How to celebrate the New Year with your best friend. New Year with friends

How to celebrate the New Year in a bright, original and fun way? Every year we carefully plan where, how and with whom we will celebrate the New Year, long before the celebration itself. And it’s not surprising, because there is a belief that the whole next a year will pass under the mood set on New Year's Eve. Despite the fact that the New Year is considered to be a family holiday, many people prefer fun, noisy parties with friends, secluded romantic evenings with a loved one, or extreme New Year celebrations in the most unexpected and unusual places for celebration.

Where to celebrate?

The traditional option is to celebrate the New Year at home, and you can limit yourself to family, relatives, or invite friends to visit. How to celebrate the New Year at home so that you have vivid impressions, memories and emotions? For this it is important to prepare entertainment program, this could be interesting fun competitions, fun and games. If you have access to the roof, then at the beginning of the new year you can go out onto the roof with champagne and treats and celebrate the new year outdoors starry sky and don't forget to make a wish.

IN Lately themed New Year's parties are relevant. Invited guests can be given a condition - to come in fancy dress. It could be a New Year's mini party in the style of retro, gangster Chicago, or based on the plot of your favorite movie. If you are in the mood for a quiet family holiday with loved ones, then you should think about the original New Year's decoration interior, festive table and gifts.

New Year at the dacha

You can celebrate the New Year at the dacha as in classic style with a traditional New Year's menu, a tree and gifts, and in a stylized version if you are celebrating the New Year in the company of friends. When choosing a dacha as a place to celebrate, many people do not know. Ideal option there will be warm chunky knit sweaters, knitted dresses or long tunics with Norwegian patterns in bright color scheme. You need to go to the dacha in advance to prepare it for receiving guests, heat it and decorate it. You should decorate your dacha not only indoors, but also in the courtyard, which will only add to the festive mood and mysterious New Year's atmosphere. The advantages of a dacha are that you can hold fun and mischievous competitions not in your room, sitting in front of the TV, but in the courtyard in the fresh air.

Celebrating a fun new year with friends

You can celebrate the New Year with friends anywhere - at home, at a themed or traditional party, in an exotic country, in a restaurant, at a skating rink or the main square of the city. There are quite a lot of options, it all depends on your preferences. If you decide to throw a stylized party, it is important to think through not only carnival costumes, but also the appropriate decoration of the room and the New Year's menu. It is very interesting and fun to celebrate the New Year in a hot exotic country, but with traditional attributes. Just preparing for the holiday will cause a lot of emotions and fun, because it is not so easy, for example, to find a Christmas tree in Thailand, but how the local population will react to such a large-scale and original celebration. From such a trip you will probably bring not only a suitcase with things, but also a positive charge of energy and good mood for the whole next year.

Romantic New Year's Eve with your loved one

Many couples in love will prefer a romantic New Year's Eve, and in order for the celebration not to be banal, you should think about where and how to celebrate the New Year. TO classic options applies New year's night with a hundred lit candles, rose petals scattered on the floor, a fragrant bubble bath, champagne and fruits. For those who want to get away from noisy neighbors and friends, a small cozy house in the forest with a fireplace and light romantic music would be an excellent option. But don’t forget to think about what to prepare for the New Year; you can stock up on fresh fruits, desserts and one main dish, which, by the way, can be prepared together on New Year’s Eve. And of course, take gifts with you!

Most of us are waiting for the New Year as if it were some kind of miracle. Since childhood, we have gotten used to this holiday, bright garlands, the smell of tangerines and a Christmas tree. As adults, this feeling does not go away, and we meet it with our friends, loved ones or family. The long-awaited holiday brings us a lot of positive emotions and joyful mood. Everyone, without exception, believes in miracles that happen under New Year and look forward to them with great pleasure. This year Dogs will be just as fun and wonderful if you figure out in advance how to celebrate it in a fun way. You need to think about the program of the holiday, the place where to celebrate it and gifts for guests.

How to choose a place for a holiday

If you decide to mark New 2018 Dogs year with friends, then first decide how many people there will be. You need to know for sure in order to choose a place to meet the long-awaited event.

