Sketches of houses in pencil. How to draw a beautiful house with a pencil step by step with children

How to draw a house with a pencil step by step? In this article we will learn how to do this. It may seem that drawing a house is very difficult, but this is not at all the case.

We are drawing a house, not a house :) Therefore, we will draw with a side view without drawing volumetric figures. This will greatly simplify the drawing process; of course, if you feel strong enough, you can finish drawing volumetric elements house, that is, the second wall and draw the roof.

On paper we will depict the most ordinary village house, which can be found in almost every city in the world. So let's get started!

Step by step drawing example

We will draw with pencils, so stock up regular pencil, colored, eraser and sharpener. And, of course, paper.

Stage 1
The house will consist of two parts (you can see the finished drawing), draw a rectangle and divide it into two parts. Please note that the rectangle should not be divided in the middle, but slightly offset by left side.

Stage 2
In the second step we outline the roof and doorway. We designate the doorway so wide for a reason. The doorway is so wide because it will have not one door, but two.

Stage 3
Now we use a pencil to detail the roof and insert windows into our house. Windows do not have to be square; very often buildings have rectangular windows.

However, the windows must be at the same height, otherwise your building will turn out very unrealistic. You can even use a ruler for precise markings. And if you have a diamond eye, then you don’t have to use a ruler :)

Also, you need to draw a decorative strip along the entire bottom of the building.

Stage 4
We outline the windows and door with another line, this will give a little voluminous effect, despite the fact that our goal is not to draw a voluminous house.

A chimney must be depicted on the roof, otherwise where will Santa bring gifts for Christmas?

Stage 5
The fifth step is a very important step because it is time to detail the entire building. We insert the doors and draw a staircase under them. We insert glass into the windows, and also detail the roof and the lower, decorative strip of the building.

“This is the uncle with the beard. This is a house with a chimney. Well, what is this? Incomprehensible, wonderful..." Today guys with beards are rebuilding a house with a chimney. And they call their creations not “byaka - hardened biters”, but - houses of the future.

This is the first commandment of futurist architects. The second is functionality. One of the fans of these principles is Luigi Colani, a famous designer of passenger cars and trucks. Only after becoming more adept at pushing things that couldn’t be pushed into cars did Colani build his own house.

“I don’t think smaller houses are better. But small and crammed with technology is a different matter,” says the designer. In his house with the characteristic name “Rotor” not a single millimeter was hidden from the widespread functionality.

The Rotor is slightly larger in size than a garage, its area is only 36 square meters. m. The designer decided to save on corridors and other little-used elements of housing. And he squeezed all the necessary furniture into a rotating cylinder in the middle of a single room. It fits a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom (owners of Khrushchev apartments - think about it)! All decorative elements of Colani's house echo the soft forms of his cars.

However, smooth lines are generally a trend both in architecture and in the interior design of houses of the future. And the “Rotor” can be expanded by attaching another similar “house” to it. No wonder another principle of architecture tomorrow- mobility.

Ideas for simplifying houses were not taken out of thin air. The world's population is growing alarmingly fast, and natural resources are being depleted at the same rate. And then there’s this trendy topic of eco-friendliness!

Big houses- it's vulgar. To demonstrate your worth in this way - bad taste, says British architect Richard Hordan.

On efficient use Richard's spaces were inspired by airplanes. His house is a tiny cube with a side of three meters. But in its compactness and efficiency it is similar to a Swiss army knife. All furniture and appliances are built-in. To check how popular these cubes would be, an enterprising architect placed them on the territory of the Munich University of Technology and began renting them out to students.

The last ones liked the houses: the students are simple people.


Today, “homes of the future” are being built using computer-controlled tools. This reduces the risk of error. It happens like this. First, a module is made (something like Colani's "Rotor" room). And a large “apartment” building is built from ready-made modules. This cuts construction time in half. Plus, the entire structure is often made from recycled materials—durable and inexpensive.

