So that I live like this: interior design of the most famous hotels. Hotel room design: norms and rules

As a rule, the interior of hotel rooms is designed for visitors with a certain status, and the higher it is, the richer and more refined the apartments will look. The choice of style in which a hotel is decorated depends entirely on its owner, but very often, in anticipation of a wide audience, several types of room design are presented at once.

The requirements for the interior of hotel rooms are quite numerous, but the general wish is that the room surprises with its originality just like the hall, corridors or the interior of an open kitchen in a restaurant. The designer’s task is to design a room in which guests will feel calm and at ease. Regardless of the design concept, hotel room interior design First of all, it should create an environment conducive to comfortable rest and deep, restful sleep.

If discussed hotel room design, intended for guests to stay no more than a week, then in this case light pastel colors of decoration predominate. Perimeter lighting can compete with central lighting, but accent light at the head of the bed is one of the most important technical requirements that must be met. hotel room interior, as well as the presence of complete or partial shading on the windows. Mandatory comfort requirements include the presence of a comfortable mattress and high-quality bed linen in the room.

At all times, hotels have preferred to have several specially decorated rooms in their arsenal, designed to provide wealthy newlyweds with a pleasant time on their honeymoon. With great variety, hotel room design for newlyweds, this is usually a huge bedroom with exquisite decoration and carefully selected colors, a cozy room for receiving guests and a luxurious bathroom. A state-of-the-art Jacuzzi or professional spa bath will delight young lovers, offering them relaxation and a break from the special moments.

Respectable hotels choose fashion designers

Typically, the design of a prestigious hotel has a concept that connects all the interior details into a single whole. The desire to be in demand among the largest possible number of potential clients dictates to hotel owners the conditions when they have to take into account the wishes and taste preferences of the majority and diversify the styles and directions presented in the business project. Usually a group of professional designers works on such projects, and even opposing styles may coexist, but on different floors or in different wings of the hotel.

Long gone are the days when fashion designers limited themselves to only clothes and fashion accessories. The demand for talented artists in the hotel niche is no longer so acute, and the names of popular interior designers are no less known than the names of famous couturiers. Many venerable fashion houses open their own hotels, decorated in the recognizable style of the brand. It is common practice for a designer from a famous fashion house to travel anywhere in the world to create hotel room interior photo which will soon appear on the pages of specialized magazines and in the author’s personal portfolio.

Requirements for design projects

– this is an important task for all hotels, because it is by the interior that they are “greeted”, but they are “seen off” rather by the level of service. The interior style that hotels choose for their design, of course, depends on many things: the level and star rating of the hotel, its location, size and number of rooms.

Hotel room may include not only one room (as a rule, this is a bedroom combined with an office), but also 2, 3 or more, if we are talking about a presidential class room. The interior of the room is designed based on its class (from economy class to luxury class and “presidential” rooms). At the same time, the design of a separate room must be in harmony with the overall style of the hotel: that is, a combination of hi-tech and classics is unlikely to be appropriate. Designers create hotel room interiors in completely different styles: from classic and modern to country or high-tech.

Perhaps someone will disagree that the style of the interior of a hotel room is of primary importance; for many, the level of service or the cost of the room comes first. However, reputable hotels not only decorate their rooms in the same style, but also try to make each of them completely special. If the hotel is located in the historical center of the city or an ancient building, then the classic interior looks most harmonious. If this is a mini-hotel in the area of ​​high-rise buildings or panel buildings, it is more appropriate to make a more modern interior. Guest rooms, decorated in a modern style, usually occupy a significant part of the hotel area. These rooms are characterized by minimalistic design, high functionality and the use of natural materials in decoration.

It is the location of the hotel that dictates the style of the rooms. The design of hotels even within the same chain can vary dramatically. For example, the design of hotel rooms on the seashore is unlikely to be similar to a room in the center of a metropolis. High-level hotels in the center of large cities always have several presidential and luxury rooms. The decor of walls, furniture and accessories in golden or other “rich” colors – for example, purple – is often used here. At the same time, the “rooms for the elite” lift the veil of historical reconstruction - here you can quite feel yourself in another century. Such luxury apartments can contain several bedrooms, a spacious living room with a fireplace, several bathrooms and, of course, a picturesque view of the city.

