Technique for drawing pictures by numbers. My favorite hobby

Why we selected these particular coloring pages for beginners:

They have some of the best reviews from our customers, and this, in our opinion, is the best recommendation;
- trusted manufacturers: quality paints, clear instructions, “everything included”;
- the result looks impressive, and at the same time there are not a lot of very small parts.

Margarita Pavlukhina(colored more than 10 paintings)

In my opinion, the most optimal company for beginners is Schipper. Good cardboard (the outline and numbers are printed clearly), a brush, and the paints go on smoothly, the numbers are painted over without problems (only with light colors you have to apply 2 layers), after work there is usually a fair amount of paint left in the jar, no mixing, a decent result.

If we talk about works on canvas, I liked Hobbart - the paints are quite thick, they easily fall on the canvas and paint over the numbers and outline. The result is the same as in the picture on the box. The same can be said about Menglei.

From Shipper the following may be suitable for beginners: (all the fragments are quite large. The work turns out bright and juicy), (there are a little more small fragments, but no difficulties arise, and they go well with Macs) and (small fragments are only a book and glasses).

I also highly recommend buying an easel - the simplest, student one. When the painting stands rather than lies on the table, the work is better illuminated and you can see where the numbers or outline have not been painted over. When working with canvas, it is simply irreplaceable. In addition, when working at a table, my neck often hurt, and with an easel you can paint both sitting and standing, and there is less risk of getting into undried paint.

Ksenia Uss(colored more than 10 paintings)

Try to choose a coloring in the color scheme that you like.

Regarding the coloring technique, it is most convenient for me to paint the picture in a row, from top to bottom and from left to right. I do not paint at an easel, but usually sitting, and sometimes sitting on the sofa. Therefore, this technique is most convenient for me, in the sense that you can freely place your hands on the unpainted area, without fear of ruining already painted areas or getting your hands and clothes dirty. I don’t like to paint for a long time with one color, so I paint everything at once in small sections according to the named algorithm (top-to-bottom and left-to-right).

When it comes to using paints, I recommend getting a stirring stick (a Chinese stick, any stick) in advance. I also always have a pack of wet wipes on hand (which are not very wet, such large packages of all sorts of baby wipes), it’s convenient to wipe the brush with them after each paint.

As for advice on specific sets, I recommend quadruple sets of shipper (butterflies, cupcakes, coffee) - they are bright, they are all small in themselves, you can safely start with them. The zones there are not particularly small. Good luck!

Vera Galina

I would suggest starting with small and simple coloring on cardboard without mixing paint into relatively large areas. Small Ravenburger coloring books work well for testing. I have never come across dry paint from this company and the numbers are always painted over, although not always the first time.

Evgenia Tsarevich

I don’t even know whether beginners should be advised which pictures are best to try to draw or just take the first one you like and decide for yourself whether it’s difficult or not.

My nephew is 12 years old, I bought him a Hobbart company “Stained glass window “World of Music” on canvas to try out. You can see from the picture that there are a lot of large areas, so he said it would be more interesting if there were more small areas. Here is a child’s opinion, if it’s easy for children, then adults can handle it too)))

I painted everyone's favorite brand Schipper on cardboard: Cupcakes - that's what I can recommend for beginners, easy, quick and appetizing))).

Ekaterina Drokova

I drew and still draw only Schipper. I am very pleased with this company. The first work was "Peonies in a Vase". Also next up for Dimensions is “Bouquet of Peonies”. I would advise beginners to start with Schipper.

As for coloring tricks, I personally paint from the left corner to the right, going lower and returning to the left side again. I just know that some people paint first with one color and then with another, but I’m not so interested.

Evgenia Yarygina(about 10 paintings painted)

It seems to me that a beginner should initially understand whether he will like it or not, so I would recommend a simple picture. Coloring will irritate some, while others will find it calming. I realized that I really liked it, and in my rather nervous work it calmed me down incredibly in the evenings.

It seems to me that a beginner should:
- start drawing with simple pictures in order to “get better”
- don’t be afraid that he will paint something with the wrong color, I’ll be honest, it’s often not noticeable
- don’t worry if, as it often seems, the colors are about to run out. In my experience, there was always enough paint.
- try coloring both on canvas and on cardboard. I liked working on canvas more, as it seems to me that it’s drawn differently and doesn’t feel like it’s some kind of children’s coloring book.
- understand that Chinese quality, for me personally, is not always inferior to German. I personally often buy Color Kit and Menglei on canvas and am very happy

You can, of course, paint as you want, but personally, my experience from about the 5th picture showed that it is necessary to finish the picture with white paint, and I start with the 2nd, that is, the lightest paint other than white, and move forward, and until I paint over, as it seems to me, all the divisions with the 2nd color, I don’t move on to the third color. When I see on the third color that I haven’t painted over the second color, then I go back and paint over the second color, and do it immediately, since the first is difficult to find the unpainted element later, and secondly, going back at the end and painting over all the missing elements is too much dreary work.