Architect Steve Kieren, for example, believes that cellophane is the future. So he built himself a house from plastic bottles. Recycled, of course. His apartments are several blocks of transparent plastic. You can independently choose the equipment of such a house, rebuild and adjust the modules.

Such a house does not need power lines - it is powered by the Sun. At the same time, at night the house glows like Santa Claus’s hut on Christmas: LEDs that accumulate solar energy are placed everywhere.

The goal of the houses of the future is to save energy, so they themselves will be able to decide when to heat a particular room, and when, by opening the windows, naturally ventilate. For example, on the roof of designer Michelle Kaufmann's house there are new galvanic batteries that accumulate solar energy.

When they are equipped with special sensors, they will be able to calculate required amount electricity for a specific home themselves. They will decide what is more profitable in this moment— buy energy, or generate it yourself. And if there is an excess of electricity, the house itself will sell it to the outside.

“House on the Volga” is the romantic name given by Russian designers Pyotr A Kostelov, Alexey Lyalin, Andrey Tolstoy and Vladimir Kostelov to a large warehouse with boxes. However, this, of course, is just a deceptive appearance. Inner world“Houses on the Volga” is much richer: it is decorated with wood various breeds, cork, furnished with greenery. Modest and tasteful.

The house is located 140 km from Moscow and is a talented variation of the principle of Soviet dacha construction - “from what was.” Almost all popular finishing methods are used here: traditional (boards, lapped boards), modern (lining, imitation timber, blockhouse), exotic (finishing with round cuttings from shovels and bars of different sections). Needless to say, a very Russian embodiment of the principles of efficiency and environmental friendliness.

Mobile hotel

The concept called Drop Eco Otel was invented by the creative group In-Tenda, and brought to life by the Urban Square studio in the project of a mobile eco-hotel. It is a one-room capsule that can be “dropped” into any corner of the Earth, even the wildest. For example, onto a rocky coast or into wooded mountains.

The main materials used to create the hotel are wood and spherical glass, which can be opened on both sides, giving the effect of being in a large hollow log. And during installation, the hotel is slightly raised above the ground so that in the least possible way impact on environment. Needless to say, it’s a Greenpeaceist’s dream!

Electronic housekeepers

This is the real principle of the future. Futurologists promise that soon robots will appear in every home, taking over housekeeping. At least for “them” - for the happy citizens of post-industrial developed countries.
So, the houses of the future will be practically alive - they will have eyes, ears and even a brain.

Brian Conti, a programmer from Seattle, has already created such a house. The housekeeper in it is an electronic module with the regal name Cleopatra. She is responsible for comfort and safety. She is practically a member of the family: “Cleopatra” has her own face and voice. You can communicate with her through the monitor screen. This is the first generation of computers that will control the homes of the future.

To see the housekeeper's work in action, you just need to give her some command out loud: light the fireplace, say today's date, or turn on music in the living room. You can control Cleopatra using a special bracelet with an electronic microchip, which each family member has. But “Cleo” looks after the house not only with the help of radio signals. Its system has built-in motion and light detectors and caller ID. For example, when the family goes to bed, the electronic housekeeper will set the alarm and turn off the lights. Brian Conti's goal is to teach her complete independence, so that she herself can decide what to do, anticipating people's desires. One thing is unclear - how soon will “Cleopatra” seize power over the Conti family?

Microsoft programmers didn't lose face either. And although their electronic housekeeper does not have this noble name- her name is simply Grace - she is not one computer, but a whole network of devices located throughout the house. “Grace” is not visible, but she is always there. The Microsoft guys' program can project images onto the walls of any room.

And in the future, all the walls, as they promise, will be made of LEDs, like in New York's Times Square. And “Grace” will be able to project anything onto the walls: from standard wallpaper to movies from the Internet. You can also choose a special mode for guests. For example, in the “Grandmother” mode, the system will project her favorite photographs with her grandchildren, paintings or antique clocks onto the walls, table and ceiling.

