Object and subject of social policy. Social and spiritual subjects

Basic concepts of the topic

Interpretations of social policy from the point of view of subject-object relations make it possible to reveal the most important aspects of its content as a special kind of political relations.

Under object of social policy one can understand both various kinds of social systems and structures, and various kinds of social groups and categories to which socio-political influence is directed. Therefore, among the objects of social policy, it is possible to identify social objects of three levels. 1) Macro level– social system and relationships in it. This quality is represented by the social sphere of society, social relations, the system of social inequalities, and the population of the country. 2) Meso level– various subsystems and institutions. This level includes various branches of the social sphere, social institutions, social groups and segments of the population; 3) Micro level– the level of elements of the social system, which include settlement societies, small groups and the individual.

Most often in scientific and educational literature, various groups and categories of the population are classified as objects of social policy, however, from the point of view of the humanistic approach, the main object of social policy is the individual, his rights, responsibilities, interests and needs. If we combine these two definitions, then the following features are found in the object of social policy: 1) differing needs and interests in the social sphere; 2) social status; 3) a certain level of welfare and education; 4) rights and real opportunities to realize needs.

The distinction between subjects and objects of social policy in civil society turns out to be quite conditional, since any object of social policy, be it an individual, a family, a group, having a developed legal consciousness, does not passively perceive social and state influences, but actively interacts with them regarding its social status. In totalitarian states, the subject role of most groups, layers, categories of the population and individual is minimized or absent; they act only as an object of socio-political influence, and his social initiative is strictly controlled.

F. M. Borodkin defines social policy as “the methods and directions of activity of certain social groups ( subjects of social policy) with the aim of establishing, reproducing and changing the system of social inequalities in society to satisfy the needs and interests of these groups to the maximum possible extent through a variety of means, among which the main (or at least necessary) is power.” According to this sociologist, subject groups are identified by the following characteristics: 1) long-term preferential material prosperity and rapid growth of well-being compared to other groups; 2) the presence of wider opportunities for spiritual activity than other groups; 3) the presence of the right and opportunity to make decisions in the social sphere, the right and opportunity to change the rules of such disposal, i.e. the presence of power in the social sphere; 4) the ability of individuals to self-identify with the group (subject groups and their members realize that they are the masters of the situation in the social sphere). Based on these characteristics, subject groups or their representatives are found at all levels of society - from the national level to the individual settlement society.

Thus, the main subject of social policy from a sociological point of view is the social group.

More common in the scientific literature is the interpretation of the subject of social policy as a state or non-state institution that carries out purposeful activities in the field of social policy. These two interpretations are combined if we take into account that social groups carry out subjective activities within the framework of social institutions.

It is important to take into account that the subject-institution - an organizational structure representing the interests of social groups, layers, communities - can be real political force and, accordingly, actually represent the interests of the group that authorized him, but can also be a formal representative, claiming to express the interests of the group or pursuing the interests of groups other than those on whose behalf they act.

Social forces, or institutions, are real representatives– these are specific historical forms of self-organization of groups and social communities that allow them to represent (express and defend) their interests in interactions with other social entities. Organizational structures act as really significant social forces if they, firstly, express the interests of a certain social group adequately by content; secondly, they rely on it as a social base (they have massive active support in it) and because of this weighty defend its interests in specific social interactions ( G. Ya. Rakitskaya).

Civil society- a concept denoting the totality of non-political relations in society - economic, social, moral, religious, national, etc. Civil society is the sphere of self-expression of free citizens and voluntarily formed associations and organizations, protected by relevant laws from direct interference and arbitrary regulation of the activities of these citizens and organizations from the government ( Philosophical Dictionary).

In civil society, the powers to implement social policy are divided between state and non-state actors, and at the same time, there is interaction between public organizations, movements, etc. among themselves and with the state regarding the solution of socially significant problems and priority areas of social policy.

