Cultural and educational scientific exhibition work of museums. Scientific and educational work

Scientific and educational work of the museum.

For Defender of the Fatherland Day, our young visitors (kindergarten pupils and primary schoolchildren) were given an excursion “Military Hats”. The guys saw interesting exhibits: a budenovka, a cap, a cap, a helmet.

We learned the history of the creation of the headdress of a Red Army soldier, why the cap was called a cap, and why a cap needs ribbons.

For older children (middle and high school age), a lecture “Afghanistan” was held. The listeners were briefly introduced to the recent history of this country and told about the tasks of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan. A significant place is occupied by the story about fellow countrymen (Novo-Altai guys) who died in that war.

The museum took part in an exhibition of goods manufacturers consumer consumption Novoaltaisk "Our Products". When visiting our corner, people found themselves in a room from the mid-20th century. Many visitors looked with interest at the interior items of that time: a gramophone, a KVN TV with a magnifying glass. We admired the skillfully embroidered napkins and towels. They found similarities with objects from their childhood and youth.

Some people came to the museum after visiting our corner of the exhibition.

Fund work of the museum.

Fund work includes: acquisition, accounting, storage and study of heritage objects. The museum fund is replenished mainly by donors and city residents.

This year, a resident of our city, Svetlana Konstantinovna Nikolaeva, was given a towel. It is made of linen, woven by the donor's grandmother. It was kept about a hundred years ago in the family and was used during wedding ceremonies. It became a “pearl” in museum collection“Towels and towels.”

Of particular value are the 18 postage stamps that were issued for the 100th anniversary of his birth (1870-1970). Each brand is roughly divided into 2 parts. On the right side are reproductions of paintings Soviet artists, reflecting the life and work of his house-museum in the city of Ulyanovsk, in the left quote from the works and speeches of Vladimir Ilyich.

The last, most interesting exhibits: photographs, copies of documents, etc., were donated to the museum from Valery Alekseevich Polyanin, local historian, deputy. editor of the newspaper “Our Novoaltaisk”, an honored cultural worker, and they came to him from the “Obelisk” search team.

The search team "Obelisk" from the city of Moscow, the commander of the team, Mikhail Mikhailovich Polyakov, has been conducting search expeditions in the city for 18 years. In those places where the Great Patriotic War took place, missing soldiers were found. During the entire search activity of the detachment, the remains of about 2,000 defenders were found, the names of only 58 could be established. 32 families of dead soldiers were also found.

In one of the search expeditions in the Temkinsky district of the Smolensk region, near former village In Berezki, the guys from the detachment found the remains of 28 Red Army soldiers. Among their personal belongings, 2 medallions were found. After reading them, with the help of a criminologist, we were able to identify 4 names. Among them is the name of Mikhail Kapitonovich Belinov, born in 1912, a native of the village of Bazhovo, Barnaul district. Participant in the battles in the Tyomkinsky district of the Smolensk region in 1942.

No one will be indifferent to such a wonderful exhibit as the souvenir radio “Echo”, which was made in the USSR in the 80s of the 20th century; it still runs on batteries. The case is made in the form of a bright red box and painted with gold patterns; at the very top there is a stylized gramophone trumpet.

The doors of our museum are always open to visitors and donors, and every newly brought exhibit, historical or cultural monument, will be preserved for posterity.

Exhibition activities of the museum.

Visitors of all ages will be interested to know amazing facts from the history of simple things that surround us in everyday life - mirrors, combs, buttons, as well as various decorations.

From March 16, the museum will open an exhibition of artist Viktor Ivanovich Igoshin. He paints portraits, landscapes, still lifes, and creates compositions. His works made of wood, mainly sculpture, are also attractive.

We invite everyone to the museum.

The Samara City Public Museum was originally conceived as “an institution that would be formed for the purpose of the mental and moral development of society” 1 7 . By the preparatory commission, which was created by the Samara City Duma to develop proposals for the anniversary of the reign of Alexander the Second, the Museum was recognized as an institution that also met the needs of Samara society.

The same report of the Preparatory Commission emphasized that museums are one of the most effective means of public education and are recognized as one of the best ways bringing necessary and useful knowledge to the masses.

Therefore, the Samara Museum was considered not just as a repository of aesthetic and scientific samples and technical experience, but first of all, the Museum and museum collection was considered as a primary source of knowledge, used for education and satisfying curiosity. That is, as the Preparatory Commission determined, the Samara Museum was supposed to “have an educational character and at the same time serve as a means of studying the Samara region in relation to natural, agricultural, industrial, technical, historical and archaeological.” 18

These goals of a cultural and educational nature were reflected in the projects of P.V. Alabin in 1880 and 1886. In the project of 1886, these goals were revealed much wider and deeper. As already mentioned, the Samara City Public Museum had the so-called. “special goal” - “visual acquaintance with the Samara region in relation to: anthropological, historical, geographical, with its living and plant world, agriculture and industry (factory, craft, factory, handicraft).” In addition, the Museum was given the task of “developing aesthetic taste in its visitors not only with the exhibited works of art, but also with samples and models of existing and invented tools and those that serve to facilitate labor.” 19

Therefore, we can say that the main activity of the Samara Museum was primarily cultural and educational activity, and the collection, the formation of which the Museum was engaged in throughout its existence, was the means of this activity. The main method of cultural and educational activities of the Samara Museum was the exhibition of museum objects.

Naturally, the cultural and educational activities of museums are not limited to the exhibition of museum objects.

It should be mentioned that on November 15, 1886 (two days after the official opening of the Samara City Public Museum) the “Draft of the normal charter of provincial zemstvo natural history museums, developed by the St. Petersburg Society of Naturalists” was published, which contained the tasks and main activities of natural history museums.

