The meaning of aura colors in humans is gray and yellow. How to recharge aura color? What is a human aura

Almost each of us can partially see the aura and its colors by using various types of light filters. In this case, it is perceived as multi-colored radiation emanating from the energy centers of the human body, i.e. chakras

The aura is often spoken of as streams of light of various colors, but this is also incorrect: instead of saying “color” in this case, it is more correct to say “wavelengths” or “frequencies”. From a practical point of view, color diagnostics of the aura is of great importance, but such a characteristic is quite conditional, as shown above, and for correct understanding it requires in-depth knowledge about the actual nature of such a phenomenon as the aura, knowledge of all its layers and their features, etc.

You can train to see the aura at any time, even observing it on a clear sunny day. To do this, ask someone you know to stand so that his figure is against the sky, or you can, for example, lie down on the grass, and your friend will stand not far from you. In the bright sunlight, you will definitely see a person's aura, even if your third eye is not yet open enough to see it all the time. You can see a halo, that is, a halo above a person's head. It has a bright golden color for highly spiritual people and has duller shades if a person is burdened with earthly passions and worries.

In general terms, we can say that the main colors of the aura change with the person; primary colors define the basis of personality. Countless subtle shades show thoughts, intentions, as well as the degree of spirituality - they can completely change or change their intensity. Colors surround the body like an ascending spiral and flow from head to feet, and there are much more of them than in a rainbow: after all, a rainbow is just the refraction of light in a drop of water, while the aura is inexhaustible life itself.

The meaning of pure aura colors

  • Red - materialistic thoughts, thoughts regarding the physical body. The predominance of pure red in the aura indicates a materialistic person.
  • Orange is inspiration and a sign of power, the ability and desire to control people.
  • Blue - the will to live, freedom, strength, energy. People with a blue dominant aura color are internally balanced.
  • Turquoise - indicates a personality capable of programming events and influencing other people. People with a dominant turquoise color in their aura can do several things at once with excellent results, but quickly get tired when they focus on one thing.
  • Green - a calming effect is felt in the presence of a person with a green aura. People with pure green in their aura are potential healers. Integrity of nature.
  • Pink - love, balance between spiritual and material. Pink color in the aura is very rare.
  • Yellow - freedom, vitality. People who glow yellow are full of selfless inner joy and outspoken. A yellow halo around the head indicates spiritual development. It appears due to the activity of the eyebrow chakra. When this chakra is most active, a yellow halo appears around it and covers the entire head.
  • Purple - indicates spiritual thoughts.

The aura of each individual person is distinguished by its own color options. Subtle energies are multi-colored, and each individual has his own characteristics, including different shades of the general background. The purity of colors and their richness indicate a state of both physical and spiritual health. If, when deciphering the information contained in the aura, certain symbols are present in the structure of a person’s energy field, many conclusions can be drawn about the inner world of the person himself. However, this is only available to someone who has mastered the decryption method. It is also possible that foreign energy clots are detected in a person’s energy system - this, as a rule, indicates that the person has been attacked.

Aura color , or energy field, can sometimes say even more about a person than he himself. So, red is the color of rage and opposition, depending on its saturation. Cold, steely, the color symbolizes inevitability, etc. Aura colors can be either simple, one-color, or composite, consisting of many colors. But a person who has energy vision sees his surroundings through his own field. This is where discrepancies in the perception of color arise. In addition, there is one more thing to consider: the observer may think that the color of the object has changed, but this is not always the case. In fact, the observer himself observed the aura of another person for the first time while in a state of harmony, and the second time - in a state of excitement or excitement caused by his own internal problems.

Aura of mood

Aura is a direct indicator of a person's mood. Any emotions, especially strong ones, are brightly colored in the appropriate color. You can determine a person's state by the colors of the aura, which correspond to certain emotions of the person.