Elena Reminova(more than 20 paintings painted)

Regarding the choice of a picture, it’s clear that the finer the details of the picture, the more interesting the process and the result. Apart from accuracy and perseverance, no other talents or efforts are required. I really liked Schipper at work. But I prefer paintings on canvas. They seem more expensive and professional; they can be hung on the wall even without frames (which is very economical and simple, without any framing workshops). On canvases that I plan to hang on the wall, I either continue the drawing on the sides or, more often than not, I simply paint the sides in a suitable tone.

To rinse the brush thoroughly, I place a dishwashing sponge at the bottom of the glass. The brush is washed very thoroughly. By the way, I buy brushes separately. I always varnish finished works. I don’t really like gloss, it glares and the effect of painting is lost. I really like matte or semi-matte varnish. The most important thing is to apply several very thin layers.

Marina Marinelli

Because I really love painstaking tasks, I immediately decided to use the coloring book with mixing Dimensions “Garden on the Coast” and had tremendous pleasure. I liked the colors, they applied perfectly, according to my observations they always fit well on cardboard.

Of course, I love Shipper very much!!! The quality of the cardboard and the quality of the paints, not only in brightness, but also in consistency, are beyond praise.

I discovered one way for myself so that the numbers do not show through, especially under light colors - you can first cover them with a stroke (corrector). And I can also advise you not to be afraid of paintings with many small details, just buy a good magnifying glass (as I did right away).

In paintings where there is water, waves or sea foam, it is better to leave white for the finale, this way you can make the borders smoother (by shading) and the waves will look more voluminous.

I definitely cover paintings on cardboard with Satin varnish. It gives a beautiful silky effect.

It’s difficult to say unequivocally that canvas or cardboard is preferable... whoever likes what. The paints are applied to the canvas differently, I would say, with thicker strokes, which is a little reminiscent of an oil painting.

I prefer matte varnish for paintings on canvas; it gives a pleasant finish without excessive shine.

As for recommendations for subjects, you can start with flowers, landscapes, animals (whoever likes them), but not with people. As a rule, if the painting is on canvas, then you also need to learn how to make smooth transitions between shades, this applies to open areas of the body.

Of course, I initially started painting paintings by the best manufacturers, so it is difficult to evaluate all the diversity of manufacturers. As for the brushes, the Schipper and Dimensions sets had high-quality brushes that are still alive and I use them. The Chinese have brushes that last only 1 painting))), so I bought more in art stores.

Lyudmila Dolgopolova(5 paintings painted)

The first criterion for me when choosing a coloring book was the plot of the picture! I would recommend the Schipper “Daisies” coloring book for beginners. Its main attraction is its size. It is smaller than the standard paintings of this company, the dimensions of the parts are also not very small, and the resulting painting turns out to be very beautiful, and the flowers look very natural. The painting "Daisies" is one of a series of similar paintings of the same size depicting flowers: "Poppy", "Rose" and "Sunflower" - all of which can be suitable for beginners. Another very important assistant when choosing the first picture is, of course, reviews.

I color, moving gradually through the picture - always starting from the upper left corner - this makes it possible not to touch the already painted areas. I pay attention to the fragments themselves - first I try to color what is in the background of the picture, and only then I move to the foreground. For me, this is more convenient than looking for all the fragments with one number throughout the entire picture, although I know that many people, on the contrary, find it inconvenient to change colors all the time... But, it seems to me, in my version, each time the picture seems to be filled, and already You can see some separate fragments.

As for the brushes, the Shipper sets come with a medium-sized brush for the paintings; I’ve always been pleased with the quality; the brushes are enough for more than just one painting. When purchasing a new set, I continue to paint with the brush from the previous one, and leave the new one in reserve))) I use thinner brushes extremely rarely, more often where finer lines are needed.

The eternal dilemma “WHAT IS BETTER – CANVAS OR CARDBOARD?” For beginners, I can say with confidence - start with cardboard! Everything is simpler and clearer on it))). For those who have made their choice on canvas, the first thing I can say is: be prepared for the fact that you will often have to look at the control sheet, because... on canvas it is much worse than on cardboard, numbers are visible (especially in small details), and secondly, the paints need to be “hammered” into the canvas, and not smoothly smeared, as on cardboard.

Margarita Terentyeva

How to draw is already from the series “taste and color...”. For example, I don't like moving from top to bottom or left to right. I start with bright colors and paint everything with one color, then everything with another. Apparently, this is my thing - to bring everything to the end.

And probably the most important advice: DO NOT TAKE PICTURES BY UNKNOWN COMPANIES. Tested by personal experience. I have several of these unfinished paintings in my back drawer. There is no desire to draw them; they do not bring pleasure.