The scientific objectives of the Museum, which consisted of the natural history study of the region and the dissemination of relevant knowledge among the local population, were achieved:

  • through scientific research in geology, mineralogy, zoology and other sciences; the results of research (collections of soils, ores, minerals, minerals, maps, plans, terrain models, etc.) were placed in the museum.

  • “introducing the public visually to the objects of the museum”;

  • "public readings";

  • "printing and distributing cheap brochures about museum objects" and in general natural history the edges".
There were also practical tasks of the museum, which were as follows:

  • “possible assistance in resolving various agricultural issues”;

  • “the same assistance in resolving issues related to the industry of the region”;

  • "resolution of issues related to public school(supplying zemstvo schools with local natural history collections, organizing excursions with rural teachers to familiarize them with local flora, fauna, rocks, soils).” 20
Thus, the tasks of public education and carrying out the necessary and useful information into the masses were decided through a visual acquaintance with the museum collection, through reading public lectures and dissemination of literature about objects of the museum collection; as well as through practical activities - assistance in resolving agricultural issues, issues related to industry and issues of public education.

All types of cultural and educational activities of the Samara City Public Museum can be judged mainly only by the reports that were issued by the administration before 1914.

It is obvious that the tasks of cultural and educational activities began to be solved by the Samara Museum only from the time it opened for visits.

The official opening of the Museum took place in May 1899 - 13 years after its founding and 19 years after the collection began to be formed. “After the completion of the work on arranging the collection.... on the day of the Holy Trinity (May 24, 1899), after the prayer service,” the Museum was opened. 2 1

The administration published detailed lists of all museum visitors. Moreover, information about visits appears only in reports from 1900 to 1914.

The part of the report where information about visitors was printed had a certain structure: the total number of visitors was named, then the number of local paid and the number of visiting paid visitors, then the total number of free visitors. In addition, a special list of free visitors was printed. It should be noted here that the number of free visitors far exceeded the number of paid ones (for example, in the reports for 1904, 1099 and 721, respectively, in the report for 1905 - 1511 and 699).

On average, the museum was visited by 2-3 thousand people a year (from 4,978 people in 1903 to 2,240 in 1905).

As for the special lists of free visitors, only students were listed. Every year the Museum was visited by students of the First and Second Women's Gymnasiums, students of the Gymnasium N.A. Khardina. and students of the Kharitonov Sisters’ Gymnasium, students of the Samara Real School, students of the Diocesan School, as well as students of various parish schools, zemstvo schools, and Samara mixed schools. In addition, the Museum was visited almost every year by students from colleges, schools, gymnasiums from many Russian cities. In particular, cadets of the Siberian Corps (in 1904 and 1905), students of the Tula and Moscow commercial schools, students from Orenburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Tver, Kostroma, Krasnoyarsk, Kazan, Orel and many other Russian cities. Students were also among the free visitors to the Museum.

At the same time, each annual report indicated a specific figure - how many students from each school, college and gymnasium visited the Museum in a given year.

Therefore, we can say that the Samara City Public Museum had a fairly decent attendance. A fairly significant share was made up of student visits - about a third of all visitors. In this case, the Museum fulfilled its direct function – cultural and educational.

Of all the previously listed types of cultural and educational activities, the first place belongs to the exhibition, in other words, to the permanent exhibition of all objects in the museum collection. It can be judged from the reports of visits to the Museum themselves.

As for the content of this exhibition, it represented everything that was collected in the museum during this period. The most clear idea of ​​the content of the exhibition at the time the Museum opened for visits is given by the “Index of objects stored in the Samara Public Museum,” compiled by N.M. Fedorov and published in 1898. This is nothing more than a catalog of exhibits and collections of the Museum. All items listed in this “Index...” were distributed not just into departments, but also into rooms and display cases. Since the Museum had only two rooms, each housed several departments. That is, by scrolling through the “Index...” one could get an idea of ​​the Museum’s exhibition.

The exposition, which involved viewing and getting acquainted with all the exhibits and collections of the Museum, had its own positive side. In itself, an inspection of everything that is in the Museum gave a fairly complete picture of the Samara region, its animals and flora, geology, mineralogy, ethnography, archeology, history.

In particular, the richest in the Samara Public Museum was the mineralogical department, the listing of exhibits in N.M. Fedorov’s “Index ...” took 18 pages. The archaeological and historical department was also diverse, possessing many valuable items; exhibits of this department (swords, spears, arrowheads, metal mirrors, crosses, images, figurines of idols, etc.) were located in three display cases. The agricultural department was also rich, containing mainly samples of seeds of various plants and located in two display cases. The art department of the Museum was also of great interest, where works of art not only by Samara artists, but also by famous Russian masters were collected.

Since 1904, a new department began to form at the Samara Public Museum: the acquisition of a collection on the topic “Russian-Japanese War” began. This meant that all items in one way or another related to the topic Russo-Japanese War, were not distributed to the appropriate departments, but were collected in the so-called. Russian-Japanese department.

Similarly, in the Museum in 1914, the department “Russia in the First World War” began to be formed. Thus, we can say that the Museum is not able to conduct thematic exhibitions followed the path of creating additional thematic departments, which, according to the plan, should not have been disbanded, but should have existed on a par with the already existing departments.

That is, in the pre-revolutionary period, the acquisition of funds and the display of the museum collection were a single whole. In other words, a demonstration of the entire collection collected by the Museum. At the same time, visitors to the exhibition could clearly get acquainted with all the objects that were on display. this moment owned by the Museum.

