Where to download ethnographic dictation questions. Great ethnographic dictation 2017

  1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is (select one correct option from the list below)
    1. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
    2. President of Russian Federation
    3. State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
    4. multinational people of the Russian Federation
    show Answer: multinational people of the Russian Federation
  2. Russia has historically developed as a multinational state. Determine the sequence of voluntary entry of the territories listed below into the Russian state, if it is known that the Republic of Khakassia is celebrating its 290th anniversary as part of Russia this year, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is celebrating its 385th anniversary.
    1. The Republic of Ingushetia
    2. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
    3. The Republic of Khakassia
    4. Udmurt republic
    show Answer: 4 - 2 - 3- 1
  3. Wooden architecture has a long history in Russia and, thanks to skilled craftsmen, is known far beyond its borders. It is not for nothing that the oldest Russian monastery, founded in the 10th century on Mount Athos, is called “Xylurgu”, which means “woodmaker”, “carpenter”. Masterpieces of wooden architecture are preserved in open-air museums in many regions of our country: in the Irkutsk region - in "Taltsy", not far from Veliky Novgorod - in "Vitoslavlitsy", in the Arkhangelsk region - in "Malye Korely".

    In which region is the world famous Kizhi Museum-Reserve located?
    (choose one correct option from the list below)?

    1. Republic of Karelia
    2. Sevastopol
    3. Udmurt republic
    4. Moscow
    show Answer: Republic of Karelia
  4. Match the names of sacred scriptures or sets of sacred texts, as well as types of temples with the traditional religions of Russia
    (write your answer in format A – 1; B – 2, etc.):
    A. Islam
    B. Buddhism
    B. Judaism
    G. Christianity
    1. Tripitaka, stupa
    2. Koran, mosque
    3. Tanakh, synagogue
    4. Bible, church
    show Answer: A - 2, B - 1, C - 3, D - 4.
  5. 65 years ago, Rasul Gamzatov wrote the poem “Soldiers of Russia” about the heroic crew of the T-34 tank, who accomplished a feat during the liberation of Crimea from the Nazi occupation in April 1944. The crew of the tank consisted of seven Russians and a representative of one of the peoples of the North Caucasus - Hero of the Soviet Union Magomed-Zagid Abdulmanapov. Below is an excerpt from this poem: Sleeping in Simferopol in a mass grave
    Seven Russians and ___???___, my fellow countryman.
    Above them is a tank, their soldier’s monument,
    Still retains traces of past attacks,
    And the country gratefully brought out
    Their names are on the marble slab.

    Fill in the missing word (choose one correct option from the list below):

    1. Chechen
    2. Avar
    3. Dargin
    4. Nogai
    show Answer: Avar
  6. Many Russian educators, who showed concern for the development of national languages, at the same time sought to introduce people to the all-Russian culture and history, taught love for both the small and large Motherland - Russia. Among them we can name the great educator of the Chuvash people, Ivan Yakovlev, and the Bashkir people, Miftakhetdin Akmulla. The name of Mikhail Chevalkov means a lot to Altaians and Teleuts.

    Determine which nation the enlightener Kayum Nasyri was the son of

    1. Tatars
    2. Mansi
    3. Ingush
    4. Udmurts
    show Answer: Tatars
  7. In Yakutsk in 2005, an unusual monument to the family was unveiled, personifying the friendship of Yakuts and Russians. The sculptural composition presents: the father is a Russian explorer and Cossack ataman, the mother is the Yakut beauty Abakayade Syuchyu, their son Lyubim.
    Name the father of the family - the great Russian explorer
    (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay
    2. Petr Semenov-Tien-Shansky
    3. Semyon Dezhnev
    4. Vitus Bering
    show Answer: Semyon Dezhnev
  8. Appaz Iliev is the oldest person in Russia. On March 1, 2017, he turned 121 years old. In his recent interview, answering the question of what is most important today for residents of multinational, multimillion-dollar Russia, the centenarian said: “Russians must always tell the truth, live with justice, then there will be benefits. If you live in truth today, then tomorrow you will have a normal life. (...) Today we have a fair ruler in our country, take all the good from this situation.” In the native village of the oldest man, 43 families live, and all have the same surname - the Ilievs.

