Print for a while. Checking your keyboard typing speed using online services

Most often, the unit of measurement for typing speed is the number of characters typed in 1 minute. Typing speed, measured in characters per minute, is denoted in English as CPM(characters per minute). So, if a person types a text 250 characters long in 60 seconds, then this corresponds to a speed of 250 characters per minute or 250 cpm.

Sometimes typing speed is measured in beats per minute, taking into account not only characters, but also key presses such as Shift and Alt. This unit of measurement was used for typewriters. It is important to note that on different computer keyboards or layouts, typing the same text will require a different number of presses on the auxiliary keys.

Do not confuse the printing speed, measured in characters per minute, and the printing speed, measured in strokes per minute - these are different values.

In America, the unit of measurement is words, not signs. This printing speed is designated as WPM(words per minute). A good speed is considered to be from 50 sl/min to 80 sl/min. The average for one word in English-speaking countries is 5 characters, which is definitely not suitable for the Russian language, where the average word length is 7.2. So let's focus on signs per minute.

One A4 page contains text containing about 1800 characters, printed in 14-point Times New Roman font with one and a half spacing between lines. Let's assume your print speed is 150 cpm. This is an average result. At this speed, 5 pages of A4 text will be printed in 1 hour. Let's make a comparison table to see how many pages can be printed in 60 minutes of continuous typing at different printing speeds:

600 characters per minute and twenty pages in 1 hour. This speed may seem incredible, but it's not all that difficult. Having mastered the touch typing method itself, you can do your job, trying from time to time to overcome your speed threshold. Each time it becomes easier and easier, and a speed of 500-600 characters per minute is achieved by some people in six months.

How to check the printing speed?

Of course, 940 cpm is exceptional speed. But any person who has mastered the ten-finger touch typing method can reach a speed of 300-400 characters per minute in a couple of months, no matter how slowly you type now. And you can easily check your typing speed right now. Take your favorite book from the shelf and print any fragment of it for 1 minute. When finished, count the number of characters typed. This will be your speed in characters per minute.

To get a more objective result, type not for 1 minute, but for 3-5 minutes. In this case, the printing speed will be calculated using the formula <кол-во набранных знаков> / <кол-во минут> .

And if you want to test your typing speed right now, you can take an online typing speed test.

Keyboard typing speed championships

Numerous fast typing championships are held annually around the world. The largest competition is held in Prague under the auspices of the world organization Intersteno (International Federation for Information and Communication Processing). The minimum acceptable dialing speed for participants is 200 characters per minute, and you can only make a mistake in 1 character out of 100. The conditions may seem too strict, but not for those who are familiar with the touch dialing method.

Who knows, maybe soon you will be able to compete in Prague for first place?

How to check and improve keyboard typing speed

Dear readers of the VSetiRabota website. Today I would like to talk about such an important property of a PC user and copywriter as keyboard typing speed. Many of you would like to improve your typing speed or check how fast you type. In this article we will try to provide answers to all these questions.




What should be the typing speed on the keyboard?

Let's start our story by determining how fast typing on a computer keyboard should be. Many users have never thought about how many characters per minute is a good indicator, but many, on the contrary, want to hear the answer to this question. Let's give some approximate dialing speed indicators.

Up to 100 characters per minute - Quite a weak indicator.

You need to learn to type faster, otherwise everyone will have to wait for you to type the desired text.

From 100 to 200 characters per minute - Average.

You're good at typing on the keyboard, but it's still too early to relax. Your indicator is already approaching the optimal one, you still have a little more work to do.

From 200 to 300 characters per minute - A good indicator.

You type texts on the keyboard quite quickly, which is good news. You have probably already written hundreds of pages in various text editors.

300 to 400 characters per minute - Excellent.

Your typing speed on the keyboard is enviable. This typing speed is achieved by people who often have to type various texts on the keyboard.

Over 400 characters per minute - Simply amazing.

If your typing speed exceeds 400 characters per minute, then you are simply a typing genius. There are hardly more than 1 percent of such people in the world.