It is also known for certain about another type of cultural and educational activity - “the printing and distribution of cheap brochures about the objects of the Museum and in general about the natural history of the region.”

Perhaps such literature can be called the annual reports published by the administration of the Samara City Public Museum. They did contain information about the Museum’s objects, but only about those that were received by reporting year. In this regard, special mention should be made of the reports for 1902–1903, which were published in one brochure. Besides detailed lists donated and acquired items, there is a short introduction here, where the administration itself notes acquisitions that were especially valuable for the Museum, made in 1902 - 1903.

In particular, in the department of archeology and history, “The Museum managed to acquire a rather rare handwritten book entitled “Scythian History,” the works of Andrei Lyzlov,” at the end of the report “attached... in the form of a special bibliographic note” information about the author and the fate of the book .

In the same department, “the note of I.S. stood out. Turgenev addressed to an unknown person,” the report contained a copy of this note.

In addition, acquisitions for the zoological department were noted - these are stuffed birds “locally living or visiting here temporarily.”

Valuable additions in the form of a herbarium were also noted, a list of which was given in the appendix. It was especially noted that “given the paucity of botanical information about Samara and the Samara province, which is observed in the specialized literature. This list had a certain significance.”

Thus, the reports of 1902–1903, in addition to listing the acquired items, contained educational information, especially that part of the introduction, which briefly described geographical position Samara region as a crossroads for migratory birds." 2 2

Among such literature one can also highlight the “Index of objects stored in the Samara Public Museum of N.M. Fedorov - in addition to the list of museum objects, it also contained short story on the history of the creation of the museum in Samara.

The greatest educational value was a small brochure, which was published by the museum administration in 1901 and was called “Samara City Public Museum. Brief instructions for collecting various collections." This was an appeal from the Museum administration asking for help in replenishing the collection being collected. It itself took no more than one and a half pages. Of greatest interest are the instructions for collecting certain collections for each department of the Museum, while for each department the brochure contained the task of this department and detailed instructions on what you should first of all pay attention to, how to collect objects and collections, what is primarily required for the Museum . In particular, the section “Instructions for Botany” contained detailed instructions on the collection and preservation of specimens of various plants, as well as on the formation of herbariums, they took up about five pages in the book.

In the section “Instructions for Zoology” there were instructions and methods for “collecting and transporting the found remains of ancient animals to the Museum” (skins, individual parts of the skeleton, etc.).

As for another type of cultural and educational activity - “public readings on subjects corresponding to the tasks of the museum” - these can be called oral explanations “that could be given by specialists in various subjects when viewing the Museum by groups of visitors, mainly students in educational institutions.” 2 4

Methodology for preparing and conducting an excursion.

The concept of an excursion: A collective tour of the museum, conducted on a specific topic and a special route by a specialist guide. This definition includes two mutually related concepts: Excursion - a group of people who came to explore the museum, and excursion is a type of scientific and pedagogical work, which consists in the development and implementation of a system for displaying museum expositions, exhibitions, historical and cultural monuments of the city. A special feature of the excursion is the combination of storytelling and demonstration, with the dominant role of visual perception.

Requirements for the excursion: ideological, scientific, professional.

Ideology - nurturing love and respect for the native land; increasing education and culture, fostering a sense of patriotism.

Scientificity - the correctness and reliability of the scientific facts presented, the use of the latest data in the field of science and local history

Professionalism - familiarization with the group and its needs, logic, consistency in the presentation of the material and the construction of the entire excursion, the correct combination of showing and telling, emotionality, popularity, intelligibility, entertaining presentation, high culture speeches, group activation.

The following can be distinguished stages of excursion preparation:

1. Choosing the topic of the excursion, the name of the excursion, defining its purpose.

2. Selection of literature, its study.

3. Selection of display objects and their study.

4. Development of the excursion route.

5. Work on the thesis text.

6. Oral practice of the excursion.

7. Conducting an excursion.

In the process of preparing an excursion, work should proceed simultaneously in two directions: studying literature, various sources on the topic of the excursion and studying the objects of display themselves.

    compiling a bibliography on the entire topic and individual sections;

    study of documents and literature general on the whole topic;

    studying literature on specific issues and sections of the excursion: educational, research, reference, popular science, statistical;

    familiarization with the materials available in the museum (in departments, funds, in the library.)

Fixing the material.

The material can be recorded in the form of a short note, a quotation, a thesis, or a summary. The material is recorded on separate cards in accordance with the object of display.

Selection of display objects.

The objects on display, depending on the role performed in the excursion, are divided into:

    the main ones - for a convincing and complete disclosure of the topic of the excursion,

    additional - to enhance the emotional impact of the excursion.

Working on the excursion text.

When working on the excursion text, the material is distributed along the excursion route in relation to the object of display, and the excursion time is distributed into individual subtopics.

The text must strictly correspond to the topic and purpose of the excursion.

The text includes an introduction, main part, and conclusion.

The introduction reveals the main purpose of the excursion, directs the listeners' attention to the perception of its content (no more than 5-7 minutes).

The main part consists, as a rule, of a number of subtopics.

This part of the excursion should include:

    supplying her in short numbers and illustrative material

    a brief summary, evaluation and conclusion for each subtopic.

    logical transitions from subtopic to subtopic to combine individual parts into a single story.

Conclusion - sums up, summarizes, allows you to evaluate what is presented in the excursion (no more than 5 minutes)

Oral practice of the excursion.

When practicing the excursion, you need to pay attention to the following:

    work out an introduction to the excursion, give brief information about the museum;

    practice the required tempo of speech, place semantic accents, ensure that the speech is expressive, clear,

    work out the display, description of exhibits and logical relationship with the theme of the excursion;

    choose for yourself and the group the location of the exhibits so that during the show they are clearly visible to all listeners.

