchak wrote on Twitter that she had changed her opinion about the radicalization of the protest. Immediately after her release at night, Sobchak arrived at Kudrinskaya Square, where the opposition gathered again.

In May, it became known that Sobchak was excluded from the list of presenters of the anniversary Muz-TV Award (initially she was supposed to host it together with Maxim Galkin, Lera Kudryavtseva and Andrei Malakhov), and was also removed from the TEFI Award in the “Best Reporter” category. According to her own statement, this was done for political reasons.

On the eve of June 12, 2012, the police conducted a search in Sobchak’s apartment, which, according to her lawyer Henry Reznik, was connected with the assumption of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (ICR) that oppositionist Ilya Yashin actually lives in this apartment. The TV presenter expressed outrage that the investigators, “smirking,” read her personal letters out loud, and said: “I never thought that we would return to a country of such repression.”

An official representative of the Investigative Committee stated that “in the apartment of I. Yashin and K. Sobchak, large sum money in European and American currencies, distributed in more than 100 envelopes (at least €1 million).” Over the course of several days, investigators checked the seized currency and each banknote was individually tested for authenticity.

On June 15, reacting to this incident, one of the opposition leaders, State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev called on Ksenia to distance herself from participation in the organizational structures of the opposition movement. To do this during the investigation of the criminal case about the riots on Bolotnaya, so that the country, Ponomarev explained, does not concentrate on Sobchak’s millions, so as not to cast a shadow on the opposition and not to distract attention from the real activities of the protesters. Sobchak replied that she does not claim any leadership role in the protest movement.

On September 27, the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation decided to return Sobchak by transferring to her accounts the money seized during the May search, namely: 1,108,420 euros, 522,392 US dollars and 485,325 rubles. A desk audit carried out on behalf of the investigation did not establish any evidence of tax evasion by Ksenia.

On September 17, 2012, she nominated herself for the Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition. Among 11 opposition activists, she made a statement saying that “violent confrontation is growing between the authorities and society,” therefore “large-scale political reform” is necessary. On October 22, 2012, in the elections of the Coordination Council of the opposition, she took fourth place on the general civil list, gaining 32.5 thousand votes, losing to A. Navalny, D. Bykov and. On October 19, 2013, the Coordination Council of the Russian Opposition ceased to exist.

In 2008, books by Ksenia Sobchak were published, dedicated to clothing style and cosmetics: “Stylish things by Ksenia Sobchak” and “Masks, glosses, curlers. The ABC of Beauty."

In 2009, written together with Oksana Robski, “ practical guide"on profitable marriage "Marriage to a millionaire, or Marriage of the highest grade."

In 2010, The Sucker Encyclopedia was published, a book that defines a sucker as “a person for whom self-presentation is above all else.” In an interview with Dmitry Bykov dedicated to the release of the book, Sobchak called the described phenomenon international, but noted that, thanks to the historical background of the destruction of the elite in 1917 and 1937 and modern social experiments, including the “rain of petrodollars,” Russia is “an ideal testing ground for observing scammers ”, to which Sobchak self-critically refers himself, as “a symbol of all-Russian fraud with the Dom-2 project.”

In the same year, a book written jointly by Ksenia Sokolova and Ksenia Sobchak appeared "Philosophy in the boudoir"- a collection of interviews compiled based on materials from the “Philosophy in the Boudoir with...” column of GQ magazine.

Sobchak is a successful investor. In December 2012, it became known that Ksenia received $2.3 million from the sale of her share of Euroset shares. Considering the initial investment of $1 million in 2010, Sobchak’s income from the retailer’s shares amounted to $1.3 million.

May 28, 2012 became editor-in-chief women's magazine SNC (formerly known as Sex and the City). In December 2014, she left this post.

From 2013 to 2014, she hosted the “Deal” program on the “Friday!” TV channel.

In October 2014, she became editor-in-chief of the fashion magazine L’Officiel.

In 2015, she was the host of the show “Battle of Restaurants” on the “Friday!” TV channel. Presenter of the Muz-TV Award (2007-2008, 2010-2011, 2014-2017).

In October 2017, it became known about Ksenia Sobchak’s work on documentary film for the 80th anniversary of Anatoly Sobchak, among the interviewees was the President of the Russian Federation (and former political assistant).