  • Red-yellow streams in the aura - incontinence, anxiety.
  • Waves and stripes of blue with a reddish tint - fear, wariness.
  • Red and blue stripes in the form of radii, going from the inside to the outside - tension, anticipation.
  • Flashing orange-yellow dots indicate strong excitement.
  • Bluish spots of variable shape - absent-mindedness.
  • Silver-blue streams - sincerity, nobility of thoughts.
  • Dirty blue streams - envy.
  • The black color of the aura is hatred.
  • Red-brown flashes - anger.
  • All shades of red indicate nervous excitement.
  • Gray-brown stripes - selfish thoughts.
  • A dark gray cloud means deep depression.
  • Greenish-gray stripes - vanity, insincerity.
  • Green-brown dots with red splashes - jealousy.
  • The blue-brown color of the aura is characteristic of a religious, but not sublime mood.
  • A beautiful pink cloud enveloping a person represents love and compassion.
  • Pink rays emanating from the inside out - love, peace, inner harmony.
  • An orange cloud with brown drops is a base passion.
  • Greenish blurry cloud - sincere empathy.
  • Light green color - sympathy.
  • Brown-gray stripes with red - selfishness, the desire to rise above others.
  • Purple lines - the pursuit of high ideals, selflessness and kindness.

Spots of color in the aura

  • Brown - anxiety, mundane thoughts.
  • Gray - dark and depressing thoughts, unclear intentions.
  • Mustard - embarrassment, pain, anger.
  • Whitish - artificial stimulation (drugs). Very often it can indicate illness.

Aura color as a mirror of the inner world

Any object has an energy shell, everything has a glow - this is the glow of the energy-information field. The human aura is no exception. But no other shell is able to say so much about what it surrounds.

It has been noted that the easiest color to see in the aura is red. The color blue is more difficult to perceive - many people recognize the color red in the aura, but do not see blue.

Very often people do not see the aura, but have a special sense of its sensation. So when you say, “He should wear such and such colors and should not wear such and such colors,” it comes from an instinctive understanding that certain colors correspond to the aura and others do not. That is, without seeing the aura itself, you feel which colors are incompatible with the aura of a given person.

If you are in the presence of a person who can see and read the aura, beware of telling lies - the aura will give you away. Usually, if a person has lied, greenish-yellow flashes appear in the blue or yellow glow.

Most often you can see a blue or yellow glow, which is called a “halo”. At the very top of the aura you can see something like a fountain of light, which in the East is known as the Blooming Lotus, because it really looks like this flower, which at the same time changes its colors. The higher the spirituality of a person, the more golden yellow there is in his “halo”. If negatively colored thoughts arise, certain parts of the person’s aura acquire a dirty brown color, a color with a yellowish-green tint, etc.

Aura color meanings

  • Bright blue - religious feeling.
  • Blue - subtle perception of beauty, dedication.
  • Dark blue - spiritual aspiration, mercy.
  • Purple - spirituality, intelligence, affection and compassion; with an aura of significant size - high spirituality, wisdom, a high degree of disclosure of spiritual abilities.
  • Blue - active thinking, readiness for action, determination, sincerity.
  • Light blue - hesitation, uncertainty.
  • Dark blue - spirituality, self-awareness and growth.
  • Bright or grassy green - sympathy, desire to help, desire for good.
  • Dark green - selfishness, unreliability, deception.
  • Light green - persistent thoughts.
  • Green with a yellowish tint - self-interest, thirst for profit, desire to manipulate people.
  • Pure yellow - high intelligence, active friendliness, great creative potential.
  • Dark yellow - greed, cowardice.
  • Reddish-yellow - emphasis on intellect, denial of spirituality.
  • Orange - kindness, sympathy, respect.
  • Orange-green - causticity, mockery, spiritual callousness.
  • Golden - creativity, integrity, reliability.
  • Gold - spirituality, high development of creative potential.
  • Red - courage, activity, perseverance.
  • Scarlet - self-confidence, pride, selfishness.
  • Bright red with flashes - anger.
  • Dark red - malice, aggression.
  • Red with brown - strong passion, sometimes a desire for violence.
  • Burgundy - sensuality.
  • Pink - love.
  • Pale pink - shyness.
  • Hot pink - the ability to show love at the highest level.
  • Silver - spirituality, will, integrity and strength.
  • Brown - selfishness.
  • Brown and red - hatred, anger.
  • Light brown - greed.
  • Dark brown - depression, despair.
  • Black - anger.
  • Light gray - unreliability, apathy, often deception.
  • Gray - depression or laziness.
  • Dark gray - fear.

based on materials from the book: Mikhail Bublichenko - “Your aura is the path to spiritual perfection” .

