What do you use to make modular paintings with your own hands? Modular paintings in the interior

Over time, everyone wants to change their already lived-in home and do everything there in a completely new way. In order to do this, you need to make repairs, but not necessarily major ones. You can change just a little and your home will become simply unrecognizable, if, of course, everything is done correctly. Today we will talk about how to change the interior using modular paintings.

Modular paintings in the interior

Surely you have at least once seen such paintings in the interior of apartments or offices, and perhaps you have already looked at a similar art object in a store. These paintings are unusual in their format. After all, one whole picture is divided into several modules, which can be of different sizes and shapes. This is where the name came from - modular paintings. For many today, black and white modular pictures are very interesting. Using them, you can create a special interior in your home that will amaze your guests. If you have a desire to purchase modular paintings, you can do so by visiting the online store www.kartinko.ru. There is a fairly large assortment here, among which everyone will find exactly what they need for their home.

DIY modular paintings

If you have the time and desire, you can make such modular paintings yourself. For a modular painting you will need:
  • picture frames;
  • canvas or fabric;
  • furniture stapler;
  • photo wallpaper or poster.
First, you need to understand what you will use to make a modular painting. There are several options:
  • draw yourself;
  • use photo wallpaper or paper poster;
  • use fabric with an ornament.
The first option is suitable only for those who know how to draw. For artists, such work will not be difficult. But since most ordinary people, as a rule, do not draw very well, let's look at the other three ways to create a modular painting. So, method two. We use photo wallpaper or paper poster. Decide in advance how many modules will be in your painting and what size each module will be. Then we buy frames in the store of the required size and in the required quantity. Place the frames on the back side of the poster and outline each frame with a pencil. Don't forget to leave 3-4 cm from the edge of each outlined side. The indentation will be required in order to secure the edges of the picture to the frame. After everything is marked, we cut out the pictures and use glue or a furniture stapler to attach the paper to the frames. To ensure that the modular painting lasts for a long time, cover it with transparent film over the paper. A similar process for making a modular picture from fabric. Any fabric on which a coupon pattern is applied will be suitable for the painting. This is the kind of drawing that will fit well into the picture. You will have to tinker with the fabric a little longer, because... In order for the picture to look good, the fabric needs to be stretched well. But the result, believe me, will exceed all your expectations! That's all. Your DIY modular painting is ready! Did you like the material? Click like at the bottom of the text. Want to know how else you can decorate your walls? Then watch our

Modular paintings consist of several parts (two or more), connected by a common theme or plot. Due to the division of the whole image into parts, such pictures are also called segmented. Modules of a segmented picture are hung on the wall at a short distance from each other.

This is an avant-garde art trend, which is why modular exhibitions are considered in some way “modern”: they look great in modern interiors.

The design of the painting can be very different, so segmented exhibitions are suitable for many rooms: home, workplace, entertainment venue, etc.

Modular paintings have long been fashionable in Europe, but fashion for them in Russia has only appeared recently. Russian artist-designers quickly and quite successfully master the technique of modular art, so they have already developed the basic principles.

First steps in creating modular paintings

Determine the number of segments. The first thing an artist does when he begins to draw a modular painting is to determine how many segments there will be. This is done based on the size of the wall and the specifics of the image. There can be plenty of forms of a segmented picture. There are usually three or four blocks, but there may be more (3-4 is the most optimal number).

Mark the canvas. As a rule, modular exhibitions are painted in oil or acrylic. Before starting work, there should be a canvas prepared for the modules, approximately marked with the pattern that will subsequently be drawn.

Where will the painting be? Many artists, while painting their creation, do not think about where this picture will be located, and this is actually the most important thing. Modular paintings are mostly interior items, so it is necessary to develop a color scheme in advance that will perfectly match the interior of the room. For a hospital, for example, sky blue or beige tones are suitable. And for the university, for example, something brighter: orange, red, yellow, all warm colors.

A few words about the execution of the picture. Of course, paintings are also painted in oil or acrylic. But sometimes, when creating a modular painting, authors use conventional printers or fabric printers, with the help of which they print ready-made images. If the technique is good, at first glance it won’t even be noticeable that the picture is artificial. Most designers finish their creations with paints after printing.

By the way: an exhibition not made on canvas with one’s own hands loses little in the end. There is an opinion that painting is no longer in fashion, that they have been replaced by photography. This is partly true, but I don't agree with it. Still, creating paintings is an art that will live forever. Oil and canvas are traditional noble materials that no modern photography can replace.