Ksenia Sobchak - presidential candidate 2018

Since the beginning of September 2017, rumors began to spread about Ksenia Sobchak’s possible participation in the presidential elections with the consent of the presidential administration. Sobchak herself called this data an attempt to discredit her.

Sobchak’s possible participation in the elections was criticized by those who intended to run for president, who called her a caricatured liberal candidate and a “spoiler” with the cannibalistic views of a democrat of the early 90s. After this, the journalist accused him of leaderism, hypocrisy, calls for uncoordinated actions and splitting the opposition.

November 18, 2016 at the Lapino clinic near Moscow. Just before the New Year it was: Plato.

Since the end of 2018, information has appeared about discord in the family of Sobchak and Vitorgan. They took off their rings and stopped appearing together in public.

Since January 2019, rumors about Ksenia’s affair with the director began to actively appear in the media. Journalists caught the couple together at one of the events, where they did not hesitate to show their feelings and kiss.

On January 21, 2019, it was reported that Maxim Vitorgan beat Konstantin Bogomolov in a cafe. Security guards at the establishment witnessed a fight between men. The director returned to the cafe with a broken nose and a bloody face.

March 8, 2019. "We are forced to comment publicly on our relationship in order to stop all speculation on this topic. We have been living separately for quite a long time and each with our own lives. While we lived together, we remained mutually faithful. We do not share property and, especially, the child whom we continue to raise , like loving parents,” they wrote on Instagram.

Filmography of Ksenia Sobchak:

2004 - Thieves and prostitutes. Prize - flight into space - journalist-psychologist
2007 - Mad - Margarita Lyamkina
2007 - Most best movie- a prostitute
2008 - Beauty requires... - Ilma Peterson
2008 - Nobody knows about sex 2: No sex - Arabella
2008 - Hitler is kaput! - Eva Braun
2008 - Europe-Asia - as herself
2009 - Artifact - swearing
2009 - Golden Key - Malvina
2009 - Moscow.Ru
2011 - Short course happy life- Aunt Nadya
2012 - Rzhevsky against Napoleon - Madame Ksyu-Ksyu
2012 - Entropy - Pasha
2013 - Romance with cocaine - Sonya
2013 - Doc Srok - as herself
2013 - Corporate party - prostitute
2013 - Odnoklassniki.ru: CLICK your luck
2015 - The Chicks

Lyudmila Narusova, ex-wife Anatoly Sobchak and the mother of Ksenia Sobchak made a statement that her daughter was born from another man. According to his mother, Anatoly Sobchak could not have children.

According to Lyudmila, the birth of Ksenia from another person was one of the most correct actions in her life. Sobchak's first wife knew about the characteristics of her husband's body. Narusova explains her decision by saying that otherwise, her husband would not have lived with her for more than a year without children.

The most interesting thing is that Ksenia’s biological father is still alive, and Lyudmila learned details about him in 2002. Today, it is unknown where this person is. Lyudmila Narusova noted that the Sobchak family has no right to be offended by her. At the moment, the Sobchak family harbors a grudge against Lyudmila for speculating on her surname.

It should be noted that before marrying Lyudmila, Anatoly Sobchak was the husband of Nonna Stepanovna Sobchak. He lived with her for 21 years. Today Nonna Stepanovna is alive, she is now 72 years old. The only element that raises doubts in this whole situation is that Anatoly Sobchak has a daughter, Maria, from his first marriage.

Maria Sobchak is 16 years older than her sister and lives in this moment in St. Petersburg. The daughters did not share property after the death of their father. Eldest daughter former mayor of St. Petersburg became a lawyer. She does not give any interviews to the press and does not like to go out in public. Maria is radically different from her sister and is an authority in the scientific community.

Where does Ksenia Sobchak's older sister work now?

Maria Sobchak found a job at the Bar Association in St. Petersburg. In higher educational institution Maria studied under the name Petrov in order not to take advantage of her father’s fame. Only after she achieved success in life did she take her real name. The direction of the young girl's education was criminal law. Today the woman is running the business different directions: housing, family, criminal, divorce.

Maria Sobchak claims that today she does not communicate with her sister because different views on life and worldviews. U business woman I have a husband and a son. According to her, what is unpleasant for her personally is the fact that today Russians associate their common surname only with Ksenia Sobchak and show business.

What does Ksenia Sobchak’s election program suggest?

