Objectives slide Continue acquaintance with the early works of M. Gorky; Analyze legends

If you are only for yourself, then why are you there?

Interview with Eduard Georgievsky

Graduated from the Moscow Medical Institute. From 1966 to 1970 he worked as a doctor on Sakhalin Island, and then for thirty-five years at the Tula Regional Hospital. Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation. Author of several poetry and prose collections.

Published in the almanacs “Tula”, “Day of Tula Poetry”, in the collection “Ivan Lake”, in the interregional literary, artistic and journalistic magazine “Priokskie Dawns”. Founder, compiler and editor-in-chief of the literary almanac “On the Wings of Pegasus”. Awarded the medal “100 years since the birth of Musa Jalil.” Member of the Writers' Union of Russia and the International Community of Writers' Unions

Eduard Pavlovich, first of all, allow me to congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you good health, family well-being and creative success. You have a great life behind you. What do you remember most about her?

— Thank you for your congratulations, for remembering me, because a lot of time has passed since that first interview. My memory, it seems to me, contains a lot of interesting things, which cannot be said in a short interview. But most of all I remember the beginning of my activity as a doctor in the city of Uglegorsk, Sakhalin region, where I was sent after graduating from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute in 1966. It would be correct to say not “sent”, but arrived of his own free will, because The nature of Sakhalin Island has long attracted me as a tourist. I got the direction. I remember my first duty at the hospital, my first patient who was saved. By the way, this “Sakhalin” period is described in my autobiographical story “My Own Path,” which was published with an additional circulation of 200 copies. in 2012. Events that remain in my memory that cannot be forgotten are the conferment of the title “Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation” and the presentation of a ticket for membership in the Union of Writers of Russia. And, of course, my first book of poems, “I Like Unprecedented Space.”

You have served medicine and literature all your life. Has the question ever arisen: To be or not to be? That is, to serve or not to serve? And are you satisfied with what you have done both in medicine and in literature?

— It’s easy to teach a person to work for money; institutes can train quite competent specialists, be it a teacher, an engineer or a doctor. This is why higher educational institutions exist in society and the state. But I think that those who find themselves in some kind of business become the best, i.e. I went to study at the behest of my soul and heart, in a word, by calling. True, there are many cases where a person graduated from one institute or even two, and in life becomes a completely different specialist in the literal sense of the word. I explain this by the fact that human nature takes its toll, and I call this happiness when a person proudly says that this business is “mine.” And I answered the second part of the question above.

In our last interview with you, you said, and I quote: “It is my deep conviction that the time is not far when people will suffer from accumulated wealth. Being rich will no longer be fashionable. And then the spiritual development of the individual will again come first. Now spirituality has been pushed aside. I think it's temporary. She will triumph again. Then new domestic giants of thought and speech will appear. Five years have passed, has your opinion on this issue changed?

“On the contrary, it has become even stronger. Just look at the times we live in. And in what society? In a consumer society. This means that food and clothing come first, but spiritual development is not necessary. It becomes clear where soulless people come from. Even when Maxim Gorky said: “If you are not for yourself, then who will be for you?...” By this he emphasized that the individual should be independent. But then he continued: “But if you are only for yourself, then why are you?” And by this he emphasized the social significance of the individual, which, of course, should not be an egoist, but should contain empathy, compassion, sympathy, etc., i.e. personality is when a person is spiritualized. Hence the words—evaluations: sincere person, kind person, soul-person.

You have been the deputy head of the Pegasus literary association for many years. In 2016, by the way, during the Year of Literature, Tula writers lost their building - the House of Creativity on Kaminsky, in which you had been conducting classes with Pegasus students for many years. How are things going today, are classes going?

— More than 3 months. back from the writers' organization a letter was sent to the Minister of Culture of the Tula region with a request to offer premises for the continued existence of the regional literary association "Pegasus" at the writers' organization. So far no response has been received. I think it is no coincidence that the Ministry of Culture and Education was renamed the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The fact is that this ministry spends all its efforts on developing tourism. It’s a necessary thing, but why forget about culture? By the way, the word “culture” originally meant “upbringing,” but then was transformed into “education.” So why forget about him? Is the ministry’s job only to travel around the region and present certificates of honor and letters of gratitude? The gradual erosion of spirituality and culture is a direct path to the degeneration of the nation and state. The fact that the writers’ organization and the regional literary association “Pegasus” lost the House of Creativity under her, and even during the Year of Literature, suggests that the ministry doesn’t care about anything. There is no other way to say it.

The next issue of the almanac “Pegasus” was recently published. You are its permanent leader and compiler. But this work takes a lot of time, during which you could perhaps write a new story or beautiful poetry. Don't you feel sorry for time?

