What do the tattoos of Pavel Priluchny, the main major of Russian cinema, mean? Pavel Priluchny's tattoo has a deep meaning

At Harvard University.

In 1932, a trade automation project was developed there. Flint was enrolled in high school economics, became interested in creating a model of an ideal supermarket.

The young man came up with the idea of ​​small images from which it would be possible to extract large amounts of data.

Wallace called the circuit a punch card. It had to be assigned to each product in . But it was the Great American Depression. The student's research was put on the table.

For the first time, goods passed under the scanner beam only in 1976. The debutant was the packaging of Juicy Fruit chewing gum.

Today there are barcodes on everything and... even on people. What information do citizens want to be told?

Meaning of barcode tattoo

Barcode tattoo– a phenomenon even younger than the barcode itself. An ambiguous decoding is associated with this.

For each person it can have an individual meaning. A variant of protest against consumer society is common.

The linear cipher from and with a ruler at the bottom is on everything - matches, refrigerators, cutlets.

The person himself gradually becomes a commodity. Thinking about this, sociologists are building a model of the future in which every person will be implanted with a microchip, establishing total control over people.

This is the consumer society and, in order not to become part of it, they inflict individual barcode tattoo.

Knowledge of encryption codes allows you to order a picture with any information, and not the generally accepted standard.

Those who are not going to protest, on the contrary, emphasize their belonging to modern society with tattoos.

The classic bar contains data about the date and place of production of the product, indicates its basic parameters, for example, size.

By analogy, they are also made barcode tattoo on hand, and not only. A person writes down his date of birth, can indicate his father and,.

If desired, a and or expiration date is assigned. Masters are able to create tattoos that not only imitate chips, but are actually read by lasers.

However, without meticulous decoding, it is difficult to understand what does a barcode tattoo mean?. This is what attracts the population.

The lack of an explicit interpretation made the new kind body patterns are one of the most popular.

A series of stripes is ordered along with such bestsellers as tattoos, plots.

Meaning of barcode tattoo can be professional. The drawing is filled by traders, those whose lives are connected with business.

Sometimes, a code from a favorite, especially expensive product is applied to the body. , for example, began to mark the barcodes of their perfumes on the skin.

If there is a favorite scent, why not keep a particle of it with you even when the ether wears off?

They transfer marks from their favorite video games to their bodies. The trend is akin to using famous companies as logos.

Thus, the Gucci fashion house appeared on DeAndre Cortez Way. The singer's stage name is Soulja Boy.

He became famous under it in 2007. In 2010, he got a tattoo, saying that he loved him so much that he wanted to leave a memory of him on his body.

Where to get a barcode tattoo

Most often done barcode tattoo on wrist. The explanation is simple: - by analogy with a product, the code should be located where it is easy to read.

If we consider that the drawing contains important, personal information, a second explanation appears. The person's pulse is listened to.

This is his symbol vital energy. Where else to place the basic data of your existence, if not at the heartbeat points?

The third motivation is size. A barcode is a small image. It is lost over vast areas. A picture is harmonious where it occupies a significant area.

In addition to tattoos, it is in demand barcode tattoo on neck. Pavel Priluchny did this.

The actor is known for his role in the domestic film “At the Game.” It was directed by Pavel Sanaev. He asked the artist to find the “zest” in the appearance of his hero.

Pavel went and ordered a tattoo. The code for Priluchny is supplemented with “DOC”. The actor says that there are a lot of decodings of the abbreviation, but does not disclose any of them.

Pavel adds that the pattern has become “his birthmark,” which he has no plans to get rid of.

There is a rational grain in Paul's phrase. became business card actor. He is comfortable when the inscription is visible to everyone.

Therefore, the celebrity chose his neck for tattoos. The zone where the picture will not only look organic, but also be perceived as such by the wearer - this is the right place for placement barcode tattoo. Photo Priluchny's tattoos, by the way, are available online.