Let us remind you that not long ago Ksenia Sobchak registered as a candidate for the post of President of Russia. She called her election theses “123 difficult steps.” Firstly, Sobchak sees Russia as a parliamentary republic. In her opinion, the formation of a government should occur at the will of parliament.

At the same time, Ksenia Sobchak demands Lenin’s burial and a ban on justification Stalin's repressions first half of the 20th century. The girl also proposes to create a new federal agreement, according to which the president cannot personally appoint governors. Regions must have the rights to make legislative decisions.

Also, Ksenia Sobchak’s election program involves changing the order of distribution of income between the center and the regions, prohibiting Russian officials hinder international trials and tribunals that are held against Russians abroad.

TASS DOSSIER. On October 18, 2017, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak announced her candidacy for the presidency Russian Federation. According to her, she is “outside the strict ideological framework”, does not belong to any party and opposes the revolution.

The TASS-DOSSIER editors have prepared a biography of Ksenia Sobchak.

Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak was born on November 5, 1981 in Leningrad. Her father Anatoly Sobchak (1937-2000) was an associate professor at the Faculty of Law at Leningrad State University, then a people's deputy of the USSR, and in 1991-1996 - the mayor of St. Petersburg. Mother - Lyudmila Narusova (born 1951), worked as a history teacher, currently - a member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Tyva.

Since 1998, Sobchak studied at the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg state university. In 2001, she transferred to the Faculty of International Relations of Moscow State University state institute International Relations (MGIMO) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which she graduated in 2002. In 2004, she completed her master's degree in the Faculty of Political Science at MGIMO.

From 2004 to 2012, she worked on the TNT channel, where she hosted the reality show “Dom-2” together with Ksenia Borodina. At the same time, she participated in numerous projects on TV channels in Russia, Ukraine and Georgia. In 2005, she hosted the “Star Boulevard” program on NTV, and since 2006, she hosted a show about her life, “Blonde in Chocolate,” on the Muz-TV channel. She was the host of the reality show “Who doesn’t want to become a millionaire” on TNT (2008), “The Last Hero-6” on Channel One (2009), one of the leading programs “Two Stars” on Channel One (2009), “Freedom of Thought” on Channel Five (2010), " Ideal man" on STS TV channel (2010).

From April to October 2010, she participated in the entertainment program “Girls” on the TV channel “Russia 1”. In 2011, she hosted the reality show "Top Model in Russian" (Muz-TV), from August 2011 - the program "Let's Get Married" on the Ukrainian TV channel STB, from April to October 2012 - " main topic"on the Georgian TV channel PIK.

She took part in the projects “Circus with the Stars” on Channel One (2007) and “Dancing with the Stars” (“Russia 1”, 2010) - paired with dancer Evgeniy Papunaishvili.

She became one of the most popular heroines of gossip columns, her name was regularly mentioned in the media.

In 2010-2012, Sobchak was a minority shareholder of the Russian company Euroset (owns a chain of salons cellular communication). She initially purchased $1 million worth of company shares, but sold her stake in December 2012 for $2.3 million.

In 2010, together with the restaurant company Ginza Project of Dmitry Sergeev and Vadim Lapin, she opened the Tverbul restaurant, the Melodiya bar and the Bublik cafe-confectionery in Moscow.

At the end of 2011, she became involved in social and political activities.

After the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation, held on December 4, 2011, she supported the actions of the opposition, which accused the authorities of falsifying the voting results. On December 10, 2011, she took part in a demonstration on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, and on December 24 of the same year she spoke at a rally on Academician Sakharov Avenue, where she stated that “the most important thing is to influence the authorities, and not to fight for power.”

In February 2012 at Russian TV channel MTV had its first episode political talk show"State Department with Ksenia Sobchak." On the eve of filming the second program, the program was taken off the air. Later, in 2012-2013, talk shows called “State Department 2” and “State Department 3” were aired on the RBC and Dozhd TV channels, and were also broadcast on the website of the Snob publication, where Sobchak briefly served as director special projects.

In the spring of 2012, she took part in various opposition political actions, but was not present at the rally on Bolotnaya Square on May 6, where demonstrators clashed with the police. She later stated that she “knew in advance that the main goal [of this action] would be to stand on the bridge, break through and sit-in.”