Various factors are important in the design of a hotel room: footage, color scheme, arrangement of furniture and even the distance between it. It is a competent interior that helps a hotel attract customers, because the condition of the room stock determines how much money the hotel will earn. Also, each hotel has its own technical standards, which the designer takes into account when decorating the rooms, not forgetting the image component of the hotel - for example, focusing on spacious rooms, rich plumbing or furniture. When choosing finishing materials, designers take into account their ease of cleaning and the ability to process them with household products. All materials must be as wear-resistant and fireproof as possible, and the furniture must be durable. For example, vinyl coverings, ceramic tiles and decorative plaster are perfect.

Sometimes designers compete in their originality and creativity, creating unusual and bright hotel rooms. However, there are a few general rules that generally apply to hotel interiors. Plain curtains are selected for colored wallpaper in a hotel room, and colored textiles are used for plain walls. When decorating the walls of mini-rooms (up to 15 sq.m.), designers often use cold and light shades, as they visually enlarge the room, while warm and bright colors can, on the contrary, reduce the space. Zoning using color is used in spacious rooms, but small ones, as a rule, are done in the same color scheme, which makes the room seem more spacious. The shade of walls, furniture and accessories is also selected taking into account natural conditions (for example, lighting or the location of the hotel relative to the cardinal points). For rooms with windows facing south, you can use a neutral or cool color scheme, and on the north side, on the contrary, add more light and warm shades to the room. Calm shades always look advantageous, as they do not irritate and provide guests with conditions for relaxation. The classic color scheme for a hotel room is pastel colors, which make the room not only cozy and bright, but also visually expand the space. In addition, any furniture and accessories - from modern to classic - harmonize perfectly with such a background. Against the backdrop of calm walls, designers place similar shades or, conversely, bright color accents. Creative furniture or original paintings will only emphasize the elitism of the hotel.

An ideal hotel room should combine the comfort and coziness of an apartment with the functionality of an office. That is why experts try to take these subtleties into account when developing a design project. The more reputable the hotel, and the higher its star rating, the richer the decoration looks, the more expensive materials and exclusive furniture are used.

A spacious hotel room at the Grand Hotel Gagra, equipped with panoramic glazing and access to a loggia, consists of two rooms: a living room, a bedroom, and in-room amenities.

The interior of the suite is designed within the framework of the general design concept of the hotel's hotel rooms. This is a unique mix of modern styles and trends in the interior.

The project uses high-tech electrical equipment and lighting devices, laconic color spots and large planes characteristic of minimalism, huge leather sofas, various natural materials or their imitation typical of art deco.

Design of a luxury room in a hotel interior

Wide decorative structures made of gypsum plasterboard and polyurethane along the walls under the ceiling hide behind them elements of load-bearing structures - crossbars, which spoiled the appearance of the room. The central part of the ceiling is hung on the second level, in which large square lamps are mounted, covered with sheets of white frosted glass, giving soft diffused light.

Inserts of a glossy stretch ceiling, reflecting the interior of the room, create the illusion of second light. On the floor of the living room are slabs of polished Turkish marble, made especially for this hotel.

Comfortable upholstered furniture is trimmed with leather, the color of which is combined with shades of marble and the soft sand color of textured wallpaper. The wooden elements of the doors and furniture details are made in contrast to the overall light color scheme of the room and are supported by a dark floor carpet, similar in shade to the wood of the furniture. A chest of drawers with a minibar inside, which serves as a TV stand, is also made of slabs with a combined color. The frame parts are decorated with dark wood, and the bar facades are decorated with light-colored wood, similar in color to other interior elements.

The design of the luxury bedroom is made in warm colors, reminiscent of the savannah. The floor has sand-colored carpeting, which is pleasant to step on with bare feet when getting out of bed. The bedspread's print is made in the form of a stylized tiger skin.

The niches at the head of the bed are finished with decorative plaster, imitating the pattern and texture of natural sandstone, which is well emphasized by contrasting directional lighting from built-in spotlights. There are elephant figurines on the illuminated shelves. The view of the subtropical landscape from the panoramic windows successfully complements the overall picture.

Bathroom of a luxury room in a hotel

The bathroom is combined, equipped with a shower.

Modern hotels are smart about social change and adapting to it creatively. In this article, we look at 11 of the biggest interior design trends that are shaping the new hospitality experience. Whether you are a hotel owner or planning a business trip, this article will be relevant to you.

1. Adding multifunctionality to the lobby space

It is important to make a good first impression on the client, so it has become important to equip and decorate lobbies in such a way that they become the face of the hotel. It has also become fashionable to hold business meetings, as well as simply spend time and work in hotel lobbies, which also imposes some responsibilities on the owners. For example, to organize a place for business negotiations or work, it is necessary to provide Internet access to the lobby, namely wi-fi, make a small bar with coffee, and also place comfortable seats. Among other things, to make an impression it is necessary to provide not only the functionality of the room, but also first-class design. The latest trends include spacious green walls, indoor waterfalls, large chandeliers and multimedia stations.