And “Grace” can cook dinner. Or rather, help the hostess in this difficult task by offering several recipes from the database. They will appear directly on the table. “Knead the dough,” “Grace” commands. The program's developers hope this will make your life easier. Well, if you are not a very experienced housewife.

Miracle trees

This spring, a garden made of huge steel structures appeared in Singapore. Each of these “giant trees” is a separate bioclimatic station that generates solar energy, supplies air flow and accumulates rainwater. Real flowers grow on each one.

The project was commissioned by the Singapore National Parks Board by the British architectural bureau Grant Associates. The urban oasis covers an area of ​​about 1 sq. km, in a bay in the south of the island, where a unique living museum of world flora and fauna is located.

The mechanical forest consists of 18 supertrees ranging from 25 to 50 m in height. In addition to storing solar energy and water, their branched “crowns” also play the role of temperature regulators, absorbing and dissipating hot air. The 11 trees are equipped with solar photovoltaic systems, which generate electricity to provide light and water to two mega-greenhouses built in the shape of orchids. There is a grandiose collection of plants here - 220 thousand specimens brought from the most different corners planets.

Each green pavilion could fit four football fields, and their horticultural waste feeds a massive steam turbine that helps maintain the desired microclimate inside the greenhouses. Among other things, the most tall trees connected by bridges allowing passers-by to stroll at a bird's eye view.

The Supertrees project is part of a program to modernize the new city center. Its goal is to clearly illustrate the viability of autonomous artificial biological systems designed to withstand both climatic changes in nature and the destructive effects of humans on it.

Here, for example, is a mirror in the bathroom. The news of the day, your favorite TV series, or just good music. You can make a shopping list right on the refrigerator door. The data will be immediately transferred to the online store, and purchases will be delivered right to your door. Thanks to special labels with chips, the refrigerator will be able to monitor itself whether the food has expired. And if necessary, he will send the order to the store himself.

Instead of a bed, you will be offered to sleep in... a cocoon. It is something like a large, closing bed and is indispensable if children are allergic to dust or animal hair. The cocoon was also made to save on electricity: what is the point of heating the entire bedroom if you can maintain the desired temperature only in the place where a person sleeps?.. But the cocoon is also directly connected to the Internet. Goodbye laptop on the pillow!

A certain music lover client invited architect Robert Harvey Oschatz to build him a forest house in Portland, and not just a simple one, but a musical one. He wanted the building to become an architectural embodiment of music. In 2004, Oschatz presented the snail house, an example of environmental friendliness and soft forms.

Will there really be no place left on Earth someday? Who knows. But Patrick Lai from American company US Submarines is already offering us to live... in the depths of the sea. Not very deep - from 6 to 18 m, somewhere in the area of ​​​​coral reefs with their myriads of fish - and away from strong storms. The project is called “H2-house”, and US Submarines, which specializes in the production of private submarines, is not going to limit itself to one copy. She wants to build entire villages underwater.

If you don't like the sea, welcome to the sky. Renowned architect David Fisher designed the world's first rotating skyscraper, the Dynamic Tower, for Dubai.

This giant will change shape every second. According to the architect, this design best reflects modern life: Each apartment will be able to rotate 360 ​​degrees and rotate separately from the others. The speed is controlled by the owner himself. To get inside, residents will be able to use an elevator that runs through the exact center of the building, and then carefully exit on their rotating floor.

But if you want to live there, prepare $30 million: this is the approximate price of one apartment. But there will be no electricity bills - wind generators will be installed between floors. There are 79 of them for 80 floors - not a house, but an entire power plant! As the developers assure, excess electricity can even be sold to neighbors. By the way, almost the same skyscraper, according to Fisher, was going to be built in Moscow. So far, however, the miracle house has not yet been built, and when this will happen is unknown.

What about in Russia?

