What can you talk about with your girlfriend? How to communicate with a girl: secrets of an exciting conversation

Scientists from Harvard University are seriously concerned about the problems of men who do not know what to talk about with a girl on a date. They supposedly developed an algorithm love compatibility two people. According to them, you should answer only 4 questions together:

  1. Do you like horror films?
  2. Have you ever traveled alone?
  3. Would you like to give up everything and live on a ship?
  4. What would you add to the pizza?

We are sure that when a woman hears such questions from you on the first date, she will be intrigued. And on top of everything else, this is a great option if you don’t know what to talk about with a girl!

But if you still don’t risk trying the recommendations of American scientists on yourself, then we are ready to offer you a list interesting topics for conversation on the first (and not only).

What to talk about with a girl? Let's start with universal themes

At the very beginning of dating, it can be very difficult to talk to a girl. The man is immediately overcome by doubts: “What does a woman like? What topic can be raised in conversation?”

There are 8 win-win options to start a conversation:

Favorite movies / books / music bands etc.- Dale Carnegie also claimed that every person’s favorite topic of conversation is himself. So feel free to choose any of the directions, use your imagination, ask questions and share information about your tastes.

Trips- a truly inexhaustible topic. Even if you have never ventured further than your city, don’t be afraid to dream out loud about where you would like to go.

What to talk about with a girl? Ask about interesting places she has visited. Imagine together about unexplored routes - in general, let your soul unfold!

Animals. It's great if you have pets and your preferences match. But even if suddenly not, then you can always tell funny story from childhood about your hamster or beloved dog.

Human qualities. The topics of conversation with a girl about relationships or character traits are inexhaustible. Find out what kind of men she is attracted to, what qualities she values ​​in people, and what is unacceptable to her in a relationship.

Memories. You can talk about childhood, pleasant moments in life, travel again. Share only pleasant and interesting stories, ask a woman about her unusual adventures.

Holidays. You can talk about what holiday is her favorite, how you prefer to celebrate New Year or Birthdays.

Future plans and dreams. You don’t have to share your deepest secrets, but you can outline how you see your life in a couple of years.

Hobby- truly a huge resource on what to talk about with a girl. Asking about a woman's hobbies and telling her about yours is the least you can do. Share your impressions, teach each other the intricacies of your favorite activities, or simply show her your passion in practice. This is a great reason to ask a girl out on another date.

Next: what to talk about with a girl on the phone and by correspondence

So, we have chosen several directions for building a conversation with a woman. If you haven’t asked her out yet and are just chatting on the Internet, then it’s time to call her and ask her to meet. But how to overcome embarrassment, what to talk about with a girl on the phone before asking her out on a date? Surprise her with unusual questions. They will not leave the girl a chance to remain silent in response and will certainly interest her.

Here small list such topics:

  1. How do you imagine your life in 5, 10 years?
  2. What would you spend your money on if you won a lot of money in the lottery?
  3. Tell us about yourself funny incident from life.
  4. When did you first fall in love?
  5. What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  6. What traits are most important to you in a man?
  7. What is the most valuable thing for you in a relationship?

You can talk about these topics in person, you can correspond. They are universal and non-trivial. If the girl keeps up the conversation, don’t hesitate - invite her on a date and continue communicating on interesting topics. By the way, these same questions will help you develop the conversation or take the conversation in a completely different direction if communication is not going well?

Aron's experiment and 36 questions for great love

About 20 years ago, Arthur Aron, an employee of the New York Psychology Center, conducted an experiment: he asked a man and a woman who had not met each other to answer 36 questions.

After that, they had to look into each other's eyes silently for 4 minutes. According to the scientist, after just six months the couple announced their desire to get married.

In 2015, New York Times columnist Mandy Lee Catron decided to test the “36 Questions for Love” thesis on herself and her friend. She wrote about the results of the experiment in the publication and noted that the theory really has the right to life.