The young artist applied the pattern to the side of the neck. This is a non-standard solution. Most clients do the code at the back, at the hairline.

Popular barcode tattoo designs

As a sign of mystery, a torn barcode is gaining momentum. The image is missing some stripes or numbers.

This is how tattoo wearers emphasize that finding out the truth about them is not so easy. The drawing is also ordered by those who consider themselves spoiled, inferior, and reproach themselves for something.. And, as the French philosopher Denis Diderot said: “The task is to excite.”

March 15, 2017

Pavel Priluchny does not have such a significant number of tattoos as, for example, Timati. However, as a popular actor, he attracts a lot of attention. And part of it goes to the drawings on his body. Especially something as outstanding as Pavel Priluchny’s tattoo on his neck.

How many tattoos does the actor have? What do they mean? Is he going to stop or is this just the beginning of the “ink disease”? Find answers to these questions in this article.

Who is Pavel Priluchny?

Pavel Priluchny was born in Kazakhstan, but since childhood he has lived in Russia. IN early years he tried many hobbies - he was involved in boxing, singing, and even managed to try himself as a boxer. This was facilitated by Pavel’s parents - his mother is a choreographer and his father is a boxer.

However, acting fame began to “search” for him while still at school. Pavel was invited to various shootings. As a result, he made his debut quite early in the series “Club”. Then the projects “Children in a Cage”, “School No. 1”, “Travelers” and, finally, the well-known series “Major” awaited him.

Fame began to come to Priluchny. Each new job became more successful than the previous ones - “At the Game”, “At the Game 2”, “Children under 16”, “ Closed school».

Now Pavel is a successful actor and family man. He has more than 30 films under his belt and even more theater performances. And, of course, even more successful projects await him.

Priluchny Pavel: tattoos and their history

It cannot be said that the drawings on the actor’s body are his most remarkable feature. However, they are quite a debated topic. The fact is that Priluchny Pavel I did tattoos not only on more or less inconspicuous places, but also on something as open as the neck.

By the way, the tattoo on his neck is the very first design that appeared on his body. It is a barcode located vertically on the side of the neck. In addition to the symbol itself, there is an inscription - DOC. Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with everyday life Pavel. With this tattoo, he just wanted to add some zest to his character in the TV series “At the Game.”

After the series, there was no dissatisfaction with the drawing and Priluchny is still pleased with his choice. He is not going to remove this tattoo. According to him, this symbol became part not of the hero, but of himself, like a birthmark.

The second tattoo is hidden in a more secluded place - in the lower abdomen. It represents the phrase "to keep balance" written in Latin.

There is a third tattoo that acts as a talisman. The sign is located on the wrist. The actor believes that this tattoo will be his last.

Where did the tattoo go during the filming of “Major”?

Attentive fans couldn’t help but notice that in the TV series “Major,” Pavel Priluchny lost his tattoo. Of course, the actor couldn’t help but be asked questions about this. There was even a theory that Priluchny’s tattoos were originally fake. And they didn’t disappear during the filming of “Major”, but the make-up artists simply stopped drawing them.

Of course this is not true. Priluchny’s tattoos are the most real. It’s just that for his character in the series “Majors” the tattoos on his neck were completely inappropriate, so they were painted over with special makeup. This information was confirmed by Pavel himself in an interview.

Knowing this, the most devoted fans can now watch “Major” with double attention: they say that in some frames, even under heavy makeup, you can see the famous pattern on the neck.

Who got a tattoo in honor of Priluchny?

Priluchny Pavel not only made tattoos, but also inspired other people to get them. When the actor was not yet particularly famous, I accidentally came to his performance. American actress Nicky Reed. Subsequently, many will know her for her role in the popular Twilight saga. But at that time the girl was also unknown to the Russian public. Nevertheless, the meeting with Priluchny took place and a romance broke out between the young people.

Pavel and Nikki even wanted to sign in Las Vegas, and the girl got a tattoo on her wrist with the Russian surname “Priluchny”. However, one day Reed suddenly disappeared, and when she appeared, Pavel’s feelings had already cooled down.