But on what and in what position is it more convenient to draw, then my answer is ON THE KNEES)))))). I climb onto the bed, put pillows under my back and lean against the wall. She bent her knees and placed the painting half-standing on them))) Beauty, how convenient! And the neck doesn’t get tired, and the back doesn’t bend))

Alexandra Mikhailova

I start painting with large areas. I try to paint with one color, then another. I change it when I get tired of it. It is most difficult to paint with light tones, because... The numbers are poorly painted over (although in Plaid with a train, white fits perfectly in ONE layer, I’m shocked). Well, I choose the color depending on my mood)))

Tip No. 1. How to paint with acrylic paints

Basics of working with acrylic paints

Brief technical information: Acrylic is a paint consisting of three main components. Pigment, synthetic binder (acrylic polymer emulsion) and water. The latter is especially important for us. Acrylic paint dries as soon as the water evaporates from it. That is why it is difficult to adapt to them at first - they dry very quickly both in work and on the palette. It is worth remembering that acrylic paint becomes darker as it dries.

Tools and materials

Acrylic paints can be found in jars and tubes.

One of the advantages of acrylic is that in combination with it you can use a huge number of additional artistic media. It’s worth stopping here and talking about another important point - fresh acrylic is easily removed with water. Dried paint requires solvents (! After working with acrylic, rinse your brushes thoroughly with water! Acrylic that has dried in a brush can ruin the brush forever!).

Keep your paint in working condition.

Since acrylic paint dries very quickly, squeeze it out of the tube a little at a time. If you use a regular plastic palette, buy a spray bottle to spray water onto the paint, dampening it.

If possible, buy special brushes for acrylic paints. They come in different shapes, sizes and textures. Typically, these are synthetic or nylon brushes. When working with acrylic paints, frequent immersion in water can damage the brush. With natural brushes there is no need to press on the canvas. You need to draw with the tip, as if suspended. At first it will not be familiar, but when you get used to natural brushes, you will become a true connoisseur of them.

Wipe the brush.
Keep a paper towel or rag nearby and dry the brush every time you wash. Then drops of water will not go down the rim and fall on the drawing, leaving blots.

Important properties. Generalization and something new.

And so, we have already said that acrylic paint dries very quickly. And this is its big advantage.
In addition to this, uncured acrylic can be easily removed with water, while dried acrylic is resistant to water. This can be very useful because it allows you to apply a second coat of paint without the risk of destroying the first.
Acrylic paints allow you to work in layers - unlike oil and watercolors, the top layer is usually not transparent, and the bottom layer is not visible - this can be convenient when you need to correct some minor imperfections. Or when you need to apply a bright design on some background.
Acrylic paints are unpretentious to neighbors. They can be combined with both oil and watercolor. And use on almost any surface.
Acrylic does not smell. And during operation it does not emit any fumes that interfere with breathing, as when working with oil. And this is also an important plus))
Acrylic can be applied either very thinly (like watercolor) or in a thick layer - like oil. Moreover, it will still adhere well to the surface and not spread - this is due to its high elasticity.
Acrylic does not crack or fade.

Beginning of work

Choose a good location. As with most things, drawing is best done in natural light. Sit near an open window or in a room with plenty of natural light. You'll be able to see little nuances in your brush strokes and colors that you wouldn't be able to see in other lighting.

Lay out all your materials.Every artist has a different approach to organizing their materials, but it's best to arrange them as you see fit before you begin. Fill the jars with water, take out the brushes and paints you want to use, and place your palette in the perfect spot. You may also want to wear a robe or an old shirt.

Find a light source. Color changes depending on how the light hits it, so before you start painting, determine the position of the main light source. Pay attention to this throughout the drawing process. You should use lighter colors near the light source and darker colors away from it. This may seem basic, but identifying your light source before you start will help your flowers sit as they should.


Cover the picture with a layer of varnish. Although it is not necessary, many artists choose to coat the painting with a layer of varnish to seal the acrylic paints. This helps the paint chemically bond with the canvas and better protects the paint from damage.

Clean your brushes and work area. Be sure to wash your brushes immediately after finishing using them. Acrylic paint can seriously damage and ruin brushes if left to dry on the bristles. Wash the bristles of your brushes with soap and cold water until the water runs clear (warm/hot water will set the paint on the brushes). Wipe off any paint from your workbench and wash out your water cans.

Save any unused paint.Acrylic paint can last for several months in a tightly sealed container, so if you have any left over, save it for later.

Leave the painting to dry.Place the painting somewhere where it can dry in 1-2 days. Acrylic paints have a very short drying time, but they need to be placed where they will not be disturbed so they can dry properly.