The body of absolutely every person has a special material shell or aura. And today quite a lot of people are interested in what colors a person’s aura has and what their meaning is in particular.

After all, knowing its shape and color, you can easily describe the strengths and weaknesses of absolutely any person. And also tell a lot about his mood, character traits and even his state of health.

What do colors indicate in the aura?

It is surprising that absolutely every person has an individual selection of colors and combinations of shades of the aura (biofield). And this is directly related to personality traits and character.

After all, the direct color of the aura indicates important characteristics of a person, his inclinations, coupled with interests, as well as his physical and emotional state. He is also able to talk about cherished dreams and secret thoughts.

This is why the color of a person’s aura and its meaning in particular are of such great interest to people around the world. But here it is worth mentioning in advance that the perception of the colors and shades of the biofield is different not only among scientists and psychics, but also among quite ordinary people.

Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to say with accuracy whether a person’s aura is green or light green.

The immediate colors of a person’s aura, their meaning plays a role in deciphering the following issues:

  • current health status;
  • characteristics of character and temperament;
  • immediate emotions and mood.

It is necessary to point out the fact that it is always useful to be able to recognize not only the colors of your own biofield, but also those of the people around you, in order to tune in to the same wavelength with them. And gain due respect, as well as avoid unnecessary conflicts.

The aura perfectly demonstrates the true nature of each person. And those who have developed the ability to see the aura simply cannot be deceived. An important part of the biofield in the head area, with its color, personifies the character and immediate thoughts of a person.

And the palette of shades near the back and chest tells about emotions. Using intuition and widely known knowledge about the color shades of the aura, you can competently build relationships and conversations with absolutely any person.

But for this, knowledge regarding the designation of each individual color of the biofield is important. And here it should also be stated in advance that there are no right wrong shades.

The immediate shades of the aura are waves of light and the frequency of their vibrations. For example, shades of red have slow waves and are long-lasting, and therefore it is quite difficult to see them, just like purple or blue.

But the yellow-green aura of a person turns out to be easier to perceive, since it is quite light. It is also very useful to start diagnosing the biofield directly from the head, where it is easiest to consider the energy.

Decoding the basic colors of the biofield

Before moving on to the question of what color the aura can be, it is necessary to start with the fact that the biofield completely surrounds the entire body.

And one of the colors is always the main one, since it is located in close proximity to the body, moving away from it only a few centimeters. Sometimes there is not just one shade of the aura, but several at once. But then the main color begins to dominate again.

Absolutely every person has a certain center in the aura, which includes a basic shade that never changes. This is a kind of color type, each color of which allows you to determine the feelings, dreams and aspirations of a person.

And the colors in this case mean the following:

  1. Red.
    Most often it belongs to people who tend to become completely immersed in earthly affairs. And often the red color of the aura in the center of the body indicates a lack of confidence, inner power and courage. Sometimes the aura of a given color turns out to be somewhat purple rather than red.
  2. Bright red.
    Indicates a craving for a busy life, cheerful companies and bright emotions. And any experiences of a part of the aura of a given color are controlled by experiences with inner spiritual purity. Sometimes dark shades of red give a brown color to the aura, which is deciphered in a similar way.
  3. Gold.
    It is a reflection of a real thinker who feels an unprecedented surge of strength. And a more orange aura color symbolizes an excellent ability to lead other people.
  4. Emerald.
    This color of the biofield may have different meanings, but they always come down to one thing - the ability to show a lot of sympathy and love. People with such an aura have incredible calm and excellent intuition.
  5. Blue.
    Serves as a manifestation of the desire for spiritual essence. And, like other bluish shades, it indicates service to high ideals, gentleness and intelligence. A person's bluer aura has an almost spiritual significance.
  6. Violet.
    Directly connected with people who are distinguished by heightened intuition and openness to inspiration. And they come out with the intention of serving the higher world with a complete renunciation of everything worldly. It should also be noted that the aura of this color is quite rare in the very center.
  7. White.
    Represents a high interest in the Creator and the secrets of life. It is the white, and not the gray, aura that indicates the expansion of the boundaries of human consciousness.