And finally. If your typing speed on the keyboard is over 750 characters per minute, then it’s time for you to contact the Guinness Book of Records. Because this is exactly the record that was set in 2005.

Keyboard layout and ten-finger typing method

Many people have heard about the ten-finger typing method on a keyboard. This method is truly one of the best. At the same time, the main thing is to position your fingers correctly on the keyboard and after that, typing text will become much more convenient. Although many users who can type 300-400 characters per minute still do not use all their fingers. Sometimes you just don’t want to relearn if you’re already happy with the result.

But this article is still devoted to correct typing and teaching methods (although the author of this article uses no more than 5 fingers to write). So, let's give a drawing of the correct finger layout on the keyboard for using the ten-finger typing method.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. It will be more convenient to print out this drawing and hang it in a visible place so that you can always see how correctly your fingers are positioned on your keyboard.

It is this finger layout on the keyboard that will allow you to move on to learning the touch typing method.

5 Tips to Improve Your Typing Speed

Now I would like to give some advice to users who want to learn touch typing on the keyboard. Now there are quite a few sites on the Internet that offer to use special programs and quickly learn how to type on a keyboard. It is difficult to say how effective these methods are. As for the author of the article, I have never used special services for learning to type, but simply practiced writing texts. But I’m not going to say bad things about services that I personally haven’t used, since many people have really mastered typing using these applications and can now type several times more efficiently.

Although recently I began to notice that negative reviews are also appearing on the RuNet, which are mainly written on various blogs and personal websites. I don’t know what goal the authors of these articles are pursuing, but specialized typing services can in no way harm the user in mastering typing. In this section I would just like to give some tips to improve your typing speed.

1) Sitting in front of the computer.

Let's start with the basics. The user's seating position in front of the computer monitor plays an important role. In addition to speeding up your typing, proper sitting will help you maintain your vision and posture.

It is advisable to sit on a swivel chair with a backrest. The angle between your spine and your hips should ideally be 90 degrees. The angle between the thigh and shin should also be 90 degrees. Your gaze should be directed towards the center of the monitor.

2) Keyboard location.

The middle of the keyboard text area should be parallel to the center of the monitor. That is, the G and H keys should be located opposite the center of the monitor.

3) Choosing a comfortable keyboard.

And one more tip regarding the keyboard. It is most convenient to type on a keyboard with minimally convex keys. Buy such a keyboard in a store, and after a couple of days of getting used to it, you will be pleasantly surprised that typing has become much more convenient and the speed has increased.

4) Use the ten-finger typing pattern.

Well, don’t forget what we said a little higher. We will again present for you a diagram of the arrangement of fingers on the keyboard. This scheme, in my opinion, is optimal. By the way, on keyboards, they usually make special marks on the keys F and J . This is where your index fingers should be located.

One of the important skills when working on a computer is print speed. How fast you type determines the amount of work you can accomplish. If you want, then you need to print just as quickly. How fast can you type now? Let's find out where and how you can check your keyboard typing speed.

What does printing speed depend on?

But first, let’s figure out what print speed depends on and how to influence it?

Checking Print Speed

To know what to start from and what to strive for (and as you know, there are no limits to perfection!) you need check your typing speed. How to do it? Very simple! Check your printing speed online without leaving the Internet!

You can choose from three of the most popular online typing speed testing services. Typing speed is measured in characters per minute. Spaces and punctuation are also taken into account.

Print speed in numbers

Have you checked your typing speed online, what next? How to evaluate the result? There is a gradation of printing speed, according to which you are either a beginner printer or a professional.

Ideal keyboard typing speed– from 100 to 400 characters, or symbols, per minute. Are you in this range? I congratulate you if this is so! But let's do the math. We take a minimum payment of 0.5 USD. for 1000 characters. At a typing speed of 100 per minute, you can type an article of 2000 characters in 20 minutes. And at a speed of 400 - in 5 minutes, four times faster. In an hour with a typing speed of 100 characters you will earn 3 USD. And at a printing speed of 400 characters – 12 USD. With a 6-hour working day, your income will be 18 and 72 USD. respectively. The difference is obvious.