Methodology for conducting an excursion.

Based on the specifics of excursion work, when carrying out it it is necessary to use the following methodological techniques. It should be noted that one of the basic principles of conducting an excursion is the “show to tell” principle. Using methodological display techniques, the guide helps to see the object and guides its perception.

The guide can first focus the group's attention on a detailed examination of the exhibit. The assignment technique is appropriate here. These are recommendations for targeted observation of details. After an independent examination, it is recommended to summarize the observations and generalize them using question-and-answer techniques.

The excursion shows are carried out in a certain sequence.

1. Reception of preliminary review. It allows you to see the entire exhibition hall, section of the exhibition or complex. The guide should, when organizing first impressions of an object, focus them on its thematic and artistic design, and then move on to specific sections and complexes of exhibits.

2. Visual analysis - detailed observation of an object. The guide gives the most complete, comprehensive analysis of the exhibit as possible, but we must not forget that this desire can lead to a departure from the topic and will disrupt the harmony of the excursion “an example with a document, the style, form, character of the font, the quality of the paper, testifies to the era.”

3. The technique of visual reconstruction is the mental restoration of the original appearance of an object based on preserved and visually perceived details. (Objects, archeology, everyday life)

4. Method of comparison - certain features of two or three objects that are simultaneously observed by tourists are compared. (Example).

5. Gesture in a tour is one of the elements of display. The gesture accompanies the story and reflects the guide's personal attitude to the reported fact. It can make the presentation more emotional and helps to captivate the group. But the gesture should be addressed as the need for it is felt. Gestures need to be varied and technically worked out. They should be concise.

Note that an integral element of the excursion is a story. In relation to the show, it is secondary and does not exist outside of the show.

Methodological techniques of the story.

1. Narration is the most appropriate way of presenting events, important moments of biography, plots of literary works, and revealing natural phenomena.

2. Description is a more detailed presentation of material about an object, a broad description of it. At the same time, the external signs of the exhibits and the events associated with it are described.

3. Explanation – is evidentiary in nature and indicates the reasons for a particular phenomenon.

4. Commenting.

5. Specification of content. Most often this is due to the specification of the place and time of events.

6. Citation. The use of quotes, excerpts from works of art, from memoirs, from wartime reports and orders in the text of the excursion. A quotation from historical documents is oral evidence of a point made in a story.

7. The technique of literary montage - the story is built on a certain set of excerpts from literary works, documents, memoirs of articles, and periodicals.

8. Instruction technique. When examining the memorial part of the museum or their individual premises, such that the entire group cannot accommodate, the guide indicates what you should pay attention to, gives instructions on how to behave there, and determines the time of stay.

9. Conversation technique. The conversation method generates a lot of activity in the form of questions and answers. The system of leading questions activates each group member, reveals the content of the topic and allows you to come to the right conclusions.

Method - Mutual friend.

Interactive method - Immersion in an era - when you are asked to imagine yourself as a participant in the event reflected in the exhibition, depict it in their faces, and quickly find certain exhibits.

It should be noted that any methodological technique in practice should be applied naturally, freely and, as such, be invisible to tourists.

None of the methodological techniques can be universal, the main thing is: in practice they can be intertwined. The guide chooses those techniques. Which provide the greatest efficiency.

Using numbers in excursions.

Many excursions require the use of numbers, but the method of using digital material has its own characteristics.

The numbers can be divided into three groups.

1 Necessary figures: historical dates, dates of life of figures, materials about which are included in the museum’s exhibitions.

2. Comparative figures reflecting the dynamics of a particular phenomenon.

3. Absolute numbers. They are given only to specialists, a well-prepared audience.

It should be taken into account: numbers (if they are chosen correctly, skillfully woven into the story plan) are excellent arguments, strong evidence, but listening to numbers is difficult. In order to better assimilate digital data, comparison techniques should be used more - for example.

During the excursion, the guide has an important task - to connect the content of all subtopics into a single whole. Big role Logical transitions play a role in this. Logical transitions are a verbal bridge from one subtopic to the next.

In some cases, sound recordings and video recordings are used. Video demonstration should not exceed 5 minutes. Sound recordings 2-3 min.

Excursions vary in location, objects of display, nature of the topic, purpose, and composition of excursion groups.

    You can highlight sightseeing tours of the museum and the city. They give a general idea of ​​the museum and the city.

    Thematic excursions are excursions on topics of specialized disciplines. They have a number of options:

    Cross-cutting – on topics covering a number of historical periods. For example, “The Glory of Russian Weapons.”


    For example, art history, in certain branches of material and spiritual culture.

Educational excursions – excursions for students in accordance with the programs of educational institutions.

Documentation of excursions.

The following documents are drawn up for the excursion: excursion route, and methodological development.

The excursion route includes the following sections: object of display; certificate about the object; time.

  1. Methodological development is a refined, detailed plan indicating methodological techniques used in the excursion. Fundamentals of legislation Russian Federation

    about culture.

    About the museum fund of the Russian Federation and museums in the Russian Federation. The federal law.

    Collection of normative and teaching materials to help the history teacher.

    Belyavsky M.T.

    Work in museums with historical monuments (from ancient times to 1917)

    Historical local history (Main sources for studying the native land): A manual for students of pedagogical universities. \ Edited by N.P. Milonova M.: 1995

    Mikhailovskaya A.I.

    Museum exhibition (Organization and technology) \Edited by F.N. Petrova and K.G. Matveeva.- M.: 1984.

    Museum studies.