The listed meaning of aura colors will allow you to quickly “unravel” the right person without making a mistake. And understand his thoughts, aspirations and desires, and also accept him exactly as he is.

The colors of the aura can tell about a person’s character, his habits and even his thoughts! Read what each color means!

Today we’ll talk about what aura colors mean and how you can use this valuable information.

What are the colors of the aura?

If you hold your gaze for a long time at the glow emanating from a person or object, you will notice that it has a certain color tint.

This shade can be different, and it can tell you very, very much!

Aura colors allow you to determine:

  • mental state of a person;
  • his state of health;
  • character and dominant thoughts;
  • activity of one or another energy center.

Below is an interpretation of the main colors that an aura may have, and their connection with a person’s chakras. .

1. White aura color

  • Trust, pure consciousness.
  • Neutrality.
  • The development of the Ajna chakra (third eye) is located between the eyebrows. In this case, it is responsible for the manifestation of will and concentration of attention.

2. Blue aura color

  • The tendency to serve others and worship some ideal.
  • The development of the Vishuddha chakra is located in the throat (thyroid gland). The throat center is responsible for obtaining pure, sublime knowledge and striving for the ideal.

3. Blue aura color

  • High religiosity.
  • Closedness from society and people.
  • Feeling of internal guilt, selfishness.

4. Purple aura color

  • High spirituality: a penchant for meditation and knowledge of the Absolute.
  • Development of the Sahasrara chakra, which is located at the top of the head. She is responsible for communication with the higher worlds.

5. Sea green aura

  • Religiosity and timidity.
  • Development of the Vishuddha chakra (thyroid gland) and Anahata chakra (located in the chest). This combination is responsible for seeking new knowledge in context to help others.

6. Green aura color

  • Compassionate, trusting and adaptable.
  • Development of the Anahata chakra located in the chest area. Responsible for love for people and all things.
  • Tendency to self-knowledge.

7. Brown aura color

  • Depression, selfishness, desire for self-isolation.

8. Ocher aura color

  • The ability to deceive and scam, cunning.
  • Development of the Muladhara chakra, located in the area of ​​the perineum or tailbone. Responsible for security and provision of everything necessary.

9. Orange aura color

  • Energy and sexuality.
  • Strong intellect and logical thinking.
  • The development of the Muladhara chakra, located in the center of the perineum,

10. Dark orange aura color

  • Weak intelligence.
  • Excellent imagination and intuition.

11. Red aura color

  • Pride, passion.
  • High sense of justice.
  • Development of the Manipura chakra, located two fingers above the navel.

12. Burgundy aura color

  • High emotionality, lack of control over emotions.
  • It's easy to entertain doubts.
  • Irritability.

13. Scarlet aura color

  • The desire for pure love, developed unconditionality.

14. Yellow aura color

  • High intelligence, a penchant for the arts and family life.
  • Development of the Svadhisthana chakra: located in the groin area. Responsible for creativity and talents, creating a family, worldly love and sophisticated sexuality.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Aura is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (

People have long been accustomed to the fact that there are things in the world that cannot be touched, that cannot be seen, but which are invisibly present around, one way or another interacting with a person. No one doubts the existence of radio waves, electromagnetic radiation, and magnetic fields, although we cannot see or touch them.

The presence of an aura in humans has not been proven by science; it is possible only because modern science does not have the necessary tools and instruments to detect a person’s aura. But it's only a matter of time. People who have the ability to perceive not only the physical world can see a person’s aura without the use of special devices.

The human aura or biofield consists of several layers. In Hinduism, there are seven main layers, including the astral, mental, and emotional. Each layer of the aura has its own color. The basic color of the aura is determined at birth and remains constant throughout life. The colors of the emotional and mental levels change depending on the mood and thoughts of a person.

