Where did Anastasia Chernobrovina disappear from the program? Anastasia Chernobrovina: “Sex is not the basis for relationships

The article will be of interest to all fans of the beautiful TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina. Biography, personal life, husband of the star - read the most interesting and reliable details below.

Fame came to Anastasia Chernobrovina after the girl became the host of a morning program on one of the central channels of Russian television. Nastya’s success story is somewhat similar to fairy tales about Cinderella, and that’s why reading the presenter’s biography is so interesting.

Biographical information and early career

According to a brief summary from Wikipedia, Nastya Chernobrovina was born in April 1977 in the city of Izhevsk. The family of the future screen star was the most ordinary and for some time Nastya generally lived with her grandmother, since the girl’s parents divorced.

At school, Anastasia studied well, was an exemplary and calm girl. However, in adolescence, dramatic changes began to occur to Nastya: more and more often she wore bright and catchy things, did shocking hairstyles and makeup that attracted the attention of others.

For a long time, Nastya could not decide on the choice of her future profession: first she entered the psychology department, then decided to become an engineer, and only then - to the television department. And in 1998, Nastya began working on the Rossiya channel and hosted the Vesti at 11 program. Then interesting projects and proposals begin to literally pour in on Nastya: a correspondent in the Vesti PRO program, the Day by Day project on TV6, Big Swimming on TVC, programs on the city channel.

Famous presenter

In 2002, Nastya Chernobrovina again began working on the Rossiya TV channel. Nastya hosts one of the most interesting columns in the Morning of Russia program. To film stories about how mornings are greeted in different countries, Chernobrovina had to travel literally all over the world.

The presenter began to be recognized on the streets, she had fans, but Nastya did not get fame for nothing. In order to host the program, the girl had to radically change her daily routine: Chernobrovina was forced to go to bed at six o’clock in the evening, and at two in the morning the girl already had to arrive at the channel’s studio for filming.

In addition to hosting programs, Anastasia Chernobrovina also took part in such popular projects as “Fort Boyard” and “Dancing with the Stars.” Nastya especially liked trying herself in the role of a professional dancer. Nastya says that the new experience has only benefited her.

Personal life

Anastasia Chernobrovina does not have a husband, and there is no reliable information about whether anyone managed to win the heart of the beautiful presenter. Yellow publications periodically publish frank “canards” about Nastya: either Chernobrovina got married, or she is pregnant. But Nastya always laughs and refutes all these speculations and says that for now she is married exclusively to her work.

There were also rumors in the press that Chernobrovina had left the program “Morning of Russia” and the Internet was literally full of requests - where did Nastya Chernobrovina, beloved by many, go, where did she disappear? The rumors arose because Nastya was going on vacation and was temporarily replaced by another presenter.

The article will be completed by a selection of the newest photos from Nastya for 2015-2016, but if you want to see more photos of the presenter, you can visit her personal page on Instagram.

Program “Good morning, Russia!” comes out early. What topics should be covered in a morning show to keep the attention of people who have just woken up?

- “Good morning, Russia!” - like a layer cake. Our program lasts 4 hours. And each hour is designed for a specific category of viewers. The first hour of the broadcast is as dynamic as possible. People need to get ready as quickly as possible and run errands. Then, with

6 to 8, the bulk of the population wakes up. This time is full of a variety of stories on social and economic topics, and there are a lot of reports from the regions. Well, the last hour, from 8 to 9 am, is dedicated to those who stay at home, are not in a hurry to run errands, or go to work much later. We discuss more everyday topics that relate to family, home improvement, health...

- When I found out what schedule you work, I thought: after all, Chernobrovina is a young, pretty girl... But what about her personal life? Is there any time left for her?

- Sometimes I think: I want to love and be loved! And if, due to my work schedule, I can’t meet my man, then why is all this necessary?! Then, of course, I understand: in order to be interesting to each other, a man and a woman need to constantly grow, achieve new heights, and, of course, feed each other with their love. Monotonous life sooner or later tires. If a relationship is built only on sex, it also ends quickly.