Already in 2011, another actress appeared in his life, this time Russian-speaking - Agata Muceniece. The novel began with joint project“Closed school” and grew into a strong exemplary family. Now the Priluchny family has two children.

Source: fb.ru



Today, the youth series “Closed School” is showing success on the screens of the country. After the loud start of the first part of the series, fans literally flooded the creators with letters asking them to definitely film a sequel. mystical history about students of an elite closed school.

It's hard to imagine a series without a bright and talented performer leading role– Pavel Priluchny, who not only became a kind of “calling card” of the series, his popularity without any doubt became part of the success of the series. Pavel Decent became known to viewers after the film “At the Game”. Today, the actor is in demand in film and television projects, and posters with his image decorate the rooms of most teenagers.

The actor carefully monitors his appearance, and even Priluchny’s new tattoo was done only after much thought. It is worth noting that Pavel Priluchny’s first tattoo was inked specifically for filming the film “At the Game” and is a barcode with the inscription “DOC”. According to the actor, the tattoo has long become part of his image and he has no plans to get rid of it. Pavel’s tattoo is of great interest to all connoisseurs of tattoo culture, it is his distinctive sign, which reminds the actor of the role that brought him popularity.

Relatively recently, the number of tattoos of Pavel Priluchny has changed. The actor intrigued his fans and announced in one of his interviews his desire to get a tattoo in an intimate place, closed from prying eyes. The minds of fans literally “exploded” in search of an answer – what new tattoo to decorate the body of their favorite actor. In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic - as a place for a new tattoos by Pavel Priluchny selected the outer part of the right thigh, will place three words there, the general meaning of which is “to maintain balance”.

Tattoo culture is becoming more and more popular every year, and among those who want to get a body tattoo, not only the mighty of the world this, but also representatives of the fair sex, who choose intricate ornaments or floral patterns as designs. When giving preference to one tattoo or another, it is worth remembering that any design, even a seemingly simple one, has its own meaning. Among other things, when deciding to get a tattoo, we give preference only to professional artists who can guarantee the quality and safety of the tattooing process.

    Now people have a special interest in Pavel Priluchny and all this is because of filming in the TV series Major. His tattoo looks like a barcode with the word dos. He made it for the film At the Game. Probably many already know that such tattoos are very fashionable. They help you stand out and be different from everyone else.

    Pavel Priluchny has a very visible barcode tattoo on his neck. By the way, the actor got a tattoo during the filming of On the Game. But it seems to me that such a tattoo is not very well suited for all roles and images. For example, in the TV series Major, the makeup artists covered up and disguised this tattoo.

    Barcode with the inscription doc

    On his neck Pavel Priluchny has a tattoo with the word doc, which is stylized as a barcode.

    This tattoo was made for the filming of Pavel Priluchny in the film At the Game.

    I think even Pavel himself doesn’t know the meaning of this tattoo, at least he doesn’t talk about the specific meaning of his tattoo, preferring to call it his birthmark.

    I recently watched the television series Major, consisting of 12 episodes. I kept trying to find the famous tattoo of Pavel Priluchny on my neck, but I couldn’t find it. Apparently it was powdered.

    Here's what the actor and director themselves say about Tattoo

    This is how this tattoo remained on my neck.

    It was a fashionable tattoo in the form of a barcode. She adds some coolness to the actor or something.

    Doc is written because in the film his character's name was Doc. It was like he had a nickname.

    Now I can’t even imagine Priluchny without this tattoo.

    I was very upset when I didn’t see a tattoo in Majora. This is his personality.

    I also noticed a cross tattoo on my arm.

    Pavel Priluchny has a tattoo on his neck and more. On the neck it looks like a barcode and an inscription on it doc. Due to the fact that it was made only for filming the movie At the Game, it was assumed that it would be washed off later. But apparently, Pavel decided to leave her forever. Why this particular word? Perhaps this means that he is a pro in his field. After all, doctor denotes not only medical topics, but also a number of others. I wonder what it will all look like in 20 years.