An aura can tell a lot about a person, about his essence, the deep characteristics of his personality, hidden on the physical level. Therefore, many people ask the question: how to see a person’s aura?

Of course, not everyone can do this, but it’s worth a try. To do this, you need to sit in front of a mirror, behind your back there should be a white wall or any other white background, the lighting should be dim. Peer deep into the mirror, through it. Vision should be unfocused, scattered and relaxed, any tension, an attempt to focus the gaze, and the aura will be impossible to see. If you did everything correctly, after a while you will see a dim glow around the outline of the body in your peripheral vision. There are people who are able to see the aura without special techniques, without making much effort.

If you were unable to see the aura yourself, and there are no “seeing” people in your environment, what color of the aura can be determined using numerology. To determine the color of the aura by date of birth, you need to add up all the digits of the date in a well-known way. For example, July 25, 1973. We add the numbers: 2+5+0+7+1+9+7+3 = 34 = 3+4 = 7. If the result is 11, 22 or 33, they are not added. Each number obtained corresponds to a specific color.

The meaning of aura colors.

Red, number 1- the color of a born leader. People whose aura is dominated by the color red are active, active, assertive and purposeful. They take an active life position, achieve their goals, and always defend their point of view. They are prone to violent expressions of emotions, hot-tempered and passionate. If the color is pure and pleasant, a person can become a wise, fair leader. Dirty, dull color - a person is selfish, narcissistic, envious, and prone to fits of anger.

Yellow aura color, number 2– People with a yellow aura are no less energetic. Their energy manifests itself in the generation of new ideas, projects, plans. These people are creative, smart, optimistic. They sincerely believe that life is pure pleasure and, indeed, receive satisfaction from it.

Number 3, orange color- a mixture of red and yellow, and people with an orange aura took a little of both colors. Orange is the color of vitality. These people stand firmly on their feet, they are practical, purposeful, and achieve a lot through their own intelligence. They love strong emotions, especially when it comes to love. They achieve their goals with enviable energy; obstacles only push them to new horizons.

Green aura color, number 4– people with this aura color are responsive, show sympathy, and often have the gift of healers. A light shade of the aura may indicate that a person is in development and is growing spiritually. They rarely suffer defeat, but are constantly afraid of making a mistake or harming someone. The dirty green color of the aura indicates a tendency towards envy, betrayal, or the person is depressed.

Blue aura color, number 5– the color of creative, extraordinary people. They constantly strive for excellence and are passionate about their work. The color of openness, gullibility, sometimes speaks of self-doubt. They love new experiences, changing places, traveling. They need love and understanding.

Blue aura color, number 6– self-confident people tend to show empathy and care for others. Sometimes he talks about detachment, spirituality, contemplation. Light shade - a person strives for a higher ideal, seeks his own spiritual path. Darker shades represent a self-confident person who has realized his destiny and is following the intended path.

Purple aura color, number 7– people are spiritual, intellectual, strive to learn new things, especially with regard to the area of ​​the unknown, the supernatural. They have highly developed emotional sensitivity, sometimes the gift of clairvoyance. These people are among those who want to learn the highest spiritual values ​​and get to the bottom of the meaning of life.

Color pink, number 8– people are gentle, soft, caring. But at the same time they have a clear position in life and know how to defend their point of view. Capable of strong unconditional love. They set specific goals for themselves and achieve them, strive for material well-being.

Bronze color, number 9– carriers of this color strive for emotional independence, but at the same time are always ready to help others, no matter the cost. These people think positively and almost always feel happy, regardless of life circumstances.

Silver, number 11– the color of dreamers and dreamers. Such people have a well-developed imagination, creativity and intuition, even clairvoyance. They have their head in the clouds a little, tend to trust people and notice only the good in them. They themselves try to live up to their ideals - honesty, nobility, spirituality.

Golden, number 22– this is the kind of aura that sages often have. These people set very high goals for themselves and slowly but persistently move towards them. They are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of their goal, but the process of achieving results makes them happy.