Purpose of brushes:


Combines hairs of different lengths for the best maneuverability: make bold strokes with the wide part of the brush and thin strokes with the edge of the brush.


Used for precise strokes, as well as for serpentine lines and curves.


It has the advantages of both a flat and a round brush. Great choice for better color mixing.


Brush for long straight lines. Long pile allows you to hold a large amount of paint. Simply hold the brush without pressure, almost perpendicular to the surface, and allow the paint to flow onto the paper.

Tip #2. By coloring pictures by numbers

So, in front of you is an open set of paint-by-numbers coloring books and you can’t wait to start creating your masterpiece. The tips below will help you draw a picture in such a way that you can be proud of your work, and after finishing painting you will hardly be able to guess that the picture was painted using this method (by numbers).

Of course, in this article it is impossible to tell and describe all the nuances that exist, since painting is a real art. We simply tried to summarize the practical drawing experience we have already accumulated along with the recommendations of various manufacturers and present it in the most accessible form.


Preparing paints

Before you start painting, you need to carefully prepare your paints. They do not require any mixing of paints to obtain the desired shade and effect: everything is already completely prepared and numbered, since the manufacturer took care of this in advance! In our paint sets, the paints are perfectly matched to the color scheme and are presented in the right quantities so that your future masterpiece is guaranteed to be similar to the original, and maybe even better. Everything depends on you!

pay attention to numbering of paints in containers

When painting by numbers, it is extremely important that the numbers on the containers match the numbers on the canvas. Some plots involve the use of several containers with the same color of paint, respectively, these paints have the same number. Therefore, the numbering sequence is as follows:

Opening bottles

Open bottles of paint carefully, without using force - this may damage the bottle. To prevent paint from drying out, always open only those paints that you really need at the moment.


For convenience, place the following items near you: an image of the finished painting, paints, a brush, a canvas with an outline, a control sheet, a glass of water, a piece of cloth and matches for stirring the paints. It is better to choose a place with good lighting. Outline large surfaces first with a thin brush, and then paint over the surfaces with a thicker brush. Make sure you fill in the contour lines. It is considered normal if dark paint covers better than light paint. If the outlines or numbers show through, apply paint to them several times.

How to hold a brush

Hold the brush like a pen. For stability, place your hand on the surface and rotate the picture so that its location is convenient for you.

Drawing order

There is no single approach to the order of painting. There are several drawing techniques:

1)You can draw a picture using the “line by line” method, from the top edge of the picture to the bottom.

2)However, you can achieve better results if you paint using the "background to foreground" method, first painting the objects in the background and then the ones in the foreground. For example, you are drawing a landscape. In this case, the drawing order is as follows: 1. sky, 2. clouds, 3. meadow, 4. trees, 5. leaves, 6. flowers.

Sometimes the question may also arise: should I paint a picture by numbers or by colors? Empirically and experimentally (Attention: such conclusions were made by “practitioners” and are not official recommendations of the manufacturer), some users identified two options:

1) In the sequence of numbering of paints in the set:

  • from increasing the total number of areas and contours that need to be painted with one color to decreasing. Example: with paint No. 1 in the set you need to paint 15 contours, and with paint No. 2 - ten contours.
  • from a larger total area of ​​contours that need to be painted with one color to a smaller one. This can be assessed visually by eye.

2) In sequence from lighter shades and colors to more saturated and dark ones. This is due to the fact that if there is an error in coloring, it is much more difficult to paint dark segments with light paint than it is to paint light segments with dark paint. In other words, in order to paint a dark segment with white paint, you need more layers and vice versa: you can paint a light segment with dark paint in one layer, i.e. much easier.

As you can see, there are many variations and interpretations of the paint by number technique. Various combinations and alternations of techniques and methods are also possible, which provides us with an endless number of options. In other words, you are absolutely not limited by anything except your imagination, desires and skills. You shouldn’t get hung up on anything: you need to draw in a way that is convenient, pleasant and comfortable for you. Just start drawing a picture and in the process you will understand which technique and method of drawing is most pleasant and convenient for you.

For a perfect image of the finished painting paint over unpainted areas and visible numbers. As in art galleries, you need to look at the painting and evaluate it from a distance of 2-3 meters.

Notes to skilled artists

The painting effect can be enhanced by applying different thicknesses of paint. To do this, apply the remaining paint in a thick layer to the elements of the picture that you would like to highlight. This will give the picture a relief effect.


Acrylic paints, after drying, acquire a light gloss and beautiful appearance. The surface of the painting can be wiped with a slightly damp cloth. No additional care required. If desired, a week after the painting has dried, you can coat its surface with a special varnish for paintings. Glossy varnish will enhance the brightness of the colors, and matte varnish will remove glare. Varnish can be purchased in special stores for artists and craftsmen.


