What does “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples” teach? The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water is a Russian folk tale.

The image of Baba Yaga dates back to the era of matriarchy, and much about it remains mysterious. There is no convincing explanation for the name “Yaga” yet. The image of Baba Yaga, standing on the border of the worlds, serves as a guide, allowing the hero to penetrate into the world of the dead thanks to the performance of certain rituals, and is associated with legends about the hero’s transition to other world(Thirtieth Kingdom). Baba Yaga belongs to two worlds at once - the world of the dead and the world of the living.

Ivan Tsarevich appears in fairy tales as positive character, fighting evil, helping the offended and weak. Very often at the beginning of a fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich is poor, lost by his parents, persecuted by enemies, and does not know about his royal origins. In such tales, as a reward for heroic behavior and good deeds, Ivan Tsarevich receives back his kingdom, throne, or finds his royal parents. At the end of the fairy tale, he usually receives half the kingdom, the king's daughter as a wife, and a magic or expensive horse. Sometimes Ivan Tsarevich can be negative character, which is contrasted with other princes or characters simple origin, for example, Ivan the Fisherman's Son. In this case Ivan Tsarevich evil, treacherous and different ways trying to destroy goodies and take away their well-deserved reward. In the end he is put to shame and punished.

The exposition of the fairy tale tells about all the reasons that gave rise to the plot: prohibition and violation of the prohibition on some actions. The premise of the tale is that the protagonist or heroine discovers a loss or shortage. Plot development is a search for what is lost or missing. The climax of a fairy tale is that the protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats or solves it difficult riddles. Resolution is overcoming a loss or lack. Usually the hero (heroine) “reigns” at the end - i.e. acquires a higher social status than he had at the beginning.

Elements of composition Motif Example Plot Main character or the heroine discovers a loss or shortage. Plot development Search for the lost or missing. Climax The protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats it or solves difficult riddles. Denouement Overcoming a loss or lack.

Elements of Composition Motive Example Plot The main character or heroine discovers a loss or shortage. The king is very outdated and has become impoverished in his eyes... Development of the plot Search for what is lost or missing. Fyodor Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich, Ivan Tsarevich go in search of rejuvenating apples. Climax The protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats it or solves difficult riddles. Ivan Tsarevich fights with the maiden Sineglazka, defeats the beautiful maiden and marries her. Denouement Overcoming a loss or lack. Ivan Tsarevich returns to the palace, leaves with Sineglazka to her maiden kingdom.

Today, from the technical creativity club, we would like to present a new product, but not technical at all... but literary. Namely, a Russian folk tale about rejuvenating apples and living water. This idea came from the realization that imposed modern society commodity-money soullessness, denial of the greatness of its history, the cult of the golden calf are emasculating human relations what we have always respected as greater good: real friendship, loyalty, human dignity, culture and education, modesty and determination. Sometimes, even many modern cartoons and children's books convey to children some kind of irrepressible thirst material goods and the “you tell me - I tell you” relationship, disrespect for parents.
An old fairy tale, translated into poetic form, can sparkle with new colors, because it contains everything that has been sung in Russian for centuries folk art: mutual assistance and protection of the weak, respect for parents and older people, condemnation of seeking only personal gain in everything, patience and determination, and much more.
So we bring to your attention a new old fairy tale, which we post both in text form and as an audiobook with pictures from children's books.

Russian folk tale“About rejuvenating apples and living water”
based on poems by Anna Yatsenko.

Long ago, in the old years,
That go back to the depths of time
Once upon a time there lived a king and young people
Three princes are with him.

Fyodor is the eldest, with an important look.
Average - Vasya is a hooligan.
The younger one is kind and brave,
And his name is Ivan.

The king grew old, with his eyes
I became poor, but I heard the news,
What's beyond the distant hills?
There is a wonderful garden with a well.

The apple tree is there with fruits
The wondrous one gives a gift:
You will become young for years,
Eating them, no matter how old you are.

And in that well - alive,
The water is wonderful.
Returning strength to the body,
He will heal any illness!

The king would dream of being cured
And taste and drink
Sweet apples and water,
To extend your years.

There’s nothing to wait for - he collected
The feast is huge and called
Vasya, Fedora, Ivan,
All princes and all boyars.

And when is there honey and beer?
Tired of flowing past our mouths,
The king, having risen, surprised everyone,
He began to speak like this:

"You are servants of the state
With me in joy and sorrow,
For the sake of truth or for glory,
Or for some kind of bribe.

Let the bravest not be lazy!
There are distant lands, -
Where the bird cannot fly,
Even the beast doesn't come in

Somewhere there is a fragrant
Wonderful apple orchard,
There is a wooden well in it,
If they tell the truth.

Who will bring me a basket?
Apple and jug of water
He'll get half
The kingdom is such a hero."

Everyone's eyes were lowered
And the silent ones sit.
Into unknown distances
Guests don't want to go.

And then Tsarevich Fyodor
He hurried to get up:
“Oh, I don’t want to be around people
Give away half the kingdom!

I'm going to go today,
I will conquer the mountains and the sea -
For the Tsar Father's amusement
I’ll give you everything you need!”

Having bowed with this word,
He went to the horse yard.
Get yourself a bay stallion,
I found a half-wild one.

Reined him tighter
He sat down and soon galloped off.
Whether I was driving close or far,
I saw a lot on the way.

The path stretched through the mountains,
Steppes and river rapids.
Suddenly the prince found himself
At the crossroads of three roads.

He thought about it:
“Should I choose this one or those?”
But as I got closer I saw
Inscription in a stone slab.

“If you keep the path to the right -
You'll lose your horse
Right - you will meet a girl,
Day and night she waits,
And you turn left -
And you won’t save yourself.”

After thinking a little,
He decided to jump straight:
“It’s better to go to the girl,
Why lose yourself with a horse!”