Seminar plan

I. Objects of social policy.

1. The concept of an object of social policy. Social sphere and social relations as objects of social policy.

2. Various social groups, layers and categories as objects.

II. Subjects of social policy.

1. The concept and characteristics of a subject of social policy. Social group as a subject of social policy.

2. The state as a subject of social policy.

3. Non-state subjects of social policy: parties, social movements and associations, non-governmental organizations.

4. Trade unions as subjects of social policy.

5. Division of powers and interaction of subjects of social policy.

The purpose of this lesson is to clarify the specifics of social policy objects and reveal the role of various subjects in the implementation of social policy. Studying the topic requires mastery of sociological and political science terminology, knowledge of various interpretations (in the broad and narrow sense) of the concept of objects and subjects of social policy.

When considering the issue of objects of social policy, one should proceed from a broad understanding of the object - as a social sphere and social relations, and then specify it as social groups and social strata. It is advisable to master the techniques of analyzing specific objects of social policy according to their essential characteristics, and also to consider the possibilities of organizing the subjective role of each object.

It is proposed to characterize subjects of social policy according to the following scheme: 1) The concept of a given subject; 2) Basic functions; 3) Social functions and significance of this subject; 4) Main socio-political events carried out by the subject; 5) Levels at which the social policy of a given subject is implemented (federal, regional, local); 6) Components of the subject’s social policy (doctrine or program, economic model, financial support). After this, it is possible to analyze the division of powers between various subjects of different ranks and at various levels and their interaction in Russia and abroad. It is advisable to provide specific examples; the federal and regional press can provide assistance with this.

1. Anurin V.F. Contours of the provincial middle class in Russia // Sociological studies. 2006. No. 10.

2. Akhmadinurov R. M. Social partnership in industrial enterprises // Sociological studies. 2008. No. 3.

3. Belyaeva L. A. And again about the middle class of Russia // Sociological studies. 2007. No. 5.

4. Belenkiy V. Kh. Russian upper class: the problem of identification // Sociological studies. 2007. No. 5.

5. Bessokirnaya G.P. Social well-being of workers // Sociological studies. 2008. No. 3.

6. Borodkin F. M. Social policy // Comprehension: Sociology. Social politics. Economic reform. – M., 1989.

7. Golenkova Z. T., Igitkhanyan E. D. Unemployed: features of Russian life. // Sociological research. – 2000. – No. 5.

8. Children – Youth – Society. – Chelyabinsk, 1997.

9. Women for social security and sustainable development. – M., 1997.

10. Katsva A. M. Protest movement of the working class // Sociological studies. 2008. No. 3.

11. Kozina I. M. Trade unions in collective labor conflicts // Sociological studies. 2000. No. 5.

12. Konstantinova L. V. Social policy: touches to the sociological concept // Sociological studies. 2005. No. 2.

13. Levashov V.I. Society and state: strategies of interaction // Science. Policy. Entrepreneurship. – 1998. – No. 1-2.

14. Lavrenenko I.M. State social policy of the Russian Federation: experience and problems of transformation (80s - first half of 90s of the twentieth century). – M., 2000.

15. Model I. M., Model B. S. Social partnership in Russia // Sociological studies. 2000. No. 9.

16. Nagaychuk A.F. Conflict of interests in the sphere of social policy // Sociological studies. 2006. No. 3.

17. On the relationship between third sector organizations and government agencies in the field of social policy. – M., 1999.

18. Podyachev K. V. Appeal of citizens to power: functional features // Sociological studies. 2007. No. 5.

19. Prigozhin A.I. Social organizations. – M., 1988.

20. Prigozhin A.I. Modern sociology of organizations. – M., 2000.

21. Family as an object of social policy. – M., 1986.

22. Social dynamics and transformation of professional groups in modern society / Ed. R. A. Mansurova M.. 2007.

Lecture 9. Social subject. The role of this concept in the theory of mass communication. Types of social subjects. Development of MK and development of social actors.

A social subject is a source of purposeful activity, an individual or a group of individuals that implements independently chosen programs of action that contribute to the achievement of independently chosen and set goals. This is the main difference between subjects - only the subject carries out the goal-setting activity and determines the conditions and means of achieving it. In this case, to achieve the goal, the subject may involve other individuals or groups of individuals with different goals.