By placing the picture in an appropriate beautiful frame, it will become a real masterpiece! To preserve the effect of the painting, you do not need to place it under glass. You can decorate your painting with a regular frame from self-service stores, or an elegant frame from specialty stores or galleries.


To paint without problems, you must follow the rules for using paints. This is extremely important!

Therefore, we ask you to carefully read the following rules and follow the drawing instructions.

Important: Once the paint cans are opened, the paint has a limited shelf life!

Rule 1

Open paint cans just before you start painting. It is very difficult to package quick-drying paints in such a small volume (about 3 ml) so that they can be stored in the store for a long time. MENGLEI's latest generation of paint cans fulfill this requirement. However, once they have been opened, the paint may dry out. Therefore, the amateur artist should complete the painting as soon as possible after opening the paint cans

Rule 2

Using a brush, remove any stuck paint from the lid back into the jar. Boxes in a store or warehouse could be stored vertically. Therefore, when opening the jar, some paint may be on the lid.

Rule 3

Despite the fact that paint containers are tightly closed and are specially designed to preserve all the properties of the paint, the paint in them may thicken slightly during storage, for example, due to temperature changes. To “revive” paints and use them again, simply add a couple of drops of water to them and stir thoroughly. The paints are ready to use again!

Rule 4

Once the paint cans have been opened, try to complete the painting without taking long breaks. After opening the jars for the first time, there is a possibility that the paints may dry out. Therefore, after opening paint cans, try to use them within a maximum of 12 weeks.

Rule 5

If you want to take a break from working, close the containers tightly, first removing traces of liquid or already dried paint from the lid itself, from the edges of the lid and the sealing grooves of the lid.

In Figure AThe container is airtight because the edges of the container fit smoothly into the clean sealing grooves in the lid. The lid fits tightly to the edges of the jar.

In Figure B improperly closed jar. It can be seen that the remaining paint prevents the lid from closing tightly. Therefore, air entering the container dries out the paint. Therefore, clean each jar thoroughly before sealing it. Remove excess paint from the edge of the container with a fingernail or rag, and remove the round sealing grooves with a toothpick or large needle. Before closing the jar, make sure its rims and lid are clean.

Rule 6

If you plan to take a break from painting for a few weeks, seal the paint pots tightly as described above, then wrap them in a damp cloth and place them in a plastic bag or plastic box. This will help protect the paints from drying out. However, this cannot guarantee that already opened paints will remain ready for use and retain their properties for many months or years.

Rule 7

After each break in painting, the viscosity of the paints should be slightly adjusted to ensure proper application.

The dream of many is to draw beautifully and easily transfer the picture from your head to a sheet of paper. It was inaccessible to me, no matter how I tried to bring out the beauty, it was all in vain. And then one day I became acquainted with “coloring books for adults.” That is, by numbers.

Everything ingenious is simple, and nothing could be simpler than making a large canvas with regular coloring, and stretching it onto a frame, and instead of children’s cartoon characters, apply an image of a beautiful still life or landscape. And voila, this is already suitable for older people. And then I caught fire! You, yourself, can create beauty with your own hands!


I painted my first picture for about six months, but the details in it were very detailed and small, I drew each leaf separately. At the time of purchasing the first painting, coloring by numbers was just gaining popularity, the paints in the set were very bad, half-dried, and this affected the long-term coloring process. It took effort to tear apart one leaf. But the result is worth it, I love this picture.

Canvas size: 50x40

Price 1200 rub.

Article MG287

Title Zolotya autumn

Number of colors 24

Difficulty 5 out of 5 ★★★★★


I take the choice of paintings very seriously; the complexity of the drawing is important to me; the more complex it is, the smaller the fragments on the canvas will be. Small particles make the picture more detailed and beautiful. I don’t like paintings in which one part can be filled with purely one color. Although in the sketch it doesn't look solid at all. Therefore, before purchasing, I always try to find a photo of the finished painting. For example, this is an unsuccessful option for me; the sky is divided into huge pieces, which I myself tried to somehow reduce and dilute with other colors.

At that moment I was looking for a picture that reflected the love of two hearts. In these pigeons I saw this love, not paying attention to the other components. But from now on I will avoid such pictures.

Canvas size: 50x40

The price of this painting is 650 rubles. + delivery by mail 225 rub.

Article 7704756

Name Pigeons

Difficulty 3 out of 5★★★☆☆


My third beauty was a spontaneous purchase in a shopping center on an island that was selling paintings. I fell in love at first sight. I am a Leo by horoscope and I treat this animal with special love, so it was simply impossible not to take such a handsome man! The details of this painting are average, the colors are bright and rich. And in general everything looks harmonious. I painted this picture by numbers in one go.

Canvas size: 40x50

Price 999 rub.

Article K008

The name is Narnia. Painting by Chebokh A.

