Tickets for the ballet fairytale world of ballet. “Charity is like a stage, it requires a good script and clear direction - And the governor of the Moscow region promised to help

Winner children's competition“Classics and Modernity within the framework of the charity program of the V. Gordeev Charitable Foundation “Give ballet to children”

Fund on the third try

Vyacheslav Gordeev organized his first foundation back in the 90s. It was called "World of Arts" and did not last long.

— Then I dreamed of publishing my own magazine about ballet and for this I even graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University.

By that time we had many victories in the field of ballet and I was in the most rosy mood. But everything turned out to be not so simple. Those businessmen with whom I spoke could help the fund, but they very quickly lost their business. Things didn't go beyond promises.

In 2007, Vyacheslav became a deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma. Supervises cultural issues in the Sergievo Posad district and receives funds for the needs of the district from the party " United Russia» 20 million rubles annually.

— When they decided to move the city center to Sergiev Posad, I proposed establishing a “City of Arts” in the new center. I wanted to build two theaters, I even found investors. But, unfortunately, here too I found myself in an era of change (the government in the city was changing) and the project remained a project. But in 2010 the fund was created.

My main resource is the intellectual potential of the Russian Ballet Theater. Charity in general, like any event, requires the development of a script and good directing.

Give ballet to children

Children at the performance

Immediately after the founding of the foundation, I created the “Give Ballet to Children” program. At first it applied only to children of the Sergievo Posad district, and now to all children of the Moscow region and Moscow. We conduct on-site master classes in children's art schools, ballet studios, festivals and competitions, performances at holidays in orphanages and rehabilitation medical centers.

— Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, what kind of ballet should be given to children?

- Of course, not Scheherazade. Children need the wonderful “Nutcracker”, the mischievous “Cipollino”... Children really love fairy tales - in them good always triumphs over evil. And adults need this kind of confidence too. And if you look into the hall at the spectators of such “children’s” performances, you don’t know who is more in the hall – children or adults. The whole family usually comes.

We try to do new things. For example, " Fairytale world ballet." This is a journey to wonderful world, where, according to children's law, everything is the best: the kindest and beautiful princesses, the bravest princes. And most importantly - in the confrontation between the light and dark forces goodness and justice triumph. But this is also an excursion into the world of ballet, where children learn the most interesting facts from its history in a fairy-tale form.

In the performance we included the most striking dance parts from the masterpieces of the classical repertoire: “Sleeping Beauty”, “Cinderella”, “Cipollino”, “The Nutcracker”.

200 tickets for each performance “from Gordeev” are free, intended for children from orphanages and boarding schools.

— Is there something special in the perception of ballet and music in special children?

— Here’s what I noticed: for many years we have been patronizing a children’s social rehabilitation center in Yaropolets, near Moscow. At first they simply collected and sent by buses new clothes, shoes, toys, they themselves came to them with gifts. They sincerely believed that this was important and valuable to them. And then we invited them to Moscow, to our performance... And we realized - this is what our guys need!

Of course, the theatrical atmosphere, the wonderful music itself, the bright spectacle on stage is great, and the children will probably remember this forever. But, in addition to the performance, we organize an excursion to the Kremlin for children; they travel on a bus around Moscow and are told about the capital. And judging by their faces and mood, this impresses them no less than our performance in the theater.

But the guys with Down syndrome from our medical rehabilitation center“Centaur” (Kotelniki), on the contrary, really love it when the “Russian Ballet” comes to them and performs on their small stage.

Apparently, tactile sensations are also important for them - they really like to touch ballerinas’ tutus with their hands. The tutus are lush, as if airy...

Our artists not only dance, but also communicate after the concerts, get acquainted with exhibitions of children's drawings and handicrafts, and take photographs with them.

Our visually impaired children from Balashikha react acutely to music. I remember a boy who beat out his own rhythm throughout the entire performance to Tchaikovsky’s music.

Very well. Children are all different. And I believe that everyone should be given the freedom to express themselves. Nothing good can be done under a stick. Will not work.

Pit for the School of Russian Ballet

Artists of the Russian Ballet Theater visiting children from the Centaur medical rehabilitation center.