White aura color, number 33– white color is a mixture of all colors, therefore it is present in every aura. Pure white color symbolizes self-denial, high spirituality, enlightenment, and altruism. These people are pure in soul and ready to serve others for a higher purpose.

How to find out what color a person’s aura is and what the meaning of aura colors is. If you are interested, I suggest taking the test using Richard Webster's system.

Aura is the immaterial energy shell of a person. It surrounds a person within a radius of 1.5 meters and its color constantly changes. It depends on his mood, thoughts, health, energy and emotions that he is experiencing at the moment. Usually there are several different colors and shades.

But there is a basic background of the aura, it does not change from birth to departure from this world, and its color can tell something about a person.

How to see the aura.

Some people are given the ability to see an aura, but most people are not endowed with such a gift. There are several ways to develop the ability to see auras. And in 1992, a special photographic device was even invented in the USA - “Aura Camera-6000”, which shows the colors of the aura.

By the way, I found a video tutorial that talks about this. And people write under this video that it turns out...

Now there are already companies that sell aura cameras. Some entrepreneurs provide a bonus if the buyer purchases goods for a certain amount. And they produce photographs of the aura that you see

But since we don’t have such a device, and in order to work out other ways of seeing the aura, it takes time. Therefore, we will use numerology and determine the main color of the aura by date of birth.

This system was compiled by the famous New Zealand parapsychologist and psychic - Richard Webster.

For example, date of birth is 05/12/1979.

You need to add all the numbers together to get one number as a result.

And look below which color corresponds to the resulting number.

7 – purple, click on purple and look at the description.

Attention! If after adding the date the first number is 11, 22 or 33. Then they do not need to be added together. Because these are higher numbers. 11 – silver color, 22 – gold.

Now see what color of a person’s aura corresponds to the received number. To find out what this color means, click on the color name. Also, under the characteristics of the auristic background, some of its shades are written, in case you develop the ability to see it or take an auristic photo.

  1. Red aura color.

Red suggests that its bearer is a leader by nature, cheerful, assertive, active, courageous and possessing sexual power. And also ambitious, emotional, optimistic and liberated.

Temperament: choleric.

Therefore, they quickly explode and quickly retreat. You shouldn’t take it seriously, what they say in anger, after 5 minutes they themselves will be ashamed.

A person with a red aura background needs to set a worthy goal for himself. And be sure to choose successful and ambitious people to communicate with. So that their example inspires. If you manage to achieve your goal, and these people almost always achieve it, then the background of their aura will become radiant. And this will have a positive effect on health and abilities.

They make good soldiers, entrepreneurs, athletes and rescuers.

Shades of red:

Delicate, bright red - means that a person is in love.

Scarlet – excessive self-confidence, selfishness and false pride. Corrupt women have scarlet girdles around their thighs.

Very bright red – anger.

Red and brown indicate a tendency towards violence.

Dark - Red: lack of energy, physical and emotional fatigue, as well as anger and aggressiveness.

Red, with a dark tint and bright flashes - anger, raw energy.

Raspberry - indicates sexuality and passion.
Dirty – Red: selfishness, unmotivated rage.
Red - Orange: speaks of vitality and weakness to cheap effects.
Dull Brick-Red: arrogance, arrogance.

Because of this behavior, others often mistake them for frivolous and superficial people.

But this is absolutely not true! They like to study because they have a naturally sharp mind and are creative. People with a yellow aura love power, they know how to concentrate willpower and direct it to where it is needed at that moment. They are successful because they like to be popular.

Their Soul is too open and vulnerable. Therefore, it would be good for them to learn to be more protected.

And since they have well-developed eloquence, it is better for them to choose professions where they need to communicate with people. Such as a counselor, consultant or psychologist. This is where they will achieve great success.

Temperament – ​​sanguine.