Number of colors 24

Difficulty 4 out of 5★★★★☆


The next choice has already fallen on composite paintings - a triptych. These are paintings that depict different drawings of the same theme, and there are those where one drawing is divided into different parts, and when 3 canvases are connected, the drawing will be one.

A triptych is a work consisting of three paintings, drawings, etc., united by one idea, theme and plot.

I liked the triptych "Lavender Field" from paintboy. Lately I've become addicted to lavender/violet/lilac colors and decided to take the painting in this color too. In the process, this purple seems endless, at first a little darker, then lighter, and even lighter, darker again... But there is a sky, the sky dilutes this lavender field. The picture looks bright and lush, I’m ready to dive into this field and smell the lavender.

Third painting in progress...

Canvas size: 50x50

Article: PX5167

Difficulty: 4 out of 5★★★★☆

Cost: 1057 rub.

Number of colors: 46 colors (60 paint jars)


In addition to canvases, the set of paintings includes:

  • 6 brushes (2 wide, 2 medium, 2 small). Single paintings always have three brushes.
  • Fasteners for each of the paintings so that you can hang them on the wall.
  • Check sheet.
  • Acrylic paints.
  • One of the paintings also had varnish. (picture with a lion)

Some coloring books (usually from Aliexpress) can be sold without a stretcher; if you make a purchase in an online store, read the description carefully. I don’t think anyone wants to bother with frames and stretching the canvas.


Acrylic paints dry quickly, you must not forget to close the jar, and you need to close it tightly. In the lavender field set, 2 jars were dried out, one was completely dry, and one was very thick, but still alive.

Try to buy paintings at large outlets where the paintings do not sit for years, as the paints can dry out and you will simply waste your money, or you will be exhausted by painting with thick colors (as happened to me with the autumn park).

Light shades are best applied at the end, on top of brighter shades. There are always difficulties with white color, in all the paintings where it was, I had to go through one area several times since it is always translucent.

I also do not recommend paintings of bed flowers; again, the colors can be transparent,


You need to draw in a well-lit place, you need to take care of your eyes! I always draw at my desk, we don’t need a back wheel either, and with a desk lamp!

You will also need a glass of water to wash the paints off your brushes, rinse well, otherwise the brush will dry out and turn into a useless stick.

And a napkin to dry the brush, otherwise the water from the brush will dilute the paint.


I like to paint over areas in a thick layer, like brushstrokes, I AM AN ARTIST.

There are several coloring techniques that I know:

  1. Color gradually from top to bottom;
  2. First paint only one color, then another, a third;
  3. Color the largest parts first, and smoothly move to the middle ones, then to the smallest ones;
  4. Color from the edges to the center.

I usually mix all these techniques, but the main rule is to go from the edges to the center, so the finished painting looks more voluminous to me. And first I fill the large areas, then the smaller ones, always moving towards the center.


All paintings have their own complexity; for beginners, it is better to choose easy paintings. The complexity is usually marked on the box - a sketch of the picture. But remember, the lighter the picture, the fewer colors it contains. And the larger the parts of the picture that you paint over will be, which can lead to solid spots of the same color.

The more detailed the sketch, the more complex the picture. And the more it will look like the finished version from the box.

The optimal option is a difficulty level of three, such paintings are made of medium-sized pieces, there are also large and small parts, there are not many colors, and the painting is painted over quickly. The best thing is if you don’t know whether this type of creativity will suit you or not.


Dust, of course, accumulates on paintings, and to make it easier to deal with it, I recommend covering all paintings with a layer of transparent varnish, which will also protect the paints and give the painting a beautiful shine, the colors will become brighter.

I also recommend painting the side edges, on which the outline is not applied, with the same colors as on the front side, this gives the picture completeness.

And for special connoisseurs, there are also framing workshops that will be happy to make a beautiful frame for you and enclose your beauty in it.


Painting by numbers is suitable for diligent people, those who are ready to sit for hours and fill in pieces of one whole. (My friend, for example, was never able to finish painting the painting, and the painting was very simple)

This is a hobby for those for whom drawing remains an unfulfilled dream. Drawing calms me down, I think it's a great way to escape, forget and just relax.

The finished painting can be used to decorate your interior. Paintings by numbers will be a great gift! Try to become an artist, you will definitely be hooked!

All children love to draw. But if they can do this directly, without worrying about how others will evaluate their work, then adults are more suspicious people in this regard. Do you love and want to draw, but are you embarrassed by your “clumsy” creativity? Try coloring pictures by numbers! The paint-by-numbers technique will make you feel like a real artist - even if you don’t know how to draw at all.

What is a coloring set? It includes the actual painting (canvas), a reference diagram in case you are afraid of messing something up, a set of brushes and acrylic paints. The colors are numbered so you can be sure that you won't make a mistake with the tone.