    Historical museums. Textbook for universities on special topics. "History" \ Ed. K.G. Levykin and V. Herbst. - M: 1988.

    Museum and school.

    A manual for teachers.\ E.G. Vansalova, A.K. Lamunova. Ed. T.A. Kudrina.-M: 1985.

    Museum terms \Sb. works of the Central Museum of the Revolution.

    Terminological problems of museology.

    M.: 1986.

Russian Museum Encyclopedia: In 2 volumes. - M: 2001. Seinensky A.E. The museum educates young people. Book for teachers. - M: 1988.

Shlyakhtina L.M., Fokin S.V. Fundamentals of museum management: A textbook for students of pedagogical and humanitarian universities. - St. Petersburg, 2000.

In the 1920s, the main form of scientific and educational activities of the museum were excursions. This work was carried out by the Bureau of Educational Work, which included not only museum employees.

Already since the late 1930s. great attention was paid to the training of tour guides: educational tours were conducted by senior researchers and heads of departments; courses of lectures were given by teachers of Moscow higher education institutions educational institutions; consultations on issues of history and art were carried out by leading experts of our country: A.V. Artsikhovsky, S.V. Bakhrushin, V.I. Lebedev, N.N. Sobolev, I.V. Zholtovsky.

At the end of the 1940s. the first were developed methodological manuals on all expositions that existed at that time (in the form of an excursion text defining the purpose and ideological guidelines). At the same time, methodological manuals were created for conducting excursions for younger schoolchildren (grades 3 - 4). Some of them were in the form of a conversation with questions.

In 1951, a department for scientific popularization of art was created. The Regulations on the Zagorsk State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve, approved by order of the Committee for Arts under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, determined the main forms of its work: excursions, lectures, clubs, consultations and seminars for students and teachers.

In the 1960s the basis for the successful implementation of scientific and educational work was a variety of newly created museum exhibitions, which systematically introduced the history of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, its necropolis, the architectural ensemble and methods of its restoration, ancient Russian painting, ancient Russian applied arts, Russian art XVIII- XIX centuries, Russian folk and modern decorative and applied arts. These expositions consisted of more than 40 halls and occupied an area of ​​4,500 square meters. m.

In 1969, at a conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin, where the results of all the activities of the museum were discussed, issues of scientific and educational work were considered for the first time. The importance of the museum as a center of popularization national art predetermined the inclusion in 1969 of the city of Zagorsk in the all-Union tourist route through the ancient Russian cities of Russia “ Golden ring" From this time on, a progressive increase in visiting visitors began, the peak of attendance was reached in 1979 (700,000 thousand). All activities of the scientific and educational service were aimed at receiving mainly out-of-town tourists, and therefore the priority form of work was a route (sightseeing) excursion aimed at an adult audience.

However, since the mid-1970s. The museum began to pay special attention to working with schoolchildren and young people. In 1975 A promising program for the aesthetic education of children, from first grade to 10th grade, was developed, with the goal of cultivating the need for individual aesthetic experience and developing the creative activity of students. The program was implemented in collaboration with local teachers, mainly in schools in the city and region.

Along with traditional forms, such as thematic excursions, lecture series, organizing clubs, holding Day open doors, for the first time the museum began to hold exhibitions children's creativity, lessons on decorative drawing, themed museum events. By the mid-1980s. The museum has developed a certain system aimed at educating students, taking into account age characteristics.

Since the 1980s The practice of scientific and educational work includes holding themed evenings, dedicated to creativity artists of folk crafts, museum collections, history and culture of their native land, various directions museum activities. Events varied in plot and structure helped to reveal the connection contemporary creativity with cultural heritage, to identify its historical and artistic value, clearly showed why the monuments of the past are so valuable to us.

A unique result of this period of work was the conference in 1985, for the first time dedicated exclusively to the scientific and educational activities of the museum. The reports provided a serious analysis of its state at that time, reflected the features of conducting excursions for various categories of visitors, examined the system of training guides, presented various aspects aesthetic education of students, developed in the museum. The variety of forms of work, the professionalism of the employees, the created stable and, as time has shown, viable system of their training made it possible to adapt to the conditions of perestroika, when, for objective reasons, there was a significant decline in attendance. However, the museum did not cut back on scientific and educational services, but began to actively develop new forms and work more and more purposefully with local audiences.

A new form has become the organization and holding of folklore festivals that introduce visitors to folk culture, its history, traditions and involve the inclusion of visitors in cognitive processes. The holidays “Christmas Miracles at the Horse Yard” and “Broad Maslenitsa” have become traditional.

Excursions are an integral part of them. The harmonious combination of one of the main forms of museum work - an educational excursion to the exhibition with a festive performance and folk fun - gives an amazing result: the information content of museum objects becomes as accessible to the perception of young children as the content New Year's fairy tale and speeches of Santa Claus.

The main visitors to the museum since the early 1990s. - these are students different ages. Excursions, while remaining the main form of work, are changing qualitatively. Excursions that include game elements, performing certain role functions, use of interactive materials. As it turned out, they are popular not only with schoolchildren, but also with adult audiences.

For example, possessing an excellent collection of ethnographic monuments, using folklore material from ancient wedding rituals, the museum has been hosting newlyweds and celebrants for many years. Along with the festive wedding program, the museum also hosts a game program - “Let's play an old Russian wedding.” To attract visitors to the museum, programs are created that thematically unite architectural ensemble Trinity-Sergius Lavra with displays and exhibitions located outside it, as well as surrounding attractions.