— There are several futuristic trends. These are bionics, environmental friendliness, closeness to nature, constructivism and functionality. Of course, the West is much more progressive in this regard. Here, of course, everything is more complicated,” says interior designer and decorator Ksenia Yasvina.

- For example, bionics. That is, by definition, these are natural forms. Often this principle is used in furniture, repeating the lines of trees, leaves, flowers, this is the absence of sharp corners in the interior. A very prominent representative of bionics in architecture was Antonio Gaudi. Among the modern ones is the famous Mexican designer, architect and great original Javier Senosian with his house “Nautilus”. For his love of natural forms and images, he is called a “bioorganic” architect. Or Villa Alexandra de Betak. Or Robert Oshatsu's famous Wilkinson House.

More “advanced” in terms of accepting such fashionable bionic interiors is the generation of fairly young people (up to about 45 years old), whose tastes were formed after perestroika, who saw things of a completely different aesthetic quality than those that were made in the USSR. However, in our country, unfortunately, a fairly large percentage of people still love pompous classics.

The concept of the Mexican designer, architect Javier Senosian - the Nautilus house

As for environmental friendliness, this is a difficult question. The idea of ​​recycling waste is taking root in our country with great difficulty, and it is, again, more likely to be young people who are progressive in this matter. Despite this, some domestic designers still use this principle. For example, they make furniture from recycled raw materials, say, plastic. They produce faucets that save water consumption as much as possible, household appliances, which saves energy. Young designers come up with chairs that turn into a hanger or a table.

Moreover, such things combine both functionality and excellent design - laconic, strict, modern. In general, laconic interiors are becoming increasingly popular. But constructivism in pure form Not everyone can withstand it as a permanent habitat and recreation. So in our country, too, not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. But as for houses made of transparent walls, I can’t help but smile.

Of course, aesthetically I really like it, but we must not forget that we live in Russia, and our climate is not very warm, and the time period when the room needs to be heated is very long. Meanwhile, such transparent rooms require very good heating. It is difficult to live in Russia on solar panels alone. But again, despite this, we are seeing more and more houses with panoramic glazing. It’s just that usually one or two walls are made panoramic.

In general, the unity of landscape with architecture and interior is a powerful trend today, both here and in the West. Abroad, houses appear that continue the natural landscape (hill houses, tree houses, etc.), and here, in turn, everything more projects with green facades, when the facades of the building are completely covered with plants. Of course, not everyone in our country can afford this. And yet this trend is gaining momentum and little by little it is becoming more accessible.

And the “smart home”, which has long become quite common in our country, is nothing more than the forerunner of new technologies in home maintenance - computerization and robotization. Fresh heads are also appearing in industrial design.

So we are not that far behind the West. So far, all these trends are reflected in private construction or in the construction of business-class houses, but little by little they are reaching mass development. For example, the issue of robotization of the construction process itself is now being actively discussed among engineers. I think that in ten years, new technologies will come to the homes of ordinary citizens.

You probably won't find a child who doesn't like to draw. Creative activities allow children to relax and express their dreams. It is much more interesting if such a process occurs together with parents. Quite often they ask how to draw a house so that it becomes for the child a real embodiment of family hearth and kindness.

Drawing a wooden structure

If a family lives in a city, then they only see stone buildings. Wooden structures, which are most often found in villages, are especially attractive.

How to draw a house step by step so that your child likes it and is realistic? The following sequence must be followed:

  • You need to take a sheet of paper and swipe with a simple pencil line in a horizontal direction. Then you need to draw a vertical stripe. This will become the future corner of the house.
  • Next you should move on to the image of the side wall. Its parts must intersect at the same point.
  • After this, you need to start applying the facades, where the walls should be connected in one place.
  • Now you need to draw the elements of the roof, depict the foundation, logs and top of the roof.

  • If desired, you can add windows and a door. The drawing can be left in black and white, shaded with a simple pencil.

You can also add trees or other landscape of your choice to the house. Here the child will be able to use his imagination. In conclusion creative process you need to erase the extra lines and decorate the structure at your discretion. The result will be an amazing house, the image of which can be hung in a frame or on the refrigerator.