I think that unions are more durable when people are primarily interested in each other as individuals. At the same time, I like to say a lot and often to my beloved: “I love you!” He used to be afraid of these words, afraid that if he heard them too often, they might become insipid. But it depends on how and with what feelings you say “I love you.” Perhaps in a relationship I give myself too much, but it seems to me that if you love, you need to love without reserve and not measure it in portions: today I will love him by 35%, tomorrow - by 28, or it will cost nothing at all.

- You don’t mention either the first or last name of your chosen one in any interview....

- Is it possible not to talk? The fact is that in real life I call him my beloved - that’s all. He is a designer, also a creative person, with his own “cockroaches in his head.” We rarely see each other, we are both always at work. But when we manage to be together for a few days, we charge each other to the maximum. My beloved helps me a lot to free myself from my childhood complexes. For example, I reconsidered my relationship with my mother.

“I’ll sit on the windowsills”

You are now all under renovation... Do I understand correctly that it was the chosen one who made the design project for your new apartment?

- No no! He tries not to impose his opinion on me in anything, including the design of the apartment. I invited a designer friend to do the renovation. It makes my shopping experience much easier and helps me make the right choice. For example, we come to the store, he says: “There are 5 thousand doors here. I suggest you choose from twenty.” And leads me to those doors that are really to my taste. Very comfortably. I even joked: “In fact, you play the role of my temporary husband, you are completely in charge of construction.” I don’t look there at all... I dream of space in my own home. I want wooden floors that are pleasant to walk on barefoot.

- What will the interior style be?

- minimalism. Colors: deep grey, white, dark brown. When I was in Iceland and Norway, I really liked these Nordic interiors. I wanted to install a shower stall and resisted installing a bathtub for a long time. But wise people convinced me that it was needed. We plan to put large white stones around it, along which water will flow, and make some lighting. I want to put mattresses and a lot of pillows in the bay windows.

Since childhood, I have loved sitting on windowsills. But I was always forbidden to do this. Therefore, I will try to fulfill my desires. I want peace and comfort. Previously, this did not matter to me, but as I grew older, I began to understand that there should be a corner where you can be alone with yourself, think, sleep, restore strength...

My designer also promised to bring special designer large sea stones from abroad. In fact, these will be soft ottomans that can be easily rearranged and rested on anywhere in the apartment. Anyway, it's time to throw away the stones! (Laughs.)

AiF dossier

Anastasia Chernobrovina, TV presenter. Born in 1977 in Izhevsk. At school I was an excellent student. After school, she worked on local television. Then she switched to RTR and hosted “News at Eleven.” She moved from channel to channel several times, worked as a presenter of various programs, but eventually returned to the Rossiya channel. Periodically acts as a host of “government” concerts.

Morning TV star Anastasia Chernobrovina, despite her open smile, is one of the most private media personalities on Russian television. Her personal life , like a black cat in a dark room, remains invisible to both spectators and colleagues. Why and whom is the journalist hiding from prying eyes? The answer is simple and understandable to any woman: “I’m afraid to jinx it!”


Fives, mushrooms and fishing

The presenter of the capital's TV channel, Anastasia Chernobrovina, was born in the province, in the Udmurt city of Izhevsk on April 10, 1977. She spent her first years in a real “woman’s kingdom” - with her grandmother and mother. The parents divorced soon after the birth of their daughter, and Nastya’s mother worked hard so that her daughter would not need anything.

Anastasia Chernobrovina fishing

For several years the girl lived in another town in Udmurtia - Glazov. The grandmother went with her granddaughter to pick mushrooms in the forest, and the boys took the girl fishing - she brought them good luck. At school, Nastya got straight A's and played in theater productions. And after my mother remarried, Anastasia's family replenished. The excellent student taught her younger sister to read, an activity no less beloved than fishing.