And some interesting facts about typing speed that I found on the website (here you can also learn how to type quickly).

1)150-200 characters per minute: Confident but not professional user. This pace can be considered an achievement if you started learning the blind ten-finger method relatively recently. Don't stop there - continue regular training!

2) 250-400 characters per minute: a professional typist, one might say a virtuoso. This speed can be considered indicative even for professional stenographers, so if your result fluctuates around 250-400 characters per minute, you have something to congratulate!

3) More than 400 characters per minute: record holder! Are you sure your stopwatch is working properly? Then we inform you that you are going for a record! Speeds of more than 400 characters per minute are achieved only by stenographers with vast, many years of experience!

Do you know What is the fastest printing speed? 750 characters per minute! This printing speed was recorded and entered into the Guinness Book of Records as an absolute record. This was in 2005. Do you want to set a new record? 🙂

Write in the comments if you were able to measure your typing speed and what happened?

Hello friends!

Today I have a short article for you in continuation of the topic of learning to quickly type on a keyboard with ten fingers. I’ll tell you about several services where you can take a short test and check your keyboard typing speed online.

Checking your keyboard typing speed

You probably noticed that I have already written several articles on the topic of learning to quickly type on a keyboard. If you don’t yet know how to quickly touch type, then be sure to read the article where I talk about two simulators with which. These recommendations have already been useful to many people, so rest assured, they will definitely help you too.

Why do I want to bring up this topic again? The fact is that after I learned to type quickly, my work at the computer became much more efficient, I began to get more done in the same time. Agree, this is very relevant in our time. How much time was lost before, when I did not yet possess this skill! So if you are not yet confident in your printing technique, then be sure to learn, it will take you much less time than you might think at first.

Here we will talk about online tests to check typing speed. This will be interesting for those who are just starting to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard, in order to measure their initial data and build on it. Also, these tests can be useful for monitoring your typing speed of full-fledged unfamiliar text.

A little about keyboard typing speed records

I would like to note right away that achieving a speed of 200 characters per minute will not be difficult. The average typing speed among many people who can touch-type is about 300 characters per minute.

If we talk about records for typing speed, then everything will depend on the duration of printing, or in other words, the volume of text. After all, in a minute you can show a much better result than, say, in 10 minutes or half an hour.

In the Guinness Book of Records there is an entry about Barbara Blackburn, who in 2005 showed a speed of 750 characters per minute.

Also known is a man named Sean Wron, winner of many championships, he holds many typing records. On short texts, Sean recorded a speed of 1280 characters per minute, his average speed in TypeRacer is 945 characters per minute. It is worth noting that Sean learned to touch-type at the age of 3.

Online keyboard typing speed tests

Let's now move on to the online services themselves, where you can test your typing speed on the keyboard.

  • 10FastFingers Words in lowercase without punctuation. In one minute here you can measure your speed, both in the number of characters and in words. Wrong words while typing will be underlined in red. At the end, the service will show where you rank in terms of speed among others who have tested their speed over the last 24 hours.
  • Vse10 You can get a certificate here. A short text is given, and upon completion, the typing speed (digits per minute) and the percentage of errors are shown. There is also a simulator itself, but I prefer to use others.
  • Bombina A nice test for typing speed in the form of a string (like in Stamina). You need to type for a minute, then you will know the result.
  • Print speed testing is possible for several languages.

Look how fast these guys are hitting the keyboard.

But they are ordinary people. So everyone can do this!

I wish you success in mastering the skill of fast printing and high speeds!

If you regularly work with text information, typing speed becomes a very important indicator. After all, it directly affects the time it takes to formulate thoughts - whether it will be two hours per page or 15 minutes. For writers, copywriters of all stripes, SMM specialists, etc. the speed of recruitment determines the earning potential. And if you don’t yet know what level you are at, checking your keyboard typing speed online will help.

How is typing speed measured on a keyboard?