    Name the region where this village is located
    (choose one correct option from the list below).

    1. Nizhny Novgorod Region
    2. Orenburg region
    3. The Republic of Ingushetia
    4. Altai region
    show Answer: The Republic of Ingushetia
  9. It is known that the outstanding Russian poet A.S. Pushkin was greatly influenced by his nanny Arina Rodionovna, who, according to one version, was of Finno-Ugric origin and was from the village of Lampovo in Ingria. Currently, Ingrians live mainly in Russia.
    Indicate in which regions (choose the two correct options from the list below).
    1. Kaliningrad
    2. Udmurt republic
    3. St. Petersburg, Leningrad region
    4. Republic of Karelia
    show Answer: 3, 4.
  10. In the 20th century in our country, among the masters of folk crafts that were previously considered “male”, outstanding masters – women – appeared. The first woman in Dagestan to devote herself to metal jewelry processing was Manaba Omarovna Magomedova. The first female engraver in Chukotka was Vera Aromke Emkul. The first artist of Palekh lacquer miniatures was Sofya Mikhailovna Golikova (Vakurova).
    Name the famous folk craft in which Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya) worked - the first woman initiated into the secret of applying designs from a special alloy on metal
    (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. brazed filigree
    2. artistic bone carving
    3. Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver
    4. Dymkovo toy
    show Answer: Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver
  11. “Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern - a man and a steamship” - the well-known words of the postman Pechkin from his favorite children's cartoon. Under the command of Admiral I.F. Kruzenshtern made the first Russian trip around the world. Ivan Fedorovich was the first to map most of the coast of Sakhalin and describe the life and customs of the indigenous inhabitants of this island.
    List them among the peoples listed below
    (choose the two correct options from the list below).
    1. Udmurts
    2. Nivkhs
    3. Lezgins
    show Answer: Nivkhs, Ainu.
  12. Tatar craftswomen made raisin (iliza) fabric bibs for women's clothing, skillfully decorating them with silk and gold-woven ribbons. Raisins were worn only by married women.
    For what purpose (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. just to show wealth
    2. for wind protection
    3. exclusively as decoration
    4. hide the chest slit of a woman's dress
    show Answer: hide the chest slit of a woman's dress
  13. One of the most famous military pilots of the Great Patriotic War, a Lak on his father and a Crimean Tatar on his mother, at the age of 25 became twice Hero of the Soviet Union. In total, during the war he made 603 combat missions, conducted 150 air battles, in which he personally shot down 30 enemy aircraft and as part of a group, 19.
    Say his name (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Amet-Khan Sultan
    2. Vladimir Kokkinaki
    3. Alexey Maresyev
    4. Alexander Pokryshkin
    show Answer: Amet-Khan Sultan
  14. The dances of each people of Russia have made a unique contribution to the culture of our country. At the same time, folk art has a lot in common, for example, circle dances: among the Buryats it is yokhor, among the Ossetians it is simd, among the Russians it is round dance.
    What is the name of a similar dance among the Lezgins (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. yally yar
    2. Karagod
    3. lady
    show Answer: yalli yar
  15. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the French army called the representatives of this people “Northern Cupids” for their masterly archery. Who are we talking about (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Russians
    2. Karelians
    3. Bashkirs
    4. Kchechens
    show Answer: Bashkirs
  16. One of the most famous collectors of Russian fairy tales was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. He published more than 70 articles devoted to the study of fairy tales of the Russian people, including “Grandfather Brownie”, “Zoomorphic deities among the Slavs”, “Poetic legends about the heavenly luminaries”. In addition, A.N. Afanasyev published the collection “Russian Folk Tales”.
    Indicate how many fairy tales are included in this collection (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. 60000
    show Answer: 600
  17. Altai folk storytellers, kaichs, accompany their narration with the accompaniment of an unusual instrument reminiscent of a dombra - topshura. This instrument is made from a single piece of wood sacred to the Altai people - cedar.
    What are the strings for this instrument made of (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. leather
    2. horsehair
    3. from nettle
    4. from the veins and intestines of animals
    show Answer: horsehair
  18. In the traditional cuisine of many peoples of Russia there are drinks made from sour milk: the Tatars, Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Altaians and others have katyk, ayran, kumys; among the Chechens and Ingush - yetshura.