The museum’s participation in the long-term interregional program “We are Russians,” developed for the youth of the Kaliningrad region, required new forms of excursions. Technologies for synchronous reception and distribution of the flow of excursion groups were mastered, and programs were created that combine a traditional excursion with an interactive lesson. This made it possible to familiarize students with the sights and history of the Radonezh land and national traditions and culture central Russia overall entertaining and memorable.

In order to successfully implement new tasks, a department was created in 1999 museum pedagogy, designed to ensure close interaction with the education system. Museum teachers, with the active participation of researchers and tour guides, have developed educational programs for different age groups. For younger children school age– these are special cycles of excursions and classes in game form performed by excursionists creative tasks, which helps children to more fully assimilate the proposed material. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, museum teachers developed several thematic excursions: “Visiting the brownie Proshka”, “We are looking for a treasure”, “Wonderful transformations”, “How Russian children walked in Trinity”, etc.

A Sunday historical and aesthetic club has been organized for young children and their parents, which has been operating for 10 years. The club program is designed for 4 years. Classes are held at museum expositions, in art workshops, and in museums in Moscow and the Moscow region. The atmosphere of the classes helps to bring parents and children closer together, develop common interests, gain not only knowledge of history and art, but also cultivate aesthetic taste. A museum holiday “Let's Be Friends!” was created especially for first-graders.

Designed for students in grades 6-8 educational program“This city is the best on earth”, for students - “Living Heritage”, for teachers of educational institutions of the city and region - “Historical Local History”. A special form of work was the regional Olympiad, which grew out of a program in historical local history for students in grades 6-8. It has been organized since 2001 together with the Department of Education of Sergiev Posad. Carefully thought out methodology of the event, preparation system and implementation final stage necessarily in the museum, with the encouragement of all participants, they turned it into a bright and exciting holiday.

For more than 20 years, the museum has had an archaeological circle, whose members take an active part in the museum’s annual archaeological expeditions. Traditions of specialized classes in decorative arts 1980s mandatory element of which there were drawing lessons held at the exhibitions, the “Artistic Ceramics” and “Artistic Wood Painting” clubs are currently continuing.

In 2004 and 2005 two conferences were held and the 2007 Tourism Forum was held, at which the experience accumulated over the past two decades in the field of scientific and educational work was summarized. The messages read out on it by the staff of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve introduced the variety of its forms currently practiced, their features at this stage and new directions.

In 2008, the management of the museum-reserve and the Council of Veterans of the Sergiev Posad District approved a two-year charitable cultural and educational program “People's University”. The goal of the program was to unite older people, improve the quality cultural life, their social adaptation in modern society. The topics of classes at the established faculties - “Conversations about history” and “Conversations about art” - were formed taking into account the diversity of interests of future students.

In the early 2000s, the museum began to hold holidays in honor of the “Day of Slavic writing and culture." In 2009-2010 In Sergiev Posad, for the first time, two international festivals “Slavic Way” were held, dedicated to this memorable date. The museum also took and continues to take part in various festivals, holidays and competitions held in other cities of Russia. For example, XI Moscow children's festival arts and crafts "Masters" in 2008 and the International Competition-Festival of Children's Arts and Crafts " Easter Egg"In 2012, the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve is a permanent participant in the All-Russian museum festival "Intermuseum" and the tourism exhibition "Intourmarket".

In the last decade (2008-2018), the museum’s educational service has introduced many new, modern events into its practice: interactive programs at exhibitions, quest games, film lectures, musical and literary evenings, flash mobs at outdoors during mass celebrations, intellectual living rooms, etc. In addition to regular excursions, a variety of interactive activities have been developed at the museum’s expositions and exhibitions.

Museum educators for last years developed a lot interesting programs for children, schoolchildren and family groups in the museum complex "Horse Yard".
You can note: “Museenok” (program for kindergartens), “In the world primitive man", "Riddles from the chest. On a visit to Domovenko”, “The Secret of the Old Master” (the program introduces Russian crafts in an interactive, playful and entertaining form).

Of great interest among schoolchildren are such quest games as “Save the Empress” (for students and schoolchildren from 14 years old at exhibitions and expositions),
“Victory is one for all” (start of the quest game - Memorial of Glory with an eternal flame), “Learning from Sherlock Holmes”, etc.
Holidays are held annually that attract numerous residents of Sergiev Posad and other cities: New Year trees, “Broad Maslenitsa”, “Russian Matryoshka” festival, all-Russian actions"Night of Museums" and "Night of the Arts".

In recent years, residents of our city have increasingly begun to celebrate their holidays in the museum: wedding ceremonies, children's birthdays, school graduations.

All holidays museum programs(“Tatiana’s day at the museum”, “Old New Year in the Museum”, “Journalist’s Day in the Museum”, “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”, “Meet the Intercession - Prepare for the Wedding”) are inextricably linked with the museum’s displays and exhibitions and attract different visitors.

Due to the fact that 2019 has been declared the Year of the Theater, the museum has prepared a special project “ Theater stage. Let's play theatrical scenery" 320 people have already taken part in the project.

In the summer months, the museum turns into a creative platform for festivals: “Festival of Primitive Culture”, “Horseshoe for Happiness”, “Three Spas - All the Riches of Summer”, “Russian Matryoshka” festival. The street culture festival “Museum & Street Art” was held under the theme “Metamorphoses of Game”, where, with the help of games, we connected time and space, classics and modernity.