A social subject has specific interests and needs, which, as a rule, conflict with the interests of other social groups. A subject, a social authority whose needs are satisfied by the product of a given activity. For the subject, the most important thing is his needs, but in order to satisfy them, he must realize his interest, i.e. carry out the type of activity that the system needs. That. for the subject, interests are a means of satisfying his needs, and for the system, satisfying the needs of the subject is a means of realizing his interests.

The subjects of MC as such are social groups that realize their needs related to ensuring the conditions of their own existence. These needs are associated with the need to introduce into the mass consciousness social attitudes expressed in their own ideology. Based on these needs, social groups are interested in producing mass information.

Subjects of mass communication activities do not have the goal of comprehensively and completely informing the audience. For them, their goals always come first, and their need for profit or special treatment from a mass audience.

In the process of carrying out mass communication activities, the quality of subjects acquires:

Carriers of social interests (their goals are to influence mass consciousness)

Owners of individual QMS as subjects of realization of commercial interests

Journalists (communicators) as subjects of realization of creative and professional interests

Mass audience as a set of subjects who have a common goal - obtaining information for orientation in the environment of existence.

The subjects of MC as a type of social activity, as a rule, are social groups engaged in the translation of spiritual meanings into mass consciousness. Each of the participants in this activity is also a subject, but a subject of a different activity series. Any subject himself determines his goals and ways of realizing them.

There are two types of social subjects - institutionalized (i.e., supported by legislation - minors, pensioners, students) and non-institutionalized (youth, elderly) subjects.

Basic social subjects of society:

5) authorities and citizens

6) employers and employees

An actively acting and cognizing individual or social group with consciousness and will.

View value Social Subject in other dictionaries

Subject- lat. objects, every person, thing that is spoken of. ivious, opposite sex. objective: personal, relating to a person, an object, or oneself. real feeling, personal, one’s own, in which........
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Social Adj.— 1. Related to the life of people in society, their relationships in society or to society; public.
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Subject- (lat. sub ectus underlying) - 1) a person who cognizes the external world (object) and influences it in his practical activity; 2) people as carriers of smb. properties; personality.
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Subject and Object in Politics— - in political science, reflective concepts denoting interaction in politics and showing the vector of its direction. An object in politics is that part of political reality........
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Subject of Policy- (from the Latin “subjectus” - lying below, at the base) - one who leads an active political life, influences the object of politics, trying to use it in his own interests.
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prices taking into account
level of socially disadvantaged segments of the population.
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European Social Fund- European Foundation
community involved in solving employment problems. Established in 1959, as a result of the 1971 reforms the
his priorities......
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European Social Fund, ESF- a fund financed from
European budget
union. Created in 1958 based on the Roman
agreements to mitigate the social consequences of structural adjustment........
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Unified social tax — 1.
Federal tax. Regulated by Chapter 24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
Benefits are provided for in Art. 238 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Regional and local
authorities do not establish benefits. Tax.........
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Order Social— execution of intellectual
work, for example in the field of art, culture, taking into account the ideological orientation of the official policy of the state.
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Social- social, social (Latin socialis - public). 1. Adj., by meaning. associated with the lives of people in society, their relationships in society or to society, social. Social........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Subject- subject, m. (from Latin subjectum - subject). 1. Same as subject (gram.). 2. In logic, the subject of judgment, which is defined and revealed in its content by a predicate........
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Credit Social— SOCIAL CREDIT A term used by the New Economics school for
program proposals for solving economic problems. paradox: `
poverty among plenty. This
plan required.......
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Small Enterprise (Small Business Subject) — -
commercial organization, and statutory
whose capital
share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public and religious organizations........
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Tax, Social — -
a group of targeted taxes paid by employers, employees and entrepreneurs to specialized social
Pension Fund of the Russian Federation,
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social use fund, residential premises are provided to citizens according to
social rental agreement for residential........
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state for social needs.
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Social- -th, -oe; -linen, -linen, -linen [from lat. socialis - comradely, social] Characteristic of society, associated with the life and relationships of people in society; public. Wednesday.........
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Subject— - 1. a person as a bearer of any properties: 2. acting independently, applying his influence to something.
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Subject (economic, economic)- a person carrying out economic, economic activity, be it a person,
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Social control as an element of social management is carried out in the process of subject-object relations between subjects and objects of social management. An integral feature of social control is managerial influence, the sociology of organizations and management, in the process of which its subjects pursue their subjective interests, and objects adapt to the objective conditions of the social environment formed in the process of social control. The analysis of social control involves the study of essential features acquired in the process of interaction between participants in social relations.