— How can you make your child fall in love with the classics, ballet, in general? high art, - as many mothers want today? Still, the classics ennoble.

— Sitting in the hall at a performance and looking at the stage, at the extraordinary performance on stage, accompanied, as a rule, by beautiful music, it is probably not so difficult for a child’s soul, which initially strives for the highest, to fall in love with ballet.

That’s how I once fell in love after watching “Romeo and Juliet” with Galina Ulanova on TV. And I asked my mother to enroll me in the choreography section of the Tushino Palace of Culture.

Although I was an ordinary boy and really loved to run around the yard with the boys and throw coal (they played like that).

So one day my daughter Lyuba fell in love with ballet after watching “ Swan Lake" She literally raved about ballet, studying at the Moscow Choreographic Academy from the age of nine. But today my wonderful daughter is an excellent economist. She did not become a ballerina.

- Alas?

- No, that means it’s simply not her destiny. Everyone in life must find their place. She just wanted to dance; she liked, as it later turned out, the shine of the costume and the light of the spotlights.

And when it came to hard, hard labor at the ballet barre... Lyubasha began to complain: “Dad, my legs hurt terribly... As soon as the complaints started, I realized: “The ballet dream is over.”

— Did your legs hurt?

- They were sick. But I built myself a bed according to the principle: legs above head and I managed with it. And when I was on vacation, I often rested on the Riga seaside with my friend’s grandmother, and in order not to lose physical fitness, sewed a large bag from a tarpaulin, filled it with sand, put two bricks on his shoulders - and every day he stood on his toes a thousand times... But when he returned to work at the Bolshoi, he was in good shape. And in the theater they were gossiping: “Gordeev has been studying all summer again...”

Ballet is cruel on the wrong side. Soon it will be four o’clock, my artists will come to class and start practicing, “sweating” in the literal sense. They will finish at ten o'clock after the performance. The costumes can literally be wrung out.

— Recently, on his plot of land in Korolev near Moscow, Vyacheslav Gordeev began digging a pit for the foundation of the building of the School of Russian Ballet.

— I’m building it with my own money. When it runs out, I’ll turn to my friends.

— Did the governor of the Moscow region promise to help?

“I can’t get an appointment with him yet.”

— What about modern patrons of the arts? In general, I wonder if they exist in Russia?

— I personally know one – Nikolai Grishko. Smart, brilliantly educated, honest. He managed to establish tailoring of ballet clothes and shoes in Russia of such quality that today his clients are the most famous ballet stars in many countries of the world.

Nikolai really helps: he takes ballet theater troupes on tours abroad, he sews for charity ballet costumes for performances.

I was recently at our theater for the premiere. After the performance he came to me and said: “Slava, I’ll sew all the costumes for you for Don Quixote!” Now I’ve just finished sewing for the Choreographic School Bolshoi Theater(120 suits) I’ll wear yours too!”

But sewing costumes for the ballet “Don Quixote” costs from 6 to 8 million rubles.

If only more such people were born in Russia!

It’s not for nothing that I emphasized – I’m honest. I knew many big businessmen who did not give a penny for good deeds, without benefit.

— The issue of creating a code of ethics is currently being discussed among Russian charitable foundations. Is it necessary, in your opinion?

- I am completely in favor.

Charity must be done honestly. And with dignity.

This, it seems to me, is all the success and all the strength.

V. Gordeev at the ballet barre

Information: Vyacheslav Gordeev is a legendary Russian dancer, premier of the Bolshoi Theater, choreographer, choreographer, theater director and teacher, professor, head of the department of choreography at GITIS (RATI), father of four children. More than 30 years ago, People's Artist of the USSR Vyacheslav Gordeev created and became the artistic director of the Russian Ballet Theater. Since 2007, deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma. Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Education, Culture, Sports, Youth Affairs and Tourism. In 2010 he founded " Charitable Foundation Vyacheslav Gordeev." Member of the jury of top ballet competitions. Winner of many international awards and awards.

