Ivan Yankovsky and other talented children of star parents. Ivan Yankovsky and other talented children of star parents Ivan Filippovich

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The unprecedented similarity of Ivan and Oleg Yankovsky is being discussed online; users are sure that they look like real twins.

Photo: DR Instagram

The other day Oksana Fandera posted a fresh photo of Philip and Ivan Yankovsky on Instagram. The actress’s followers rushed to argue which of the men looked more like the famous relative. Opinions are expectedly divided.

Some users noted that father and son are more similar to each other, while others noted that Ivan took after his mother. Most users agreed that with age the young man becomes more and more like his legendary grandfather. Due to filming in a new project, Yankovsky Jr. lowered his light stubble, which made him look even more like a Soviet film star. “These are genes, this is charisma,” “Breed. What else can you say”, “The grandson resembles Oleg Ivanovich more than his son, in profile the same face is straight”, “What a handsome guy - he took the best from all family members.” It’s interesting that quite recently they came to the conclusion that they are the same person.

The successor of the acting dynasty, Ivan Yankovsky, graduated from GITIS under the direction of Sergei Zhenovach and was immediately accepted into the troupe of his Studio theatrical arts. He was successful: he was awarded the Kinotavr Prize for his role in the film The Rag Union and received the Golden Eagle for the main role in the film Queen of Spades. Talent, charisma, beauty - these are the main components of his success. In addition, he really appreciates family bonds and always speaks very touchingly about her loved ones.

Two-thirds of modern Russian cinema consists of clans and surnames - family ties. To deny this means to resist reality. This nature of things naturally causes dissatisfaction and skepticism, and sometimes even indignation: how can a nugget break through without funds and connections, when there are only sons, granddaughters, and nephews around?! The claim is fair. And yet, we generously forgave several cinematic dynasties and their representatives for their talent and skill. There can never be too many Yankovskys, fate decided and sent a junior representative famous surname, Ivan Yankovsky, to enslave the country’s female audience from IMAX screens and theatrical stage. He is aristocratic, he has interesting face and a special way of presenting oneself. The guy is smart and is already in demand in the profession: Konchalovsky wants to shoot him, Lungin worked with him. Ivan Filippovich is ambitious: the third generation actor dreams of being admired by his parents - the famous couple Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fandera. And he is also flattered by the resemblance to his inimitable grandfather - the great Russian actor Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky. And is it possible to blame slight arrogance and ambition on a young creative unit in search of its own identity?

His star dossier

Yankovsky: inner circle

The guy with the brand name was born into an artistic family: grandmother Lyudmila Zorina and grandfather Oleg Yankovsky are graduates of the Saratov theater school, father Philip Yankovsky - already with a double cinema education, the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio plus the directing department of VGIK, mother Oksana Fandera - a beauty queen who went into cinema in time. The founder of the glorious Yankovsky family, the great-grandfather of our hero, Yan Pavlovich, is a White Guard officer with Polish-Lithuanian roots. He was awarded the Order of St. George “For Courage”, had three sons and a difficult fate.

The youngest of three sons, Oleg Yankovsky unofficially bears the title of “the last People’s Artist of the USSR.”

Rostislav, Nikolai and Oleg - the sons of Yan Pavlovich and Marina Ivanovna - took turns becoming interested in the theater. The eldest Rostislav broke away from the family early: he moved to Minsk and long years became the leading actor of the Minsk Russian drama theater named after Pushkin. The track record of the People's Artist of the USSR includes more than 160 roles in Russian and foreign classics, in addition to this, Rostislav Ivanovich worked in the field for many years social activities. Rostislav’s sons Igor and Vladimir continued the work of their father, who died in June of this year at the age of 86. But Nikolai gave up his chance to become an artist younger brother: It was he who entered the Saratov Theater University, but by coincidence, Oleg began to study. In Saratov, Soviet Munchausen met future wife Lyudmila Zorina and played his first theatrical roles.

It was Lyudmila Zorina who was the protégé of her beloved at the Saratov Drama Theater: she studied in an older course and was a student star. I got onto the professional stage without any problems, where a year later I brought my future husband along.