Shades of yellow:

  • Pure yellow – strong intellectual and creative potential, pronounced sociability.
  • Bright yellow - you can completely trust this person, he will never betray you. He has a strong intellect and willpower, while he enjoys life like a child.
  • Lemon – bright and sharp mind.
  • Yellow - Red - inexhaustible vital energy, readiness to quickly implement the decision made.
  • Red - yellow. Lack of endurance and conviction, eternal tossing. Unscrupulousness, lack of mental development, inferiority complex. Moreover, the more red, the more developed the inferiority complex. Bad luck in your personal life.
  • Mustard - slyness, cunning and meanness.
  • Cloudy yellow - clouded mind, obsession with various fears.
  • Dark – greed, indecision. Satisfaction of the intellect with its lowest achievements.
  • Brown-yellow. Predominance of dirty thoughts and weak extrasensory development.
  1. Orange.

It is the color of healing, openness and emotionality. If orange is present in large quantities in the aura, this means that either the process of emotional self-healing is underway, or the person has pronounced healing abilities.

These are usually energetic and healthy people. Optimists and proud people, they love change and try not to sit still. Caring, kind and empathetic, they most often find happiness in helping other people. They also love adventure and thrills.

They make good private detectives, racers, stuntmen and entrepreneurs.

Temperament – ​​choleric + sanguine.

Shades of orange.

  • Bright orange. Hotness, love of life, joy.
  • Dark orange. Low intelligence, inability to concentrate, weak willpower.
  • Turbid. Hot temper.
  • Orange green. Tendency to quarrel and argue without any reason. Stubbornness, absolute rejection of other people's opinions. They enjoy the process itself, whether they are right or wrong, they do not care.
  1. Green aura.

Hard work, consistency, balance. Nothing can stop them if they know they are right. Noble and reliable.

They are also persistent and stubborn, respectable and respectable, bright and smart, and self-critical. They skillfully create material well-being for themselves and their loved ones. Since green is the color of growth, nothing can stop them on their way. Slowly but surely they are making their way to the top.

They make good organizers. They are very demanding, not only of others, but also of themselves. They are afraid of failure, although in fact it very rarely happens to them. The word “should” is paramount to them.

At the same time, they are sentimental, love nature and tranquility. They are quite secretive, so they have difficulty finding partners.

By temperament - phlegmatic.

Shades of green.

  • Pure – magnetism, healing abilities, responsiveness.
  • Bright green – tact, survival in any conditions, sincerity.
  • Dark green – selfishness, deceit, jealousy.
  • Emerald green – compassion and good-naturedness.
  • Muddy green – fear, envy and love experiences.
  • Light green – positive thinking, creation.
  • Green-yellow – manipulating people for one’s own benefit, greed for money.
  • Light green – talent for teaching people. The more blue the shift, the more reliable that person is.
  • Dirty green means depression and melancholy.
  1. Blue aura.

Good intuition and strong intellect, love of travel and diversity, straightforwardness, honesty. These are adventurers with a rich imagination, forever young and ready for achievements. Among them there are many workaholics who do not consider it necessary to relax, and this provokes stress in them.

Gifted by nature, they tend to waste their potential. They like to grab onto several things at once without finishing the previous ones. They can achieve a lot in any field if they learn to focus on important matters and not waste their naturally enormous potential on trifles.



  • Pure color. Sensitivity, active position, creative activity, kindness.
  • Light blue. Indecisiveness.
  • Dark shades. If the color is pure, then this indicates self-awareness and the unfolding of mental potential and the absence of fear of difficulties. If the shade is dirty, then this indicates excessive suspicion.
  • Bright blue. Devotion and worship of high ideals.
  • Sky blue. Energy. The ability to understand and empathize with other people.
  • Turquoise. Charismatic, peaceful and tender.
  • Dark blue. Spirituality, wisdom, readiness for self-sacrifice, vigor and health.
  • Pale blue. This means that the person is hesitating and needs help in making the right decision.
  1. Blue aura.

Devotion, self-confidence, responsibility, deep wisdom. Strong intellect, emotionality and sensuality. With frequent mood swings. Artistic, selfless and with highly developed intuition.

At the same time, they like to solve family problems and take upon themselves the care of their neighbors. That's why they always have a lot of friends and acquaintances - people feel this peculiarity of them and are drawn to them.