Theater – Fairytale world of ballet in Moscow:

Organizational information

More about the production

The event "Fairytale World of Ballet" in Moscow will take place at the Moscow Provincial Theater at the address: Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospekt, 121.
Price: 300 - 1700 rub.

Short description/ review of the event - The Fairytale World of Ballet in Moscow: Event Category: Children () Detailed information: Order tickets for the Fairytale World of Ballet

Event schedule - Fairytale world of ballet in Moscow:

Photo report The fabulous world of ballet in Moscow:


For children Yes Description Continue reading..

The performance “The Fairytale World of Ballet” at the Moscow Provincial Theater- a magnificent production, full of magic. It combines plot motifs from the legendary ballet performances of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Viewers will see the heroes of “The Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty” and others famous works classic. These stories will merge into a single mesmerizing performance, filled with luxurious costumes, impressive scenery and, of course, high-quality dancing.

Organizational information

Those wishing to buy tickets to the performance “The Fairytale World of Ballet” in Moscow can choose seats in the stalls or on the balcony auditorium. Viewing of the performance is recommended for both adults and children over 3 years old.

More about the production

“The Fairytale World of Ballet” was staged on the “Gubernskaya” stage by the Russian Ballet Theater. The creators called this production a concert-lecture for family viewing. After all, it will be interesting and educational not only for sophisticated ballet lovers, but also for young spectators. Interesting and exciting plots in a fairy-tale setting, the struggle between good and evil, enchanting music and bewitching choreography - all this will appeal to even the youngest theatergoers and will awaken their interest in classical art.

Moreover, this evening theater visitors will learn a lot interesting facts from the history of ballet. For example, the public will be told how one can become a ballet dancer, what exercises dancers and ballerinas do during rehearsals, which of the artists of past years made the most significant contribution to the development of this art.

You can even look behind the scenes of the performance and see some of its secrets. Of course, all this will not destroy the charm, but, on the contrary, will make

In the Moscow Provincial the theater will take place performance “The Fairytale World of Ballet”.

“The Fairytale World of Ballet” is intended for family viewing, and is also addressed to those who are passionate about the art of choreography. Spectators of different ages They learn with interest how they become ballet dancers. They will see what exercises shape ballerinas and dancers in a daily lesson classical dance and get behind the scenes of a ballet performance. For some, the names of the great artists of the past, those who made an invaluable contribution to the development of performing and choreographing art, will be heard for the first time. The result of a lot of work in lessons and rehearsals is the performance of the artists on stage in front of the public.

The play “The Fairytale World of Ballet” includes the most striking dance parts from the masterpieces of the classical repertoire. They will tell their stories on stage fairy tale characters from the ballets “The Nutcracker”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “Cinderella”, “Cipollino” performed by best artists Theater "Russian Ballet".

The performance “The Fairytale World of Ballet” at the Moscow Provincial Theater is a magnificent production, full of magic. It combines plot motifs from the legendary ballet performances of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Viewers will see the heroes of “The Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty” and other famous works of the classics. These stories will merge into a single mesmerizing performance, filled with luxurious costumes, impressive scenery and, of course, high-quality dancing.

Organizational information

Those wishing to buy tickets for the performance “The Fairytale World of Ballet” in Moscow can choose seats in the stalls or on the balcony of the auditorium. Viewing of the performance is recommended for both adults and children over 3 years old.

More about the production

“The Fairytale World of Ballet” was staged on the “Gubernskaya” stage by the Russian Ballet Theater. The creators called this production a concert-lecture for family viewing. After all, it will be interesting and educational not only for sophisticated ballet lovers, but also for young spectators. Interesting and exciting plots in a fairy-tale setting, the struggle between good and evil, enchanting music and bewitching choreography - all this will appeal to even the youngest theatergoers and will awaken their interest in classical art.

Moreover, this evening theater visitors will learn many interesting facts from the history of ballet. For example, the public will be told how one can become a ballet dancer, what exercises dancers and ballerinas do during rehearsals, which of the artists of past years made the most significant contribution to the development of this art.

You can even look behind the scenes of the performance and see some of its secrets. Of course, all this will not destroy the charm, but, on the contrary, will make