    What is the name of a fermented milk drink in traditional Russian cuisine (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. suorat
    2. Varenets
    3. yogurt
    show Answer: Varenets
  19. The defense of this fortress - from the morning of June 22 until September 1941 - is an example of fearlessness, valor and heroism of the Soviet people. It has been established that soldiers of more than 30 nationalities fought to the death here, demonstrating loyalty to the friendship of the peoples of our multinational Motherland.
    What fortress are we talking about (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Brest Fortress
    2. Kronstadt Fortress
    3. Peter-Pavel's Fortress
    4. Oreshek fortress
    show Answer: Brest Fortress
  20. It is known that by decree of Peter I the holy book of Muslims, the Koran and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad were translated into Russian for the first time.
    And by whose decree was the Koran first published in printing using public funds (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Catherine II the Great
    2. Ivan IV the Terrible
    3. Vladimir the Great
    4. Yaroslav the Wise
    show Answer: Catherine II the Great
  21. Saint Innocent (Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, Archbishop of Kamchatka, Kuril and Aleutian spent many years in the Far East of Russia, traveling on dogs and reindeer across the northern lands. With his meekness and friendliness, he earned the love of the Aleuts, Koryaks, Chukchi and Tungus, built schools for them, taught children himself, and for the first time explored the life and traditions of these indigenous peoples.
    Indicate the city one of the founders of which the saint was and the name to which he gave (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Blagoveshchensk
    2. Moscow
    3. Vladimir
    4. Vladivostok
    show Answer: Blagoveshchensk
  22. “Samoyed”, “Dzhigit”, “Kalmyk”, “Yakut” are:
    1. historical names of ships of the Russian navy
    2. names of settlements
    3. names of folk dances
    4. methods of tying marine rigging knots
    show Answer: historical names of ships of the Russian navy
  23. Bely Island is located in the Kara Sea and is the northernmost territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. For the Nenets it has long been sacred. It was forbidden to set up tents and take women to the island: according to local beliefs, the owner of the island, Sir Irik, really did not like this.
    Sir Irik is translated into Russian as (select one correct option from the list below):
    1. White Tsar
    2. White Old Man
    3. White Wind
    4. White Hunter
    show Answer: White Old Man
  24. Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of family and marriage. What city was their life connected with (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. with Vladimir
    2. with Murom
    3. with Suzdal
    4. with Moscow
    show Answer: with Murom
  25. From which of the ancient cities of Crimea did the spread of Christianity in Rus' begin (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Korsun (Chersonese settlement in Sevastopol)
    2. Cafe (Feodosia)
    3. Panticapaeum (Kerch)
    4. Kerkinitida (Evpatoria)
    show Answer: Korsun (Chersonese settlement in Sevastopol)
  26. Representatives of this people dug their homes on the slope of a hill or mountain, making an entrance-corridor from the side of the river. Such a building was called “karamo” and often it was possible to swim into it only by boat.
    Representatives of which people are characterized by such buildings (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Ossetians
    2. Yakuts
    3. Selkups
    4. Tatars
    show Answer: Selkups
  27. In the Nizhny Novgorod region there is Lake Svetloyar, with which the legend of Kitezh-grad is associated.
    People have settled along the shores of the lake since the 17th century (choose one correct option from the list below):
    1. Mari
    2. Udmurts
    3. Russians
    4. Tatars
    show Answer: Russians
  28. This religious building was erected in 1823 in Moscow on the territory of the Tatar Settlement in memory of the heroism of Muslim soldiers shown in the Patriotic War of 1812. It was closed in 1939 and reopened in 1993.
    Name it (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Complex of Inam and Yardyam mosques in Otradnoye
    2. Cathedral of Christ the Savior
    3. Pokrovsky Stauropegial Convent
    4. Moscow historical mosque
    show Answer: Moscow historical mosque
  29. The military topographer Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev and the hunter, a native inhabitant of the Ussuri region, Dersu Uzala, walked together many kilometers of the taiga and became good friends. VC. Arsenyev wrote two books about his guide: “Across the Ussuri Region” and “Dersu Uzala”.
    What nationality did Dersu Uzala consider himself to be (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Russians
    2. Greek
    3. Chechen
    4. gold
    show Answer: gold
  30. Who is the author of the lines:
    “Forgetting my native language - I will go numb. Having lost Russian, I will become deaf” show Answer: Tanzilya Zumakulova