There are sets in which you are offered already numbered shades, but there are also sets in which the shades must be mixed. This is an even more creative process, so you can show your talent as a decorative artist more fully and brightly.

Here is the set in front of you. Which side should you approach it from? If you want to master coloring by numbers, the instructions from the Shveyprofi online store will help you!

To begin, choose a place where you will create. Ideally, this should be a well-lit table or, if you prefer, an easel on an open sunny terrace. Make sure that the light will fall on the entire canvas, illuminating it evenly. Now cover the work area with newspapers so that after the act of creation you don’t have to wash everything off - you never know what can happen. Acrylic paints dry very quickly, and it’s not so easy to wash them off later! Remember this - try not to stain your hands and clothes with paint.

Place the canvas in front of you, put the paints, lay out the brushes. Also prepare a glass of water and, if required, a palette. An ordinary flat plate can serve as a palette. You will also need a cloth to wipe washed brushes, and if you need to mix paints, then also matches or toothpicks.

When you paint by numbers, the coloring technique is different from regular coloring with felt-tip pens or pencils. It is convenient to first choose one color and paint over all areas, and then just move on to another color.

So, choose one of the colors. Look carefully at the painting to find all the areas that belong to that color. Choose a paint. Using brushes of different sizes, carefully paint all areas with the chosen shade. Small surfaces are painted over with small brushes, and large ones are first outlined along the contour with a thin brush and then painted over with a thick one. The amount of paint in the set is calculated so that you paint the surface well. Lighter shades can sometimes be transparent, so feel free to go over the surface a second and third time so that the outlines and numbers are not visible.

When you have finished working on one color, rinse your brush thoroughly so that the colors do not mix. And then start painting with a different color, the brush should dry before doing this.

How to alternate colors? Practitioners believe that it is better to go from the lightest shade to the darkest. Why? Because in case of a mistake, painting a light area with a dark pigment is more difficult than painting a dark area with a light one.

Acrylic paints dry very quickly, so there is no need to take long breaks between painting with different shades. It is important to ensure that the paint can is tightly closed if you are no longer using it, otherwise it will dry out. For the same reason, you should not leave a brush in a jar of paint.

A talented artist who knows how to subtly feel and create real miracles is capable of transferring onto the canvas all the beauty, splendor of the surrounding nature and all its delights. For centuries, people of different generations have frozen in silent admiration in front of the paintings of geniuses. Today everyone can show their artistic creativity. Painting by numbers is an affordable way to create if you don’t have the experience or time for serious painting.

The secret of creativity lies in the fact that the canvas area contains numbered areas, for painting each of which there is a jar of paint with the corresponding number. Painting by numbers with acrylic paints is done in the following sequence:

  1. You need to find paint whose number corresponds to the number of the fragment on the canvas or cardboard.
  2. Paint a fragment of the picture with this color.
  3. After finishing painting, wash and dry the brush.
  4. Paint by numbers on the canvas step by step.

Paintings by numbers on canvas do not require mixing paints to obtain the desired colors and shades, since each of them corresponds to the required color on the canvas. The color scheme is perfectly matched to the plot of the original painting. The artist is only required to carefully select paints in accordance with the numbering on the canvas.

Bottles must be opened carefully and only the one that needs to be used. You need to have an image of the finished painting, provide good lighting and, first of all, outline the contours of the area to be painted with a thin brush.

Preparation of materials and tools

You need to start by preparing everything that may be needed in the drawing process. Place these items conveniently. You will need brushes and a glass of water, a canvas with outlines marked on it for painting with acrylic paints, a control sheet, a piece of fabric and stirring sticks.

Looking at the finished painting, you can figure out which shades match the image. But that’s why numbers are put on the paints, so that they can be applied to the corresponding area of ​​the canvas. It’s easier to try your hand at cardboard, since the paint lays on it in an even layer and is absorbed perfectly. It’s easy to choose frames for these coloring pages. The drawing turns out quite bright and saturated.

To paint a picture with or without mixing paints, the canvas must be stretched on a stretcher. To make it stretch well, you need to moisten it with a damp cloth and place the stretcher on the unpainted part of the canvas. To secure the material at the corners, you will need four nails or a furniture strip.

Selection of paints and brushes

Brushes should be of different sizes, and their number depends on the complexity of the picture that needs to be painted.

Anyone who has chosen painting by numbers as a hobby is recommended to buy a set of acrylic paints at an artist supply store. The number of paints in this set allows you to apply them to the canvas in two or three layers.

Acrylic paint is quick-drying, so it should be opened immediately before use. The paints are already ready for use, so the artist does not need to work on mixing them while painting the picture. A variety of paints are used: watercolor, gouache, pastel, acrylic and oil.

Considering the fact that acrylic paints dry quickly, you need to tightly close them with a lid immediately after finishing work.