Well, even if you don't manage to repeat the success of Arthur Aron and the New York columnist, then 36 questions for Great love will become great idea for a fun date and will help you get to know each other better.

We have selected the most original questions from this list:

  • Describe your ideal day?
  • When you're in last time did you sing? Alone or for someone?
  • Who would you invite to dinner if you could choose anyone on the planet?
  • Why do you value your friends?
  • Would you like to become famous? In what field?
  • What are you most grateful for in life?
  • Tell the story of your life in 4 minutes.
  • What would you like to know about the future?
  • What is your greatest achievement?
  • Share your best memory.
  • What does friendship mean to you?
  • And love? What place does she occupy in life?
  • Worst memory?
  • What do you think shouldn't be joked about?

You should not take all questions as a direct guide to action. Some of them are too personal to ask on the first date, but still there are many interesting topics on the list that will help not only get closer to the girl, but also have a fun time.

What should you not talk about on a date?

Well, and finally, a few taboo topics. What you shouldn’t talk to a girl about (especially at the very beginning of a relationship):

Religion. Is it really important for you to start an argument about religious views? If not, then it is better to try to avoid this topic so as not to create tension in the conversation when one of you has to prove your point.

Past relationships. You haven't yet developed enough of a bond of trust to share negative memories of your exes.

Policy- the same “slippery” topic as religion. First, you may not see eye to eye. And secondly, the latest political vicissitudes are not the most fun theme for a romantic evening.

And the most important advice is never be afraid to seem ridiculous, uninteresting and boring. Relax and let the conversation flow. And with our list of interesting topics, you will always know what to talk about with a girl.

It often happens that we meet new people and start a conversation with them. Sometimes it can be very difficult because you are communicating with completely stranger and must somehow start a conversation with him. If you just met a person, then you want to know more information about him. When you're dating someone for the first time or trying to get to know someone better, you need to know good topics for conversations.

As practice shows, it is much more difficult for guys to talk to girls whom they have met for the first time or don’t know well than for girls to talk to guys. To attract a girl's attention, you need to be a good conversationalist. But first you need to start communication correctly so that the girl relaxes and does not feel awkward. If this is achieved, the conversation usually becomes longer and more sincere.

Starting a conversation

Finding something to talk about with a girl you barely know, and even with a friend you know much better, can be difficult. First, you need to bring your interlocutor into conversation. To do this, be yourself and try to be silent less, try to interest her. Usually, the first conversation shows how communication will develop further. Don't try to speak beautifully using phrases from poems or literary expressions, it will look funny and unnatural.

When you start a conversation with a girl, the key to success is sincerity.

Most girls can tell right away whether you are being sincere or being a hypocrite in order to get and keep the attention of your interlocutor. Typically, starting a conversation by telling her about yourself will help her calm down and open up to sharing thoughts and ideas.

When talking to a girl on a date, do not forget to look at her. There will always be flattering comments regarding her appearance. good start for conversation. Do you like her hair or eyes? Tell her about it. Is she wearing your favorite color? Let her know that.

Here is a small list of questions that will help you start a conversation with a girl:


“Tell me, where do you work? Why did you choose this profession?

This kind of conversation starter can lead to further development dialogue. You can talk about your work experience, favorite tasks and what kind of work you want in the future.

"Tell about your family".

This will help start conversations about siblings, grandparents, and funny family stories.

“Talk about your skills, interests, hobbies, and what you like to do in your free time.”

By asking this and listening carefully to the answer, you will gain fundamental information on which to build an interesting conversation.

“Tell me about your favorite food (color, song, movie, etc.).” Stories about some favorite things will allow you to relax, get to know the girl’s tastes, and find new topics for conversation.

Important and win-win topics and questions to discuss. Don't forget to pause when asking questions so that the interlocutor has the opportunity to say whatever she considers necessary.