There's a tower not far away,
Roof with gold carvings,
The girl runs towards
He waves his thin hand.

“Come on in to warm up,
Yes, eat and drink with me!”
Well, there’s no way to get away,
From such speeches to him.

And when you are satisfied with satiety,
Too lazy to saddle the horse again,
“I’ll rest here today!”
Fyodor decided to go to bed.

Suddenly the wall shook,
And the bed turned over!
And below there is a deep hole,
The hour opened here.

Into a dark pit, deep,
Our prince pleased:
“The witch is cunning, a cheat!” -
This is how he honored the hostess.

But, however, turn back time,
We are not allowed to return it.

No news comes from my son.

The king did not wait, he collected
The feast is huge for the guests.
He called Vasya and Ivan,
All boyars and all princes.

And when is beer with honey
Tired of flowing past our mouths,
The king rose in front of the cathedral
And he made this speech:

"Serve your guests with honor
To our glorious side,
Even though someone comes with flattery,
Someone is really loyal to me.

Let the bravest distinguish himself!
There - distant lands, -
Where the bird cannot fly,
Even the beast doesn't come in

Waiting for us and fragrant,
Wonderful apple orchard,
And the well flows
A sweet aroma in the air.

Who will bring me a basket?
Apple and jug of water
He'll get half
The kingdom is such a hero."

Everything was lowered again
Their eyes sit in silence.
Into unknown distances
Guests don't want to go.

Then the Tsar's son Vasily
He hurried to get up:
“Oh, I don’t want to be around people
Give away half the kingdom!

I'm going to go today,
I will conquer the mountains and the sea -
For the Tsar Father's amusement
I’ll give you everything you need.”

Bowing with the last word,
He went to the horse yard.
A piebald stallion for yourself,
I found a half-wild one.

Like Fedor, he wandered,
Yes, I looked wherever I could.
Soon, isn't it, it turned out
At the crossroads of three roads.

After thinking a little,
He decided to jump straight:
“It’s better to go to the girl,
Why lose yourself with a horse!”

There's a tower not far away,
Roof with gold carvings,
The girl runs towards
He waves his thin hand.

She curls around Vasya:
“Come in, eat, drink!”
Here he is already rushing,
Straight into the dungeon to her.

The wild fear has overpowered,
He realized that he was not alone -
"Hey! I am the king's son, Vasily!
Who are you?”, “Fyodor is the Tsar’s son!”

But, however, turn back time,
We are not allowed to return it.
Is it long or short?
No news comes from my son.

The king did not wait, he collected
The feast is huge for the guests.
He called the smaller one - Ivan,
All boyars and all princes.

When they stood up, following the argument,
Wave your fists,
The king came out in front of the cathedral,
To make a speech like this:

“You are the support of the entire power,
To all our native land.
At least once in a while I see a thief,
For the most part, you are faithful to me!

Let the bravest respond!
After all, far away, -
There is a miracle that will turn out
Healing people!

There it shines like gold,
Wonderful apple orchard.
The one who eats its fruit -
Strong again and young again.

Bring me a basket
Apple and jug of water.
I promise half
Kingdoms, title - Hero!

Everyone is speechless
They look to the side or at the floor.
Into unknown distances
Guests don't want to go.

Here Ivan hurries to get up:
“Father - bless!
It's time for me to go now,
For the sake of life and love!

To give hope to people
Bata - many, many years,
And perhaps I will find
There's a trace of your older brothers!

Having received the blessing,
He went to the stables.
But, much to our chagrin,
So I didn’t find the horse.

Even a glance, what strength is there!
The stallions did not take it down.
They trembled, then they fell,
Just take them by the reins!

So I hung my head
Our Ivan went on foot.
But I noticed the old lady,
With a large bag behind his back.

And without thinking for long,
The prince jumped up to her.
Offering my help
He took the bag and dragged it.

On the way to the hut
Entertained her with words,
To please the old lady -
In general, he was a great guy!

Even if your goals
Above the visible peaks,
Maybe you got rich
And strong as a giant?

Don't forget good deeds!
And give it to the one who asks!
Respect antiquity
And my native side!

The one who is sensitive to his surroundings -
Everyone will find a location.
Who rejects pride -
Heaven helps!

However, we interrupted the story:
Our Ivan brought the bag,
I remembered my sadness
And he hung his nose again.

Grandmother asked him:
“Tell me without hiding,
What is the reason for your melancholy?
“I don’t have a horse strong enough for me!”

“And that’s all! Never mind!
You are a handsome fellow!
Go to the cellar boldly,
There's a strong stallion there!

This is how you, honestly,
It's like the wind will fly
He is bound with an iron chain,
He’s yours if you tame him!”

Vanya went down into the cellar,
He sees that the horse is not an ordinary one!
He jumped as if a whirlwind had risen,
White, with a golden mane!

The horse fell down with its feet
Right on Ivanushka’s shoulders.
But the prince stood up like a stone:
No movement, no speech.

So he stood without moving -
Yes, I looked without turning away.
They have equal strength
As soon as the horse understood, he became so quiet.

Here Ivan adjusted himself
Jump on the stallion's back!
He started and soared,
Breaking the chain at the same moment!

Now they are already free,
They rush like the wind in a field,
Vanya could barely say
Warm words to grandma.

So, holding on to your friend tighter,
Ivan galloped joyfully.
Whether I was driving close or far,
I saw a lot on the way.

The path stretched through the mountains,
Steppes and river rapids.
Suddenly the prince found himself
At the crossroads of three roads.

Like the brothers I began to think:
“Should I choose this one or those?”
And, approaching, I saw
Inscription in a stone slab.

“If you keep the path to the right -
You'll lose your horse
Right - you will meet a girl,
Day and night she waits,
And you turn left -
And you won’t save yourself.”