2. Rethinking the interior design of rooms

The classic table-bed-wardrobe scheme has not worked for quite some time and in order to attract the client’s attention it is necessary to provide him with something more. People expect surprises. Therefore, now each hotel room is different from the other, it is worth noting that this only applies to modern hotels, in simple and cheap ones, the classic scheme is still in effect. Creative offices for business travelers, interesting-looking TV panels and an extra sofa next to the double bed are just some of the key ingredients for a trendy hotel room. An option with a riot of color and paint is also possible, which can also find its client.

3. Spa-like bathrooms

Bathrooms have long ceased to be just auxiliary rooms in the room. As the functionality of bathrooms has been rethought, they have become increasingly spa-like and full of bells and whistles. Hydromassage baths, jacuzzi, huge towels, tons of cosmetics and a lot of free space.

4. Expanding the concept of “hotel restaurant”

It often happens that a hotel makes concessions and opens a restaurant for the purpose of expediency of the undertaking, and not to increase the comfort and convenience of the stay. However, cooking is an art, an enjoyable art. Therefore, it should be treated somewhat differently. New trends in hotel design are aimed at expanding the concept of a hotel restaurant, giving it more and more privileges and importance. Some hotels have already followed this and transformed their restaurants beyond recognition, receiving a large influx of customers.

5. Blurring boundaries

Also, one of the developing trends in the design of premises in general, not just hotels, is the blurring of the boundaries between the interior of a building and its exterior. Techniques that can be considered to help blur these boundaries include the use of internal waterfalls, abundant use of green plants inside and outside the building, as well as large verandas, terraces and smooth transitions from the street to the inside using covered walkways.

6. Greening everything

Landscaping the premises not only refreshes it, but is also beneficial for the client’s health. Working with natural materials is an additional overhead, as it requires constant maintenance of the plants in the building, but plants have a positive effect on the client's mood, which makes his stay happy and enjoyable, so do not underestimate the power of nature.

7. Focus on local art

It is a real shame that modern architecture usually distances itself from indigenous art. It’s very bad when you enter a hotel and don’t understand what country you are in. It is important to recognize the fact that the client primarily came to your country in order to experience the local culture and art, and this should be taken into account when decorating the interior of the premises. These can be objects of the country's traditional culture, paintings, sculptures, photographs, as well as something larger, for example, large-scale installations.

8. Rethinking the need for advanced technology in the hotel

Oddly enough, not many people are looking for hi-tech away from home. On the contrary, people, as a rule, during vacation disconnect from work and external contacts and completely immerse themselves in an atmosphere of rest and relaxation. However, it is worth understanding that there are also business people for whom staying in touch is the most important task. Based on this, new hotels have already introduced the ability to control their room using a smartphone, and it is often good practice to place a free tablet with Internet access near the reception desk. So before you turn off wi-fi in your hotel to save money, think about how many people come to your hotel for business meetings and meetings.

9. More color and textures

Most often, in the interior design of hotel rooms, classic combinations of colors and textures are used so as not to frighten the client with a riot of colors or their unusual combination. However, such numbers have long become boring to experienced tourists and they have long been looking for something unforgettable, something that will surprise them to the core, that will be remembered and told to friends for a long time. Therefore, it might be worth doing some color experiments like this and testing the effect!

10. Home is far from home

More than anything else, hotel rooms should provide comfort, that same feeling of home away from home. No matter how luxurious the hotel is, what super technology is integrated, how weirdly themed the rooms are - comfort is a major factor. Carpets, curtains, fireplace, TV, as well as your favorite music - all this will allow your guests to spend the most unforgettable vacation in your hotel!

Now we will create a special tourist route - we will go to cities where hotels with unique interiors are located.

Any traveler is pleased when the hotel in which he stays is one of a kind. And when you know where such an exclusive hotel is located, it’s doubly pleasant.

Ready for a virtual trip? Then let's go!

Indigo, Shanghai

Packing your bags for Shanghai? Then we recommend booking a room at the Indigo Hotel. We are sure that the interior will not leave you indifferent.

Design bureau Hirsch Bedner Associates managed to combine modernism, minimalism, futuristic forms and Chinese motifs, modern European furniture with local ones in the hotel apartments.

Here, plain cold finishes, black marble and dark wood are softened by bright carpets and pillows, and light textiles.