Fate itself led Oleg by the hand: he was seriously interested in football, but after playing in the play “as a substitute”, at the age of 14 he was approved for the role; was late for entrance exams, but in the end I studied; V theater institute had problems with diction, but easily got into a professional troupe...

During a theatrical tour in Lviv, a guy with Aryan appearance noticed by filmmakers led by Vladimir Basov. They noticed, did tests and approved for the role of Heinrich Schwarzkopf in the film epic “Shield and Sword”. Yankovsky became a State Prize Laureate three times, starred with outstanding directors - Averbakh, Balayan, Solovyov, Tarkovsky - and has countless professional film and theater awards, but his main joy and place of strength has always been his family: his wife, son Philip, daughter-in-law Oksana and grandchildren - Ivan and Lisa.

Ivan Filippovich. Biography

On October 30, 1990, on the eve of the collapse of the “unbreakable union,” a boy, Ivan, was born into the family of a sultry Odessa woman and a Moscow rake. The baby has appeared ahead of schedule, which made the family worry. Ivan’s childhood was cloudless and happy: the boy played football, tennis and basketball, attended cultural events together with his grandfather Oleg Ivanovich, he regularly visited his mother’s parents in Odessa and fantasized a lot. In Ivan Urgant's studio, Ivan Yankovsky admitted that he believes in otherworldly forces, and as a child he existed in an imaginary world and even heard voices...

Ivan says that a special contribution to his cultural education Grandfather added, they traditionally spent weekends together. And every such day went according to the script: first education, then entertainment.

At the age of ten, Ivan played his first role - a tomboyish Christmas angel in the lyrical film “Come See Me.” And although the director and leading actor was his beloved grandfather, the boy was casting for general principles- with a dozen other more experienced applicants.

Then, for several years, Ivan fell out of the field of view of the paparazzi: he grew up, overcame the difficulties of adolescence, remaining just a son and grandson. Ivan’s father, meanwhile, grew from a fashionable music video director into a current director: Philip’s films “On the Move” and “State Councilor” were quite warmly received not only by the public, but also by critics. According to Ivan, he saw no alternative in choosing a profession for himself. His film library included films by Godard and Antonioni, and the boy dreamed that one day he, like his grandfather, would be able to go on stage for a public dialogue with the audience.

The performances of the legendary "Lenkom" - "The Jester Balakirev", "The Seagull" - were a kind of bible for little Ivan.

In ninth grade, Ivan came to the Moscow International Film School to understand the environment in which he saw his future. During his years of study, the young man went on expeditions to Armenia, South Africa and on Solovki. Having received secondary specialized education and the basics future profession, Ivan entered the acting department of RATI GITIS. But by the end of the first year of study, I realized that I was mistaken: the magic happened in a different department - the directing department. In the summer of 2010, he again withstood all stages creative competition and was enrolled in a course with Sergei Zhenovach, where future directors were trained. It was risky to overdo it: if Yankovsky was not enlisted, he was threatened with the army, and he did not want to go there.

The talented successor of the Fomenkov school in directing, Sergei Zhenovach, admits: there could be no translations for the younger Yankovsky - only a strict competitive selection. And no warm relationship with parents could contribute to a successful outcome.

And failures make us richer: the film “Indigo”

During the acute period of searching for his “I”, filmmakers remembered the guy and invited him to a science-fiction thriller about children new formation"Indigo". The production was directed by Roman Prygunov, an institute classmate of Philip Yankovsky, and the adult parts were played by Efremov, Shukshina and Kutsenko. Ivan had the “first fiddle”: he played the role of leader in a group of teenagers with paranormal abilities. In particular, his hero was acutely aware of the approaching misfortunes.

But the bridge from idea to implementation was poorly built: neither critics nor audiences liked the film. “Everything is impersonal, the heroes are stilted,” and these were the most delicate complaints against the creators. But the Yankovskys held their backs proudly here too: Oleg Yankovsky said in an interview that he was proud of his grandson.