On June 11, 2012, on the eve of another protest, law enforcement officers conducted a search in Sobchak’s apartment. According to the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, investigative actions were carried out as part of the investigation into the case of mass riots on Bolotnaya Square on May 6. €1 thousand 108, $522 thousand and 485 thousand rubles were confiscated from Sobchak. In September 2012, the Investigative Committee officially announced that a “desk tax audit” did not reveal “facts of tax evasion by K. Sobchak,” and returned all the seized funds to the TV presenter.

In October 2012, Sobchak became a member of the Coordination Council of the Opposition (it ceased its activities in the fall of 2013).

From 2012 to the present, the Dozhd channel has broadcast the program “Sobchak Live,” in which Ksenia Sobchak talks with various political and public figures.

In 2012-2014 - Chief Editor women's magazine SNC (formerly "Sex and the City").

Since October 2014 - editor-in-chief of the Russian version of the fashion magazine L’Officiel.

At the same time, she continues her career as a TV presenter on the Friday! TV channel, where she hosts the programs “Deal” (since 2013) and “Battle of Restaurants” (since 2015).

According to SPARK-Interfax, since 2014 he has been a co-owner of Besser LLC (10% share in the authorized capital), specializing in the restaurant business.

Who was Ksenia Sobchak's father? important!

  1. Ksenia Sobchak is the daughter of a lawyer
  2. fic knows him
  3. Ksenia's father and mother got married in 1980.
    Father: Anatoly Sobchak (1937-2000). The first mayor of Leningrad (1991-1996), which was renamed St. Petersburg under him. Doctor of Law. Author of more than 200 books and articles on economics and law. From 1997 to 1999 he lived in Paris, where he lectured at the Sorbonne and the Higher

    School of Economics.
    Mother: Lyudmila Narusova (1951). Since October 2002, he has been a member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. President of St. Petersburg public fund Anatoly Sobchak. Candidate of Historical Sciences. Author and presenter of the television program "Freedom of Speech" (RTR). Actively engaged in human rights and social activities.
    Ksenia's father loved beauty in all its forms. He even had a photograph of Claudia Schiffer on his desk. The wife constantly removed the photo, but he returned it to its place.
    Father meant a lot in Ksenia’s life. She had no secrets from him. This is a state of spiritual intimacy when words are not important. Such a relationship is no longer possible for Sobchak with anyone.

  4. mayor of St. Petersburg
  5. Mayor of St. Petersburg, “a real Russian democrat”, taught at Leningrad State University (St. Petersburg State University), by the way, the GDP itself))
  6. The first mayor of St. Petersburg
  7. by the measure of St. Petersburg
  8. Anatoly Sobchak, mayor of St. Petersburg.
  9. Ksyusha Sobchak's father was Anatoly Sobchak. If you are interested, I can add that N.K. Krupskaya’s husband was Comrade Krupsky
  10. edit Biography
    I spent my childhood in Uzbekistan. In 1956 he entered the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University.

    Since 1959, after graduating from university, he worked as a lawyer at the Stavropol Regional Bar Association, then as head of a legal consultation office at Stavropol region. In 1962 he returned to Leningrad. Graduated from graduate school at Leningrad State University. From 1965 to 1968 he taught at the Leningrad Special Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1968-1973 Associate Professor at the Leningrad Technological Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry. From 1973 to 1981 associate professor, from 1982 to 1989 professor, head of the department of economic law at Leningrad State University. He was the dean of the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University.

    In June 1988 he joined the CPSU. In 1989 he was elected people's deputy of the USSR. At the first congress he became a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was the chairman of the USSR Supreme Council subcommittee on economic legislation of the Committee on Legislation, Law and Order. In June 1989 he became a member of the Interregional Deputy Group. In April 1990 he was elected as a deputy of the Leningrad City Council. On May 23, 1990 he was elected chairman of the Leningrad City Council. On June 12, 1991 he was elected mayor of St. Petersburg.

    In July 1991 he became one of the founders of the Democratic Reform Movement. In the same year, he was one of the main organizers of the city referendum on returning the historical name to Leningrad, as a result of which the name St. Petersburg was returned to the city. In October 1993 he headed the federal list of candidates for the State Duma from Russian movement democratic reforms. In the elections of December 12, 1993, the bloc did not receive the number of votes required to enter the State Duma. In February 1996 he joined the St. Petersburg branch of the Our Home Russia movement. On July 3, 1996, he lost the election for governor of St. Petersburg to his deputy, Vladimir Yakovlev.