“It’s hard for me, just recently,
I bought myself a horse
And I won’t lose him!
The right path is not for me!

Straight - destined to marry,
It can wait!
I'm ready for the journey,
To get apples!

The path to the left remains...
I have no time for myself right now.
The main thing is that the horse will be saved,
He will help me lovingly."

Did you travel close or far?
I rode all day until evening,
I rode low or high,
From sunset to morning.

We walked along the forest and to the edge
The horse brought them out in a hurry.
They see there is a hut there
Yes, on chicken legs.

“Hey, hut! Do not be lazy!
Turn your back to the forest!
Before us, otherwise
No one will come near!”

Here the hut began to stir,
Spun, spun.
Vanya came to the door,
He knocked and entered.

I saw an old grandmother,
With a long nose and a leg
Bone, and spins a spinning wheel,
And her name is Yaga.

“Isn’t it the Russian spirit of tea?
In this kind of wilderness?
Where, for a long time, I haven’t seen
Not a single living soul!

Is it really lunch itself?
Came here after so many years!” -
This is how Yaga met him,
And she threw the tow out the window.

But outside the horse neighed,
Grandma will jump up from her seat!
“That’s my horse,” Ivan said,
“Apparently he wants to eat too!”

"Well well!" - she answered, -
“Where did you get it?
The horse is mine! But so many years
It’s been a while since he disappeared!”

“Oh granny! That's not the point
How do you greet a traveler?
Give the horse more hay
I need to drink, eat, sleep.

And when you put me to bed,
To the headboard, like a mother,
You sit down, then you can
Ask all questions.

Grandma fed Yozhka,
Made the bed as requested
At the head of the room she asked:
“Who, where, where did you get it?”

Everything that was, not melting away,
Our hero told her:
About the father and about the horse,
And about apples with water.

Grandma listened, sighed,
She shook her head:
“Your path lies far!
Your wonderful garden is guarded

Bogatyrka Sineglazka,
She's my niece.
You can't even tell it in a fairy tale,
How beautiful and strong.

But you won't get any good
And you will part with the head.
You're torturing yourself in vain, dear
I would return home."

But Ivan then said:
“I’ll try my luck!
I promised my father
I’m not wasting words!

Well, and you for your age -
A treasure trove of wisdom! What should I do?
Head to my shoulders
Let me get some apples."

“Okay, tomorrow, at dawn, -
I'll give you a fighting horse!
He'll take you to his sister
She’ll bring it to mind!”

And so they did: at dawn,
On horseback and full of strength
There was Ivan, yes for the advice
I thanked my grandmother.

It's like a horse rushing through a storm.
"I lost my glove" -
Vanya said, the horse laughs:
“I rode two hundred versts!”

Did you travel close or far?
I rode all day until evening,
I rode low or high,
From sunset to morning.

And to another forest edge
The horse brought them in a hurry.
They see that there is a hut there,
Yes, on chicken legs.

An old woman sat in it,
The nose is longer, but with the leg -
Bone, holding a stick
And call both of them Yaga.

“I smell the Russian spirit
In such a wilderness!
I have a good sense of smell
Oh, I’ll eat to my heart’s content!”

Then Ivanov’s horse neighed,
Someone in the stall answered
Neighing in response to him,
Yes, cheerful and welcoming.

Grandma was dumbfounded:
“That’s my sister’s steed!
So what does it matter?
Brought guests here?”

“Oh granny! Shame on you
How do you greet a traveler?
It’s a shame for both the horse and me,
We want to eat, sleep.

Grandma fed Yozhka,
Made the bed as requested
At the head of the room she asked:
“Who, where, how did he arrive?”

And as I listened, I sighed,
She shook her head:
“With Sineglazka, what can we do!
You won’t get any apples!”

“Respect your grandmother,
Tell me something
You bad advice you won't!
How to escape from a maiden?

“Okay, tomorrow, at dawn, -
I'll give you a fighting horse!
He'll take you to his sister
She’ll bring it to mind!”

And so they did: at dawn,
On horseback and full of strength,
There was Ivan, yes for the advice
I thanked my grandmother.

It’s like that horse is rushing like a tornado.
"I lost my glove" -
Vanya said, the horse laughs:
“I rode three hundred miles!”

Did you travel close or far?
I rode all day until evening,
I rode low or high,
From sunset to morning.

And to another forest edge
The horse brought them in a hurry.
They see that there is a hut there,
Yes, on chicken legs.

There's an even older grandmother there.
The nose grows into the ceiling
With a bone leg like a stick
And in her hands is a ball.

"You, on your sister's horse,
You're wandering around in this wilderness!
Come closer to me
Let's talk from the heart!

Vanya bowed to his grandmother,
I asked for an overnight stay.
And when I ate and drank,
He started talking about business.

Everything that was, not melting away,
Our hero told her:
About father, sisters, horse,
And about apples with water.

“So be it, I’ll help
Slip past the guards
But I can’t guarantee!
Listen so you don't forget!

Around the kingdom of our maiden
The vastest fence
Thirty skilled knights
They are patrolling along it.

I'll give you another horse,
For him, a fence is nothing!
For the sake of a kind word,
This is the only way to jump!

By midnight you will get there,
My horse will lead me to the garden
And you will see the well
An apple tree grows nearby.

Just pick three apples
And one jug of water!
Just don't take it anymore!
And run back - home!

Ivan did not wait for the morning,
Thanking grandma
He immediately sat down and galloped off,
Without forgetting the instructions.

Through rivers and lakes
The horse flew easily.
Soon we were in front of the fence,
Behind which the garden stood.

The stallion got used to it,
He jumped and they were inside.
A wonderful view opened up,
You can’t describe it - no matter how you lie!

There is a well in front of them,
Nearby there is an apple tree growing.
Yes, golden fruits
It beckons and calls.