  1. Talk about some awkward moment, and then ask the girl about it. Embarrassing moments are usually humorous, so this topic will help her relax and feel comfortable talking to you.
  2. Tell your girl what you have planned for the weekend and ask her about her plans. Your plans may coincide and you can spend time together. When you talk about the meeting, another topic of conversation will appear.
  3. Tell your interlocutor about your pets and ask her the same. Girls love to talk about their pets. If she doesn't have any, ask what kind of animal she would like to have.
  4. Ask what style of clothing she likes. This - good key to find out her personality. If she prefers casual or sportswear, then the next date may take place on sporting event, in a cinema or cafe. If she likes to dress elegantly, then consider going to an elite club or restaurant.
  5. Ask a girl how she likes to spend time with her friends. What she likes to do with friends, she will like to do with you.
  6. Ask what's the best thing that happened to her Lately. This is another good way to find out what is important to her - friendship, money, work, helping others, etc.
  7. Find out the girl's opinion about the place you are in at the time of the dialogue. Girls like to be taken seriously and their opinions taken into account.
  8. Ask what she prefers - text messages, calls or communication in in social networks. But even when corresponding with a girl on VKontakte, Facebook or another site, follow the basic rules of communication.

If you managed to interest a girl in a conversation, this does not mean that you can ask her to date tomorrow. For her to fall in love with you, it will take a lot more time to establish an emotional connection. However, learning how to properly conduct a conversation with a girl while walking, sitting in some establishment, on the phone, and even on VKontakte is the first step towards your goal.

Most girls love to share their feelings and thoughts, emotions. A topic that is of interest to a girl can make her start talking and continue the conversation. Topics for communicating with a girl when meeting are usually general: about interests, work, education, etc. But when repeat meetings much more so, since you have already met and exchanged sympathies. You both are comfortable with each other, so you can talk about anything. But it is important to avoid vulgar and too personal topics.

Sometimes it seems like we've run out of topics to talk about. Do not worry. If you enjoy being in each other's company, then you don't have to talk to a girl when you walk with her in the park or around the city. You can be silent for a while and enjoy these moments, and then continue talking about something casual.

If necessary, talk about simple things. Simple, everyday topics don't bother anyone and can lead to longer conversations. Simple Themes help you relax and avoid disagreements, allowing you to find something you both like. Stay away from deep or controversial topics until you get to know each other better.

Some guys have a hard time starting a conversation with a girl on social media. networks, but it’s easier for them to communicate in person. And some can talk to girls on the phone for hours, but when meeting in person they are shy and feel awkward. It doesn't matter what type you are. You can prepare a list of topics in advance and use it in any case.

6 best topics to talk about

Men feel anxious before approaching a woman because they are afraid awkward silence even more than potential failure. When you're trying to attract a woman you're interested in, any conversations you have with her are like card game. Your goal is to get the woman to invest equal or large quantity effort. How more effort she will invest, the more likely you are to connect.

It is very important to learn how to talk to a woman. This will help you find common features between you to create rapport and show true attraction. Experienced Men Use 6 Conversation Topics That Are More Effective Than Others When we're talking about about relationships and attracting women.

Books, films, music and art

Talking to a woman about her favorite books, films, music or art is great way improve relationships. If a woman tells you that she loves music, ask her what her favorite band is, her favorite songs.

This will allow you to motivate the woman to put more effort into the conversation for your relationship. It will also help you find out what you have in common.


Most women love talking about relationships. They can talk for a long time about love relationship, both about friendships and about family ones. Women love to give advice on solving relationship problems.

You can use the story of the relationship between your friend and his girlfriend in a conversation. You will be surprised how interested a woman can be in these topics.

People around you

Many men complain that they run out of topics to talk to a woman. But if you pay close attention to your surroundings, you'll find plenty of conversational topics to get you through the day.

There is a fun game you can play with a woman anywhere. It's called "What's His Story." When you're on a date with a woman, pick a stranger at random and make up a story about that person. And then ask your lady to tell her side of the story. This can be quite interesting and funny. Good way have fun.