After his second film audition, there was a long pause: for four years, Ivan plunged headlong into the abyss of student life. But there was another side: in 2011–2012, the actor repeatedly found himself in the press for his fashion. They wrote that the younger Yankovsky discredits the image of the family and tarnishes the bright image of his grandfather. Ivan Yankovsky broadcast excerpts from bohemian life on his VKontakte and Instagram pages: in the photo he often posed with a bottle or a cigarette, and also in the company of a wide variety of young ladies. The Yankovsky family did not comment on the information: they wisely waited until the guy coped with his inner demons. Despite the fact that Ivan experienced certain difficulties in relationships with his parents, he now admits that he never speculated on the surname. Moreover: in their family it is customary to climb their own Golgotha ​​alone.

Also in student years Ivan was closely involved in course and diploma performances by Moliere, Chekhov, Platonov, and in 2013 he officially became an actor at the Theater Arts Studio under the direction of Sergei Zhenovach. This year private theater, whose circle of admirers is rapidly growing, received the status of a state theatrical platform.

Ivan’s internal isolation and selfhood ends when it comes to his sister. Ivan has a very reverent relationship with Lisa, another confirmation of this is the Instagram of both of them.

Kino, I will defeat you! Filmography of the actor

Ivan’s calendar return to cinema happened in 2014: Yankovsky, in the company of Alexander Pal and Vasily Butkevich, starred in his debut full-length film Mikhail Mestetsky "Rag Union". The art-house project had a long way to reach the audience, and only in May 2016 did the all-Russian premiere take place. Although the filmmakers gave the comedy-situational film a quality mark back in the summer of 2015: then the film about young rebels - representatives of the non-speculative subculture was awarded at the Sochi Kinotavr with the prize “For the Best male role" The award was shared by all four performers. Ivan Yankovsky said in an interview that on preparatory stage the actors regularly practiced parkour with a specially invited tracer from Los Angeles. Then there was the project “Without Borders”, which for a long time existed under the name “Love with and without an accent.” Several directors worked on the poetic declaration of love for Armenia, and the short story about the prodigal son who ran away for love was directed by Karen Oganesyan. The casting was good: the foolish child - Ivan Yankovsky, the dream girl - Anya Chipovskaya and the strict mother - Natalya Vdovina. Yankovsky admitted that working on the set of the film “Without Borders” was both pleasant and useful for him: the actors brought many improvisational nuances to the script, which made the film lively and sparkling. And if in 2015 the actor was only testing the whimsical film soil, then in 2016 he began to cultivate it with skill. “Night Guardians”, “The Source”, “Queen of Spades”... In the fantasy action movie “Night Guardians”, Ivan, as part of a unit of the secret capital police, wages an unequal battle with organized evil spirits. Yankovsky plays a simple courier in a new role for himself - a special forces trainee. A huge budget of $200 million was spent on computer graphics, complex transforming sets, and a little - for the performers' fees. In an interview, the actor shared that he agrees to filming based, first of all, on the quality of the script and the director, and the financial part and the amount of work are secondary for him. “Night Guardians” fulfilled Ivan’s childhood dream of playing the role of a superhero.

Diplomat Yankovsky admits that he is equally well disposed towards both auteur and mainstream cinema, it’s just that the approach to work and goals of such projects are different.

Yankovsky says that he gets his dose of adrenaline from working in films, and in life, for example, he will not jump with a parachute. Although at the same time he is a naturally athletic guy and in his free time from his profession he boxes. Filming the film “The Source” also required considerable skill and readiness for grueling shifts and emergency situations. In the film by Nadezhda Vitalskaya at Ivan - the main role: a mischievous Moscow reveler, accustomed to wasting his life, finds himself in an environment alien to himself and changes. A girl living in the forest makes the hero take a new look at the world. Yankovsky in this material saw questions that worried him, and work with wild animals and scenes of swimming in cold water just added drive. The film was released on November 3rd, and viewers should go to the cinema to appreciate how talentedly the filmmakers interpreted the plot of Kuprin’s “Olesya”. Perhaps the two most difficult and interesting projects Ivan’s filmography includes the dystopia “Ikaria” and the mystical thriller “Queen of Spades” by Pavel Lungin.