1. T.N. Manushina. Scientific and educational work of the museum of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve. /Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve. Messages 2005. – M.: Indrik, 2006.- P. 297-312
2. T.I. Kruglova, S.G. Naumova. “Come to our museum” (Museum and pedagogical activities of the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve) /Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve. Messages 2005. – M.: Indrik, 2006.- P. 312-327
3. Integration of the individual into the national and world culture as a basis for improvement modern society. //Materials scientific-practical conference, Sergiev Posad, Moscow. Region, April 22-23, 2004 – Sergiev Posad: LLC “Everything for You”, 2004.
4. Humanitarian development of the individual is a concern of modern society. //Sat. scientific works. /Central Institute of Management of Tourism Business Economics - branch of RMAT. – Sergiev Posad: LLC “Everything for You”, 2005.

A museum is an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects - monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational and popularization activities. Function M: exhibition-exhibition; excursion; research and educational. Cult-educational activity is one of the main activities of M, the theoretical basis of which is museum pedagogy - regional education. history through the means of a museum object will form activities. The forms of cultural and educational activities of M are varied: excursions (sightseeing, thematic, historical, architectural and urban planning); museum lessons; scientific conferences.

Types of museums – scientific and educational, research, educational.

One of the most important categories classification is the profile of the museum, that is, its specialization. The fundamental feature of the classification here is the connection of the museum with a specific science or art form, technology, production and its branches. This connection can be traced in the composition of the museum’s funds, in the themes of its scientific, exhibition and cultural-educational activities.

Museums of the same specialization, that is, the same profile, are united into specialized groups: natural science museums, historical museums, art museums, architectural museums, literary museums, theater museums, music museums, science and technology museums, industrial museums, agricultural museums, pedagogical museums . Depending on the structure of the profile discipline or field of knowledge, these main profile groups are divided into narrower ones. History museums are divided into:

General historical museums (wide profile); (State Historical Museum in Moscow);

Archaeological museums; (archaeological museum-reserve "Tanais");

Ethnographic museums; (Russian Ethnographic Museum in St. Petersburg);

Military history museums; ( Central Museum Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. in Moscow);

Museums of Political History; (Museum of Political History of Russia in St. Petersburg);

Museums of the history of religion; (Museum of the History of Religion in St. Petersburg);

Historical and everyday museums, which recreate or preserve a picture of the life of various segments of the population, while, unlike ethnographic museums, they document not ethnic, but socio-psychological features of life, which are most clearly manifested in the interiors of homes; (Museum of Urban Life “Old Vladimir”);

Monographic museums dedicated to a specific person, event, institution, or group; (Museum of G.K. Zhukov in the village of Zhukovo, Kaluga region, Museum of the Defense of Leningrad);

Other historical museums; (Museum of the History of Moscow, Museum of the History of the Political Police of Russia of the 19th–20th centuries in St. Petersburg).

Artistic museums are divided into:

Museums of fine arts (national and foreign); (Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin in Moscow);

Museums of decorative and applied arts; (All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts folk art in Moscow);

Folk Art Museums; (Museum of Folk Art of the Scientific Research Institute of the Art Industry in Moscow, Museum of Vyatka Folk Art Crafts in Kirov);

Monographic; (Museum-estate of I.E. Repin “Penates”, Museum of Frescoes of Dionysius in the village of Ferapontovo, Kirillovsky district, Vologda region);

Other art museums.

Natural science museums are divided into paleontological, anthropological, biological (broad profile), botanical, zoological, mineralogical, geological, geographical and others.

There are museums whose collections and activities are related to several scientific disciplines or branches of knowledge. They are called comprehensive museums. The most common among them are local history museums that combine at least historical and natural science specialization, because their collections document not only the history, but also the nature of the region. They often create art and literary departments, which further complicates their profile.

They also have a complex profile ensemble museums, created on the basis of architectural monuments, their interiors, surrounding areas and various structures. Depending on the nature of the ensemble, they can be historical-artistic, historical-architectural, historical-cultural museums. Architectural-ethnographic For example, the Kostroma Museum of Folk Architecture and Folk Life has a profile; one of the museums has a historical, architectural and artistic profile. largest museums Moscow region - “New Jerusalem”.

The development of science, technology, art, and culture leads to the emergence of new specialized groups. For example, the invention of scuba gear in the 1940s. marked the beginning of the emergence of underwater archaeology. The results of underwater excavations, combined with the development of new technologies in the field of restoration and conservation of wet wood, have led to the emergence of a new specialized group among historical museums - museums of underwater archeology. Their collections include the skeletons and fragments of ships, cargo and various objects raised from the depths of the sea. The most famous among the museums of this profile group is the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, where a Swedish warship of the 17th century is exhibited.

Along with the profile classification, a typological division of museums that does not coincide with it is also used. There is a typology based on the public purpose of museums, according to which they are divided into research, scientific and educational and educational.

Research museums operate at research institutes and academies of sciences, to which they are usually included as structural divisions. Their funds are used for scientific purposes, and the exhibitions are aimed primarily at specialists. An example of this type of museum is the Scientific Museum of the Brain Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences or, for example, the Museum of Extraterrestrial Matter as part of the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry Russian Academy Sciences (Moscow).

The most common type is scientific and educational museums. They are also engaged in research work, but since they are aimed at mass visitors, their funds are widely used for cultural and educational purposes. In their activities, much attention is paid to the creation of expositions, exhibitions and various cultural and educational events. These are, for example, the Polytechnic Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin in Moscow; Hermitage and Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography in St. Petersburg.

Main purpose educational museums – to provide visibility and objectivity to the process of education and training. This type of museum exists mainly at various educational institutions and special departments - the Museum of Forestry named after. G.F. Morozov St. Petersburg Forestry Academy, Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts of St. Petersburg Higher Art and Industrial School. In addition to the traditional excursion display, educational museums widely use specific forms and methods of working with collections: demonstration of individual museum objects during lectures, scientific description and processing of field research materials during practical classes, copying works of fine art. In some cases, the funds and exhibitions of educational museums may be inaccessible to the general public. These are, for example, some forensic museums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The typology based on the public purpose of museums is quite conditional, and there is no hard line between the named types. Scientific and educational museums are used in the educational process, and their collections are used for scientific purposes. Many scientific and educational museums are visited not only by students and specialists, but also by the general public.