Talking about travel always makes women feel happy and excited. People love to travel, and those who rarely do so love to dream about travel.

Ask a woman about herself interesting place, where she had been, and what she did and saw there. Or ask her where she would go if she could disappear on whole month without worrying about work or other responsibilities. These conversations will help lift her up emotional condition. And she will begin to associate this feeling with you.


To attract and seduce a woman, you need to make her feel like she is winning you over. To do this, you need to find out unique information about her. Showing interest in her life can greatly improve your relationship.

If you notice details such as new hairstyle, new shoes, manicure, etc., be sure to tell the woman about it. They love attentive men. Be interested in these details, ask about them. And when a woman talks about them, let her know that you find these details attractive.

Her passions, dreams and goals

It's always a nice feeling when someone shows genuine interest in your dreams and goals. Once you have created a certain level of trust and rapport with a woman, you can safely ask about all this.

To be a good communicator, you need to do more than just pay attention to what a person says. You need to learn to understand what topics make him worry, and learn to manage the conversation on these topics. Women will feel attractive because of the genuine interest you show in her life.

Keep these conversation topics in mind and make an effort to practice your communication skills with a girl. And after that, you will see a noticeable difference in the quality of conversations with women.

100 different topics for conversation:

1) A plumber has come to see you. But you have no money. And there is nowhere to get it. The man offers to pay in kind. If you don’t give it to him, the house will float. Your actions?
2) You are with a guy. You want him very much. You are already ready to give it to him. And then he offers you sex for money right now. What will you do? For how long would you agree without hesitation?
3) You are walking with a guy. He's very nice, but as a man he's not your type. But the guy is very persistent. Once you relax a little, he will fuck you brutally. Will you give it to him out of pity? What do you mean by “giving out of pity”?
4) You agreed to meet with a guy. But he was 10 minutes late (you like him).Are you going to sulk at him? How will you react?
5) A friend and her boyfriend came to see you. They want you. But your girlfriend is not your type. How do you resolve the situation?
6) You meet a guy for several meetings. He decided not to rush things. And you are already flowing. How will you speed up the process? Can you fuck a guy yourself?
7) You owe the man money. But you don't have them now. He's openly harassing you. You can give it to him and he will forget. What will you do?
8) You are visiting a guy. He put his dick in your hand. What will you do with it?
9) You really like one guy. You too. But he doesn’t come up first to get acquainted. How will you attract him? What surprises you?
10) It’s the guy’s birthday. You want to surprise him with something sexy and unusual. What surprise will you prepare for him?
11) You are at the guy's house. It's already late. There is no transport. First date. There's no way to get home. Taxi is very expensive. You want him. If you stay, there will be sex. What will you do?
12) The guy admitted that he was a virgin and asked to help him. Does the fact that he didn't have sex turn you on? Do you like this kind of stuff?
13) The occupational safety teacher asks to give a blow job for an A+. Will you try hard for an A?
14) A guy on a date honestly says that he wants you. How would you like to hear things like this?
15) The guy is tired at work. You want sex. But he's not doing well today. How will you help him?
16) I have noticed more than once that with the person you want, all conversations sooner or later come down to sex. You too?
17) You are traveling in a compartment. Opposite the guy. The two of you. You see him for the first and last time. You want it madly. The guy is being modest. How will you resolve the situation?
18) You are having sex with a guy. And then his/your mother/grandmother comes into the room. What's the first thing you say?
19) You need to go to the toilet. The women's room was closed. You go into the men's room. And you see a sexy guy there. What will you do? How to make excuses?
20) Your friend cheated on you - she told her boyfriend about your cheating. How will you take revenge on your friend?
21) What would you do if you became a man for one day?
22) You went on vacation with your boyfriend at the seaside. And there a guy met you “for one night”. Will you take risks?
23) Sometimes you will want to cheat. How will you do this? What are you going to tell your boyfriend and husband? (Cheating strengthens marriage)
24) You are going on a date in the summer. And your heel broke. You're almost there. What will you do?
25) Your mother/grandmother decided to take your boyfriend away from you. How will you resolve this issue?
26) You came home from college, and your mother vigorously fucks your boyfriend. What will you tell them? How will you treat your mother after this?
27) You give a guy a blowjob. And his head got stuck in your tonsils. What will you do?
28) During sex, you couldn’t restrain yourself and farted. Will you say "sorry" or remain silent?
29) The guy farted during sex. Will you laugh or remain silent? Or will you fart loudly too?
30) Your boyfriend found a piece of condom packaging on your bed. He burned you. Do you confess?
31) Calls. A guy doesn't call you often. How important is this to you?
32) You and your friend liked the same guy. Will you fight for him?
33) You and your friend were invited to visit by a cool guy. You are drinking and then you realize that there will soon be a threesome. How do you feel about this? What will you do? Will you tell your friend about this?
34) Your boyfriend wants your girlfriend. Just sex. He told you about it. How will you help him?
35) The man has a very large penis. How will you deal with this?
36) Will you date two guys at the same time if you like them both?
37) Your boss is harassing you. You understand that this is not serious, just 1-2 times. What will you do?
38) Your loved one wants to change something about you. Are you ready to change for him? How deep?