What to consider when creating a painting

As mentioned above, before creating modular paintings, you should think about where they will be located.

Experts recommend making segmented paintings either darker or lighter than the main palette of the room. Exhibits that are the same color as the wall will be lost. In addition, there must be a mandatory bright element that will add zest to the interior of the room.

Too close up
Better composition

In this picture you can see a complete, complete image of the correct size. The color scheme of the painting does not match the decoration of the room and furniture. However, there are sofa cushions that combine with modular painting to create a completely different look.

Decoration of the painting

It is noteworthy that modular paintings do not require. Therefore, when painting a picture, you should think about how to make the ends of the picture neatly. Of course, you can frame the picture in a small metal frame that will be barely visible. Or you can stick tape, which is removed after the painting is completed.

Model paintings are a fashionable decoration for any interior. At their core, these are reproductions of paintings by famous artists, successful photographs, even children's drawings, which are divided into several segments and hung on the wall.

Most often, conceptual works by contemporary artists are used as the basis for a modular painting. However, if you divide the reproduction into several rectangular parts, you will get an interesting artistic accent, emphasizing the “as if” antique interior in dark colors. Contemporary art unites so many things into a single whole.

A modular painting can consist of several rectangles with fragments of one canvas with one plot. Sometimes photographers create a modular picture from several frames of the same type, imitating sequential “movement”.

In addition to rectangular segments, you can divide the base into squares, wavy fragments, trapezoids and even triangles. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that work is best perceived when divided into rectangles. Such work optically emphasizes the verticality of the space, and the artistic accent depends only on the taste of the owner of the house.

Prices for modular paintings

You can order a modular painting on the Internet, buy it in special stores, or make it yourself, since it is not at all difficult. A finished modular painting will cost approximately 5,000 rubles. This is the average price for an average-sized job.

If you decide to make the interior decoration yourself and according to your taste, then everything will cost much less.

Firstly, you can use pieces of cardboard boxes from a TV, refrigerator or other household appliances for a modular picture. Choose a base - a reproduction of a famous painting, a photograph, or your own drawing - and carefully paste it onto the base. Then you cut it into segments, strengthen each segment (with a second layer of cardboard, corners, etc.) and fix each segment separately on the wall.

To make your work look more professional, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made base for a modular painting in the store. In this case, the basis for the segments will be frame with stretched canvas. In this case, you can do different things: create the work yourself (draw something using colors that are in harmony with the interior, or, on the contrary, sharply contrasting with it), or you can attach segments to the base separately (in the case of a photograph).

If the interior allows, you can buy a print of an ancient engraving. Many people use beautiful photographs from the Internet, ordering them printed in large format.

Modular art provides unlimited scope for creativity for anyone, even the most inexperienced artist and designer.

Today, a modular painting is considered a modern and quite stylish piece of furniture. Its main feature is the fact that it is divided into several parts that belong to one composition. Such products can be purchased both on the market and in specialized or online stores. But if you want to create a truly original and non-standard interior while saving on budget, we will tell you how to make modular paintings with your own hands.

Modular paintings and their types

A modular painting is a decorative element of the interior, consisting of several separate parts that are united by a common idea or style direction. This decor is placed mainly on the wall. As a rule, such jewelry has a certain thickness, regardless of the material. For example, the depth of the modules may be the same or different. In the second option, the difference in volume allows you to achieve the effect of a three-dimensional image.

Most often, the following materials are used as the basis for making modular paintings with your own hands at home:

  • Regular or photo wallpaper;
  • Various photographs;
  • Colored paper;
  • Canvas;
  • Textile.

Important! The most original paintings are those that were drawn with one’s own hand on canvas or paper.

The arrangement of modules can be linear, abstract or diagonal. As for the shape of the elements, it can be completely different - from standard square or oval to completely arbitrary.

Important! For home production of modular paintings, it is best to use a rectangular shape. This is due to the fact that a rectangular base is much easier to work with, especially for a beginner.

Where is the best place to place a finished product?

Each room has its own characteristics, goals and objectives. Therefore, the correct choice of various decorative elements will highlight not only all the advantages of the room, but also minimize its disadvantages.