Vanya picked three fruits
And one jug of water.
“Hurry back,” he said
Horse, Ivan to him - “Wait!”

Young obsession
Captured him in the net -
He wanted at least for a moment
Look at the girl.

Remembering grandma's instructions,
The horse tried to reason
But stories about beauty
Is it possible to forget?

Ivan climbed into the little mansion,
Where did he see the girls?
There were thirteen of them sleeping,
Strong, brave woodpiles.

Relaxed in the very center
The one that is more beautiful than the rest.
Oh, how my heart began to beat,
Ivan at the same moment.

I couldn’t stand it anymore, I ducked down
To the maiden and, pointing at the forehead,
He touched his lips
She opened her eyes. Clap!

What crazy power
Pinned him to the wall?
Then she used his hand
Pushed me away. “Come on, stop!” -

She says - “Thief!”
“Sineglazka! For each other
You and I were created
It would be better not to wish for a wife!

Go around our entire kingdom,
You won't find nicer and more beautiful
Such a nice girl!”
“So part with your head!” -

The girl tells him,
Not listening to those speeches.
Here the woodpiles woke up,
The noise and din began.

And, under this leapfrog,
The good guy disappeared from sight.
He jumped on the horse: “Whoa!
Let’s go, otherwise it’s the end!”

The horse took off like lightning
And he ran as fast as he could,
Flew by in a second
Four hundred versts - as best I could.

But the heroes have horses
They weren't any weaker either.
All thirteen, let's go in pursuit!
Oh, hurry, Ivan, hurry!

Oh! Now they'll catch up with you!
But the hut is already visible.
The elder grandmother brings out
A fresh horse.

Changed the horse, old lady
He wished him well and off he went.
To the next hut
Get there somehow.

The earth began to tremble.
The heroes appeared
They started calling my grandmother-aunt.

“Hello, honey!”, “Hello!”
“How many winters and how many years!”
Let's go here and hug,
Talk, laugh.

“Come in! Stay for a while!
Yes, drink some milk...”
“Please forgive me, Auntie...
But Ivan the Fool

I have to catch up soon"
“Yes, you’ll catch up, don’t rush!
I’ll give it to you now, I’ll warm you up,
I do this from the heart!”

And she took her time
Milk, warm, blow.
In general, I tried my best
It's time to stretch.

But after getting drunk, we said goodbye
With grandma, back on the horses
The maidens sat down and gave chase.
Oh, hurry, Ivan, hurry!

It’s like a tornado Ivan is rushing,
On a beautiful horse
But it still won’t come off,
He hears stomping to the side.

Oh! Now they'll catch up with you!
But the hut is already visible.
The middle grandma brings out
A fresh horse.

Changed the horse, old lady
He wished him well and off he went.
To the next hut
Get there somehow.

The horse and Ivan disappeared into the thicket,
The earth began to tremble.
The heroes appeared
Grandma to come and visit them!

“Come in! Stay for a while!
I’ll heat your bathhouse...”
“Please forgive me, Auntie...
But I’m catching someone!”

Well, the aunt argues with her:
“Yes, you’ll catch it, don’t rush!
I'll chop wood, warm you up,
I do this from the heart!”

And she took her time
Chop, set on fire, blow.
In general, I tried my best
It's time to stretch.

After the bathhouse, we said goodbye
With grandma, back on the horses
The maidens sat down and gave chase.
Oh, hurry, Ivan, hurry!

It's like a horse is rushing through a storm
And Ivan flies on it.
But it still won’t come off,
He hears thunder behind him!

Oh! Now they'll catch up with you!
But the hut is already visible.
The younger grandmother brings out
A fresh horse.

Moved to the old lady
He wished him well and off he went.
So that to your native side
Get there somehow.

The horse and Ivan disappeared into the thicket,
The earth began to tremble.
The heroes appeared
Grandma started inviting me to visit!

“Come in! Stay for a while!
I'll treat you to pancakes..."
“Please forgive me, Auntie...
But I'm looking for someone!

Auntie doesn't want to listen:
“Yes, you will find it, don’t rush!
The girls need to eat
I mean this from the heart!

And she took her time
Knead, bake, blow.
In general, I tried my best
It's time to stretch.

And after eating, we said goodbye
With grandma, back on the horses
The maidens sat down and gave chase.
Ah, prince! Hurry up!

Our Ivan flew like an arrow
Or like a wave in a river.
The way home is just around the corner,
But the chase can already be heard.

The girls arrived here,
Bogatyrki-wood logs.
Sineglazka stood up first
And silently thought:

“His aunts helped him
Run away from the chase
And they kept me on the way...
How can we understand this?

Interesting task:
Who is standing in front of me?
Stately, agile, galloping briskly!
Still, I’ll challenge you to a fight!”

In general, they fought for a long time,
With clubs, on sabers,
Yes, and they met with spears,
And then with fists.

And in the end they caught up
With the last of my strength.
But... they fell on their backs.
Then Ivan spoke:

“Oh, beauty! No pity,
Call your lover to a fight?
Instead of sabers, instead of sticks,
We would be happy with you!”

By dawn we were friends,
We just laughed and had fun,
All the bad things have been forgotten
They quickly got engaged.

How many wonderful days are they?
Spent among the beauties,
They won’t say that, because in happiness
The time count is not visible.

But in the end the girl
The speech went like this:
"You need to go back
To my native land, that’s all

Complete. In three years
Wait and open all the doors,
I will come in front of the people
We lived like husband and wife.

And now it's time to go
At my service, but listen!
Don't go astray!
Take care of yourself, Vanyusha!”

So they said goodbye, hugged
And, ready, with horses,
We were already heading towards the goal,
In common, in different ways.

Did you travel close or far?
I rode all day until evening,
I rode low or high,
From sunset to morning.

“Suddenly my father became yearning!
God forbid, I get sick!” -
Reflecting, it turned out
Our Ivan on three roads.