International educational campaign
"Great ethnographic dictation - 2018"

“Believe in Russia, love her,
and she will be your mother"

Ivan Yakovlev,

Topic “1. Socio-political and legal spheres of implementation of the state national policy of the Russian Federation"

1. “We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by a common destiny on our land...” - what state document begins with these words?

A. Declaration of State Sovereignty of the RSFSR

B. Constitution of the Russian Federation

B. Federal Law “On guarantees of the rights of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation”

G. Federal Law “On National-Cultural Autonomy”

Correct answer: B

2. From what government source is it officially known about the number of nationalities and languages ​​in the Russian Federation?

A. Information from state tax authorities

B. Passport registration of citizens and registration at place of residence

B. State census

G. Information from the Russian Academy of Sciences

Correct answer: B

3. Which of the following corresponds to the goals of the state national policy of Russia?

A. All peoples of Russia retain their identity and form a Russian civil nation

B. Civil identity leads to the disappearance of the peoples of Russia

B. The preservation of culture and identity is provided only for certain peoples of Russia

D. Solving the priority problems of the Russian economy

Correct answer: A

Topic “2. Administrative-territorial structure of the country, national-cultural development in the conditions of the federation, geographical information about the cultural diversity of Russia and its regions"

4. Russia is a federal state and consists of equal subjects - republics, territories, regions, federal cities, autonomous regions, autonomous districts. How many republics are there in the Russian Federation?

Correct answer: B

5. According to the current law, ethnic communities of small numbers are recognized as indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russia. What is this number?

A. One thousand people

B. Ten thousand people

B. Fifty thousand people

D. One hundred thousand people

Correct answer: B

Topic “3. Historical information about the cultural diversity of Russia and its regions

6. Which of the world-famous researchers made a special contribution to the ethnographic study of the peoples of Eastern Siberia?

A. Fyodor Ivanovich Miller (1705-1783), author of many works, including “On the peoples who lived in Russia from ancient times”

B. Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklouho-Maclay (1846-1888), conducted pioneering research on the peoples of Southeast Asia, Australia and Oceania

V. Nikolai Nikolaevich Kharuzin (1865-1900), one of the founders of Russian ethnography, studied the Sami, Finns, Khanty, Mansi

G. Dmitry Ivanovich Anuchin (1843-1923), resolved the issue of the source of the Volga

Correct answer: A

7. The oldest mosque in Russia, built in 733-734, and included in the UNESCO World Heritage Register, is located in the city:

A. Bolgar

B. Astrakhan

V. Derbent

G. Kazan

Correct answer: B

8. Which of the Turkic peoples of Russia names itself in honor of one of the Golden Horde khans of the 13th century?

A. Kumyki

B. Nogais

G. Karachays

Correct answer: B

Topic “4. State language of the Russian Federation, state languages ​​of the republics, native and other languages"

9. In which territory is Russian the official language?

A. In all subjects of the Russian Federation except autonomous okrugs and republics

B. In all subjects of the Russian Federation except the republics

B. In those subjects of the Russian Federation that have their own laws on state languages

D. Throughout the Russian Federation without exception

Correct answer: G

10. Are the rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation limited by law if the citizen does not know or does not know enough the state language?