Ivan, together with his partners - Alexander Gorchilin, Pyotr Skvortsov - starred in the film by Yavor Gyrdev on specially designed aircraft. Locations for filming were found in Moscow and Malta, although the film was almost entirely built on the use of chromakey. The key to immortality through the problem of moral choice is the through line of the film “Ikaria,” which is produced by Evgeny Mironov himself. The project promises to be spectacular and exciting.

Yankovsky says that for now he is being offered difficult heroes who dig within themselves, but in the future he would like to play characteristic role. As for images from literature, Myshkin, Rogozhin, Pechorin and Lopakhin are close to him.

Pavel Lungin’s new film “Queen of Spades” has already received the first reviews: the film has set off on a free run at Russian film screenings. It was shown at the festivals “Koroche”, “Baltic Debuts”, “Pacific Meridians” and “Reserve”. The painting is both a paired nod to the geniuses of Pushkin and Tchaikovsky, and, at the same time, a unique work of art. Lungin, who directed Oleg Yankovsky in the role of Metropolitan Philip, entrusted the extremely complex role-task to his grandson Ivan. The lead actor could not be found for several months, and Yankovsky’s figure appeared just a couple of days before the start of filming. Ivan’s studio colleague, Maria Kurdenevich, who had already been cast in the film, told Yankovsky about the project. He accepted the challenge and dared to come to the director with a statement: Herman is me. Yankovsky managed to convince the venerable creator - he passed the audition. Ivan talked about working with the master with rapture. “Lungin’s process comes first from the heart and soul, and then from thoughts and ideas,” Ivan shared with the press. Fame, money, deceit, love - the story has it all. Ivan reincarnated as young singer opera troupe Andrey. For the sake of new role Yankovsky studied choreography under the guidance of Alla Sigalova, learned to accent consonants together with teachers from Bolshoi Theater and even undressed on camera. How accurately the actor was able to convey the metamorphoses and internal rotting of the hero, who went to great lengths for the sake of fame and money, will become known very soon.

Lungin not only modernized the classics, but found an attractively terrifying form. So, the heroes of Yankovsky and Rappoport have a scene of passion that is not in the original source.

Yankovsky Jr. is now in excellent shape, and it is already clear that he will not be left without roles. So Yegor Konchalovsky has plans to engage the actor for the film adaptation of Alexei Ivanov’s novel “The Hounds,” all that remains is to find financing.

Theater participation

The theater for Ivan is the holy of holies. A home where you can warm up, be silent and talk. Yankovsky admits that he cannot imagine his future without the stage. He gets ready for the performances, sitting deep in auditorium, watching how they put up a fence and adjust the light. And there is also a dressing room, from the wall of which a luxurious portrait of Oleg Yankovsky looks at him. Coming to the studio theater for the first time, our hero came across a photo of his beloved grandfather and now regularly enters into mental dialogues with him. Poster theater actor Ivan Yankovsky is limited to two productions - “Notes of a Dead Man” and “Suicide”, plus - full swing Rehearsals are underway for “The Master and Margarita” directed by Zhenovach, where Ivan plays the role of Homeless. In the play based on Erdman's play "Suicide" Ivan plays minor role: a stately gentleman whose attention two ladies are trying to capture. But in “Notes of a Dead Man,” artistic director Sergei Zhenovach relied on Yankovsky. He plays an aspiring writer Maksudov, who is tormented by strange visions and dreams. The heroes of Bulgakov’s “pass through Sergei Leontievich’s stream of consciousness.” Theatrical novel", plays "Days of the Turbins" and early works Mikhail Afanasyevich. A role to grow - this is what the director of the production says about the character and performer. And Ivan Yankovsky, when asked whether the perfect performance has already happened, confidently answers that no: he is never completely satisfied with himself. “Notes” has been playing for the third season, and only recently the actor gained the strength and content necessary for the image, says Sergei Zhenovach with conviction. And he adds: in this role you can’t hide behind anything and you can’t hide behind anyone - Yankovsky during three hours is constantly on stage.