All participants in social relations in the structure of social control can be classified as subjects, agents or objects of influence. Subjects of social control are institutionalized communities isolated from society, having their own needs, the satisfaction of which they are aimed at.

An agent of social control is understood as a non-independent subject of social control, implementing the functions of a subject of social control in relation to its objects on the basis of powers delegated by the main subject of social control. Realizing the interests of the main subject of social control, the agent acts within the framework of the powers delegated to him, acting in relation to him as an intermediate object of social control. In turn, the objects of social control are members of society and social institutions in relation to which measures of social control are carried out.

The needs of subjects to exercise social control are determined by the specifics of their functioning, which makes it possible to classify them according to a number of criteria. One of the factors ensuring the status of a subject is the presence of property. This allows us to identify three main types of qualitatively different subjects of social control based on the possibility and characteristics of their implementation of property rights:

Social elites, realizing within the framework of subject-object relations the right to own the resources of society and the fruits of social organization;

The administrative apparatus (employees of social institutions performing functions delegated to them in the process of social management and control), within the framework of subject-object relations, exercising the right to dispose of public resources on behalf of social institutions;

Social institutions that implement the right to use public resources on behalf of society.

Depending on the specifics of the activity, all subjects of social control can be divided into two types: economic and administrative. The first is represented by business entities operating in the sphere of economic relations. Here we can distinguish two subtypes, based on the characteristics of institutionalization: entrepreneurial entities, which represent a transitional form between the interpersonal community and a social institution, and corporate entities, which are a product of a social organization.

The second type of subjects of this group is represented by administrative authorities that carry out their activities in the field of social management on a territorial basis.

Administrative subjects of social control in federal-type states can be divided into three subtypes:

Federal subjects, represented by administrative authorities at the federal level of social management and their local divisions;

Regional entities represented by administrative authorities at the regional level of social management;

Municipal entities represented by administrative authorities at the local level of social management.

There are also pseudo-independent subjects of social control (political, cultural, religious, etc.) operating in the sphere of ideological influence on society. Such subjects demonstrate formal independence to society, but in essence their activities are a type of administrative agents of social control. In addition, global subjects of social control should be distinguished as an independent type of subjects of social control of an administrative type, characterized by a special specificity of social management inherent only to them.

According to the form of implementation, control is divided into general and detailed, or supervision. General is a method of control when the controlling entity is limited to monitoring only the fulfillment of the requirement as a whole. In the case of supervision, the subject of control monitors every detail, regulating the progress of work, deadlines, checking the subordinate at every stage. If surveillance is practiced on a state scale, then this means the formation of a police-type state that controls not only the actions, but also the way of thinking and the private lives of its citizens.

Depending on the subject exercising control, the latter is divided into formal and informal. Formal control is called control by the social institutions of society - the state, the judiciary, prosecutorial supervision, police, authorities, the church. Informal control is control exercised by public opinion, especially the opinion of the immediate environment - the primary group.

Social control over a person can be exercised through group social pressure on him, coercion, and also through socialization.

Social control through group pressure is carried out by condemning individual members of the group whose behavior, appearance or worldview does not correspond to the standards established in this group. Depending on the degree of violation by individuals of generally established norms in a given group, group pressure is exercised to varying degrees: from simple remarks to expulsion from the group. Group pressure is also carried out differently depending on the characteristics and status of the individual who is being pressured, as well as on the characteristics of the group.

Social control through coercion - social control exercised by establishing a system of laws and punishments (for example, in the state system); also through informal group control of the primary group.

Social control through socialization is when people are controlled by unconsciously performing their habitual roles. Socialization is one of the main types of social control, as it shapes human habits, desires and customs.

social control management society

All functions of providing assistance to those in need are performed by the subject of social activity.