- It's a pity, of course. I still can’t start the second book of the story “My Own Path”. The first book was, simply put, about medicine, and the second, according to my plan, was about literature. Fate decreed that I existed in one form (as a doctor), and now I exist in another - as a writer. However, our almanac “On the Wings of Pegasus” and “Pegasus” as an appendix to it is also an interesting work for me as editor-in-chief. After all, the manuscripts of 35-40 authors of each issue pass through me. I read their texts, sometimes I edit them with the consent of the author. This job gives me a lot. The approach is differentiated - someone needs to be helped, someone needs to be criticized. As a rule, we find consensus. After all, the main task of these publications is to popularize the creativity of members of the regional literary association “Pegasus” at the Tula writers’ organization.

In our current commercial times, anyone can publish books at their own expense, and then demand admission to the Writers' Union. Don’t you think that today in literature there is a triumph of those who want to be writers, and not of those who can?

“Nowadays you can print as much and as little as you like at your own expense. Still, I deeply believe that truth always triumphs over lies. True, this sometimes takes a lot of time, but how could it be otherwise. Man lives by truth and faith. As the Russian proverb says, “You can’t hide an awl in a bag.” Sooner or later (that's what the time factor means!) it becomes known who is who. The so-called “successful” writers, whose books have a circulation of 40-50 thousand copies, are all foam that will be carried away by the wind or will itself sink into oblivion. Still, a classic is a classic, and all these “fantasies” are nothing more than funny reading, but not literature. The task of true literature is to educate (and subsequently nourish) feelings of goodness and justice in a person, to fill the soul with bright thoughts, optimism, and faith in a bright future. People come to the Writers' Union voluntarily, at the call of their soul and heart, who consider this to be their life's work, people who are undoubtedly creative, in whom the spark of God has been ignited. So they are the driving force, and the “temporary workers” either become graphomaniacs or “write themselves out.”

Nowadays the literary media often raises the question of changing the head of the Writers' Union of Russia. Many Tula writers say that today the same need has arisen in Tula. Who, in your opinion, should lead the writing community today - a literary genius, a person with a literary name, or a person, let’s say, of little talent in literature, but a behind-the-scenes inspirer and organizer of the literary process?

— Of course, personnel rotation is a natural process. Just don't break it over the knee. As for our writers' organization, I will frankly say that if it were not for Viktor Fedorovich Pakhomov, a widely known writer in Russia, our organization would have dissolved itself long ago in the period from the dashing nineties to the present day. Despite the difficulties, V. F. Pakhomov managed not only to preserve the writers’ organization, but also to increase its efficiency. For more than 20 years, many new books have been written by poets and prose writers, meetings of writers with students and military personnel were held, there were trips to the regions to meet with readers, etc., etc. And all this at a critical time for the country and on a voluntary basis. I remember well that in order to encourage me for my active work in the writers’ organization, I had to buy a form of Certificate of Honor myself, I paid for the telephone from my own funds - such was the lack of money of the organization. But the necessary attention from the regional administration has not been, and still is not, to this day. In this regard, I would like to repeat that even in the Year of Literature, writers lost their House of Creativity. The question is: “For what?” In my opinion, in our country there is a creeping process of washing away spirituality, the activities of the so-called “soft power” are spreading. Our civil society has not yet matured. If we add to this the time in which we live, it turns out that nowadays those who are successful are in “fashion”. There are truly successful people, but they love their homeland, and it is proud of them. And there are people who want to “steer.” As a rule, they are all administrators with a Writers' Union membership card in their pocket. In the times of Tolstoy, Turgenev and others there were no writers' unions. But there were geniuses from mother nature. And they became classics, examples to follow. And now everyone wants to lead, to become officials. It is the bureaucrats who do not allow us to breathe freely in Russia. The head of a writers' organization should be a person with a literary name and extensive experience in communicating with writers. His task is to pass on his accumulated experience to young writers and prepare a worthy replacement for himself. He must identify a candidate for the leader and propose him to the writers' organization, but in no case should it be imposed from above. Everything is decided by the meeting - the highest governing body. This is real rotation, this is how continuity is maintained, this is how the writing organization is maintained.

In one of the interviews you said: “What time, such are the songs.” Today some people criticize our time, while others praise it. Who are you with - the first or the second?