Night shooting, dancing and chicken cutlets

A successful start on regional television was followed by a move to Moscow. Morning programs were filmed at night, and Chernobrovina also participated in various projects. On the show "" the presenter was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. She had to deviate from her usual diet of greens, fruits and nuts, and “master” chicken cutlets.

In addition to her dislike for carbohydrates, the TV personality is helped to maintain low weight and high vitality by her tight work schedule with business trips, fitness, massage and natural spas: sand and sea water. With a height of 165 cm and a weight of 47 kg per photo Anastasia Chernobrovina demonstrates excellent physical shape. When it comes to skin care products, the presenter prefers Japanese collagen masks.

Anastasia Chernobrovina

The Mysterious Monsieur and the Return of a TV Star

“But still, who does she have? husband and are there any children? ? – curious fans have repeatedly tried to find out. Personal life Anastasia Chernobrovina is slightly open thanks to questions from her colleagues. Yes, the winner of the “” award has not yet revealed the name of her beloved man in any interview. Despite the fact that they have been together for more than ten years, not a single photo the couple did not appear on the Internet.

It is known that Chernobrovina’s chosen one often travels with her, celebrates holidays and even wants to fish. A landscape designer by profession, he lives in France for a long time.

Anastasia Chernobrovina

Anastasia composed poems for him and recorded a song as a gift. For so many years, being apart for months, they maintained a romantic relationship. The marriage was not officially registered.

Anastasia in the recording studio

In 2017, her anniversary year (she turned 40), Anastasia suddenly disappeared from the screen. The loss was discovered in August. It turned out that Anastasia Chernobrovina gave birth to a child . A month after the birth of her son Artemy, the journalist returned to work.

On the 25th, live on her native program “Morning of Russia”, the popular TV presenter appeared before her fans after six months of absence.


On April tenth, 1977, Nastenka, our beloved TV presenter, was born. In her hometown of Izhevsk, Anastasia graduated from school and entered the psychology department at Izhevsk College.

Activity is the key to success!

The character of the future star has always been active, a desire for publicity, and a desire to stand out among his peers. At the age of 13, as a teenager, Nastya had chemistry and started applying makeup.

Anastasia Chernobrovina’s biography as a presenter began at a local city television company. Her work as a reporter bore fruit: she was noticed and offered to continue her career as a journalist. Nastya began to host programs with the participation of stars who came on tour to the city of Izhevsk. She communicated with famous actors - Igor Kvasha, Valentin Gaft, etc. In general, the biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina is rich in communication with stage luminaries and famous politicians.

Conquest of Moscow

Over time, Nastya became cramped within the walls of her hometown television company. In 1996, with admission to the University of Culture and Art, the conquest of the capital began. Nastya chose the Faculty of Film and TV Management. Since then, she has not left the capital, every day climbing higher and higher up the steps of the career ladder.

In parallel with her studies, Nastya works on the federal channel “Russia”, she receives an invitation to participate in the famous program “News at 11”. Next are reports for the Vesti PRO channel. The next achievement is the work of a presenter in the program “Day by Day” of the TV-6 channel, participation in the projects “Girl 2000”, and the author’s project “Working Noon”.

In 2002, Anastasia Chernobrovina’s biography was supplemented by the position of presenter in the morning program “Good Morning, Russia”. An attractive man becomes her studio partner. And since then, this inseparable couple has been delighting us in the morning with optimistic news, causing us to smile and be touched.

Personal life behind seven locks

Are you interested in Anastasia Chernobrovina? Biography, children, personal life - everything is shrouded in secrecy. Nastya tries not to talk about life off the air. We only know that the presenter has not yet had children. The biography of Anastasia Chernobrovina is so far rich only in professional achievements. The girl always works diligently, giving 100%.