Living room

This is an ideal option for various experiments using bright and rich colors. As for the sizes of the elements, it is best to select them in accordance with the area of ​​the room. For example, in a room with a small area it is better not to hang large paintings, as they will look simply ridiculous, and vice versa - in a large room, small modules will simply get lost on the wall.

Important! It is best to place modular paintings above the sofa, as this is the most frequently visited place by family members.


For this room, all decorative elements should be selected carefully. It is best to give your preference to abstract images or calm landscapes. They will help you take your mind off your worries and relieve stress, making your sleep much more restful.

Important! In order to achieve complete harmony, choose images in which the primary colors will be in complete harmony with the overall color palette of the interior design.

Children's room

In this case, bright colors should be avoided. Try to choose modular paintings with images of animals or fairy-tale characters. As for abstraction, the baby will simply not be interested. Another original option is to create a modular picture from photographs of the owner of the room.

Important! If the room belongs to a teenager, you should invite him to make his own choice. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your favorite musician or film actor may appear on the canvas.


Here it is most appropriate to use the simplest possible images. This is due to the fact that family is rarely present here, so you and your guests simply will not have time to stand and look at complex works.


For this room you should choose stylish, rich and bright combinations. In this case, you can not be afraid to experiment. The most important thing is that the compositions fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room.

Important! If your kitchen is small, it is best to abandon various accessories in favor of more functional shelves or racks.

Master class on making a modular picture from photo wallpaper

Such decorative elements made from photo wallpapers look very unconventional and original, and most importantly, you can make them yourself. To make a modular painting you will need the following materials:

  • White or colored paper;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Cardboard;
  • Photo wallpaper;
  • Stationery knife;
  • PVA glue;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors.

Important! You can make modular paintings with your own hands from photo wallpaper on completely different bases. For example, for a more accurate image, you should use wooden dies, and for a more voluminous image, foam plastic. The most important thing is that they fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room and be combined with other decorative accessories.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • Select the required photo wallpaper.
  • From the photo wallpaper you need to cut out a fragment of the shape you need.
  • Cut the previously prepared fragment into several elements.

Important! It is best to make a picture with 3-5 modules.

  • Glue the parts of the picture onto pieces of foam plastic using PVA glue.
  • Cover the sides with paper of the same color as the image.
  • Attach loops to the back of the finished product so it can be hung on the wall.

Important! If you were unable to choose the photo wallpaper you need, you can find the picture you like on the Internet and print it in the size you need.

Do-it-yourself modular paintings from ordinary wallpaper - master class

If, after renovation, you still have wallpaper that is no longer needed, but it’s a pity to throw it away, you can turn it into original paintings that will become an excellent decorative element in the interior of the room.

For this you will need:

  • Colored paper (to match the wallpaper);
  • Scissors;
  • Polystyrene foam or cardboard;
  • Old wallpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Threads;
  • Stationery knife.

Once all the materials have been prepared, you can safely begin work:

  • Choose several wallpapers with different patterns, but in the same color scheme.

Important! Since high-quality wallpaper is quite expensive and not everyone can afford it, you can purchase canvases that are left over in the store’s warehouse. They are in no way inferior in quality, but the price is much cheaper.

  • Cut out several elements of the size and shape you need.
  • Glue the elements you cut out onto cardboard or pieces of foam.
  • Glue the joints on the sides with colored paper.
  • Make loops on the back side of the product.

Master class on making fabric modular paintings with your own hands step by step

The basis for such a product can be designed independently and printed, ordered from a designer, or purchased ready-made. In this case, everything depends purely on your desires and financial capabilities. Once you have decided on the main part, you can begin making the modular painting.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • First you need to make a frame. Take the wooden slats and cut them to the length that suits you.

Important! Please note that the slats must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees.

The paintings, made using various techniques, are designed to make the standard apartment design refined, adding bright and original notes to it. A clear confirmation of this is the wallpaper paintings in the interior. We will consider in the article what options for the execution of such decorative elements can be used when arranging the interior and how to make paintings from wallpaper with your own hands.

The most suitable for creating pictures from wallpaper are photo wallpapers. After all, they are initially a ready-made decorative element. To give this decor segment a touch of individuality, masters of design art use ready-made canvases as a background, decorating them with other patterns and designs.

Important! The main requirement when using wallpaper pictures to decorate walls is to take into account the size of the room, its lighting and general style.