— I think that our time is a kind of transitional period. Fifty-fifty: a lot of positive and no less negative. There is an attack on classical, good conservatism on all fronts of literature and art. I want something new, but no one knows for sure what. Some options are tried, which, it turns out, are not suitable, then new ones are put forward, etc. This is some kind of period of experimentation, which pushes healthy conservatism further and further from a person. No one can say what this transition period will lead to. In my opinion, we will return to the classics again, it’s just a pity for the lost time. At the forefront of a writer’s activity has always been a person with his strengths and weaknesses. Strong people are praised, weak people are supported. This has always been the case in Rus'. But if a person is also offended by the authorities, especially locally, then the writer takes the side of the offended, but this cannot be called confrontation. In a democratic society, fair, healthy criticism should be welcomed and supported, otherwise how to be in the midst of the people, what is the Popular Front for?

What are you working on now?

“My plans this year are to publish an album of songs with notes on my poems called “From Heart to Heart - 2”, release another CD of songs on my poems and, finally, write several chapters of the second book of the story “My Own Path”.

What would you, Eduard Pavlovich, wish for the younger generation?

Young people love us everywhere. You just need to choose the right road, your path. Let everyone go their own way, without forgetting the words of A. M. Gorky, I repeat: “If you are not for yourself, then who will be for you? But if you are only for yourself, then why are you there?”

Gennady Markin,

member of the Russian Writers' Union,


  • To trace how the writer’s intention is revealed in the composition of the story;

  • Consider the distinctive features of romanticism in the work being studied.

  • “If only for yourself, then why are you here?”

    M. Gorky


    It arose at the beginning of the 9th century and was gradually replaced by realism.

    Romanticism - a special type of creativity, the characteristic features of which are the display and reproduction of life outside the real-specific connections of a person with the surrounding reality, the image of an exceptional personality, often lonely and dissatisfied with the present, striving for a distant ideal and therefore in sharp conflict with society, with people.

    Story composition

    "Old Isergil"

    The first part is the legend of Larra

    Second part – Life of Izergil

    Third part – The Legend of Danko

    The Legend of Larra

    • How does M. Gorky portray Larra? (Portrait, speech)

    • Is it important that Larra is the son of a woman and an eagle?

    • What kind of people are his mother leading him to? What moral laws do they live by?

    • What is the essence of the conflict between people and Larra?

    • The “exposition” of the legend is the phrase: “This is what God can do to a man for pride!” Comment from the point of view of the meaning of the legend, from the point of view of Gorky’s Nietzscheanism.

    • What is the tragedy of Larra’s immortality?

    Prove that it is pride, and not pride, that characterizes Larra.

    Pride -
    • Self-esteem, self-respect.

    • High opinion, excessively high opinion of oneself.

    Pride- exorbitant pride.

    The Legend of Danko

    • Portrait characteristics, details and their functions.

    • What is the difference between the “strong” Danko and the “strong” Larra?

    • Izergil calls both Larra and Danko “proud.” Is the epithet used in the same meaning or not?

    Life Izergil

    Romanticism in the works of M. Gorky.

    Analysis of the story "Old Woman Izergil"


    1. Development of students’ thinking abilities.

    2. The ability to compare the characteristics of the main characters to reveal the main idea of ​​the work.

    3. Formation of moral personality traits, views and beliefs in students.


      Continue your acquaintance with the early works of M. Gorky;

      Analyze the legends. Compare the main characters of the legends Larra and Danko;

      To trace how the writer’s intention is revealed in the composition of the story;

      Consider the distinctive features of romanticism in the work being studied.

    During the classes.

    “If only for yourself, then why are you here?” slide

    I. Organizational moment

    In 1895, Samara Gazeta published M. Gorky’s story “The Old Woman Izergil.” Gorky was noticed, appreciated, and enthusiastic responses to the story appeared in the press.

    II. Main part

    1. M. Gorky's early stories are of a romantic nature.

    Reception basket "- Let's remember what romanticism is. Define romanticism and name its distinctive features. »

    Romanticism- a special type of creativity, the characteristic features of which are the display and reproduction of life outside the real-specific connections of a person with the surrounding reality, the image of an exceptional personality, often lonely and dissatisfied with the present, striving for a distant ideal and therefore in sharp conflict with society, with people.


    2 . The entire work is shrouded in romanticism. Romantic heroes appear in a romantic landscape. Give examples that prove this (working with text). Conversation on questions:

    At what time of day do the events in the story take place? Why? (Old woman Izergil tells legends at night. Night is the most mysterious, romantic time of day);

    What natural images could you highlight? (Sea, sky, wind, clouds, moon);

    What artistic means did the author use to depict nature? (Epithets, personification, metaphor);

    Why is the landscape shown in this way in the story? (Nature is shown as animate, it lives according to its own laws. Nature is beautiful, majestic. The sea, the sky are endless, wide spaces. All natural images are symbols of freedom. But nature is closely connected with man, it reflects his inner spiritual world. That is why nature symbolizes the boundlessness of the hero’s freedom, his inability and unwillingness to exchange this freedom for anything).