“No, really! It's not honorable
One must keep his own path!
Anyone in my place,
I would like to help my brothers out."

Without listening to Sineglazka,
Our hero has gone astray.
Vanyusha knew his brothers
And where they could go.

There's a tower not far away,
Roof with gold carvings,
The girl runs towards
He waves his thin hand.

“Come on in to warm up,
Yes, eat and drink with me!”
Vanya, to look around,
I followed her into the mansion.

Something was wrong
When the girl poured in.
And in her speeches, so sweet,
Something dark was floating up.

He didn't touch the food
And I didn't drink anything.
I was just wondering
Is there anyone else with her?

The girl denied it
Wrinkling your nose and frowning your brow,
Somehow strange barker
Rest until your blood runs cold.

He guessed a long time ago
And he said that he wanted to sleep.
I tried my best there
Throw the girl onto the bed!

Suddenly the wall shook
And the bed turned over,
The dark pit has opened,
And the cheat rolled away.

Vanya heard without effort -
Someone is not alone in the hole, -
"Who is there?" “The Tsar’s son, Vasily!”
“Well, Fedor is the Tsar’s son!”

Ivan pulled him out of the hole
Brothers, sprinkled with water,
To heal their wounds.
Afterwards, we headed home.

Oh, human curse!
It's black with envy
An evil heart entwines itself,
The poison of greed is full.

The brothers knew Ivan was waiting
Glorification through the ages.
Evil envy pushed them
Get stuck in Cain's sins.

Incited one or the other
Pick and lime
Your little brother
To carry the gifts ourselves.

Here the fatigue is heavy
The path died on Ivan,
He's on the silk grass
I fell asleep in a heroic sleep.

It was good for the brothers,
Taking Vanya’s things with him,
They threw him off a cliff
With a stormy river at the bottom.

And he woke up by the sea.
Where the storm raged,
Where is the abyss, echoing the wind,
Leveled heaven and earth.

A huge oak tree near the sea
Spread powerful branches.
On it, the wind is merciless,
Almost knocked over the nest.

They trembled under the gusts,
There are young chicks in that nest
And they squeaked helplessly,
From the ferocious elements.

Ivan was filled with pity,
He took off his caftan and covered them,
I hid myself behind an oak tree,
Yes, he closed his eyes again.

In the morning, a miracle appeared,
Sunlight everywhere you look
Spread everywhere with glitter
The sea surface also became quiet.

All-encompassing peace
That picture blew me away.
Here, above the pinkish sea,
Two wings appeared.

It flew from afar
Wild bird - Nogai,
Three people tall!
Don't get in her way!

“Where are you kids, dears?
Where are the naughty chicks?
Didn't the bad weather kill me?
You in your younger years? -

The mother bird wailed,
Continuing to call the children.
And the chicks chirped
And they frolicked and played.

“Don't worry, mama bird!
A kind person helped
He gave us a caftan to hide,
Even though I could freeze myself!”

Nagai says to Ivan:
“Hello dear man!
Whatever you want, I'll get it,
I will be grateful forever!

You ask, why be shy!
Gold and silver? Wives?"
"No! I just want to get there
To my dear side!

Then the bird asked
Shoot his game,
So that there is something to eat
And don’t get stuck along the way.

So they flew by sea
Full of impatience
And Ivan was already there soon
On the native side.

He, saying goodbye to the miracle bird
He let me finish the last one.
And then, in his capital,
Got some bad news.

Everyone there was noisy and amazed:
From merchants to punks:
"The king's sons have appeared,
And the father was presented with:

Mountains of apples, and buckets,
Full of living water.
All this vast land
The sons will be the head."

Here you can either cry or laugh -
Nothing can be changed,
And Ivan decided to hide,
Yes, live by your labor.

But don't be afraid, our fairy tale
It will still be more authentic.
There, far away, Sineglazka
She gave birth to two sons.

Every day they grew stronger,
To our delight, to spite our enemies.
They grew half a finger
Not by days, but by hours.

So three years flew by.
The maiden gathered an army,
She took her sons and, boldly,
She took them to Ivan.

Near the capital, in an open field,
On a wide expanse,
green meadows,
In chalk-white tents,

In general, where there is a lot of space,
Sineglazka settled down.
Like "the prince's bride"
She appeared before people.

And, with a bow, she sent
She is a messenger to the palace,
With the letter that I drew up,
For Ivanov's father.

“Sir, a delight!
Three years old, young!
My apples from the garden
You ate with my water.

The young man got them
That half the light came out
Wandering in a long search.
He was the only one who loved me!

I don’t regret those gifts
The son who brought them home
Let him come to me soon
To live like husband and wife."

The king was delighted to hear the news,
It's time to get your sons married!
Fedora decided to go to the bride,
Dress that same evening.

“Oh don’t leave me!” he whines.
The king was taken aback: “Be brave!
There's no point in quarreling with them.
You swore your love to her!”

He runs and rushes about,
I didn’t want to reveal the truth.
But where should he go?
An hour later I saddled the horse.

He left to fetch the bride.
Well, somewhere in the morning,
He appeared in gold and silver,
Straight to her tent.

There are two playful boys here
They ran out of the tent.
They shouted: “Mom, mom!
The one we were waiting for has arrived!”

“No, we didn’t expect this,
An idle and evil coward.
Your father is a different test.
I’m not this guy’s bride!”

Fedor was stopped
Yes, they handed him a letter,
Pushed harder
To bring it to my father quickly.

“Sir, I didn’t expect it!
Such a terrible forgery!
My son will tell you, I collected
A strong army is on the road.

I'm not joking with you here,
If necessary, I will teach you a lesson.
Let him come to me soon
My fiancé, who is the cutest of all!”

The king, frightened by this news, -
He began to scold Fyodor,
And then I decided to go to the bride,
Dress up Vasya immediately.