Young people often prefer cheerful and noisy celebrations, so if there is an opportunity to celebrate the New Year outside the city, then this will be great idea. There you can have a lot of fun. To begin, decorate the house in any fairy-tale way or prepare a themed interior. To celebrate the New Year 2018 Dogs Anything bright and colorful will do. Decorate a Christmas tree on the street or in the house; without this attribute, the New Year will lose its solemnity. Windows can be decorated with electric garlands. In the room where the main celebration will take place, it is necessary to prepare a festive table. It is decorated in the same colorful way as everything around. Any fun will become memorable if it takes place among close friends. On New Year's Eve, when there are only a few minutes left before the clock strikes, you can celebrate right on the street, where you can set off fireworks and light sparklers.

If you and your friends do not have the opportunity to go out of town on this holiday, then you can organize a party in a cafe or restaurant. Today, many such places provide this service. Here you will not have any questions regarding the design, although you can express your wishes to the cafe staff. They will most likely make concessions and be able to decorate their vacation spot in the proposed style. Also, you will not need to think about food, the chefs will think about everything for you. You will be required to select dishes and approve the menu. On New Year's Day, these places are usually very fun and you and your friends can have a great time. People become kinder and get to know each other. Therefore, you can not only have a wonderful New Year, but also make new acquaintances.

There is another option for meeting New Year's friends. You need to throw a party at your friends' apartment. Of course, you will need to immediately decide on the number of people; modern apartments are not large in size and they include a certain number of guests. Then think about the New Year's menu, what would you like to see as snacks on festive table. Hand-cooked dishes have always been valued for their taste and quality. It is possible to order everything in a restaurant, but this will ruin your New Year's Eve efforts. Girls can chat about many interesting things while the culinary preparations for the holiday are underway. The apartment should also be decorated in some style. Come up with a scenario for the New Year, and then it will be easier for you to create the entire interior. Dress-up games, surprises with entertaining numbers, New Year's lotteries and much more can be prepared for this holiday. Now it has become fashionable to organize themed parties, so, for example, you warn guests what they should wear to the party.

New Year is a holiday when everyone expects something unusual and tries to spend it as fun as possible. Any holiday scenario will be appropriate. A New Year's disco will be able to amuse all the friends with whom you will celebrate the New Year. 2018 Dogs.

Choosing gifts for friends

A New Year's gift is also a mandatory attribute that must be present. Each of us is waiting for a gift for this holiday and believes in our hearts that it will be somehow special. Today, the Internet is becoming an assistant in choosing a gift; in its vastness it is offered big choice various trinkets and more serious gifts.

If you decide to give a gift to a friend, namely a guy, then you should study his preferences and desires. Find out what he does, what he prefers on vacation, and then draw conclusions. If he is an office worker, which is not surprising these days, most men today work in them. Here you can pick up a nice little thing that will be useful in his workplace. Why not give him a new mouse pad or the mouse itself, made in a cool design. Also, a calendar on the table can also become New Year's gift. Mug with his name or cool inscription will be a gift for for a long time and when your friend drinks coffee from it, he will always remember you.
It’s a little more difficult to choose a gift for a girl friend. You shouldn't give her perfume as a gift; you won't be able to guess her favorite scent. It can also be difficult to choose cosmetics. You can give a gift in the form of a plush toy or an interesting figurine. Small figurine Dogs will bring good luck, because it is a symbol of the year and should be in every home.

Any gift to friends should be memorable. On New Year's Day, friends are not given serious gifts. It's always the little things that make you happy. Moreover, the most important gift of celebrating the New Year together is still ahead, and you will have time to enjoy it properly.
New 2018 Dogs a year in the bright sun

Most Russians have recently chosen to celebrate the New Year in warm countries. If you and your friends decide to go to such a place to celebrate a holiday, you can have a great time basking on the warm sand. There are places that tourists visit every year on New Year's Day.
The most popular destination is Egypt; this country is simply overcrowded with tourists. Those who want to spend the New Year holidays under the scorching sun. There is no heat as such during this period of the year in Egypt, but the mysterious country welcomes guests quite warmly and comfortably. A lot of entertainment is provided in this place during the winter. Locals organize New Year celebrations in a very cheerful and colorful atmosphere. A group of friends can have a great time here and celebrate the holiday not under a green Christmas tree, but under a palm tree with bananas. The cost of such a holiday will be low; all New Year’s tours are sold at fairly reasonable prices.