    CONCLUSION: Only in such a landscape, seaside, nocturnal, mysterious, can the heroine who tells the legends of Larra and Danko realize herself.

    3. Composition of the story “Old Woman Izergil”.

    What is the compositional solution of the story?


    For what purpose do you think the writer used such a technique in the story? (In her legends, the heroine of the story expresses her idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpeople, what she considers valuable and important in her life. This creates a coordinate system by which one can judge the heroine of the story).

    How many parts of the composition could you highlight? (Three parts: 1 part - the legend of Larra; 2 part - the story of the life and love of Old Woman Izergil; 3 part - the legend of Danko).

    4 . Analysis of the legend of Larra. Slide

      How does M. Gorky portray Larra? (Portrait, speech)

      Is it important that Larra is the son of a woman and an eagle?

      What kind of people are his mother leading him to? What moral laws do they live by?

      What is the essence of the conflict between people and Larra?

      The “exposition” of the legend is the phrase: “This is what God can do to a man for pride!”

      Slide Prove that it is pride, and not pride, that characterizes Larra.

      What is the tragedy of Larra’s immortality?

    5. Analysis of the legend about Danko. Slide

      Portrait characteristics, details and their functions.

      What is the difference between the “strong” Danko and the “strong” Larra?

      Izergil calls both Larra and Danko “proud.” Is the epithet used in the same meaning or not?

    a) The legend of Danko is based on the biblical story of Moses. Let's remember it and compare it with the legend of Danko. Individual student message. (Students listen to the biblical story and compare it with the legend of Danko).

    God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Jews have lived in Egypt for hundreds of years, and they are very sad to leave their homes. The convoys were formed, and the Jews set off.

    Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted letting his slaves go. It so happened that the Jews approached the sea when they saw the chariots of the Egyptian troops behind them. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of them was the sea, and behind them was an armed army. But the merciful Lord saved the Jews from death. He told Moses to strike the sea with a stick. And suddenly the waters parted and became walls, and in the middle it became dry. The Jews rushed along the dry bottom, and Moses again struck the water with a stick, and it closed again behind the backs of the Israelites.

    Then the Jews walked through the desert, and the Lord constantly took care of them. The Lord told Moses to hit the rock with a stick, and cold water gushed out of it. The Lord showed many mercy to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For disobedience and ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert, unable to come to the land promised by God. Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to this land. But at this time their leader Moses died.

    b) What are the main features of Danko? What is the basis of his actions? (love for people, desire to help them)

    CONCLUSION: We see that Larra is a romantic anti-ideal, so the conflict between the hero and the crowd is inevitable. Danko is a romantic ideal, but the relationship between the hero and the crowd is also based on conflict. This is one of the features of a romantic work.

    Why do you think the story ends with the legend of Danko? (this is an expression of the author’s position. He glorifies the hero’s feat. He admires Danko’s strength, beauty, courage, bravery. This is the triumph of goodness, love, light over chaos, pride, selfishness).

    6. After analyzing the legend of Larra and Danko, students will work independently. Students compare Danko and Larra and write down their conclusions in a notebook. Checking the table.

    Table 1

    As a result of students working with the table, the following may appear:

    Comparison of the images of Danko and Larra




    1. Attitude towards the crowd

    Love, pity, desire

    Despises people, treats

    to help them

    him arrogantly, does not count

    2. The crowd is the hero



    3. distinctive character trait

    Love, compassion, courage,

    Pride, selfishness, extreme

    mercy, courage, skill

    individualism, cruelty

    suppress pride

    4. Attitude to life

    Ready to sacrifice my

    Takes everything from life and people, but

    life to save people

    gives nothing in return

    5. Legend and modernity

    Blue sparks (light, heat)

    Turns into shadow (darkness,

    6. Actions performed by heroes

    A feat for the sake of love for people,

    Evil, crime

    good deeds

    7. The writer’s attitude towards the characters

    The ideal, glorifies its beauty,

    Anti-ideal, condemns him

    courage, feat for the sake of love

    actions, anti-human


    7. But the story is called “Old Woman Izergil”. Why do you think M. Gorky titled his story this way? (the main character of the story is, after all, the old woman Izergil, and the legend is needed in order to understand her character, to understand what is important, the main thing for her). Slide

    Legends frame the life and love story of the old woman Izergil. Slide

    Students mark independently and check. Justify your choice. (Old woman Izergil considers herself to be Danko, because she believes that the meaning of her life was love)

    Why do you think Gorky attributes the old woman Izergil to Larra? (her love is inherently selfish. Having stopped loving a person, she immediately forgot about him)


    III. Conclusion from the lesson. Summing up the lesson.

    Slide Returning to the objectives of the lesson

    Homework Slide

    IV. Homework:

      Reading a play

      Consider the history of the creation of A. M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”; genre of work, conflict.