39) Your boyfriend decided to realize his long-standing erotic fantasy- (for example) sex in a taxi. You learn that this is very important to him. Will you play along with him if it's not very romantic for you?
40) Pleasure. What do you get pleasure from in life?
41) Dancing. How do you feel when you dance with a new partner? How much do you feel sexual energy partner?
42) You understand that you are one of the guys. But something attracts you to him. You want sex with him. Is this normal for you?
43) The guy wants to communicate with you without obligation, but you want responsibility to each other. What will you do?
44) You and your boyfriend are great together. You forget about everything when you're together. But you understand that this is not love. Will you be with this person? For what? How long?
45) You really want to make a guy fall in love, because you yourself fell head over heels in love with him. What will you do for this?
46) What is love to you? (Endless theme)
47) You came across a guy with a very strong temperament in sex. More than yours. Will you adapt or try to change it?
48) You ran out of condoms after 4-5 times. But I want one more time. It’s too much to go to the pharmacy. Will you trust the guy?
49) You're on your period. You are in rough terrain. There are no funds - I forgot. What will you do?
50) My friend cured his cold with sex. Have you ever been treated like this? Have you tried it with a cold?
51) The guy invited you over to watch a movie. Sit down and he turns on porn. Will you watch?
52) You understand that the next time you meet a guy there will be sex. Will you come to the next date?
53) What is more pleasant for you: sudden sex or a planned event?
54) A guy asks you for money for sex. How much will you give?
55) How do crazy actions of guys make you feel?..
56) A very pleasant grandfather is pestering you. But for some reason he doesn’t excite you. How are you going to explain this to him?
57) Would you be able to exchange any personal secrets with a man? What are the secrets for you?
58) A friend asks you to help her lose her virginity. How will you help? How?
59) Many men and women go to nightclubs to find a partner for the night. Do you like this kind of entertainment?
60) Do you enjoy being seduced? What do you get from seduction?
61) You can't have sex for a while. How will you communicate with the guy at this time?
62) You go on a date, but at the same time you meet an even cooler guy. What do you tell the first guy?
63) A guy on the first date offers a blowjob in exchange for cunnilingus. Will you agree?
64) What helps you relax well (drink, music, frank conversation...)
65) You understand that fate is a chain of accidents and the results of your actions. How will you shape your destiny?
66) You need to learn and improve in everything. How do you plan to improve at sex?
67) You wanted to play with a guy and realized that you fell in love. Do you admit to him that you were playing?
68) You walk around the city and see a 90% sale in a sex shop. What will you buy for yourself?
69) All people have dreams. And they change with age. What is your dream now? What do you dream about when you close your eyes?
70) You found yourself in an unfamiliar city in an unfamiliar country. You don't know the language. What will you do?
71) Called you stranger guy. You talked. And he invited you to his place. How brave girl are you? What will you do?
72) You are sitting at home. You're bored as hell. Don't you know what to do? Where will you go in the evening? How do you get yourself involved?
73) Every day you have less and less free time, and the need for men is more and more. How do you imagine this?
74) You and your friends played the same sexual game. In the dark. You've been caught. And you feel like you're already being fucked. You feel good. Will you try to find out who it is?
75) You wake up in the morning and realize that this is the happiest day of your life. Tell about him.
76) All people have some achievements in life. Tell us about your most important achievement.
77) You have the opportunity to become anything on this planet for one day. What would you like to become? A blade of grass? A leaf? A drop of dew? A butterfly?
78) Imagine that there are only you and me left in this world. What will you do to me?
79) Imagine that I can fulfill 3 of your deepest, craziest desires. What will it be?
80) Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that you can do anything you want. What would you like to do right now?
81) What color do you associate yourself with? Each person has their own color. What color are YOU?
82) Imagine that everything you dreamed of has already happened. What's next?
83) The guy you dated for a while is bisexual (semi-*censored*as). How will you react to this?
84) You were given 2 tickets to male striptease. Who will you invite? What will you do there?
85) You have been chosen as Miss Universe 2006. What will you do?
86) If you could live your life again, knowing what happened in this one, what would you change?
87) Each person is unique in their own way. How are you unique?
88) You were given a magic *censorship* pill that will cure you of any of your shortcomings and make you better. What would you most like to improve?
89) All men on this planet have stopped making acquaintances, making dates, and showing any signs of persistence. What will you do?
90) They gave you a time machine. What time would you travel to?
91) Romance. How important is she in your life?
92) Imagine that you could play any game from your childhood. What childhood game are you most looking forward to playing right now? (You can play catch on the street)
93) You can live your whole life at the same age. What age will you choose for yourself?
94) Constancy in men. You can choose someone who is persistent and smart or frivolous and glamorous. Who will you choose?
95) Another girl hits on your boyfriend in your presence. What will you do?
96) Close your eyes and describe your inner state in a few sentences...
97) People experience different moods. What will you do when your boyfriend is in different moods?
98) What would you spend the last $1000 of your life on?
99) Imagine being able to *censor* yourself as much as you want? How many hours in a row could you have sex?
100) If phones, the Internet, SMS disappeared in our lives, and only pen and paper remained, what would you write in love letter?