A. Knowledge of the state language gives the right to vote in elections of candidates to state authorities and local self-government

B. Knowledge of the state language determines the basic political, economic, social and cultural rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation

B. The basic political, economic, social and cultural rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation do not depend on knowledge of any language

D. Knowledge of the state language determines cultural rights for citizens

Correct answer: B

A. About 50 languages

B. Up to 100 languages

B. Up to 200 languages

D. Over 200 languages

Correct answer: G

Topic “5. Material cultural heritage of Russia"

12. What does the name of the Russian doll “Matryoshka” mean?

A. The name of a girl who wears bright makeup and attracts attention

B. A peasant mother with many children with a portly figure

V. Based on the name of the village of Matera from the story by Valentin Rasputin

G. By the name of a Soviet cartoon character

Correct answer: B

13. What is the name of the ancient jewelry technique of folk craftsmen of the Kostroma region, which is an openwork or wire pattern in the form of frosty patterns?

A. Chainmail weaving

V. Filigree, filigree

Correct answer: B

14. Why do groves have special significance for the Mari?

A. They were sung by one of the creators of the Mari literary languages

B. These are places of public prayer

V. The capitals of the Mari principalities were located there

D. These are museum-reserves of folk architecture

Correct answer: B

15. What traditional folk craft of the Urals has received universal recognition and continues to this day?

A. Stone-cutting and lapidary production

B. Dymkovo toy

V. Zhostovo painting

G. Khokhloma

Correct answer: A

16. In a traditional log hut, the roof is placed “on the males”. What it is?

A. Wide slopes of the roof, similar to the wings of birds

B. Roof with supports in the form of figures in the manner of ancient statues

B. Roof without rafters

G. Roof decorated with carvings

Correct answer: B

17. Name the settlement where the famous center of the Chukchi-Eskimo bone carving industry is located

A. Komsomolsk-on-Amur

B. Khabarovsk

V. Whalen

G. Salekhard

Correct answer: B

Topic “6. Intangible cultural heritage of Russia"

18. There is a Russian proverb: “The first pancake is lumpy.” But in fact it sounded like “the first damn komam.” Who were the “comas” for whom pancakes were baked in the spring to appease?

B. Bears

Correct answer: B

19. What is “pel-nyan” or bread ear in Udmurt?

A. Pleten

V. Pelmen

G. Ancient money of the population of the Urals

Correct answer: B

20. What do the Bashkirs and Tatars treat (welcome) newlyweds to make the life of a young family rich and happy?

A. Bread and salt

B. Chuck-chuck

B. Butter and honey

G. Echpochmak

Correct answer: B

21. Enamel is a Russian folk craft that has existed since the 18th century in the Yaroslavl and Vologda regions. What does enamel look like?

A) A work of art made using glassy powder, enamel

B) Clay whistle toy

B) Wood carving

D) Openwork weaving of gold threads, reminiscent of frosty patterns

Correct answer: A

22. In the old days in Rus', women's headdresses were distinguished between married and maiden ones. What was the difference?

A. They were no different, these are fictions

B. For married women, the headdress completely covered their hair

B. Married women wore only down scarves

G. Girls' scarves were always made of silk

Correct answer: B

23.What does the traditional name “syrok” mean in the Urals?