    1. Development of students’ thinking abilities.

    2. The ability to compare the characteristics of the main characters to reveal the main idea of ​​the work.

    3. Formation of moral personality traits, views and beliefs in students.


    1. Continue acquaintance with the early works of M. Gorky;

    2. Analyze the legends. Compare the main characters of the legends Larra and Danko;

    3. Trace how the writer’s intention is revealed in the composition of the story;

    4. Consider the distinctive features of romanticism in the work being studied.

    During the classes.

    “If only for yourself, then why are you here?” slide

    I. Organizational moment

    In 1895, Samara Gazeta published M. Gorky’s story “The Old Woman Izergil.” Gorky was noticed, appreciated, and enthusiastic responses to the story appeared in the press.

    II. Main part

    1. M. Gorky's early stories are of a romantic nature.

    Reception basket "- Let's remember what romanticism is. Define romanticism and name its distinctive features. »

    Romanticism- a special type of creativity, the characteristic features of which are the display and reproduction of life outside the real-specific connections of a person with the surrounding reality, the image of an exceptional personality, often lonely and dissatisfied with the present, striving for a distant ideal and therefore in sharp conflict with society, with people.


    2 . The entire work is shrouded in romanticism. Romantic heroes appear in a romantic landscape. Give examples that prove this (working with text). Conversation on questions:

    At what time of day do the events in the story take place? Why? (Old woman Izergil tells legends at night. Night is the most mysterious, romantic time of day);

    What natural images could you highlight? (Sea, sky, wind, clouds, moon);

    What artistic means did the author use to depict nature? (Epithets, personification, metaphor);

    Why is the landscape shown in this way in the story? (Nature is shown as animate, it lives according to its own laws. Nature is beautiful, majestic. The sea, the sky are endless, wide spaces. All natural images are symbols of freedom. But nature is closely connected with man, it reflects his inner spiritual world. That is why nature symbolizes the boundlessness of the hero’s freedom, his inability and unwillingness to exchange this freedom for anything).

    CONCLUSION: Only in such a landscape, seaside, nocturnal, mysterious, can the heroine who tells the legends of Larra and Danko realize herself.

    3. Composition of the story “Old Woman Izergil”.

    What is the compositional solution of the story?


    For what purpose do you think the writer used such a technique in the story? (In her legends, the heroine of the story expresses her idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpeople, what she considers valuable and important in her life. This creates a coordinate system by which one can judge the heroine of the story).

    How many parts of the composition could you highlight? (Three parts: 1 part - the legend of Larra; 2 part - the story of the life and love of Old Woman Izergil; 3 part - the legend of Danko).

    4 . Analysis of the legend of Larra. Slide

    How does M. Gorky portray Larra? (Portrait, speech)

    Is it important that Larra is the son of a woman and an eagle?

    What kind of people are his mother leading him to? What moral laws do they live by?

    What is the essence of the conflict between people and Larra?

    The “exposition” of the legend is the phrase: “This is what God can do to a man for pride!”

    Slide Prove that it is pride, and not pride, that characterizes Larra.

    5. Analysis of the legend about Danko. Slide

    Portrait characteristics, details and their functions.

    What is the difference between the “strong” Danko and the “strong” Larra?

    Izergil calls both Larra and Danko “proud.” Is the epithet used in the same meaning or not?

    a) The legend of Danko is based on the biblical story of Moses. Let's remember it and compare it with the legend of Danko. Individual student message. (Students listen to the biblical story and compare it with the legend of Danko).

    God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Jews have lived in Egypt for hundreds of years, and they are very sad to leave their homes. The convoys were formed, and the Jews set off.

    Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted letting his slaves go. It so happened that the Jews approached the sea when they saw the chariots of the Egyptian troops behind them. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of them was the sea, and behind them was an armed army. But the merciful Lord saved the Jews from death. He told Moses to strike the sea with a stick. And suddenly the waters parted and became walls, and in the middle it became dry. The Jews rushed along the dry bottom, and Moses again struck the water with a stick, and it closed again behind the backs of the Israelites.