When meeting people, many people feel awkward and find it difficult to start a conversation. Young people often experience difficulties communicating with the opposite sex. Men are content with banal questions, women give monosyllabic answers. Communication fails, the girl becomes bored, she keeps glancing at the time and wants to end the meeting quickly. Yes, having a casual conversation is often more difficult than giving a presentation. Unfortunately, we are not taught to have casual conversations. In such situations, you should have some “standby” topics in stock.

What shouldn't be the subject of conversation

Boys, when communicating with girls, make the mistake of making work or study the subject of conversation. Perhaps work evokes not entirely pleasant emotions in your friend, then do not discuss this topic, especially when meeting her.

Try to avoid male topics in conversation. It is better to discuss football with your friends. Most likely, a woman will listen to a man, but will do it out of politeness.

If a guy brags, speaks banalities, constantly turns the conversation on himself, interrupts a girl, she will not be interested in him. To communicate with a girl, you should choose topics that are pleasant to her and evoke positive emotions. The conversation should have nothing to do with interrogation. The conversation can go in the following sequence: women's history, the man listens carefully, then can tell something about his life.

Which topics to choose

How to have a conversation with a girl

In order to learn how to have a conversation with a girl, you should use the following tips:

A guarantee of a successful conversation with a girl will be your intelligence and talents, an inventive attitude towards the world around you and the desire to constantly perceive new things.