Personal milestones

Roles, as they say, are an acquired taste. As for his personal life, Ivan succeeded here too. Rumor attributes him to an affair with Ruslan Baysarov’s daughter, Kamilla. A piquant detail- in connection with Kamilla Baysarova, another star offspring, the son of Fyodor Bondarchuk Sergei, was noticed at one time. True, that was a long time ago, and since then the Chechen beauty Camilla has already made two trips to the registry office. Ivan also had romantic feelings for the heiress of oligarch Rasul Budunov, Alice. But he did not find happiness with Alice, but with Vera, who, by the way, is the daughter of the leader of the rock group “Alice” Konstantin Kinchev. And also an actress. Ivan began a relationship with Vera Panfilova quite a long time ago, while still studying at GITIS.

Young people met on Zhenovach’s course, but they might not have studied together: Vera studied her first year at the Moscow Art Theater School with Serebrennikov, Ivan studied at the acting department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

Details of the novel began to emerge thanks to the girl’s activity in in social networks. Vera posted photos with Ivan, which left no doubt: the young people were having an affair. The “first sign” for the press was a photo from the girl’s birthday in 2014, in which Ivan was. As in any long-term relationship, Yankovsky and Panfilova have ups and downs. Thus, in publications dating back to the summer of 2015, Yankovsky was written about as a free young man. It’s just that Vera’s birthday, which falls on September 2, was celebrated by the young couple as a couple. Vera Kincheva also spent her 25th birthday in the company of her beloved man. Along with the couple, the actress’s friend Tata Bondarchuk was also seen, who seems to be on friendly terms with the entire elite. The guys relaxed at the Vanilla restaurant, and Ivan addressed the girl a touching congratulation. Popular rumor claims that Yankovsky is a romantic guy, loves to surprise his beloved with trips to the movies and theaters.

Yes, and how lovers get tired of each other: he is on an expedition in Malta, she is all in rehearsals, then short periods of relationship and separation again. Dates often take place at train stations and airports. In April 2016, Vera’s dad, the legendary rock musician Konstantin Kinchev, was hospitalized with a stroke, and Ivan supported his beloved as best he could. A source close to the couple claimed that conversations about marriage are already underway.

Vera Kincheva is very busy in the theater. During the autumn-winter period 2016–2017, the actress has several premieres scheduled, and she was also included in the long list of actresses nominated for “ Golden mask» season 2015–2016.

Last thing joint photo with Vera on Ivan’s Instagram was done quite a long time ago - a month and a half ago. Then, under the paired selfie, Yankovsky Jr. left a quote from the song of the group “Scryptonite” - “This is love.” In general, Ivan’s Instalife looks very rich and truly correct: portrait declarations of love for his mother, father, sister Lisa, and, of course, his incomparable grandfather...

Life in pink: photos, Instagram...

On the set, Vanya listened to his grandfather’s advice and tried not to let him down. Girls are on the left, boys are on the right. On her Instagram, the actress congratulated her son on his 26th birthday with the words: “We are with you, and we are behind you.” Does the son look like his father - yes, but Philip admits that his external resemblance is stronger with his daughter Lisa. The brother and sister have a very subtle emotional connection. Yankovsky’s teenage love is already married for the second time.

A piercing gaze, surprisingly regular facial features and a famous surname. 24 year old grandson legendary actor Oleg Yankovsky Ivan appears in films infrequently, but when he does appear, he instantly charms everyone who sees him. IN ordinary life another hero of the “Man of Dreams” column does not suffer from star fever and does not like talking about famous relatives.

24-year-old Ivan is the grandson of the legendary actor Oleg Yankovsky

Famous surname

Raised in a family of actors, Ivan, it seems, simply could not choose any other path for himself except one - to go on stage.

The youngest of the Yankovskys began his career almost as early as his father: Philip made his film debut when he was a six-year-old boy, and Ivan received his first (albeit small) role at the age of ten. The grandson of Oleg Yankovsky then played an angel in the famous drama “Come See Me.” On film set Ivan was helped by his grandfather, who had the main role in the film.

Ivan's mother, a spectacular Odessa native with gypsy roots Oksana Fandera is also an actress, known for her role as the terrorist Needle in State Councilor. It was from her, according to relatives and fans, that Yankovsky Jr. inherited his unusual appearance.