    Then the Jews walked through the desert, and the Lord constantly took care of them. The Lord told Moses to hit the rock with a stick, and cold water gushed out of it. The Lord showed many mercy to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For disobedience and ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert, unable to come to the land promised by God. Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to this land. But at this time their leader Moses died.

    b) What are the main features of Danko? What is the basis of his actions? (love for people, desire to help them)

    CONCLUSION: We see that Larra is a romantic anti-ideal, so the conflict between the hero and the crowd is inevitable. Danko is a romantic ideal, but the relationship between the hero and the crowd is also based on conflict. This is one of the features of a romantic work.

    Why do you think the story ends with the legend of Danko? (this is an expression of the author’s position. He glorifies the hero’s feat. He admires Danko’s strength, beauty, courage, bravery. This is the triumph of goodness, love, light over chaos, pride, selfishness).

    6. After analyzing the legend of Larra and Danko, students will work independently. Students compare Danko and Larra and write down their conclusions in a notebook. Checking the table.

    Table 1

    As a result of students working with the table, the following may appear:

    Comparison of the images of Danko and Larra




    1. Attitude towards the crowd

    Love, pity, desire

    Despises people, treats

    to help them

    him arrogantly, does not count

    2. The crowd is the hero



    3. distinctive character trait

    Love, compassion, courage,

    Pride, selfishness, extreme

    mercy, courage, skill

    individualism, cruelty

    suppress pride

    4. Attitude to life

    Ready to sacrifice my

    Takes everything from life and people, but

    life to save people

    gives nothing in return

    5. Legend and modernity

    Blue sparks (light, heat)

    Turns into shadow (darkness,

    6. Actions performed by heroes

    A feat for the sake of love for people,

    Evil, crime

    good deeds

    7. The writer’s attitude towards the characters

    The ideal, glorifies its beauty,

    Anti-ideal, condemns him

    courage, feat for the sake of love

    actions, anti-human


    7. But the story is called “Old Woman Izergil”. Why do you think M. Gorky titled his story this way? (the main character of the story is, after all, the old woman Izergil, and the legend is needed in order to understand her character, to understand what is important, the main thing for her). Slide

    Legends frame the life and love story of the old woman Izergil. Slide

    Students mark independently and check. Justify your choice. (Old woman Izergil considers herself to be Danko, because she believes that the meaning of her life was love)

    Why do you think Gorky attributes the old woman Izergil to Larra? (her love is inherently selfish. Having stopped loving a person, she immediately forgot about him)


    III. Conclusion from the lesson. Summing up the lesson.

    Slide Returning to the objectives of the lesson

    Homework Slide

    IV. Homework:

    Reading the play Consider the history of the creation of A. M. Gorky’s play “At the Lower Depths”; genre of work, conflict.

    T.N. Tolmacheva

    teacher of Russian language and literature

    MAOU "Secondary School No. 17"


    Legends about Larra and Danko (from M. Gorky’s story “The Old Woman Izergil”). The problems of the story and the author's position.

    Goals :

      Identification of the artistic idea of ​​the legends about Danko and Larra, mythological sources of legends, features of poetics. Development of independent research skills with text, textbook, tables and terms.

      The ability to compare the characteristics of the main characters to reveal the main idea of ​​the work.

      Formation of moral personality traits, humanistic views and beliefs in students.


      Continue your acquaintance with the works of M. Gorky;

      Analyze the legends. Compare the main characters of the legends Larra and Danko;

      To trace how the writer’s intention is revealed in the composition of the story;

      Consider the distinctive features of neo-romanticism using the example of the work being studied.

    Equipment :

    Epigraphs for the lesson:

    (Ancient wisdom)

    During the classes

      Introductory part of the lesson. Creating motivation, emotional mood for the analysis of legends.

    Lesson topic: "Legends about Larra and Danko (from M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”). Problems of the story and the author’s position.”

    You have already become acquainted with the work of M. Gorky at home. Today we will try to understand its features. Let's outline the objectives of the lesson together.

    Teacher. One of the most important questions in the work of M. Gorky is the question: “What is a person?” In his first stories, the writer takes a close look at the person, strives to understand him, and takes the names of the hero-storytellers as titles for some of his works.

    At the early stage of Gorky’s work, he was interested not so much in character, personality, as the manifestation of the individual in a person, but rather in a certain universal concept of human nature, which the writer strives to understand. Thus, Gorky creates his first works as if under the sign of collecting truly human things. In an effort to create life guidelines, Gorky actively uses mythological, including biblical images, motifs, and concepts in many of his early stories.

    A.M. Gorky's story “The Old Woman Izergil” was published in 1895 in the Samara Gazeta. From that moment on, Gorky declared himself as an exponent and bearer of romantic aesthetics, and the story became a masterpiece of the writer’s early work.The problem of our lesson will be the question: “What is a person according to Gorky?

    The epigraph to our lesson, in my opinion, would be the following words: “If only for yourself, then why are you?”