But sometimes they are too picky not only about others, but also about themselves, this is because they look for perfection in everything.

Prone to scientific or religious activities. They also make good psychologists, doctors, educators, teachers and writers.

Temperament – ​​phlegmatic.


  • Bright blue. Reliability, caring, religiosity.
  • Cloudy blue. Negativity, disappointment.
  • Dark blue. Anxiety, confusion, depression.
  1. Purple aura background.

Tendency to self-denial, mysticism and clairvoyance. Intuition and spiritual strength. Rich imagination, a penchant for creativity and mysticism.
Free and independent. Therefore, they usually rely only on themselves, since they do not like to bother other people asking for help.

They are often closed, because they do not know how to clearly express their thoughts, and this is the wrong path. They need to communicate more with people to keep their aura in good condition.

After all, if the aura decreases, then wisdom will leave its bearer and the revelation beyond his abilities will stop.

Artistic and literary talent is present. But they achieve success in any field of activity.


  • Amethyst - Spiritual awareness.
  • Purple – Selflessness and the gift of healing.
  • Purple with silver is the highest level of knowledge available to man.
  • Purple can mean both loyalty and pride.
  • Dark purple speaks of a tendency towards homosexuality, drug addiction, vampirism and mental disorders.
  1. Pink aura color.

It is called the color of planetary intuition; in the aura it indicates falling in love and spiritual love. These are advanced people, everything is in order with both spirituality and the material world. They are kind to close people.

They make the most loyal friends, and the most dangerous enemies who never forget insults and, on occasion, take cruel revenge.

If they do not agree with someone’s opinion, they will definitely act as they see fit. And we are always ready to defend our point of view to the bitter end. They are well versed in everything related to money, and rarely lose in this area. But sometimes they overestimate their capabilities and lose everything.

They achieve great success in legal, teaching and financial activities.

Shades of pink.

  • Pale pink. Shyness and indecisiveness.
  • Hot pink. The highest stage of love.
  1. Bronze aura background.

Very often this color is the main one in the aura of conservationists. The gift of clairvoyance and healing is often present. These are people who are determined and prone to self-sacrifice. They love to help without demanding anything in return.

Their surroundings get used to the fact that as soon as you ask them, they drop everything they are doing and run to help, which begins to neglect them. Therefore, they need to learn to refuse in some specific cases, otherwise they may completely get screwed.

“Bronze” people are usually happy no matter what.

Professions such as musician, poet, artist or actor are suitable for them. And also a fortuneteller, medium, doctor.

11. Silver aura background.

People with this aura background are dreamers and idealists. Noble, spiritual, honest and trusting. When choosing friends, they rely only on their intuition and do not believe slander until they are convinced of it themselves.

Emotional in nature, they often experience nervous overload. They need to learn to relax; meditation or self-hypnosis are suitable for this.

Art, literature and psychology are the most preferred fields of activity for the “silver”.

22. Golden aura background.

These are real leaders, endowed with extraordinary talents and a sense of responsibility for everything that happens. They make great leaders. They have such a strong energy field that they, like batteries, are able to charge the people around them.

The main thing for them is not to waste their potential over trifles. Therefore, the higher the goal and more accurately the priorities are set, the better.

Success awaits them in any profession. Such as a builder, engineer or architect are suitable. But most of all, large-scale activities are suitable for them. For example, a statesman, a scientist.

33. White background of the aura.

It's the perfect backdrop. This was the color of Christ's aura. A man with such
The background of the aura is often religious and strong in their faith. It can also be endowed
extrasensory and parapsychological abilities. He likes it when everything around him is peaceful and calm.
Such people are usually wise and serve higher ideals.
But sometimes he can be thrown into extremes from religiosity; for example, he can turn to drug use. From sympathy for people to complete indifference.

And in conclusion, I want to say - maintain your aura in proper form. After all, if it decreases or fades, you will begin to have problems with your health and destiny. To do this, try not to do bad things, do not allow negative thoughts, and develop spiritually and physically.

Let your aura be voluminous and brightly shining. As befits the aura of a spiritually and physically healthy person. Love, health and success to you!