There is another typology of museums, according to which museums of the collection type and museums of the ensemble type are distinguished. It is based on a division based on the way museums carry out the function of documentation. Collection type museums build their activities on the basis of a traditional collection of material, written, visual materials that correspond to their profile. Thus, they carry out the function of documentation by collecting and preserving the fund of museum objects. At the heart of the activity ensemble type museums there are architectural monuments with their interiors, surrounding areas, and natural environment. They perform the function of documentation by preserving or recreating an ensemble of immovable monuments and their inherent environment. The most common forms of this type of museum are: open-air museum, palace-museum, house-museum, apartment-museum, workshop-museum.

Among open-air museums, there is a special group of museums that are created on the basis of immovable monuments, museumified at their location with the preservation or restoration of the historical, cultural and natural environment. Due to their special value, they have the status museum-reserves, for example, Kirillo-Belozersky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, Borodino Military-Historical Museum-Reserve.

A special typological group is formed by memorial museums created to perpetuate the memory of outstanding people and events. Memoriality is sometimes mistakenly confused with the profile of a museum, although it has nothing to do with the characteristics of the profile classification.

The concept of “memorial museum” has undergone significant evolution during its existence. Based on the etymology of the word, to memorial museums in the 1920s - early 1960s. included all museums dedicated to outstanding figures and historical events, even those that were created in places not associated with these people and events, and which did not have memorial items in their exhibitions. Later, through the efforts of researchers

A.M. Acceleration and S.A. Kasparinskaya began to attach a different meaning to the concept of “memorial museum”. The authenticity of a place has come to be considered a necessary component of memorialism: a memorial building where the memorial environment in which a person lived or an event took place is preserved or recreated on a documentary basis. This understanding of a memorial museum, the necessary criteria of which are a memorial building or place, a collection of memorial objects and a memorial and household exhibition, was enshrined in the “Regulations on memorial museums of the Ministry of Culture” (1967). As for the profile of a memorial museum, it is determined by the content of the event or the nature of the activity of the person to whom it is dedicated.

The typology based on the implementation of the documentation function is also somewhat conditional, since collection museums can be located in architectural monuments preserved in historical integrity (for example, the Hermitage), and ensemble museums do not limit their activities only to the preservation of architectural monuments, but also create specialized collections.

Both profile classification and typology are aimed at identifying groups of comparable museums. This allows you to coordinate the work of museums of the same profile or type, identify patterns of their development, and contribute to greater efficiency of museum activities in general.

The classification of museums may be based on administrative-territorial characteristics.

According to their affiliation (legal status), museums are divided into state, public and private.

State museums are owned by the state and financed from the state budget. Most of them are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. At the same time, there is a significant group of state museums that are subordinate not to cultural management bodies, but to various ministries and departments, solving the tasks set by them. These are the so-called departmental museums; they are financed from the state budget through the Ministry of Finance and relevant departments. An example of them is: Zoological Museum of Moscow University. M.V. Lomonosov, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of General and Professional Education; Central Museum of Railway Transport of Russia of the Ministry of Railways (St. Petersburg); Medical Museum of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense (St. Petersburg). A significant part of departmental museums is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Academy of Sciences: 51 museums as of 1998. Among them there are museums that are world famous - the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after. Peter the Great "Kunstkamera", Mineralogical Museum. A.E. Fersman, Paleontological Museum named after. Yu.A. Orlova, Literary Museum (Pushkin House).

Go to category public museums include museums created on the initiative of the public and operating on a voluntary basis, but under the scientific and methodological guidance of state museums. Public museums are financed by the institutions under which they are created. Before 1978, the term "public museum" was used " folk museum" The tradition of creating public museums began to take shape in Russia at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries; Museum construction took off on a large scale in the 1920s. in connection with the rise of the local history movement and the work to create “chronicles” of factories and factories. However, in 1941, only about 10 public museums retained their status. The modern network of public museums began to take shape in the second half of the 1950s, and as of January 1. In 1990, there were 4,373 museums operating on the territory of 26 republics, territories and regions of Russia.

In n. 1990s changes in socio-political and economic life countries have led to a significant reduction in the network of public museums. Museums of revolutionary glory, Komsomol and pioneer glory, military and labor glory were closed; museums dedicated to communist party figures. But at the same time, museums began to emerge, the creation of which was previously impossible for ideological reasons - the museums of A.A. Akhmatova, M.I. Tsvetaeva, B.C. Vysotsky. In 1994, cultural authorities oversaw the activities of about 1,000 public museums.

In the last decade of the past century, conditions for a revival began to emerge in Russia. private museums, that is, museums based on collections owned by private individuals, but available for study and inspection. In the early 1990s. museums of this kind were created in Moscow (Museum of Nature), Yaroslavl (Museum of Russian Antiquity), Irkutsk (Mineralogical Museum) and other cities.

In 1993, the first private Art Museum– Russian National Museum of Art. Its holdings include works of Russian and Western European painting, sculpture, graphics, and decorative and applied arts. In order to acquire outstanding works, the museum actively exhibition activities and regularly holds auctions at which he exhibits individual items from his collection. By selling works that are quite worthy, but do not fit into the museum’s concept, it has the opportunity to constantly update and improve the collections. Funds received at auctions make it possible to make valuable acquisitions, some of which are worthy of the largest state museum collections.