    Let's remember what romanticism is. Define romanticism and name its distinctive features.


    Romanticism artistic method, formed at the beginningXIXcentury in Germany. Romanticism is characterized by a special interest

    to the personality, its relationship to the surrounding reality, as well as the opposition to the real world - the ideal, “two worlds”.

    Name the distinctive features of romanticism in the story.

    II. Analytical conversation. Collective search for a solution to a problem.

    1. What is the composition of the story? (Izergil’s narrative consists of 3 parts: “The Legend of Larra”, “The Story of Izergil’s Life”, “The Legend of Danko”. All three parts are united by a common idea, the author’s desire to reveal the value of human life).

    2. What technique underlies the construction of the story? (An antithesis device: the legends about Larra and Danko reveal two concepts of life, two ideas about it. The story is based on the opposition of two characters - Danko and Larra).

    3. Are they extraordinary individuals? (Danko and Larra are exceptional personalities. Danko is the embodiment of the ideal type, “Prometheus”, declared by the author as “the best of all”, and in the description of Larra there are epithets more suitable for describing an animal: “dexterous”, “predatory”, “cruel” ", "selfish.")

    4 . Analysis of the legend of Larra

      Who is the main character of the first legend?

      Is the story of a young man’s birth important for understanding his character?

      How does the hero relate to other people? (disdainfully, arrogantly. He considers himself the first on earth)

      A romantic work is characterized by a conflict between the crowd and the hero. What lies at the heart of the conflict between Larra and people? (his pride, selfishness, selfishness)

      What is the difference between pride and arrogance?


    Pride self-esteem, self-respect.

    Pride n excessive pride, excessively high opinion of oneself.

      Prove that it is pride, and not pride, that characterizes Larra.

      What does the hero's egoism lead to? (to crime)

      Work in groups. Staging of the episode “The Trial of Larra” and its analysis.

    Guys, now we’ll watch the scene of Larra’s trial, which was prepared by the 1st creative group. This was their homework.

      What punishment did Larra suffer for his pride? (loneliness and eternal existence, immortality).

      Is this a fair punishment or does he deserve something else?

      Now let’s turn to the text and find key words that show Larra’s state of mind after punishment. The textual experts who prepared this task at home will help us with this.(...They stopped and laughed at him. And he trembled, hearing this laughter, and kept looking for something on his chest, grabbing it with his hands... And again he fell to the ground and beat his head against it for a long time. But the earth moved away from him, deepening from the blows of his head... There was so much melancholy in his eyes that one could poison all the people of the world with it...)

      This is life for a hero. Is this punishment or freedom? (Yes, this is a terrible punishment. Larra is doomed to immortality and the impossibility of deciding whether to live or die. People deprived Lara of what, in his opinion, was worth living for - the right to live according to his own law.)

      What is the author's attitude towards Larra? (He condemns the hero, who embodies an anti-human essence. For Gorky, Larra’s lifestyle, behavior, and character traits are unacceptable. Larra is an anti-ideal).

      Let's remember the pages of the Bible and answer the question: which of the famous heroes was subject to such punishment? We will turn to mythologists from the 3rd creative group for help.

    Mythologists: It seems to us that the son of Adam and Eve Cain, who commits the sin of fratricide, is subject to the same punishment, for which he is punished by loneliness.

    « And Cain said to the Lord [God]: My punishment is more than can be endured; Behold, now You are driving me from the face of the earth, and I will hide from Your presence, and I will be an exile and a wanderer on the earth.”

      Using Larra as an example, Gorky introduced us to the anti-ideal of a hero. And who is the exponent of the idealistic idea of ​​​​man?

    6. Analysis of the legend about Danko.

    a) The legend of Danko is based on the biblical story of Moses. Let's remember it and compare it with M. Gorky's legend about Danko. And again let's turn to mythologists.

    God commanded Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egypt. Jews have lived in Egypt for hundreds of years, and they are very sad to leave their homes. The convoys were formed, and the Jews set off.

    Suddenly the Egyptian king regretted letting his slaves go. It so happened that the Jews approached the sea when they saw the chariots of the Egyptian troops behind them. The Jews looked and were horrified: in front of them was the sea, and behind them was an armed army. But the merciful Lord saved the Jews from death. “And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea with a strong east wind all night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters parted. And the children of Israel went up into the midst of the sea on dry land: and the waters were a wall to them on the right hand and on the left.”