A. Peled fish, a valuable commercial species of whitefish

B. Culinary dish

B. Type of mushrooms

G. Autumn wind

Correct answer: A

24. Where and when did the artistic Kasli casting originate, the cast iron elements of which were coated with black paint “Dutch soot”?

A. In Crimea in Scythian times

B. In the Urals at the end of the 18th century

B.During the Mongol invasion in Central Asia

G. In Alaska during the rule of the Russian Empire

Correct answer: B

25. Tsagan Sar is one of the favorite holidays among the Kalmyks of Russia. The name of the holiday is translated as “white month” because the white color means purity, light and goodness. People wear their best clothes, prepare the best dishes for guests. What is celebrated during Tsagan Sar?

A. Buddha's birthday

B. Beginning of spring

B. The coming of winter

D. Driving farm animals to pastures

Correct answer: B

26. Which item of clothing did the Kuban Cossacks borrow from the neighboring Caucasian peoples:

A. Burka, Circassian

B. Bloomers and sash

V. Cap

Correct answer: A

27. Which people have towel wrestling as a traditional sport?

A. Bashkirs

B. Armenians

V. Circassians

Correct answer: A

28.What dish in the form of a round open pie appeared in Western Siberia along with Russian settlers?

A. Shanga - a traditional savory pie of the Russian North filled with pea porridge

B.Vatrushka - ancient Slavic flatbread filled with cottage cheese

V. Kurnik - Russian pie or “king of pies” with a large number of fillings from porridge, cabbage, meat, mushrooms

G. Kulebyaka - old Russian multi-layer pie made from meat, cabbage, buckwheat porridge, eggs, fish

Correct answer: A

29. What is used as a traditional watch among the nomadic peoples of Siberia?

A. Periods of insect activity

B. Dog barking

B. Rays of the sun penetrating through the smoke hole of the home

D. Frequency of appearance of wild animals near domestic deer

Correct answer: B

30. To protect meat from midges in the traditional dwellings of the peoples of Siberia, the product is hung. Why doesn't meat spoil?

A.Located in a ventilated place

B.Remains frozen

B.Exposed to smoke from the fireplace

D. Children and women drive away midges

Correct answer: B

Dear participant of the Great Ethnographic Dictation! Thank you for participating in the event and we remind you that the results will be summed up by November 27, 2018. You can find out your result by your identification number (indicated on the answer form) on the website of the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs http://fadn.gov.ru/ or on the promotion website http:// miretno. ru/ . Good luck!

In Moscow, the main venue was Pashkov’s house, including officials from the presidential administration and cultural figures. The dictation was also held on board the ISS, on an icebreaker in the Murmansk region and for the first time in Crimea. In each region, 10 questions were devoted to local traditions and culture. For example, in Vladivostok many were puzzled by the question of what color stripes the Ussuri Cossacks wore.

The dictation took place in one of the most multinational regions of Russia. Naryn-Kala Citadel visiting card of Derbent. Historical and cultural monument of world significance. The city is rightfully considered one of the oldest in Russia; its residents recently celebrated their 2000th anniversary. The ethnographic dictation took place on the territory of the fortress.

Every building inside is an architectural monument. They decided to hold the dictation next to the guardhouse; this building was built at the beginning of the 19th century for the garrison of the tsarist troops. Anyone could participate, regardless of gender and age. At the same desk one could meet famous athletes, honored teachers, schoolchildren and officials of various ranks.

This is the second ethnographic dictation on knowledge of the cultures and traditions of Russians. There are more than 190 indigenous peoples in the country, and Dagestan alone is home to a third of this list. At all times, this region was called the “mountain of languages.” So, perhaps, many today heard for the first time that Karata residents live in Russia. The number of all Karata residents taken together is comparable to the number of residents of a small town - about 10 thousand people.

Khizri Asadulaev, sculptor, poet, writer: “We speak to each other in the Karata language, with the Avars in the Avar language, with the Russians and with other peoples in the Russian language.”