Vanya with director Fyodor Bondarchuk and his dad, actor Philip Yankovsky

Fandera herself claims that her son reminds her of Oleg Yankovsky: “They look alike. Expressions, eyes, hands, looks, poses. It happens that suddenly, as if through the asphalt, Vanya’s something like grandfather’s breaks through - just some kind of mysticism, it brings me to tears!”

The first “adult” role of Oleg Ivanovich’s grandson was the teenage prodigy Andrei, whom he played in the film “Indigo”. Ivan, who worked on the same site with Mikhail Efremov and Maria Shukshina, immediately gained numerous fans of middle and senior age school age. True, unlike teenagers, film critics did not appreciate Ivan’s performance, and the film failed at the box office.

But on the occasion of the premiere of “Indigo”, Ivan gave several interviews. The young man answered questions about the future confidently - he said that he wanted to connect his life with acting.

Ivan and his parents, actors Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Fandera

The right boy

Classes in regular school Ivan combined with art lessons educational institution and filming. The young man could not imagine how it was possible to just sit at a desk every day without doing anything “really” serious. And after graduating from school, Yankovsky followed in his mother’s footsteps - he entered the famous GITIS.

However, study at acting department Ivan didn’t like it - he realized that he wanted to get an education as a director. “It was a brave act, because if he had not acted, he would have been immediately drafted into the army. He and I agreed that it was shameful and unacceptable for me to “make excuses,” collect certificates, or bribe the medical board. I said: “Just keep in mind that internally I am with you,” Oksana Fandera later recalled that period.

As a result, the youngest of the Yankovskys successfully re-entered and graduated from the chosen faculty, earning the respect of his parents.

What young man saw his life in the future? Throughout his childhood, before his eyes there was an example of an extremely exemplary family - his parents have been faithful to each other for more than twenty years and are raising two children (Ivan has younger sister Elizabeth, their age difference is five years). “We put a lot of work into them. They have good manners, correct behavior, they respect elders and other people in general. We have smart, beautiful children. God forbid, they are talented,” admits Philip Yankovsky.

24-year-old Vanya is an enviable young groom!

Under the gun of the press

As soon as Ivan grew up, journalists and fans began to closely monitor his personal life - the actor, after all, is young and attractive. Magazines included Yankovsky in the lists of the most enviable and promising suitors - even when the young man’s heart was taken! Like, they will meet and break up - relationships at a young age are supposedly not serious.

Ivan himself preferred to remain silent about the novels. The exception was an interview in which the young man briefly said: “I dated a girl for a long time, but then we broke up. We don’t see each other now, but I was very worried.”

In general, fans and journalists had no choice but to track the personal life of the descendant of the famous acting family through the pages of his friends and relatives on social networks. Of course, it was still possible to “spy” on Ivan at film premieres and festivals, but, alas, the young man is not a frequent guest at them.

Vanya’s relatives are sure that he is very similar to his eminent grandfather, Oleg Yankovsky

Ladies of the heart

Of course, the press still managed to find out something about matters of the heart. So, according to media reports, for some time Yankovsky met with a girl, Camilla, the daughter of Ruslan Baysarov, a businessman and ex-husband. The relationship did not last long - now the girl is already married to another person.

Ivan began a slightly longer affair with the daughter of the famous rock musician Konstantin Kinchev, Vera Panfilova. The girl received her acting education at the same university where Ivan studied to become a director - that’s where the young people met. For a long time, the press actively discussed the relationship between the heirs famous families, and fans eagerly looked at photographs from Vera’s pages on social networks.

The reason for such thoughts was a joint selfie of young people, which Ivan posted on his Instagram. However, in fact, Chipovskaya and Yankovsky are only good friends and colleagues - they starred together in the comedy “Love with and without an accent.”

Now, however, according to sources, Ivan’s heart is free. This means that the actor remains one of the most desirable young bachelors! After all, what girl doesn’t dream of a handsome and noble young man from a good family?

Despite the fact that Vanya was born into an acting family, the desire to become a successor to the glorious traditions of the Yankovskys was not immediately born in his soul. Like many children, the boy dreamed of becoming an astronaut for a long time, and the rest came later. That is, he had fantasy and love for other worlds since childhood. In an interview, he once even admitted that he admitted the existence of otherworldly forces.