Drawing of a house with several floors

How to draw a house that consists of several floors or, in other words, an apartment building? There is nothing difficult here either, if parents help their baby. First you need to draw a vertical “accordion”, or inverted steps. Then you need to draw the windows that are in the center of the accordion. There should be 3-4 such openings, depending on the height of the picture. On the side images you need to add curved lines that will serve as balconies. A door should be depicted below. It can be different, it depends on personal preferences.

At the next stage, you need to add volume to the house and remove unnecessary lines. But the most enjoyable process is coloring the resulting drawing. For this you will need colored pencils. The walls need to be yellow or Brown, the windows can be made in a blue tint, and different landscapes can be added.

House drawings for little ones

It is very important to teach the youngest children how to draw a house. Such children can be offered the following option:

  • First you need to draw a rectangle, with a triangle on top. These figures will serve as the facade and roof. You can use a ruler for this process.
  • Then you need to draw another triangle in the larger shape. On the left side of the roof you need to draw a pipe.
  • At the next stage, it is recommended to draw horizontal lines on the roof. This process can also be done using a ruler and a simple pencil.
  • Then you need to draw windows (usually two of them are drawn) and a door, which is located in the middle of the square base. You can also add a step at the bottom.
  • Next you need to move on to small details(window sills, bell, etc.).

When all the elements have been drawn, the child is allowed to move on to coloring the house. Here you can use your imagination and creative thinking.

If you know how to draw a house with a pencil step by step, you can teach your child to quickly and easily draw any structure. This will not only be an excellent developmental activity, but can also take first place in the joint leisure time of children and parents.

A step-by-step drawing of a house with colored pencils should have every element smooth and beautiful, so we definitely use a ruler in the image. You can freehand draw bushes around the house and a small window in the attic.

Necessary materials:

  • a set of colored pencils;
  • regular pencil;
  • black marker;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • paper.

Drawing steps:

1. First you need to draw a vertical line on a piece of paper. It will be the middle in the drawing. Then we draw the roof of the house. Outwardly, it will resemble a trapezoid. The horizontal line at the top will be shorter than the bottom. For convenience and simplicity, you can use a ruler.

2. Add a triangle vertex in the middle of the picture. In the future it will be an attic room with a small window.

3. Let’s finish drawing along the sides of the roof along one line. Then connect it to the main outline of the roof by drawing another short line at the bottom.

4. Then, you can draw an attic room with a window. To do this, we will first draw part of the square and then add an additional layer to our small roof.

5. In the middle of the square, draw a small and nice window. It can be of any shape. We chose a round window. It is unusual in shape and probably interesting to sit behind it and look out from the attic room.

6. Add another horizontal line at the bottom of the roof and connect it to the main contour. Let's complete the drawing main part houses - walls. The roof will be supported on them. Let's depict this part of the house as a square.

7. A necessary element in every home is the front door. In front of its image, we will draw a small rise in the form of a step to make it easier to enter the house.

8. Finish drawing with right side big window. You definitely need to draw a frame. Let's add window partitions.

9. Let's draw another one under the door step. Let's add green bushes around the house.

10. Use an eraser to remove all unnecessary lines and begin to outline our drawing. It is better to do this under the ruler.

11. First of all, let's decorate the roof of the house. Let's take a yellow pencil for this purpose.

12. For realism, you can draw highlights in the windows with blue and cyan pencils.

13. Paint the walls of the house in the lower part and in the attic with a brown pencil. The steps under the door will be the same color.

14. Use a red pencil to add color to the window frame and front door.

15. Use green pencils of two shades to decorate the greenery around the house.

There you go! See you soon!

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“How to draw a house?” - the question is not difficult; even a child who has already learned to hold a pencil and brushes can cope with this task. For adults, drawing a house created with your own hands is exciting creative activity, associated with simple arithmetic calculations. How to draw a house, step by step, you will learn from this article. The drawing is proposed to be simple, but it includes all the advantages of a real house located on a separate plot of land.