    In 1997, he was accused of abuses as mayor of St. Petersburg. On November 7, 1997, he flew to France for treatment at an American hospital in Paris. On September 13, 1998, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office opened a criminal case against Anatoly Sobchak under articles of Bribery and Abuse of Official Power. Lived in Paris until July 12, 1999. Lectured at the Sorbonne and other French universities. On November 10, 1999, the criminal case against Sobchak was dismissed for lack of evidence of a crime.

    On December 21, 1999, he lost the elections to the State Duma to Yabloko candidate Pyotr Shelishch and announced that he had decided to participate in the elections for the governor of St. Petersburg. February 14, 2000 was appointed confidant candidate for President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and headed the Political Advisory Council of Democratic Parties and Movements of St. Petersburg.

    He died on the night of February 19-20, 2000 in a sanatorium in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region), as a result, as the official conclusion was reported, of acute heart failure. Rumors of murder immediately appeared due to the fact that Sobchak knew too much. An autopsy carried out in Kaliningrad showed that the deceased had alcohol in his body, corresponding to a moderate degree of intoxication, as well as a medical drug (as later reported, Viagra) in a double or triple dose. As a result, on May 6, the prosecutor's office of the Kaliningrad region opened a criminal case for premeditated murder (poisoning). However, an autopsy in St. Petersburg stated the absence of both alcohol and poisoning. On August 4, the Kaliningrad prosecutor's office closed case 12.

    edit Family
    Father Alexander Antonovich, worked as a railway engineer,
    Mother Nadezhda Andreevna Litvinova, worked as an accountant,
    Wife Nonna Handzyuk. Daughter Maria (1965),
    Wife (since 1980) Lyudmila Narusova. Daughter Ksenia (1981).

    edit Awards and titles
    Jubilee medal 300 years of the Russian Navy (1996)
    Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Holy Blessings

  11. Mayor of St. Petersburg
  12. first mayor of St. Petersburg
  13. This is all one company and Sobchak and GDP and other gentlemen and comrades.
  14. Mayor of St. Petersburg.
  15. deputy

Name: Ksenia Sobchak
Date of Birth: November 5, 1981
Zodiac sign: Scorpion
Age: 37 years
Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Activity: Politician, presenter, journalist, public figure, actress
Education: St. Petersburg State University-MGIMO
Family status: Married to Maxim Vitorgan


Ksenia Sobchak and Borodina
If you carefully study the biography of Ksenia Sobchak, you can understand that, despite the fact that this decision to leave the “House 2” project was difficult for her, it was correct at that time, because she began to develop further and show all the facets of her creative potential. And she is talented in many areas.

Since 2007, Ksenia Sobchak has been trying to realize herself as a singer. She not only sang on her own, but even filmed several videos with Timati, which immediately aroused many rumors about their difficult, but rather “warm” relationship.

In 2010, Ksenia became the host of several programs. So, on Channel Five she becomes the host of the “Freedom of Thoughts” program, she also hosted the “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” program on the TNT channel, and on the Muz-TV program “Blonde in Chocolate.” It is worth noting that this list is large. But scandalous reputation Sobchak followed her everywhere, and Ksenia often had to change her next place of work.

In 2015, Sobchak became the host of the “Battle of Restaurants” program, which airs on the Pyatnitsa channel. As a presenter, she was well able to use both her impudence and her scandalous nature to correctly evaluate the work of restaurants.

Throughout her career, Sobchak has starred in several films, and currently wishes to continue her career as an artist. Since 2008, she has been writing and publishing her books, which reflect the worldview of Ksenia Anatolyevna.

Personal life of Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia's personal life always took place in front of the general public. So, everyone knows that in 2005 Sobchak was going to marry American businessman Alexander Shusterovich, but suddenly 5 days before wedding ceremony this event has been cancelled. It is believed that Ksenia Anatolyevna herself initiated the separation.

In 2010, Ksenia began dating Sergei Kapkov, who was at that time the head of the Moscow department of culture. He, while on the “Let Them Talk” program, publicly confessed his love to Ksenia. But this relationship could only last one more year.

Immediately after breaking up with Sergei Kapkov, Sobchak began dating Ilya Yashin, a politician. Together they appeared at events, social parties, and television programs. This relationship was destined to last only six months.