As a child, Ivan managed to try several sports, but did not stay anywhere for long - not in athletics, neither in swimming, nor in playing with a ball (however, he became interested in boxing and is still involved in it). And only in adolescence did he seriously pay attention to cinema - family genes nevertheless made themselves felt.

At the age of 10, Vanya Yankovsky first appeared on the set of Oleg Yankovsky’s sentimental film “Come See Me,” where the boy played the angel of Christmas. It must be said that the casting could not have happened - the grandfather was not going to give Ivan any concessions. He got into cast on your own.

At first, Ivan studied at school No. 1840 with a mathematical bias, and after 9th grade he entered the Moscow International Film School. During his studies, he visited Solovki, Armenia, Turkey and even South Africa - where students filmed a documentary.

Then Ivan continued his studies at the directing and acting department of GITIS, in the workshop of Sergei Zhenovach. There were no concessions here either, but the gifted young man fearlessly undertook the craziest experiments.

Actor career

In 2008, his father’s friend, director Roman Prygunov, invited Ivan to take part in the filming of the science fiction film “Indigo”. In the story, his hero led a group of young guys with unique abilities. His character's gift was an intuitive prediction of misfortune. The first pancake came out lumpy, the critics categorically did not like the picture, as well as the acting. However, the grandfather was still proud of his grandson.

After an unsuccessful debut, the guy decided to focus solely on his studies. He took part in educational performances based on the works of Chekhov, Moliere, Platonov; After receiving his diploma in 2013, he was enrolled in the Zhenovach theater studio.

In 2014, Yankovsky Jr. decided to appear on screen again. His attention was attracted by the debut film of Mikhail Mestetsky called “The Rag Union”, where again it was about representatives of the misunderstood youth. The premiere of the author’s film took place much later, in May 2016, and at the Kinotavr film festival it received a boost in self-esteem young actor prize "For Best Actor".

This was followed by participation in the comedy project “Without Borders”, on which three directors worked. Ivan passed the casting for the role prodigal son directed by Karen Oganesyan.

In 2016, he starred in three box-office projects. Firstly, this is the film “The Source” by Nadezhda Vitalskaya, adapted to modern times “Olesya” by Kuprin, where in the story the character Ivan, a Moscow rake, meets a girl in the forest, and this meeting radically changes his outlook on life. During the filming, the actor had the opportunity to work with wild animals and also swim in icy water.

The fantasy thriller “Night Watchmen” became a large-scale picture, in which the young Yankovsky played the role of a young man who suddenly finds out that Everyday life Every day he met with vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits. And soon he himself joined a detachment shooting otherworldly “illegals” hunting people. Along with Ivan, Lyubov Aksenova and Leonid Yarmolnik starred in the film.

Actors of "Night Guardians" in Ivan Urgant's studio

Next ambitious project for the young actor was an intriguing film by Pavel Lungin called “Queen of Spades”, where the younger Yankovsky had the opportunity to work with Ksenia Rappoport. She played opera diva Sofia Mayer, and he - the young singer Andrey, ready to do anything for a profitable role. During filming, the actor had to undress in the frame for the sake of bed scene, get serious about choreography in the theater and even improve your diction.

But, apparently, fantasy stories are still more attractive to Ivan, because after “Queen of Spades”, he appeared in the dystopia “Ikaria”, general producer which was addressed National artist Evgeny Mironov. The film takes place in the near future: scientists are close to the solution to immortality, and a group of teenagers find themselves in a deadly experiment in the format of a reality show.

Personal life of Ivan Yankovsky

There were various rumors that the actor had affairs with Kamilla Baysarova and Alisa Budunova. In 2013, Ivan chose Vera Panfilova, the daughter of the permanent leader of “Alice” Grandson of Oleg Yankovsky about working in the theater

Yankovsky Jr. also participates in theater productions under the direction of his mentor Sergei Zhenovach: “Suicide” (Oleg Leonidovich), “The Master and Margarita” (Ivan Bezdomny) and “Notes of a Dead Man” (Maksudov).