The subject includes all those people and organizations that conduct and manage social activities. This:

The state as a whole, implementing social policy;

Charity organisations;

Relief societies such as the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society;

Public organizations: Children's Fund named after. V. I. Lenina, Russian Association of Social Services;

Association of Social Educators and Social Workers;

Union of Officers, etc.

But main subject social work are, of course, not organizations, not associations, but people engaged in social activities professionally or on a voluntary basis , who base their activities on laws adopted by the state.

The classification of subjects of social activity is as follows:

1. Organizations, institutions, social institutions of society; These include:

Firstly, the state with its own structures represented by the legislative, executive and judicial authorities at various levels. In this structure, a special role is played by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, as well as executive bodies of social work management at the regional level (social protection bodies of territories, regions, republics, autonomous entities), cities, local administrations;

Secondly, various types of social services: territorial centers for social assistance to families and children; social rehabilitation centers for minors; assistance centers for children left without parental care; rehabilitation centers for children and adolescents; centers for psychological assistance to the population; centers for emergency psychological assistance by telephone, etc.;

Thirdly, the administration of state enterprises, organizations, institutions, universities, etc. and their divisions.

2. Public, charitable and other organizations and institutions:


Branches of the Children's Fund;

Red Cross Society;

Private social services, organizations, etc., as well as non-governmental charitable organizations in Russia, etc.

Today in Russia, charitable activities are carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations,” which provides legal regulation of these activities, guarantees support for its participants, and creates a legal basis for the development of the activities of charitable organizations.

3. People engaged in practical social work professionally or on a voluntary basis.

4. Teachers, as well as those who contribute to the consolidation of knowledge, skills, skills: heads of student internships, mentors, practical social workers and other workers who facilitate the internship of students (listeners) in various organizations, institutions, and social enterprises.

5. Social action researchers: scientists analyze the state of social work using various methods, develop scientific programs, record existing and emerging trends in this area, publish scientific reports, books, articles on social work issues.

  1. Object and subject of social work

To whom assistance is provided - in medicine, such a person is called a “patient”. In jurisprudence - “victim”, which is the Russian analogue of the Latin term “patient”, or “plaintiff”, i.e., in essence, the one who seeks help.

Persons who receive assistance from a social worker should be called clients. The client can be individual or group (family, school class, group of disabled people, work team, etc.).

Since a social worker of any rank is always an active party, we can talk about what his activity is aimed at, regardless of whether it meets with an active response or is only passively accepted by people. In this sense, the object of social work is individuals, families, groups, and communities in difficult life situations.

Difficult life situation- this is a situation that violates or threatens to violate the possibility of normal social functioning of these objects. It is also important to add that individuals themselves are unable to cope with this situation on their own, without external help.

In life, unfortunately, misfortunes, illnesses, and disasters happen, which can push a completely prosperous person, family, or social group into the ranks of the disadvantaged, in need of external help. Family problems that destabilize interspousal or parent-child relationships can arise in any family, regardless of its social status and financial situation.

Therefore, all over the world it has long been realized that social work is needed by all strata, groups and individuals, although some need it potentially, while others already need it. It is customary to compare it with an umbrella, which can be folded up for a time, but at the right moment it will protect individuals from adverse influences that threaten them.

So, we can conclude that social work is carried out at the level of the individual, family, group, community of people united on a territorial, production basis, based on a similar problem, or within the entire society. However, when providing assistance, a social worker must know what this assistance is aimed at, what he wants to achieve in the process of his activities, what his goal is and how he imagines the ideal result of his work.

Object Social work serves people who need outside help:

Old people and pensioners;

Disabled people;

Seriously ill;

People who find themselves in a difficult life situation - trouble;

Children, teenagers who find themselves in bad company, and many others.

The object of socio-legal work refers to those who need help, and the subject refers to those who provide it.

Socio-legal work is the interaction between object and subject.

Groups of people that are the object of socio-legal work can be divided into three categories:

Vulnerable groups;

Marginalized groups;

Persons with deviant behavior.

Social situation– the specific state of the problem of a specific citizen - a client of socio-legal work, individual or group, with all the wealth of his connections and mediation related to the resolution of this problem.