    Then the Jews walked through the desert, and the Lord constantly took care of them. The Lord told Moses to hit the rock with a stick, and cold water gushed out of it. The Lord showed many mercy to the Jews, but they were not grateful. For disobedience and ingratitude, God punished the Jews: for forty years they wandered in the desert, unable to come to the land promised by God. Finally, the Lord took pity on them and brought them closer to this land. But at this time their leader Moses died. [ 1: II,3–18]

    b) Which fragments of the legend about Danko correspond to the biblical story? The guys from the group of researchers who prepared the answer at home will share their discoveries with us.

    What are the similarities between the biblical story and the legend of Danko?(Moses and Danko lead people out of places dangerous for further residence. The path turns out to be difficult, and the relationship between Moses and Danko with the crowd becomes complicated, as people lose faith in salvation).

    How does the plot of the legend about Danko differ from the biblical story?? (Moses relies on the help of God, since he fulfills his will. Danko, feeling love for people, himself volunteers to save them, no one helps him.)

      What main features can be identified in Danko? What is the basis of his actions? (Great love for people, desire to help them, willingness to sacrifice oneself to save others.)

      What act did the hero do for the sake of love for people? (Danko accomplishes a feat, saving people from enemies. He leads them from darkness and chaos to light and harmony.)

      How is the relationship between Danko and the crowd? Let us turn again to textual critics.

    Work with text. (At first people “looked and saw that he was the best of all.”. The people believe that Danko himself will overcome all difficulties. Then they “began to grumble about Danko”, since the path turned out to be difficult, many died along the way; Now the crowd is disappointed in Danko. “People attacked Danko in anger” because they were tired, exhausted, but they were ashamed to admit it. People are compared to wolves and beasts, because instead of gratitude they feel hatred for Danko and are ready to tear him to pieces. “Indignation boiled in Danko’s heart, but out of pity for the people it went out.” Danko pacified his pride, as his love for people is limitless. It is love for people that drives Danko’s actions).

    CONCLUSION: We see that Larra is a romantic anti-ideal, so the conflict between the hero and the crowd is inevitable. Danko is a romantic ideal, but the relationship between the hero and the crowd is also based on conflict. This is one of the features of a romantic work.

      Why do you think the story ends with the legend of Danko? (This is an expression of the author’s position. He glorifies the hero’s feat. He admires Danko’s strength, beauty, courage, courage. This is the triumph of goodness, love, light over chaos, pride, selfishness).

    7 . Independent work. Students compare the images of Danko and Larra by filling in the columns of the table. At the end of the work, perform a self-check of the table. (An example is projected onto the screen.)


    Images of Danko and Larra in the story by M. Gorky




    1) Attitude

    to people

    “He loved people and thought that... without him they would die”

    Contemptuous and arrogant (“...except for himself, he sees nothing... He had no tribe, no mother, no cattle, no wife, and he didn’t want any of this”)

    2) The crowd is the hero

    “Everyone followed him together - they believed in him” “... in anger and anger they attacked Danko... and began to reproach him for his inability to manage them...”

    Open confrontation (“And he, boldly looking at them, answered that there were no more people like him...”)

    3) Distinctive character trait


    Excessive pride, complete freedom of action

    4) Attitude to life

    If you do nothing, nothing will happen to you.

    “He had no tribe, no mother, no cattle, no wife, and he didn’t want any of this... And so he began to live, free as a bird.”

    5) Legend and modernity

    What is meant?

    Relevance of the image?

    6) Actions performed by heroes

    Feat, self-sacrifice of life in the name of saving people (“he tore his chest with his hands and tore his heart out of it...”)

    Crime, murder of the one who rejected the eagle's son

    “proud daredevil Danko”, Danko’s great burning heart.

    “Beautiful and strong,” “his eyes were cold and proud, like those of the king of birds.” “He was dexterous, predatory, strong, cruel... And there is no place for him among people.”

      Let's return to the problematic question of the lesson: “What is a person according to Gorky?”

      How do you understand the words of the epigraph to the lesson:“If only for yourself, then why are you here?”

    8. Reflection

    • Danko’s feat is a great deed; it will remain an example and guide for all of us. And may the light of his heart never fade.

    To remember our lesson - these symbolic hearts.

    And as a sign that we together have come to a common opinion about the essence of the question raised, about what a person should be in life, let us light and raise our symbolic hearts.

    Homework: write a miniature essay, choosing one of the topics: “Can Danko be called a hero?”, “What kind of person can be called beautiful?”, “Why does M. Gorky call Danko a “proud daredevil”?”


      Bible. – M.: Russian Bible Society, 1992.

      Gorky, M. Selected works.– M.: "Fiction", 19 86 .

      Ozhegov, S.I. and Shvedova, N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. – M.: Azbukovnik, 1997.

      Solovyova, F.E. Literature lessons. – M.: “Russian Word”, 2011.