Which language is included in the Guinness Book of Records due to the number of cases? Last time, almost all dictation participants called this question tricky. Tabasarans, one of the nationalities of Dagestan, use 46 cases in their speech. Linguists consider this language one of the most complex in the world.

Marina Gasanova, Director of the Center for the Study of Native Languages ​​at DSU: “The Tabasaran language has specific sounds that are absent even in other Dagestan languages, not to mention European languages, including Russian. For example, bride fuf, or jackal fufmyak, this is such a feature of the Tabasaran language.”

There are still 30 questions in this year's dictation. According to the participants, there are only a few difficult ones this time. For example, a dispute about what Sabantuy is brought the participants to unexpected frankness.

: “This is a holiday, not a dish, my husband is a Muslim.”

Participant in ethnographic dictation: “And I have a lover!”

The total number of points that can be scored for correctly completing all tasks is exactly 30, that is, one for each correct answer. The results will be announced on the occasion of Russian Constitution Day.

It's a pleasure to take part in an event that is held throughout Russia! Just like that, without any coercion, of your own free will, at the behest of your soul. This is not the first time that I, accompanied by the perplexed glances of my neighbors: “Do you need it?”, early in the morning, in a crowded transport, among gloomy people hurrying to work, am going to write another dictation. This time - ethnographic. Probably not everyone knows what it is "Ethnography" and who are "ethnographers" - there is such a profession. I will contact the site "Ucheba.ru"

"The main method of ethnography is a direct observation of the life and customs of the peoples of the globe, their settlement and cultural and historical relationships, with their subsequent analysis. Since ethnography studies modern peoples not only in their existing form, but also in their historical and cultural development, ethnogenesis and the history of the formation of social institutions, written and material sources are also used."

"Ethnographers- humanitarian specialists of a wide profile. They must have a good knowledge of the history, geography, and languages ​​of the ethnic groups they study. In addition to English, you need to have a good command of one or two more modern foreign languages ​​or the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia. Core disciplines - anthropology (including medical), archeology, anthropology of religion and others. The most interesting thing in the educational process is summer ethnographic expeditions."

Employment. “Many ethnographers, after graduating from university, remain in science: they enter graduate school, teach at universities or schools. However, such prospects, of course, do not appeal to everyone, and the careers of many specialists develop in completely different fields from journalism to departmental archives. There are quite unexpected areas of application specializations: some, for example, help engineers develop technologies that are suitable for residents of different regions. In this case, ethnographers determine how the average citizen's day goes, how he communicates with others - this is how the company's products can be optimized."

Now that I have introduced you to the concept of “ethnography,” I will tell you about dictation. We arrived at the KubSU site in a “small group”, or rather me, my son Ivan and Liliya Pavlovna Kazantseva - the main ideological inspirer of all our extracurricular activities. Even during registration, we received participant certificates stating that we wrote a dictation. But the results will be clear only on December 12. The correct answers will appear a little earlier - November 10th.

The audience was filled with mostly schoolchildren who, despite the holidays, came to test their knowledge. There were only three adults in our classroom: me, the student’s parent, and two geography teachers. It was very pleasant to meet Natalya Maratovna Ovsyannikova again, without whom not a single significant educational event in the city takes place.

And now a little more about the dictation itself, more precisely, about the questions that seriously made me think, and again because of their ambiguity:

Let's start with the fact that the Tatar married women were required to cover their hair, neck, shoulders, and back. Fabric bibs were worn under the dress with the help of straps and secured around the neck (or shoulders). This can be considered as a kind of man's shirtfront. It seems that based on this we can conclude that the correct answer is “to hide the chest section of a woman’s dress.”
But this same bib also served as “protection from the wind”? But why did only married women wear it? Don't young people need to hide from the wind?
And if you take into account that women decorated the bib with various embroideries. appliqués, and the richer the woman, the richer the embroidery... And only the words “Only...” and “exclusively...” made me reject answer options 3 and 4 as correct.Agree, the question is far from ambiguous.