Little is known about relationships with men either. Rumor has it that a lover from France has appeared, with whom she sees in her free time from work. Will the biography of such an interesting girl as Anastasia Chernobrovina be added to her passport with a stamp? My husband will wait for now. Anastasia is surrounded by an army of fans, because the famous TV star is not only smart, educated and talented. Anastasia Chernobrovina is at the top of the list of the most beautiful women in Russia. And not only Russia. To see this, just look at presenters from other countries. Gracefulness, sophistication and

    The question arose after on July 10, 2015, on the air of Morning of Russia, Andrei Petrov hosted a program with the new presenter Elena Nikolaeva. The day before Elena Lander was there and suddenly instead of Nastya there was a new girl.

    As it turned out, Anastasia Chernobrovina has not disappeared anywhere and will soon appear on the air.

    Nastya, a popular presenter at VGTRK, this year, together with Vladislav Zavyalov, received a bronze TEFI figurine. In addition, Chernobrovina devotes a lot of time to journalism: she travels a lot and films stories about Russia and other countries. Her reports can be seen on the My Planet channel.

    And from now on the Morning of Russia program will have three presenters. They will go on air one by one. Read more here.

    Anastasia Chernobrovina has not disappeared anywhere. Several times she was replaced by another presenter, Elena Nikolaeva. But now Anastasia Chernobrovina is back again. Apparently, she was simply on vacation, and the second presenter, Elena Lander, could not replace her either.

    There is also an opinion that in this way, by replacing Anastasia Chernobrovina with another presenter, they are preparing viewers for the fact that soon the presenters will gradually be changed.

    So far, there is no official information about whether Anastasia Chernobrovina has left the Morning of Russia program. This means that Elena Nikolaeva will not always host this program. Anastasia took a vacation or has some other reason why she is not presenting Morning of Russia now.

    The host of the Morning of Russia program on the Russia-1 TV channel, Anastasia Chernobrovina, has not disappeared anywhere.

    She is alive and well.

    Well, just think, I didn’t appear several times on everyone’s favorite program Morning of Russia. A person can’t even rest. We all try to go on vacation and relax, but in our opinion the channel hosts are not people.

    While the public's favorite Anastasia Chernobrovina was resting, she was replaced by Elena Nikolaeva.

    Anastasia Chernobrovina did not disappear anywhere at all. It turns out that she was simply on vacation. Curious spectators have already sounded the alarm. But, it's okay. It’s just that now Morning of Russia will be hosted by Elena Nikolaeva, or maybe she was a substitute

    The host of the Morning of Russia program, Anastasia Chernobrovina, left the air for just a couple of days. At this time, Elena Nikolaeva worked instead of her, paired with Andrei Petrov. Now there is another couple that airs on other days - Elena Lander and Vladislav Zavyalov. They are the main presenters of the program.

    Anastasia Chernobrovina was absent only for a while when she was on vacation. At other times she was replaced. It is quite possible that maybe two presenters will now be on the program, that is, they will replace each other.

    If the beloved TV presenter from Morning of Russia disappeared, it was only for a very short time.

    Maybe it was just a vacation. Or maybe they just gave other presenters the opportunity to work - Elena Nikolaeva and Denis Stoykov, who apparently wasn’t hired from Russia-2 on Match-TV.

    As I understand now, the program has three pairs of presenters, but their schedule is still not clear to me. For me, the most important thing is that there should be more Elena Nikolaeva. In my opinion, she is the cutest of all the presenters.

    And about Anastasia Chernobrovina they say that she is either already pregnant, or really wants a child. Therefore, it is still possible to disappear for a longer time.

    Since 2002, TV presenter Anastasia Chernobrovina has been greeting us in the morning from the TV screens of the Russia 1 channel with the Good Morning program. But there are times when it is absent. Most likely this is due to vacation days and days off. She didn’t disappear anywhere and didn’t leave the TV channel.

    The presenter on the Russia-1 channel, Anastasia Chernobrovina, was absent from the screens for some time, while another presenter was presenting the Morning of Russia program. Anastasia is a rather busy person; this year she became the winner of the TEFI-2015 award. Most likely, she was on vacation, but now she is back on the screens.