You can also choose countries such as India, with its hot sun and wonderful events, Israel, you can appreciate all the beauty of the Red Sea, Goa and Thailand. All these countries are looking forward to their guests and will be able to offer an unforgettable New Year celebration.

Ski New Year

Winter lovers can go to ski resorts. You and your friends will be able to plunge headlong into extreme sports and breathe in the clean, crystal air. Recently, resorts in Crimea have become popular. Great amount Tourists from all over the world come to these places for winter holidays. Spend New Year and Christmas in a wonderful place ski resort, this is a really great idea. Most organizers already know the preferences of the guests and are ready for the New Year holidays.

Noisy parties. Discos until the morning and a lot of other entertainment will overwhelm you and your friends, and you won’t be able to help but appreciate all the charm of this New Year's holiday. You can go skiing with friends, visit themed parties, and go on wonderful excursions. During New Year's holidays In such places you can always find decent employment. On New Year's Eve, you can gather around a common table and celebrate it properly with champagne.

In New 2018 year, you must decide for yourself how and where you will spend the holiday. To prevent your mood from spoiling, choose places where you and your friends will feel comfortable and happy. After all, this holiday is usually celebrated with spirit and noisy fun. There is a saying: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it,” if you adhere to it, try to spend it as best and brightly as possible.
They say that on New Year's Day dreams come true, so let your dream come true too. Gather all your friends together and go celebrate this event. May the New Year bring you only happiness and many smiles.

Many people note that the New Year is one of the most fun and favorite holidays. In fact, this is true. For example, March 8 is an exclusively women's day, February 23 is a men's holiday, etc. And the New Year is, one might say, a day for all people without exception, regardless of their gender, age and other indicators.

As a rule, several weeks before the New Year are spent actively preparing for the holiday. This means buying gifts, creating a menu and a lot of other troubles. In addition to these questions, all people usually decide where and with whom it is best to celebrate such a memorable day that they may have been waiting for all year. Many are sure that one of best options celebration is with friends. This can be explained by the fact that in no other place, for example, in a club or restaurant, can you feel as open and relaxed as in your own warm company.

It is best to celebrate the New Year with friends at home. Of course it's great if it's suburban a private house, but also the apartment in this situation - good option. Many people note that “if we celebrate the New Year with friends, then we know in advance that we need to prepare a huge table.” It should be recalled that in such holiday menu there must be a hot dish, a large number of cold snacks, as well as lots of fruit. Nuts and various sweets are also welcome. Do not forget that if you decide to celebrate the New Year with friends, then you must make sure that there is enough alcoholic drinks on the festive table, and in general in the house. It’s better that some of them remain after the holiday than it becomes clear in the middle of the night that someone needs to run for a new portion.

To ensure that the New Year with friends is not boring, you can choose several interesting, or better yet, humorous ones. board games. You should buy them at any store specializing in such products. In addition, you need to prepare fun competitions for your friends. This could be “Surprise”, “Best reader of comic poems”, etc. For the “Surprise” competition you will need multi-colored balloons (preferably various shapes). On pre-prepared pieces of paper you need to write various (preferably with elements of humor) tasks. For example, you can make a wish for the following: sing the well-known and beloved song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, guess New Year's riddle, dance rock and roll, belly dance or rumba. Leaves with tasks written on them must be placed in balloons along with multi-colored confetti. After this, you should inflate the balloons. A group of friends should be divided into teams, for example, 2, 3 or 4 people. One participant must choose the one he likes balloon, burst it and complete the proposed task. If it is completed, the team will receive a token in the shape of a Christmas tree or At the end similar game it is necessary to count them and determine which company won. As a reward for their efforts, the winners can receive 1 kg of tangerines or a bottle of champagne.

The “Best Reader of Comic Poems” competition consists of taking turns reading funny quatrains associated with the New Year. For this game you need to prepare leaves with rhyming lines printed on them. Each player must take out the first sheet of paper he comes across and expressively read the quatrain written on it. The winner of the competition is determined by applause. Whoever has them stronger and louder wins. The reward is chocolate.

If you are going to celebrate the New Year with new friends, then first you need to find out in more detail how they prefer to have fun and celebrate this event. Only after this will it be possible to draw conclusions about what competitions or games need to be prepared for the long-awaited and most important