It is better to place such decorative elements on a free wall, making them the only accent element

Using wallpaper pictures you can successfully solve several problems at once:

  1. Hide design flaws.
  2. Divide the space into functional zones, which is especially important when planning a studio apartment.
  3. Highlight the main walls in the room and break up the monotony of the interior.
  4. Act as the finishing touch to a single room concept, while favorably emphasizing the individuality of each room.

Decorative elements made independently are not mass-produced, and therefore can add personality and charm to the room.

A well-chosen decorative element will help change the proportional ratio of the height and width of the wall, or smooth out the effect of too high ceilings. The main thing to remember is that creating original false panels and expressive panels requires not only good taste, but also great care. The inept use of materials creates the impression that the owner of the house simply did not have enough money for wallpaper.

Geometric prints fit perfectly into a laconic modern interior

Options for making wallpaper paintings

A stylish and at the same time original interior is not necessarily associated with significant financial costs. You can create an expressive and at the same time cozy atmosphere with the help of accessories made from affordable materials, using only a little imagination.

Stylistically correctly selected paintings from wallpaper remnants can act as a worthy interior decoration

The choice of color and texture of wallpaper chosen to create a painting with your own hands depends solely on the taste preferences of the master. The only condition is that they must be combined with the overall design of the room. But paintings with large geometric patterns, intricate floral prints or any other expressive pattern still look most advantageous.

Why limit yourself to paintings when you can make a collage that covers the entire wall!

Decorative panels and false panels

Wallpaper panels are a modern trend that allows you to use the old to create something new.

Depending on the materials involved in the composition, the panel can visually adjust the room: contrasting combinations will add bright touches, and mirror inserts will expand the space.

The main thing when creating a decorative panel is to maintain a sense of proportion and style.

To create a picture from photo wallpaper, you just need to cut out a fragment of the selected canvas, make a border for it from another material, and choose an interesting frame for the finished composition.

To create an imitation of the 3D Wallpapper technique, the panels are made from the same wallpaper that was used to decorate the entire wall.

Panels made from 3D wallpaper are a win-win option for creating a stylish and modern interior

To create a decoration, wallpaper is simply pasted onto a plywood or cardboard base, not forgetting to leave allowances to turn the edges of the wallpaper onto the reverse side.

Modular wallpaper compositions

Modular paintings, which appeared in the early 60s during the peak of popularity of the minimalism trend, are still capable of serving as a worthy decoration for a modern interior today.

Modular paintings are canvases divided into several segments, which are united by one storyline

Segmented compositions can be divided into two, three or more elements. The absence of frames is intended to emphasize the smooth transition of the design from one module to another.

The modules used to create compositions can be the same or different sizes. They are placed at the same distance from each other, placed randomly on a plane or at the same level. The distance between the modules should be such that when contemplating it does not make it difficult to perceive the whole picture.

The easiest way to create modular compositions from photo wallpapers

The work of creating a modular composition is carried out in several stages:

  1. Make a sketch of the future composition, dividing the picture into segments.
  2. Make the base of the modules. It uses sheets of polystyrene foam 1.5 cm thick, pieces of fabric or paper stretched on stretchers.
  3. Glue the individual parts onto the base.
  4. Place the elements on the wall, maintaining the uniformity of the image and maintaining the same distance.

Layout options for modular compositions

The main trick when composing modular compositions is to ensure that each element has a certain margin that overlaps the pattern. Therefore, it is not enough to have one common printed canvas. It is better to have two or three such pieces on hand, from which it is convenient to cut out individual elements, while leaving a reserve.

This modular composition clearly indicates the author’s non-standard thinking.

Large modular composition made up of paintings on stretchers

Spectacular paintings made from liquid wallpaper

Today, paintings on walls made of liquid wallpaper have become quite popular. Their main advantage is that a pattern can be created even on an uneven wall. Plastic material easily hides all cracks and defects.

It is a pleasure to work with a material that combines the best qualities of paper wallpaper and decorative plaster. In addition, an environmentally friendly material consisting of cellulose, silk fibers and plasticizers provides excellent sound insulation.

Spectacular paintings made with liquid wallpaper always attract the attention of both household members and guests

When applied to the wall, liquid wallpaper does not form convex joints. And when re-applied to another surface, they do not lose their qualities. To reuse them, you just need to remove the frozen mixture from the wall with a spatula and place it in a container of water for a while.

This pattern will delight and warm you on cold winter evenings.