“Oh don’t leave me!” he whines.
The king gets angry: “Dare!
There's no point in quarreling with them.
You swore your love to her!”

In general, Vasya, no matter how hard he fought,
Still, somewhere in the morning,
He appeared in gold and silver,
To Sineglazkin's tent.

There are two playful boys here
They ran out of the tent.
They shouted: “Mom, mom!
The one we were waiting for has arrived!”

“No, we didn’t expect this,
An idle and evil coward.
Your father is a different test.
I’m not this guy’s bride!”

Vasya was stopped here,
Got a couple of bruises.
The letter was given to him again,
Yes, they drove us back.

Vasya appeared before the king,
He took the letter and read:
“I won’t allow you to laugh like that!
I'll prepare it now

The best of your guys!
Everything will be burned, incinerated,
If I don't get it
At dawn I want whatever I want!”

Fyodor and Vasya were scared,
Prostrate yourself before your father
And then they confessed everything:
Who was the girl's groom?

The king grabbed his heart:
"Vania! My dear son!
Then burst into tears,
He lay down in bed and fell ill.

At that time, people's rumors
Without missing anything
I knocked on all the doors,
She appeared in front of Ivan.

To my dear Sineglazka,
He had what he was wearing and ran.
In bast shoes and a simple shirt
He stood in front of the tent in the morning.

There are two playful boys here
They ran out of the tent.
They shouted: “Mom, mom!
Is this the one we've been waiting for?

"Yes! I've arrived! What happiness!
Look at your father!
Been through some bad weather!
Well, don't stand there! Hug!

And that's the story
It comes to an end here.
Justice as always
Appeared over the years.

Vanya with his sweetheart, taking the boys
Soon they appeared before their father.
The king blessed the children
The wedding took place here.

The feast was glorious, and from then on,
There is a conversation among the people,
It's like it's big in that country
People with a young soul.

What about Fedor and Vasily?
They were driven out of the yard.
Where did they go next?
They didn’t know, they didn’t know.

A fairy tale is a fiction, but still,
After reading it we can
Without getting lost on the way,
Pass all obstacles.

Teacher at Artemovsk Secondary School No. 2

Zapykina Nadezhda Sergeevna

Subject. “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water” and its heroes.

Target :

    identify genre features a fairy tale, the meaning of the images of Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich in Russian folklore, the symbolic meaning of an apple, compositional features of “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water”;

    develop students' research and communication skills, skills expressive reading, working with illustrations, the ability to highlight the main thing in a listened text;

    to raise attentive, thoughtful readers who love books.


I. Organizing time.

II . Determining the topic and goals of the lesson.

- students are presented with a presentation(Annex 1) , in which the paintings are selected famous artists, depicting different heroes Russian fairy tales, as well as illustrations for the fairy tale “Rejuvenating Apples”. Children, after viewing the slides, express their opinion about the topic of the lesson. After discussing different opinions, the topic of the lesson is presented (possibly with the help of the teacher).

Recording the topic in a notebook and defining goals (each student determines a goal for himself for the lesson). The goals are discussed and the main ones are written on the board by the teacher.

III . Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Conversation with the class.

Name the heroes of the fairy tale.

Tsar, Fyodor Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich, Ivan Tsarevich, backyard grandmother, magic horses, the maiden Sineglazka and her sons, Nagai the Bird and her chicks.

- identify the positive and negative characters. (children’s answers)

    Message from a trained student about Baba Yaga. Appeal to the reproduction of I.Ya. Bilibin’s painting “Baba Yaga” (Appendix 1).

Assignment: answer questions during the presentation.

What is the meaning of the “chicken legs” at Baba Yaga’s hut?

Why does the hero ask Baba Yaga to feed him, give him something to drink, and put him to bed?

Why is the entrance to the hut from the forest?

The image of Baba Yaga dates back to the era of matriarchy, and much about it remains mysterious. There is no convincing explanation for the name “Yaga” yet.

The image of Baba Yaga, standing on the border of the worlds, serves as a guide that allows the hero to penetrate into the world of the dead thanks to the performance of certain rituals, and is associated with legends about the hero’s transition to the other world (the Thirtieth Kingdom). Baba Yaga belongs to two worlds at once - the world of the dead and the world of the living.

Baba Yaga’s hut “on chicken legs” is depicted as standing either in the thicket of a forest (the center of another world), or at the edge of the forest, but then the entrance to it is from the side of the forest, i.e. from the world of death. The name “chicken legs” most likely comes from “chickens”, i.e. smoke-fuelled pillars on which the Slavs erected a “death hut” - a small log house with the ashes of the deceased inside (such funeral rite existed among the ancient Slavs as early as the 6th-9th centuries). The hero, who encounters Baba Yaga's hut on the border of life and death, heads to an unknown world to obtain magical objects or free the captive princess. Having passed the tests in Baba Yaga's hut, a person finds himself belonging to both worlds at the same time, endowed with many magical qualities, subjugates various inhabitants of the world of the dead, and overcomes those who inhabit it scary monsters, wins the magical beauty from them and becomes king.

After the performance, children answer questions in pairs, discuss the answers and voice them out.

    Work in pairs with handouts. Children receive a text about Ivan Tsarevich. A slide appears on the board with paintings by V.M. Vasnetsov “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray wolf" and "Fight of Ivan Tsarevich with the Serpent."

Ivan Tsarevich is one of the main characters of Russian folklore. How fairy tale character it appeared at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century.

Ivan Tsarevich appears in fairy tales as a positive character, fighting evil, helping the offended and weak. Very often at the beginning of a fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich is poor, lost by his parents, persecuted by enemies, and does not know about his royal origins. In such tales, as a reward for heroic behavior and good deeds, Ivan Tsarevich receives back his kingdom, throne, or finds his royal parents. At the end of the fairy tale, he usually receives half the kingdom, the king's daughter as a wife, and a magic or expensive horse.