And as we see, in the picture, in addition to the house, there are trees, grass on which children and dogs frolic. This is a landscape environment that no residential building can do without. Nature, landscapes, orchards, ponds and fields are integral parts of any building. Therefore, the drawing should include the landscape adjacent to the house. An exception is made only for schematic and drawing drawings.

How to draw a house with a pencil

A house is an architectural structure that is erected according to certain construction laws, and its construction always begins with sketches and drawings. How to draw a house with a pencil step by step so that the drawing looks like real home? First of all, you need to follow the basic rules that govern the construction of residential buildings. First we build the walls, then we cover the house with a roof, after that we draw the doors and windows, and last but not least we draw the porch and pillars with a canopy. How to draw a house with a pencil step by step, so that the drawing is also beautiful and colorful? To do this you need to apply watercolor paints or multi-colored gouache. In this case the question is regarding how to draw beautiful house, is solved on its own, and in the future everything depends on your imagination and artistic abilities.

What tools and materials are needed to draw a house

To create a drawing of a house, you need to stock up on a sheet of white paper, pencils, a ruler and an eraser. To decorate your home you will need watercolors, gouache and felt-tip pens.

How to draw a house step by step for a comfortable stay

First you need to decide how many floors there will be in the house. In the one-story version, the drawing can be placed on a standard A4 sheet of paper. At the first stage, you need to use a ruler to determine the width of the house and its height to the roof. Draw a rectangle with a simple pencil, which will become the basis of the facade of the house. After this, you should mark the location of doors and window openings. This stage is the most critical. Proper placement of windows and doors is key to the architectural harmony of the entire front of the building. The eraser must be at the ready, since there will certainly be rearrangements.

Drawing of a small country house or mansion

The drawing of a small one-story house suggests a single door and two or three windows. The image of a tall and wide mansion would require a large double door on the ground floor, as well as at least four windows. The proportions of the house, with the correct placement of doors and windows, will begin to appear on their own during the drawing process. Hinged doors should be in harmonious combination with the windows; their visual relationship is of great importance.

Drawing of a house with an attic

How to draw a house with an attic? After the facade of the house is drawn, you can begin to depict the roof. The classic gable roof is ideal option for your drawing, it is easy to draw, besides, such a design assumes the presence of an attic in the attic, which means that the structure will become more stylish. The attic facade can be located above front door or above the central window. The attic roof, as a rule, is at the same level with the ridge of the main roof, sometimes lower. If in your drawing the ridge of the attic roof is higher than the level of the main roof, then it will no longer be an attic, but a mezzanine.

The roof of the house in your drawing can be depicted in two versions: simple, without frills, or elegant and beautiful. In the second case, it is necessary to paint it an exclusive coating. For small one-story mansions, scaly ceramic tiles are ideal. This coating gives the roof some fabulousness, and the whole house becomes elegant and festive.

Drawing of a two-story house

How to draw a house with two floors? This is not difficult if you have the outlines of the first floor ready, but there is no roof yet. The second floor is subject to its own architectural laws and, in order to comply with them, it is necessary to take the parameters of the first floor as a basis. The upper windows cannot be wider than the lower ones, but they can be depicted as shorter in the vertical plan. The second floor obeys strict laws architectural symmetry, which means that the three top windows should be drawn at equal distances from each other, with the middle one being exactly in the middle. If you decide to draw a balcony, then it must also be placed strictly in the center.

Upper part of a two-story house

The roof of a two-story house should be lower compared to the roof of a one-story building. As a rule, there is no attic above the second floor, only a smaller pseudo-copy of it, which is called a dormer window. The attic space of a two-story mansion is not spacious enough for an attic and similar premises. If desired, you can draw a small mezzanine in place of the attic, which will become an architectural decoration of the entire house.