The best thing about working with liquid wallpaper is that everyone can master the seemingly labor-intensive process.

We create a picture “to fit a frame”

There is nothing difficult about making a picture from leftover wallpaper with your own hands. You just need to choose the right material and creatively approach the solution to the problem.

Do-it-yourself compositions will look most advantageous in a room with plain walls

The technique for creating framed paintings is simple: wallpaper is glued onto a hard cardboard base, after which the blank is framed with a decorative strip or rail.

Selection of required materials

To create paintings from wallpaper, it is best to use canvases with an abundance of images and patterns. All of these items can be cut out and used as a working unit when creating your creation.

No less important is the selection of the base of the picture, which will serve as a background.

To create a harmonious composition, it is better to select the background in the same color scheme as the cut out pictures. But since the price of beautiful and high-quality wallpaper is always quite high, designers recommend considering the option of purchasing rolls from leftovers. Store sellers are often willing to sell canvases that have a slight color defect at a reasonable price.

Unobtrusive plant motifs fit perfectly into the interior of the dining room in light colors

Don't throw away scraps of fabric, old magazines and children's drawings - all of this can become part of the picture. For your work, you can safely use: old photos, ribbons, shells and dried flowers.

A powerful release of creative energy

Materials you will need:

  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • PVA glue;
  • wide and narrow brushes;
  • cloth to remove glue residue.

You can later order a frame for your work from a framing workshop or make it yourself from wooden slats or polyurethane foam. A frame made of thick twisted rope will look interesting.

Tip: to protect the design from fading and dust, while making the decorative element created by yourself more presentable, the frame can be supplemented with glass.

Snow-white frames perfectly complement delicate floral arrangements.

Formation of the overall composition

Before starting work, it is advisable to make a sketch, outlining on it the outlines of the arrangement of the elements. Using it, it is easier to put together the finished composition, while avoiding many mistakes.

Having decided on the size of the painting, cut out the base from thick cardboard. A piece of canvas is glued onto it, acting as a background.

Beautiful fragments of wallpaper and selected decorative elements are fixed on the prepared base.

The cut out elements are fixed to the base using PVA glue. The composition perfectly glues thick paper without deforming it or leaving streaks.

After the glue has dried, the finished composition is framed and inserted into the glass. When planning to use baguette elements as a frame, you only need to cut blanks that correspond to the length and width of the composition. Cut the joints of the baguette pieces with a stationery knife at an angle of 45°. Having glued the baguette to the base, all that remains is to coat the seams with putty and paint it in the desired shade.

Simple solutions sometimes look more impressive than expensive exclusive decor

Depending on the weight of the formed composition, hooks glued to the wall, liquid nails or double-sided tape can be used as fastening.

Decorating walls with liquid wallpaper

It’s not difficult to make a voluminous and textured picture from wallpaper with your own hands. For work, you can use liquid wallpaper of any structure and shade.

To create a decoration you need to prepare:

  • universal primer for decorative plaster;
  • metal and rubber spatula;
  • masking tape;
  • fur rollers;
  • container for mixing the material.

Liquid wallpaper is soaked in warm water for the period specified by the manufacturer.

To give the wallpaper the desired shade, colors are added to the composition.

Meanwhile, using a simple pencil, a sketch of the future painting is made on the wall, thinking through the size of the composition and the placement of elements. You can take any design you like as a basis, or use a stencil for this purpose, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

A layer of primer is applied to the base with a roller, which is designed to increase the adhesion of the elements to the wall. It is best to use a primer for this purpose that contains quartz sand. It gives a decorative effect in itself.

Tip: in order not to go beyond the boundaries of the composition when applying the mixture, the edges of the picture are covered with pieces of masking tape.

The soaked wallpaper, which has the consistency of a viscous mass, is applied to the surface using a spatula, laying out a layer 2 mm thick. To prevent the spatula blade from pulling the material along with it, it is better to position it at a slight angle. If the pattern has clear outlines, the mixture is laid out in stages so that different colors do not come into contact with each other.

This composition will dry within 1.5-2 days, depending on the temperature and ventilation of the room.

The process of decorating with liquid wallpaper is clearly presented in the video:

Video instructions for applying a pattern with liquid wallpaper

How to use leftover wallpaper in the interior: a selection of ideas

Wallpaper paintings are an effective and at the same time inexpensive way to decorate the interior in an original way, which can be used by anyone who likes interior creativity.