Sometimes Ivan the Tsarevich can also be a negative character, who is contrasted with other princes or characters of simple origin, for example, Ivan the Fisherman's Son. In this case, Ivan Tsarevich is angry, treacherous and in various ways tries to destroy the good characters and take away their well-deserved reward. In the end he is put to shame and punished.

Usually Ivan Tsarevich (like Ivan the Fool) is the youngest of three sons king

    Conversation about symbolic meaning apple (Children express their opinion about what the apple symbolizes. Then the students listen to the teacher’s story and compare it with their opinion. They determine who was right and who was wrong).

Russian tradition interpreted the image and symbolism of the apple in its own way. It is known that a green apple was placed on the grave of the deceased, which was supposed to indicate that the appearance of the deceased was preserved in the memory of the living and remind that life on earth continues. The proverb that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” has also taken root in Rus', i.e. children follow in the footsteps of their parents, often repeating their mistakes and miscalculations.

The apple is associated not only with unsolved mysteries birth and death, but also with one of the symbols of royal power - the power, thereby emphasizing that the ruler holds the land in his hands, i.e. rules.

    A conversation about the composition of a fairy tale. The teacher asks questions, the children answer.

- What is composition? What does the composition of a fairy tale include?

Because not everyone remembers this material, the teacher distributes cards (Appendix 2) to everyone, and there is a discussion of what was read.

6. Independent research with the text in groups (the class is divided into 2 groups, each group, working with the text, fills in the gaps in the tables).

Table 1.

In the table, students fill out the third part.


The beginning

The protagonist or heroine discovers a loss or lack.

The king is very outdated and has become impoverished in his eyes...

Plot development

Finding what is lost or missing.

Fyodor Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich, Ivan Tsarevich go in search of rejuvenating apples.


The protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats it or solves difficult riddles.

Ivan Tsarevich fights with the maiden Sineglazka, defeats the beautiful maiden and marries her.


Overcoming loss or lack.

Ivan Tsarevich returns to the palace, leaves with Sineglazka to her maiden kingdom.

Table 2.

Students fill out the right side of the table.

The result of the work. Conversation. Each group presents the result of their work, then compares it with the standard, corrects errors and discusses the following issues:

Identifying signs of a fairy tale.

What is the composition of “Tales of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water”?

How are the roles distributed in the fairy tale?

What are the characteristic motifs of the fairy tale?

Name the magical objects encountered in the fairy tale. What role do they play in the fairy tale narrative?

A jug with twelve stigmas.

A stone slab with the inscription: “If you go to the right, you will save yourself, but you will lose your horse.” If you go to the left - to save the horse, you will lose yourself. If you go straight, you’ll be married.”

Tower under a golden roof.

Lapped whip, twelve girths with a girth.

A hut on a chicken leg with one window.

An apple tree with rejuvenating apples, and under the apple tree a well with living water.

War clubs, a long spear, sharp sabers, a damask dagger.

What is the intonation of Russian folk tales? (children's answers)

Russian fairy tales are characterized by musicality. Fabulous figures of speech make the narrative sound like a song.

IV. Summing up the lesson. Grading. Conversation.

What does a fairy tale teach?

The fairy tale affirms faith in goodness and justice. Teaches independence, politeness, caution in judgment, hospitality.

D/z. Prepare artistic retelling"Tales of Belgorod wells."

Lesson topic. "The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water."


· identify the genre features of the fairy tale, the meaning of the images of Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich in Russian folklore, the symbolic meaning of the apple, the compositional and linguistic features of “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water”;

· to develop students’ research and communication skills, expressive reading skills, working with illustrations, and the ability to highlight the main points in a listened text;

· to raise attentive, thoughtful readers who love books.

Equipment:multimedia presentation.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Learning new material.

1. Communicate the topic, purpose, lesson plan.

2. Analysis of the content of “Tales of rejuvenating apples and living water.”

Name the heroes of the fairy tale.

Tsar, Fyodor Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich, Ivan Tsarevich, backyard grandmother, magic horses, the maiden Sineglazka and her sons, Nagai the Bird and her chicks.

3. Message from a prepared student about Baba Yaga. Appeal to the reproduction of I.Ya. Bilibin’s painting “Baba Yaga”.

The image of Baba Yaga dates back to the era of matriarchy, and much about it remains mysterious. There is no convincing explanation for the name “Yaga” yet.

The image of Baba Yaga, standing on the border of the worlds, serves as a guide that allows the hero to penetrate into the world of the dead thanks to the performance of certain rituals, and is associated with legends about the hero’s transition to the other world (the Thirtieth Kingdom). Baba Yaga belongs to two worlds at once - the world of the dead and the world of the living.

Baba Yaga’s hut “on chicken legs” is depicted as standing either in the thicket of a forest (the center of another world), or at the edge of the forest, but then the entrance to it is from the side of the forest, i.e. from the world of death. The name “chicken legs” most likely comes from “chickens”, i.e. smoke-fuelled pillars on which the Slavs erected a “death hut” - a small log house with the ashes of the deceased inside (such a funeral rite existed among the ancient Slavs as early as the 6th-9th centuries). The hero, who encounters Baba Yaga’s hut on the border of life and death, heads into the unknown the world to obtain magical items or free a captive princess. Having passed the tests in Baba Yaga's hut, a person finds himself belonging to both worlds at the same time, endowed with many magical qualities, subjugates various inhabitants of the world of the dead, defeats the terrible monsters inhabiting it, wins back a magical beauty from them and becomes king.

What is the meaning of the “chicken legs” at Baba Yaga’s hut?

Why does the hero ask Baba Yaga to feed him, give him something to drink, and put him to bed?

Why is the entrance to the hut from the forest?