If you are just taking your first steps in a pickup truck, and you don’t have much experience communicating with girls, the question naturally arises: what to talk about With new girlfriend. After all, when it’s the first time, a lot of different nuances arise: since she’s for you, you start to worry, and because of this, communication doesn’t go well.

Therefore, before a meeting, it is better to have a plan in your head: what kind of communication you can get hold of, where to lead it and how to avoid awkward pauses.

The first question you should ask yourself is: “for what purpose am I going for a walk now, and what exactly do I want from a girl?” After all, this is very important! Why do so many dates end in nothing? The guy likes the girl and he meets completely aimlessly; he doesn’t know what to do or where to direct his communication. Girls feel such uncertainty very well, and they quickly become bored and uninteresting.

For example, you say to yourself: I like this girl. In a meeting, I want her to be interested in me. I want to get closer to her and kiss her. Ultimately I want to have sex with her.

And when the goals are set, you can conduct the conversation in a certain way. What kind of communication can lead to sex? Obviously not a discussion of your hobbies, and who is studying for whom.

Therefore, flirting should be present in your communication. And the initiative for this flirting should come from you.

Interesting topics for conversation with a girl

  • Her appearance . After you have greeted her, hugged her and kissed her, you can pay attention to her appearance. For example, say that she has a cool top with an interesting print, and start discussing it, what it means. In this case, you are driving her into an evaluative framework, and she is already starting to think about how to please you, and that there may be something wrong with her.)
  • Extreme Sports. Tell her how you do road jumping, how cool it is and what emotions you experience. Invite her to try it too. Your girlfriend will imagine all this and begin to experience emotions. What's the most important thing on a date? Emotions!
  • Tell me about some a funny or interesting incident from your life, in which you find yourself with your girlfriend. That is, you talk about the situation and casually mention that there is at least one other woman in your life. This immediately creates competition for you in the girl’s head. For example: a friend was driving me on a date, and we saw such a terrible accident... and then blah blah blah... the emphasis is on the incident, but the girl will immediately notice that you have a friend who is also doing something for you.
  • Ask, how she would behave in a given situation. An example of a situation should also be provocative. For example, you are sitting in some establishment, and you ask: how would you behave if that girl over there came up to me now and asked me to dance? It doesn't matter what she says. The main thing is that the necessary mental image has already been created in her head, which also works to compete for you.
  • Tell us about your travels. Where have you been and what have you seen? About the most memorable moments. Ask her the same. By the way, this is a good test for a girl. Usually, people who have never been anywhere, and don’t even have the desire to do so, turn out to be quite closed and boring. Why do you need a girl who is not interested in anything?

Topics for conversation with a girl on VK

I don't recommend delaying it. Try to get the girl’s phone number as quickly as possible and agree to meet in real life. In VK it is quite difficult to maintain a conversation at the desired level, and it is pointless. If a girl doesn't give her number and breaks down, forget about her and move on to someone else.

How to communicate with a girl

No less important point. After all, if you use all of the above points, but are unsure of yourself and boring, then no amount of conversation, even super interesting and intriguing topics, will help you. Therefore, keep in mind that it is important not even WHAT talk and HOW speak.

Talk to the girl confidently. Don't fawn on her. Don't try to please her.

Imagine that during your communication you are mentally giving her a gift. In the form of positive energy, Have a good mood, interesting information. Look how her reaction has changed.

As you gain experience, you will have less and less questions about how to find topics to talk to a girl in real life, on the Internet, on VK, by phone, yes in all situations. It's like boxing. When you come to training for the first time, your hands don’t obey you, everything works out just barely. But after a few months regular classes you have already been hit, you defend yourself well, and you don’t think about your every action. So here, you stop worrying about how to start a conversation and what you can talk about with a girl.

Running out of topics to chat with a girl?

Have a few more options:

  • Ask about a dream.
  • About whether he knows how to cook. You can have a good joke here)
  • “What do you want to be when you grow up?”)
  • Talk about women's and men's fashion.

That's all. Good luck!