Drawing technique

There are several drawing techniques:

  • line by line drawing method;
  • "top down";
  • "from background to foreground."

Painting by numbers with acrylic paints allows for the use of various techniques in one picture. The painting effect is achieved by applying the coloring material in two layers.

The desired sequence for coloring is from light tones and shades to darker ones. When a paint-by-numbers painting is created, the artist is not limited in the choice of coloring methods. He can paint cardboard or canvas in a way that suits him. Painting by numbers with acrylic paints takes on an attractive appearance as the canvas dries.

What is important to know

In order for the painting to be painted without problems, you need to adhere to the rules for using paintwork materials. This type of drawing requires strict adherence to instructions. There are the following rules for coloring by numbers:

  • The jar with the paint it contains must be opened immediately before starting to paint, removing the remaining residue from the lid back.
  • You can add a little water to the thickened mixture and stir.
  • Once you open the jar, it is advisable to use it to the end.
  • If you want to take a break from working, close the paint tightly.
  • If the remaining material needs to be preserved, the jar is wrapped in a damp cloth and placed in a plastic bag.

In addition, it is necessary to carefully care for your brushes, not leaving them in a glass of water, not using chemicals for cleaning, and not using them to stir paints. At the end of the work, this artist’s tool must be thoroughly washed, including at the base. While working, you need to hold the brush like a pen.

Oil painting on canvas

Oil painting set includes:

  • marked canvas;
  • set of brushes;
  • numbered jars;
  • frame and fasteners;
  • user instructions.

It should be noted that painting by numbers with oil paints is much more difficult than painting by numbers with acrylic paints, so this method is more often used by professional artists. But for beginners who are just trying their hand at artistic creativity, it is better to use painting by numbers with acrylic paints.

Oil paints allow you to achieve high image accuracy. A beginner should not buy expensive materials; first you need to learn how to work with them. The basis for applying paint is canvas. But oil paints can be used on any surface.

You need to know that even a child can draw a picture by numbers. A set of acrylic-based paints called “Coloring by Numbers” is sold especially for children. In order to draw such a picture, a child does not need to have artistic talent. Even children with mental retardation can do such needlework.

There is no particular difficulty in this coloring technique - just sit and draw. But a painted picture gives the child real pleasure because he sees the results of his efforts.

On video: how to use paint by numbers correctly?

It is possible to get painting lessons by numbers even online. Coloring by numbers on a prepared canvas only at first glance seems like a difficult task. But such work with painting a certain plot brings great pleasure to the performer.

Mastering the coloring technique is quite simple, like in a children's coloring book, where you just need to learn not to go beyond the intended lines.

If you strictly follow the rules and work carefully, the result will be excellent. The artist’s task is not to go beyond the color contour within the markings, to use the brush correctly and to carefully select paints.

Once you have finished creating a painting on canvas, you can immediately hang it on the wall. If desired, the result of artistic creativity can be framed in a baguette. If you want to make the image in the picture in relief, you need to apply paint in several layers. Having mastered the technique of drawing by numbers, you can create a picture of the famous creator of artistic masterpieces yourself.

All that is required of a beginner taking his first steps in such creativity is to paint over sections of the picture using paints with the corresponding number on the can. To make drawing convenient, it is better to use an easel. Everyone chooses the most convenient method for applying paint to canvas. For a beginning artist, painting by numbers is a great opportunity to plunge into the world of creativity and experience inspiration.

The traditional kit for creating a painting by Frey's numbers includes:

  • canvas together with a stretcher with an image printed on it;
  • acrylic based paints;
  • three brushes of different sizes;
  • checklist with diagram.

The attached instructions give advice on how to correctly paint the numbered areas of the picture. The ready-made sets use snow-white polyester canvases, which are particularly durable . To give the canvas additional hardness, a cardboard backing is glued to the stretcher on the inside of the painting.

How else can you use paint by numbers?

You can even paint your refrigerator using painting by numbers! This is not particularly difficult. Even a child can color the refrigerator by numbers. He will be happy when he sees how beautifully the surface is painted.

Many online stores offer a large selection of painting subjects, each of which has its own complexity options. Today, magnets and funny stickers on refrigerators are very popular, which perfectly transform this piece of household appliance. However, the refrigerator is often used as an easel - craftsmen paint it to their taste.

You can transform an old refrigerator by painting it and involve your child in this activity. Having painted it with oil paints, you can then safely wash the surface without washing off the applied pattern. But for this it is necessary to cover the painted surface with varnish.

Painting by numbers is becoming an increasingly popular hobby, so painting kits help fans of this type of creativity better discover their talent. Online stores offer in their catalog sets and paintings for coloring, children's coloring books, which can be ordered with delivery. Using pictures for coloring is not difficult, it just requires perseverance. The result of the work done will pleasantly please the performer.

Review of paints and their application (2 videos)