4. Message from a trained student about Ivan Tsarevich. Appeal to reproductions of paintings by V.M. Vasnetsov “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf” and “Fight of Ivan Tsarevich with the Serpent.”

Ivan Tsarevich is one of the main characters of Russian folklore. He appeared as a fairy-tale character in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Ivan Tsarevich appears in fairy tales as a positive character, fighting evil, helping the offended and weak. Very often at the beginning of a fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich is poor, lost by his parents, persecuted by enemies, and does not know about his royal origins. In such tales, as a reward for heroic behavior and good deeds, Ivan Tsarevich receives back his kingdom, throne, or finds his royal parents. At the end of the fairy tale, he usually receives half the kingdom, the king's daughter as a wife, and a magic or expensive horse.

Sometimes Ivan the Tsarevich can also be a negative character, who is contrasted with other princes or characters of simple origin, for example, Ivan the Fisherman's Son. In this case, Ivan Tsarevich is angry, treacherous and in various ways tries to destroy the good heroes and take away their well-deserved reward. In the end he is put to shame and punished.

Usually Ivan Tsarevich (like Ivan the Fool) is the youngest of the three sons of the Tsar.

What rewards does Tsarevich Ivan receive for his good deeds?

In what cases is Ivan Tsarevich a negative character?

5. A message from a trained student about the symbolic meaning of the apple.

Russian tradition interpreted the image and symbolism of the apple in its own way. It is known that a green apple was placed on the grave of the deceased, which was supposed to indicate that the appearance of the deceased was preserved in the memory of the living and remind that life on earth continues. The proverb that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” has also taken root in Rus', i.e. children follow in the footsteps of their parents, often repeating their mistakes and miscalculations.

The apple is associated not only with the unsolved mysteries of birth and death, but also with one of the symbols of royal power - the power, thereby emphasizing that the ruler holds the earth in his hands, i.e. rules.

6. The teacher’s word about the composition of a fairy tale.

The composition of a fairy tale includes exposition, plot, plot development, climax and denouement.

The plot of a fairy tale is based on the story of overcoming loss or lack with the help of miraculous means or magical helpers. IN exposition fairy tales tell about all the reasons that gave rise to the plot: prohibition and violation of the ban on some actions.

The beginningstory is that the protagonist or heroine discovers a loss or lack.

Plot developmentis a search for what is lost or missing.

Climaxfairy tale is that the protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats it or solves difficult riddles.

Denouementis overcoming a loss or lack. Usually the hero (heroine) “reigns” at the end - i.e. acquires a higher social status than he had at the beginning.

IN fairy tale roles distributed as follows: saboteur, donor, helper, princess or her father, sender, hero, false hero.

A fairy tale is characterized by the tests of the hero of the fairy tale by the donor and the reward of the hero (Baba Yaga gives Ivan Tsarevich a magic ball for behaving correctly), a fight with the antagonist and victory over him (the role of the antagonist in the fairy tale is played by Koschey the Immortal, the Serpent Gorynych and etc.). Victory over the antagonist is unthinkable without the help of a magical remedy previously received from the donor.

7. Independent research work with text in groups.

Group 1.

In the table, students fill out the third part.

Elements of composition



The beginning

The protagonist or heroine discovers a loss or lack.

The king is very outdated and has become impoverished in his eyes...

Plot development

Finding what is lost or missing.

Fyodor Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich, Ivan Tsarevich go in search of rejuvenating apples.


The protagonist or heroine fights an opposing force and always defeats it or solves difficult riddles.

Ivan Tsarevich fights with the maiden Sineglazka, defeats the beautiful maiden and marries her.


Overcoming loss or lack.

Ivan Tsarevich returns to the palace, leaves with Sineglazka to her maiden kingdom.

Group 2.

Students fill out the right side of the table.



Beautiful maiden


Backdoor grandma


Magic horses, Nagai bird


Maiden Sineglazka




Ivan Tsarevich

False heroes

Fyodor Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich

The result of the work. Identifying signs of a fairy tale.

What is the composition of “Tales of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water”?

How are the roles distributed in the fairy tale?

What are the characteristic motifs of the fairy tale?

8. Appeal to homework.

Name the magical objects encountered in the fairy tale. What role do they play in the fairy tale narrative?

A jug with twelve stigmas.

A stone slab with the inscription: “If you go to the right, you will save yourself, but you will lose your horse.” If you go to the left - to save the horse, you will lose yourself. If you go straight, you’ll be married.”

Tower under a golden roof.

Lapped whip, twelve girths with a girth.

A hut on a chicken leg with one window.

An apple tree with rejuvenating apples, and under the apple tree a well with living water.

War clubs, a long spear, sharp sabers, a damask dagger.

9.Work on the language of the fairy tale.

Name the most common fairy-tale figures of speech you came across in the text.

What is the intonation of Russian folk tales?

Russian fairy tales are characterized by musicality. Fabulous figures of speech make the narrative sound like a song.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

What does a fairy tale teach?

The fairy tale affirms faith in goodness and justice. Teaches independence, politeness, caution in judgment, hospitality.

V. Homework.

1. Prepare an artistic retelling of “The Tale of Belgorod Wells.”

2.Make a plan for the introductory article of the textbook devoted to ancient Russian literature.

3.Individual tasks:

Prepare a report by an “art historian” about the frescoes of the St. George Cathedral of the Novgorod Yuriev Monastery, the Cathedral of the Novgorod Anthony Monastery, the St. Nicholas Cathedral, the Spaso-Mirozhsky Zavelichsky Monastery, the St. George Church in Staraya Ladoga, the Mstislav Gospel;

Prepare a report from a “literary scholar” about “The Tale of Bygone Years” and Nestor;

Comment on difficult words from the text of the legend.

4.Group task.

Design the exhibition “Culture Ancient Rus'" or a slide presentation on this topic.