Now the next question:

But here you need to “turn on the guessing game.” The fact that there are not 6 or 60,000 fairy tales is a no brainer, but what about the other numbers? The point is that several collections of “Russian Folk Tales” were published, one of them is a lightweight version, consisting of 61 fairy tales, and the other is a four-volume set, each volume contains approximately 150 fairy tales, that is, 600...

A question that just made me stunned. The fact is that dances, settlements, ships, and sea knots bear such names. Well, to be more precise, not literally. but the fact itself...

And this is just a sweet question! It can be turned to any answer option.

Probably only the laziest historian did not write about Russian Atlantis. And everyone has their own version of the existence of Kitezh-grad. In short, it was like this: The third son of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod Yuryevich Big Nest - Georgy Vsevolodovich found a beautiful place on the shores of Lake Svetloyar and in three years (from May 1, 1165 to September 30, 1168) built the city of Bolshoi Kitezh. (Maly Kitezh was built a little earlier on the banks of the Volga).

And surprisingly, the city disappeared, but the chronicle remained. And everyone interprets it in their own way. Russian realist writer, publicist, ethnographer and fiction writer Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov-Pechorsky translated the text “Kitezh Chronicler”:

“And even lower, beyond the Kama, the steppes spread out, the people there are different: although they are Russian, they are not the same as in the Verkhovye. There is a new settlement there, and in the Trans-Volga Upper Reservoir, Rus' has since ancient times settled in forests and swamps. Judging by the people’s dialect, the Novgorodians are ancient Rurik times settled there."

And although the Mongol-Tatars contributed to the disappearance of the city, and then even lived a little on the shores of the lake, it is possible that the descendants of those same conquerors still live in those parts...

Great Mother Rus'! Many peoples have mixed over the centuries; there was a time when the answer to the question “nationality” was “Soviet”. Now people are beginning to restore their roots, resurrect traditions, and this is exactly what ethnographers are doing.

At home, after reading the blog post GEOGRAPHIC "Great ETHNOGRAPHIC dictation: how it was, or There are many peoples - one country!" and comments on it, I was very upset that many were unable to take the test online due to a network failure. Naturally, I couldn’t resist and tried to register and take the test again, especially since the questions were different. I got it right the first time. There are, of course, repeating questions, but the answer options are different. And, since I DO NOT know whether I answered the questions in the audience correctly, I think taking the dictation again is correct. And here is my result.

It’s worth saying one more thing. that the questions of the Great Ethnographic Dictation were provided by the organizer of the action - the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs and include 20 federal and 10 regional.

On the eve of National Unity Day, November 3, 2017, the cultural and educational event “Great Ethnographic Dictation” will be held in all regions of the country.

The uniqueness of Russia lies in its national diversity. There are 193 peoples living in our country. How well do we know their history, customs, traditions, culture? To answer these questions, a Great Ethnographic Dictation is being conducted.

This year the event received international status - Rossotrudnichestvo joined in its organization. Therefore, not only residents of Russia, but also compatriots abroad will be able to check the level of ethnographic literacy.

The organizer of the “Great Ethnographic Dictation” is the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs.

Our official VKontakte group: , .

Last year, almost 90 thousand people wrote the “Great Ethnographic Dictation”: 35 thousand in person and more than 50 thousand online. The youngest participant in the Dictation was a 12-year-old girl from the Ulyanovsk region, the oldest was an 80-year-old man from Mordovia. The average score for the Dictation across the country was 54 points out of 100 possible.

A trial test is also already available, after passing which the participant receives points. The maximum possible number of points is 100. The questions for the test were taken from 2016.

Anyone can become a participant in the Dictation. It is enough to contact any regional site for writing it, regardless of place of residence, or to the foreign representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo. Their addresses can be found on the website