Before looking for a site to check your typing speed, you need to figure out how it is measured. On the Russian-language Internet, the approach that measures the number of characters printed has become a classic approach. In other words, the speed of typing is determined: all characters typed are divided by the time required, expressed in minutes. The corresponding value is called "characters per minute" or CPM in English notation.

If you look at the keys before pressing, you can get a value of 40-50; when touch typing, this figure increases. The maximum average typing speed is for those who use all 10 fingers – here the count already goes into the hundreds.

Abroad, they usually rely on a different indicator, taking as the unit taken into account not a printed character, but a whole word. Accordingly, the typing speed is obtained in “words per minute” or WPM. To calculate it, they usually do not measure how many words are in a test fragment, but divide the volume of text in letters by the average value. For Russian it is considered that there are 7.2 characters in a word, in English the same figure is 5.

There is another option, in which the presses of auxiliary keys, such as Shift, used for capital letters, count. Then the rate of clicks is already called “beats per minute” (SPM).

What print speed is considered good?

It is believed that an input speed of 250 characters matches the speed of typing and the speed of thinking for the average person. That is, your hands exactly keep up with your thoughts, you can type as naturally as you can speak. However, it is wrong to consider this level to be naturally correct.

If you are used to carefully thinking about your words, selecting the most precise wording and only then recording them in the text, your speed will certainly be slower. If it does not cause irritation, then there is nothing to worry about.

It's a different matter if you need to quickly process text. Then 120 characters per minute means 4 finished pages per hour (taking into account the standard 1800 characters per sheet), and at 400 it turns out to be as much as 15! In this case, checking your keyboard typing speed online and training to increase this indicator definitely makes sense.

Testing typing speed from “Solo on the keyboard”

One of the most popular options is to test your solo typing speed on the keyboard. You can take it on the website in the “Speed ​​Test” section. Direct link - .

To start testing, click on the green button below the example.

You will need to type a fairly small text, but subject to a number of rules:

  • there should be no errors, you need to remove them by erasing the incorrect character with the known Backspace;
  • Punctuation marks are also included in the text, they cannot be skipped;
  • The letters must be in the exact case as indicated; you cannot replace uppercase with lowercase and vice versa.

Please note that only one test option is available in the free version. To gain access to statistics or other options, you need to sign up for a paid subscription.

After clicking the button, the verification interface will appear.

In the center is the text itself and a progress bar above it. Below is a visual hint where each finger has its own zone. It is assumed that you will use touch typing, and the same one as in the program for training and testing typing speed “Solo on the Keyboard”. On the right are statistical indicators that are calculated automatically as recruitment progresses.

The test is designed in a very friendly manner. First, time tracking will only start after you start typing. Secondly, if you rashly rush to type in a different layout, the assistant will remind you of this.

Keep in mind that “e” and “e” are different letters, and attempting to replace one with the other will be treated as an error.

When you type on the on-screen keyboard, the characters involved are highlighted and errors in the text are highlighted in red. During the process, you can monitor the speed on the right - it is indicated in characters per minute.


If typing in solo mode does not motivate you, you want not an academic guy on the final screen, but a live confrontation, it is better to use the keyboard racing site ( ).

Here, instead of trivial typing, real competitions are available. You can register and participate in them as a regular participant. Or just practice a couple of times during your lunch break - in this case, feel free to click on “Quick Start”.

A small tooltip with rules will open.

After this, a check-in field will appear, which is also a place to check your typing speed online in a minute for free: text on top, two tracks with cars below.

If you type correctly, the car drives. If you’re wrong, it’s worth it until you correct the typo.

At the end, they will show you what you just typed, inform you about the winner and display brief statistics: total time (the counter does not wait and starts immediately when the opponent appears), typing speed and errors.

If the race does not start, wait until the system finds an opponent.

The intensity of the training is maximum when you meet a professional.

Cursive Writing: Online Typing Speed ​​Test

If you need an online keyboard typing speed test and nothing extra, use the site . Here you also need to enter text into the line.

You are given 60 seconds to check your speed (either touch typing or any other typing style), then the results are shown.