    Well, everything is clear with a barcode, now it’s cool when a person gets a tattoo in the form of a barcode, which means, in my opinion, marked or the only one. But with the inscription DOC it is more complicated, this abbreviation has a lot different meanings and I don’t think that Pavel Priluchny himself doesn’t know this...

    Maybe ask this dude

    In my opinion, Pavel Priluchny is a very stylish guy, and this tattoo perfectly complements his image. Pavel Priluchny got the tattoo especially for filming the movie At the Game. And apparently he decided to leave it forever.

    The tattoo is a barcode with letters DOC. This was the name of the hero of the film At the Game, played by Pavel.

    This tattoo was made by Pavel after much thought, made specifically for the filming of the film At the Game. It became an integral part of the actor’s image and a reminder of the filming.

    Barcode tattoo is a new fashion trend among young people. This tattoo means that some information is encoded here, known only to the owner of the tattoo; this tattoo is a sign of a person standing out from the crowd, of some opposition to society.

    By the way, this is not his only tattoo.

    U Russian actor Pavel Priluchny on this moment already have several tattoos, but as I understand in this matter we're talking about about the tattoo on the actor’s neck. The tattoo is a barcode and contains the inscription DOC; this tattoo was made for the film At the Game, and later became the actor’s calling card.

    Pavel Priluchny's tattoo in the form of a barcode on his neck was done before filming the film At the Game, as it was planned according to the script. The decision to get this particular tattoo was spontaneous, and only Pavel himself made it. The inscription doc on the tattoo, as Pavel herself claims, can be deciphered in different ways, and each letter individually has its own meaning. It seems to me that the owner of the tattoo wanted to add some mystery to his appearance, and therefore placed some coded information on his neck. And the inscription doc means professionalism in any matter.

    Pavel is not going to get rid of the tattoo on his neck, as it symbolizes his first success in the world of cinema.

Pavel Priluchny became famous after starring in the youth mystical series “Closed School.” The actor coped with his role perfectly, as a result of which he began to be invited to other projects. Paul's popularity is undoubtedly one of key factors success of the series. After the release of the film “At the Game,” the actor’s popularity no longer surprises anyone. To date, Priluchny has realized his potential in many television and film projects. Posters with his photograph are very popular among teenagers.

For the acting profession, in addition to artistic abilities important role Appearance also plays a role. Pavel pays her a lot of attention. The actor is distinguished by his love for tattoos, but the guy approaches the choice of the next tattoo carefully and carefully. Pavel Priluchny's tattoos attract a lot of attention from fans. Many even repeat the actor’s tattoos.

To date, three tattoos have found their place on Pavel’s body. The actor made one of them specifically for filming the film “At the Game.” The tattoo has become part of the image, and the actor does not even think about getting rid of it. Pavel Priluchny's tattoo on his neck symbolizes that success and fame, which resulted from his filming in the film. The meaning of a tattoo is that the image contains some information that is known only to the owner of the tattoo. Tattoos are in demand among young people. It distinguishes the owner from the gray mass and to some extent contrasts the owner with society.

The actor's second tattoo is located on his thigh. This is the Latin inscription "Teneri nutu suo". The phrase translates to “keep calm.” The importance of a tattoo for an actor’s life is difficult to overestimate, since quite often situations arise that can drive one crazy. The impaled inscription is intended to influence the attitude of its owner towards such situations.

The actor's third tattoo is located on his right wrist. This is a small cross that is a talisman. The cross symbolizes the desire to develop spiritually. The cross can be found in different religions and cultures, but its main meaning is protection. Photos of Pavel Priluchny's tattoo can be found in our image gallery.

The choice of tattoos affects future fate owner. Many actors, due to fame and publicity, tattoo amulets, which are designed to protect against envy, anger and neutralize negative energy.

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Photo of Pavel Priluchny's tattoo

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