Subject social and legal work is the social situation of the client and the immediate field where the social specialist makes efforts. affairs. The purpose of his activities is to improve the social situation of the citizen-client.

In the modern theory of socio-legal work, the problem of the subject and object of socio-legal work is considered in interrelation, therefore the subject and object of socio-legal work can only be conditionally represented in its system at various levels (see Table 1).

At the macro level of social and legal activities, the subjects and objects are society, the state, and social work management bodies. At the meso level, these are social groups (family, production team, community, etc.), public and private social services of various types, public and charitable organizations. At the micro level, interconnected subjects and objects are social work specialists and practical social workers of various qualifications, researchers and teachers of social work as a subject area, clients of social services, i.e. people who need social assistance and provide it to others.

The subjects of socio-legal work are professional specialists of higher and middle management, people engaged in social work on a public and charitable basis, persons teaching social work, employees of administrative and managerial structures of the social sphere. The subject of socio-legal work in Western scientific literature is characterized as “an agent of social change.” He participates in creating conditions that make positive transformations of society and individuals possible.

Table 1 – Subject and object of socio-legal work in the system of various levels.

  1. Structural elements of social activity.

Structure of social work– these are its components, the content of which is determined by the need to satisfy the most pressing interests and needs of people.

In general, structure is understood as a set of stable connections of an object that ensure the preservation of its basic properties. This general interpretation of the structure is also applicable to social work, which includes a number of interrelated components:




The object and connecting them into a single whole - means, goals and functions.

If we consider socio-legal work as a special system of activity, it is necessary to keep in mind that it consists of a subject, content, means, management, object, united into an integral system using goals and functions (see Diagram 1).


Scheme 1. System of social and legal work activities.

By means refers to all those objects, tools, devices, actions with the help of which the goals of the activity are achieved. The variety of functions of social activity also causes the variety of its means. It is almost impossible to list them. This is a word, a fountain pen, special accounting forms, a telephone, business connections, psychotherapy techniques, personal charm, etc. It is important to keep in mind that the richer the arsenal of tools that a social worker has and is well-versed in, the more successful his activities.

Social activity is unthinkable without such a component as control . It includes assessment of the condition of the object, planning, development and decision-making, accounting and control, coordination, organizational and logistical support, selection, training and education of social work personnel. All these management actions are performed by absolutely all social workers, regardless of whether they are managerial or practical social workers.

Target- an image of an object that a person wants to receive as a result of his activity. We can also say that a goal is a desired state for a person of the subject of his activity.

The sequence of the listed components is not random: any activity is performed in the direction from subject to object, although it is the object that is the main factor determining the essence and nature of the activity.

Diagram 2. Sequence of components.

All main components are closely interconnected. Having different (in a certain sense) content, only together they give an organic understanding of social work.

In addition, we can distinguish two aspects of socio-legal work:

Solving everyday, urgent problems of a citizen;

Solving problems in the long term, anticipating and preventing acute social problems on a global scale (unemployment, poverty, various social diseases, the most acute forms of deviant behavior, etc.).


Tactical is satisfaction taking into account the possibilities of the domestic economy;

Strategic – this is the most complete satisfaction of the needs of all segments of the population for social protection, based on the introduction of advanced and new technologies.


General – forecasting, activation, stimulation of scientific, technical, socio-economic, etc.;

Specific – (special) execution and implementation of activities with varying degrees of fragmentation in the process of managing a given object.

Both aspects of social work are related (and conditioned) state social policy , main directions, guidelines for the development of society.

The next structural section of social activity is predetermined by its universal, integrated nature as a specific type of human activity.

We are talking about the main directions (types) of social activity:

Social diagnosis;

Social therapy;

Social rehabilitation;

Social prevention;

Social control;

Social insurance;

Social services;

Social mediation;

Social care, etc.

Conclusion: no matter what type of socio-legal work has to be considered (help for the sick, social protection of workers or the unemployed, patronage of a large family, etc.), it is always necessary to determine the characteristics of the object, select a special subject, select appropriate means, adequate management, formulate special goals, give preference to specific functions. In a word, the designated set of components of the system of socio-legal work is necessary. The exclusion of one of them leads to disruption, weakening, and even destruction of the system.