The hotel is filled with art objects. The designers simply found some of them on the street and breathed new life into them.

Panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows offer views of China's Bund.

New Hotel, Athens

It is better to catch the rays of the Greek sun and eat juicy olives at the New Hotel in Athens.

Designers Fernando and Humberto Campana created a graphic, bright and slightly alien design.

The hotel begins to surprise you from the threshold - all the walls in the lobby are decorated with fragments of furniture and doors found in the hotel or just on the street.

Complex combinations of colors, materials and textures, old pieces of furniture and decor with modern objects create an eclectic interior.

Fans of theatrical themes will appreciate the rooms decorated with figures of traditional Greek shadow theater.

If you are a superstitious person, choose apartments with amulets against the evil eye.

Well, if you come to explore the local features of the Greek resort, choose a room with postcards of Athens related to the history of the city.

Graphic brass washbasins and panoramic ceiling-to-floor windows add luxury to the room.

Tree Hotel, Sweden

Make your childhood dream of spending the night in a treehouse come true at the Tree Hotel in Sweden.

There are 6 types of houses here - all in trees. Each of them with a fancy design.

To accommodate a family of 5 people, the “UFO” house in the shape of a flying saucer is suitable.

The space theme is also maintained inside: decoration, interior items and even bed linen are decorated with constellations and planets.

The “Human Nest” house is designed for a family of 4 people.

The outside is completely covered with branches, and the inside is decorated with light wooden panels, with small round windows. The room has a bedroom, bathroom and living room.

For those who prefer panoramic windows to ordinary walls, the Mirrorcube mirror house is suitable. The 4x4x4 meter cube consists of an aluminum frame around a tree trunk and...The walls are covered with mirrors.

The inside of the cube is decorated with light birch plywood, and the glass walls offer a beautiful panoramic view of the pine forest.

This glass hideaway has a double bed, a bathroom, a living room and a rooftop terrace.

The hotel offers a River View Cabin and a Blue Cone Cabin that sleeps up to 4 people.

Propeller Island City Lodge, Berlin

For thrill-seekers and those who are tired of standard hotel rooms, the doors of the Berlin art hotel are always open.

You can choose any of a dozen themed rooms, and don’t be surprised if one of the guests of this extraordinary hotel knocks on your door asking to see the room - this is normal!

At first you will be pleasantly shocked by the interior, then you will spend a long time looking at the furniture, details, accessories and delving into their concept for a long time.


Room in blue tones. The pieces of furniture are located on the ceiling, so you get the impression that you are in a parallel universe. Where to sleep? The sleeping places are below, under the floor, disguised by hatches.


Those who like to admire themselves in the mirror choose “Mirror Room”. All the walls consist of mirror surfaces, it seems that you are inside a kaleidoscope.

What do you think could be in a room with such a pleasant name “Freedom”? Inexplicable, but true - a prison cell.

The designers recreated the living conditions of prisoners to the maximum: bunks, a bathroom, a stool and a chest of drawers. The only difference from the real cell is that a hole has been punched in the wall for escape, where freedom awaits everyone.


In “Space-Cube” you find yourself in the times of medieval torture and executions - the guillotine above the bed - a handmade designer lamp - will always remind you of this.

Hotel Puerta América, Madrid

Where it will be especially pleasant to drink Spanish sangria is at the Hotel Puerta América. It's safe to say that this is not a hotel, but a work of art. 20 famous architects from around the world worked on it: Zaha Hadid, Norman Foster, Jean Nouvel, Arata Isozaki, Marc Newson, Ron Arad.

All 12 floors are different from each other - the designers created in their own individual manner. Only advanced technologies and materials were used in its creation: processed steel, aluminum, wood, leather, natural stone, unusual lighting systems.

The first floor project from Zaha Hadid is the absence of boundaries of walls, ceiling, floor, furniture, it is the fluidity of shapes and lines, where each object smoothly flows into another.

The second floor of Norman Foster - a contrast of black and white, the use of high-tech materials (steel, glass) mixed with classic coverings (leather, carpet).

London architect David Chipperfield used simple lines, exclusive decorative elements, and a combination of white and black marble on the third floor.

Each subsequent level is a new work of art, so some hotel guests move from floor to floor every day.

What is a hotel now? A place where you can stop, hide from life and touch something exclusive, unusual, unique. A place where a beautiful house and delicious tea will be done for you. And it will be even more pleasant to relax.

Designers create unique hotel interiors, and this only increases the desire to travel and discover something new.